OverUnity Permanent Magnet Motor
Ron Brandt’s Remarkable Perm-Mag Motor
Ron Brandt's Amazing Perm Mag Motor OU 500
hp 350 KW up to COP 932 part 1
Ron Brandt showing and talking about his 10 hp single phase perm
mag motor at a 1995 Extraordinary Science Conference with
additional comments by www.witts.ws spokesman Timothy Thrapp who
spent several hundred thousand dollars and worked as assistant
chief EE to Ron with 3 other EE &/or electronic specialties to
build 4 generations of electrical controllers.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ron Brandt Bio-History Perm Mag Motor
by Buster Anderson

Ron Brandt
b. April 4, 1920; d. Nov. 27, 2010, Forsyth Rosebud County
Montana, USA
He was a 50 year member "The International Union of Operating
Engineers" (IUOE)
He engineered and implemented many HV high power transmission
lines and other advanced projects. He designed, tested and helped
to install (As well as "Worked out the bugs" of the 1Million volt
transmission line going along the west coast of USA. (For decades
this was the highest voltage transmission line operating on the
planet earth).
He was a child prodigy working on electrical motors from before he
went to school. At grade three he built and demonstrated his
first over unity, self running motor, to the amazement of his
teachers and classmates and many others.
He totally rebuilt his first car at 12 years of age. He bought it
from a junk yard for $11. In less than one month, he rebuilt the
engine, the transmission, the body, everything!
He entered the military WWII underage using altered birth data.
His genius was recognized early on. He was promoted numerous
times. It was not long before he was teaching electrical
engineering to 1000s of other enlisted men. He quickly rose to the
top. He was recruited to work at the right hand of Nikola Tesla on
the infamous "Philadelphia Experiment" The Radar invisibility and
Optical Invisibility Project.
Being the militaries top Electrical Engineer (There were NO
Electronic Engineers at that time), they placed Ron at the right
hand of Nicola Tesla. (There have been a number of movies made
about the events that transpired at this time. For those
interested in the true story. See the free video classes at
witts.ws/archives. There are several different classes that cover
the Philadelphia Experiment, and what ACTUALLY transpired, and how
to repeat it yourself, if you have the time and resources.)
In the 1970s, Ron built a 90 mpg carburetor. It was forcibly
shelved by the US Government :
( Page 86 )
He was aware of Volcheck that drove an engine with unusual freon
type expansion properties as the motivating power. He sent a can
of Flourinert to me and I, Buster Anderson, did a search and found
3M had a similar freon type fluid called Performance Fluid. In a
simple test with ammonia in sealed ¼ inch pipes with diesel glow
plugs, pressure gauges with equal wattage, the ammonia was about 2
psi for about 12 psi with the Performance Fluid.
Along these lines, The engineers at Witts.ws did an project with a
heat/cold turbine engine and refrigerant and were able to drive
the car with just from the heat off the road as the power source.
No fuel was consumed. I Buster supplied the double headed piston
pump for that experiment and paid for the turbine and shipping
back to Canada when they needed storage room.
Ron used surplus military electronics with higher .9 ratings that
tapped zero point energy by switching between battery packs. Those
trying to replicate it with commercial lower grade electronics
have not yet achieved consistent over unity yet that I am aware
of. Ron was more polar of the dipolar and parapolar fields so his
auric field helped to influence overunity. That is why so many
have overunity effects but the device goes under unity when they
are not around. I myself am dipolar so that when I walked up to an
operating Joseph Newman machine in an overunity unshielded mode,
it started slowing down when I was about 10 feet away.
is just one example.
Tesla was working with Brandt on this Tesla switch initially
during the preparation during off time for the Philadelphia
Expirement and the name then became the Tesla Brandt switch.
For balanced & stable over-unity, what I have learned from
www.witts.ws is that regular electricity needs to be balanced
between different types of sub atomic particles, fields and
flows. It appears electrons are NOT the only things that
flow thru wires! Keep the energies balanced or the
components burn out. Consult further with them for more
Page 11 & 12 information published on the internet about Ron's
over-unity perm-mag motor that Ron Brandt was demonstrating to
various people and audiences.
As I understand it, there were several vehicles that Ron ran
overunity. The most famous was during the 60's and 70's. The
photos I have of one vehicle is a later modified car of several.
Be aware that fractions that don’t want these technologies out
hire trolls to post disinformation and skepticism.
Also other inventors & groups use that angle as a cover story
as to why they don’t have over-unity and unfortunately many people
have lost life savings and even their home by dishonest greedy
people. (See Dirty Tricks list and Best Energy links with caveats
list, for your protection).
The plans for his Perm-Mag Motor that I have are for 2 basic
designs that tested up to 60 hp (1 hp per pound of weight
approximately not counting the controller) and by adding the
mirror to the shaft is 120 hp. Ron first thought that it would be
10 hp when designing it. The larger design is 250 hp and by adding
the mirror was up to 500 hp tested on a dynamometer (Prony brake).
Initially the efficiency was 400% from reports. However
efficiencies continued to improve as the engineers involved did
more engineering and more fine tuning with over 4 controllers
In the best result that was reported, the input was less than 1
amp in for 60 hp out on the 60 hp model. At 48 volts in, that
would be a COP of 932x.
That compares with the dyno test of Joseph Newman done at Lawrence
Technological University were the efficiency went up as the
voltage increased:
1,076 vinput .151 hp out 118% efficiency
1,426 vinput .495 hp out 327% efficiency
1,729 vinput 1.14 hp out 700% efficiency
In Joseph Newman’s 7th edition book, he also shows oscilloscope
readings where extra power was coming in what some call dominant
energy. When I tried to buy the 8th edition, the building that
published the books had burnt down. It is now online at:
Scroll half way down.
We should all thank all these men for their tireless work bringing
solutions to mankind, to fix the problems at hand, worldwide!
We should also thank Joseph Newman, for turning down any offer he
chose when they wouldn’t promise to put it into production. And
open sourcing the technology with the dyno test, validations
including Dr. Roger Hastings principle physicist for Sperry Univac
acting on his own behalf. He also shows oscilloscope readings on
the extra energy coming in on the harvested back emf. That dyno
test has opened up doors such as talking with Eugene Fischer (with
over 200 various patents himself) that was head of IBM research
before it was IBM.
And Eugene in turn, connected me with Sir Timothy Thrapp, current
Spokesman of World Improvement Ministries [ http:// www.witts.ws ]
Sir T is a master EE as well as a master of all the various
"electrical-like" fields and flows, as well as highly proficient
at all types of engineering.
He has MANY very real demos on the internet, including you tube,
demonstrating SELF RUNNING motors and generators. (This is NOT a
typo. They clearly show COP of infinity!) Thousands of independent
engineers, myself included, have seen these demos first hand and
been invited to check for anything unscrupulous.
Every engineer that has seen these demos have unanimously
concluded that these demos are 100% real. and exactly as
I (Buster Anderson) visited Ron Brandt June 7-17, 2010. He was
generous enough to be very reasonable in allowing me to enter his
lab building, see his huge lab was filled with machining tools,
parts, incomplete units, book shelves of technical books, and
photostat machine drawing and the schematics’ for one of his
controllers, photostat his blank circuit board and give me two
lamination rings for the 60 hp, three lamination rings for the 120
hp motor and one magnet. He wound the one 120 hp lamination with
colored yarn and black marker pen on the one lamination to show
how it was wound. The simple 1 page signed agreement between us
was that I would be allowed to open source it if there was no
other way to get it out.
The estate was purchased by 2 individuals who parted out and sold
off various assets such as the buildings, land, machine tools and
equipment. They retained Ron Brandt’s motors, controllers &
documentation that had several hundred thousand dollars of
investment primarily by witts.ws.
I was able to make contact finally with the one partner in May
2016 but when he wouldn’t give me a starting figure to negotiate,
I then let him know I am open sourcing it. And they can let me
know what they will decide to do in the future.
The documentation now released on Ron Brandt’s conference
demonstrations by www.witts.ws in their archives show #300 with
the first 15 minute sessions of the split out total hour starting
at 45:49 to 1 hour is also a huge help.
Ron Brandt 250-500 hp Motor & Schematic
FREE Ron Brandt Plans
This gives a brief over view of Ron Brandt's amazing 10 hp to 500
hp overunity self running BLDC motors that fits inside a 2ft x 2ft
x 2ft box with controller. He was boy genius working on electrical
motors in grade 3 and with Nikola Tesla on the Philadelphia
Experiment. He continued Joseph Newman's overunity permanent high
voltage motors with electronic control switching increasing the
power output per lb by 500x
Downloads :
Machine drawings
Autocad eng & mm, stp mm, FCStd mm for the 10 hp model
Original drafted models
Yielding up to 500 hp at 8,000 rpm due to 4x the power with 2x the
rpm on prony brakes. The cost per continuous watt out is up to
100x less than wind or solar. Under $35,000 US for custom for 1
unit down to less than $10,000 approximately for higher
volume orders depending on quality and volume.
Lamination drawings
& best 3 phase winding scanned image for maximum efficiency
and the least cogging
Overunity controller
Along with hall sensors, it uses optic sensors to pick up the back
emf surge showing up on the oscilloscope as per Dr. Roger Hasting
principle physicist for Sperry Univac acting on his own posted in
the Newman Folder
There are such BLDC builders as DIAZ showing on youtube of their
building very similar motors. So far, they haven't incorporated
the overunity controller. Posted there is gerber files not quite
yet complete and links to several better 1 stop pcb board
manufacturers in a word doc.
A patent has been applied for in Canada in order to help protect
from some large corporation from patenting first with the threat
of stopping others. Those that desire to have a joint venture in
developing the controller to higher voltage up to 2,000 volts
micro amps current so they can run on little 5 volt batteries in
series like Joseph Newman did on one version, can contact me. An
assignment of patent for their country can be signed giving them
more incentive to develop faster. What is nice is the modular
build of this motor with lamination packs that can bolted in and
out along with conventional controllers or replacing with
overunity controllers instead. The market for such a compact high
power BLDC alone is significant.
I highly recommend downloading and mirroring the google drive to
share with others as I was threatened within 4 months of
contacting Joseph Newman for trying to raise $500,000 capital in
order to become a Alberta manufacturer and distributor back in
1996 with having my wife taken hostage. For those that think this
technology is stretching it, on the home page scrolling down :
Tesla's 90hp electric car
Trombley's patent that was placed under a
US National Security Order
Gray's 80 dyno test
A reverse engineered ET craft by
Northrup & GE
Brandt Closed Loop Optically Coupled BLDC Motor Drive System
Operational Summary
Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors are used in a number of applications
where low noise, highly efficient operation is desired. These
motors compare favorably to other DC and AC motors. These motors
are controlled by adjusting the field winding voltage/current
typically in conjunction with monitoring the rotor position by
means of position sensors and tachometers. Although, these motors
are very efficient (> 90% in some cases) they do require
external power sources to drive the control circuitry and have
losses. The losses are mechanical, primarily frictional, and
electromagnetic. Frictional losses may be harnessed to aid in
cooling the motor; however, electromagnetic losses are typically
The Brandt Closed Loop Optically Coupled BLDC Motor Drive System
is designed to harvest the unused electromagnetic energy. The
system employs Hall sensors for position sensing, optical switches
for phase excitation and a high performance controller IC equipped
with top and bottom driver outputs, programmable oscillator,
position sensor decoder. The system separates itself from other
drivers by the use of a feedback circuit that captures
electromagnetic energy from the field windings. The captured
energy is converted to DC and added to the motor power improving
the motor’s output and increasing its efficiency.
I purchased the estate of Ron Brandt, the inventor of the Tesla
switch, this past summer. Items include a number of his Tesla
switches, perm-mag motors, diagrams, vidoes and audio tapes of
experiements and various mock ups. Wondering what I should do with
these items. -- Rhett Spencer
Back in 1992 or 1991 Ron Brandt spent a few weeks with me and we
ran his transistor switched circut using 4 batteries 6 transistors
and a few other components. we uses a signal generator to
adjust the switching freq for maximum output to the load. we used
4 car headlights for the load on the switching unit and 1 on each
of the baseline batteries. we had 2 extra batteries we used
as baselines. to start off we charged all batteries using an
astron 50 amp powersupply. all batteries were new.
We measured the SG of the electrolite and also the battery voltage
4 hours after charging before we began testing. each of the
baseline batteries with 1 headlight attached lasted I believe 7
hours before reaching 7 volts, our cutoff point. the 4
batteries being switched ran for 73 hours before reaching the 7
volt mark.
We would check the frequency every hour or so longer intervals at
night maybe 4 hours to keep it at maximum output to the
load. somewhere around 900 to 1100 Hz if i remember
After the first test all batteries were recharged with the power
supply and we calculated the total recharge power we used to get
the sg and voltage back to where we started. the 4 switching
batteries required the same recharge time as the baseline
batteries to reach our full charge state.
The second and 3rd test seemed to go about the same. but on the
4th test when trying to recharge the 4 switching batteries
something strange happend. the 4 switching batteries had 50
amps at 15 volts pumping into them but no bubbles, the battery
temp was below room temp, and nothing was going on other than my
powersupply getting a good workout. it stayed like this for
over 3 days then all at once it started to bubble and the recharge
cycle began and the battery came back to life. This happened to
all 4 batteries. we ran the test again pretty much same results
and again the batteries would not recharge for 3 days. we stopped
after this as it was taking way to long and we had lost all the
net gain we had achieved in the first tests.
Ron told me that when he was running his electric car his
neighbors car had a bad battery and he removed one from his
electric car and gave it to them. the alternator on the neighbors
car went up in smoke after an hour of driving. it was more
than likely running at full field trying to charge the battery.
We did not use a motor and i believe that is the secret to getting
it to self charge. Ron told me he ran his car for months without
charging the batteries.
He also told me a strange story that after running the car for a
few hours when setting at a stop light the other cars around him
all stopped running. he called it some sort of energy field
he thought it was creating. he also told me that his neighbor
could not get out of her mobile home one day when he had the motor
running and the car in idle for a few hours in is driveway, she
yelled for help and when he went to help her it was like walking
through air as thick as sand and it took almost all his energy to
get to her.
After that he stopped the project to think about what was
It will be interesting if anyone else will have the same battery
non charging event happen to them.
When the estate was purchased he had developed 3 perm-mag motors
all in different sizes. The last one was a working model on a
bench motor weighs about 100lbs. Each perm-mag motor has a switch
with it. It looked like Ron was building a 4th motor identical to
the 3rd motor but much bigger. The design on the 4th was exactly
the same as the 3rd motor. the 3rd motor, biggest motor mounted to
a work bench was actually hooked up to 2 different banks of
battery's and his switch.
He had so much paperwork and diagrams starting back to his days in
Oregon it's hard to organize it all. It appears he had worked with
John Bedini in the late 70's and early 80's. I can't find any
collaboration with anyone with the motors and switches he
developed before his death, looks like he was working alone on
All of his audio tapes have been snapped I guess for security
reasons. Need to take them to a professional have them and
have rewound to listen. The way his shop was configured he was a
man in hiding for sure, very strange.
Subject - Ron Brandt Overunity 500 hp Perm
Mag Motor Plans Revived!
by Buster Anderson
is open sourcing information and selling plans for Ron Brandt’s
Overunity up to 500 hp Perm Mag Motor. It is with all due
deference to Joseph Newman’s 700% dynamotor tested motor, about
500x more cost effective per net watt out.
A very special thank you to Joseph Newman who turned down any
amount because "they" would not agree to manufacture it for the
My challenge to you is what are you going to do now with this
Joseph Newman’s 1 hp motor was about 400 pounds in weight for less
than 1 hp net out. Ron’s motor is about 400 pounds weight for both
the motor and controller yielding up to 500 hp. The cost is about
the same at about $30,000 plus or minus depending on various
In summary, if you feel it is too much, it likely is. I do not
want to receive money from those that cannot afford it.
Returns are not accepted due to not only to lost fees each way but
also due to agents that can use those problems as an additional
reason to shut down accounts handling payments.
FREE Ron Brandt Plans
Ron Brandt was a child prodigy, working on electrical motors in
grade 3, had an overunity motor by grade 8 and totally rebuilt a
car from ground up at age 11. He worked with Nikola Tesla during
WWII as a young man on the Philadelphia Experiment. Later when the
5th speaker of the ministry organization that Michael Faraday had
set up was killed prematurely in WWII, he was trained in a rush to
be the 6th speaker. Timothy Thrapp IQ 172 of www.witts.ws
became the 7th speaker. Ron had a vehicle running overunity in the
60’s and there after using various technologies such as the Tesla
Brandt switch using switching on 4 -12 volt batteries that Tesla
and he worked on their spare time in the Philadelphia experiment.
Over the years he made connections to various other intelligent
skilled people working on various versions of overunity technology
such as Ecklin, Thrapp, Newman, Bedini, Grey.
Joseph Newman built a number of oveunity motors using the basic
principle of pulsing high voltages into long turns of wire with a
magnet turning inside the windings. Then collecting the back emf
energy into capacitors and recycling that energy. He was blocked
from obtaining a US patent despite the patent office's own expert
testifying for him. His 7th edition book came out with the 700%
efficient dynamometer test done at Lawrence Technological
University 10-6-94 witnessed by 4 individuals and the basic
details of his 4 foot long motor with the center rotating magnets
with the large number of turns of fine wire collecting the back
emf onto capacitors and recycling the energy. Then the printing
press was burnt down. His posted book online doesn't have that
dyno test or the basic details thus as posted here. I really
respect Joseph for turning down (Name Your Amount) for not selling
out when they wouldn't agree to manufacture his motor for the
benefit for the world and instead open sourced the information. He
used commutator switching.
Ron Brandt then went the next step further using electronic
switching and because the magnets flew off the rotor at higher
speeds and when the motor got hot, designed the motor with the
magnets rotating on the inside of a tube with the windings being
on the inside. There was several hundred thousand dollars spent.
Also Timothy Thrapp EE IQ 172 hard working, diligent and very
observant along with 3 other EE/electronics specialists built 4
generations of controllers to obtain up to COP (Coefficient of
Performance) 932. The one controller whiz had his son
kidnapped and tortured for a year trying to stop them before
miracles sly, the father got his son back. Back in 1998 a Chinese
company was given the information on his basic motor which started
the manufacturing of his motor design around the world but not
including the overunity controller as far as I am aware.
Ron was kind and generous in order to receive a very reasonable
amount June 17, 2010 allowing the machine drawings for the 10 hp
(at 13,000 rpm yields 60 hp on a prony brake due to hp going up 4x
for the rpm doubling approximately and 120 hp if the mirror is
joined) & 40 hp (yielded 500 p on a prony braked at 8,000 rpm
with the mirror joined) motors plus the latest 4rth generation of
controller be photostated in order to be open sourced.
The Tesla Car Company is worth $30B needing the batteries to
be recharged with one of their motors 150 hp less. Conservatively
at 10x this technology is worth $300B or more. This information is
going around the world including various Chinese Controller &
BLDC manufacturers. Imagine what being on the ground floor will be
for them?
Already, one company on ebay.com is selling 17 inch fans using
only 6.5 watts that are less than 1/5 of the energy of
conventionally produced fans I believe for $10 including postage
to Canada. They are not using any controller but very well
designed windings for the correct impedance and emf field
Toy drone BLDC motors can be also be bought on ebay.com for visual
personal purposes by taking the snap out the end to show others
for $10 postage included.
Joseph Newman himself demonstrating an
overunity model
They make him seem like a kook for not letting them look inside.
He wasn’t granted a patent despite spending over $2M and the
patent’s office own expert testifying on his behalf along with 6
or 7 congressman. It came out in South Africa and Mexico. Others
argue he was claiming a physics principle and couldn’t do
that I highly respect him for turning down (Name your
amount) when they wouldn’t agree to manufacture it. So he wasn’t
protected from showing the switching secrets on a device worth
billions. it is very unfortunate for humanity and the earth's
ecology that the PTB have continued their suppression going as far
back as when Nikola Tesla had his lab burnt down before 1900 for
turning down a buy out offer from JP Morgan (front man for who
when over 90% of his estate went to who?)
Joseph Newman Motor replications by
Geoffrey Miller of EnergyBat Labs -- Historic and Recent
Energybat Labs Geoffrey Miller is easily the in the forefront of
understanding, replicating, improving on, and being in a position
to bring forward Joseph Newman's motor technology. For those not
familiar with the Newman Motor claims, to put it simplistically,
it is a large motor that is powered by pulsing from a few 9-volt
batteries, which puts out tremendous power, including enough to
loop back to keep the 9-volt batteries topped off. Geoff was the
first to replicate the technology back in the 1980s, for which
accomplishment he was given a license to the technology. So far,
Geoff has built six versions, all of which work, three of which
have Geoff's improvement on them. I alluded to that key component
in yesterday's story about Geoff's overunity replication of the
Keppe motor, and I put forth the challenge to our audience to see
if they could figure out what that key is. No one, yet, has
guessed what it is. No one yet has put forth any guess. In
retrospect, when someone guesses it and we do an article about it,
you're going to be amused at how obvious it is; and you're going
to be grateful at how open Geoff is in sharing it, in an open
license manner.
WITTS Self Running 35 Watt Delay Line
World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries [ http://www.witts.ws ] is
showing a delay line generator motor starting with a pack of 9
volt batteries in series. It shows the voltage rising from 713
volts to 728 volts after starting with approximately .05 amps
average current or 35 watts being generated & utilized. The
meter used for the current measurements is one designed
specifically for measuring pulsed current accurately. A
conventional generator motor would be dropping the voltage in the
battery pack after starting. The video then shows a capacitor
being added and the batteries are disconnected totally so that the
delay line generator motor is self-generating, self-turning, as
well as supplying electricity to the fluorescent tubes. The device
is over 23 years old and as such provided the basis for higher
output more sophisticated devices such as the - Self-Running 900
Watt Fuel less Electrical Generator. There is no harmful radiation
and it is converting zero point energy with no external power
source needed after starting! See DIAZ youtube video’s showing
their building BLDC motor almost identical to Ron's 10/60 hp motor
from cutting out laminations, winding etc. to running with a
propeller off of a small battery pack :
DIAZ 92% efficiency
1 controller motor smaller BLDC
2 almost identical to 60 ph Ron’s
version. Part 3 continued
3 laminations motor controller full
part 6 Awesome showing it running outside
with battery pack, accelerating with propeller as for small
aircraft, etc. Fantastic
Verifications from engineers, electronics & others
qualified experts. Electrical Meter Bill showing electricity going
back into the grid due to the negative amount owing. Heating bill
for a 4,500 sq ft building from the sphere heater at showing it
provided enough heat except for the 2 coldest months in Ohio at
bottom of the webpage.
Flux Switch Transformer with COP 3 to 60x. The best replication
was 1,000 watts input for 60,000 watts output.
Danish Engineer replication
With verification from an engineer from the university. More
information with plans and photos of a prototype are at this
google drive.
Ron originally came up the design of the magnets on the inside of
a rotating tube after magnets would fly off of a central rotor at
higher speeds due to centrifugal forces plus when they over heated
weakening the glue. Ron Brandt met with some Chinese in 1998 and
gave them the details on the motor. That I believe was the start
of those BLDC motors spreading out to the world today. I don’t
think they got the controller details plus the controller has been
upgraded with several hundred thousand dollars over 4 generations
since 1998 to 2007. Now it has been upgraded to digitalized
gerber files...
1. In overunity electrical devices as I understand it primarily
from www.witts.ws, the electrical fields need to be balanced
polar, dipolar & parapolar. If the polar is too much, the
energies build up and components burn out over time depending on
the power and imprinting. If the dipolar builds up, the energies
drop and the unit becomes underunity. I saw that as my auric field
is dipolar so when I approached a Joseph Newman running overunity
motor, it started slowing down when I was about 12 feet away from
it. That explains why John Bedini, Richard Willis and others can
have units working overunity in their presence but to underunity
when they leave the room or are sold. And why so many try
replicating John's circuits and fail. It is well worth
donating for consulting to witts.ws for further information.
2. The longer the wire length, the higher the efficiency. Joseph
Newman used 100 to 1,000x plus the normal lengths of wire in his
3. The higher the rpm, the higher the efficiency between linear
and exponential. At 300 rpm highly polar charged, it can be over
COP > 1, if normal nuetral, it might be 3,000 to 4,000 rpm or
higher depending on wire length & voltage before it over
COP > 1. The 10hp Ron Brandt BLDC ran at 20,000 rpm was about
COP 650 yielding 60 hp on a prony brake due to the hp going up
approximately 4x for a doubling of the rpm over original design
specs. The longer wire length in the 40 hp motor mirrored yielded
500 hp on a prony brake at less rpm like 10,000 rpm.
4. The higher the voltage, the higher the efficiency increased
between linear and exponential. On Joseph Newman's 700% dyno test,
it shows at 1076 volts 118% efficiency. At 1729 volts, it was 700%
efficient. The currrent was in micro amps so that 192 9 volt
batteries in series would provide the current & voltage. In
other motors, Joseph used 5 volt watch batteries in series.
Joseph had the hypothesis that electricity and magnetism had
gyroscopic properties. That helps to explain the right hand rule
used in the direction of forces and reactions between electrical
and magnetic fields. I have the hypothesis that electricity has
more the properties of a wave the higher the voltage more like
light and less of particles. That helps draw in energy from the
ether, zero point or the vaccume of space or whatever name is
agreeable in aiding the explaining and understanding.
Electrical components need to be higher quality with the diodes
being almost instantaneous under 10 nanoseconds reaction times.
Ron Brandt was able to get overunity on the Tesla Brandt Battery
Switch Technology that they worked on in their spare time during
the Philidelphia Expirement by using military surplus electronics
with higher .9s. Others have added their names like Bedini later
but as far as I know haven't got as good results as Ron so far.
When Ron's estate was sold, original motors, controllers and
documentation ended up in other parties possession so I don't have
access to the exact numbers, reports, etc.
When you read into the environmental destruction like oxygen
levels dropping, fish dying in the oceans along with whales,
dolphins down to the starfish down to the phytoplankton which
create over 75% of the oxygen, do you want to just sit on face
book or watching news having your brains microwaved and altered in
mush like I used to do when I was younger?
Do you want a better world for yourself & your children and
Do you want to combine making a better world with one of the best
money making opportunities with an easier sell of all that I have
found or studied into for over 40 years?
Go to Free Ron Brandt Motor Franchise to find out how starting
with 25-50 emails is a low cost way of doing so?
Also send this link to BDLC controller companies, BLDC companies,
wind & solar farms, larger users of electricity, starting with
the smaller companies as they are generally more flexible and less
likely to have minority control by the Rockefellers or similar
family dynasties with majority control.
Ron Brandt's Tesla Switch
[ PDF ]
International Alternative Energy Center
Tesla Switch Diagram & Electrifying
Times article & Replication Forum
We used as a starting point for our experiments, the switching
device John Bedini had built for the Tesls Symposium. Our goal was
to upgrade this switching device for ordinary car or motorcycle
Because we had already learned that the efficiency will go up the
more we load the circuit, we decided to load this Tesla circuit
We found that when we connected a second lamp, the first lamp
instantaneously became brighter.
Each time we disconnected and connected one of the light bulbs or
other loads in the circuit, we saw a spark about a half inch long.
The light of this spark was noticeably different from the light of
sparks observed when experimenting with high voltages. We
discovered that in addition to X-rays we were also generating
scalar waves. These were detecting using a scalar wave detector
built by John Bedini, which was based on a plan furnished by Tom
John Bedini was invited to speak at the Tesla Centennial Symposium
in Colorado Springs, CO, on August, 11, 1984, The symposium
honored the 100th anniversary of the arrival of Nikola Tesla in
the USA, and was sponsored by the Tesla Committee, by the
Institute for Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), Pikes
Peak Section, and by the Ford Aerospace& Communications
Corporation,Colorado Springs Operation.
At the symposium, Bedini demonstrated an inexpensive, cigar-box
sized Tesla-type converter witch he had recently built. Throughout
the demonstration, which lasted a full 24 hours during the
symposium, a constant load was being drawn out of the system to do
work, Nevertheless, the converter kept the nickel-cadmium
batteries fully charged!
The concept, witch had been originated by Nikola Tesla, was given
to John Bedini by Ronald Brandt, who was a personal friend of
Nikola Tesla. Brandt is reputed to have a similar converter which
he has used for years without loosing the battery charge. Bedini
presented the schematic diagram showing how to build the
solid-state device, and then released copies of the schematic
This Diagram Was used by John Bedini to test the Tesla Switch
Good Luck
John Bedini
John Bedini’s Cigar Box-sized Tesla Switch
– How To Build It
by Ovidiu Sandru
Ron Brandt: 90 MPG Carburetor
Ron Brandt is the inventor of the perm-mag motor. He is now of
retirement age.
When Brandt was a young man, he invented a 90-mpg carburetor. He
was paid a visit by a man from Standard Oil, another man, and two
men wearing US Marshal uniforms. They told him that if he ever
made another carburetor, they would kill him, his wife, and two
young children. He was quickly persuaded that his life wasn't
worth a "damn" carburetor. He happened to think to memorize the
badge numbers of the two US Marshals and so had an attorney in
Washington, DC check with the US Marshal's office. They had no
record of the two badge numbers...
Page 11 & 12
10-120 HP Machine Drawings
[ PDF ]
40-500 HP Machine Drawings
[ PDF ]
Controller Schematic
10 HP Lamination / 40 HP Magnet

10 HP Winding Empty Slot

40 HP Inside Winding

40 HP Winding 2 Empty Slots