Biophoton Research Papers
G. Lednyiczky & O. Zhalko-Tytarenko : Biological
Resonance -- Resonance in Biology ( www.hippocamous-brt.com )
Dr Switzer : Biophoton Nutrition & Cyclical Eating
R. VanWijk : Biophotons & Biocommunication ( J. Sci.
Exploration 15, No 2: 183-197, 2001 ) [ PDF
Dr J. Boswinkel : Biophotons & Biophotonics : The Science of
the 21st Century ( Explorer 12, No 5, 3002 ) [ PDF
MaAnna Stephenson : Biophotons & Food Quality (
www.sageage.net ) [ PDF ]
Marco Bischof : Biophotons : The Light In Our Cells ( J.
Optometric Phototherapy, March 2005 ) [ PDF
C. da Nobrega : Biophoton -- The Language of the Cells (
Technoetic Arts, vol. 4, No. 3 ) [
C. Jiin-Ju : Physical Properties of Biophotons and Their
Biological Functions ( Indian J. of Experimental Biology 46:
371-277, May 2008 ) [ PDF ]
Fritz-Albert Popp : Properties of Biophotons and Their
Theoretical Implications ( Indian J. of Experimental Biology 41
: 391-402 ( May 2003 ) [ PDF ]
Peter Gariaev [ Gajarev ], et al : The DNA Wave Biocomputer
V. Voiekov, et al. : Biophoton Research in Blood Reveals Its
Holistic Properties [ PDF ]
Biophotons as neural communication
signals demonstrated by in situ biophoton autography
Y. Sun, et al.
Cell to cell communication by biophotons has been demonstrated in
plants, bacteria, animal neutrophil granulocytes and kidney cells.
Whether such signal communication exists in neural cells is
unclear. By developing a new biophoton detection method, called in
situ biophoton autography (IBA), we have investigated biophotonic
activities in rat spinal nerve roots in vitro. We found that
different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue,
green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve
roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic
activity at the other end. Such effects could be significantly
inhibited by procaine (a regional anaesthetic for neural
conduction block) or classic metabolic inhibitors, suggesting that
light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the
neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals. The
mechanism of biophotonic conduction along neural fibers may be
mediated by protein-protein biophotonic interactions. This study
may provide a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms
of neural communication, the functions of the nervous system, such
as vision, learning and memory, as well as the mechanisms of human
neurological diseases.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2010 Mar;9(3):315-22.
doi: 10.1039/b9pp00125e. Epub 2010 Jan 21.
Biophotons as neural communication
signals demonstrated by in situ biophoton autography
Sun Y1, Wang C, Dai J.
Cell to cell communication by biophotons has been demonstrated in
plants, bacteria, animal neutrophil granulocytes and kidney cells.
Whether such signal communication exists in neural cells is
unclear. By developing a new biophoton detection method, called in
situ biophoton autography (IBA), we have investigated biophotonic
activities in rat spinal nerve roots in vitro. We found that
different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue,
green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve
roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic
activity at the other end. Such effects could be significantly
inhibited by procaine (a regional anaesthetic for neural
conduction block) or classic metabolic inhibitors, suggesting that
light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the
neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals. The
mechanism of biophotonic conduction along neural fibers may be
mediated by protein-protein biophotonic interactions. This study
may provide a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms
of neural communication, the functions of the nervous system, such
as vision, learning and memory, as well as the mechanisms of human
neurological diseases.
F. Popp, et al. : Physical aspects of
By comparing the theoretically expected results of photon emission
from a chaotic (thermal) field and those of an ordered (fully
coherent) field with the actual experimental data, one finds ample
indications for the hypothesis that 'biophotons' originate from a
coherent field occurring within living tissues. A direct proof may
be seen in the hyperbolic relaxation dynamics of spectral delayed
luminescence under ergodic conditions. A possible mechanism has to
be founded on Einstein's balance equation and, under stationary
conditions, on energy conservation including a photochemical
potential. It is shown that the considered equations deliver,
besides the thermal equilibrium, a conditionally stable region far
away from equilibrium, which can help to describe both 'biophoton
emission' and biological regulation.
Indian J Exp Biol. 2003 May;41(5):514-27
Bajpai R. : Quantum coherence of
biophotons and living systems
Coherence is a property of the description of the system in the
classical framework in which the subunits of a system act in a
cooperative manner. Coherence becomes classical if the agent
causing cooperation is discernible otherwise it is quantum
coherence. Both stimulated and spontaneous biophoton signals show
properties that can be attributed to the cooperative actions of
many photon-emitting units. But the agents responsible for the
cooperative actions of units have not been discovered so far. The
stimulated signal decays with non-exponential character. It is
system and situation specific and sensitive to many physiological
and environmental factors. Its measurable holistic parameters are
strength, shape, relative strengths of spectral components, and
excitation curve. The spontaneous signal is non-decaying with the
probabilities of detecting various number of photons to be neither
normal nor Poisson. The detected probabilities in a signal of
Parmelia tinctorum match with probabilities expected in a squeezed
state of photons. It is speculated that an in vivo nucleic acid
molecule is an assembly of intermittent quantum patches that emit
biophoton in quantum transitions. The distributions of quantum
patches and their lifetimes determine the holistic features of
biophoton signals, so that the coherence of biophotons is merely a
manifestation of the coherence of living systems.