For several years , an independent researcher Ardèche , Jean
-Christophe Dumas, explores the " Casimir effect " in relation
to the resonance of water.
He discovers a spontaneous steam generator with singular
characteristics method .
"The Dumas effect" is appraised in Nice by an independent
laboratory, September 14, 2013 .
The findings are instructive : like the Casimir effect , the
Dumas effect generates a yield of 116 % energy.
For the first time a simple, easy to design and very
inexpensive method allows all access to free energy.
" In space, there is a free form of energy, infinite that will
allow humanity to harmonize its energy technologies with major
workings of nature. This discovery is only a matter of time. "
-- Nicolas Tesla (1856-1943)
In 1948, thanks to quantum field theory and in total violation
of the laws of thermodynamics , the physicist Hendrik Casimir
predicted the existence of an infinite reservoir of energy in
the vacuum.
In 1958 the first experimental proof of the validity of this
theory is made.
In 1997 Sparnay Lamoreaux then realize that scientifically
valid testing the Casimir effect
Here is the complete instructions for making (for a few
euros!) Of the process generating the Dumas effect.
A simple, effective technology that is available to all, free
license and for the greater common good of all the inhabitants
of the earth.
April 23- François Alfonsi MEP Regions and Peoples
Solidarity met Jean-Christophe Dumas Dumas Effect discoverer
of the process - free energy. He was accompanied by his
parliamentary assistant and Gérard Pierre Costa Leynaud
candidate in the European elections on 25 May. Regions and
Peoples Solidarity focuses on the Dumas method may provide a
solution to peoples lack of drinking water by its almost
immediate effect desalination of seawater François Alfonsi
attended a demonstration of the method and Dumas met Pierre
Antoine Courouble spokesman Collective Ardéchois For
Alternative Energy. (Photo: From left to right, PA Courouble,
JC Dumas, F and G Alfonsi Leynaud)

Interview with J-C. Dumas
by Germain Treille ,
France Bleu Drôme Ardèche
April 15, 2014
The invention of a scientific miracle
Jean- Christophe Dumas is an independent, passionate
researcher of physics, chemistry and electronics. He has
invented the resonance reactor, a small craft scrap , which
could disrupt our lives and change our behavior in terms of
energy . You said revolutionary ?
The Ardèche researcher Jean-Christophe Dumas in
front of his invention.
Jean- Christophe Dumas is convinced that his discovery could
upset the energy story of this century. In any case, it is
true that experience, we have assisted gawk . Because at first
we did not believe it too. The Scientist welcomes us to his
home in Vals -les- Bains. On the terrace of his house, he
prepares his shot. A container filled with water, an extension
cord and that's it. It dips into the water a small steel ball,
based on a switch. The reactor resonance makes a slight noise.
And indeed, the steam escapes from the container. The water
turns into steam instantly well. The researcher has not lied
to us. Then the most amazing, perhaps this revolution, the
process produces more energy than it consumes. This would
allow, for example, to have a heating system at a lower cost .
The resonance reactor
Practical use can : express desalinating seawater And if this
was the solution for millions of people short of water? The
Ardèche researcher is a philanthropist, he has not filed any
patent, it offers the public his invention via internet / free
invention of law.
Ethical science
Each of us can download the Facebook page of Jean- Christophe
Dumas ( Dumas- Free Energy Effect ) the timeline reactor
resonance. Produce its own energy would be possible and all
for a few euros scrap steel, the price of the machine is to
make yourself. Scientific Ardèche claims not to be a weirdo.
It must give a series of lectures to promote his invention
would encounter strong resistance from powerful industrial
George Wiseman re : Dumas Effect
From: Jerry Decker <>
To: Interact <>
Subject: George Wiseman on the Dumas Effect
Date: Mar 10, 2015
Hola Folks!
George Wiseman is an expert on HHO and has done many
fascinating experiments, many documented at his website. I sent him the DUMAS info
and he shares this;
I independently discovered what you are calling the Dumas
Effect (I'm calling it the Wise Heater) in the early 1990's
when I was trying to find a method to split water without
using electrolyte (using pure water).
I danced for joy when I started making copious volumes of
gas with little electricity... But I noticed that the little
jar I was experimenting with was getting really hot; so I
thought some of the gas might be steam...
So I dutifully put a condenser on the gas output, which
would condense any steam and allow it to drip back into the
I was really sad (happy dance stopped) when I concluded that
the gas was 99.99% steam. Not one bit of Brown's Gas was
generated by this method.
But I found the effect interesting, because the jar did heat
up twice as fast as I would expect for the energy
consumption. And MOST of my money making innovations
come from side effects of my main research...
So I dutifully made measurements and compared the Wise
Heater to a heating element that used a similar amount of
wattage (my soldering iron). I used a wattmeter to
measure the energy input (calculated to joules) and a
thermometer on the jars.
I report this experiment in my Brown's Gas, Book 1, written
in the early 1990's see excerpt below:
Experiment One
I placed two copper plates .0625 inch (1/16’) from each
other in about 276 ml (just over a cup) of de-ionized water.
Note: the water used in this experiment must be as pure as
possible. ANY impurity will cause electrical consumption to
The plates were about .5 inch high by 1.5 inches long. They
were held together by plastic bolts and apart by plastic
washers. I soldered #14 solid copper leads to the plates.
I plugged this directly into 120 VAC, as I had been assured
(by MAXA) that Brown’s Gas could be produced by AC current.
My electrolyzer as described in Experiment 1, drew only .5
Amp of current but went from 20°C (68°F) to 50°C (122°F) in
ten minutes and to 94°C (201.2°F) in 25 minutes from the
start of the experiment.
I got all excited because there was a lot of gas. But I
thought some of it must be steam, because of the high
temperature. So I sealed my electrolyzer, assembled a
condenser to separate the steam from the Brown’s Gas and
directed all the vapors through the condenser, and then to a
‘displacement’ container.
I figured the steam would condense (turn back to liquid) and
drain back to the electrolyzer. I figured the Brown’s Gas
(being oxygen and hydrogen) would remain in a vapor state
when cooled and would displace water in my displacement
By condensing the steam, I found that the vapors being
produced by the electrolyzer were nearly all steam (99.99%).
So much for copious Brown’s Gas.
So much for a simple AC application with no electrolyte and
no transformer.
I did discover that the plates allowed the most current flow
when they were in a horizontal position (plate surfaces
vertical but depth shallow), so that the bubbles could
remove themselves from between the plates quickly, allowing
more liquid to come in from underneath.
Bubbles between the plates impedes the electrical flow that
produces more gas.
I also discovered that the electrical forces involved were
powerfulenough to rip the molecules right out of the copper
When operating this experiment for a period of time the
water becomes cloudy with copper. When examined, the
plates show obvious loss of copper.
A side effect of this experiment seems to be ‘over-unity’
heat. Over-unity means that more energy is produced by a
device than is supplied to it. To take 276 ml from 20°C to
50°C in ten minutes
indicates 34,643.52 joules. The electrical power used was
about 36,000 joules.
This may not seem to be over unity on the face but you must
remember that this was an open container at 3000 ft
elevation with no insulation to prevent radiation,
conduction and convection losses.
I ran a side experiment with electric resistance heaters
drawing the same amperage at the same voltage in the same
container with the same volume of water and it took twenty
minutes to go from 20°C to 50°C and almost an hour to reach
85°C (185°F). The electric element was never able to bring
the water to a full boil.
Note, electric elements are supposed to be 98% efficient, so
the above experiment 'indicates' that the Wise Heater is
more than twice as efficient at heating water as an electric
I also discovered that DC current flow (with set-up as per
Experiment1, but with a bridge rectifier installed) at this
high voltage still produced the ‘over-unity’ heat.
I duplicated this experiment several times and have had
friends duplicate it.
However, getting back to the original experiment, high
voltage (AC or DC) and no electrolyte did not produce
significant amounts of H2 and O2, and what was produced was
certainly not Brown’s Gas.
The high voltage seemed to cause the H and O to reduce
directly back to water as soon as it formed in the
electrolyzer; with the net result of simply converting
electricity into heat...
So I suggest to you, as I did to Sterling during the Brown's
Gas on Catalyst experiments, That the Wise Heater experiment
be repeated, but use stainless steel plates (to increase
electrodeposition voltage; so the plates won't degrade).
The idea is to use plates like they are capacitor plates and
'vibrate' the water to heat it up.
There is a magnetic field between capacitor plates (I've
proven that by putting a flat coil between pates and putting
AC onto the plates; the coil output electricity like a
Water is polarized by magnetic fields, so when you put AC to
the plates, it causes the water to be polarized one
direction and then the other as the AC reverses
voltage. Pulsing DC acts similarly. The
'flipping' of the water molecules back and forth heats up
the water.
Obviously, 50 or 60 Hz may not be the optimum, and both the
plate spacing and plate height need to be experimented with,
but the technology is valid and works as is. No need
to be complicated, it's very simple. BTW, a glass jar
prevents electrical shock, yet allows the heat to be
You want to use pure water because any ions that cross the
'capacitor' gap 'bleed' electricity. You want any
electrical charge that's built up on a plate to return to
the Grid on the opposite cycle, thus 'conserving'
electricity. The Wise Heater technology could be
considered a spinoff of my 'Energy Conserver Theory" and my
"Capacitive Power Supply" projects.
Thus I can confirm that the Dumas Effect is likely REAL
because of my own independent experiments.
May the blessings be
George Wiseman
Peter Daysh Davey believed it to be a sonic effect more than
just electricity, that you had to 'tune' the gap to make it
produce large volumes of steam quickly and cheaply.
Peter Davey water heater using cones instead of hemispheres;
"Well as it uses from 100% to around 20% of a normal forced
current heater like a commercial waterboiler. The
consumption depends on factors I have not investigated yet.
By the way - there are no splitting water into H/O2 or
forming of gasses whatsoever. So no electrolysis here!
But something even more interesting is the viscosity of the
water once resonated. It gets much thicker than tap water.
And it seems to get rid of all the impurities in the water -
laying at the bottom in a brownish colour.
When resonating salt water the same thing happens. Only now
there is a much thicker layer at the bottom - now including
the salt.
This could be a starters point for understanding Keely
resonance technology, as water is a miracle learning tool.
In my view mainly because of it's willingness to form any
crystal bundles whatsoever - the incredible water memory
Keely also noted water is as made for frequency
manipulation. The Oxygen atom weighing exactly 16 times that
of the hydrogen atom also makes it perfect for frequency
But he decided to test whether the same phenomenon is to
appear, if a metal hemisphere which simulates his pilot
cabin is submerged in water and is excited into a resonance
So he found two tops from old bicycle bells, joined them
together, tuned one of them to 50 Hz frequency, attached
electricity wire to each one of them, and thrown them into
Surprisingly, water started to boil extremely fast. So he
made his first heater patent based on this observation. This
patent was already registered in 1944.
(New Zealand patent number 92.428 dated on 12 December 1944
- I have attached a pdf of if - JWD)
After a hero return from the war, he had a device, which
repetitively proved to everyone who measured it, that it has
the efficiency decisively exceeding 100%.
Mr Davey was a musician who volunteered to defend freedom
and his country as a fighter pilot during the World War Two.
He took part in the Battle for Britain. Fighter aeroplanes
of that time had propellers and engines, which during
acrobatics of aerial battles were making the pilots cabin to
vibrate at various frequencies.
As a sensitive musician Mr Davey noticed, that there was
such a frequency of the motor and propeller buzzing, when
the aeroplane cabin and his body were getting into a
At this unique resonance frequency he always was
experiencing an influx of heat in his aeroplane cabin.
He did not know yet, that in future this phenomenon will be
utilised in ultrasonic weapon systems for effective and
undetected killing of people. But he decided to test whether
the same phenomenon is to appear, if a metal hemisphere
which simulates his pilot cabin is submerged in water and is
excited into a resonance frequency of an AC current.
So he found two tops from old bicycle bells, joined them
together, tuned one of them to 50 Hz frequency, attached
electricity wire to each one of them, and thrown them into
Surprisingly, water started to boil extremely fast. So he
made his first heater patent based on this observation. This
patent was already registered in 1944.
In times when I kept in touch with Mr Davey he explained to
me that the fine tuning of the bowl (1) to the frequency of
the current he carried out with the saxophone.
Namely, holding the heater in his fingers he played on the
saxophone the tune "low B" - which (the tune) is harmonic to
the frequency of 50 Hz. (Other easily accessible sources of
sounds having frequency 50 Hz include: piano - "low D",
tuning fork - "50 Hz", buzzing electrical transformer,
modern oscilloscope with a speaker.)
If the bowl (1) of the heater would NOT fall into a
resonance (i.e. would NOT vibrate noticeably) during this
playing, then he slightly grinded (on a fast grinder) the
front face of this bowl and then tried again. These
repetitions he carried out as long as required for the bowl
(1) always fall in the resonance (vibrations) when he played
this tune.
In turn the fine tuning of the distance "L" the inventor
carried out by measuring the electricity consumption by the
heater (means measuring the value of Amperes that flow
through the heater). Namely he measured this power
consumption for several different distances "L" and then set
on a given heater the distance "L" for which this power
consumption was the lowest.
(1) The "sonic boiler" boils water immediately after it is
submerged in this water.
(2) The "sonic boiler" boils water simultaneously in the
entire volume of this water.
(3) Practically all phenomena which we get to know during
the use of classical electrical heaters of water, for the
"sonic boiler" have a completely different course.
(4) The "sonic boiler" is exceptionally safe in use.
(5) The "sonic boiler" boils any amount of any liquid that
is based on water.
(6) The "sonic boiler" changes physical attributes of water
that it boils. the sound of water boiled with this
boiler is completely different than in boiling with normal
(7) The "sonic boiler" in the technical version shown here
has a similar consumption of energy as every other heater of
water (in spite that in the version shown in "Fig. #B1" it
apparently consumed almost zero electricity).
That idea of tuning to water is pure Keely who claimed
42.8khz would dissociate water in an explosion
instantaneously generating upwards of
29,000psi...imagine that force to drive engines!
Jerry @ Keelynet y mas (and more)