OTRAG Rocket
Earth : Love it, or leave it on the cheap
in an OTRAG Rocket.
( Not available in Palestine )
OTRAG (German: Orbital Transport und Raketen AG, or Orbital
Transport and Rockets, Inc.), was a German company based in
Stuttgart, which planned in the late 1970s and early 1980s to
develop an alternative propulsion system for rockets. OTRAG was
the first commercial developer and producer of space launch
vehicles. The OTRAG Rocket claimed to present an inexpensive
alternative to existing launch systems through mass-production of
Common Rocket Propulsion Units (CRPU).
OTRAG was founded in 1975 by the German aerospace engineer Lutz
Kayser. Its goal was to develop, produce, and operate a radically
different, low cost, satellite launch vehicle.
The OTRAG rocket was intended to be an inexpensive alternative to
the European rocket Ariane and the NASA space shuttle.[1] Kayser
and a private consortium of six hundred European investors
financed the development and production of the OTRAG satellite
launch vehicle. Dr.Ing Kurt H. Debus served as Chairman of the
Board of OTRAG after his retirement as director of NASA's Kennedy
Space Center,[2] and Dr. Wernher von Braun served as scientific
adviser to Kayser.
In the face of doubts by Debus and von Braun, Kayser chose in 1975
to set up testing and launch facilities in Shaba, Zaire (now
Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Debus
and von Braun were concerned about the possibility of Zairian
acquisition of missile technology from the facilities. Kayser
decided to proceed despite their opposition, and testing began at
the site in 1977.
Political pressure to halt the company's operations mounted
quickly. France and the Soviet Union were historically opposed to
German long-distance rocket development, and pressured the
Congolese government into closing down the development facility in
1979. Immediately afterwards, Presidents Giscard d'Estaing of
France and Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Union convinced the West
German government to cancel the OTRAG project and close down its
German operations. In 1980, OTRAG moved its production and testing
facilities to a desert site in Libya. A series of successful tests
were conducted at this site beginning in 1981.[3]
Rocket design
OTRAG was a design quite different from conventional multi-stage
rockets. The OTRAG design used parallel stages assembled from
parallel tanktubes with flat bulkheads. The rockets were designed
to carry loads up to two tons, the then usual weight of a
communications satellite, into a geostationary orbit. It was
planned to later increase the capacity to ten tons or more using
multiple identical modules.
The rocket was to consist of individual pipes, each 27 cm in
diameter and six meters long. Four of these pipes would be
installed one above the other resulting in a 24 meter long fuel
and oxidizer tank with a rocket engine at the lower end. The fuel
was intended to be kerosene with a 50/50 mixture of nitric acid
and dinitrogen tetroxide as an oxidiser. Ignition was provided by
a small quantity of furfuryl alcohol injected before the fuel,
which ignites hypergolically (immediately and energetically) upon
contact with the nitric acid. To simplify the design, pumps were
not used to move the fuel to the engines, instead the fuel tanks
were only 66% filled, with compressed air in the remaining space
to press propellants into the ablatively cooled combustion
chamber. Thrust control is by partially closing the
electromechanical propellant valves. Pitch and yaw control can
thus be achieved by differential throttling. In principle this is
extremely reliable and cheap in mass production.
The modular design was intended to result in a large cost
reduction due to economies of scale. The CRPU-based satellite
launching rocket was estimated to cost approximately one tenth of
conventional designs. Automated production processes for all
components would reduce labor cost from 80% to 20% and remove the
justification for reusability of spent stages.
Controversies and future outlook
Only a few political controversies are known concerning OTRAG
because of concerns of neighbors of Zaire and Libya about the dual
use potential of rockets. A full orbital launch vehicle was never
assembled. Modules were flight tested in Zaire and Libya. 6,000
static rocket engine tests and 16 single stage qualification tests
were made to prove the concept as feasible.
The German minister of foreign affairs at that time, Hans Dietrich
Genscher, is said to have finally stopped the project under
pressure from France and the Soviet Union, and West Germany joined
the co-financed "European rocket" Ariane project, which made the
OTRAG project unnecessary and eliminated political entanglements
of a still divided Germany in the early 1980s.
NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services announcement
stipulates a 50% US National ownership in vendor companies like
von Braun Debus Kayser Rocket Science LLC, DE (BDKRS). This would
force Kayser, a German citizen, to sell at least 50% of his shares
to Americans.
More recently, the company has been advising Interorbital Systems,
resulting in a similar modular rocket design for their Neptune
John Carmack, founder and lead engineer of Armadillo Aerospace has
stated in his monthly reports and in forum posts that he expects
his path to an orbital vehicle to include modular rockets similar
to OTRAG technology. Kayser, being the founding engineer of OTRAG,
visited Armadillo in May, 2006 and loaned Carmack some of their
original research hardware.
"I have been corresponding with Lutz [Kayser] for a few months
now, and I have learned quite a few things. I seriously considered
an OTRAG style massive-cluster-of-cheap-modules orbital design
back when we had 98% peroxide (assumed to be a biprop with
kerosene), and I have always considered it one of the viable
routes to significant reduction in orbital launch costs. After
really going over the trades and details with Lutz, I am quite
convinced that this is the lowest development cost route to
significant orbital capability. Eventually, reusable stages will
take over, but I actually think that we can make it all the way to
orbit on our current budget by following this path. The individual
modules are less complicated than our current vehicles, and I am
becoming more and more fond of high production methods over hand
crafter prototypes." -- June 2006 Armadillo Aerospace Update[5]
External links
very explanative article about the OTRAG history (de)
OTRAG Rocket
Bernd Leitenberger
[ PDF ]
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Lutz Kayser
Kayser, Lutz T (1939-) German engineer and low-cost rocket
pioneer. 1975-1987 developed Otrag concept - clustered large
numbers of low-cost storable liquid rocket modules to reduce costs
by 10x. Tested in Congo and Libya, but project killed by vested
Kayser started his first serious work as a 17-year old student,
founding the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt
an der Universitaet Stuttgart (Working Group for Rocket Technology
and Space Travel at the University of Stuttgart) in 1955. This was
the first student group at a German University to be active in
rocket propulsion and space flight research - at a time before the
first satellites were launched and the feasibility of stable
satellite orbits was still disputed in academic circles. Eugen
Saenger was the mentor of the group and arranged research grants
from the Baden-Wuertemberg Economic Ministry. Kayser received the
degree of Diplom-Ingenieur (equivalent to a Master of Science) in
Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Stuttgart.
Working at the request of the Baden-Wuerttemberg government,
Kayser selected the site of the Lampoldshausen Rocket Test Centre.
Together with Wolfgang Pilz, he laid out the design for the
facility. In the 21st Century it remained the largest such
institute in Europe.
Kayser's first major development was a bipropellant satellite
attitude control systems (later sold to North American Rocketdyne
and the US Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards AF
Base). He also collaborated with the Rocket Engine Division of the
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in connection with the Saturn-IB
clustered engine concept. Kayser developed the first ablative
combustion chamber for the H-1 engine, later tested in firings at
Huntsville. This was a first step towards his concept of parallel
clustering of low-cost ablative engines. Further work on the idea
was supported by von Braun and jointly financed by NASA and the
German Ministry of Scientific Research. Kayser founded
Technologieforschung GmbH (TF) as a commercial spin-off to handle
these and other contracts.
Kayser invented, developed, and tested the TIROC rocket engine
(Tangential Injection and Rotational Combustion). It was the
world's smallest thruster burning Monomethylhydrazine and Nitrogen
tetroxide. It delivered 1 newton thrust (0.2 lbf) with a minimum
burning time of 1 milliseconds and a demonstrated maximum burning
time of 1 million seconds (11 days). The valves had response times
of under 1 millisecond and were capable of more than 1 million
cycles at a 6 sigma confidence level. Kayser also developed one of
the first capillary action gas-liquid separation systems. This
guaranteed positive liquid flow from propellant tanks to the
rocket engines in zero-gravity. Future applications were high
performance satellite and space vehicle attitude control systems.
The first pan-European launch vehicle program was the European
Launcher Development Organization's Europa I of the 1960s. This
medium lift vehicle consisted of a British first stage (Blue
Streak), a French second stage (Veronique), and a German third
stage. After several attempts without a single successful launch,
the German Government asked Kayser to investigate. Explosions
always occurred shortly after cutoff of the French second stage
and before ignition of the German third stage. Kayser had just
finished assisting Professor Argyris of Stuttgart University in
developing the world's first finite element computation method for
solution of statics and dynamics of structures (ASKA).
Applying this dynamic simulation to the combined second-third
stage ELDO- launch vehicle before separation, and following
exhaustive evaluation of all telemetry data Kayser concluded:
...that the rough chamber pressure and thrust oscillations of the
second stage rocket engine during cut-off destroyed the intertank
bulkhead of the third stage. This in turn hypergolically ignited
the liquid propellants (N2O4/N2H4) and the third stage exploded
before its engine could even be started.
...the structural design of the stage was fundamentally flawed and
would be very expensive to modify.
As a consequence of this report and other performance and
political factors, the ELDO program was cancelled in 1972.
Thereafter Kayser's TF received German Government contracts to
study and analyse NASA's proposed Space Shuttle project. It soon
became clear to Kayser that during the first two years of
development too many conflicting US Government requirements were
incorporated into the design. He also found that industry desires
to sell their respective technologies forced incompatible features
together. Solid propellant boosters increased cost. Wings twice as
large as necessary for NASA made the delta-winged shuttle orbiter
less safe than a lifting body design. Based on Kayser's
recommendation the German Government stopped participation in that
program. It took NASA 25 years to reach the same conclusion - that
the Space Shuttle was inherently flawed and needed a successor as
soon as possible.
It was clear that governments had a hard time finding researchers
and engineers for impartial assessment of large, expensive and
long term space projects. Analysis of such large systems required
a very wide knowledge of all scientific fields with decades of
experience and an independent view. Kayser had these abilities and
as a result became a consultant to NASA, DARPA, USAF, and NRO in
formulating future US space programs.
In the early 1970's Willy Brandt's Ministry of Science and
Technology solicited a contract for demonstration of launch
vehicle technology an order of magnitude cheaper and more reliable
than existing launchers. Kayser's research company TF won the
contract and developed a radically new rocket technology, making
more than 20 inventions in the process.
Kayser's concept involved the parallel clustering of large numbers
of identical propellant tank and rocket engine modules. This
allowed the application of mass production techniques as used in
the automobile industry. This in turn resulted in cost reduction
by a factor of 10. This breakthrough and the static testing in of
prototype modules at Lampoldshausen stirred concern in the
competitive aerospace industry. The established space launch
companies were accustomed to making easy guaranteed profits
through high cost plus fixed fee government contracts.
In order to exploit this low-cost rocket technology on a
commercial basis Kayser founded OTRAG (Orbital Transport und
Raketen AG). It was the world's first commercial launcher
development, production and launch company.
Wernher von Braun and Kurt Debus, the leading managers of American
rocketry, were so enthusiastic about the project that they joined
the team after their retirement from NASA. Their contribution was
important and helped to introduce lessons learned from earlier
programs. Von Braun introduced the concept of parallel clustering
of tanks and engines with his Saturn I design and had shown the
way towards the low-cost breakthrough 20 years earlier. However,
both rocket pioneers were in doubt whether this technology should
be flight tested in developing countries because of the
possibility that it would be misused for weapons. Kayser
optimistically hoped he would be able to limit the technology to
commercial satellite launchings. Kayser was proven wrong and
suffered heavy losses as a result.
International controversy erupted when Kayser conducted suborbital
test flights from launch ranges in the Congo and Libya. 14
suborbital test flights proved the concept and led to a 100%
qualification of the technology and the verified the extremely low
production cost. However Soviet president Brezhnev and French
president Giscard d'Estaing applied heavy political pressure on
the German government to stop the project. After a total
investment of $ 150 million, OTRAG had to terminate production in
Germany. Production was relocated to the launch site in Libya.
This in turn led to Libyan military circles eyeing the facilities
as a means of obtaining military rocket technology. OTRAG's
production and launch range equipment were illegally confiscated,
as had happened to the foreign oil industry a decade earlier. All
attempts by Kayser to solve the problem were futile. Without
Kayser's know-how the Libyans were able to conduct only a few test
launches with the stolen equipment. After ten years of desultory
testing the Libyan program came to an end.
As of 2005, Kayser was actively searching for partners to fund an
OTRAG production facility in the United States and to apply his
unique low-cost technology to the requirements of the future
American space program. He founded von Braun Debus Kayser Rocket
Science LLC to transfer OTRAG's intellectual property and know-how
to the United States. Kayser, along with newer private
entrepreneurs such as Musk, Rutan, and Bezos, still dream of
achieving the goal of affordable space transport below $ 1,000 per
pound into orbit.
Birth Place: Stuttgart.
Born: 1939.03.31.
Liquid-fueled rocket
A liquid-fueled rocket has a storage tank for the fuel components
of a liquid fuel and the storage tank is able to communicate with
the combustion chambers of the rocket via normally closed valves.
The storage tank is enclosed and the fuel components only in part
fill the latter. A body of gas is confined in the storage tank and
has a pressure exceeding that in the combustion chambers. Thus,
when the valves are opened, the fuel components are caused to flow
from the storage tank to the combustion chambers by virtue of the
difference between the pressure of the gas and the pressure in the
combustion chambers.
The invention relates generally to liquid-fueled rockets. More
particularly, the invention relates to a method and an arrangement
for conveying the liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket from the
storage tanks of the rocket to the combustion chambers of the
The fuel components of a liquid-fueled rocket, that is, the
combustible component and the oxidizer constituting the liquid
fuel, must be forced into the power plant of the rocket by
suitable conveying means. In the known rockets of this type, this
is accomplished by pumping or by pressurizing the storage tanks
for the fuel components.
Various methods have been proposed and used for pressurizing the
fuel components in the storage tanks. In these methods, the fuel
components are subjected to the action of a pressure gas which
latter is, for example, produced by a separate gas generator or a
separate solid-gas generator.
The known methods have several disadvantages. The use of pumps is
expensive and structurally prohibitive and, in addition, decreases
the useful pay load of the rocket because of the weight of the
Where a pressure gas is used for conveying the fuel components
from the storage tanks to the combustion chambers, it is necessary
to provide separate containers for the fuel required to generate
the pressure gas and it is also necessary to provide a gas
generator. In addition, the methods using a pressure gas require
an active regulating circuit for regulating the quantity of
pressure gas to be introduced into the storage tanks.
In all of the known methods for conveying the fuel components via
pressurization, the requisite energy for conveying the fuel
components is supplied to the storage tanks from an external
source. These methods are expensive and require additional fuel
for generating the pressure gas as well as valves, conduits,
generators and additional fuel containers. Aside from the
structural and operational difficulties associated with the use of
these methods, their use causes an increase in the weight of the
rocket and, hence, a reduction in the useful pay load.
It is, accordingly, a general object of the invention to provide a
novel method and arrangement for conveying the liquid fuel of a
liquid-fueled rocket from the storage tanks of the rocket to the
power plant or combustion chambers of the latter.
Another object of the invention is to provide a method and
arrangement whereby the liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket may
be conveyed from the storage tanks of the rocket to the power
plant of the latter in simple manner.
A further object of the invention is to provide a method and
arrangement for conveying the liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled
rocket from the storage tanks of the rocket to the power plant of
the latter without significantly reducing the useful pay load of
the rocket.
An additional object of the invention is to provide a method for
conveying the liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket from the
storage tanks of the rocket to the power plant of the latter which
does not require complicated and expensive equipment.
A concomitant object of the invention is to provide an arrangement
for conveying the liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket from the
storage tanks of the rocket to the power plant of the latter which
is simple in its construction and inexpensive.
In accordance with the objects outlined above and others which
will become apparent hereafter, the invention provides a method of
conveying the fuel components of a liquid-fueled rocket from the
storage tanks to the combustion chambers of the rocket wherein
fuel components to be conveyed to a combustion space are confined
in an enclosed space so as to only partially fill the latter. A
quantity of gas sufficient to cause the pressure of the same to
exceed the pressure in the combustion space is also confined in
the enclosed space. A flow path is established between the
enclosed space and the combustion space and this causes the fuel
components to flow from the enclosed space to the combustion space
by virtue of the difference between the pressure of the gas and
the pressure in the combustion space. Also disclosed is a novel
arrangement for conveying the fuel components of a liquid-fueled
rocket from the storage tanks to the combustion chambers of the
Thus, according to the invention, the fuel components are forced
into the combustion chamber or chambers of the rocket by a gas
which is confined under pressure in the same storage tank or tanks
as the fuel components themselves. Suitable gases for this purpose
are, for example, nitrogen, helium, air or the like.
The initial pressure of the gas, that is, the pressure of the
confined gas before the fuel components have begun to flow into
the combustion chambers, is dependent upon the type of power plant
used for the rocket and may lie, for example, between about 5 and
100 bars. The initial pressure of the gas is favorably between
about 20 and 40 bars and, advantageously, is equal to
approximately 30 bars. However, the invention is not limited to
the values given above. As an example, the initial pressure of the
gas may be higher for a rocket which operates in the atmosphere
than for a rocket which operates in vacuum.
In a suitable arrangement for carrying out the method according to
the invention, at least one of the storage tanks of the rocket
includes at least one portion for accommodating the gas and which
is in communication with, or may be brought into communication
with, the portions of the storage tank which accommodate the fuel
Where the storage tanks of the rocket include more than one
portion for accommodating the gas, it is possible to interpose
suitable valves between these portions and the initial pressure of
the gas may be different in the various portions.
Advantageously, the initial volume of the gas, that is, the volume
of the confined gas before the fuel components have begun to flow
into the combustion chambers, amounts to approximately 20 to 50%
of the total volume of the storage tanks.
The portion or portions of the storage tanks accommodating the
combustible fuel component may be sealed with a membrane which
tears open when the rocket begins to operate or, in other words,
when the valves interposed between the storage tanks and the
combustion chambers are opened.
The invention not only makes it possible to eliminate special
pumps for conveying the fuel components but also makes it possible
to eliminate the additional storage tanks, as well as the
corresponding conduits and generators, which it would be necessary
to provide for the generation of a pressure gas when using those
methods wherein the fuel components are conveyed by such a gas and
where additional fuel for generation of the latter is required.
Furthermore, by utilizing the invention, there is no need to
provide special regulating circuits for regulating the quantity of
pressure gas introduced into the storage tanks so as to produce
the requisite pressure in the latter.
The novel features which are considered as characteristic for the
invention are set forth in particular in the appended claims. The
invention itself, however, both as to its construction and its
method of operation, together with additional objects and
advantages thereof, will be best understood from the following
description of specific embodiments when read in connection with
the accompanying drawings.
FIG. 1 is a section through a fuel storage tank of a rocket
schematically illustrating an arrangement according to the
invention; and
FIG. 2 is a view similar to FIG. 1 but illustrating another
arrangement according to the invention.
Referring to FIG. 1, a storage tank or container for the liquid
fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket is indicated generally at 10 and is
seen to be of so-called parallel construction. The storage tank 10
includes two portions 12 and 14 for accommodating the combustible
fuel component of the liquid fuel and the portions 12 and 14
extend parallel to the longitudinal axis of the storage tank 10.
In the illustrated embodiment, the portions 12 and 14 are located
diametrically opposite one another. However, instead of being
provided with two portions for accommodating the combustible fuel
component, the storage tank 10 may be provided with a plurality of
such portions, for example, four portions, or may be provided with
only one portion for the combustible fuel component. The portions
12 and 14 are only partially filled with the combustible fuel
component, for instance, to the level indicated at 15.
The storage tank 10 includes another portion 16, 18, the part 16
of which is filled with the oxidizing fuel component or the
oxidizer to the level indicated at 17, that is, the oxidizer only
partially fills the portion 16, 18. The part 18 of the portion
16,18 is filled with a body of gas. It will be seen that the
storage tank 10 defines an enclosed space in which the fuel
components and the gas are confined.
In the illustrated embodiment, the portions 12 and 14 are closed
at their upper ends with membranes 19 and 21, respectively, so
that the gas in the portion 16,18 does not communicate with the
combustible fuel component. However, it is also possible to
eliminate these membranes so that the gas in the portion 16,18 is
in direct communication with the combustible fuel component. The
only purpose of the membranes 19 and 21 is to keep the combustible
fuel component separated from the oxidizer during storage and when
the rocket is transported. The membranes 19 and 21 may be of a
thin synthetic resin foil or a synthetic resin sheet such as, for
example, polyester. Below the lower end of the storage tank 10
there are located the propulsion means for the rocket including
the combustion space or combustion chambers 20 and 22. Suitable
valves 24 are interposed between the combustion chambers 20 and 22
and the portions 12 and 14, as well as the portion 16,18, of the
storage tank 10. The valves 24 are normally closed, that is, the
valves 24 will usually be closed until the rocket is to be
operated, and when the valves 24 are opened a flow path is
established between the combustion chambers 20 and 22 and the
portions 12 and 14, as well as the portion 16,18, of the storage
tank 10.
It is pointed out here that the construction and arrangement of
the combustion chambers and the valves, as well as of the conduit
system for introducing the fuel components into the combustion
chambers, do not form part of the invention per se and, hence, are
only schematically illustrated.
In operation of the embodiment of FIG. 1, the portions 12 and 14
of the storage tank 10 are filled with a combustible fuel
component to the level 15 and the portion 16,18 is filled to the
level 17 with an oxidizer. The part 18 of the portion 16,18 is
then filled with a gas such as, for example, nitrogen, in a
quantity sufficient that the gas is at a superpressure. The
important consideration is that the pressure of the confined gas
exceeds the pressure in the combustion chambers 20 and 22. The gas
is thus in direct communication with the oxidizer and, if the
membranes 19 and 21 are not used, will also be in direct
communication with the combustible fuel component.
When the rocket is to be started or fired, the valves 24 are
opened as a result of which the pressure in the portions 12 and
14, which are closed by the membranes 19 and 21 in the embodiment
being discussed, decreases. This decrease in pressure, in
conjunction with the fact that the pressure of the gas in the
portion 16,18 exceeds that in the combustion chambers 20 and 22,
causes the membranes 19 and 21 to tear open. The combustible fuel
component and the oxidizer then flow into the combustion chambers
20 and 22 by virtue of the difference between the pressure of the
gas confined in the portion 16,18 and the pressure in the
combustion chambers 20 and 22.
As the fuel components flow out of the respective portions 12 and
14 and 16,18, the volume available to the confined gas increases
and, as a consequence, its pressure decreases. According to the
law governing the adiabatic expansion of gases, the initial
pressure of the gas, that is, the pressure of the confined gas at
the time that the fuel components begin to flow out of the storage
tank 10, and the final pressure of the gas, that is, the pressure
of the gas when the storage tank 10 has been substantially
emptied, are in a ratio which is equal to the ratio of the total
volume of the storage tank 10 to the initial volume of the
confined gas. It will be understood that the quantity and the
initial pressure of the confined gas are such as to permit the
fuel components to be substantially entirely emptied from the
storage tank 10.
The initial volume of the confined gas in the part 18 of the
portion 16,18 may, for example, amount to about 20 to 50% of the
total volume of the storage tank 10. The initial pressure of the
confined gas may, for instance, lie between 20 and 40 bars and
advantageously is equal to approximately 30 bars. However, the
initial pressure of the confined gas is dependent upon the type of
power plant with which the rocket is provided, that is, the
initial pressure of the gas depends upon the size and construction
of the power plant and upon the requirements imposed upon the
power plant. With these considerations in mind, it is pointed out
that the initial pressure of the confined gas may suitably be
between about 5 and 100 bars, although the values for the initial
pressure of the gas given here are not to be construed as limiting
the invention in any manner.
Referring now to FIG. 2, the storage tank or container for the
liquid fuel of a liquid-fueled rocket is here seen to include two
sections 30 and 32 arranged in tandem. The section 30 has a
portion 34 which is filled with a combustible fuel component to
the level indicated at 35 and another portion 36 which is filled
with a body of gas.
The section 32 has a portion 38 which is filled to the level
indicated at 39 with an oxidizer, and the section 32 also has a
portion 40 filled with a body of gas.
The propulsion means for the rocket is located below the section
32 and includes a combustion space or combustion chamber 48. The
section 30 is connected with the combustion chamber 48 via a
conduit 46. A valve 50 is provided in the conduit 46 as well as in
the conduit connecting the section 32 with the combustion chamber
48. The valves 50 are normally closed until the rocket is to be
started. It will be appreciated that the sections 30 and 32 define
an enclosed space in which the fuel components and the gas are
Again, the construction and arrangement of the combustion chamber,
thevalves and the conduit system for conveying the fuel components
from the storage tank to the combustion chamber do not form part
of the invention per se and are not, therefore, illustrated in
In operation of the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the sections 30
and 32 are respectively filled with a combustible fuel component
and an oxidizer to the respective levels 35 and 39, that is, the
fuel components only partially fill the sections 30 and 32. The
portions 36 and 40 of the sections 30 and 32, respectively, are
then filled with a gas the quantity of which is sufficient in each
instance to raise the pressure of the gas in each of the sections
30 and 32 to a value which exceeds the value of the pressure in
the combustion chamber 48.
When the rocket is to be started or fired, the valves 50 are
opened whereupon the fuel components are forced into the
combustion chamber 48 by virtue of the difference between the
pressure of the confined gas in the respective sections 30 and 32
and the pressure in the combustion chamber 48. The initial
pressure of the gas in the section 30 may be different from that
of the gas in the section 32 and, in the illustrated tandem
construction, the initial pressure of the gas in the section 30 is
advantageously lower than that of the gas in the section 32 in
order to provide compensation for the greater hydrostatic pressure
head of the fuel component in the section 30 as opposed to the
lower hydrostatic pressure head of the fuel component in the
section 32, i.e. in order to provide an equalization of pressure.
(The hydrostatic pressure head in the section 32 falls off to
substantially zero which, with regard to the section 30, is not
the case because of the presence of the conduit 46 which latter is
usually not completely emptied). It will be understood that the
quantity and initial pressure of the gas in the respective
sections 30 and 32 are such as to permit the fuel components to be
substantially completely emptied therefrom.
In many circumstances, the sections 30 and 32 may be connected by
a conduit 42 so as to permit an equalization of the pressures in
the sections 30 and 32 through the conduit 42. Advantageously, the
conduit 42 is provided with a valve 44.
If desired, the initial volume of the gas in the section 30 and
the initial volume of the gas in the section 32 may be so selected
that the ratio of the initial volume of the gas in the section 30
to the total volume of the section 30 equals the ratio of the
initial volume of the gas in the section 32 to the total volume of
the section 32.
By utilizing the invention, the total energy required for
conveying the fuel components to the combustion chamber or
chambers is already stored, in form of the compression of the gas,
before the rocket is started or fired and, therefore, this energy
need not be supplied to the storage tank or tanks from an external
source. This manner of conveying the fuel components, that is,
conveying the fuel components without introducing a gas or
supplying energy to the storage tanks from externally, is
structurally simpler and also cheaper than the conveying methods
used for rockets heretofore. Furthermore, the entire operation is
considerably more reliable when using the invention since there is
no need to provide active regulating elements such as, for
example, pressure reducing valves or gas generators. Such
reliability is, of course, of great importance in rockets.
A rocket engine has an internal combustion chamber provided with a
front wall. An outlet nozzle is provided in the front wall. At
least two injection conduits communicate with the chamber
rearwardly of the front wall in such a manner as to inject into
the chamber respective streams of reactive propellants in
direction tangentially of the chamber walls thus providing a short
heat conduction path from the nozzle throat to the injected but
yet unburned propellants rotating at high speed along the chamber
The present invention relates generally to a fuel-combusting
device, and more particularly to a rocket engine. The invention
also relates to a method of operating a rocket engine.
Rocket engines, and the operation thereof, are well known. The
present invention is particularly concerned with small rocket
engines wherein two or more liquid and/or gaseous fuel are
injected for producing a gas stream. Such rocket engines are
employed where small or very small amounts of thrust are needed,
for instance as control thrusters of satellites, rocket-propelled
aerospace vehicles and guided missiles. They are also used as the
basic components of gas generators producing working gases such as
are needed for the drive of turbines of auxiliary aggregates.
Rocket engines for these general purposes are of course already
known. However, they suffer from various disadvantages, relating
primarily to the problem of cooling the engines, providing proper
propellant mixture ratio in the engine and operating the engine
continuously. Particularly where small propellant quantities and
small or very small thrusts below 7 pounds are involved, no
properly operational rocket engines based on two or more component
propellant systems are known, because it has been impossible to
solve the cooling problem involved.
It is, accordingly, an object of the present invention to avoid
the aforementioned disadvantages.
More particularly it is an object of the present invention ro
provide a propellant-combusting device for rocket engines of low
thrust such as used for the control of satellites,
rocket-propelled aerospace vehicles and guided missiles, and also
of the type which is used for gas production in gas generators.
A more particular object of the present invention is to provide
such a device which provides for proper cooling, particularly in
the region of the outlet nozzle.
An additional object of the invention is to provide a method of
operating such a device.
In pursuance of the above objects, and others which will become
apparent hereafter, one feature of my invention resides, briefly
stated, in a propellant-combusting device which comprises wall
means surrounding and defining an internal combustion chamber
having a front wall portion. Outlet nozzle means is provided in
the front wall portion and communicates with the chamber.
Injecting means also communicates with the chamber and is
operative for injecting into the same streams of reactive
propellants in direction tangentially of the chamber, whereby the
injected propellants initially sweep over and cool the wall means
rearwardly of the front wall portion by taking off all heat
conducted from the nozzle through the front wall radially outward
simultaneously undergoing intimate mixture, prior to advancing
towards and into the outlet nozzle means.
Because the rotation of the fuel streams resulting from the
centrifugal forces acting upon them, and the resulting sweep of
the fuel streams over the walls of the combustion chamber
rearwardly of the front wall portion which is provided with the
outlet nozzle, serves to cool these walls the present invention
overcomes the cooling problem associated with the constructions
known from the prior art. The flow of the fuel through the
combustion chamber is radially inwardly from the outside towards
the centrally located outlet nozzle and the maximum heat density
is in the region of the throat of the outlet nozzle. According to
the present invention the total cross-sectional area of the front
wall portion in which the outlet nozzle is provided is a multiple
of the cross-sectional area of the smallest radius of the throat
of the outlet nozzle. In such a construction the heat transmitted
to the outlet nozzle by the escaping hot gases is initially
transmitted to the front wall portion surrounding the outlet
nozzle, then radially outwardly conducted in this front wall
portion, and then conducted rearwardly into the wall surrounding
the combustion chamber rearwardly of the front wall portion into
the region of the injecting means which injects the fuel
components into the combustion chamber. In the region of injecting
means the thus-conducted heat transmitted through the wall
bounding the internal combustion chamber to the fuel which has
been injected and which sweeps in a rotary motion over the inner
surface of the wall under the influence of centrifugal force. It
thus preheats the fuel which is desirable but is conducted away
from and unable to damage the nozzle throat.
The novel features which are considered as characteristic for the
invention are set forth in particular in the appended claims. The
invention itself, however, both as to its construction and its
method of operation, together with additional objects and
advantages thereof, will be best understood from the following
description of specific embodiments when read in connection with
the accompanying drawing.
FIG. 1 is a somewhat diagrammatic axial section through a
device according to the present invention in one embodiment;
FIG. 2a is a section taken on the line A--A of FIG. 1;
FIG. 2b is a section analogous to FIG. 2a of an embodiment
utilizing three injection means instead of two as in FIGS. 1 and
FIG. 3 is a section taken on the line B--B of FIG. 1;
FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 1 but showing a further
embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 4 but showing still
another embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 6 is a view similar to FIG. 5 showing yet an
additional embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 7 is a further axial sectional view through another
embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 8 is a view analogous to FIG. 7 but showing still an
additional embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 9 is another axial section through still a further
embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 10 is an axial section through a gas generator
embodying the invention;
FIG. 11 is a view similar to FIG. 9 showing still a further
embodiment of the invention; and
FIG. 12 is a view similar to FIG. 11 but showing yet
another embodiment of the invention.
Discussing firstly the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 1, 2a and
3, it will be understood that reference character E identifies the
engine in general which comprises an internal combustion chamber 1
bounded by a rear wall 2, a front wall 3 and a circumferential
wall 4. The front wall 3 is provided with an outlet nozzle 5 which
is illustrated diagrammatically and whose particular construction
may be in accordance with the teachings of the prior art well
known to those skilled in this field. However, the nozzle 5 is
located centrally of the front wall 3 and, in accordance with the
present invention, the smallest cross-sectional diameter 8 of the
nozzle 5 at the throat or neck thereof, is considerably smaller
than the cross-sectional area of the front wall 3. This could also
be stated, conversely, by saying that the cross-sectional area of
the front wall 3 is a multiple of the cross-sectional area of the
throat 8 of the nozzle 5.
The circumferential wall 4 is provided in the embodiment of FIGS.
1, 2a and 3 with two oppositely located inlet bores 6 and 7
constituting injecting means for two reactive propellants or
propellant components, and in accordance with the invention and as
clearly visible in FIG. 2a, bores 6 and 7 are so located that the
streams of fuel injected into the combustion chamber 1 are
injected tangentially to the periphery of the combustion chamber
1. They are thus forced to sweep over the inner surface of the
circumferential wall 4 bounding the combustion chamber 1 in a
rotary motion and to cool the wall 4, before they mix and react
with one another. The bores 6 and 7 are located in the embodiment
of FIGS. 1, 2a and 3 in a common plane normal to the axis of the
combustion chamber 1, that is the axis extending through the
nozzle 5. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 2b, which
corresponds to that of FIGS. 1, 2a and 3 in most particulars,
there are provided three inlet bores 6, 7 and 15 which each inject
a stream of a propellant component. It is evident from FIG. 2b
that the three bores 6, 7 and 15 may also be located in a common
transverse plane.
FIGS. 1 and 3 shown the manner in which heat is conducted away
from the nozzle 5 in operation of the engine E. The heat
transmitted to the nozzle 5 by the escaping hot gases is conducted
radially through the front wall portion 3 (see FIG. 3) and is then
conducted rearwardly into the circumferential wall 4 to the region
of the inlet bores 6 and 7 (and 15, in the case of FIG. 2b) where
it is transmitted to the injected propellants which sweeps over
the inner surface of the circumferential wall 4 prior to mixture.
Because of the nonlinear radial temperature curve in the wall
portion 3 which has a very large cross-sectional area by
comparison with the cross-sectional area of the throat 8 of the
nozzle 5, this manner of conducting heat away from the nozzle 5 is
the more advantageous the smaller the cross-sectional area of the
throat 8 of the nozzle 5 is, that is the smaller the thrust of the
engine or the smaller the flow of fuel therethrough. By contrast
to what is known from the art, the novel construction provides a
cooling effect which is not only achieved in a most simple manner
but which is extremely reliable and which is afforded in
particular for the throat 8 of the nozzle 5, that is that portion
of the engine which is subjected to the most heating and therefore
susceptible of the most damage by having the fuel come in contact
therewith, although in FIG. 5 the lines indicating the fuel flow
are not shown in actual contact with this inner surface 14a for
the sake of clarity.
Coming now to the embodiment shown in FIG. 6 it will be seen that
here the configuration of the combustion chamber 18 is the reverse
of that in FIG. 5, that is that the combustion chamber diverges
conically in direction towards the outlet nozzle, rather than away
therefrom. In this embodiment, also, there are provided a
plurality of inlet bores 6 for one fuel component and inlet bores
7 for the other fuel component, with one bore 6 and one bore 7
always being located in one common transverse plane 20 extending
transversely of the elongation of the chamber 18. Of course, the
inlet bores 6 and 7 need not all be located on one side, and the
construction could be modified so that on one plane 20 the inlet
bore 6 is located at the left-hand side and on the next plane 20
the inlet bore 6 is located at the right-hand side of the
illustration in FIG. 6. In any case, however, each of the inlet
bores 6 and 7 is controlled by a separate control valve 17 but
each inlet bore may be separately opened and closed, to thereby
vary the throughput of fuel and the thrust in simple and highly
effective manner by adding or taking away the output of individual
ones of the bores 6 and 7. This control arrangement is the one
which has been suggested in connection with the embodiment in FIG.
4, and can of course be employed in that embodiment.
In FIG. 7 I have illustrated a construction wherein the internal
combustion chamber 22 is of semicircular configuration. All other
features are the same as in the preceding embodiments, and like
reference numerals identify like components. The heat flow from
the nozzle is the same as identified in FIG. 3, and this is true
in all embodiments already described and those still to be
discussed. Also, the injection of the fuel fluids is always
tangential, both in the embodiments which have been discussed here
before and in those which are still to be described.
FIG. 8 shows a construction wherein the combustion chamber 24 is
of spherical configuration and wherein the front wall portion 3
can be considered to extend from the region of the inlet bore 6 to
the region of the inlet bore 7.
In the embodiment shown in FIG. 9 the combustion chamber 26a is
composed of a series of substantially barrel-shaped sections 26,
with the injection of fuel fluids taking place through the
conduits or inlet bores 6 and 7 on three different transverse
planes 28--each corresponding to one of the barrel-shaped sections
26 and bisecting the same at its greatest diameter. Each of the
inlet bores 6 and 7 can of course be separately controlled in the
same manner as discussed with respect to FIG. 6.
FIG. 10 shows a gas generator embodying the present invention. It
comprises an internal combustion chamber 1 provided with the inlet
bores 6 and 7 and corresponding to the embodiment illustrated in
FIG. 1. Reference numeral 32 identifies the outlet nozzle whose
downstream or outlet end communicates with a second internal
combustion chamber 30 which again is provided with inlet bores 11
and 13 for two fuel fluids, both of which are also injected
tangentially in the same manner as takes place in the chamber 1.
As mentioned within the discussion of the embodiment in FIG. 1,
the throat 8 of the outlet nozzle 32 is again so dimensioned that
its cross-sectional area is much smaller than the cross-sectional
area of the front wall portion 3 separating the chambers 1 and 30
from one another, with the flow of conducted heat being
illustrated by the arrows in FIG. 9, from which it will be seen
that the heat is here transmitted from the front wall portion 3
towards the inlet bores 6 and 7 as well as towards the inlet bores
11 and 13. The gases issuing through the nozzle 32 into the
chamber 30 encounter additional fuel injected through the inlet
bores 11 and 13 in a nonstoichiometric relationship, so that the
hot gases issuing through the nozzle 32 into the chamber 30 are
strongly cooled. In place of additional fuel, or in addition to
such additional fuel, it is also possible to inject other means
serving to cool the hot gases entering the chamber 30 from the
chamber 1. However, the injection should always take place in the
vicinity of the front wall portion 3 because this provides for
additional cooling.
Finally, the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 12 shows an engine
according to the present invention wherein the internal combustion
chamber 38 is of substantially lenticular configuration and
wherein the nozzle 40 is of the type known as a corner expansion
nozzle. The injection of the propellants through the inlet bores 6
and 7 is of course again tangentially to the circumference of the
chamber 38.
US3462956 // GB1196489
Improvements in or relating to Rocket Engines I, LUTZ TILO
KAYSER, a Citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, of Am
Bismarckturm 10, Germany, do hereby declare the invention, for
which I pray that a patent may be granted to me, and the method by
which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and
by the following statement: This invention relates to rocket
engines and provides a method of cooling rocket engine combustion
chambers for liquid or gaseous propellents and in which mixtures
of these two types of propellents may be used with the same
For rocket engines, several types of cooling methods and devices
have already been developed, but they can in no way be considered
as perfect. The following four main types of cooling systems are
1. The so-called regenerative cooling in which the propellent is
made, before injection, to absorb the heat transferred to a
cooling jacket completely enclosing the nozzle and the combustion
chamber. This process, however, is too complicated for small
rocket engines and represents an explosion hazard when applied to
temperature sensitive propellents.
2. In the case of so-called ablative cooling, the entire
combustion chamber and the nozzle are formed of a material which
is a poor heat conductor. Also a carbon or a preferably
fibrereinforced synthetic resin forming a viscous melt may be
used. The surface of such material assumes the combustion gas
temperature when the device is in operation, and the heat is
radiated back to the combustion chamber.
A combustion chamber constructed on this basis, however, involves
the risk of asymmetrical burning at the nozzle due to fluctuating
wear phenomena.
3. In so-called film and transpiration cooling, a cooling effect
of the parts of the wall to be protected is produced by
introduction of propellents through pores or fine holes along the
walls of the combustion chamber and the nozzle. Due to the
expulsion of unconsumed propellent in the boundary layers of the
flow, a reduction of performance occurs.
4. With the use of so-called radiation cooling, the combustion
chamber and nozzles must be manufactured from materials having a
high melting point, since they almost reach the combustion
temperature and radiate heat to the environment, the surrounding
parts of the apparatus also being heated.
The above-stated and also other disadvantages are the reasons why
improved cooling measures and systems for rocket engines are still
It is a particular problem that in a rocket engine the maximum
heat transferred from the combustion gases to the wall of the
combustion chamber occurs at the throat and a small range upstream
and downstream of the narrowest cross-section thereof.
It is an object of the present invention to avoid or reduce the
above-stated defects and disadvantages of various known cooling
systems for rocket engines.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a rocket engine in
which at least one of the propellent components, for example the
fuel or the oxidizer, is injected onto an outwardly facing
concavely curved surface of a toroidal cooling chamber formed
around the nozzle throat, and from there flows to the inside
surface of the combustion chamber wall to flow along said wall in
counterflow to the hot combustion gases, with a film cooling
Both the fuel and the oxidizer, or either one of them, may be fed
into the rocket engine through radially inwardly directed
injection apertures, or through nozzles.
Both propellents combined, or only one of them may be first
radially injected from outside on to the outwardly facing
concavely curved surface of the toroidal cooling chamber formed
around the nozzle throat. This achieves intensive cooling of this
part of the nozzle which is most intensely heated from inside.
Regenerative cooling, in the conventional meaning of passing the
coolant through a narrow gap between two walls, one of which is to
be cooled, is not used in the present case therefore.
The propellent then flows from the outside of the nozzle, with an
approximately radiall3 outward flow direction and is forced
against the concave inner wall of the combustion chamber also by
centrifugal force, in order to flow along this wall in counterflow
to the hot combustion gases, with a cooling film effect,
Combustion begins here, the combustion gases flowing to the centre
of the chamber and the nozzle and the unburned liquids continuing
to flow along the wall. A combustion chamber of a rocket engine,
provided with a cooling system according to the present invention,
can be constructed as a cone, as a cylinder or as a ring.
Experimental tests have shown that, with higher thrust rocket
engines, it is an advantage only to inject one component of the
propellents at the nozzle and to inject the other component into
the combustion chamber. The feeding of both propellents combined
at the nozzle throat of a system of comparatively large
dimensions, results in excessively long mixing paths and
consequently in premature reaction in the vicinity of the nozzle
throat, that is to say, it results in a reduced cooling action.
The other propellent component is then fed in counterflow to the
combustion gases of the combustion chamber tangentially to the
inside of the wall of the combustion chamber.
In another variation the propellents can be injected with a
tangential velocity component in addition to their radial velocity
components in order to further improve the mixing and combustion.
In order that the invention may readily be carried into practice,
embodiments thereof will now be described in detail, by way of
example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
Figure 1 is an axial longitudinal section through a single
chamber of a rocket engine fitted with a cooling system
according to the invention;
Figure 2 is an axial longitudinal section through a rocket
engine similar to Figure 1, several possibilities of feeding the
propellents being shown;
Figure 3 is a section through an annular rocket engine
which is obtained geometrically by rotation of the longitudinal
section according to Figure 1 through an eccentric axis of
Figure 1, the cooling arrangement being constructed similarly as
in Figure 1; and
Figure 4 is another embodiment of an annular rocket engine.
Figure 1 represents the embodiment of a rocket engine. The fuel is
fed, in this example, through a duct 1 and the oxidizer through a
duct 2, by way of respective annular propellent passages 3 and 4.
The two 1 propellents are injected along the sides of an annular
diaphragm 6, flowing in a radial direction into a cooling chamber
7, formed as a toroidal cavity around the throat 10 of a nozzle 8.
Due to the high injection speed and the resultant centrifugal
force, the liquid and/or gas flow is pressed powerfully against an
outwardly facing concavely curved surface of the toroidal chamber
7, as shown in broken lines in Figure 1.
Intensive regenerative cooling is achieved at this part of the
nozzle, which is most intensely heated at its throat 10.
The cooling action is not achieved by a cooling jacket separating
the propellents from each other, but the cooling action begins
only after the injection of the propellents, that is to say, at
combustion chamber pressure. Thus the action is not regenerative
cooling, in the conventional manner and the whole injection
velocity is available for cooling.
The mixed propellents now flow, under the effect of centrifugal
force, along the inside of the combustion chamber wall 9, in
counterflow to the combustion gases into the combustion chamber
12, with a cooling film effect.
They react there with each other and so form the combustion gases,
which flow out of the nozzle 11. As already mentioned, with
propellents having a very high reaction speed or with rocket
engines having higher thrust, it is an advantage to inject only
one of the two components, in the manner described and to feed the
other component tangentially to the inside of the combustion
chamber wall 9.
Figure 2 shows several alternatives of separate propellent
injection. To avoid ambiguity, it is here emphasized that several
manners of feeding propellents are illustrated with reference to
this drawing, only a specific combination being illustrated in
In detail the following possibilities of combination are achieved:
a) One propellent component, for example the fuel, is injected
radially from outside through a duct 13 onto the outwardly facing
concavely curved surface of the toroidal cooling chamber, and is
then diverted towards the inner wall of the combustion chamber, b)
One component, as described under (a) is injected through the duct
13, whilst the other component is fed through a duct 15,
tangentially to the inner surface of the combustion 120 chamber
wall on the lower side of the combustion chamber.
c) One component is injected through a duct 16, more or less
inclined onto the outwardly facing concavely curved surface of the
toroidal cooling chamber, whilst the other component is fed
through the duct 15 of the combustion chamber.
d) One component is fed through the duct 16 and the other
component is fed through the duct 14. According to the type of
application, the duct 14 can be displaced more towards the top of
the combustion chamber or more towards the underside thereof.
Due to the above-mentioned alternatives of place of the propellent
injection, the cooling arrangement according to the present
invention can be adapted to the thrust of the rocket engine and
the reaction speed of the propellents employed.
In Figure 4, the propellent or propellent components is or are
supplied through the ducts 17 and 18.