Charles F. ECKART, et
Mulch Paper
Papering the World to Make Crops Grow
STRIPS of paper, three feet wide and less than one thirty-second
of an inch in thickness, have increased the production of
pineapples in the Hawaiian Islands by more than forty per cent.
Laid in a field of sun-grown Sumatra tobacco, in Florida, the same
kind of paper increased production more than fifty per cent.
Papering fields of tomatoes in California raised their yield by
some sixty per cent, while strawberries, their roots so protected,
produced forty per cent more berries than the same varieties
planted in a neighboring and un-papered field.
For fifteen months or more, prior to 1923, experiments in the
papering of pineapple fields in Hawaii were carried on with
uniformly the same results. This year, more than 4,250 miles of
paper were laid, at a cost of approximately $250,000, on the
pineapple plantations of Hawaii. The result is an increase of from
twenty-five to sixty per cent in the production of the pineapple
plants, an average of at least forty per cent; the elimination of
weeding, which costs on the average $45 per acre; the conservation
of moisture; the prevention of baking of the soil, and the removal
of the necessity for cultivation throughout the crop life of the
pineapple, which is about five years.
The device is the discovery of C. F. Eckart, the Burbank of the
Hawaiian Islands. It consists of the laying of a mulch paper, made
of asphalt-treated felt, not dissimilar to a thin roofing paper,
in rows across the field. In this paper, six inches from each
edge, and, therefore, twenty-four inches apart in the center,
holes are punched with a trowel, and the pineapple cuttings,
“ratoons,” are set in these holes. As the paper is laid, the earth
is turned up over, the edges, to hold it flat and to prevent it
from blowing away. The plants are set “staggering” in adjacent
lines, so that while the rows along the paper are even, those
across the field are not.
The same method used in the planting -of the pineapples is adopted
in the setting out of tobacco, tomato, cabbage or other plants.
Experiments are now being conducted on the use of the paper with
grapes, and with flowering plants, in short, with all crops which
have a high value per acre. It also has been applied with success
to sugar cane in the Hawaiian Islands. Not only does it increase
the amount of production of each plant, but it increases the size
of the fruits or vegetables or the number and size of the leaves.
The paper virtually puts every plant root into a forcing hothouse.
The roots are kept shaded, heat is retained as is also moisture,
the combination necessary to the greatest root and plant growth,
and weeds, being unable to pierce the paper covering, cannot grow.
The use of the paper, by this combination of retained heat and
moisture, has extended the area in which pineapples can be
produced profitably to higher altitudes and colder temperatures in
the Hawaiian Islands than ever before. In Florida, the increase in
individual fields of sun-grown tobacco has reached as high as
seventy-one per cent, but this is above the average. In the
culture of tomatoes, the increase in yield ranged from twenty-one
per cent to 168 per cent, under widely varying conditions.
Surface evaporation from the area covered with the paper is so
greatly reduced that it is virtually negligible, the moisture
being conserved entirely for the use of the plant. This reduction
of surface evaporation to a minimum eliminates the undesirable and
often disastrous caking and cracking of the soil. Heat loss by
evaporation of surface moisture also is prevented, producing and
maintaining additional warmth in the soil. The paper receives the
direct impact of the raindrops and so prevents the soil from
packing. Some of the papers used are perforated with many small
holes, so as to allow moisture from rain, dew, and fogs to seep
slowly through, increasing the moisture so stored in the soil
beneath the paper.
The paper is applied by hand, with men carrying the rolls on steel
rods, and other men following behind with hoes to cover the edges
with a binder of earth; by machine layers, drawn by horses, with
special devices for the turning in of the binder of earth ; and,
on level fields, by double machines, laying two rows at a time,
drawn by a tractor. These machines also lay their own earth
Method of Enhancing the Growth of Plants
Searching for Alternatives to
Plastic Mulch
Dr. Carol Miles, Lydia Garth, Madhu Sonde, and
Martin Nicholson, WSU Vancouver Research and Extension Unit
[ PDF ]
The purpose of this study was to determine if there are suitable
alternatives to plastic mulch with respect to weed control and
crop production in the Pacific Northwest. In this study we found
that there were no differences in the quality or durability of the
alternative mulch treatments or in the quality and yield of the
vegetable crop. The oil had no effect on the longevity or
qualities of the paper mulch. The paper mulches proved as high in
quality as the plastic mulch and Garden Bio-Film. In adjacent
observation plots, paper was laid in the field and then oils were
applied. There was no difference in quality of the mulch whether
oil was applied before or after laying the mulch in the field. In
an additional adjacent observation plot, paper with no oil was
laid in the field and overhead irrigation was applied throughout
the summer. There was no difference in the quality of the mulch
whether irrigation was applied through drip or overhead
In 2004 we intend to continue investigating alternatives to
plastic mulch. We will test different weights of paper and again
test Garden Bio-Film mulch. We will also evaluate the response of
several types of vegetable crops (warmer temperature vs. cooler
temperature) to the different mulches.
Dr. Carol Miles and her co-authors Lydia Garth, Madhu Sonde, and
Martin Nicholson conducted their mulch alternatives study at the
WSU Vancouver Research and Extension Unit,
Miles, Sonde, and Nicholson can be reached at (360) 576-6030 or
via Miles' email address: Lydia Garth is a senior
at Columbia River High School in Vancouver. She participated in
this study as part of her senior science project.
Newark Paperboard Products
620 11th Ave, Longview, WA 98632
(360) 423- 3420
Attn: Jim McDaniel, General Manager
Garden Bio-Film
Biogroup USA, Inc.
107 Regents PI. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32802
(904) 280-5094; Fax: (904) 543-8113;
Paper Mulch Coated with Vegetable Oil
Offers Biodegradable Alternative to Plastic
by Linda McGraw
[ PDF ]
March 12, 2001
Paper is gaining over plastic in mulches used to grow commercial
fruits and vegetables as well as the home-grown varieties,
according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) studies in
Peoria, Ill. A main reason for this trend is that
vegetable-oil-coated paper mulch may be a less costly alternative
to plastic mulches, which are expensive to remove.
Brown paper coated with vegetable oils like soybean and linseed
oil can protect the crop from weeds and insects and is completely
biodegradable, according to ARS chemist Randal L. Shogren at the
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) in
Peoria, Ill. That gives paper a big advantage over plastic mulches
that cost about $240 an acre. Soy oil costs around 15 cents a
pound, so growers and home gardeners can expect a reasonable cost
for paper mulches made with vegetable oil.
Shogren coated plain brown kraft paper--used to make grocery store
bags--with several types of vegetable oils, including soybean,
linseed and a chemically-modified soybean oil plus a catalyst. The
vegetable-oil-coated paper withstood wind and rain long enough for
the crop to grow, but then began degrading in the soil.
In trials, Shogren found that kraft paper treated with a
combination of epoxidized soybean oil and citric acid held up for
13 weeks compared to untreated kraft paper, which was 50 percent
degraded in 2-1/2 weeks. A U.S. patent on the technology has been
approved. Field trials in Live Oak, Fla., in cooperation with the
University of Florida (Gainesville) are in progress. Currently,
field trials are being planned with an industry partner.
Shogren presented information on the paper mulches at the 6th
International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced
Materials in Recife, Brazil, March 5-9.
ARS is the chief scientific research agency of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture.
Scientific contact: Randal L. Shogren, ARS National Center for
Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, Ill., phone (309)
681-6354, fax (309) 681-6691,
Paper coated with polymerized vegetable oils for use as
biodegradable mulch
[ PDF ]
Abstract -- Biodegradable, agricultural mulches are
prepared by coating paper with a cross-linked drying oil or a
cross-linked, functionally modified drying oil. These mulches are
inexpensive to produce, and are also water-resistant, mechanically
stable and highly effective as weed barriers. The reactivities of
various drying oils permit the development of a broad spectrum of
coating systems and coating properties. In one embodiment of the
invention, it is contemplated to complete cross-linking of coated
paper in the field through either oxidative or photoinitiated
1. Field of the Invention
Polyethylene films are used extensively in agriculture as
greenhouse covers, forage covers and agricultural mulch. Worldwide
yearly consumption for polyethylene mulch film alone is currently
over 1 billion pounds (M. H. Jensen, presentation at 27th National
Agricultural Plastics Congress, 1998). Plastic mulches and row
covers help retain soil moisture, increase soil temperature,
inhibit weed growth, reduce insect damage and thereby increase
yields (D. F. Anderson, M. A. Garisto, J. C. Bourrut, M. W.
Schonbeck, R. Jaye, A. Wurzberger and R. DeGregorio, J. Sustain.
Agric. 7, 39-61, 1995; J. W. Courter, University of Illinois
Cooperative Extension Service Circular No. 1009, Champaign, Ill.,
1969; D. E. Hill, L. Hankin and G. R. Stephens, Connecticut Agric.
Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 805, New Haven, Conn., 1982). Most mulches are
used for vegetable and fruit production due to their relatively
high value. Disposal or recycling of polyethylene films, however,
has become a daunting problem. Agricultural mulch, in particular,
is very difficult to recycle due to contamination with dirt and
debris as well as loss in mechanical properties from UV catalyzed
oxidation. Many landfills reject mulch film because of pesticide
residues and thus it must be treated as hazardous waste (B.
Hofstetter, New Farm 13, 56-57, 1991). A biodegradable mulch would
have the dual advantages of avoiding costs of removal and disposal
as well as contributing humus to the soil.
This invention relates to a biodegradable, water resistant,
agricultural mulch that is produced from paper and a cross-linked
drying oil.
2. Description of the Prior Art
Several different types of degradable mulch have been considered
including polyethylene film containing prooxidants (W. J. Maddever
and G. M. Chapman, Proceedings of the Soc. Plast. Eng. 47th Ann.
Tech. Conf., 1352-1355, 1989), starch-polyvinyl (PVOH) alcohol
films (F. H. Otey, A. M. Mark, C. L. Mehltretter and C. R.
Russell, Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Develop. 13, 90-92, 1974),
biodegradable polyester films (J. M. Mayer and D. L. Kaplan,
Trends in Polym. Sci. 2, 227-235, 1994) and coated paper or fiber
mats (J. Vandenberg and J. Tiessen, Hortscience 7, 464-465. 1972
and A. Bastiaansen, A. Hanzen, D. DeWit and H. Tournois, PCT Int.
Pat. Appl. WO9609355, 1996). Although polyethylene films will
disintegrate, resulting fragments may require decades to
completely biodegrade, and toxicity of degradation products is
largely unknown (A. C. Albertsson and S. Karlsson, J. Appl. Polym.
Sci. 35, 1289-1302, 1988). Starch-PVOH films have rather poor
resistance to water and thus would not be expected to maintain
their integrity during rain. Progress is being made on laminating
starch-PVOH films with different types of water-resistant,
biodegradable polyesters (J. W. Lawton, in Cereals, Novel Uses and
Processes, Plenum Press, New York, 1997, p. 43-47). Although
biodegradable polyesters such as polylactic acid, polycaprolactone
and polybutylene succinate have excellent mechanical properties
(J. M. Mayer and D. L. Kaplan, Trends in Polym. Sci. 2, 227-235,
1994), their cost ($2-8/lb.) is much higher than for polyethylene
($0.4/lb. resin, $1-2/lb. film) (D. F. Anderson, M. A. Garisto, J.
C. Bourrut, M. W. Schonbeck, R. Jaye, A. Wurzberger and R.
DeGregorio, J. Sustain. Agric. 7, 39-61, 1995 and Anonymous,
Plastics Technol., May, 1998, p. 87). Uncoated paper, although
inexpensive ($0.28/lb. for kraft paper) (Anonymous, North American
Pulp and Paper Yearbook, Resource Information Systems,
Charlottesville, Va., 1996, 95), degrades too rapidly to protect
most crops adequately (D. F. Anderson, M. A. Garisto, J. C.
Bourrut, M. W. Schonbeck, R. Jaye, A. Wurzberger and R.
DeGregorio, J. Sustain. Agric. 7, 39-61, 1995).
Various types of coatings for paper have been developed to slow
degradation and improve wet strength. Rivise (C. W. Rivise, Paper
Trade J. 89, 55-57, 1929), Hutchins (A. E. Hutchins, Minn. Agr.
Expt. Sta. Bull. No. 298, 1933) and Flint (L. H. Flint, U.S. Dept.
of Agric. Tech. Bull. No. 75, 1928), have reviewed some of the
early work on the use of paper mulches. In 1870, the first U.S.
patent pertaining to utilization of paper as a mulch described the
use of tarred paper to exclude insects from roots (S. Brunson,
U.S. Pat. No. 104,418, 1870). By the 1920's, chiefly through the
work of Eckart in Hawaii on sugar cane and pineapple, the dramatic
advantages of tar or asphalt coated paper for improving yields of
fruits and vegetable became apparent. Paper impregnated with
paraffin wax (V. Z. Tzelik, Russ. Pat. 28,223, 1930) and animal or
vegetable oils ( W. A. Hall, Brit. Pat. 370,482, 1931) were also
claimed for mulch use. With the advent of synthetic polymers in
the 1940's and 1950's, polyethylene largely displaced paper in
mulching applications, likely due to its low cost and excellent
strength and flexibility.
Recently, however, there has been a resurgence in research and
practical interest in coated paper mulches, probably due to
concerns about disposal of polyethylene as well as the desire of
organic farmers to have a natural, totally degradable mulch. Most
of the coatings considered have been synthetic polymers such as
polyethylene (J. W. Courter, University of Illinois Cooperative
Extension Service Circular No. 1009, Champaign, Ill., 1969 and J.
Vandenberg and J. Tiessen, Hortscience 7, 464-465, 1972), or
various polymer latexes (G. E. Shanley and M. J. Lubar, Brit UK
Pat. Appl. GB2158058, 1985; R. E. Weber and M. L. Delucia, Eur.
Pat. Appl. EP454104, 1991; C. Desmarais, Can. Pat. Appl.
CA2092963, 1994; R. F. Lippoldt and W. W. Woods, U.S. Pat. No.
3,427,194, 1969 and J. S. Vandemark and R. T. Seith, U.S. Pat. No.
3,939,606, 1976). Non-woven mats of cellulosic fibers and
polyesters have also been considered (R. A. Clendinning, J. E.
Potts and W. D. Niegisch, U.S. Pat. No. 3,850,863, 1976 and S. H.
Monroe, J. A. Goettmann and G. A. Funk, U.S. Pat. No. 5,532,298,
1996). Anderson et al (D. F. Anderson, M. A. Garisto, J. C.
Bourrut, M. W. Schonbeck, R. Jaye, A. Wurzberger and R.
DeGregorio, J. Sustain. Agric. 7, 39-61, 1995) recently showed
that the rate of loss of tensile strength of paper in soil can be
slowed slightly by soaking it in soybean oil. Zhang et al (L.
Zhang, H. Liu, L. Zheng, J. Zhang, Y. Du and H. Feng, Ind. Eng.
Chem. Res. 35, 4682-4685, 1996) found that coating a regenerated
cellulose film with a thin layer of tung oil followed by
polymerization slowed weight loss in soil (half life increased
from 30 to 37 days).
We have now discovered that paper treated with a coating
comprising a cross-linked drying oil or cross-linked, functionally
modified drying oil exhibits many of the desired properties of a
biodegradable, water-resistant agricultural mulch needed for
present day applications. The reactivities of the various drying
oils permit the development of a broad spectrum of coating systems
and coating properties. For example, partial or complete
cross-linking of the drying oil-coated paper may occur in the
field through either oxidative or photoinitiated processes.
In accordance with this discovery, it is an object of the
invention to provide novel compositions of matter comprising a
paper substrate coated, and/or impregnated, with a treatment
comprising a polymerized drying oil.
Another object of the invention is to provide an inexpensive,
biodegradable agricultural mulch that is water-resistant,
mechanically stable and highly effective as a weed barrier.
It is also an object of the invention to develop a system for
tailoring the production scheme and functional properties of an
agricultural mulch to a particular end use application.
Other objects and advantages of the invention will be readily
apparent from the ensuing description.
The basic substrate for use in this invention is paper. The term
"paper" is in its broadest sense refers to any sheet or continuous
web of intermeshed fibrous material. Typically, these sheets or
webs are formed by depositing fibers of vegetable, mineral, animal
or synthetic origin from a fluid suspension into a thin layer, and
thereafter removing the fluid and drying the resulting sheet or
web. For purposes of the invention, the fiber should be
predominantly biodegradable, and is therefore preferably derived
from a cellulosic raw material, such as wood pulp, kenaf, rag,
straw, bagasse, recycled paper, etc. The paper may also be treated
with additives and coatings conventionally used in the
paper-making industry, provided that these treatments do not
interfere with the cross-linked drying oil treatments of this
invention. It is also contemplated that paper pulp can be treated
with the coating materials described, below, and the treated pulp
can then be pressed under conditions of heat and pressure into a
mat. For purposes of economy and performance, a preferred paper
for use herein is conventional kraft paper.
The biodegradable paper coatings of the invention are defined in
reference to Formula I: ##STR1## ##STR2##
wherein the exact arrangement of CH2, R@1, R@2 and CH groups
relative to one another depends on the type of fatty acid and on
the rearrangement after radical activation or conjugation.
The actual coating that is applied to the paper sheet is: (1) a
polymer having the structure of Formula I; (2) a combination of
(a) a drying oil that will polymerize to yield a polymer having
the structure of Formula I in a polymerization reaction and (b) a
catalyst to promote said polymerization reaction; or (3) a
combination of (a) a functionally modified drying oil that will
polymerize to yield a polymer having the structure of Formula I in
a polymerization reaction and (b) a catalyst to promote said
polymerization reaction.
The drying oils contemplated herein include plant, animal,
synthetic and semi-synthetic glycerides, particularly
triglycerides, that can be transformed into hard, resinous
materials (see Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, ed.
H. F. Monk et al., John Wiley & Sons, 1966, pp. 216-234). The
expression "drying oils" is generic to both drying oils, which dry
(harden) at normal atmospheric conditions, and semidrying oils,
which must be baked at elevated temperatures in order to harden.
Unless otherwise indicated, "drying oil" will be used herein in
its broadest sense to refer to both types of drying oil. The
unsaturated fatty acids of a drying or semidrying oil comprise
double bonds that are readily available for entering into
oxidative or other reactions involved in the drying process.
Common sources of drying oils include castor oil, fish oils,
linseed oil, oiticica oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower
oil, and tung oil. Of course the oils that contain the higher
levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as soybean oil,
linseed oil and safflower oil are the most reactive in terms of
having available sites for cross-linking.
The drying oils may be polymerized (i.e. cross-linked) through a
variety of mechanisms, linkages, and cross-linkers. For instance,
the cross-linking may be "intra", that is, between fatty acid
ester chains on the same triglyceride; or it may be "inter", that
is, between a fatty acid ester chain of one triglyceride and a
fatty acid ester chain on another triglyceride. The cross-linking,
whether intra or inter, may be directly from one methylene group
to another, or may involve a linker, such as that resulting from
reaction of an epoxidized oil with a curing agent, such as a
polyol, a polybasic acid, an amine, a polyamine, a polythiol, or a
polyphenol. Specific exemplary reagents for this purpose include:
polyols: ethylene glycol, glycerol, sorbitol, propylene glycol,
and oligomers thereof; as well as hydroxylated oils such as castor
polybasic acids: succinic acid, adipic acid, butane
tetracarboxylic acid, citric acid, succinic anhydride,
octenylsuccinic anhydride, and phthalic anhydride;
amines: octylamine, and ethylamine;
polyamines: ethylene diamine and triethylene tetramine;
polyphenols: phenol-formaldehyde resin
A preferred curing agent is citric acid, because of its rapid rate
of reaction with epoxidized oil at relatively low temperatures.
Another approach to cross-linking is to react the drying oil with
maleic anhydride and then react the maleated oil with a polyol.
Also contemplated herein are cross-linked alkyds having a
structure in accordance with Formula I wherein z.gtoreq.1. Alkyds
would typically be produced by reacting a polyol with a polybasic
acid and free fatty acids.
In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the drying oil is
simply reacted with oxygen to form hydroperoxides which decompose
to form various free radicals in the presence of a drying
catalyst; particularly, metal ion catalysts, such as cobalt,
manganese, copper, chromium, iron and calcium. The radicals then
combine to form carbon-oxygen or carbon-carbon cross-links.
In another preferred embodiment, the drying oil is first either
partially or completely epoxidized. The resultant oxirane rings
are then available for photoinitiated cross-linking. Optionally,
the epoxidized oil and a catalyst can be coated on the paper, and
the cross-linking would then take place when the paper is exposed
to sunlight in the field. Alternatively, the epoxidized oil may be
reacted with a curing agent to modify the drying oil by addition
of a linker as described above. When acidic catalysts such as
quaternary ammonium halides are used as catalysts in the latter
reaction, the primary reaction product is a polyester containing a
secondary hydroxyl group .beta. to the carboxyl carbon. Other
catalysts for effecting polymerization across the oxirane ring are
well established in the art.
Partial polymerization is easily controlled by regulating the
temperature of reaction. For example, the reaction can be stopped
by rapidly lowering the temperature of the mixture, as in ice
water, prior to applying the partially polymerized oil onto the
paper. The reaction is then easily completed at a later time, such
as by passing the treated paper through an oven, or the like.
Partially reacted epoxidized oils are available for photoinitiated
cross-linking through the remaining oxirane rings. For the
partially epoxidized oils, oxidative cross-linking can be promoted
between remaining sites of unsaturation and reactive functional
groups introduced by the curing agent. As indicated above, both
the photoinitiated cross-linking and the oxidative cross-linking
of the coated paper can be completed in the field.
The drying oil or modified drying oil is applied to the paper by
any conventional means such as by spraying, wiping, or by passing
the paper through a bath. The catalyst can be blended with the oil
or applied to the paper as a separate stage. In order to interrupt
or completely delay cross-linking until the coated paper is put
into use, the sheet can be simply wound into a roll in order to
exclude both oxygen and/or light needed to initiate the remaining
cross-linking reaction. Of course it is understood that the
viscosity of the drying oil applied to the paper can be controlled
by partial cross-linking or by partial polymerization prior to
applying the oil to the paper. As discussed further below, this
approach may be desirable when control over impregnation into the
paper is needed.
The nature of the coating treatment on the paper is a function of
a number of variables including the porosity of the paper, the
initial viscosity of the treatment material, the mode and
application rate of the treatment material, the contact period of
the paper and treatment before the drying oil becomes completely
cross-linked, the temperature during the contact period and the
like. For example, the more porous the paper and the more fluid
the treatment material, the more of the treatment material that
will become absorbed by the paper. Likewise, the longer the period
of contact between the paper and the drying oil before completing
the cross-linking, the more the drying oil will tend to impregnate
the paper. Conversely, by increasing the density of the paper or
the viscosity of the treatment material, or by shortening the
period of contact before completing the cross-linking, the amount
of material absorbed by the paper can be reduced. It is envisioned
that the extent of penetration of the treatment into the paper can
be controlled over a broad continuum; but that typically some of
the material will be absorbed, and some of the material will
ultimately reside as a coating over the one or more of the
surfaces of the paper. For purposes of this invention, the terms
"treatment" and "coating" as used herein include material that may
actually be absorbed into (i.e. penetrate or impregnate) the
fibrous structure of the paper. Additionally, it is to be
understood that the treatment may be applied to one or both
surfaces (i.e. sides) of the paper sheet, and that the treatment
may comprise non-cross-linked drying oil, or drying oil in various
stages of cross-linking.
The polymerization reactions contemplated for use herein and
described above are all well known. Accordingly, determination of
the appropriate conditions (e.g. time, temperature, and catalyst)
for conducting a particular reaction would be well within the
skill of the person in the art. Likewise, tailoring these
conditions to achieve a particular result in the coating step
would be within the skill of the ordinary artisan. For most
applications, the coating weight would be in the range of about
10-300% (7-200 g/m@2) of the paper for a given area. Usually, the
level of coating will be in the range of 25-100% (15-65 g/m@2),
with the preferred amount being in the range of 40-80% (25-55
A variety of additives may be included in the coating treatment.
For example, the optional addition of a darkening or opacifying
agent such as carbon black, charcoal or dark organic dye to the
polymerized oil or the paper are commonly used in plastic mulches
to screen out the sun and thus make it more difficult for plants
to grow underneath. Also, pigments of other colors may be added to
help regulate the soil temperature or control the growth response
of the cultivated plants. Of course, fertilizers, pesticides,
fungicides, biocontrol agents, biodegradation enhancers and the
like may optionally be added to the coating.
The coated paper products of this invention have utility as
agricultural mulches for all the same applications for sheeted
mulches as known in the art. That is, they can be rolled out in
orchards, gardens, fields, and potted plants for the purposes of
retaining soil moisture, increasing soil temperature, inhibiting
weed growth, and reducing insect damage. At the end of the growing
season, or whenever the benefit of the mulch is no longer needed,
the mulch is simply cultivated into the soil and allowed to
biodegrade. It is apparent from the data in Example 5 that coating
with vegetable oil resins extends the useful life of paper mulches
to a length of time close to that required for many crops (about
10 weeks).
The treated paper of this invention is characterized by at least
comparable, and in some cases, significantly improved, mechanical
and functional properties as compared to untreated paper or to
paper treated with the same amount (comparable add on) of
nonpolymerized oil. For instance, as shown in the Examples below,
treated kraft paper exhibits at least a two-fold increase in
elongation to break vs. untreated paper. In a soil burial test,
treated samples exhibit at least two-fold, and in some cases
several-fold, increase in the half life over untreated paper. As a
barrier to plants, tests described in the Examples show that the
treated paper reduces penetration by plants up to 80% after 84
days as compared to the untreated control.
Materials used in the ensuing examples were as follows:
Brown kraft paper having a weight of 66 g/m@2. Raw linseed oil was
obtained from Alnoroil Co., Valley Stream, N.Y. and had an iodine
value of >177 and a saponification value of 189-195. Cobalt
octoate solution (6% Co in mineral spirits) was obtained from
Pfaltz & Bauer. Epoxidized soybean oil was Paraplex G-62 from
C. P. Hall Co., Bedford Park, Ill. and had about 7% oxirane
oxygen. Citric acid and tetrabutylammonium bromide were reagent
grade and were purchased from Aldrich Chem. Co. Citric acid was
ground with a mortar and pestle and passed through an 80 mesh
screen prior to use.
Abbreviations for coating treatments used in the examples are as
LO = linsead oil
SO = soybean oil
ESO = epoxidized soybean oil
CA = citric acid
TBABr = tetrabutylammonium bromide
Examples 1-5 relate to the first year trials and Example 6 relates
to the second year trials. Legends for FIGS. 1-10 are as follows:
uncoated kraft paper (.tangle-soliddn.), uncatalyzed LO coated
paper (.largecircle.), catalyzed LO coated paper (.circle-solid.),
ESO/CA coated paper (.tangle-solidup.), ESO/CA/TBABr coated paper
at 147% add-on (.box-solid.), ESO/CA/TBABr coated paper at 51%
add-on (.quadrature.), uncatalyzed SO at 56.4% add-on (.Arrow-up
bold.), catalyzed SO at 71.8% add-on (.diamond-solid.),
uncatalyzed SO at 38.6% add-on ({character pullout}), catalyzed SO
at 25% add-on ({character pullout})
Example 1
Preparation of Paper Coated with Polymerized Linseed Oil
Linseed oil (LO, 120 g) and cobalt octoate solution (0.40 g) were
magnetically stirred for 10 min. then the mixture was applied to
pieces of kraft paper (50.8.times.91.4 cm) using a paint brush.
The oil penetrated quickly into the paper due to its low
viscosity. The coated paper was hung from a rope and allowed to
"dry" overnight. Coating weight was approximately 45 g/m@2.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
Samples of paper coated with polymerized linseed oil (LO coated
paper) were prepared for FTIR analysis were pulverized in liquid
nitrogen using a Wig-L-Bug Amalgamator, mixed with KBr and pressed
into pellets. Spectra were obtained using a Nicolet Impact 410
spectrometer. For LO coated paper, no absorbance corresponding to
C--H stretching adjacent to carbon-carbon double bonds of LO (3010
cm@-1, data not shown) was seen, indicating that most of the
double bonds reacted.
Example 2
Preparation of Epoxidized Soybean Oil-Based Polyesters
Epoxidized soybean oil (ESO, 349 g, 1.5 mole epoxy), citric acid
(CA, 99 g, 1.5 mole carboxyl) and tetrabutylammonium bromide
(TBABr, 3.2 g) were first partially polymerized by heating in a 3
l beaker equipped with an air stirrer and hot plate. After the
temperature of the mixture reached 110 DEG C. (about 10 min.), the
beaker was placed into a bucket of ice to stop the reaction.
Pre-polymerization was conducted in order to better disperse the
CA in the ESO. The partially polymerized ESO resin was then spread
onto paper sheets using glass rods. The ESO resin penetrated only
part way into the paper due to its high viscosity. Polymerization
was completed by placing the coated paper onto steel sheets
covered with teflon/aluminum foil (Bytac, Norton Performance
Plastics, Akron, Ohio) and heating in an oven at 165 DEG C. for 3
min. A similar experiment was conducted without the TBABr catalyst
to evaluate possible effects of TBABr on biodegradation rates,
described in Example 3, below.
FTIR Analysis
The ESO/CA coated paper was analyzed by FTIR as described above in
Example 1 for LO coated paper. The absorbances corresponding to
citric acid carboxyl carbonyl stretch (1701 cm@-1) and epoxide
ring vibration (822 cm@-1) disappeared, indicating that
essentially all ESO and CA reacted. Interestingly, the reaction
seems to occur with or without the TBABr catalyst.
Example 3
Testing for Biodegradation in Soil
Coated papers as well as uncoated paper were cut into
5.08.times.10.16 cm pieces, weighed and sewn into nylon mesh bags
having openings about 3 mm in size. Three replicates of each
sample for each of 4 time points were then buried under 6 in. of
soil in a field plot [National Center for Agricultural Utilization
Research (NCAUR), Peoria, Ill.] starting on June 30. During summer
weeks in which there was no rain, the plot was sprinkled with
about 1.3 cm. of water. Samples were removed from the ground at
14, 42, 84 and 140 days. After removal, samples were brushed
lightly, gently rinsed with deionized water, equilibrated for 7
days at 23 DEG C. and 50% relative humidity, weighed and tested
for tensile properties (see below). Average outdoor temperatures
were about 21 DEG C. over the first 3 months of the experiment and
then declined gradually to 0 DEG C. over the next 2 months.
Rainfall was very light the first six weeks (<2 cm/week) and
then increased.
The results are shown in FIG. 1. The higher initial (at 0 time)
weight/area values of the coated papers reflect the added weight
of the coating. Rates of weight loss during soil burial as a
percentage of initial weight, were most rapid in uncoated paper,
followed by LO coated paper and finally ESO/CA coated paper. Rates
of decrease in weight and strength were similar for ESO/CA and
ESO/CA/TBABr coated papers, suggesting that TBABr does not
significantly impede biodegradation. Close examination of the
buried samples show that uncoated paper had torn or disintegrated
into small pieces by 6 weeks while the coated papers remained
whole. After 12 weeks, LO coated paper has also disintegrated
while the ESO/CA coated paper has begun to tear. There were no
significant changes in the measured thicknesses with time up to 6
weeks so losses in weight were due to decreases in density and
focal losses in area. Specimens were examined with a JEOL JSM
6400V scanning electron microscope. The resulting SEM photographs
(not shown) revealed that, by 6 weeks, fungal cells and hyphae
have extensively colonized the surface and interior of uncoated
paper. Fibrillar breakage and defibrillation are evident. Fungal
growth was also widespread on the surface of LO coated paper at 6
weeks but there was little penetration to the interior. The LO
coating covers and fills the spaces between cellulose fibrils, so
less surface area is available for microorganism growth. In
contrast, the surface of ESO/CA coated paper showed only focal
areas of microbial colonization after 6 weeks, suggesting that the
ESO based resin may be more resistant to biodegradation than LO.
It is somewhat surprising that LO coated paper appears to degrade
faster than ESO/CA coated paper considering that the double bonds
in LO are polymerized to single C--C or C--O bonds. The latter are
normally thought to be more resistant to biodegradation than the
ester linkages found in ESO/CA. However, the greater thickness of
the ESO/CA coated paper or the greater ratio of resin to paper may
also influence biodegradation rates.
It is apparent from FTIR spectra of coated papers after exposure
to soil for 12 weeks (data not shown) that for LO coated paper,
absorbances from the LO component (2929 and 2856 cm@-1 from C--H
stretching and 1741 cm@-1 from C=0 stretching) are greatly
diminished relative to the cellulosic component (1163, 1059, 1034
cm@-1 from C--O stretching). The ESO/CA coated paper likewise
showed a smaller preferential loss of the oil component. These
data suggest that the polymerized oil coatings protect the
cellulosic fibers from premature microbial attack by acting as a
sacrificial barrier.
Example 4
Weed Growth Inhibition
Three pieces of each of the coated papers and control (uncoated
paper) 50.8.times.91.4 cm in size were placed onto rototilled
ground in the NCAUR field plot. The outer edges (about 10 cm) of
the samples were buried in the dirt to keep the samples
stationary. The number of weeds protruding through openings in the
samples were recorded over time (FIG. 2).
These data show that weed growth is most rapid for uncoated paper
followed by LO coated paper then ESO/CA coated paper. This is
consistent with the degradation data in Example 3. By 6 weeks, the
uncoated paper had several tears or holes and weed growth through
the paper began. Most of the uncoated paper on top of the soil
disappeared (biodegraded and/or blown away) by 9 weeks. Loss of
strength of uncoated paper during rain may also have contributed
to its disintegration. In contrast, the coated papers remain
mostly intact, albeit with some cracks and holes, up to 14 weeks.
Example 5
Tensile Testing and Elongation to Break Evaluation
Dog-bone type V tensile bars (4-5 for each sample) were cut and
tested according to ASTM D638-91 using an Instron model 4201
Universal Testing Machine. Crosshead speed was 20 mm/min and gage
length was 25.4 mm. Both tensile strength and elongation to break
were evaluated in the Instron.
FIG. 3 shows that the initial tensile strength of LO coated paper
(82 MPa) is slightly higher than for uncoated paper (68 MPa).
Since the LO penetrated into the paper (the overall thickness was
85 .mu.m for both LO coated paper and uncoated paper), overall
strength per unit area is higher for LO coated paper since the
polymerized oil replaces air. Likewise, tensile strengths of the
ESO/CA and ESO/CA/TBABr coated papers (45 MPa) are lower than the
uncoated paper because much of the weaker resin did not penetrate
the paper (thickness 180 .mu.m). Rates of decrease in tensile
strength with time decreased in the order uncoated paper>LO
coated paper>ESO/CA coated paper (FIG. 3).
As shown in FIG. 4, elongations to break of coated and uncoated
paper were 3.+-.1% at 0 time. Interestingly, elongation values for
coated papers increased to 7.+-.1% after 2 weeks of soil exposure
while those for uncoated paper remained unchanged. The reason for
this is unknown, but could result from a decrease in fiber
cohesion from rain or starch binder degradation, such that more of
the load is transferred to the flexible resin.
Example 6
Kraft paper samples were coated with polymerized linseed oil as
described in Example 1 and with epoxidized soybean oil-based
polyesters as described in Example 2. Physical and functional
properties of these coated samples were tested as described in
Examples 3-5 as compared to kraft paper coated with uncross-linked
soybean oil, linseed oil and paraffin wax. The uncross-linked
soybean oil at the 39% add on level and the cross-linked soybean
oil at the 25% add on level were applied to the paper with a paint
sprayer. Tensile strength and elongation to break were determined
by the previously-described procedures for both wet and dry
samples. The results presented in Tables I A and I B show that the
cross-linked coatings of the invention contribute significantly to
the tensile strength and elongation to break of the wetted papers.
The kinetic data for weight loss during soil burial are reported
in Table II and in FIGS. 5-8. These data demonstrate a significant
effect of the cross-linked coatings in the prolongation of the
paper half life. Data regarding the effectiveness of the coated
papers as plant barriers are shown in FIGS. 9 and 10.
Dry and Wet Tensile Strengths of Kraft Paper Coated with Native
and Polymerized Oils
Dry and Wet Elongations to Break of Kraft Paper Coated with Native
and Polymerized Oils
Kinetic Data for Weight Loss during Soil Burial of Kraft Paper
Coated with Native and Polymerized Oils
Weed Guard™ Paper Mulch Roll, 36" x 50'
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