Alexandr GOLOD, et al.

Pyramid Devices

Canadian company Pyramid Of Life made its objective to develop and market products harmonizing space, products that bring vital energy, helping people adapt to various environmental conditions.

Company’s founder, engineer and inventor Edward Gorouvein dedicated many years of his life to research and development of pyramid structures, and utilization of pyramid energy in everyday life. His interests include effects of natural and artificial electromagnetic radiation, ecology and harmony in architecture and life.


Miniaturized copy of The Great Pyramid. 2 matrices (4 crystal), placed within the base of a mini-pyramid, a charged with the energy of the Great Pyramid according to the ABO technology. There are two relative zones of pyramid influence: the active zone and the secondary zone. The active zone is above and below the pyramid. The radius of the secondary zone (harmonizing zone) is no less than 25 meters.

Mini-pyramid’s base placed with the arrow pointing North. Space around and above the pyramid within 40 cm (16”) must be empty; especially important is the absence of any metal. Pyramid must be placed in a dry spot. Treatment within a mini-pyramid is not recommended, because it essentially does not differ from treatment above or under pyramid, but can shorten working life of a mini-pyramid. Working life of a mini-pyramid – 6 years.

 Harmonizes space within its 25-meter radius...  Neutralizes geopathic zones...  Neutralizes effects of electromagnetic radiation from various devices (computers, cell phones, microwaves, etc.)...  Has powerful anti-stress effects ...  Optimizes immune system...  Slows process of aging...  Assists meditation...  Heals without direct interference with organism... Any food products, beverages, clothing, cosmetics, domestic chemicals and others can be treated within the active zone of a mini-pyramid for neutralization of any negative effects on human organism...

Not recommended:  Using metal objects (e.g. metal plates, dishes) during treatment in the active zone of a mini-pyramid...  Treating more than 3 different kinds of products (e.g. oranges and pepper)...  Placing cosmetics within 50-60 cm from mini-pyramid...  Placing mini-pyramid close to sources of intense heat (oven, iron, etc.)...

Experiments & Tests

1. A radar shows a huge ionic column reaching a few kilometers into the sky above The 44-meter Golden Section Pyramid

With the help of a series of radars working in the centimeter range and placed at 60 km, 32 km and 30 km from the Pyramid, scientists conducted radiolocation of the area of vertical axis of the Pyramid. During this research, the existence of an ionic column with a height of 2000 meters and width of 500 meters along the vertical axis of the pyramid was established. This allegedly ionic column was constantly changing its height from 800 meters to 2000 meters. The reflecting ability of this formation is comparable to reflecting ability of a plane.

Moreover, a circle with a diameter of 300 km, with a higher degree of ionization and a center within the zone of the Pyramid was discovered with a significant degree of authenticity.

It is possible to hypothesize about existence of a vortical radiation in the zone of the Pyramid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. Registered ionization is the effect of this radiation. Discovered ionic column above the Pyramid outlines the neck of the funnel of this vortex.

2. Even at –40° C regular water does not freeze inside the Pyramid

Several plastic bottles with regular water were placed inside the Pyramid and their state was observed within a period of three winter months. The water was not freezing and had all the properties of a liquid during this whole period. The lowest air temperature inside the Pyramid was –40°C. Measuring water temperature inside the bottles showed that it was the same as the temperature of the air (i.e. the water was not freezing even when its temperature was –40°C).

However, it was noted during this research, that if a bottle of this water was shaken or hit, a crystallization process was beginning inside and the water was turning into ice within 3-20 seconds (depending on the degree of water super cooling).

3. Pyramid has powerful protective characteristics against lightning bolt hits

Electro technical institute --- The institute conducted research on effects of the Pyramid field on electrical field in a long air space AXIS-PLANE under impulse voltage of positive polarity 250/2500 mcs.

As a base system the researchers used air space AXIS-PLANE with distance between electrodes of S=5.0 m.

As a test system they used the same thing, but the PLANE had 7 pieces of granite 100 grams each, which were previously placed inside the pyramid. Granite pieces were placed on the PLANE in a circle with a diameter of 1 meter and with a center placed 0.5 meters away from the center of the PLANE.

Each system was subjected to 100 impulses. Researchers were registering trajectory of discharges and points of hits of the plane. Based on the results fields of hit points were generated. Discharge voltage during the research was approximately 1400 kV.

Test results showed that the number of hit points in the base system was 5 times higher than that in the test system.

Therefore, a contour of granite stones exposed to the pyramid energy has powerful protective characteristics against lightning bolt hits within the area of the contour.

4. Golden Section Pyramid harmonizes space within its radius of influence

New streams appeared in the area of the 22-meter pyramid on the Seliger Lake, a stork set up a nest, and nearby fields became covered with previously extinct kinds of flowers.

5. Many substances and materials change their physical and chemical properties

“Graphite” institute was determining the influence of the Pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon-based materials. Research object – pyrolitic carbon. Measurements were conducted by the 4-probe method with direct current. Sizes of carbon plates were ~ 25?10?1 mm, distance between potential contacts ~ 3 mm. Density of the measuring current was ~ 1500 mA/cm2. Before the plates were placed inside the pyramids, electrical resistance was ~ 5-7 mcOhm/m2. After 1 day inside the pyramid, electrical resistance had doubled. Such measurements are anomalous for pyrolitic carbon. Even the neutron radiation does not yield a resistance change of more than 5%.

6. Qualitative structure of oil changes

A complex of pyramids was installed on an oil field. Within the next few days the viscosity of oil decreased by 30%, which correspondingly led to the increased oil production. Gradually, the structure of oil began to change, i.e. amounts of tars, paraffin, etc in oil decreased. Fractional structure of oil has shifted towards the light fractions (Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas).

7. Burning of any substance inside the Pyramid Of The Golden Section produces pleasant aromas

8. Increase in crop productivity

Before planting the crops, their seeds were placed inside the Pyramid for 1-5 days. Tens of thousands of hectares were seeded with more than 20 crops. In each case crop productivity was from 20% to 100%, the crops were not sick, were not bothered by droughts. Quantity of toxic substances in plants decreased. Similar results were obtained when closed contours of stones, previously exposed to the Pyramid energy, were placed around the crop fields. 500 small stones with total weight of 20 kg were placed around a 10 ha field.

9. Medical research and experiments

Research, experiments and tests in medical laboratories and science centers have confirmed that Golden Section Pyramids:  neutralize geopathic zones...  have powerful anti stress effects...  slow aging processes by enhancing immune system...  increase vitality of cellular tissue, slow development of negative processes in living organisms...  reduce negative influence of the environment on humans and nature

RU2152813  [ PDF ]


SUBSTANCE: method involves determining sign and power of biological energy field in the area of human pathogenic zones and treating the areas with pyramidal generators energy radiation. The patient is placed into harmonizing energy-and-information field of the main pyramidal generator. The detected pathogenic zone is exposed to concentrated unidirectional field produced in the space between two pyramidal generators arranged in unidirectional coaxial relation to one another. Sign and power of the concentrated unidirectional field are selected depending on the human biological energy field in the region of pathogenic focus in patient body. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of treatment course. 2 cl, 1 dwg

[0001] The invention relates to the field of public health and is intended for the treatment of diseases associated with the violation of the patient's bioenergetics, and can also be used to correct the states of energy exhaustion. In this case, diseases associated with violations of bioenergetics are oncological (in the early stages), cardiovascular, neurogenic, etc. diseases.

[0002] There are known methods of treating diseases associated with the violation of human bioenergetics, containing a procedure for identifying the area of ​​pathology and the impact on it of various types of energy. The most common of these are methods of treatment according to the method of I. Nakatani and R. Fall, in which the pathology area is determined by sequential measurement of the electrical resistance of biologically active points of acupuncture or skin areas of the patient with subsequent electrostimulation. Such a method of treatment is laid, for example, in the Prognoz-Mini device produced serially by the Berdsk Electromechanical Plant (PROGNOZ-MINI medical diagnostic device, Berdsk, 1995) and demonstrated at the international exhibition Invex-86 in Prague. [1] However, this method is applicable for the treatment of a narrow range of diseases, and its disadvantage is the need for exposure to the human body of energy from foreign sources with technically generated frequencies and currents fed through the electrode system.

[0003] More effective are the ways of treating the diseases associated with the patient's energy disturbance, according to the method of Dr. F. Morrell (Mora-Mora, MORA-Therapie, 1987, K. F. Haug-Verlag, Heidelberg), who proposed the so-called bioresonance therapy, or otherwise - "Mora-therapy." In accordance with this method, the treatment is performed by affecting the patient's biofield, which is detected, for example, by an ordinary biological locator. The essence of the method consists in determining the sign and power of the biofield in the field of pathology, harmonizing the entire organism as a whole (basic therapy), and simultaneously affecting the bioenergetic centers of the patient with its own enhanced energy radiation and inverted radiation emanating from the pathological region (local therapy) .

[0004] The disadvantage of this method is a narrow range of diseases (allergy, diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, gastrointestinal tract, spine, immune system failure, etc.) and the need for prolonged contact of the patient with the electrode system, as well as the high cost and complexity of the device that implements present method.

[0005] More universal and simpler is the method of treating diseases associated with the violation of the patient's bioenergetics, containing procedures for determining the sign and power of the biofield in the pathology of the patient and affecting its bioenergy centers by the energy radiation of pyramidal generators that generate the same kind of energy that is used in the Mora- therapy. Such a method of transferring microwave electromagnetic energy to the human body is described by the German inventor M. Nemitz, Vorrichtung zum Sammel und und gezielten Ubertragen von besonders programmierten radiasthetisch messbaren Strahlungen auf den menschlichen Korper, OS 3823178, Int. Cl. A61NI / 16, AT 08.07 .88, FROM 11.01.90), who proposed a device containing a pyramid-shaped generator-accumulator of emissions, sequentially connected by electrical connections to the radiation transmitter, the radiation injector and the radiation adapter. The patient is placed between the injector and the adapter. The power of the pyramidal generator is regulated by the position of a permanent magnet, rotationally mounted on the base of the regular pyramid.

[0006] The disadvantage of this method is the limitation of the impact on the patient's body only by local action, moreover, the insufficient power lost on electrical connections.

[0007] The task, solved by the proposed method, is to increase the effectiveness of treatment. The stated task is solved by the fact that in a known method of treating diseases associated with a violation of the patient's bioenergetics, containing procedures for determining the sign and power of the biofield in the pathology of the patient and affecting the energy centers of the pyramidal generators on his bioenergetic centers, the patient is placed in the harmonizing energy information field of the main pyramidal generator, and the revealed area of ​​pathology is affected by a concentrated unidirectional field formed in the space between two additional pyramid-shaped generators oriented unidirectionally and coaxially to each other, the sign and the power of the concentrated unidirectional field being selected depending on the sign and power of the biofield of the pathology region of the patient.

[0008] As is known (I.Efimova, "The Disclosed Secrets of the Pyramids." Science and Religion, N4, 1997), the field created inside the pyramid of the pyramid-shaped generator is divided into three zones according to the effect on man: a conditionally negative, converting and conditionally positive zone. Additional pyramidal generators installed above and below the patient located in the converting zone of the field of the main pyramidal generator expand the zone of its positive impact, and the additional generator, whose pyramid is directed by its apex to the base of the pyramid of the second coaxial additional generator, also creates a concentrated field in the region pathology of the patient.

[0009] In this case, the area of ​​pathology is revealed by scanning the patient's biofield with the help of a biological locator, the sign of the biofield is determined in the direction of rotation of the locator frame, and the power of the biofield in the pathology area is determined by acupuncture methods.

[0010] The invention is illustrated in the drawing, which shows a patient placement scheme for implementing the proposed method of treating a patient. As can be seen from the drawings, the patient is placed on a couch 1 of a dielectric material in a harmonizing energy information field formed inside the main pyramidal generator. The generator has the shape of a frame pyramid 2 with a block of antenna-emitters 3. The construction of a pyramidal generator of energy-information radiation is described in detail in application No. 99113291 dated June 17, 1999. Two additional pyramidal generators 4 and 6 with antenna-emitter blocks 5 and 7 are located under and above the couch 1 with the patient. By their design, the additional generators 4 and 6 are similar to the main generator 2, but have smaller dimensions and, correspondingly, lower power. The additional generators 4 and 6 are oriented unidirectionally and are fixed to the shelves 8 and 9 of the C-shaped arch 10, which is rotatable and vertically movable along the column 11. The shelves 8 and 9 are also provided with fastening means (not shown) that align the generators 4 and 6. The distance between the shelves 8 and 9 is selected with the condition that the bed of the couch 1 with the patient can pass between them.

[0011] Treatment is carried out in the following sequence. Initially, the patient is diagnosed to identify pathological zones. The detection of pathological zones is performed by scanning the patient's biofield using a biological locator. In this case, the presence of the biofield corresponds to the rotation of the frame of the locator, and the direction of rotation of the frame of the locator corresponds to a definite sign of the field (direction of the field strength vector). Radiation power is determined by any known acupuncture methods to exclude subjective factors introduced by the biolocal operator. For this purpose, known measuring instruments based on the methods of Nakatani-Ryodoraku or R. Voll are used. After performing the diagnosis, the patient is placed on the couch 1, located in the harmonizing energy-information field of the pyramidal generator, whose pyramid 2 has parameters corresponding to the golden section (the ratio of the height of the pyramid to the side of the base is equal to the coefficient of the golden section of 1.618), and the pathology detected is affected by a concentrated unidirectional field, formed in the space between two additional pyramidal generators 4 and 6. In the presence of two areas of pathology in the patient NTA can be influenced by two pairs of extra pyramidal generators simultaneously.

[0012] To influence the area of ​​the pathology of the patient to the couch 1, a cart with additional generators 4 and 6 is driven so that the bed of the couch 1 is covered by a C-shaped bracket 10. The position of the generators 4 and 6 fixed on the shelves 8 and 9 is corrected by rotating the C-shaped bracket 10 with respect to the column 11, or moving it up and down the column.

[0013] The additional pyramidal generators 4 and 6 installed above and below the patient lying on the couch 1, due to their antennas-radiators 5 and 7, expand the area of ​​positive influence of the main pyramidal generator 2, and the additional generator 4 in FIG. 1, whose pyramid is directed by its apex to the base of the pyramid of the second additional generator 6 in Fig. 1, creates a concentrated field in the pathology of the patient. The direction of the energy-information field is controlled by installing metal, mirror-polished screens on the bases of the pyramids 4 and 6. In this case, if it is necessary to correct the positive field above the antenna-emitter unit 7 of the pyramid 6, a screen is installed, thereby blocking the information flow from above and concentrating the information flow from below (from the ground). If it is necessary to correct the negative field, the screen is placed below the lower additional pyramid 4, which blocks the information flow from the ground and concentrates only the information flow entering the pyramid from above (from space, air, environment, etc.), which is conditionally considered positive. The power of the pyramid generators is controlled by selecting the angle of rotation of the pyramids relative to the sides of the light and rotating the antenna-emitter unit 3, 5 and 7 relative to the corresponding pyramids 2, 4 and 6. Control of the orientation and power of the energy information field provides correction of the biofield of the patient emitted from its pathological zone and , as a consequence, the cure of the disease.

[0014] Thus, the first group of patients: patient A., 43 years old, patient T., 48 years old, was admitted for treatment with a diagnosis: osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine with acute pain syndrome. The second group of patients: patient V., 38 years old, and patient Sh., 42 years old, was admitted for treatment with a diagnosis: chronic obstructive bronchitis of high severity, in the stage of exacerbation.

[0015] Patients A., T., V., and S. were subjected to additional diagnostic methods of acupuncture and biological scanning, which confirmed the initial diagnosis. Treatment of patients with A. and B. was performed by acupuncture for a corresponding acupuncture prescription within 2 hours in one session.

[0016] Patients T. and Sh. Were exposed to energy-information effects in the field of the harmonizing pyramid and the effect of the concentrated energy-information field of additional pyramids. The patient T.'s session consisted of a fifty-minute stay in the energy-information field of the main pyramid, within forty minutes of which he was subjected to concentrated unidirectional irradiation of the thoracic region of the spine. Patient S. stayed in the energy-information field of the main pyramid for 30 minutes, during 25 minutes of which he was subjected to concentrated unidirectional irradiation in the bronchial region.

[0017] The positive effect - the absence of objective symptoms and complaints of patients - was achieved: for patients A and B. - for 10 sessions; for patient T. - for 3 sessions; for patient Sh. - for 7 sessions.

[0018] As can be seen from the examples, the proposed method for treating diseases of various etiologies, which is based on a violation of the body's bioenergetics, makes it possible to achieve an increase in the effectiveness of the effect in comparison with traditional methods and thereby shorten the terms of procedures and treatment.

RU2149650      [ PDF ]

Applicant: MED NPF VIZ; AVI
FIELD: biology and public health, in particular, equipment, such as form generators adapted for changing functional state of biological objects. SUBSTANCE: apparatus has three regular metal carcass-type four-angled pyramids of similar geometry, whose apexes are disposed in single straight line. Pyramids are inserted one inside the other and rigidly interconnected through similar metal bearing rods so that spaces of equal size are defined between them. Pin fixed to apex of outer pyramid is extending perpendicular to pyramid bases. Block of equally spaced antennae is secured to pin. Antennae are arranged along circumferential line and provided with emitters. Bearing rods are positioned at an angle of 42 deg to pyramid bases. Ends of rods are fixed to respective apexes of pyramid squares. Length of pyramid members and bearing rods is selected such that ratio of distance between bases of smaller and outer pyramids and base side of outer pyramid is 0.16, and ratio of height of each pyramid and length of its base side is 1.618. Block of antennae has hub allowing block to be mounted for rotation on pin, and array of similar antennae made in the form of bundle composed of three vibrators, which are arranged so as to define carcass-type tetrahedron with three ribs extending from single apex. Ratio of base side length and diameter of circle that is circumscribed by bundle apexes, and ratio of this diameter and length of vibrator are 1.618. Such construction allows energoinformational flux of controlled intensity to be directed to biological object. EFFECT: increased efficiency and enhanced reliability in operation. 3 cl, 2 dwg

[0001] The invention relates to biology and health care, in particular to energy-informational effects on the functional state of a biological object by form generators.
[0002] The most common shape generators are regular pyramids, which have long been used for energy-informational effects on biological objects, for example, for mummification.
In particular, the well-known pyramid of Cheops and other numerous Egyptian pyramids have such properties (Krestyanka, N 9, 1989, p. 37). The value of the active positive zone formed around it is usually taken as an indicator of the energy-informational impact of a pyramid. The size of the core depends on several factors, the main of which are the parameters of the pyramid, the design and the material from which it is made. Of the parameters, the most important are the values and ratios of the main parameters of the pyramid - the sides of the base and the height. From a structural point of view, pyramids can be solid, hollow, wireframe, open, or closed. In this case, the size of the core is maximum for a solid pyramid and minimum for a closed one. From the point of view of materials for manufacturing, with all other characteristics being the same, the gold pyramid provides the maximum size of the active zone, the copper pyramid is approximately three times smaller, and even less is the pyramid of other materials (Science and Religion, N 4, 1997, p.44).
[0003]The desire to increase the power of the flow of energy-informational impact by increasing the dimensions of the pyramid comes into conflict with the costs of its manufacture and with the occupied areas, incommensurate with the size of the objects of influence.
[0004]To resolve these contradictions, the German inventor P. Schweitzer proposed (DE OS 3320518, A 61 N 1/16.
AT 06/07/83.
OT 13.12.84) to use the phenomenon of resonance, which occurs in a device containing several hollow nested and rigidly connected pyramids, the heights of which lie on one straight line. The Bulgarian inventor I. Milev (KB "Magnitotron") further developed this direction and developed a device for energy-informational action on a biological object, containing three geometrically similar regular metal quadrangular pyramids nested into each other and rigidly connected to each other with a gap by the same metal supporting rods , the heights of which lie on one straight line, and at the top of the outer pyramid a rod is fixed perpendicular to the planes of the base of the pyramids, on which a block of antennas with radiators equidistant around the circumference is placed (Bulgaria, N 7, 1988, p. 9-10). In this case, the planes of the bases of all pyramids are aligned, and the block of antennas with emitters contains three antennas equally spaced around the circumference, rigidly attached to the rod and directed to it at an acute angle upward.
The ratio of the height of the pyramid to the length of the side of the square lying at its base was chosen equal to 0.636, i.e. the corresponding proportions of the famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. This design significantly increases the power of the energy-information flow with relatively small dimensions (with a pyramid height from 0.1 to 0.15 m - the coverage area is from 10 to 30 m) and eliminates the effect of negative anomalies in the area around the pyramid.
[0005]However, the placement of the bases of all pyramids in the same plane and the use of the proportion of only the Cheops pyramid prevents the achievement of full resonance of the fields emitted by each pyramid.
In addition, such a device makes it possible to obtain an energy-information flow only of a constant (fixed) power for a given pyramid. Therefore, in order to obtain the energy-information flow of the given power, it is necessary to produce a pyramid with new parameters, respectively.
[0006]The objective of the present invention is to create a pyramid-based device for energy-informational impact on the functional state of a biological object of even higher power and with the ability to adjust the power of the information flow.
[0007]The problem is solved by the fact that in the known device for the energy-informational effect on a biological object (including three geometrically similar nested into each other and rigidly connected to each other with a gap by the same metal supporting rods regular frame metal quadrangular pyramids, the heights of which lie on one straight line, and at the top of the outer pyramid, an axis is reinforced perpendicular to the planes of the pyramid bases, on which a block of antennas with radiators equally spaced around the circumference is located) the bearing rods are located to the planes of the pyramid bases at an angle of 42o, their ends are attached to the corresponding tops of the squares lying in the bases of the outer and inner pyramids, the middle - to the corresponding vertices of the square lying at the base of the middle pyramid, and the lengths of the elements of the pyramids and load-bearing rods are chosen so that the ratio of the distance between the planes of the bases of the smaller and outer pyramids to the side of the base of the outer pyramids d is 0.16, the ratio of the height of each pyramid to the side of its base is 1.618, while the block of antennas with radiators contains a hub designed for rotational installation of it on the axis, and a number of identical antennas, each of which is made in the form of a beam of three vibrators, arranged as three edges of a skeleton tetrahedron emerging from one vertex, rigidly connected to the hub so that the beam axes are in the same plane of rotation parallel to the plane of the pyramid base.
[0008]In this case, the ratio of the side of the base of the outer pyramid to the diameter of the circle, which is described by the tops of the beams, and the ratio of this diameter to the length of the vibrator are equal to 1.618.
[0009]Optimally, the antenna unit with radiators contains eight beams of vibrators, which are oriented so that one of the straight lines passing through the ends of the vibrators of each beam is parallel to the plane of rotation of the unit of antennas with radiators, and the corresponding straight lines of any pair of adjacent beams are on opposite sides of the plane of rotation.
[0010]The claimed technical solution provides a significant increase in the power of the energy-information flow due to the use in the proportions of the pyramids and antennas of the coefficient 1.618 - the golden section coefficient, and allows you to change the power of the energy-information flow directly during operation with the same linear parameters of the pyramids.
[0011]The design of the control unit, which combines the emitter and the antenna, allows you to completely cover the space around the device and regulate the power of the energy-information flow by selecting the required angle of its rotation relative to the axis of the pyramid.
[0012]The drawings show a diagram of a device for energy-informational effects on biological objects, where Fig. 1 shows the device in a diagonal view on regular quadrangular pyramids; in fig. 2 is a top view of the device along the arrow "A".
[0013]As shown in FIG. 1, the device is a structure consisting of three frame pyramids: outer pyramid 1, middle pyramid 2, and inner pyramid 3.
The pyramids are geometrically similar, i.e. the ratios of any two corresponding linear parameters of the pyramids are constant for them.
In particular, the ratio of the height of the outer pyramid to the length of the side of its base is 1.618, and the corresponding ratios of the heights to the lengths of the sides of the bases of other geometrically similar pyramids have the same meaning.
Pyramids 1, 2 and 3 are nested into each other and rigidly connected to each other with a gap by identical metal bearing rods 4.
The frames of the pyramids 1, 2 and 3, as well as the supporting rods 4, are made of stainless steel with a diameter of 1.6 mm.
Pyramids 1, 2 and 3 are regular quadrangular pyramids, that is, they have squares at their bases.
The rods 4 with their ends are welded to the corresponding vertices of the squares lying at the bases of the lower 1 and inner 3 pyramids, and the corresponding vertices of the square lying at the base of the middle frame pyramid 2 are welded to the midpoints of the bearing rods 4.
The bearing rods 4 are the same in length and are inclined at the same angle to the planes of the pyramid bases, which determines the location of the heights of geometrically similar pyramids on one straight line.
The bases of the pyramids 1, 2 and 3, together with the supporting rods 4, form a truncated pyramid, in which the bearing rods 4 play the role of lateral ribs, the base of the outer pyramid 1 is the role of the larger base, the base of the middle pyramid 2 is the role of the middle section, and the base of the inner pyramid 3 - the role of the lesser foundation. Naturally, this truncated pyramid is also correct. The same angle of inclination of all rods 4 to the base plane, equal to 42o, provides this pyramid with a ratio of linear parameters equal to the corresponding parameters of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. The linear dimensions of the bearing rods 4 are chosen so that the ratio of the distance between the planes of the bases of the inner and outer pyramids (i.e., the height of the truncated pyramid) to the length of the side of the base of the outer pyramid 1 (i.e., to the length of the side of the larger base of the truncated pyramid) is equal to 0 ,sixteen.
[0014]At the top of the outer pyramid, an axis 5 is fixed, perpendicular to the planes of the base of the pyramids 1, 2 and 3, on which, with the help of the hub 6, the control unit 7 is rotationally fixed with eight equally spaced radiating antennas 8 (Fig.2)
Each antenna-emitter 8 is made in the form of a beam of three vibrators arranged as three edges of a frame tetrahedron emerging from one vertex (center of the beam). The top of the beam of vibrators is rigidly connected to the hub 6 put on the axis 5 so that the axes of the beams are in the same plane of rotation "B" (Fig. 1), parallel to the plane of the base of the pyramid. Depending on the selected diameter of the hub 6, the rigid connection of the center of the beam of vibrators can be either direct or indirect - through the bridges 9. In this case, the ratio of the side of the base of the outer pyramid to the diameter of the circle, which is described by the tops of the beams (shown in Fig. 2 by the dotted line), and the ratio of this diameter to the length of the vibrator are also equal to the golden section coefficient of 1.618.
[0015]Each of the eight vibrator beams is oriented so that one of the straight lines (for example, "B", Fig. 1 passing through the ends of two vibrators (for example, 10 and 11) of one beam is parallel to the plane of rotation of the antenna unit with emitters "B", and the corresponding straight lines of any pair of adjacent beams, for example, "C" and "D", are located on opposite sides of the plane of rotation "B".
The angle of rotation of the regulating unit 7 relative to the pyramids 1, 2 and 3 can be fixed with a locking screw (not shown in the drawing) of the hub 6.
[0016]The device works as follows.
After orienting its pyramids to the cardinal points (along the arrow N - S, as shown in Fig. 2), a power control unit of the energy-information flow 7 is installed on the axis 5. Turning the unit 7 in the horizontal plane "B" relative to the axis 5, adjust the power of the energy-information flow to the maximum value and fix the position of the adjustment unit 7 relative to the pyramids 1, 2 and 3 using a hub lock screw 6, not shown in the drawings.
[0017]The increase in the power of the device is achieved due to the ratio of the corresponding geometric dimensions, which make it possible to expand the possibilities of using the golden section pyramid in the construction.
[0018]The verification of the achieved technical result was carried out by a comparative method on a frame model of the Cheops pyramid made of the same material with a side length of the pyramid base of 200 mm and on the claimed device with the same base side length.
A quantitative assessment of the power of the energy-information flow in these experiments was carried out using a dowsing indicator according to the number of frame revolutions in the hands of the same bioenergetic, while maintaining the same external conditions.
The experiments have shown that the Cheops pyramid model generates an energy-information flow that causes 52 revolutions of the indicator frame in one direction. The energy-information flow generated by the claimed device causes 120 revolutions of the indicator frame in the same direction, that is, the power of the energy-information flow more than doubles. Rotation of the regulating unit 7 in the horizontal plane "B" relative to the axis 5 allows you to smoothly reduce the number of revolutions of the indicator frame to zero and thereby regulate the power of the information flow and, consequently, the degree and effectiveness of its impact on the biological object.

RU2149039      [ PDF ]

FIELD: medical engineering. SUBSTANCE: device has rectilinear carcass pyramid with a rod mounted on its apex and a set of circumferentially arranged antennas provided with emitting units. The antenna unit has a boss and four carcass tetrahedrons. Each tetrahedron has one of its apices attached to the boss. The tetrahedron heights corresponding to the apices belong to the same rotation plane running in parallel to the pyramid base plane. Pyramid base side is twice as small as the pyramid height. Radius of the circle drawn by the tetrahedrons apices is equal to the tetrahedron side length and four times as small as the pyramid height. The tetrahedrons are mounted in a way that one of the base sides of every tetrahedron is in parallel relation to the antenna unit rotation plane. EFFECT: enabled production of energy and information flow of given power.

[0001] The invention relates to the field of biology and health, namely, to the energy-information effect on the functional state of a biological object by form generators.

[0002] The most common form generators are regular pyramids, which have long been used for energy-information impact on bioobjects, for example for mummification. In particular, such properties are possessed by the famous Cheops pyramid and other numerous Egyptian pyramids (Magazine "Peasant Woman", No. 9, 1989, p. 37). As an indicator of the energy-information effect of the pyramid, the value of the active positive zone formed around it is usually taken. The size of the core depends on several factors, the main ones being the parameters of the pyramid, the structure and the material from which it is made. Of the parameters, the most important are the magnitudes and ratios of the main parameters of the pyramid-the sides of the base and the height. In terms of design, the pyramids can be made integral, hollow, framed, open or closed. In this case, the size of the core is maximal for a whole pyramid and is minimal for a closed pyramid. From the point of view of the materials for manufacturing, with the same characteristics, the pyramid of gold provides the maximum value of the core, the copper pyramid is approximately three times smaller, and even smaller - the pyramid from other materials. (Nauka i religiya, No. 4, 1997 , p. 44).

[0003] The desire to increase the power of the energy-information flow due to the increase in the dimensions of the pyramid is in conflict with the costs of its production and with occupied areas incommensurable with the size of the objects of impact. To solve these contradictions, the Bulgarian inventor I. Milev developed a device for energy-information impact on a biological object, including a regular frame quadrangular pyramid and a block of antennas with emitters reinforced at its apex (Nauka i religiya, No. 10, 1997, p. 55). In this case, the unit contains three equally spaced antennas, which are rigidly attached to the top of the pyramid by means of a vertical rod, and the antennas themselves are placed at an acute angle to the rod. This design significantly increases the power of the energy-information flow at relatively small dimensions (height from 0.1 to 0.15 m, and the range of action from 10 to 30 m) and eliminates the effect of negative anomalies in the zone around the pyramid. However, it makes it possible to obtain an energy-information flow only by a constant (fixed) power for a given pyramid. Therefore, in order to obtain an energy-information flow of a given power, it is necessary to produce, respectively, a new pyramid. It is an object of the present invention to provide, on the basis of a pyramid, a device for energoinformational action on a biological object with the possibility of regulating the amount of energy information flow.

[0004] The problem is solved by the fact that in a known device for energy-information impact on a biological object (including a regular frame quadrangular pyramid with a rod fixed at its apex perpendicular to the plane of the pyramid base and a block of equally spaced antennae with radiators), the antenna array with emitters comprises a hub intended for rotational installation of it on a rod, as on an axis, and a number of antennas in the form of identical frame tetrahedra, one of the vertices fixed on the hub ak that the heights of the tetrahedra corresponding to these vertices are in the same plane of rotation parallel to the plane of the base of the regular frame pyramid.

[0005] In this case, the side of the base of the pyramid is 2 times smaller than its height, and the radius of the circle, which is described by the tetrahedron vertices attached to the hub, is equal to the side of the tetrahedron and four times smaller than the side of the base of the frame pyramid.

[0006] In addition, the antenna array with emitters contains four frame tetrahedrons that are oriented so that one of the sides of the base of each tetrahedron is parallel to the plane of rotation of the antenna array with the radiators, and the corresponding sides of any pair of adjacent tetrahedra are on opposite sides of the plane of rotation.

[0007] The rotational installation of the antenna unit with the emitters to the top of the pyramid and the ability to fix the selected angle of rotation of the antenna unit with respect to it gives this unit a new function - the possibility of regulating the energy-information impact. Features of its design solutions allow to completely cover the space around the device.

[0008] In Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a device for energy-information effect on biological objects; in Fig. 2 - a view on the arrow "B".

[0009] The device for energy information impact on biological objects consists of a regular quadrangular pyramid 1 with a square base 2, a rod 3 rigidly fixed at the apex of the pyramid 1 perpendicular to its base 2, and a block 4 of antennas with radiators equidistant in circumference.

[0010] Pyramid 1 is a welded frame structure made of stainless steel bar 1.6 mm in diameter. At the same time, the heights of the pyramid H are twice as large as the side of the square lying in the base 2. The cylindrical rod 3 is welded to the top of the pyramid 1 and serves as a rotation axis for the antenna unit 4 with emitters regulating the energy information flow. The regulating unit 4 on the axis 3 is mounted rotationally by the hub (central hub) 5. The regulating unit 4 comprises four frame tetrahedrons 6 and 7, also made of stainless steel bar. In this case, the frame tetrahedrons 6 and 7 and their edges serve as antennas with emitters. The vertices of the tetrahedra 6 and 7 are fixed to the hub 5 by means of bridges 8 coaxial to the corresponding heights of the tetrahedra 6 and 7 and lying in the same "A" rotation plane of the regulating unit 4 parallel to the plane of the base 2 of the pyramid 1. The radius of the circumference that is described attached to the bridges 8 vertices of tetrahedra 6 and 7, is equal to the side of tetrahedra and is four times smaller than the side of base 2 of frame pyramid 1. With such fastening of tetrahedra 6 and 7, the planes of their bases turn out to be perpendicular to the plane of rotation "A". The framework tetrahedra 6 and 7 are oriented relative to the webs 8 so that one of the sides 9 or 10 of the base of each tetrahedron 6 or 7 is parallel to the rotation plane "A" of the control unit 4, and the respective sides (for example, 9 and 10, figure 2) any adjacent tetrahedra (for example, 6 and 7, figure 2) are on opposite sides of the "A" plane.

[0011] The angle of rotation of the block 4 relative to the pyramid 1 can be fixed due to the presence of a locking screw (not shown in the drawings) installed in the hub 5.

[0012] The device works as follows. Pyramid 1 is installed on the base 2 on a horizontal platform and oriented to the sides of the world. Then, the power information adjusting unit 4 is installed on the axis 3. Turning the block 4 in the horizontal plane "A" around the axis 3 adjusts the power of the energy information flow to the maximum value and fixes the position of the flow control unit 4 relative to the pyramid 1 by means of a locking screw through the hub 5 on the axis 3.

[0013] Verification of the achieved technical result is carried out by a comparative method on the well-known frame model of the Cheops pyramid from the same material with the length of the pyramid base 200 mm and on the declared device with the same side of the base of the device. Quantitative evaluation of the power of the energy-information flow in these experiments is carried out with the help of a biolocation indicator on the number of revolutions of the frame in the hands of the same bioenergetics while maintaining the same external conditions. The measurements showed that the Cheops pyramid without an adjustment block generates an energy-information flow, which causes 32 turns of the indicator frame in one direction. The energy-information flow generated by the claimed device causes 64 turns of the indicator frame in the same direction, that is, the power of the energy-information flow is doubled. An increase in the power of the energy-information flow is also evidenced by the fact that the speed of the frame has increased by about one and a half times. The displacement of the regulating unit 4 due to its rotation in the horizontal plane relative to the axis 3 allows smoothly reducing the number of revolutions of the indicator frame to zero and thereby regulating the power of the energy information flow and therefore the degree and efficiency of its effect on biological objects.

WO9526215      [ PDF ]

Classification: - international: A61N1/16; A61N1/00; (IPC1-7): A61N1/16;- European: A61N1/16
Cited documents:  WO9404221 //  EP0312452  // DE2503622  //  EP0460570
Abstract --- The invention relates to methods of stimulating the non-specific reactivity of an animal organism by the immunomodulating effect and can be used either as an independent or as an auxiliary treatment for acute or chronic diseases and as a preventive treatment to raise the resistance of the animal organism. The proposed method involves exposing the animal organism to energy by placing it in an energy field generated by one or more pyramids. The source of the energy is the background energy of the environment. When this method is used, the reactivity of the animal organism is raised and its resistance to infection significantly increased.

WO9511585      [ PDF ]

Classification: - international: A01C1/00; A01C1/00; (IPC1-7): A01C1/00;- European: A01C1/00
Also published as:  RU2090995 (C1)
Cited documents:   EP0312452 //  EP0302192 //  DE2503622
Abstract --- The proposed method of treatment of seed for planting involves allowing energy to act on the seed and is characterised by the fact that the effect is created by means of an energy field formed by placing one or more pyramids within the seed treatment zone. The energy is drawn from the natural background energy in the environment.

WO9512052     [ PDF ]

Classification: - international: E21B43/24; E21B43/16; (IPC1-7): E21B43/24;- European: E21B43/24
Cited documents:  US2700422 //  US2757738 //  US2906680 //  US2918126
Abstract --- The proposed process for improving the efficiency of crude oil extraction and processing involves lowering the viscosity of the oil. The process is assisted by the action of energy, brought about by placing one or more pyramids in the extraction or processing zone to create an energy field. The energy is drawn from the natural background energy in the environment.





Abstract --- FIELD: oil production industry. SUBSTANCE: this primarily relates to pump-forced oil recovery. According to method, intensified recovery of oil from wells is achieved by reducing viscosity of oil. This is reached by energy influence upon oil through positioning of one or several pyramids at distance not over 1000H from well head, where H is height of pyramids in meters. EFFECT: higher efficiency.