Tagbo NIEPA, et
Electrochemical Disinfection
A 'shocking' new way to treat
New Pitt research uses electrochemical approach to treat
infections of metal-based implants
Titanium has many properties that make it a great choice for use
in implants. Its low density, high stiffness, high biomechnanical
strength-to-weight ratio, and corrosion resistance have led to its
use in several types of implants, from dental to joints. However,
a persistent problem plagues metal-based implants: the surface is
also a perfect home for microbes to accumulate, causing chronic
infections and inflammation in the surrounding tissue.
Consequently, five to 10 percent of dental implants fail and must
be removed within 10-15 years to prevent infection in the blood
and other organs.
New research from the University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of
Engineering introduces a revolutionary treatment for these
infections. The group, led by Tagbo Niepa, PhD, is utilizing
electrochemical therapy (ECT) to enhance the ability of
antibiotics to eradicate the microbes.
"We live in a crisis with antibiotics: most of them are failing.
Because of the drug- resistance that most microbes develop,
antimicrobials stop working, especially with recurring
infections," says Dr. Niepa, author on the paper and assistant
professor of chemical and petroleum engineering at the Swanson
School, with secondary appointments in civil and environmental
engineering and bioengineering. "With this technique, the current
doesn't discriminate as it damages the microbe cell membrane. It's
more likely that antibiotics will be more effective if the cells
are simultaneously challenged by the permeabilizing effects of the
currents. This would allow even drug-resistant cells to become
susceptible to treatment and be eradicated."
The novel method passes a weak electrical current through the
metal-based implant, damaging the attached microbe's cell membrane
but not harming the surrounding healthy tissue. This damage
increases permeability, making the microbe more susceptible to
antibiotics. Since most antibiotics specifically work on cells
that are going to replicate, they do not work on dormant microbes,
which is how infections can recur. The ECT causes electrochemical
stress in all the cells to sensitize them, making them more
susceptible to antibiotics.
The researchers hope this technology will change how infections
are treated. Researchers focused their research on Candida
albicans (C. albicans), one of the most common and harmful fungal
infections associated with dental implants. But while dental
implants are one exciting application for this new technology,
Niepa says it has other potential applications, such as in wound
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b09977
Electrochemical Strategy for Eradicating
Fluconazole-Tolerant Candida albicans using Implantable
Eloise Eyo Parry-Nweye, et al.
A persistent problem in modern healthcare derives from the
overwhelming presence of antibiotic-resistant microbes on
biomaterials, more specifically, fungal growth on metal-based
implants. This study seeks to investigate the antifungal
properties of low-level electrochemical treatments delivered using
titanium electrodes against Candida albicans. We show that C.
albicans can be readily controlled with electrical
currents/potentials, reducing the number of viable planktonic
cells by 99.7% and biofilm cells by 96.0-99.99%. Additionally,
this study explores the ability of the electrochemical treatments
to potentiate fluconazole, a clinically used antifungal drug. We
have found that electrochemical treatment substantially enhances
fluconazole killing activity. While fluconazole alone exhibits a
low efficiency against the stationary phase and biofilms C.
albicans cells, complete eradication corresponding to 7-log
killing is achieved when the antifungal drug is provided
subsequently to the electrochemical treatment. Further mechanistic
analyses have revealed that the sequential treatment shows a
complex multi-modal action, including disruption of cell wall
integrity and permeability, impaired metabolic functions, and
enhanced susceptibility to fluconazole, while altering the biofilm
structure. Altogether, we have developed and optimized a new
therapeutic strategy to sensitize and facilitate the eradication
of fluconazole-tolerant microbes from implantable materials. This
work is expected to help advance the use of electrochemical
approaches in the treatment of infections caused by C. albicans in
both nosocomial and clinical cases.
System And Method For Controlling Bacterial
Cells With Weak Electric Currents
[ PDF ]
A system and method for treating bacterial cells with an
electrochemical process, alone or in combination with antibiotics.
Weak electric currents are used to effectively eliminate bacterial
cells. The method may be adapted for novel therapies of chronic
infections and strategies to control persistent biofouling. The
system has broad spectrum applications in treating chronic and
drug resistant infections, such as those caused by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, and may also be used for decontamination of
medical devices.
[0002] 1. Field of the Invention
[0003] The present invention relates to electrochemical control of
bacterial cells and, more particularly, the effect of weak
electric currents on bacterial cells.
[0004] 2. Description of the Related Art
[0005] Previous studies of persister cells have led to important
discoveries that are shifting the paradigm of research in
microbiology and antimicrobial therapy. It is now well recognized
that subpopulations of bacterial cells in a culture can enter a
dormant (non-growing) state that are extremely tolerant to a
variety of unrelated stresses such as antibiotics and heat. Such
heterogeneity has been reported to exist in even well mixed shake
flask cultures at exponential phase. This phenotypic variation can
lead to three subpopulations in a given culture including the
normal cells, type I persister cells from the stationary inoculums
and type II persister cells that are generated during growth.
Persister cells are not mutants with drug resistant genes, but
rather phenotypic variants of the wild-type strain. Persister
cells neither die nor grow in the presence of an antibiotic, and
when reinoculated, they grow into a normal culture with a similar
percentage of cells as persisters, leading to high antibiotic
[0006] Although persister cells normally only make up a small
portion of the population, they play a critical role in antibiotic
tolerance. Most antibiotics inhibit bacteria by targeting growth
related cellular activities, e.g., protein, DNA, and cell wall
syntheses. They can eliminate the majority of bacterial population
by killing the normal cells. For persister cells, however,
antibiotics can only repress but not eliminate this subpopulation
because persister cells are non-growing dormant cells. Thus, the
seeming disadvantage of being dormant in normal environment
becomes an advantage for persister cells when being challenged by
antibiotics. When the treatment is stopped, some persister cells
revert back to normal cells and reestablish the population. Such
tolerance leads to reoccurrence of infections and facilitate the
development and spread of multidrug resistance through true
[0007] Recent research has demonstrated that persister cell
formation increases significantly in stationary-phase cultures and
the surface-attached highly hydrated structures known as biofilms.
Formed in a dynamic process, mature biofilms typically have
mushroom-like structures with cells embedded in a polysaccharide
matrix secreted by the bound bacterial cells. Biofilm cells are up
to 1000 times more tolerant to antibiotics and disinfectants
compared to their planktonic counterparts. Thus, deleterious
biofilms cause serious problems such as chronic infections in
humans as well as persistent corrosion and equipment failure in
industry. Although not completely understood at the molecular
level, the biofilm-associated tolerance is due to several factors
acting in concert. Bacterial cells in biofilm produce a
polysaccharide matrix, which creates a physical barrier that
retards or blocks the toxic compounds from reaching the cells.
However, protection by the polysaccharide matrix can only
partially explain the tolerance because at least some antibiotics
can readily penetrate the matrix yet still can not eliminate
biofilm cells. Biofilm mode of growth is also associated with
changes in bacterial membrane structure and reduction in cell
growth rate. The changes in membrane structure could reduce the
permeability to toxic compounds, while the reduction in growth
rate can lead to higher tolerance to growth-dependent killing by
antibiotics. Increasing evidence suggests that the slow growth,
especially that associated with persister cells, is the most
challenging mechanism for treating chronic infections.
[0008] The rapid development and spread of multidrug resistant
infections present an increasing challenge to public health and
disease therapy. As an intrinsic mechanism of drug resistance,
biofilm formation renders bacteria up to 1000 times less
susceptible to antibiotics than their planktonic (free-swimming)
counterparts of the same genotype. Such intrinsic resistance also
facilitates the development of resistance through acquired
mechanisms that are based on genetic mutations or drug resistance
genes. Consistently, excessive antibiotic treatment of biofilm
infections at sublethal concentrations has been shown to generate
antibiotic-tolerant strains. It is estimated that biofilms are
responsible for at least 65% of human bacterial infections. For
example, it is estimated that in the United States 25% of urinary
catheters become infected with a biofilm within one week of a
hospital stay, with a cumulative 5% chance each subsequent day.
Biofilms are also detected on implanted devices and are a major
cause of explanation. Orthopedic implants showed a 4.3% infection
rate, or approximately 112,000 infections per year in the U.S.
This rate increases to 7.4% for cardiovascular implants, and
anywhere from 5%-11% for dental implants.
[0009] In the biofilm state, bacteria undergo significant changes
in gene expression leading to phenotypic changes that serve to
enhance their ability to survive challenging environments.
Although not completely understood, the tolerance to antibiotic
treatments is thought to arise from a combination of limited
antibiotic diffusion through the extracellular polymeric
substances (EPS), decreased growth rate of biofilm cells, and
increased expression of antibiotic resistance genes in biofilm
cells (10). Treatments that are capable of removing biofilms from
a surface are by necessity harsh and often unsuitable for use due
to medical or environmental concerns. It is evident that
alternative methods of treating bacterial infections, and most
notably biofilms, are required.
[0010] Electric currents/voltages are known to affect cells.
However, most of the studies have been focused on high voltages
and current levels such as eletctroporation, electrophoresis,
iontophoresis, and electrofusion except for a few studies about
biofilm control using weak electric currents. In 1994, Costerton
and colleagues reported an interesting synergistic effect between
low level direct currents (DCs) and tobramycin in killing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm cells grown in a continuous-flow
chamber. This synergistic phenomenon was termed the “bioelectric
effect.” In addition to P. aeruginosa, bioelectric effects have
also been reported for Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, P. fluorescens, as well as mixed species
biofilms. Although the impact of electric currents on bacterial
susceptibility to antibiotics and biocides is well accepted, there
is little understanding about the mechanism of bioelectric effect.
[0011] An electric current at an electrode surface can trigger ion
flux in the solution as well as electrochemical reactions of the
electrode materials and redox species with electrolyte and
generate many different chemical species, e.g. metal ions,
H<+> and OH<−>. Although pH change has been shown to
cause contraction of the biofilm formed on the cathodic electrode,
change of medium pH to which prevails during electrolysis did not
enhance the activity of antibiotics. Consistent with this
observation, buffering the pH of the medium during electrolysis
fails to eliminate bioelectric effect. Another finding suggesting
the existence of other factors is that the bioelectric effect has
been observed for biofilms formed in the middle of an electric
field, but not in contact with either the working electrode or
counter electrode. Since the electrochemically-generated ions
accumulate around the electrodes, the biofilms in the middle of an
electric field are not experiencing significant changes in pH or
other products of electrochemical reactions. This is also
evidenced by the report that radio frequency alternating electric
current can enhance antibiotic efficacy. Since no
electrochemically generated molecules or ions will likely
accumulate with alternating currents, other factors may play a
critical role.
[0012] The bioelectric effect was also observed when the growth
medium only contained glucose and two phosphate compounds. This
observation eliminates the electrochemical reaction of salts as an
indispensable factor of bioelectric effect. Previous studies have
also ruled out the impact of temperature change during
electrolysis (less than 0.2° C.). Although these studies provided
useful information about bioelectric effect, its mechanism is
still unknown. The exact factors causing bioelectric effect and
their roles in this phenomenon remain elusive. Compared to
biofilms, even less is known about the effects of weak electric
currents on planktonic cells.
[0013] It is important to note that many aspects of cellular
functions are electrochemical in nature. That is, the redox state
of cells is related to membrane status, oxidative status, energy
generation and utilization and other factors. Therefore, it is
possible that redox state of cells may be affected by
electrochemical currents (henceforth ECs). To better understand
the effects of ECs on planktonic and biofilm cells, we conducted a
systematic study of the effects of weak ECs on the planktonic and
biofilm cells of the model Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus
subtilis. Gram-positive bacteria are responsible for 50% of
infections in the United States, and 60% of nosocomial infections.
With the emergence and wide spread of multidrug resistant
bacteria, effective methods to eliminate both planktonic bacteria
and those embedded in surface-attached biofilms are badly needed.
[0014] The present invention provides a system and method for
treating persister cells with an electrochemical process, alone or
in combination with antibiotics. The present invention also
includes an electrochemical cell for treating persister cells.
Weak electric currents are used to effectively eliminate persister
cells and the efficacy can be further improved through synergistic
effects with antibiotics. The present invention demonstrates
unprecedented efficacy in controlling persister cells and the
present invention may be adapted for novel therapies of chronic
infections and strategies to control persistent biofouling. The
present invention has a broad spectrum applications in treating
chronic and drug resistant infections, such as those caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and MRSA
(Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus). The present
invention may also be used for decontamination of medical devices.
[0015] According to a first aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying a weak electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter. According to a preferred embodiment, the current is a
direct current of approximately 75 microampheres per square
[0016] According to a second aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying an electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter, and where the medium is an electrically-conductive
saline solution such as 0.85% NaCl.
[0017] According to a third aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying an electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter, and wherein the medium also contains an effective
amount of an antimicrobial compound such as an antibiotic. The
concentration of the antibiotics can be significantly lower than
what it is required to work in the absence of a current.
[0018] According to a fourth aspect of the present invention is a
method for treating an item comprising a biofilm, the method
comprising the steps of: (i) placing the item at least partially
in a medium; and (ii) applying an electrical current of between 1
and 500 microamperes per square centimeter to the medium.
[0019] According to a fifth aspect of the present invention is a
system for killing persister cells, the system comprising: (i) a
treatment cell with a treatment area for receiving an item and
which contains a reference electrode, a working electrode, a
counter electrode; (ii) a medium (liquid or cream) that at least
partially fills the treatment area and is in communication with
the reference electrode, the working electrode, and the counter
electrode. The treatment cell applies an electrical current
between 1 and 500 microamperes per square centimeter to the medium
in order to kill the persister cells.
[0020] According to a sixth aspect of the present invention is a
system for killing persister cells, the system comprising: (i) a
treatment cell with a treatment area for receiving an item and
which contains a reference electrode, a working electrode, a
counter electrode; (ii) a medium that at least partially fills the
treatment area and is in connection with the reference electrode,
the working electrode, and the counter electrode; and (ii) an
effective amount of an antimicrobial compound such as an
antibiotic. The concentration of the antibiotics can be
significantly lower than what it is required to work in the
absence of a current. The treatment cell applies an electrical
current between 1 and 500 microamperes per square centimeter to
the medium in order to kill the persister cells.
[0021] In another embodiment of the present invention, Bacillus
subtilis was used as the model Gram-positive species to
systematically investigate the effects of electrochemically-based
currents on bacteria including the morphology, viability, and gene
expression of planktonic cells, and viability of biofilm cells.
The data suggest that the weak electrochemical currents can
effectively eliminate Bacillus subtilis both as planktonic cells
and in biofilms attached to surfaces in a dose-dependent manner.
DNA microarray results indicated that the genes associated with
oxidative stress response, nutrient starvation, membrane
functions, and sporulation were induced by electrochemical
currents. These findings suggest that ions and oxidative species
generated by electrochemical reactions might be responsible for
the cidal effects of these currents.
[0022] The present invention will be more fully understood and
appreciated by reading the following Detailed Description in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
[0023] FIG. 1 is a schematic of biofilm formation;
[0024] FIG. 2 is a schematic of an electrochemical cell according
to the present invention;
[0025] FIG. 3A is a graph illustrating the effects of electric
currents and antibiotics on the persister cells of E. coli HM22,
where the graph depicts the results of treatment with 75
μA/cm<2 >DC alone in 0.85% NaCl buffer using 304L stainless
steel as working and counter electrodes, and current was generated
using graphite working and counter electrodes in 0.85% NaCl
[0026] FIG. 3B is a graph illustrating the effects of electric
currents and antibiotics on the persister cells of E. coli HM22,
where the graph depicts treatment with antibiotic only, 75
μA/cm<2 >DC only, or co-treatment with current and
antibiotic, and the current was generated using graphite working
and counter electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
[0027] FIG. 4 is a graph showing the effects of current and Tob on
E. coli biofilm cells when treated the biofilm as an anodic
electrode. Bars indicate the numbers of viable persister cells of
E. coli HM22. Biofilms were grown on stainless 304L steel
electrodes and treated with 75 μA/cm<2 >DC and/or 20 μg/mL
Tob for 60 min.
[0028] FIG. 5 is a graph of E. coli HM22 persister cell survival
following treatment with 15 μA/cm<2 >direct current alone,
H2O2 alone, or both;
[0029]FIG. 6 is schematic of a flow cell system for studying
bioelectric effect;
[0030] FIG. 7 is an image of the removal of detached E. coli
biofilm cells by flow;
[0031] FIG. 8 is a schematic of the overall operation of the
present invention;
[0032] FIG. 9A is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli
HM22 persister cells compared to normal cells;
[0033] FIG. 9B is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli
HM22 normal cells following treatment of with 15-45 μA/cm<2
>direct current using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
[0034] FIG. 9C is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli
HM22 persister cells following treatment of with 15-45 μA/cm<2
>direct current using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
[0035] FIG. 10 is a graph of the effects of tobramycin alone,
electric current alone, or both on P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells at
exponential phase;
[0036] FIG. 11 is a graph of the effects of ciprofloxacin on P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells;
[0037] FIG. 12 is a graph of the effects of tobramycin alone,
electric current alone, or both on P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister
[0038] FIG. 13 is a graph of the effects of pretreated buffer on
persister cells of P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells where the 0.85% NaCl
buffer was treated with the same level and duration of electric
currentas used in current-treatment experiments, and where the
cells were incubated in the pretreated buffers to evaluate the
effects of released ions in the absence of a current;
[0039] FIG. 14 is a graph showing the comparison of killing
effects on P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells using 304 stainless
steel electrodes and carbon electrodes;
[0040] FIG. 15 is a graph of the effect of electric currents on P.
aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells in the presence of 0.85% NaCl
buffer pretreated with 75 μA/cm<2 >current using 304
stainless steel electrodes.
[0041] FIG. 16 is a schematic of the electrochemical cell used in
this study. The reference electrode is Ag/AgCl wire inserted in a
thin glass tube to prevent contact with the working or counter
electrode. Biofilms grown on flat steel or carbon electrodes can
be clipped onto the side; the liquid level is about 1 cm below the
top of the cuvette when full (3 mL).
[0042] FIG. 17 is an image of the contact mode AFM images of cells
treated with 500 μA total DC current (83 μA/cm<2>).
Deflection mode images of planktonic B. subtilis 168 incubated
with pre-treated LB medium at 25 μm (A), 5 μm (B) field size; or
treated with 25 μA/cm<2 >applied total current at 25 μm (C),
5 μm (D) field size. Scan line errors are from movement of
material on the slide by the cantilever.
[0043] FIG. 18 is a series of images showing the effects of DC and
pre-treated medium on planktonic cells of B. subtilis 168.
Planktonic cells were sub-cultured to an OD600 of 0.8, and 3 mL
sub-culture was treated for 15 min at 37° C. with no current,
pre-treated medium, or applied current. CFUs were counted to
determined cell viability after each treatment.
[0044] FIG. 19 is a graph of the effects of DC and pre-treated
medium on biofilms of B. subtilis 168. Biofilms grown for 2 days
on 304L stainless steel electrodes at 37° C. were treated with
pre-treated LB medium or total applied current for 15 min as
indicated. Cell density of the biofilms was calculated from the
CFU data.
[0045] FIG. 20 is a graph of the effects of ampicillin on biofilms
of B. subtilis 168. Biofilms were treated with varying
concentrations of ampicillin and 500 μA total DC current (83
μA/cm<2>) concurrently for 15 min at 37° C.
[0046] FIG. 21 is a graph of the effects of electrode material and
medium composition on the biofilm cells under DC treatment.
Biofilms were grown on graphite electrodes and treated with 500 μA
DC current with and without 50 μg/mL ampicillin for 15 min at 37°
C. as indicated. Modified M56 buffer without chlorine was also
tested as the electrolyte solution instead of NaCl buffer or LB
[0047] Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference
numerals refer to like parts throughout, the present invention
provide a system and method for the elimination of persister cells
by electric currents and synergy with antibiotics.
Example I
[0048] The present invention was tested using an electrochemical
cell seen in FIG. 2 and with the use of E. coli HM22 constructed
by the pioneer work of Moyed and Bertrand because it produces 1000
times more persister cells in exponential-phase cultures than the
wild-type E. coli strains and has been used in most studies of
persister cells. To evaluate the effects of electric currents, the
persister cells were first isolated as described previously.
Briefly, the exponential culture of HM22 at optical density at 600
nm (OD600) of 0.3 in LB medium was treated with 100 μg/mL
ampicillin for 3 h to kill and lyse the normal cells. The
persister cells were then collected by centrifugation at 8000 rpm
at 4° C. for 10 min and resuspended in 0.85% NaCl buffer. The
persister cells were then treated in a customized electrochemical
cell, shown in FIG. 2. Electrodes with a dimension of 1 cm×5.6 cm
were cut from a flat 304L stainless steel sheet (MSC; Melville,
N.Y.) or graphite sheet (McMaster—CARR, Santa Fe Springs, Calif.).
The same material was used for both the counter electrode and
working electrode, which were placed into a 4.5 mL standard-style
polystyrene cuvette (Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.). A 0.48 mm
diameter silver wire (A-M Systems; Sequim, Wash.) was placed in
bleach for 30 min to produce an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The
bottom 1″ of a borosilicate glass Pasteur pipette (Fisher) was cut
and the reference wire was placed inside to prevent contact with
the working or counter electrode. An AFCBP1
potentiostat/galvanostat (Pine Instrument Company, Grove City,
Pa.) was connected via alligator clamps to the electrodes and used
to control the current. The volume of medium in the
fully-constructed electrochemical cell was 3 mL (see FIG. 2).
[0049] Significant killing of persister cells was observed both
with stainless steel and graphite electrodes. For example,
treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >(voltage around 1V) for 50 min in
0.85% NaCl buffer caused complete killing of persister cells (a 6
log reduction in viability, FIG. 3A) by counting colony forming
units (CFUs) before and after treatment. The killing was not
simply caused by the products of electrochemical reactions since
incubation with the pre-treatment buffer (0.85% NaCl buffer
treated with the same level and duration of current) did not cause
any apparent killing (data not shown). Interestingly, the electric
current was more effective in killing persister cells than normal
cells. As shown in FIG. 3A, the same treatment of normal cells
only caused a 3 log reduction in the number of viable cells.
Effective killing of persister cells was also observed using
graphite electrodes. As shown in FIG. 3B, treatment with the same
current level (75 μA/cm<2>) for 60 min caused a 3 log
reduction of viable persister cells, whereas pre-treated medium
only reduced the viable cells by less than 1 log. Furthermore, the
efficacy of persister control can be improved through synergistic
effects with antibiotics. The graphite electrode was used for this
experiment since it does not cause complete killing, allowing the
synergistic effects to be observed. As shown in FIG. 3B,
application of 75 μA/cm<2 >current or 20 μg/mL cinoxacin
(Cin) alone caused a 3 log or no apparent reduction in the number
of viable persister cells, respectively. When these two treatments
were applied together, however, nearly complete killing (more than
5 log reduction) was observed. Such synergistic effects have not
been reported for persister cells. It is also worth noticing that
the synergy is not only limited to Cin since tobramycin (Tob) also
exhibited synergistic effect with electric current (see FIG. 3B).
[0050] To determine if electric currents are also effective in
killing persister cells in biofilms, E. coli HM22 biofilms were
cultured on 304L stainless steel coupons. The biofilm-coated
coupons were then used as anodic or cathodic electrode, and
treated with direct current alone or with tobramycin together.
Immediately after treatment, the cells were removed from the
biofilm-coated coupons by sonication and vertexing. A portion of
the cells was directly plated on LB+DPA plates to quantify the
total number of viable cells by counting CFU, the other part of
the sample was treated with 100 μg/mL ampicillin for another 3 h
and plated on LB+DPA plates to quantify the number of the viable
persister cells. This approach allowed us to study the killing
effects on normal and persister cells separately.
[0051] As shown in these FIG. 4, when treating biofilm persisters
with tobramycin alone (20 μg/mL or 150 μg/mL), there was no
significant reduction in total number of viable cells and number
of viable persister cells compared to the untreated control
sample. These results are consistent with the knowledge that
biofilms have significantly enhanced tolerance to antibiotics
compared to planktonic cells. However, treatments with 75
μA/cm<2 >alone for 60 min reduced the number of viable
persister cells by 3.5 logs. After treating biofilms with currents
and tobramycin together for 60 min, the number of viable persister
cells was reduced by 5.4 log (nearly complete killing, FIG. 4).
Thus, synergy between electric currents and antibiotics also exist
for killing persister cells in biofilms.
[0052] With the capability to quantify the expression level of
each gene at the genome-wide scale, DNA microarrays have been
extensively used to monitor global gene expression profiles in
response to different stimuli including persister formation and
biofilm formation. However, currently there are no reported data
about the effects of weak electric currents on bacterial gene
expression at the genome-wide scale. To identify the effects of
electric currents on cell physiology of persister cells and normal
cells at the genetic level, the present invention utilized two
experiments that revealed clues about the effects of weak electric
currents on bacterial cells.
[0053] In the first experiment, persister cells and normal cells
of E. coli HM22 harvested using the same method as describe above
were treated with and without 75 μA/cm<2 >DC for 15 min in
0.85% NaCl buffer. In a parallel experiment, the persister cells
were also treated with M56 buffer with the same level and duration
of the current. After harvesting HM22 normal and persister cells,
they were concentrated 40 times and resuspended in 6 mL 0.85% NaCl
buffer and 6 mL M56 buffer respectively. Both samples were
separated into two equal aliquots: one was left untreated,
meanwhile the other one was treated with 75 μA/cm<2 >DC.
After 15 min incubation with and without current, all of the cells
were centrifuged immediately for 30 s at 13,200 rpm and 4° C. to
harvest the cells. For RNA isolation, each cell pellet was
resuspended in 1 mL of TRIzol reagent buffer (Invitrogen Co.,
Carlsbad, Calif.) and beaten rigorously at 4,800 beats per min for
30 s in a closed bead beater tube with 200 μl of silicon beads
using a mini bead beater (Biospec Products Inc., Bartlesville,
Okla.). The following isolation steps were conducted by following
Trizol reagent protocol and the total extracted RNA was
subsequently purified using RNeasy Mini kit (QIAGEN Inc.,
Valencia, Calif.). The quality and quantity of the total RNA
samples were evaluated using a 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent
Technologies, Santa Clara, Calif.) and the microarray
hybridizations were performed using E. coli Genome 2.0 Arrays
(Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.). Both were performed using
the DNA microarray core facilities at the SUNY Upstate Medical
University (Syracuse, N.Y.).
[0054] Stringent criteria were applied to select the
induced/repressed genes based on p-values (<0.0025 or
>0.9975) calculated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and
Tukey By weight. The applied current in 085% NaCl buffer was found
to induce 9 genes and repressed 36 genes in E. coli HM22 persister
cells (see Table 1). While 27 of these genes have unknown
functions, the treatment did induce the genes of the trp operon
(trpEL), acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase (acpD), L-serine
dehydratase (sdaB), oxidative stress response (oxyS), and
repressed the cys operon (cysCDJKNP), production of tryptophanase
(tnaL) and nitrite extrusion (narU) (see Tables 1-5). In
comparison, treatment with the same current level in M56 buffer
induced 15 genes (yibP, cysU, csgD, nrdE, narW, hisL, oxyS, etc)
and repressed only 4 genes of persister cells (see Tables 1-5).
Interestingly, the induced genes have functions of central
intermediary metabolism, protease for cell division, PTS system,
sulfate transport, surface structure, DNA synthesis, his operon,
oxidative stress response and unknown functions. Three of the four
repressed genes have unknown functions, while the forth gene uvrB
has functions of DNA damage recognition and repair. These data
suggest that weak electric currents are able to activate certain
cellular activities including those related to oxidative response,
membrane structures and functions.
Number of induced/repressed genes of E. coli HM22 in response
to15-min treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >
current using graphite electrodes.
Persister cells Persister Normal in
0.85% cells cells
NaCl buffer in M-56 in M-56
Number of induced genes 9 54 379
Number of repressed genes 36 1 25
Genes of E. coli HM22 persister cells induced bytreatment with 75
μA/cm<2 >
DC for 15 min in M56 buffer.
Gene Expression ratio
Name (with DC/no DC) Functions
Environmental information processing
yadM 1.32 Putative fimbrial-like protein
yehB 8.57 Putative outer membrane protein
cysU 6.50 Sulfate transport system permease protein
yjdL 1.62 Putative peptide transporter
Genetic information processing, transcription factors
C0336 4.29 PTS system, mannitol (Cryptic)-specific IIA
oxyS 2.00 Global regulatory RNA OxyS
hisL 2.00 His operon leader peptide
J02459 1.52 Lambda K, tail component
gltF 1.52 Regulator of gltBDF operon, induction of Ntr
micF 1.23 Regulatory antisense RNA affecting ompF
trpL 1.23 Trp operon leader peptide
Metabolism, enzyme
narW 24.25 Respiratory nitrate reductase 2 delta chain
nrdE 7.46 Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 2 alpha
acpD 1.52 Acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase
yhjN 1.52 Cyclic di-GMP binding protein precursor
trpE 1.41 Anthranilate synthase component I
grxA 1.41 Glutaredoxin1 redox coenzyme for
dependent ribonucleotide reductase
yhhW 1.41 Protein YhhW
trxC 1.41 Putative thioredoxin-like protein
pyr I 1.32 Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory
cynT 1.32 Carbonic anhydrase
dcp 1.32 Peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp
maeB 1.87 Putative membrane protein
yibP 2.83 Putative head-tail adaptor
cellular processes, receptors and channels
tsx 1.15 Nucleoside channel; receptor of phage T6 and
colicin K
The numbers show the range of fold changes for the induced and
repressed genes in the same operon.
Gene of E. coli HM22 persister cells repressed bytreatment with 75
μA/cm<2 >
DC for 15 min in M56 buffer.
Gene Expression ratio
Name (with DC/no DC) Functions
cspC 0.47 stress protein, member of the CspA-Family
The number shows the range of fold changes for the induced and
repressed genes in the same operon.
Genes of E. coli HM22 persister cells induced by treatmentwith 75
μA/cm<2 >
DC for 15 min in 0.85% NaCl buffer.
Gene Expression ratio
Name (with DC/no DC) Functions
Genetic information processing, transcription factors
oxyS 1.32 Global regulatory RNA OxyS
trpL 1.23 Trp operon leader peptide
Metabolism, enzyme
acpD 1.41 Acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase
trpE 1.32 Anthranilate synthase component I
sdaB 1.23 L-serine dehydratase (deaminase), L-SD2
yhhW 1.32 Protein YhhW
Unknown function, hypothetical protein
yqjF 1.23 Hypothetical protein YqjF
ybiJ 1.74 Orf, hypothetical protein
yeiH 1.15 Orf, hypothetical protein
The numbers show the range of fold changes for the induced and
repressed genes in the same operon.
Genes of E. coli HM22 persister cells repressed by
treatmentwith 75 μA/cm<2 >
DC for 15 min in 0.85% NaCl buffer.
Gene Expression ratio
Name (with DC/no DC) Functions
Environmental information processing
yeeE 0.50 Putative transport system permease protein
cysP 0.09 Thiosulfate binding protein
narU 0.54 Nitrite extrusion protein 2
Z1375 0.81 Putative tail component encoded by cryptic
prophage CP-933M
Genetic information processing, transcription factors
tnaL 0.66 Tryptophanase leader peptide
Metabolism, enzyme
wrbA 0.76 Amino terminal fragment of WrbA
cysD 0.71 ATP: sulfurylase, subunit 2
cysN 0.57 ATP-sulfurylase, subunit 1
cysK 0.66 Cysteine synthase A, O-acetylserine
sulfhydrolase A
cysJ 0.76 Sulfite reductase (NADPH), flavoprotein
beta subunit
cysC 0.81 Adenosine 5-phosphosulfate kinase
b1772 0.76 Putative kinase
The numbers show the range of fold changes for the induced and
repressed genes in the same operon.
[0055] The effects on cell membrane functions are corroborated by
a parallel but more complete study regarding the effects of
electric currents on the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis
168. In this experiment, the cells of B. subtilis 168 in late
exponential phase was treated for 15 min in LB medium with 42, 139
or 417 μA/cm<2 >DC using 304L stainless steel as electrodes
in the electrochemical cell shown FIG. 2. Each condition was
tested in duplicate and the data was analyzed using cluster
analysis. To differentiate the effects of currents from those of
the electrochemical reaction products, the control samples were
incubated for 15 min in the LB medium that was pre-treated with
the same level and duration of the current. Since the control
samples were prepared in pre-treated LB medium containing all the
electrochemical reaction products, the gene expression changes are
mainly caused by the currents as well as the movement and gradient
of chemical species, e.g. ions. The genes that were induced or
repressed in all conditions are listed in Table 6. There were also
839 genes induced under some but not all conditions, such as
transport genes encoding glycine betaine/carnitine/choline ABC
transporters, amino acid transporters, and putative monovalent
cation/H+ antiporters (gene list not shown). Overall, the
microarray results suggest that electric current and associated
ion movement/gradient have significant influence on cellular
activities of bacteria especially metabolism and membrane
B. subtilis 168 genes consistently induced/repressedby 15 min
treatments of 42, 139 and 417 μA/cm<2 >
Cluster Genes ratio Function/gene product
Genes cydABCD 2.1-3.5 cytochrome bd oxidase
up-regulated gltACT 1.9-3.2 glutamate/cation
uptake symporter
at all tested hisBCDGHZ 1.7-2.8 histidine
currents narGHIJK 3.2-7.5 nitrate reductase:
nitrite extrusion
purEKRT 2.3-2.8 purine synthesis and metabolism
tuaABCD 2.3-5.7 teichuronic acid synthesis
yfkDE 3.0 cation resistance
mtnKUW 1.9-2.5 methylthioribulose recycling
pstSAC, BA, BB 2.8-8.0 PhoPR regulated Pi
yusU 2.6 unknown function
Genes cotIKS (−4.0)-(−14.0) spore coat proteins
down-regulated yomBDIP (−1.9)-(8.0) unknown
functionat all testedcurrents
The numbers show the range of fold changes for the induced and
repressed genes in the same operon.
[0056] The DNA microarray data suggests that treatment with
electric currents may lead to generation and accumulation of
reactive oxygen species (“ROS”) (e.g., induction of oxyS, a global
regulatory RNA). Thus, the treatment could render the persister
cells more susceptible to external ROS. To test this hypothesis,
we treated E. coli HM22 persister cells with 100 μA for 20 min and
followed by treatment with and without H2O2 (500 μM) for 1 h.
These cells were then split into two parts: one for microscopic
analysis and the other for CFU count. For microscopic study, cells
were treated with 200 μM dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate
(H2DCFDA, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.) for 30 min in dark at
room temperature. After incubation, cells were spin down and
resuspended in PBS buffer for visualization using a fluorescence
microscope (Axio Imager M1, ZEISS, Jena, Germany). The dye H2DCFDA
can penetrate bacterial cells and get cleaved by cellular esterase
to produce H2DCF. If there is any ROS present, this H2DCF will be
converted to DCF and give fluorescence (Invitrogen, USA). The
results showed that treatment with 15 μA/cm<2 >direct
current, similar to treatment with H2O2 (500 μM) caused
accumulation of ROS in persister cells. For the CFU count, cells
were plated on LB plates supplemented with DPA and incubated
overnight at 37° C. The CFU data further confirmed that the
treatment with electric current rendered the persister cells more
sensitive to H2O2 since treatment with electric current followed
by H2O2 killed more persister cells than either the EC or H2O2
alone (see FIG. 5).
[0057] Construction and use of a flow cell system is possible to
directly visualize the effects of electric currents on biofilm
cells. To directly visualize the effect of electric currents on
biofilm cells and biofilm structure, the FC81 flow cell system
(BioSurface Technologies Corporation, Bozeman Mont.) was modified
to deliver electric current. The flow cell contains two slides to
form a channel with a dimension of 47.5×12.7 mm and 1.6 mm space
between the two slides. The cover glass was coated with 50 Å Ti
followed by 70 Å Au. This engineered surface is transparent and
conductive, allowing the direct visualization of bioelectric
effect with microscopy. An Ag/AgCl reference electrode was also
inserted at the exit of the flow cell (through a Y-junction)
without touching the other two electrodes. The bottom surface
could be made with any material of interest and cut into the
dimension of regular glass slides (2.54 cm by 7.62 cm). The flow
cell was assembled with a gold-coated slide as the counter
electrode and the bottom plate as the working electrode (see FIG.
6). A Y-junction was attached at the exit of the flow cell, with
one line for insertion of reference electrode and the other for
the effluent of biofilm culture. The tubing that holds the
reference electrode was clamped as a dead-end to prevent any
[0058] The electrodes were connected to a model AFCBP1
potentiostat/galvanostat (PINE Research Instrumentation) by Cu
wires. This is the first flow cell system containing reference
electrode to allow precise control of the potential and current.
The mature one-day biofilm of E. coli RP437/pRSH103 expressing red
fluorescent protein (RFP) constitutively was treated with 50
μA/cm<2 >DC for 1 h. The flow of LB medium (63) at 10 mL/h
was stopped before the treatment with current and resumed after
the treatment. Significant detachment of biofilm cells by electric
current was observed (see FIG. 7). This flow cell system is an
ideal tool for studying the effects of electric currents on
biofilm-associated persister cells.
[0059] It is well documented that persister cells are
metabolically inactive compared to normal cells. Conceivably, an
approach that can target this difference could have high efficacy.
As shown in FIG. 3A, some of the conditions are more effective in
killing persister cells than normal cells. Thus, the treatment
conditions may be fine tuned to selectively kill this population
that is highly resistant to antibiotics. All living cells need to
maintain a membrane potential for metabolism and transfer of
nutrients. If the membrane potential is disrupted, the cells could
lose the capability to maintain the ion gradients and cell death
will occur. Normal cells may have higher membrane potential than
persister cells due to higher metabolic activities. In this sense,
the persister cells could be more sensitive to reduction of
membrane potential. This is evidenced by recent mechanistic
studies of pyrazinamide for tuberculosis therapy. Unlike
conventional antibiotics that are more active against growing
cells, pyrazinamide is more effective in killing non-growing
bacilli. A recent study has shown that pyrazinamide kills cells by
disrupting the membrane energetics and transport function at acid
pH. An applied electric current can either positively or
negatively influence the membrane potential, which consequently
affects the viability of persister cells and susceptibility to
antibiotics (FIG. 8). If the membrane potential is reduced by the
applied current, direct killing of persister cells can be
expected. If the membrane potential is positively affected by the
current, however, it may work as a “wake up” call of the persister
cells to enter a metabolically more active stage and therefore
render the cells more susceptible to antibiotics. The membrane
permeability to antibiotics may also be affected by the applied
current. The exact impact on persister cells may rely on the
current level, material of the electrodes and the associated ions
released, medium composition and the antibiotics applied.
[0060] Membrane potential can be measured using either florescent
or radioactive methods. The persister cells of E. coli HM22 and P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells at different growth phases may be treated
with electric currents; and the cells before and after treatments
may be analyzed to evaluate the effects of electric currents on
membrane potential.
[0061] In light of the above, the membrane potentials of E. coli
HM 22 normal and persister cells were compared. Briefly,
approximately 1×10<6 >persister cells per mL were washed
with PBS buffer (10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM sodium chloride,
pH 7.4) followed by addition of carbocyanine dye DiOC2
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) to 30 μM and incubation at room
temperature for 30 min. Fluorescence was determined using a LSR II
flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, Calif.), with
excitation at 495 nm and emission at 575 nm. The red/green
ratiometric parameter was set according to the manufacturer's
instructions for histogram analysis. The ratiometric parameter was
calculated as [(red value)−(green value)+384]. The overlay
histogram of membrane potential analysis was obtained using CXP
software. As shown in FIG. 9A, the membrane potential of persister
cells is lower than that of normal cells. To our knowledge, this
is the first direct comparison of membrane potential between
normal and persister cells of E. coli. In addition, treatment with
15, 30 and 45 μA/cm<2 >direct current significantly reduced
the membrane potential of persister cells, but not that of normal
cells (FIGS. 9B and 9C). These data confirm our hypothesis and
suggest that membrane potential is a potential target of new
therapies. Further study on this finding could help understand the
mechanism of persister control by electric current and synergistic
effects with antibiotics.
[0062] For the conditions that exhibit synergistic effects with
antibiotics, the membrane permeability may also be tested using
radioactively labeled antibiotics. In particular, the
intracellular concentration of benzyl-14C-penicillin (potassium)
and <3>H-oxytetracycline (American Radiolabeled Chemicals,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.) may be measured after incubation with cells
for 30 min in the presence or absence of a current using a liquid
scintillation counter. These data are expected to corroborate the
results regarding the effects of current on membrane potential and
permeability. It will be integrated with the results in the
following study to get insight into the mechanism of persister
control with electric currents.
[0063] As described in the results above, the present invention is
premised on promising evidence that weak electric currents have
significant effects on gene expression of both persister cells and
normal cells of bacteria. As a result, gene expression in response
to electric currents may be further studied to understand the
mechanism at the genetic level by identifying the differentially
expressed genes and pathways.
[0064] First, E. coli HM22 may be used to prepare persister cells
as described above. The harvested persister cells may be treated
with different levels of electric currents (75, 150 and 300
μA/cm<2 >DC) using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer
or M56 buffer. The gene expression of these cells may be compared
with that of persister cells incubated in the buffer pre-treated
with the same level and duration of current. In addition, normal
cells of HM22 may be treated with the same conditions to identify
the persister-specific genes and pathways affected by electric
currents. Similar experiments may also be performed to treat P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells at exponential and stationary phases. The
treatment time may be 15 min and extended if more profound changes
are needed to identify the pathways. Each experiment may be
conducted in duplicate and the data may be analyzed using cluster
analysis to identify the gene expression patterns and the pathways
involved in response to current treatments. The representative
induced/repressed genes may be confirmed by RNA dot blotting.
[0065] Compared to other stimuli, e.g., starvation and temperature
change, electric currents (especially constant DCs) are not the
common challenges or evolutionary pressures that bacteria
experience in nature. Thus, the expression patterns may provide
unique information for understanding bacterial physiology in
general, and for developing better control methods. With the gene
expression patterns identified, one may further study to
corroborate the results using mutants of the differentially
expressed genes. For example, the mutants of induced genes could
be more sensitive to electric currents. Electric currents,
especially those with higher current levels and longer duration
than described here, have been found to improve the efficacy of
antibiotics in treating biofilms. However, the mechanism of such
effects remains unknown. Since persister cells play an important
role in biofilm-associated drug tolerance, it is possible that
antibiotics and electric currents are both capable of killing
susceptible biofilm cells, while electric currents can also kill
some persister cells and the efficacy can be enhanced through
synergy with antibiotics. This is supported by the fact that
electric current can be more effective in killing persister cells
than normal cells (FIG. 3A). This may create more friendly
treatment conditions with lower current level and shorter
treatment time.
[0066] E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa PAO1 may be used to
inoculate biofilm cultures using the flow chamber described in
results of the present invention (FIG. 6). As discussed above,
these two are the best-studied strains of persister formation and
many genetic tools are available.
[0067] The preformed biofilms of E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa
PAO1 can be treated with electric currents and antibiotics under
the effective conditions identified. The number of viable cells
can be quantified by counting CFUs after collecting biofilm cells
from the surface by sonication and spreading cells on LB agar
plates. Meanwhile, part of the collected cells may be treated with
100 μg/mL ampicillin (for E. coli HM22) or 200 μg/mL ofloxacin
(for P. aeruginosa PAO1) for 3 hours and then tested using the
same CFU method to quantify the viable persister cells. The CFU
data of biofilms with and without treatment may be compared to
evaluate the effects of electric currents on the viability of
persister cells in biofilms. The adhesion and metabolic activity
of biofilm-associated persister cells may be analyzed in situ
using the flow cell system described above.
[0068] The effects of electric current on biofilm structure may be
followed in situ using a fluorescence microscopy to obtain the
three dimensional information of biofilms. The structural
parameters of biofilms including surface coverage, thickness,
roughness, and biomass may be calculated using the computer
program COMSTAT (31). The dynamic 3-D imaging data may then be
obtained to help elucidate the effects of electric current on
biofilm formation and structure. To visualize biofilm-associated
persister cells three dimensionally, the promoterless gfp(LVA)
gene may be cloned in pCA24N (for E. coli, available at NIGJ) and
pME290 (for P. aeruginosa, available from ATCC) under the promoter
rrnBP1 of E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa PAO1, respectively, and
inserted in the corresponding hosts. Thus, the intensity of GFP
will be proportional to the cell growth rate. In addition, all
biofilm cells may be strained with the BacLight™ Red fluorescent
dye (Invitrogen). Thus, all biofilm cells may be strained red and
the green dye can be used to differentiate persister cells (weak
or no green signal) from normal cells (stronger green signals).
Compared to the highly stable native GFP, the unstable GFP(LVA),
which has a half-life less than 40 min, may be used to allow the
dynamic monitoring of cell growth. The constructed reporters may
then be used to study the effects of electric currents on the
adhesion/detachment and growth of persister cells in three
dimensions and in real time at different stages of biofilm
formation (from initial adhesion to maturation).
[0069] To understand the mechanism of persister control using
electric currents and to develop better biofilm control methods,
the above studies may systematically investigate the effects of
electric currents on physiology of persister cells, gene
expression and pathways, as well as the effects on
biofilm-associated persister cells. These results may be
integrated to develop a model to explain the mechanism. The
results from these studies may also help develop more effective
control methods, e.g., electrically enhanced antibiotic therapies
and anti-biofouling approaches.
[0070] Conceivably, application of an electric current can cause
complex changes to the chemical composition of the medium. The
effects of currents on bacterial physiology may be carefully
compared with pre-treated medium to eliminate the effects of
electrochemical reactions products. In addition, the
electrochemical reactions may be systematically studied to
identify the roles of each reaction product on persister cells.
[0071] Continued experiments, for example, have already shown that
the effects of electric current and synergy with antibiotics is
not species specific, as similar results were shown using P.
aeruginosa. The experiments were conducted in the same way as
described for E. coli HM22. Briefly, an overnight culture of P.
aeruginosa PAO1 was used to inoculate LB medium to an OD600 of
̃0.005 (1:1000 dilution of an overnight culture with LB) and
incubated till OD600 reached ̃0.7. Then the cells were washed
twice with 0.85% NaCl buffer and treated in the same way as
described for planktonic E. coli cells. As shown in FIG. 10,
treatment with 1.5 μg/mL Tob did not cause any significant
killing. Treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >for 60 min reduced the
number of viable P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells by 3 logs. When the two
treatments were combined, however, up to 5 logs of killing was
observed. Thus, synergistic effects clearly also exist between
electric current and tobramycin on P. aeruginosa PAO1, suggesting
this effect is not species specific and can potentially be applied
to treated human bacterial infections.
[0072] To identify the condition for isolating P. aeruginosa PAO1
persister cells, the overnight culture of P. aeruginosa PAO1 was
treated for 3.5 h with various concentrations of ciprofloxacin
(“Cip”) to determine the appropriate concentration that can kill
normal cells. As shown in FIG. 11, the killing of P. aeruginosa
PAO1 increased with Cip concentration up to 50 μg/mL and no
further killing was observed even when Cip was added as 200 μg/mL.
Thus, the 1% cells that survived the treatment were persister
cells and treatment with 200 μg/mL Cip was used in the following
experiments to harvest persister cells and ensure the complete
killing of normal cells.
[0073] Synergistic effects were also observed for treatment with
electric current and Tob, similar to the data of normal cells
described above. The results indicate that 1.5 μg/mL Tob was not
able to kill P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells. However,
treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >(500 μA total) current reduced
the number of viable persisters by ̃2.5 logs and another 2 logs of
killing was obtained when treating with Tob together, as shown in
FIG. 12. It is worthy noticing that the efficiency in killing by
electric current and synergistic effects with Tob were similar for
persisters and normal cells. This is a significant advantage
compared to traditional antibiotics, which commonly fail to kill
bacterial cells that are in stationary phase or are persisters.
[0074] To understand if the killing by electric currents was due
to the ions generated by electrochemical reactions, P. aeruginosa
PAO1 persister cells were also treated with pretreated buffer,
which was prepared by treating 0.85% NaCl buffer with SS304
stainless steel electrodes for the same current level and duration
as used for the above experiments. The pretreated buffers were
collected after 20, 40 or 60 min of treatment. P. aeruginosa PAO1
persister cells were collected as described above and resuspended
in the pretreated buffers in the presence and absence of Tob. The
cells were then incubated at room temperature without shaking for
up to 1 h and samples were collected every 20 min to count CFU. As
shown in FIG. 13, the ions released from the electrode caused less
than one log of killing of persister cells, significantly less
than that with current treatment (2-3 logs), suggesting the
movement of ions or some short-term ions might be essential for
the effectively killing with electric current. The generation of
ROS as described in E. coli HM22 data could be partially
responsible for the killing. In addition, no synergy was observed
between pretreated buffer and 1.5 μg/mL Tob. This finding suggests
that electric current may enhance the penetration of Tob and/or
the susceptibility of persisters.
[0075] In addition to stainless steel, carbon electrodes were also
found to control E. coli persister cells (discussed above). Here
we also compare the effects of stainless steel and carbon
electrodes on P. aeruginosa persister cells. As shown in FIG. 14,
killing by about two logs was achieved using carbon electrodes. It
is slightly less than the 3 logs of killing by stainless steel
electrodes; however, it does confirm that the killing effects are
not limited to stainless steel electrodes.
[0076] Since the current treatment with 304 stainless steel
electrodes was more effective than that with carbon electrodes in
killing persisters, another experiment was conducted to treat P.
aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells using carbon electrodes and 0.85%
NaCl buffer pretreated with 304 stainless steel electrodes. As
shown in FIG. 15, additional killing was observed compared to
treatment with 304 stainless steel electrodes (FIG. 15) or carbon
electrodes (FIG. 14) alone. These results confirm that ions or
charge movement induced by electric current treatment may be a key
factor in killing persister cells. Thus, a pre-prepared solution
or cream containing such chemical species might be applied for
disease therapy with electric currents.
[0077] Embodiments of the electrically-enhanced control of
bacterial persister cells, both planktonic persisters and those in
biofilms, are described above. The use of a very small electric
current to control persister cells, as well as the synergistic
effects shown when used in conjunction with antimicrobial agents,
is a new phenomenon. The low level of electric current/voltage
required to control persister cells are believed to be
physiologically safe for humans since similar and higher
current/voltage levels have been used to stimulate tissue and bone
[0078] Further, the effects of electric current and the synergy
with antimicrobial agents is not species-specific, since similar
results were shown using both E. coli strains and P. aeruginosa
strains. Accordingly, the present invention can be used to kill a
wide variety of microbial species.
[0079] The use of low electric current and/or low electric current
together with an antimicrobial agent is a novel means of
controlling persister cells and can be incorporated into devices
or procedures in order to treat chronic infections both inside and
outside the human body. For example, possible applications include
the treatment of chronic wounds, chronic sinusitis,
implanted-device-associated infections, and middle ear infection,
the decontamination of medical devices, or devices with bare or
coated electrodes, among many others.
Example 2
[0080] Bacterial strains and growth media. B. subtilis 168 (trpC2)
was used for planktonic studies. B. subtilis BE1500 (trpC2,
metB10, lys-3, ΔaprE66, Δnpr-82, ΔsacB::ermC} was obtained from EI
du Pont de Nemours Inc (Wilmington, Del.) and used for the biofilm
studies. Overnight cultures were grown at 37° C. with aeration via
shaking on an orbital shaker (Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.) at
200 rpm. Biofilms were developed on stainless steel coupons (5.6
cm by 1.0 cm) in batch culture at 37° C. in 100 mm petri dishes
(Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.) for 48 hours. Luria-Bertani
(LB) medium consisting of 10 g/L NaCl, 10 g/L tryptone, and 5 g/L
yeast extract (all from Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.) was used
for both planktonic and biofilm cultures. LB agar plates were
prepared by adding 15 g/L Bacto agar (Fisher Scientific) to LB
medium prior to autoclaving and pouring into 100 mm petri dishes
(Fisher Scientific).
[0081] Poly-γ-glutamic acid (PGA) is a viscous protein produced
predominantly by members of the taxonomic order Bacillales.
However, B. subtilis 168 does not produce PGA, due to mutations in
the degQ promoter region and the gene swrA. This protein is
required in B. subtilis for biofilm formation, and re-introduction
of the wild-type genes into B. subtilis 168 allowed biofilm
growth. B. subtilis BE1500 is a strain which produces PGA and
therefore form relatively good biofilms, and is therefore suitable
for the study of B. subtilis biofilms.
[0082] Electrochemical Cell Construction. Electrodes with a
dimension of 1 cm×5.6 cm were cut from a 30.5 cm by 30.5 cm flat
304L stainless steel sheet (<0.08% C, 17.5-20% Cr, 8-11% Ni,
<2% Mn, <1% Si, <0.045% P, <0.03% S; MSC; Melville,
N.Y.). Counter electrodes were bent at the end to form a hook
shape (see FIG. 16). A counter electrode and working electrode
were placed into a 4.5 mL standard-style polystyrene cuvette
(Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.). A 0.015″ diameter silver wire
(A-M Systems; Sequim, Wash.) was placed in bleach for 30 min to
generate an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The bottom 1″ of a
borosilicate glass Pasteur pipette (Fisher Scientific) was cut and
the reference wire was placed inside to prevent accidental contact
with the working or counter electrode. A potentiostat/galvanostat
(Model #AFCBP1, Pine Instrument Company, Grove City, Pa.) was
connected via alligator clamps to the electrodes and used to
control the voltage and current. The volume of medium in the
fully-constructed electrochemical cell was 3 mL. A schematic of
the system is shown in FIG. 16.
[0083] Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and
Minimum Bactericidal Concentrations. To determine the minimum
inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of ampicillin on planktonic
cells, B. subtilis 168 and B. subtilis BE1500 were cultured in LB
medium overnight as described above. The overnight cultures were
subcultured by a 1:1000 dilution in LB medium containing various
concentrations of ampicillin with seven replicates in a 96-well
plate and allowed to grow at 37° C. with shaking at 200 rpm for 24
hours. The OD600 was measured immediately after inoculations and
at 24 hours after inoculation with a microplate reader (Model
EL808, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, Vt.). The MIC was defined as
the lowest concentration of ampicillin that completely inhibited
[0084] MIC is not a useful measurement of the response of biofilms
to antibiotics because antibiotics added in the growth medium
before inoculation could kill planktonic cells before they can
form a biofilm. Therefore it is important to characterize the
minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of ampicillin on
established biofilms. B. subtilis BE1500 was cultured overnight as
described above. Flat stainless steel electrodes were placed in a
100 mm petri dish with 20 mL LB medium, which was inoculated with
20 μL of an overnight culture. Biofilms were allowed to develop
for 48 hours at 37° C. without shaking. The electrodes with
biofilms were gently washed three times in 0.85% NaCl buffer and
immersed in LB medium containing various concentrations of
ampicillin for 15 min. Immediately after treatment, the electrodes
with biofilms were placed in a 15 mL polystyrene test tube (Fisher
Scientific) containing 4 mL 0.85% NaCl buffer and sonicated for 2
min to remove the biofilm cells from the surface. The stainless
steel electrode was then removed and the tube was vortexed for 30
s to break up any remaining cell clusters. CFUs were counted after
spreading the buffer with cells on LB agar plates and incubated
overnight at 37° C.
[0085] Treatment of Planktonic Cells with DCs. B. subtilis 168 was
cultured overnight as described above, subcultured by a 1:1000
dilution in LB medium and grown to OD600 of 0.8. Cells from 3 mL
of sub-culture were pelleted at 16.1 rcf for 2 min in a
microcentrifuge (Model 5415R Eppendorf, Westbury, N.Y.), and
resuspended in 0.85% NaCl buffer. This process was repeated three
times to wash the cells, which were then resuspended in 3 mL LB or
3 mL pre-treated LB medium (see below). Samples in LB medium were
treated for 15 min with a total current of 150 μA, 500 μA, or 1500
μA in the electrochemical cell described above. Pre-treated LB
medium was prepared by treating LB medium with 150 μA, 500 μA, or
1500 μA total current (corresponding to 0, 25, 83 and 250
μA/cm<2>, respectively) for 15 minutes in the
electrochemical cell described above. Cells were incubated in the
pre-treated LB medium for 15 min without current to evaluate the
cellular response to the ions generated by the currents, serving
as control samples. Immediately after treatment, cells were
aliquoted into microcentrifuge tubes, pelleted for 1 min at 16.1
rcf and 4° C., and the supernatant decanted off. Cells used for
DNA microarray analysis were frozen immediately after decanting in
a dry ice-ethanol bath and then stored at −80° C.
[0086] RNA Extraction. RNA extraction was performed using the
Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, Calif.) by following the
manufacturer's protocol with slight modifications. Briefly, the
homogenization was performed with a model 3110BX mini bead beater
and 0.1 mm diameter Zirconia/Silica beads (both from Biospec
Products, Bartlesville, Okla.) for 1 min. On-column DNA digestion
was performed with 120 μL DNase I; and wash with RPE buffer was
repeated three times rather than once. The isolated RNA was stored
at −80° C. until DNA microarray analysis.
[0087] DNA Microarray Analysis. The total RNA samples were sent to
the DNA Microarray Core Facilities at SUNY Upstate Medical
University for hybridization to Affymetrix DNA microarrays
(Affymetrix; Santa Clara, Calif.). The hybridizations was
performed by following the Prokaryotic Target Preparation protocol
in the GeneChip Expression Analysis Technical Manual (Affymetrix).
cDNA was hybridized on GeneChip B. subtilis Genome Arrays
(Affymetrix; Santa Clara, Calif.) for 16 hours at 45° C. in an
Model 640 Hybridization Oven (Affymetrix). The arrays were washed
and stained using the F5450—0004 protocol on an Affymetrix
Fluidics Station 450, and then scanned with an Model 7G Plus
GeneChip Scanner (Affymetrix). For each data set, genes with a
p-value between 0.05 and 0.95 were considered as statistically
insignificant. Cluster analysis was performed with the TIGR
MultiExperiment Viewer (MeV) software (J. Craig Venter Institute;
Rockville, Md.) using a k-means sorting with the default
parameters. A hierarchical tree was also constructed.
[0088] Treatment of Biofilm Cultures with Ampicillin and DC. B.
subtilis BE1500 biofilms were prepared as described for MBC
experiments. Prior to treatment, biofilms were gently washed three
times with 0.85% NaCl buffer. Each stainless steel coupon with
biofilm was placed as the working electrode in the electrochemical
cell cuvette shown in FIG. 16. Prior to placing the electrode with
biofilm in the cuvette, 3 mL LB medium was added to the cuvette to
prevent the biofilm from drying out. Samples were treated for 15
min with 0, 25, 83 and 250 μA/cm<2>. Immediately after
treatment, the biofilms were placed in a 15 mL polystyrene test
tube containing 4 mL 0.85% NaCl buffer and sonicated for 2 min to
remove the biofilm from electrode. The stainless steel electrode
was then removed and the tube containing the cells and buffer was
vortexed for 30 s to break up any remaining cell clusters. Cell
densities were determined by plating the cultures on LB/agar
plates and counting CFUs. The effect of current-generated ions was
tested in the same way except that the cells were incubated in
pre-treated LB in the absence of a current.
[0089] Atomic Force Microscopy. B. subtilis 168 planktonic cells
were cultured and treated with electric currents as described
above. Immediately after pelleting, the cells were centrifuged at
16.1 rcf for 2 min at 4° C. and the supernatant was decanted. Cell
pellets were re-suspended in de-ionized (DI) water and centrifuged
at 16.1 rcf for 2 min at 4° C. to wash away ions. The washing was
repeated twice, and the pellet was resuspended in DI water. To
prepare the samples for AFM analysis, 2 μL of suspended cells was
placed on a piece of No. 2 borosilicate cover glass (VWR, West
Chester, Pa.) and placed in a vacuum dessicator (Fisher
Scientific) to dry for 15 min. Samples were examined using the
contact mode of an atomic force microscope (Veeco Instruments;
Malvern, Pa.). Both height and displacement images were captured
at field widths of 50, 25, 10 and 5 μm.
[0090] Effects of DCs on planktonic cells. To determine the effect
of electric currents on planktonic cells, B. subtilis 168 cultures
were grown overnight and treated in the electrochemical cell (FIG.
16) with total currents of 0, 150, 500 or 1500 μA, corresponding
to 0, 25, 83 and 250 μA/cm<2>, respectively. To make a
distinction between the effect of metal cations generated by
electrochemical reactions and electric current on the planktonic
cells, cells were also incubated for 15 min in LB medium
pre-treated with the same current level and duration (pre-treated
LB medium). The number of viable cells was determined by CFU
counts as described in the Materials and Methods section.
[0091] Planktonic cells exposed to pre-treated medium and applied
current both showed a dose-dependent reduction of cell viability
(FIG. 17). At 25 μA/cm<2 >and 83 μA/cm<2>, both
pre-treated LB medium and LB medium with applied current resulted
in similar reduction of cell viability. For example, cell
viability was reduced approximately 1 log by 25 μA/cm<2>,
and 2 logs by 83 μA/cm<2 >versus the untreated control. At
250 μA/cm<2 >level, however, the pre-treated medium appeared
to kill more cells (4-log reduction) than current treatment (3-log
[0092] AFM analysis. To identify if DC treatments caused any
physical damage to the cells, AFM analysis was performed to
determine the effects of electric currents on planktonic cell
morphology. The images suggest the width of the flagella to be
less than 100 nm, the length to be at least 10 μm, and the
wavelength to be approximately 2.5 μm. These numbers are in
agreement with measurement of flagellar dimensions in the
literature, suggesting that AFM is suitable for detecting changes
in cell morphology. AFM images of B. subtilis 168 in FIG. 18
showed no apparent membrane features, appearing to be relatively
smooth, consistent with an earlier report of AFM study that the
membrane surface of B. subtilis W23 was observed to be smooth.
[0093] Treatments with DC did not cause apparent changes in cell
morphology (FIG. 18). Interestingly, during AFM and light
microscopy, debris of an unknown type was observed, particularly
in samples treated with 83 and 250 μA/cm<2 >currents (FIG.
18). To determine if this debris originated from the cells or from
electrochemical reactions, LB medium without cells was treated
with the same currents, washed, and analyzed in the same
procedure. AFM images were taken at several resolutions (images
not shown). There was an apparent increase in debris as applied
current increased. This debris was similar to the debris observed
for samples containing cells. The apparent increase in debris with
current suggests that these precipitates may be electrochemical
reaction products and the results of their interactions with the
components of LB medium. This finding suggests that the killing by
DC is not only through direct physical forces of the currents. The
effects of such debris on bacterial cells, however, remain to be
[0094] DNA microarray analysis. To understand the effect of
electric currents on B. subtilis at the genetic level, RNA from
planktonic B. subtilis 168 treated with applied currents or
pre-treated LB media were analyzed using GeneChip B. subtilis
Genome Arrays (Affymetrix). B. subtilis 168 treated with
pre-treated LB medium was used as a control so as to minimize the
influence of electrochemical products on gene expression. Cluster
analysis was performed to categorize the gene expression patterns.
Five clusters were found, corresponding to up-regulation at only
one current level (25, 83 or 250 μA/cm<2>), up-regulation at
all current levels, and down-regulation at all current levels.
[0095] A selected list of the genes can be seen in Table 7 below,
where the genes were selected based on operons with multiple genes
showing altered regulation, as well as those showing high levels
of regulation. SLR is given as a range for operons that showed
similar trends. For the genes in Cluster 4 that were up-regulated
at all tested currents, the SLR range is given for the 1500 μA
testing condition. For Cluster 5, negative numbers are in
parenthesis for clarity.
Representative Genes Showing Altered Regulation in Response to DC
[0096] At all current levels, the genes tuaABCD from the tua
operon was induced by current treatment. Additionally, at 250
μA/cm<2 >two more genes from the same operon, tuaF and tuaG
also showed increased expression. The tua operon is responsible
for the synthesis of teichuronic acid, an anionic polymer found in
the cell membrane only under phosphate-limited conditions. The
up-regulation of genes related to envelope synthesis suggests that
the cell membranes may have been damaged or altered in some
manner, perhaps related to a loss of phosphate. Although AFM
analysis did not reveal any significant change in cell morphology,
the cells appeared to be more sensitive to the shear force of the
AFM tip after treatment with 250 μA/cm<2 >(images not
shown). Further study at protein level will be helpful for
understanding the mechanism.
[0097] The pathway for teichuronic acid synthesis is controlled by
the Pho regulon, responsible for response to phosphate-limited
conditions. The gene ydhF, encoding a lipoprotein that showed
increased expression at all tested currents, is also controlled by
the PhoPR regulation system. These findings suggest that phosphate
limitation may have occurred due to current treatments.
[0098] Effects of DC treatments on biofilms. To determine the
effect of electric currents on biofilms, B. subtilis biofilms were
developed on 304L stainless steel electrodes and treated with the
same total applied current as described for the planktonic cells
(0, 25, 83, and 250 μA/cm<2>). To determine the effects of
electrochemical reactions on biofilms, biofilms were also treated
with pre-treated LB medium as with the planktonic cells.
Immediately after treatment the biofilm cells were detached via
sonication, washed with 0.85% NaCl buffer, and plated on LB-agar
plates to quantify the viable cells by counting CFUs. A decrease
in cell viability was seen for biofilm cells treated with current
as well as those treated with pre-treated LB medium (FIG. 19). At
each tested current level, treatment with pre-treated LB medium
reduced cell viability by only 8-10%. Biofilms treated with
current showed a further reduction in viability compared to those
exposed to pre-treated LB medium; e.g., treatment with 25, 83 and
250 μA/cm<2 >decreased cell viability by 97%, 88% and 98.5%,
[0099] Consistent with the general knowledge that biofilms are
highly resistant to antibiotics, treatment of B. subtilis BE1500
biofilms with 1000 μg/mL ampicillin for 15 min only killed 59% of
biofilm cells; while the MIC for planktonic B. subtilis BE1500 was
found to be ≦2 μg/mL (data not shown), comparable to the MIC for
B. subtilis 168 of 0.2 μg/mL reported in the literature. To
determine if electric currents can improve biofilm control with
antibiotics, biofilms grown on stainless steel electrodes were
treated simultaneously with 0, 50, 100, and 1000 μg/mL ampicillin
and 83 μA/cm<2 >DC current for 15 min at 37° C. As discussed
above, treatment with 83 μA/cm<2 >DC current for 15 min
alone decreased cell viability by 88%. In comparison, treatment
with 50, 100 or 1000 μg/mL ampicillin in the presence of 83
μA/cm<2 >DC decreased cell viability by 93%, 79%, and 86%
versus antibiotic alone, respectively (FIG. 20). Thus, no apparent
synergy was found when treated with 83 μA/cm<2 >DC and
ampicillin together.
[0100] Complex electrochemical reactions occur at the surface of
electrodes when an external voltage is applied. Ionic species can
be generated from the electrode, and these may interact with the
medium, antibiotics, and bacterial cells. The grade of stainless
steel used in this study contains <0.08% C, 17.5-20% Cr, 8-11%
Ni, <2% Mn, <1% Si, <0.045% P, and <0.03% S. Ions and
compounds of some of these components could be toxic. For example
Cr(VI), found in chromate and dichromate ions, is highly toxic to
cells. To determine the effects of metal ions generated during
treatment, biofilms were also grown on graphite electrodes rather
than stainless steel (FIG. 21). Treatment with 500 μA DC current
for 15 min decreased biofilm cell viability by 57% on graphite
electrodes versus 88% on stainless steel. Treatment with 500 μA DC
current and 50 μg/mL ampicillin decreased cell viability by 44% on
graphite electrodes versus 93% on stainless steel.
[0101] The electrochemical generation of chlorine-containing
species such as hypochlorite (ClO<−>), chlorite
(ClO2<−>), and chloramines (NH2Cl, NHCl2, NCl3) by DC
current in the medium has been implicated in the killing of
biofilm cells. Increases in viability of biofilm cells grown and
treated on graphite electrodes compared to that on stainless steel
suggest that metallic ions released from the latter have stronger
bactericidal effects on B. subtilis biofilms. To understand if
killing was partially due to hypochlorite generated by DC current,
biofilms grown on graphite electrodes were also treated with
chlorine-free M56 buffer. The viability of biofilm cells (with
untreated control normalized as 100%) in M56 was 50% when treated
with 500 μA DC current alone, and 74% when treated with 500 μA DC
current with 50 μg/mL ampicillin. Biofilms grown on stainless
steel and treated with current with or without ampicillin in
chlorine-free M56 buffer did not show significant difference in
cell viability compared to those grown on stainless steel and
treated in LB medium. This finding implies that the majority of
killing of biofilm cells on stainless steel surfaces in LB medium
was through the activity of metal ions, and only minimally through
chloride ions.
[0102] Treatment with low level DCs can effectively reduce the
viability of B. subtilis cells. When biofilms were grown on
graphite electrodes and subjected to current treatment, however,
only a slight decrease in viability was seen. This finding
suggests that certain metal cations interacted with biofilm cells
and caused the decreased viability. Biofilms subjected to the
metal cations released in pre-treated LB medium showed a slight
decrease in cell viability versus the control. However, there was
less killing of biofilm cells by incubating in the pre-treated
medium than when the current was directly applied, especially for
biofilms treated with 250 μA/cm<2 >(FIG. 19). Thus, movement
of ions may be partially responsible for the killing of biofilm
[0103] In contrast to the biofilm samples, planktonic cells were
much more susceptible to the effects of electric current. However,
planktonic cells exposed to current and to pre-treated medium
showed similar reduction in cell viability. It is possible that
the presence of the biofilm matrix could affect the chemical
reaction of current-generated ions. The majority of the planktonic
cells are not likely to be attaching to the electrode surface,
especially given the vertical positioning of the electrodes (the
turbidity in the cuvette appeared to be homogeneous). In contrast,
biofilms are formed on the surface of the electrodes, positioned
vertically, and held there by EPS. When the current is applied
directly, biofilm cells are in direct contact with the metal
cations, possibly for the entire period of treatment as the ions
were generated from the working electrode and diffused through the
biofilm matrix. In the pre-treated LB medium, metal cations may
have been converted to more inert metal compounds relatively
rapidly through reactions with water, oxygen, and hydroxide. In
addition, biofilms treated with pre-treated LB medium were not
exposed to current directly; this may lead to a decreased exposure
to metal cations, which were released from the anodic electrode.
This can probably explain why treatments of biofilms with applied
currents were more effective than using the pre-treated media
prepared with the same level and duration of DC, especially at 250
μA/cm<2>. Precipitation of metal complex may also explain
the additional killing by treating planktonic cells with 25 and 83
μA/cm<2 >DC compared to pre-treated media. At
μA/cm<2>, however, applied DC was less effective than
pre-treated media. This is probably due to the changes in
electrochemistry, which may generate metal complex that are more
effective than ions moving in an electric field as existed for
treatments with DC. The exact nature of these reactions, however,
remain to be determined.
[0104] During electrochemical reactions involving stainless steel
as the working electrode, a multitude of ions and other chemical
species can be formed depending on the voltage and current levels
and composition of the medium. In particular, the chemical species
formed of four key elements are of particular interest with
regards to cell viability include iron, chromium, chlorine, oxygen
and hydrogen (pH). Fe<2+> ions can be generated during
electrochemical reactions with stainless steel or graphite as an
electrode. This effect may be intensified by the presence of
biofilms on the stainless steel due to an increase in the
resistance of the system, leading to an increased voltage when
current is held constant. Ferrous ion can react with hydrogen
peroxide via the Fenton reaction, resulting in the production
ferric ion, hydroxide ion, and the hydroxyl radical. This reaction
has been reported to kill bacteria through further formation of
the superoxide radicals. In B. subtilis, oxidative stress due to
H2O2 causes several genes to be up-regulated based on the response
by the per regulon. The up-regulation of katA by 25 μA/cm<2
>and 83 μA/cm<2 >and of the hemAXCDBL operon by 83
μA/cm<2 >suggests oxidative stress due to hydrogen peroxide
may have been present. The decreased cell viability in biofilms
treated with current may be in part due to oxidative stress as a
result of the products of the Fenton reaction.
[0105] The second-most abundant metal in stainless steel is
chromium, at amounts of up to 20% in 304L. Chromium ions,
specifically Cr(VI) in chromate and dichromate, are highly toxic
to bacterial cells. The presence and concentration of Cr(VI) in
our system during treatment is unknown. B. subtilis 168 has a
metabolic pathway by which it can reduce Cr(VI) to the much less
toxic Cr(III) that functions when chromate ions are present in
concentrations of up to 0.5 mM. However, genes for chromate
reduction (ywrAB, ycnD) did not show significant changes in
expression under our experimental conditions. Genes related to
oxidative stress, such as the hemX operon, however, were
up-regulated, providing a possible alternative mechanism for
protection against chromium. It has also been reported that the
presence of heavy metals, such as zinc, cadmium, and copper, can
inhibit chromate reduction by B. subtilis. Genes related to zinc,
cadmium, and copper toxicity (cadA, copA) were up-regulated in the
presence of 250 μA/cm<2 >current in our study. This suggests
that ions of some heavy metals may be present in our system when
using stainless steel as electrodes. Chromium reduction can also
occur by chemical processes in solution, and can be enhanced or
inhibited by other chemical species in the medium. Most
significantly, the presence of Fe<2+> enables the reduction
of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), at a ratio of 3 Fe<2+> to 1
Cr<6+>, possibly forming Fe/Cr complexes. However, the
presence of organic ligands can modify this reaction; ligands
specific for Fe<2+> inhibit the reaction, while those for
Fe<3+> enhance it. In summary, the interactions of chromium
within the system are complex, and killing via hexavalent chromium
can not be ruled out. However, the significant killing of B.
subtilis using graphite electrodes suggests that the Cr(VI) ions
are not indispensable for the cidal effects of electric currents.
[0106] If metal cations are responsible for a loss of cell
viability, one would expect to see genes up-regulated that are
related to metal tolerance. Indeed, six metal resistance genes
were up-regulated—arsBCR at 83 μA/cm<2>, and cadA and copA
at 250 μA/cm<2>. The arsBCR operon is responsible for the
transport of arsenate, arsenite, and antimonite. These molecules
bear little resemblance to divalent iron or hexavalent chromium
compounds. It is interesting to note that arsenic is in the same
group as phosphorous. It is possible that up-regulation of this
operon may be related to the phosphate starvation. Notably absent
were putative genes responsible for chromium reduction—ywrAB. It
is possible that chromate and dichromate are not being produced in
quantities that would result in a cellular response, or that they
are neutralized by other ions in the solution.
[0107] In the absence of metal ions in solution as charge
carriers, chloride ions in solution can react with hydroxyl ions
to form hypochlorite, which is well known to be toxic to cells.
Experiments with graphite electrodes in M56 medium that did not
contain chlorine showed that there was no significant decrease in
the viability of the cells after treatment with 83 μA/cm<2
>current compared to the untreated sample. This finding
suggests that chlorine containing compounds, most notably
hypochlorite, are partially responsible for significant decreases
in cell viability in our electrochemical system.
[0108] The bioelectric effect suggests that electric currents will
have a synergistic effect with antibiotics to improve the overall
efficacy of bacterial killing. Surprisingly, when ampicillin was
added to the solution with current, the amount of killing was not
significantly altered versus current alone. In the case of
biofilms grown on graphite electrodes and treated in chlorine-free
M56 buffer with 50 μg/mL ampicillin and 500 μA current there was
even a slight decrease in killing. It is well documented that iron
can interfere with the action of antibiotics, including
ampicillin, through a variety of mechanisms including chelation of
ferric cations by antibiotics. It is possible that the presence of
iron and other metal cations is inhibiting ampicillin activity
through chelation mechanisms. Such interaction may be dependent on
the nature of antibiotics since some other antibiotics do show
synergy with electric currents in killing biofilm cells. It is
also important to note that in the present invention employed a
shorter treatment time (15 min) than Costerton and others (24 h).
[0109] In summary, the present invention involved a detailed study
of the effects of weak EC on viability, gene expression and
morphology of B. subtilis and revealed that the ions and oxidative
species generated by electrochemical reactions have significant
influence on bacterial gene expression and viability. Further
testing with additional conditions and different antibiotics will
help unveil the mechanism of bioelectric effects
[0110] Although the present invention has been described in
connection with a preferred embodiment, it should be understood
that modifications, alterations, and additions can be made to the
invention without departing from the scope of the invention as
defined by the claims.
[ PDF ]
A system and method for treating persister cells with an
electrochemical process, alone or in combination with antibiotics.
Weak electric currents are used to effectively eliminate persister
cells and the efficacy can be further improved through synergistic
effects with antibiotics. The method may be adapted for novel
therapies of chronic infections and strategies to control
persistent biofouling. The system has a broad spectrum
applications in treating chronic and drug resistant infections,
such as those caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and
may also be used for decontamination of medical devices.
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to electrochemical control of
bacterial persister cells and, more particularly, the synergistic
effect between weak electric currents and antibiotics on persister
2. Description of the Related Art
Previous studies of persister cells have led to important
discoveries that are shifting the paradigm of research in
microbiology and antimicrobial therapy. It is now well recognized
that subpopulations of bacterial cells in a culture can enter a
dormant (non-growing) state that are extremely tolerant to a
variety of unrelated stresses such as antibiotics and heat. Such
heterogeneity has been reported to exist in even well mixed shake
flask cultures at exponential phase. This phenotypic variation can
lead to three subpopulations in a given culture including the
normal cells, type I persister cells from the stationary inoculums
and type II persister cells that are generated during growth.
Persister cells are not mutants with drug resistant genes, but
rather phenotypic variants of the wild-type strain. Persister
cells neither die nor grow in the presence of an antibiotic, and
when reinoculated, they grow into a normal culture with a similar
percentage of cells as persisters, leading to high antibiotic
Although persister cells normally only make up a small portion of
the population, they play a critical role in antibiotic tolerance.
Most antibiotics inhibit bacteria by targeting growth related
cellular activities, e.g., protein, DNA, and cell wall syntheses.
They can eliminate the majority of bacterial population by killing
the normal cells. For persister cells, however, antibiotics can
only repress but not eliminate this subpopulation because
persister cells are non-growing dormant cells. Thus, the seeming
disadvantage of being dormant in normal environment becomes an
advantage for persister cells when being challenged by
antibiotics. When the treatment is stopped, some persister cells
revert back to normal cells and reestablish the population. Such
tolerance leads to reoccurrence of infections and facilitate the
development and spread of multidrug resistance through true
Recent research has demonstrated that persister cell formation
increases significantly in stationary-phase cultures and the
surface-attached highly hydrated structures known as biofilms.
Formed in a dynamic process, mature biofilms typically have
mushroom-like structures with cells embedded in a polysaccharide
matrix secreted by the bound bacterial cells. Biofilm cells are up
to 1000 times more tolerant to antibiotics and disinfectants
compared to their planktonic counterparts. Thus, deleterious
biofilms cause serious problems such as chronic infections in
humans as well as persistent corrosion and equipment failure in
industry. Although not completely understood at the molecular
level, the biofilm-associated tolerance is due to several factors
acting in concert. Bacterial cells in biofilm produce a
polysaccharide matrix, which creates a physical barrier that
retards or blocks the toxic compounds from reaching the cells.
However, protection by the polysaccharide matrix can only
partially explain the tolerance because at least some antibiotics
can readily penetrate the matrix yet still can not eliminate
biofilm cells. Biofilm mode of growth is also associated with
changes in bacterial membrane structure and reduction in cell
growth rate. The changes in membrane structure could reduce the
permeability to toxic compounds, while the reduction in growth
rate can lead to higher tolerance to growth-dependent killing by
antibiotics. Increasing evidence suggests that the slow growth,
especially that associated with persister cells, is the most
challenging mechanism for treating chronic infections.
The present invention provides a system and method for treating
persister cells with an electrochemical process, alone or in
combination with antibiotics. The present invention also includes
an electrochemical cell for treating persister cells. Weak
electric currents are used to effectively eliminate persister
cells and the efficacy can be further improved through synergistic
effects with antibiotics. The present invention demonstrates
unprecedented efficacy in controlling persister cells and the
present invention may be adapted for novel therapies of chronic
infections and strategies to control persistent biofouling. The
present invention has a broad spectrum applications in treating
chronic and drug resistant infections, such as those caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and MRSA
(Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus). The present
invention may also be used for decontamination of medical devices.
According to a first aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying a weak electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter. According to a preferred embodiment, the current is a
direct current of approximately 75 microampheres per square
According to a second aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying an electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter, and where the medium is an electrically-conductive
saline solution such as 0.85% NaCl.
According to a third aspect of the present invention is an
electrochemical method for killing persister cells, the method
comprising the step of applying an electrical current to a
bacterial culture, either planktonic culture or a biofilm, wherein
the current is between 1 and 500 microamperes per square
centimeter, and wherein the medium also contains an effective
amount of an antimicrobial compound such as an antibiotic. The
concentration of the antibiotics can be significantly lower than
what it is required to work in the absence of a current.
According to a fourth aspect of the present invention is a method
for treating an item comprising a biofilm, the method comprising
the steps of: (i) placing the item at least partially in a medium;
and (ii) applying an electrical current of between 1 and 500
microamperes per square centimeter to the medium.
According to a fifth aspect of the present invention is a system
for killing persister cells, the system comprising: (i) a
treatment cell with a treatment area for receiving an item and
which contains a reference electrode, a working electrode, a
counter electrode; (ii) a medium (liquid or cream) that at least
partially fills the treatment area and is in communication with
the reference electrode, the working electrode, and the counter
electrode. The treatment cell applies an electrical current
between 1 and 500 microamperes per square centimeter to the medium
in order to kill the persister cells.
According to a sixth aspect of the present invention is a system
for killing persister cells, the system comprising: (i) a
treatment cell with a treatment area for receiving an item and
which contains a reference electrode, a working electrode, a
counter electrode; (ii) a medium that at least partially fills the
treatment area and is in connection with the reference electrode,
the working electrode, and the counter electrode; and (ii) an
effective amount of an antimicrobial compound such as an
antibiotic. The concentration of the antibiotics can be
significantly lower than what it is required to work in the
absence of a current. The treatment cell applies an electrical
current between 1 and 500 microamperes per square centimeter to
the medium in order to kill the persister cells.
The present invention will be more fully understood and
appreciated by reading the following Detailed Description in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIG. 1 is a schematic of biofilm formation;
FIG. 2 is a schematic of an electrochemical cell according to the
present invention;
FIG. 3A is a graph illustrating the effects of electric currents
and antibiotics on the persister cells of E. coli HM22, where the
graph depicts the results of treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >DC
alone in 0.85% NaCl buffer using 304L stainless steel as working
and counter electrodes, and current was generated using graphite
working and counter electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
FIG. 3B is a graph illustrating the effects of electric currents
and antibiotics on the persister cells of E. coli HM22, where the
graph depicts treatment with antibiotic only, 75 μA/cm<2 >DC
only, or co-treatment with current and antibiotic, and the current
was generated using graphite working and counter electrodes in
0.85% NaCl buffer;
FIG. 4 is a graph showing the effects of current and Tob on E.
coli biofilm cells when treated the biofilm as an anodic
electrode. Bars indicate the numbers of viable persister cells of
E. coli HM22. Biofilms were grown on stainless 304L steel
electrodes and treated with 75 μA/cm<2 >DC and/or 20 μg/mL
Tob for 60 min.
FIG. 5 is a graph of E. coli HM22 persister cell survival
following treatment with 15 μA/cm<2 >direct current alone,
H2O2 alone, or both;
FIG. 6 is schematic of a flow cell system for studying bioelectric
FIG. 7 is an image of the removal of detached E. coli biofilm
cells by flow;
FIG. 8 is a schematic of the overall operation of the present
FIG. 9A is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli HM22
persister cells compared to normal cells;
FIG. 9B is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli HM22
normal cells following treatment of with 15-45 μA/cm<2
>direct current using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
FIG. 9C is a graph of the membrane potential of E. coli HM22
persister cells following treatment of with 15-45 μA/cm<2
>direct current using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer;
FIG. 10 is a graph of the effects of tobramycin alone, electric
current alone, or both on P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells at exponential
FIG. 11 is a graph of the effects of ciprofloxacin on P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells;
FIG. 12 is a graph of the effects of tobramycin alone, electric
current alone, or both on P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells;
FIG. 13 is a graph of the effects of pretreated buffer on
persister cells of P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells where the 0.85% NaCl
buffer was treated with the same level and duration of electric
current as used in current-treatment experiments, and where the
cells were incubated in the pretreated buffers to evaluate the
effects of released ions in the absence of a current;
FIG. 14 is a graph showing the comparison of killing effects on P.
aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells using 304 stainless steel
electrodes and carbon electrodes;
FIG. 15 is a graph of the effect of electric currents on P.
aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells in the presence of 0.85% NaCl
buffer pretreated with 75 μA/cm<2 >current using 304
stainless steel electrodes.
Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference numerals
refer to like parts throughout, the present invention provide a
system and method for the elimination of persister cells by
electric currents and synergy with antibiotics. The present
invention was tested using an electrochemical cell seen in FIG. 2
and with the use of E. coli HM22 constructed by the pioneer work
of Moyed and Bertrand because it produces 1000 times more
persister cells in exponential-phase cultures than the wild-type
E. coli strains and has been used in most studies of persister
cells. To evaluate the effects of electric currents, the persister
cells were first isolated as described previously. Briefly, the
exponential culture of HM22 at optical density at 600 nm (OD600)
of 0.3 in LB medium was treated with 100 μg/mL ampicillin for 3 h
to kill and lyse the normal cells. The persister cells were then
collected by centrifugation at 8000 rpm at 4° C. for 10 min and
resuspended in 0.85% NaCl buffer. The persister cells were then
treated in a customized electrochemical cell, shown in FIG. 2.
Electrodes with a dimension of 1 cm×5.6 cm were cut from a flat
304L stainless steel sheet (MSC; Melville, N.Y.) or graphite sheet
(McMaster—CARR, Santa Fe Springs, Calif.). The same material was
used for both the counter electrode and working electrode, which
were placed into a 4.5 mL standard-style polystyrene cuvette
(Fisher Scientific; Hampton, N.H.). A 0.48 mm diameter silver wire
(A-M Systems; Sequim, Wash.) was placed in bleach for 30 min to
produce an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The bottom 1″ of a
borosilicate glass Pasteur pipette (Fisher) was cut and the
reference wire was placed inside to prevent contact with the
working or counter electrode. An AFCBP1 potentiostat/galvanostat
(Pine Instrument Company, Grove City, Pa.) was connected via
alligator clamps to the electrodes and used to control the
current. The volume of medium in the fully-constructed
electrochemical cell was 3 mL (see FIG. 2).
Significant killing of persister cells was observed both with
stainless steel and graphite electrodes. For example, treatment
with 75 μA/cm<2 >(voltage around 1V) for 50 min in 0.85%
NaCl buffer caused complete killing of persister cells (a 6 log
reduction in viability, FIG. 3A) by counting colony forming units
(CFUs) before and after treatment. The killing was not simply
caused by the products of electrochemical reactions since
incubation with the pre-treatment buffer (0.85% NaCl buffer
treated with the same level and duration of current) did not cause
any apparent killing (data not shown). Interestingly, the electric
current was more effective in killing persister cells than normal
cells. As shown in FIG. 3A, the same treatment of normal cells
only caused a 3 log reduction in the number of viable cells.
Effective killing of persister cells was also observed using
graphite electrodes. As shown in FIG. 3B, treatment with the same
current level (75 μA/cm<2>) for 60 min caused a 3 log
reduction of viable persister cells, whereas pre-treated medium
only reduced the viable cells by less than 1 log. Furthermore, the
efficacy of persister control can be improved through synergistic
effects with antibiotics. The graphite electrode was used for this
experiment since it does not cause complete killing, allowing the
synergistic effects to be observed. As shown in FIG. 3B,
application of 75 μA/cm<2 >current or 20 μg/mL cinoxacin
(Cin) alone caused a 3 log or no apparent reduction in the number
of viable persister cells, respectively. When these two treatments
were applied together, however, nearly complete killing (more than
5 log reduction) was observed. Such synergistic effects have not
been reported for persister cells. It is also worth noticing that
the synergy is not only limited to Cin since tobramycin (Tob) also
exhibited synergistic effect with electric current (see FIG. 3B).
To determine if electric currents are also effective in killing
persister cells in biofilms, E. coli HM22 biofilms were cultured
on 304L stainless steel coupons. The biofilm-coated coupons were
then used as anodic or cathodic electrode, and treated with direct
current alone or with tobramycin together. Immediately after
treatment, the cells were removed from the biofilm-coated coupons
by sonication and vertexing. A portion of the cells was directly
plated on LB+DPA plates to quantify the total number of viable
cells by counting CFU, the other part of the sample was treated
with 100 μg/mL ampicillin for another 3 h and plated on LB+DPA
plates to quantify the number of the viable persister cells. This
approach allowed us to study the killing effects on normal and
persister cells separately.
As shown in these FIG. 4, when treating biofilm persisters with
tobramycin alone (20 μg/mL or 150 μg/mL), there was no significant
reduction in total number of viable cells and number of viable
persister cells compared to the untreated control sample. These
results are consistent with the knowledge that biofilms have
significantly enhanced tolerance to antibiotics compared to
planktonic cells. However, treatments with 75 μA/cm<2 >alone
for 60 min reduced the number of viable persister cells by 3.5
logs. After treating biofilms with currents and tobramycin
together for 60 min, the number of viable persister cells was
reduced by 5.4 log (nearly complete killing, FIG. 4). Thus,
synergy between electric currents and antibiotics also exist for
killing persister cells in biofilms.
With the capability to quantify the expression level of each gene
at the genome-wide scale, DNA microarrays have been extensively
used to monitor global gene expression profiles in response to
different stimuli including persister formation and biofilm
formation. However, currently there are no reported data about the
effects of weak electric currents on bacterial gene expression at
the genome-wide scale. To identify the effects of electric
currents on cell physiology of persister cells and normal cells at
the genetic level, the present invention utilized two experiments
that revealed clues about the effects of weak electric currents on
bacterial cells.
In the first experiment, persister cells and normal cells of E.
coli HM22 harvested using the same method as describe above were
treated with and without 75 μA/cm<2 >DC for 15 min in 0.85%
NaCl buffer. In a parallel experiment, the persister cells were
also treated with M56 buffer with the same level and duration of
the current. After harvesting HM22 normal and persister cells,
they were concentrated 40 times and resuspended in 6 mL 0.85% NaCl
buffer and 6 mL M56 buffer respectively. Both samples were
separated into two equal aliquots: one was left untreated,
meanwhile the other one was treated with 75 μA/cm<2 >DC.
After 15 min incubation with and without current, all of the cells
were centrifuged immediately for 30 s at 13,200 rpm and 4° C. to
harvest the cells. For RNA isolation, each cell pellet was
resuspended in 1 mL of TRIzol reagent buffer (Invitrogen Co.,
Carlsbad, Calif.) and beaten rigorously at 4,800 beats per min for
30 s in a closed bead beater tube with 200 μl of silicon beads
using a mini bead beater (Biospec Products Inc., Bartlesville,
Okla.). The following isolation steps were conducted by following
Trizol reagent protocol and the total extracted RNA was
subsequently purified using RNeasy Mini kit (QIAGEN Inc.,
Valencia, Calif.). The quality and quantity of the total RNA
samples were evaluated using a 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent
Technologies, Santa Clara, Calif.) and the microarray
hybridizations were performed using E. coli Genome 2.0 Arrays
(Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.). Both were performed using
the DNA microarray core facilities at the SUNY Upstate Medical
University (Syracuse, N.Y.).
Stringent criteria were applied to select the induced/repressed
genes based on p-values (<0.0025 or >0.9975) calculated
using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Tukey By weight. The
applied current in 085% NaCl buffer was found to induce 9 genes
and repressed 36 genes in E. coli HM22 persister cells (see Table
1). While 27 of these genes have unknown functions, the treatment
did induce the genes of the trp operon (trpEL), acyl carrier
protein phosphodiesterase (acpD), L-serine dehydratase (sdaB),
oxidative stress response (oxyS), and repressed the cys operon
(cysCDJKNP), production of tryptophanase (tnaL) and nitrite
extrusion (narU) (see Tables 1-5). In comparison, treatment with
the same current level in M56 buffer induced 15 genes (yibP, cysU,
csgD, nrdE, narW, hisL, oxyS, etc) and repressed only 4 genes of
persister cells (see Tables 1-5). Interestingly, the induced genes
have functions of central intermediary metabolism, protease for
cell division, PTS system, sulfate transport, surface structure,
DNA synthesis, his operon, oxidative stress response and unknown
functions. Three of the four repressed genes have unknown
functions, while the forth gene uvrB has functions of DNA damage
recognition and repair. These data suggest that weak electric
currents are able to activate certain cellular activities
including those related to oxidative response, membrane structures
and functions.
Number of induced/repressed genes of E. coli HM22 in responseto
15-min treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 > current using graphite
Gene of E. coli HM22 persister cells repressed by treatmentwith 75
μA/cm<2 >DC for 15 min in M56 buffer.
Genes of E. coli HM22 persister cells induced by treatment with75
μA/cm<2 >DC for 15 min in 0.85% NaCl buffer.
Genes of E. coli HM22 persister cells repressed bytreatment with
75 μA/cm<2 >DC for 15 min in 0.85%
The effects on cell membrane functions are corroborated by a
parallel but more complete study regarding the effects of electric
currents on the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis 168. In
this experiment, the cells of B. subtilis 168 in late exponential
phase was treated for 15 min in LB medium with 42, 139 or 417
μA/cm<2 >DC using 304L stainless steel as electrodes in the
electrochemical cell shown FIG. 2. Each condition was tested in
duplicate and the data was analyzed using cluster analysis. To
differentiate the effects of currents from those of the
electrochemical reaction products, the control samples were
incubated for 15 min in the LB medium that was pre-treated with
the same level and duration of the current. Since the control
samples were prepared in pre-treated LB medium containing all the
electrochemical reaction products, the gene expression changes are
mainly caused by the currents as well as the movement and gradient
of chemical species, e.g. ions. The genes that were induced or
repressed in all conditions are listed in Table 6. There were also
839 genes induced under some but not all conditions, such as
transport genes encoding glycine betaine/carnitine/choline ABC
transporters, amino acid transporters, and putative monovalent
cation/H+ antiporters (gene list not shown). Overall, the
microarray results suggest that electric current and associated
ion movement/gradient have significant influence on cellular
activities of bacteria especially metabolism and membrane
B. subtilis 168 genes consistently induced/repressed by 15
mintreatments of 42, 139 and 417 μA/cm<2 >
The DNA microarray data suggests that treatment with electric
currents may lead to generation and accumulation of reactive
oxygen species (“ROS”) (e.g., induction of oxyS, a global
regulatory RNA). Thus, the treatment could render the persister
cells more susceptible to external ROS. To test this hypothesis,
we treated E. coli HM22 persister cells with 100 μA for 20 min and
followed by treatment with and without H2O2 (500 μM) for 1 h.
These cells were then split into two parts: one for microscopic
analysis and the other for CFU count. For microscopic study, cells
were treated with 200 μM dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate
(H2DCFDA, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.) for 30 min in dark at
room temperature. After incubation, cells were spin down and
resuspended in PBS buffer for visualization using a fluorescence
microscope (Axio Imager M1, ZEISS, Jena, Germany). The dye H2DCFDA
can penetrate bacterial cells and get cleaved by cellular esterase
to produce H2DCF. If there is any ROS present, this H2DCF will be
converted to DCF and give fluorescence (Invitrogen, USA). The
results showed that treatment with 15 μA/cm<2 >direct
current, similar to treatment with H2O2 (500 μM) caused
accumulation of ROS in persister cells. For the CFU count, cells
were plated on LB plates supplemented with DPA and incubated
overnight at 37° C. The CFU data further confirmed that the
treatment with electric current rendered the persister cells more
sensitive to H2O2 since treatment with electric current followed
by H2O2 killed more persister cells than either the EC or H2O2
alone (see FIG. 5).
Construction and use of a flow cell system is possible to directly
visualize the effects of electric currents on biofilm cells. To
directly visualize the effect of electric currents on biofilm
cells and biofilm structure, the FC81 flow cell system (BioSurface
Technologies Corporation, Bozeman Mont.) was modified to deliver
electric current. The flow cell contains two slides to form a
channel with a dimension of 47.5×12.7 mm and 1.6 mm space between
the two slides. The cover glass was coated with 50 Å Ti followed
by 70 Å Au. This engineered surface is transparent and conductive,
allowing the direct visualization of bioelectric effect with
microscopy. An Ag/AgCl reference electrode was also inserted at
the exit of the flow cell (through a Y-junction) without touching
the other two electrodes. The bottom surface could be made with
any material of interest and cut into the dimension of regular
glass slides (2.54 cm by 7.62 cm). The flow cell was assembled
with a gold-coated slide as the counter electrode and the bottom
plate as the working electrode (see FIG. 6). A Y-junction was
attached at the exit of the flow cell, with one line for insertion
of reference electrode and the other for the effluent of biofilm
culture. The tubing that holds the reference electrode was clamped
as a dead-end to prevent any leakage.
The electrodes were connected to a model AFCBP1
potentiostat/galvanostat (PINE Research Instrumentation) by Cu
wires. This is the first flow cell system containing reference
electrode to allow precise control of the potential and current.
The mature one-day biofilm of E. coli RP437/pRSH103 expressing red
fluorescent protein (RFP) constitutively was treated with 50
μA/cm<2 >DC for 1 h. The flow of LB medium (63) at 10 mL/h
was stopped before the treatment with current and resumed after
the treatment. Significant detachment of biofilm cells by electric
current was observed (see FIG. 7). This flow cell system is an
ideal tool for studying the effects of electric currents on
biofilm-associated persister cells.
It is well documented that persister cells are metabolically
inactive compared to normal cells. Conceivably, an approach that
can target this difference could have high efficacy. As shown in
FIG. 3A, some of the conditions are more effective in killing
persister cells than normal cells. Thus, the treatment conditions
may be fine tuned to selectively kill this population that is
highly resistant to antibiotics. All living cells need to maintain
a membrane potential for metabolism and transfer of nutrients. If
the membrane potential is disrupted, the cells could lose the
capability to maintain the ion gradients and cell death will
occur. Normal cells may have higher membrane potential than
persister cells due to higher metabolic activities. In this sense,
the persister cells could be more sensitive to reduction of
membrane potential. This is evidenced by recent mechanistic
studies of pyrazinamide for tuberculosis therapy. Unlike
conventional antibiotics that are more active against growing
cells, pyrazinamide is more effective in killing non-growing
bacilli. A recent study has shown that pyrazinamide kills cells by
disrupting the membrane energetics and transport function at acid
pH. An applied electric current can either positively or
negatively influence the membrane potential, which consequently
affects the viability of persister cells and susceptibility to
antibiotics (FIG. 8). If the membrane potential is reduced by the
applied current, direct killing of persister cells can be
expected. If the membrane potential is positively affected by the
current, however, it may work as a “wake up” call of the persister
cells to enter a metabolically more active stage and therefore
render the cells more susceptible to antibiotics. The membrane
permeability to antibiotics may also be affected by the applied
current. The exact impact on persister cells may rely on the
current level, material of the electrodes and the associated ions
released, medium composition and the antibiotics applied.
Membrane potential can be measured using either florescent or
radioactive methods. The persister cells of E. coli HM22 and P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells at different growth phases may be treated
with electric currents; and the cells before and after treatments
may be analyzed to evaluate the effects of electric currents on
membrane potential.
In light of the above, the membrane potentials of E. coli HM 22
normal and persister cells were compared. Briefly, approximately
1×10<6 >persister cells per mL were washed with PBS buffer
(10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4) followed
by addition of carbocyanine dye DiOC2 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
Calif.) to 30 μM and incubation at room temperature for 30 min.
Fluorescence was determined using a LSR II flow cytometer (Becton
Dickinson, San Jose, Calif.), with excitation at 495 nm and
emission at 575 nm. The red/green ratiometric parameter was set
according to the manufacturer's instructions for histogram
analysis. The ratiometric parameter was calculated as [(red
value)−(green value)+384]. The overlay histogram of membrane
potential analysis was obtained using CXP software. As shown in
FIG. 9A, the membrane potential of persister cells is lower than
that of normal cells. To our knowledge, this is the first direct
comparison of membrane potential between normal and persister
cells of E. coli. In addition, treatment with 15, 30 and 45
μA/cm<2 >direct current significantly reduced the membrane
potential of persister cells, but not that of normal cells (FIGS.
9B and 9C). These data confirm our hypothesis and suggest that
membrane potential is a potential target of new therapies. Further
study on this finding could help understand the mechanism of
persister control by electric current and synergistic effects with
For the conditions that exhibit synergistic effects with
antibiotics, the membrane permeability may also be tested using
radioactively labeled antibiotics. In particular, the
intracellular concentration of benzyl-14C-penicillin (potassium)
and <3>H-oxytetracycline (American Radiolabeled Chemicals,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.) may be measured after incubation with cells
for 30 min in the presence or absence of a current using a liquid
scintillation counter. These data are expected to corroborate the
results regarding the effects of current on membrane potential and
permeability. It will be integrated with the results in the
following study to get insight into the mechanism of persister
control with electric currents.
As described in the results above, the present invention is
premised on promising evidence that weak electric currents have
significant effects on gene expression of both persister cells and
normal cells of bacteria. As a result, gene expression in response
to electric currents may be further studied to understand the
mechanism at the genetic level by identifying the differentially
expressed genes and pathways.
First, E. coli HM22 may be used to prepare persister cells as
described above. The harvested persister cells may be treated with
different levels of electric currents (75, 150 and 300 μA/cm<2
>DC) using graphite electrodes in 0.85% NaCl buffer or M56
buffer. The gene expression of these cells may be compared with
that of persister cells incubated in the buffer pre-treated with
the same level and duration of current. In addition, normal cells
of HM22 may be treated with the same conditions to identify the
persister-specific genes and pathways affected by electric
currents. Similar experiments may also be performed to treat P.
aeruginosa PAO1 cells at exponential and stationary phases. The
treatment time may be 15 min and extended if more profound changes
are needed to identify the pathways. Each experiment may be
conducted in duplicate and the data may be analyzed using cluster
analysis to identify the gene expression patterns and the pathways
involved in response to current treatments. The representative
induced/repressed genes may be confirmed by RNA dot blotting.
Compared to other stimuli, e.g., starvation and temperature
change, electric currents (especially constant DCs) are not the
common challenges or evolutionary pressures that bacteria
experience in nature. Thus, the expression patterns may provide
unique information for understanding bacterial physiology in
general, and for developing better control methods. With the gene
expression patterns identified, one may further study to
corroborate the results using mutants of the differentially
expressed genes. For example, the mutants of induced genes could
be more sensitive to electric currents. Electric currents,
especially those with higher current levels and longer duration
than described here, have been found to improve the efficacy of
antibiotics in treating biofilms. However, the mechanism of such
effects remains unknown. Since persister cells play an important
role in biofilm-associated drug tolerance, it is possible that
antibiotics and electric currents are both capable of killing
susceptible biofilm cells, while electric currents can also kill
some persister cells and the efficacy can be enhanced through
synergy with antibiotics. This is supported by the fact that
electric current can be more effective in killing persister cells
than normal cells (FIG. 3A). This may create more friendly
treatment conditions with lower current level and shorter
treatment time.
E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa PAO1 may be used to inoculate
biofilm cultures using the flow chamber described in results of
the present invention (FIG. 6). As discussed above, these two are
the best-studied strains of persister formation and many genetic
tools are available.
The preformed biofilms of E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa PAO1 can
be treated with electric currents and antibiotics under the
effective conditions identified. The number of viable cells can be
quantified by counting CFUs after collecting biofilm cells from
the surface by sonication and spreading cells on LB agar plates.
Meanwhile, part of the collected cells may be treated with 100
μg/mL ampicillin (for E. coli HM22) or 200 μg/mL ofloxacin (for P.
aeruginosa PAO1) for 3 hours and then tested using the same CFU
method to quantify the viable persister cells. The CFU data of
biofilms with and without treatment may be compared to evaluate
the effects of electric currents on the viability of persister
cells in biofilms. The adhesion and metabolic activity of
biofilm-associated persister cells may be analyzed in situ using
the flow cell system described above.
The effects of electric current on biofilm structure may be
followed in situ using a fluorescence microscopy to obtain the
three dimensional information of biofilms. The structural
parameters of biofilms including surface coverage, thickness,
roughness, and biomass may be calculated using the computer
program COMSTAT (31). The dynamic 3-D imaging data may then be
obtained to help elucidate the effects of electric current on
biofilm formation and structure. To visualize biofilm-associated
persister cells three dimensionally, the promoterless gfp(LVA)
gene may be cloned in pCA24N (for E. coli, available at NIGJ) and
pME290 (for P. aeruginosa, available from ATCC) under the promoter
rrnBP1 of E. coli HM22 and P. aeruginosa PAO1, respectively, and
inserted in the corresponding hosts. Thus, the intensity of GFP
will be proportional to the cell growth rate. In addition, all
biofilm cells may be strained with the BacLight™ Red fluorescent
dye (Invitrogen). Thus, all biofilm cells may be strained red and
the green dye can be used to differentiate persister cells (weak
or no green signal) from normal cells (stronger green signals).
Compared to the highly stable native GFP, the unstable GFP(LVA),
which has a half-life less than 40 min, may be used to allow the
dynamic monitoring of cell growth. The constructed reporters may
then be used to study the effects of electric currents on the
adhesion/detachment and growth of persister cells in three
dimensions and in real time at different stages of biofilm
formation (from initial adhesion to maturation).
To understand the mechanism of persister control using electric
currents and to develop better biofilm control methods, the above
studies may systematically investigate the effects of electric
currents on physiology of persister cells, gene expression and
pathways, as well as the effects on biofilm-associated persister
cells. These results may be integrated to develop a model to
explain the mechanism. The results from these studies may also
help develop more effective control methods, e.g., electrically
enhanced antibiotic therapies and anti-biofouling approaches.
Conceivably, application of an electric current can cause complex
changes to the chemical composition of the medium. The effects of
currents on bacterial physiology may be carefully compared with
pre-treated medium to eliminate the effects of electrochemical
reactions products. In addition, the electrochemical reactions may
be systematically studied to identify the roles of each reaction
product on persister cells.
Continued experiments, for example, have already shown that the
effects of electric current and synergy with antibiotics is not
species specific, as similar results were shown using P.
aeruginosa. The experiments were conducted in the same way as
described for E. coli HM22. Briefly, an overnight culture of P.
aeruginosa PAO1 was used to inoculate LB medium to an OD600 of
̃0.005 (1:1000 dilution of an overnight culture with LB) and
incubated till OD600 reached ̃0.7. Then the cells were washed
twice with 0.85% NaCl buffer and treated in the same way as
described for planktonic E. coli cells. As shown in FIG. 10,
treatment with 1.5 μg/mL Tob did not cause any significant
killing. Treatment with 75 μA/cm<2 >for 60 min reduced the
number of viable P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells by 3 logs. When the two
treatments were combined, however, up to 5 logs of killing was
observed. Thus, synergistic effects clearly also exist between
electric current and tobramycin on P. aeruginosa PAO1, suggesting
this effect is not species specific and can potentially be applied
to treated human bacterial infections.
To identify the condition for isolating P. aeruginosa PAO1
persister cells, the overnight culture of P. aeruginosa PAO1 was
treated for 3.5 h with various concentrations of ciprofloxacin
(“Cip”) to determine the appropriate concentration that can kill
normal cells. As shown in FIG. 11, the killing of P. aeruginosa
PAO1 increased with Cip concentration up to 50 μg/mL and no
further killing was observed even when Cip was added as 200 μg/mL.
Thus, the 1% cells that survived the treatment were persister
cells and treatment with 200 μg/mL Cip was used in the following
experiments to harvest persister cells and ensure the complete
killing of normal cells.
Synergistic effects were also observed for treatment with electric
current and Tob, similar to the data of normal cells described
above. The results indicate that 1.5 μg/mL Tob was not able to
kill P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells. However, treatment with
75 μA/cm<2 >(500 μA total) current reduced the number of
viable persisters by ̃2.5 logs and another 2 logs of killing was
obtained when treating with Tob together, as shown in FIG. 12. It
is worthy noticing that the efficiency in killing by electric
current and synergistic effects with Tob were similar for
persisters and normal cells. This is a significant advantage
compared to traditional antibiotics, which commonly fail to kill
bacterial cells that are in stationary phase or are persisters.
To understand if the killing by electric currents was due to the
ions generated by electrochemical reactions, P. aeruginosa PAO1
persister cells were also treated with pretreated buffer, which
was prepared by treating 0.85% NaCl buffer with SS304 stainless
steel electrodes for the same current level and duration as used
for the above experiments. The pretreated buffers were collected
after 20, 40 or 60 min of treatment. P. aeruginosa PAO1 persister
cells were collected as described above and resuspended in the
pretreated buffers in the presence and absence of Tob. The cells
were then incubated at room temperature without shaking for up to
1 h and samples were collected every 20 min to count CFU. As shown
in FIG. 13, the ions released from the electrode caused less than
one log of killing of persister cells, significantly less than
that with current treatment (2-3 logs), suggesting the movement of
ions or some short-term ions might be essential for the
effectively killing with electric current. The generation of ROS
as described in E. coli HM22 data could be partially responsible
for the killing. In addition, no synergy was observed between
pretreated buffer and 1.5 μg/mL Tob. This finding suggests that
electric current may enhance the penetration of Tob and/or the
susceptibility of persisters.
In addition to stainless steel, carbon electrodes were also found
to control E. coli persister cells (discussed above). Here we also
compare the effects of stainless steel and carbon electrodes on P.
aeruginosa persister cells. As shown in FIG. 14, killing by about
two logs was achieved using carbon electrodes. It is slightly less
than the 3 logs of killing by stainless steel electrodes; however,
it does confirm that the killing effects are not limited to
stainless steel electrodes.
Since the current treatment with 304 stainless steel electrodes
was more effective than that with carbon electrodes in killing
persisters, another experiment was conducted to treat P.
aeruginosa PAO1 persister cells using carbon electrodes and 0.85%
NaCl buffer pretreated with 304 stainless steel electrodes. As
shown in FIG. 15, additional killing was observed compared to
treatment with 304 stainless steel electrodes (FIG. 15) or carbon
electrodes (FIG. 14) alone. These results confirm that ions or
charge movement induced by electric current treatment may be a key
factor in killing persister cells. Thus, a pre-prepared solution
or cream containing such chemical species might be applied for
disease therapy with electric currents.
Embodiments of the electrically-enhanced control of bacterial
persister cells, both planktonic persisters and those in biofilms,
are described above. The use of a very small electric current to
control persister cells, as well as the synergistic effects shown
when used in conjunction with antimicrobial agents, is a new
phenomenon. The low level of electric current/voltage required to
control persister cells are believed to be physiologically safe
for humans since similar and higher current/voltage levels have
been used to stimulate tissue and bone growth.
Further, the effects of electric current and the synergy with
antimicrobial agents is not species-specific, since similar
results were shown using both E. coli strains and P. aeruginosa
strains. Accordingly, the present invention can be used to kill a
wide variety of microbial species.
The use of low electric current and/or low electric current
together with an antimicrobial agent is a novel means of
controlling persister cells and can be incorporated into devices
or procedures in order to treat chronic infections both inside and
outside the human body. For example, possible applications include
the treatment of chronic wounds, chronic sinusitis,
implanted-device-associated infections, and middle ear infection,
the decontamination of medical devices, or devices with bare or
coated electrodes, among many others.
Although the present invention has been described in connection
with a preferred embodiment, it should be understood that
modifications, alterations, and additions can be made to the
invention without departing from the scope of the invention as
defined by the claims.