Teslatron ElectroTherapy
Tesla Technology by Guy
Posted by Shabari Bird on November 15, 2019
A note from Shabari Bird. : Guy was a close personal friend for
over twenty years. We lived 20 miles rom him in Orange County, NY.
Guy was one of my late husband’ Christopher Bird’s best men in our
wedding. He also traveled with Chris, myself and my son Gabriel
Cymerman Bird to visit with Gastone Naessan in Canada.
Ionic Spa Technology
Amplifying the time wave for powerful restorative
qualities for the body/mind/bio-field
by Guy Obolensky
We live in an age that seems defined by electronics, with ever
more sophisticated uses of electricity and electronic devices in
applications that bring us enormous economic and lifestyle
benefits. Yet, in that most vital area of all for humanity, the
field of health, the application of electricity has been more
limited than the potential identified for it by scientists at the
very dawn of modern electronics more than a century ago. To be
sure, electronic devices are widely used today in medicine, but
almost solely for diagnosis. In particular, mainstream physicians
have yet to take up and build upon the promise of electro-medicine
as a powerful healing medium. That promise was surfaced explicitly
during the industrial revolution by an electronic wizard of that
age, Nicola Tesla. Despite Tesla’s work in this area and even
earlier, indeed ancient, successful uses of electronic and
magnetic therapies, conventional medicine still employs almost
exclusively chemical, biochemical, and mechanical remedies for
injury and disease. Therapeutic electro-medicine has been totally
ignored except by a few maverick scientists and physicians who
have proposed, studied, and successfully practiced electronic wave
therapy and other electromagnetic treatments as healing regimens.
Tesla’s contribution in the late 1890’s was profound.’ He
hypothesized that electronic waves produced by lightning
discharges could have significant benefits for human health. He
developed the Tesla-coil and “magnifying transmitter” to excite
the atmosphere into producing the unique energy structure of
natural lightning; and, part showman, Tesla often engaged in
sensational personal demonstrations of electrical phenomena to
illustrate his ability to harness its energy safely. In a more
advanced and important refinement, Tesla constructed an
impulse-stimulated magnifying coil system with an elliptically
shaped output terminal to selectively generate negative ions,
which he determined to be best suited for electrotherapy.
Unfortunately, as a private inventor who often had seen the
benefits of his earlier work, such as radio, co-opted by others,
Tesla kept his negative-ion device a closely guarded secret.
However, he did clearly state two of its effects in an early
paper, High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and
Other Purposes, presented at the 1898 annual meeting of the
American Electro-Therapeutic Association, in Buffalo, NY:
“When a person is subjected to the action of such a [magnifying]
coil, the proper adjustments being carefully observed, luminous
[blue light] streams are seen in the dark issuing from all parts
of the body… Soon after the person perspires freely.”
Tesla maintained that these blue light streams and radio frequency
(RF) electronic wave therapy in general could, in principle, make
it possible to minimize aging and disease.
A decade or so later Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian physicist living
in France, employed Tesla-coil electrotherapy in successful
treatments of plants and patients with cancers. With some
assistance from Tesla’s publications, Lakhovsky designed and
manufactured his own multi-wave ‘Tesla coils” and, by 1925, wrote
one of the first books on this subject: The Secret of Life. Its
third edition cites numerous case studies in Italian, French,
English and American hospitals.
About this time, another important, though seemingly unrelated,
advance was the pioneering work in cell biology of the Russian
histologist, Dr. Alexander Gurwitsch. In the early 1920s,
Gurwitsch discovered the “mitogenic” wave communication of vital
information exchanged between living- cells with biophotons.2
Gurwitsch coined the term mitogenic, using as root-words “mitos,”
meaning thread, and “genic,” meaning caused by a gene, to identify
the vital nature of these inter-cell communications. His
experiments showed that ordinary (non-quartz) glass could prevent
living cells from exchanging such vital information, explaining
the later remarkable success of Dr. Raymond Rife’s tuned-light,
biophoton approach to electro medicine, described below.
In 1932, Tesla’s noninvasive electrotherapy was publicly acclaimed
before the American Congress of Physical Therapy. At a 1932 New
York City seminar, Dr. Gustave Kolischer announced: “Tesla’s
high-frequency electrical currents are bringing about highly
beneficial results in dealing with cancer, surpassing anything
that could be accomplished with ordinary surgery.
Foot note”3
Not long after this, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a research physician
at the University of California at Riverside in the 1930’s, took
up the clinical torch. Claims by Lakhovsky and others of
astounding medical cures attributable to Tesla’s noninvasive
electrotherapy intrigued Rife. As a physician and scientist, Rife
reasoned that specific disease pathogens could be identified by
their unique resonant response to a variable-wavelength light
source. To test this thesis, he invented a device he called the
“Universal Microscope,” which itself provided insight as to the
central role of the light spectrum of electromagnetic energy in
living tissues and disease. He used this device to conduct
microscopic studies of a patient’s living blood and or diseased
tissue cultures, before and after treatment. The 1944 Annual
Report of the Smithsonian Institution published a brief
description of how Rife’s Universal Microscope worked:
“Between the source of light and the specimen are subtended two
circular, wedge-shaped, block crystal quartz prisms for the
purpose of polarizing the light passing through the specimen,
polarization being the practical application of the theory that
light waves vibrate in all planes perpendicular to the direction
in which they are propagated. …Now, when the portion of the
spectrum is reached in which both the organism and the color band
vibrate in exact accord, one with the other, a definite
characteristic spectrum is emitted by the organism. …The virus of
the Bacillus thypous is always turquoise blue, the Bacillus coil
always mahogany colored, the Mycobacterium laprae always a ruby
shade, the filter-passing form or virus of tuberculosis is always
emerald green, the virus of cancer a purplish red, and so on.
Footnote ”4
Block-crystal quartz optics, pass wavelengths from infra-red
to ultra-violet.Shorter, blue wavelengths provided Rife’s
Universal Microscope with unprecedented 15,000x magnification, and
with this instrument Rife was able to study living blood and
tissue samples (in vivo) to dynamically monitor a patient’s diet,
immune system health, and disease-response to noninvasive
electrotherapy. Once he proved his initial-thesis that disease
pathogens could be identified by their unique resonant—response to
a specific wavelength of visible light, Rife was lead to another
critical insight. He knew that Tesla’s RF wavelengths were too
long to be visible, but the wave-shape or energy form-factor
exciting Rife’s blue (mercury-argon-plasma) lamp could be made to
visibly affect blood and tissue samples in vivo, given the
Universal Microscope’s phase-contrast and dark-field features
using blue plasma illumination. By simply modulating this
blue-plasma lamp’s RF-wave shape with an audio oscillator, Rife
was able to study the plasma’s photonic form-factor effect on
living cells. Without dwelling here on the complex technical
details, we can summarize his results by saying that Rife found a
new way to study a diseased cell’s response to specific energy
structures in vivo, before prescribing the same RF energy form
factor to excite similar plasma lamps used for whole body
irradiation in the clinical phase of his work. The next step was
described by the author, Barry Lines, as follows: The first
clinical work demonstrating the efficacy of Rife’s system in the
treatment of cancer was completed under the supervision of Milbank
Johnson, M.D., which was setup under a special Medical Research
Committee of the University of Southern California. 16 cases were
treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. After 3
months, 14 of these so-called hopeless cases were signed off as
clinically cured by the staff of five medical doctors and Dr.
Alvin G. Foord M.D. Pathologist for the group.
Footnote 5
Unfortunately, the report issued by this committee, has gone
Footnote 6
In the 1940s, a controversial biochemist and psychologist,
Wilhelm Reich found faint blue light around living blood cells in
his microscope, and termed it orgone energy.’ According to Reich,
orgone is a form of life-energy at work within living organisms,
expressing itself as emotion and sexuality, but also directly
observable in the microscope as a bluish-glowing field around
living blood cells and other substances. This bluish-glowing
energy was later observed by Reich as a blue glowing aura-like
phenomenon around organisms, trees and even mountain ranges. He
also asserted that blue orgone exists in a free form within the
atmosphere, and Reich wrote about an “envelope” of blue-glowing
energy surrounding the Earth long before the first satellite
photos confirmed it. Reich was pursued by the FDA for operating
his “orgone accelerators” without approval and spent the last year
of his life in prison.
Dr. Robert 0. Becker was another pioneer of more recent vintage.
An orthopedic surgeon with the Veteran’s Administration, Becker
developed his ideas largely on his own and compiled a compelling
body of research under government grants, including an electronic
explanation of the efficacy of acupuncture and theories about the
likely importance of the Earth’s magnetic resonance for human
health. Becker was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize. However,
funding for his research dried up when it threatened established
norms, and Becker retired early in 1980. Also, for reasons that
are hard to explain beyond simple inertia, the opposition of
conventional wisdom, or perhaps even the influence of that
formidable force, the drug industry, Becker’s extensive body of
work and publications in peer-reviewed professional journals have
been largely ignored among conventional physicians and medical
Note 8
Despite such lost opportunities, there have been further
remarkable advances in recent years, some of which give important
new clues as to exactly how electrotherapy benefits the body. As
described in the next several paragraphs, discoveries involving
electronic wave-particle (photonic) multiplication through
parametric amplification have made it possible now to amplify, and
so measure, the extremely weak biophoton wave-particles emitted by
all living cells.
Footnotes 9’10
By the 1950s the broader scientific world was
experiencing a revolution. Advances in quantum mechanics and the
seemingly unrelated field of radio astronomy began to remove some
of the conceptual barriers that impeded understanding and
acceptance of earlier electrotherapeutic discoveries. In one
account of new insights from these advances it was declared that:
“Each human being is an emitter of radio waves, a living
broadcasting station of exceedingly low power. The stomach wall
sends out not only infra-red heat waves but the entire spectrum of
light – ultraviolet rays, X-rays, radio waves and so on. Of
course, all these radiations are fantastically weak and the radio
waves are among the weakest. But the fifty-foot aerial of the
Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, the most accurately built
aerial in existence, could pick up radio signals coming from your
stomach more than four miles away.” By the early 1970’s, the
esteemed biochemist Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp12 was able to use this
advance in parametric amplification from radio astronomy to
measure mitogenic waves eminating from the seedlings of various
plants. His study revealed that mitogenic plant communication
appears in the red- togreen wavelengths and has illumination
intensities as low as a few tens of photons per second per square
centimeter. Popp went on to show that given the highly variable
loss of its cells, the human body could only remain in balance
through mitogenic communication among its cells on the time scale
in which atomic electrons change orbit to emit an information
carrying photon. He found that, although our body appears to us to
possess a welldefined material nature that changes very slowly, on
the atomic level we are changing every microsecond. The majority
of our living cells are constantly dying and being replaced. For
example the pancreas will reproduce most of its cells daily, and
cells of the stomach lining are renewed every three days. White
blood cells are renewed every ten days and cells of the skin are
renewed every four weeks. In total, our bodies essentially renew
themselves completely every four years.
Dr. Popp’s published works support his thesis that mitogenic
luminescence (which he called biophoton emission) is an essential
component of the life process itself. He extended the theory that
the body’s DNA code directs the organization of living structures
to include the body’s overall electromagnetic field as a vehicle
for instructions. This presupposes global communication among all
the atoms in all of the molecules that together govern the form,
function and growth of the whole being. Popp demonstrated the
biophoton nature of this mitogenic-wave communication with an
ingenious experiment using two quartz test tubes containing live
pig blood: An agent was added to one of the test tubes, and, as
one would expect, the blood reacted by producing antibodies.
Meanwhile, although no agent was added to the second quartz tube,
the blood in it also produced antibodies, and these were
antibodies identical to those produced by the blood in the first
tube, showing that biophoton emissions from a living cell’s atomic
electron’s orbital-transition can initiate biochemical processes
needed to preserve life. To confirm the necessary role of
biophotons, this experiment was repeated with a lightproof bather
inserted between the two quartz test tubes. The interference of a
mitogenic-wave barrier prevented antibody information from being
communicated to the second quartz tube.
In the late 1970’s, Alexis Guy Obolensky published a paper
describing his discovery of autoparametric force amplification by
stimulated energy resonance (FASER), as it applied to electronic
plasma lighting.’ This was followed in 1982 with a paper on the
underlying technology for FASER..
Footnote 14
and superluminal demonstrations of Tesla’s
adiabatic-entropy discovery.
Footnotes 15.16.17
Subsequently, Obolensky received a grant to
investigate superluminalenergy technology for use in
electromedicine applications. Through the work that followed,
Obolensky found that Tesla’s magnifying transmitter could be
operated as an impulse modulated negative-ion generator and as
such its microwave near-field could make visible the “luminous
streams” of faint bluish light first described by Tesla in
connection with one of his later electrotherapeutic systems.
Obolensky confirmed Tesla’s finding that: “luminous streams are
seen in the dark issuing from all parts of the body.” Obolensky
attributed this phenomenon to parametric interaction between the
transmitter waves and the body’s own electromagnetic field or
aura. He found that to achieve this result, the subject must be
well insulated from ground to achieve electrostatic equilibrium
with the transmitter’s elliptical-electrode dome, said dome being
a critical element of Tesla’s transmitter.
Obolensky observed that in a dark setting this faint bluish light
issues only from one the subject’s wounded or diseased tissue, if
there is any, and two the subject’s stimulated acupuncture points.
Thus, one of the key potential applications of the transmitter is
diagnostic. Then, for troubled subjects, over repeated periods of
exposure the beams cease to appear from problem areas as the
subject’s tissue is returned to health by the electronic therapy.
He has conjectured that, unlike the robust ~430 nm plasma light
employed by Rife, Tesla’s “luminous streams” appear to arise from
‘force magnifying” of the body’s own mitogenic biophotons.
We have a picture shows an atomic model of a portion of a cell
membrane with many thousands of tendrils that collectively vibrate
in a torsional, Frolich resonance, mode)8 The picture was
constructed to illustrate the connection between the action of
these tendrils and Tesla’s luminous streams of bluish light when
Tesla’s superluminal, longitudinal mode spin-waves’9 interact with
and amplify the body’s unique cell water, torsional hydrogen-bond
vibration, thereby enhancing the influence of normal whole-body
mitogenic biophotons. In the terminology of modem quantum
mechanics, disease and aging can be described as a process of
entropy, and electrotherapy based on biophoton phase-conjugate
amplification20 can be said to effectively reduce a subject’s
cellular entropy, creating a more or less adiabatic state.21 At a
deeper level, Obolensky believes that this class of electrotherapy
may involve an activation of atomic memory.22 Though there is no
simple way to relate entropy reversal to cellular atomic-memory,
it makes sense that atomic memory, like the molecular memory
imbedded in an uncoiled spring, could provide a model for entropy
negation, and consequently, cellular regeneration. (We have
provided in an Appendix to this report a brief discussion of
atomic memory from a paper in Scientific American by Richard
Brewer and Erwin Hahn.)
To summarize what we have covered thus far: Results obtained by
Tesla, Lakhovsky, Rife, and Obolensky, among others, show that
virulent cancer and other diseases can be cured by electronic wave
therapy, and without any evidence of the slightest detriment to
healthy cells. Studies published by Gurwitsch, Popp, Frolich and
many others support the Obolensky hypothesis which suggests that
the healing of disease is attributable to the reversal of entropy
in affected cells through biophotonics, and is achieved
specifically by autoparametric, phase-conjugate amplification of
life-saving emissions of mitogenic biophotons.
Further results from these studies show that when a wavelength is
either doubled or halved, with respect to frequency (i.e., the
accelerated or retarded light velocity) in the parametric medium,
and the energy is changed by even (as opposed to odd) harmonic
intervals, entropy gain can be canceled by phase conjugation in an
energy-density dependent medium—a result that can be called
time-reversed light?
Note 23
So, at the most fundamental level, the process by
which advanced electromedicine works involves a jump past the
speed of light to induce time reversal in the sense of reversing
the direction of entropy flow. How can this be? Time reversal
seems- not only to contradict our rational perspective of the
world as we know it, such a concept flies in the face of the
second law of thermodynamics, not to mention Einstein’s special
theory of relativity which declares the speed of light to be both
invariant and an insurmountable speed barrier for virtually all
phenomena. Our common-sense rejection of this contradiction can be
overcome easily, however, when we realize that our reference to
time-reversal does not mean a reversal of history, but a reversal
of the time-dependent process called entropy production?’ if we
could automatically put spilled milk back in its bottle, it would
not erase the milk having been spilled. It would just time-reverse
the effects associated with that event, like playing a motion
picture of the event backwards. Given that atomic memory exists,
the effect of history, like a motion picture film, is reversible
by invoking that memory. The analogy applies to disease and aging.
With regard to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, there
appears to be a direct conflict because it is widely believed that
established theory requires an invariant light velocity, the
constant “c,” and denies the possibility of a disconnection
between a wave’s length and its frequency — something Obolensky
and others routinely accomplish to effect time-reversed light
where the entropy flow becomes negative. Clearly though,
Einstein’s theory is truly special because it only applies to the
conditions of empty space, and by definition, empty space cannot
be filled with an energy-density dependant, parametric medium.
Whereas, the atmosphere connecting the earth and ionosphere is
energy-density dependant, clearly negating a critical condition
for special relativity and equilibrium thermodynamics. Relatedly,
Prigogine showed, and won the 1977 Nobel Prize for chemistry for
Note 25
that biological structures can overcome the so-called
fatal second law of thermodynamics by staying far from
thermodynamic equilibrium to sustain life, such a condition
(far-from- thermodynamic-equilibrium) being the dominant state of
nature. Prigogine’s far-from-equilibrium, entropy-flow equations
treat time as a commuting-mathematical operator, not the
classical, mathematically commuting parameter, assumed so
dogmatically in accepted teaching. In summary, his recognition
that true equations involving duration must express time as a
non-commuting operator, not a linear parameter, provides quantum
biology with the required theoretical foundation for entropy-
reduction through phase-conjugate amplification of the body’s
mitogenic biophotons.
This proposition that time-reversing, variant light speed is the
key to understanding advanced electromedicine is well supported by
biophotonics. Tesla himself provided an illuminating observation
regarding the earthgrounded magnifying transmitter’s evanescent
Note 26
surface wave: “The wave starts with a theoretically
infinite speed, slowing down first very quickly and afterwards at
a lesser rate.” An invariant light speed would lock the frequency
of light to its wavelength. The measured speed of light is ~30
billion cm/sec at thermodynamic equilibrium, so in the English
system this so-called invariant velocity is ~one foot per
nanosecond. Einstein may have sensed that his perfect-vacuum,
thermodynamic equilibrium caveat was critical and so named his
hypothesis the special theory of relativity, tacitly implying that
the proposition is not universally relevant. If so, the rest of
the scientific community has totally missed the point.
27 As a result of Einstein’s stature and the convenience of
his conclusions, the general applicability of the invariance of
the speed of light has held a prodigious grip on prevailing wisdom
for many decades; it has taken nearly eighty years after Tesla’s
published findings for science to begin to recognize the
possibility of a faster-than-light paradigm.
Note 28
Given the formidable barriers of received doctrine,
well entrenched vested interests, and the subtleness of the
mechanism by which electronic wave therapy actually works, it may
not be surprising that this approach remains a tool still well
outside the mainstream of medicine. Still, as described in this
report, progress has continued and some barriers have fallen. With
the age distribution of the world’s population advancing rapidly,
rising medical costs engulfing personal and national budgets, and
the advances that have been made in the understanding of quanta
phenomena, the time may be at hand soon for electromedicine to
become less of a fringe area for research and to enter into at
least some conventional, if not widespread, use for both
diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
The Bee Machine, or Teslatron
The "Bee Machine", or Electrotherapy Teslatron: my experiences
with an unusual healing device based on Tesla technology,
superluminal shockwaves and prana or chi.
The inventor claimed that his device was similar to the Magnifying
Transmitter that Tesla had built in Shoreham, Long Island, New
York, also known as the Wardenclyffe Tower. I called it the Bee
Machine, as it sounded like the sound of a thousand bees when the
device was turned on.
In a quasi secret way the inventor was healing people with cancer
and other serious diseases. However the Teslatron had other
effects, such as making the prana energy streams from the
meridians visible. As such it had the potential for being used as
a diagnostic tool, but it never came to that.
It is my opinion that when a device heals cancers in just a few
weeks, and it also makes the aura field or prana streams visible,
the inventor should share his information with the world, and make
it open source. However the inventor thought otherwise. Therefore
this article is only my own layman's view and short experience
with the machine in the 1990's
About the Inventor
The inventor is Guy Obolensky. He died in 2018, probably taking
his secrets with him. Some parts of the device had to be extremely
precise. Once in a while it would malfunction or blow up, and he
was still fine tuning it.
Who is Guy Obolensky? From his obituary published in the New York
OBOLENSKY--Alexis Guy : "Guy", of Sloatsburg NY, died on
January 9th, 2018. Born in Chicago on March 3rd, 1929 to Prince
Michel Alexeievitch Obolensky and his wife, Kathleen (nee Trask,
of Lima, OH). Guy was an inventor and experimental physicist, well
known for his research based on the work of Nikola Tesla. Guy is
survived by five children, Michael, Alexa, Nina, Anna and Helena;
and four grandchildren.
[Obolensky was a descendent of a princely Russian family of the
Rurik Dynasty. The family of aristocrats mostly fled Russia in
1917 during the Russian Revolution.]
Guy Obolensky seem to have been a rather unusual and gifted
person. I was told by one of friends, that when he was young he
was often visited by a man who would appear in his bedroom and
explain him all kinds of scientific and cosmic topics. His parents
were open minded but could not explain why or who that man was.
When he was in his early teens, they went to visit a Paramhansa
Yogananda center. On one of the walls was a portrait of the
mystic. When Obolensky saw the portrait, he yelled “Look, that is
the man that came and talked to me at night. Apparently Yogananda,
in his spirit form, has guided Obolensky during his life. Maybe
that was the reason why he was also interested in the paranormal.
He even had a girlfriend who was a witch (source). Paramhansa
Yogananda told Guy that he would have in his life three near death
experiences. They all came to pass. Yogananda saved his life the
third time by trusting in him to know the exact moment to shift
his weight and cause gravity to pull his hand off a metal handle
as he was being electrocuted and could not release his grip. This
maneuver had to occur exactly in between the cycles of electricity
to work!
Early on he recreated an unusual German WWII weapon, based on
sound shock waves:
Toward the end of World War II, the Germans were reported to have
made a type of acoustic device. It looked like a large cannon and
sent out a sonic boomlike shock wave that in theory could have
felled a B-17 bomber. In the mid-1940s, the U.S. Navy created a
program called Project Squid to study the German vortex
technology. The results are unknown. But Guy Obolensky, an
American inventor, says he replicated the Nazi device in his
laboratory in 1949. Against hard objects the effect was
astounding, he says: It could snap a board like a twig. Against
soft targets like people, it had a different effect. "I felt like
I had been hit by a thick rubber blanket," says Obolensky, who
once stood in its path. (Source)
I was told he did some further work on shockwave technology
weapons, what apparently was super secret technology.
There is a story posted on multiple website about an anonymous
scientist who experimented with the resonance frequency of water.
I know from my friend that this was Guy Obolensky. My friend told
me the story way before I found it on the internet. It was told to
him by Obolensky himself. Here is the text from the internet (I
don't know the original author of the text):
A recent (1965) possible verification of the Frequencies Keely
used to dissociate water into etheric force was related to me by a
scientist when we were discussing certain aspects of free energy.
He wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name is
on file. I have no other verification of this experiment, however
I believe it merits telling. The scientist, I shall call him Dr.
X, was doing experiments with ultrasonic sound in a column of
water. The object of the experiments was to devise a means of
separating various densities of materials by injecting them into a
column of water which was subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave
vibration. The experimental setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for
BBS considerations a description follows). A Barium Titanate
ultrasonic transducer was fixed to the bottom of a quartz tube
which was closed at the bottom and open at the top. Pure water was
poured into the tube and the water column was "tuned" so that a
standing wave was produced at 40,000 CPS (cycles per second). The
transducer was powered by a 700 Watt power amplifier which was
driven by an ultrasonic frequency generator. Because of the large
amount of power put into the column of water a certain amount of
evaporation took place at a constant rate when the transducer was
energized. Therefore, to maintain a standing wave in the water
column a feedback device caused the frequency to be raised as the
water evaporated and the temperature changed. As a test, Dr. X
decided to run through the experiment with only water in the tube
to ensure that a standing wave was maintained as the water
evaporated and the frequency rose higher and higher. When the
experiment was started everything worked beautifully. Dr. X took
periodic readings of his instrumentation and was assured that the
standing wave was being maintained. Suddenly, with no warning
whatever the water disappeared from the open quartz tube. He
looked up thinking to see the water splashed on the ceiling when
to his amazement a clean hole went right through the ceiling. The
hole was the same size as the inside of the quartz tube. Further
investigation showed the hole continued on through the roof also!
Dr. X checked his notebook and found the last frequency entry to
be 41,300 CPS. It was shortly after this that the water
disappeared. Because of the time interval between the last reading
and the disappearing water, the frequency sent to the transducer
was higher than the last reading and Dr. X said it could well have
been very close to 42,800 CPS, the Keely dissociation frequency.
This obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to dismantle the
equipment and try some other approach to his problem. This
experiment points the way to the use of our modern technology in
conjunction with Keely's laws of dissociation to change matter
into energy without the use of radioactive materials or extremely
expensive atomic accelerators."
In the 1970s Obolensky experimented with force amplification by
stimulated energy resonance (FASER), as it applied to electronic
plasma lighting. In the 1980s he received a grant to investigate
superluminal energy technology for use in electro-medicine
applications. He experimented with Tesla technology and discovered
some intriguing effects such as faster-then-light electromagnetic
He developed his Teslatron, and found that this device would
create “luminous streams” of faint bluish light coming from the
human body, best seen in the dark. This was already described by
Tesla himself. Obolensky attributed this phenomenon to parametric
interaction between the transmitter waves and the body’s own
electromagnetic field or aura. This bluish light came from from
wounded or diseased tissue of the person, but also from meridian
points. After repeated treatments, the diseased tissue would heal
and would not emit the blue light anymore. The light would still
come from the meridian points.
He used the Teslatron for curing people with cancer and other
serious ailments, and this was very effective. The healing was the
result of entropy-reversing time-reversed waves. We are talking
here neg-entropy, which is the creation of order.
Unfortunately he kept the technical aspects of his work secret,
and now he is gone, we probably are not going to see the Teslatron
in commercial use.
Pictures of the Teslatron Prototype
Here are the only pictures I took of the prototype of the
Teslatron, in 1996, with a simple camera and in dark conditions.
You can refer to them when you read the text to get a better
understanding of the setup
*** Teslatron front view
Front view. The horizontal metal rod is the free electrode of the
second coil of the Tesla circuit. The aluminum foil that is
hanging down had something to do with preventing accidental
grounding I think. It was only there in the first two sessions,
then it was removed.
***Teslatron front right view. Behind the metal dome is a coil and
circular contraption in which circuitry was presen
*** Front left view.
*** Teslatron side view from the right. Left is the metal dome and
the horizontal electrode. In the middle is a ten fold copper
spiral. To the right is the circular thing. I have never seen what
is inside.
*** Teslatron rear view
Click to ENLARGIFY :
My Experiences with the Teslatron Prototype
One day in 1996, a friend, Irwin, showed us a prototype machine a
friend of his had put in his basement. His friend was a scientist
with interests in energy medicine. After his retirement he
developed a device based on Tesla technology coupled with his own
insights outside mainstream science.
The inventor developed a device, based on Tesla technology with
which he could accelerate particles beyond the speed of light. He
was one of those scientist who dare not only to propose that this
is possible but also had experimental proof of it. His device did
put out some conventional electromagnetic radio waves that could
interfere with FFC regulated bandwidths, so he had to make the
room that housed the device into a Faraday cage. That is why the
inventor had brought over the device to Irwin's house, because of
the remote location, until he was finished building his Faraday
cage. As Irwin was free to use the device whenever he wanted, he
was holding group sessions, as they had discovered that the device
was healing cancer. All that was needed was to attend a half hour
session, about two or three times a week, for a couple of weeks,
at the most a couple of months in severe cases, and all the cancer
was gone. There were also people present who had other health
problems. As my wife and I were interested in Tesla
technology, Irwin invited us to attend these sessions.
The device, when turned on, would generate half a quarter of a
million volts. In later years the inventor turned it up to a
million volts. The amperage between the open ended electrodes was
only 1 milli-ampere. For those familiar with Tesla coils, these
are the characteristics of the second coil; one end of the wire is
free, the other is grounded. The inventor was not using the
classical Tesla coil circuit you can find on the web. He had
modified it to experiment with faster than light speeds. It was
his own unique design. During the first two sessions, we had to
put our bare feet on aluminum foil that was grounded. However,
when the inventor was able to reduce the amperage even further,
the aluminum foil was no longer needed. The free electrode was
sticking out horizontally from a metal dome. We all stripped down
to out underwear to expose as much skin to the electric potential.
Then the lights went out, as it was important to sit in total
darkness to see the unusual phenomena associated with this
From my diary: “The device creates a field of about 250,000 volts
but only 1 mA. The field is so strong that it fills the entire
room. When the device is turned on, one can feel a kind of cold
breeze and many tinglings on the head. When one turns one's hand
towards the horizontal electrode, bright energy emanations start
to appear from the ends of one's fingers where the end of the
meridians are. This is prana (or chi) flowing out of the ends of
the meridians, and they are appear as bright light streams. They
have a blue-violet-white color, and fan out a little. They are
about 5 cm (2 inches) long.
The same thing happens when one brings one's head towards the
electrodes. Multiple of these fan-like light emanations show up on
the top of the head. Irwin told us that the device helps in curing
cancer and other diseases. He thought that the strong EM polarizes
the cells, by which the cancer cells reverse their polarity and
are recognized by the immune system again and thus destroyed.
Healing of the cells happens much quicker. I noticed that when I
bring two fingers close together the 'prana-plume' disappears.”
Irwin often told me that the reversal of the polarity of the cells
was the healing effect of this field. I don't know if this was the
right explanation. I found a reference in which the inventor
considered his device as being a 'mitogenic wave therapeutic
machine' (mitogenic radiation = wavelength associated with normal
(healthy) cell division).
I think it goes much further than that, and that healing had more
to do with the frequencies applied, and the generation of high
amounts of aether energy (prana, orgone, life-energy etc.).
The device was neg-entropic. It created order out of chaos. You
also have to understand that in nature only life energy creates
order out of chaos. When you withdraw energy (like death of living
systems) order goes to chaos (decomposition). Science only
believes in entropy, because they reject the life energy side of
Reality, although it is around and inside of us all the time. They
just don't want to deal with it. The device can be modified to
generate more more energy than what you put in. Maybe it
interesting to note that the device just plugged into an ordinary
110 volt outlet.
The device pulses at one particular frequency. When turned on it
sounds like the sound of a million bees. That why we nicknamed it
the Bee Machine. Irwin called it the Electrotherapy Teslatron.
The following week I couldn't attend but my wife went. As the
inventor was still fine tuning his device, it was displaying some
other phenomena. Small blue light spheres appeared along the
horizontal electrode. From what I understood at the time, these
were positrons, the anti-particles of electrons, made visible by
the field. It could also be called cold electricity.
The second time I attended, I brought a couple of clear quartz
crystals. “When a crystal is held at the finger tops, the prana
light goes through the crystal and lights it up with a diffuse
light. At times a diffuse light appears at the top of the crystal.
The energy from the thumb was intensified a lot this way. At times
the energy emanation from a finger would bent and enter into the
side of a crystal. I also brought a small amethyst pyramid, but
got no reaction at all with this.”
Irwin explained to me that inside the long horizontal electrode
particles are produced that move faster than light. He showed us
that when the device is turned on fluorescent light bulbs light
up, which is to be expected from such a high voltage field.
However when the device is turned of, they also light up although
to a lesser degree. The reason for this is that the human body
(who is holding the bulb) has been charged up electrostatically to
such a high degree that even after five minutes the light bulbs
still light up.
As I like to experiment, I had taken some more objects during my
third visit. “A much larger quartz crystal glowed inside with the
prana light, the same as with the smaller crystal the previous
time. However my Brazilian laser crystal (what they now call
Lemurian crystals) gave a very strong reaction. Much more light at
the tip of the crystal. At the same I felt light tingles at the
back of my hand while holding the crystal. A piece of amber, and a
rose quartz sphere didn't react at all. A sterling silver pendant
After the session Irwin explained that normally cancer cells are
not recognized by the T-cells of our immune system, because they
both have the same electric polarities (and thus repel each
other). Cancer cells also are acidic. The field generated by the
device raises the pH of the cancer cells and thus reverses their
electric polarity, and now the T-cells can recognize them and
destroy them. It was also noted that the cancer patients who went
for treatment with this device started to look younger. Another
effect was that the more one was exposed to the field, the more
charge their bodies started to accumulate. This was verified by
holding the fluorescent light bulbs. The bulbs, when held in the
hand, would light up more and more with each consecutive session.”
Third session. The inventor himself was present. He explained that
the device generated one particular frequency. (One has to
understand that this is a pulse frequency, not an electromagnetic
frequency. When Tesla spoke of frequencies he always meant pulse
frequencies. That is why other scientists never understood how
Tesla's inventions worked because they thought they were just
regular EM frequencies.) The result was the creation of stationary
waves (again in the Tesla terminology). The generated field
agitates the air molecules, by which certain atomic states are
created which change air molecules. This is especially the case
with nitrogen molecules who go into a certain atomic state that
has a direct link to prana energy. I would like to add here that
his explanation might be similar to what has become known as
ORMUS, which stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements ,
m-state elements or mono-atomic elements (although they know think
they might not be mono but appear in small clusters of atoms).
These are a certain group of elements that can go into a higher,
energetic spin state. Look it up on the web.
The inventor also told us that during one of the first experiments
with a group of people, the group was singing the famous mantra
OM, and a blue light appeared out of nowhere. When the light
enveloped the participants, they felt an ecstatic feeling. By
being in the field several times, and by the stories I heard, I am
convinced that this machine is not only a prana or life energy
creator or condenser, but that it raises the spin vibration of
everything within its field, by which the entire space is getting
closer to the next level of existence, or dimension, or subtle
world, or spiritual realm (whatever you want to call it). It is
similar to those sacred earth places or vortexes where the
dimensions are closer together and energy, and even beings can go
from here to there and from there to here. That's another topic,
but those who are familiar with this know what I am talking about.
During this session I moved much closer to the electrode. “Many
prana plumes became visible on top of my head as witnessed by my
wife. When I brought my ear close to the electrode I could hear
the intense buzzing of these prana plumes. Two times a prana plume
appeared at the tip of my nose.”
The inventor also mentioned that when the frequency is changed one
can see different energies around the human body.
The following week I had brought a tree twig. Holding the twig and
pointing it towards the electrode gave off strong light emanations
at the end, but also at the nodes where I had cut off the leaves.
The light emanations were similar to the ones at the finger tops.
I gave the twig to my wife Carol. She was holding it a little too
close to the electrode and a lightning bolt jumped over from the
electrode to the twig, accompanied by a loud bang. What happened
was that she had grounded the electrode and the small current
flowed from the electrode through the twig into her finger and
body to the ground. Totally harmless, but spectacular, and Carol
was quite shaken by it. After the session, when the lights were
turned on, her little finger, or pinky, through which the current
had run, was all white because the the body had reacted by
contracting the finger muscles, narrowing the arteries resulting
in a strongly reduced blood flow in her finger. After about ten
minutes the blood flow in her pinky was all normal again.
The experimenter in me had made a stack of about twenty pennies
separated by cardboard disks. The stack was enveloped was a
plastic sheet to keep it together, and at one end I had attached a
push pin. The push pin was added to release energy in case the
body of the contraption was storing energy. This contraption gave
some interesting effects in the field. You probably already
figured out this was a kind of many layered capacitor. The light
emanations from my finger went right inside of it. On many places
alongside the cylindrical form there were light points, and light
fans, also at the pointy end of the push pin. When I moved a
finger away from the contraption, I could feel a strong,
continuous vibration between the finger and the contraption.
We had also brought with us a couple of water containers. After
the session, when picking up the containers, they gave off static
electricity. I brought the containers upstairs in the living room,
and about ten minutes they still gave off static electricity.
Next session. I had brought a small house plant. Many light points
showed on the leaves, and two light fans. The flower pot was
resting in a plastic container, and this container continuously
gave me strong electrical shocks. I had to keep one finger inside
the dirt of the flower pot to avoid the shocks. This time I had
made a larger version of the previous contraption, made from ten
metal washers with a diameter of 3.5 cm (1 ½ inch) with foam board
disk separators. The moment I picked it up I was getting strong
electrical shocks. It was reacting much stronger in the field than
the previous version, although I was holding it much further away
from the electrode.
About a week later, a friend called us and told us that an open
cancer sore on her back, that wouldn't close, had closed after
only three sessions. This was the last session we attended.
The inventor took the machine back to his home, where he
continuously improved it over the years to come. Irwin would
sometimes tells us about the difficulties the inventor had to keep
the device up and running. The entire setup was the inventor's own
unique design, and some parts he had to be manufactured by
himself. There were a couple of metal disks in the circuit that
had to be made to an extreme accuracy. There were no machines
available that could match the degree of accuracy that was
necessary. He finally found specialized equipment from German
manufacture that could match it. It dated from just after the
second World War. It was not used anymore and it was for sale. He
had it shipped over from Germany. However, the forces generated in
the circuit kept turning these disk into powder after a couple of
times of running the machine. So, he had to keep making these
disks, what was not only frustrating but expensive too. I think he
finally solved the problem after many years. The inventor didn't
understand why this was happening. I think he was generating high
energetic aether streams. When Tesla finally got rid of the
electrons in his circuit, he was creating very intense aether
streams at the end of this second coil. These aether streams would
literally vaporize various pieces of metals. (Nikola Tesla and
Radiant Energy, page 18)
How Does the Teslatron Work?
The following information came from Irwin, who was a good friend
of the inventor. By the way, Irwin was once diagnosed with adrenal
tumors. After have been treated with the Teslatron they first
turned non-malignant, and then reduced in size.
The device was based on the following features:
A Modified Tesla Coil Circuit
The device contained at least a modified 'Tesla coil circuit',
somewhere in the circular drum. Irwin told me that it was a
version of the Tesla Magnifying Transformer (which Tesla used in
the Wardencliff tower).
The open end of the second coil was the long horizontal electrode
sticking out from the metal dome. The electrode was a long piece
of metal rod, and its horizontal position served to distribute the
field as much as possible throughout the entire room. The other
end of the second coil was grounded. The metal disks are
resonators. The dimensions of these disk had to be made to such a
high degree of accuracy (it might have to a hundred thousands of
an inch, I don't remember quite), because the frequency he
generated had to be very precise. I have mentioned that the
generated frequency was a pulse frequency. Irwin once told me that
the pulse frequency the inventor had settled on was 127 MHZ, as
this is the resonant frequency of human bones. Running this
frequency would stimulate the bones in the production of cells
that repair the body. He didn't explain it any further, but I
looked up what bones actually produce. It all turns around stem
Nicola Tesla made many kinds of 'Tesla coils' and circuits, and
was well aware of their beneficial and curative effects on the
human body, by his own observations and experiments.
In 1898, Tesla published a paper that he read at the eighth annual
meeting of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in
Buffalo, NY entitled, "High Frequency Oscillators for
Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes." He states that "One of
the early observed and remarkable features of the high frequency
currents, and one which was chiefly of interest to the physician,
was their apparent harmlessness which made it possible to pass
relatively great amounts of electrical energy through the body of
a person without causing pain or serious discomfort."
On September 6, 1932, at a seminar presented by the American
Congress of Physical Therapy, held in New York, Dr. Gustave
Kolischer announced: "Tesla’s high-frequency electrical currents
are bringing about highly beneficial results in dealing with
cancer, surpassing anything that could be accomplished with
ordinary surgery."
Shock Waves Creating Speeds Greater Than the Speed of Light
The device is also based on shockwaves.
I noticed that the Teslatron prototype had a copper spiral tube
with ten turns, going towards the free electrode. Irwin explained
me this accelerated plasma to ten times the speed of light. The
device was originally constructed to make an experiment to create
speeds greater than the speed of light, by using shock waves.
Superluminal waves are possible when creating shock waves. Irwin
told me that with the first underground tests of atomic
explosions, scientific equipment in the underground tunnels
measured velocities of particles beyond the speed of light. At
that time scientist were perplexed because it was generally
believed that this was not possible. One of the reasons why so
many underground tests were carried out was the study of these
superluminal waves. They found that they were created by shock
waves. Since then the study of shock waves was carried out under a
military umbrella, and actively suppressed in the 'public'
A few scientist did pick up the interest in superluminal speeds,
but were ignored by mainstream science. In technical terms, the
device seem to create shock-wave-generated
phase-conjugate-resonant solitons. (Phase conjugation is a
physical transformation of a wave field where the resulting field
has a reversed propagation direction but keeps its amplitudes and
One of the scientists who understand this technology is Paul
LaViolette, a friend and colleague of the inventor. Laviolette
helped him understand the properties of the superluminal speeds
created by the shockwaves which emanated from his prototype
With sound waves, a shock wave is a compressed high intensity wave
that is abrupt, and that has an extremely rapid rise in
temperature, pressure and density of the wave flow. Shock waves
can also be generated electromagnetically. Owing to the extremely
high rise in pressure at the wave front, there is a high
concentration of mechanical energy in the direction of wave
propagation. Electromagnetic shock waves also have
accompanying solitons.
The spark gap method, whereby a spark is generated between two
electrodes, is a very effective and reproducible technique for
producing shock waves of this kind. Tesla coils have a spark
gap in their circuit, a necessity for creating pulsed shock waves.
Tesla had discovered that when high voltage power generators were
switched on or off, powerful shockwaves were created which he even
could feel physically. This led him to construct the now famous
Tesla circuit and coil (of which he made many different designs).
It is based on a rapid discharge of the electrostatic charge
supplied by the power source. These impulses create the shock
waves. "By properly adjusting the inherent circuit parameters,
Tesla learned how to produce an extremely rapid series of
unidirectional impulses on demand. When the impulses were short,
abrupt, and precise in their successions, Tesla found that the
shocking effect could permeate very large volumes of space with
apparently no loss of intensity. He also found that the shocking
effect penetrated sizable metal shields and most insulators with
ease." (from Secrets of Cold War Technologies, by Gerry
Tesla also noticed that objects placed nearby became powerfully
electrified, retaining a singular charge for many minutes after
the magnetic discharger had been deactivated. This we observed too
with the inventor's device as mentioned above, when people were
still electrically charged up after the device was turned off; the
same with the plastic water bottles.
Tesla found that this radiant electricity produced by rapid
impulses could induce powerful electrical effects at a distance.
These effects were not alternations, not alternating waves. They
were longitudinal waves, composed of successive shock waves. The
advance of each shock wave, followed by short neutral zones
together comprised a radiant field. It is this radiant field that
has a healing effect on the body.
These radiant waves were not subject to the hertzian law of
inverse square diminution of ordinary transverse waves(=power
diminishes quickly with distance). They do not loose their power
with distance as they travel in straight lines. However, as they
are uni-directional, there will be less radiant rays per unit of
surface. Per unit of surface one will receive less rays, and thus
less power as one moves away from the source.
The frequency of the impulses is also important. We are not
talking about frequencies as understood with hertzian waves, but
the frequency of the shock waves, which is the frequency of the
interruptions in the spark gap. "Trains of impulses, each
exceeding 0.1 millisecond duration, produced pain and mechanical
pressures. In this radiant field, objects visibly vibrated and
even moved as the force field drove them along. Thin wires,
exposed to sudden bursts of the radiant field, exploded into
vapor. Pain and physical movements ceased when impulses of 100
microseconds or less were produced. These latter features
suggested weapon systems of frightful potentials. With impulses of
1.0 microsecond duration, strong physiological heat was sensed.
Further decreases in impulse brought spontaneous illuminations
capable of filling rooms and vacuum globes with white light. At
these impulse frequencies, Tesla was able to stimulate the
appearance of effects which are normally admixed among the
electromagnetic energies inherent in sunlight. Shorter impulses
produced cool room penetrating breezes, with an accompanying
uplift in mood and awareness. There were no limits in this
progression toward impulses of diminished duration." (from Secrets
of Cold War Technologies, by Gerry Vassilatos)
The device was creating stationary solitons, that is, circular
standing waves of magnetic nature, at regular intervals from his
device, like the picture below. This was the result of the
superluminal magnetic impulses. The multiple light-speed
shockwaves create self-organizing soliton trains.
They were measured both inside the inventor's laboratory as well
as outside because they showed up in a straight line and continued
as far as he could measure them.
Cold Electricity
Another phenomenon that happened with the Teslatron was the
appearance of the little cold electricity spheres. They might have
been positrons (a positron is the anti-particle of the electron).
Time Reversal
Obolensky said that a phase conjugated mirror was an essential
part of the teslatron.
Irwin told us that the inventor was of the opinion that
time-reversal of phase-conjugate amplification of the body’s
mitogenic biophotons can lead to a reversal of entropy, and thus a
return to the (former) healthy state of the body's cells.
(Phase conjugation = a physical transformation of a wave field
where the resulting field has a reversed propagation direction but
keeps its amplitudes and phases; mitogenic radiation = wavelength
associated with normal (healthy) cell division; biophotons =
photons or light emitted by cells; entropy=gradual decline into
disorder, in cells this means disease)
Time reversal is a property used in mathematical equations. This
nothing to do with the popular notion of going back in time.
What is phase conjugate, in terms that an ordinary people can
Phase conjugation happens when waves are reflected by a special
type of mirror that reflects the wave back along the path that it
came from. When the light strikes a normal mirror at an angle, it
reflects back in the opposite direction, such that the angle of
incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
*** reflected wave

In a phase conjugate mirror, on the other hand, light is always
reflected straight back the way it came from, no matter what the
angle of incidence.
*** phase conjugated wave reflection

This difference in the manner of reflection has significant
consequences. For example if we place an irregular distorting
glass (blue in the next picture) in the path of a beam of light,
the parallel rays get bent in random directions, and after
reflection from a normal mirror, each ray of light is bent even
farther, and the beam is scattered.
*** scattered waves normal mirror

With a phase conjugate mirror, on the other hand, each ray is
reflected back in the direction it came from. This reflected
conjugate wave therefore propagates backwards through the
distorting medium, and essentially "un-does" the distortion, and
returns to a coherent beam of parallel rays travelling in the
opposite direction.
*** phase conjugated reflection

Links to Scientific Data
I mentioned that Guy Obolensky has secretive about his work. The
above text gives you an idea in layman's terms about the
scientific principles underlying the Teslatron. For those who want
to go into the real scientific data, here are some links about his
work, and some of his papers.
"Ionic Spa technology", "High Energy Pulsed Teslatron", An
Explanation of the Mechanism by which It Works by Guy Obolensky;
also contains another article by him called: A Short History:
Errors Stemming from Unidimensional Treatments of Time and
Electromagnetic Phenomena)
Secrets of Anti-Gravity Propulsion, by Paul LaViolette, page
178-185 (a scientific description of the Teslatron and more)
A Method for Slowing the Flow of Time, by Paul LaViolette: an
experiment with the Teslatron in regards to the passage of time
Tesla Technolgy by Guy Oblensky, by Shabari Bird: a good article
that shows that Obolensky actually recreated a little known but
important healing device invented by Tesla.
The Cosmic Ether: Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics, by Paul A.
LaViolette, 2011, page 3
Valone, Ph.D., P.E.; page 32
NOTES ON BERLIN LECTURE, by Harold Aspden, 2002, page 7
Energy Inventions Advocated by Integrity Research Institute , page
The Biologic Effects and the Therapeutic Mechanism of Action of
Electric and Electromagnetic Field Stimulation on Bone and
Cartilage by Guy Obolensky
High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-therapeutic and Other
Purposes by Nikola Tesla
Predictions Part II (Physics and Astronomy), Gravity wave and
Coulomb wave speed and gravity wave force by Paul LaViolette
The Cosmic Ether: Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics, by Paul A.
LaViolette, 2011, page 21
PHILOSOPHY, by Jorge Céspedes-Curé, 2002; page 168-169
A Brief History of Superluminal Wave Experiments, by Paul
Glimpses of Epiphany, One Man’s Journey of Discovery by Bill
Donavan, page 162
Thirty Six Nanoseconds Faster than Light, by Guy Obolensky
A Method for Slowing the flow of Time
by Paul LaViolette
October 30, 2018
The following describes an experiment which apparently has slowed
down the flow rate of time in the laboratory rest frame. I
know that many will find this unbelievable. Here I report
some preliminary results, as research is still ongoing.
This finding developed out of an attempt in May 2011 to see if
high voltage could effect inertial mass. This was initially
a Starburst Foundation project. At our board meeting, I had
described an experiment to see if large voltage potentials
could affect inertial mass. The purpose was to check
subquantum kinetics which predicts that a negative voltage
potential should cause gravity potential to rise to a more
positive value which, in turn, is predicted to cause inertial mass
to decrease. Alexi Guy Obolensky, who was then a member of
the Starburst Foundation board, offered that we use his laboratory
in Sloatsburg, NY to do the experiment.
Guy's laboratory had two "ion wind" therapy chambers, each
fabricated from insulation panels which had conductive surfaces
and a glass plate on the floor to stand on. One is shown in
the diagram above. At one end of the chamber was a negative
polarity dome electrode which would emit unidirectional electric
potential shocks about 15 times per second. Guy referred to
these as "Coulomb waves," since they were longitudinal electrical
potential waves, not polarized electromagnetic waves. Guy's
apparatus consisted of a DC power supply which charged a Marx
capacitor bank which in turn discharged 200 kilovolts into the
unit's dome electrode 15 times per second.
Guy named the thyratron (spark discharge component) in his
apparatus, the "Teslatron" because he believed he had rediscovered
Tesla's electric therapy technology. In fact, besides
working with high frequency AC, as he did with his magnifying
transmitter invention, Tesla also experimented with another
technology which produced repeating, non-reversing, unpolarized
negative electric potential shocks. This is the same
technology that Guy was using. Tesla is considered to be the
first to study these DC pulses and to realize that the beam he was
producing was creating an outgoing ether wind which he referred to
as "radiant energy" and which produced force effects even when
blocked by solid objects. As we shall discover, Tesla's
ether wind plays a very important role in understanding the
unusual phenomena discussed here. More about Guy's therapy
machine is described here:
Note that the photos in these references show an earlier version
of his apparatus.
In May I had brought three Edmund Scientific stopwatches to Guy's
lab. These were pendulum watches capable of sensing a mass
change. The target watch was enclosed within a shielded
container and placed near the dome electrode where it was charged
to –200 kv by Guy's Teslatron. The control watch was located
outside the treatment room at least 3 meters away. The
target watch showed no time difference relative to the control
watch. Hence we found that there was no effect on inertial
mass. The results of our 2011 tests are reported on the
Starburst Foundation website:
I had left the watches with Guy so that he could continue
investigating the effect. Almost two months later, the
Teslatron had become available once again and Guy and his
assistants were able to make more measurements. This time
the measurements were made using Guy's other test chamber which
earlier had been shown to produce superluminal pulses.
This time the stopwatches were hung from the test chamber ceiling,
rather than being placed within shielded enclosures; see
below. The circular black object on the right side of the
photo is the cathode of the Teslatron.
*** Edmund Scientific stopwatch
*** Time dilation test chamber
The two target watches were hung at varying distances from the
cathode, and the control watch was positioned outside the test
chamber. The apparatus was turned on for 30 minutes and,
after turning it off, the watches were brought together and
stopped simultaneously. The watch that was placed closest to
the dome electrode, about 50 cm away, was observed to have lost 15
seconds relative to the control watch. Two days later a
similar time delay was found with a different kind of stopwatch
which may indicate that the observed effect is real.
However, in another test, the target stopwatch lost 62.5 seconds
over a period of 1 hour and 4.3 minutes. This was a 1.62%
time dilation which was twice what had been found in the other
trials. It is not known why differing time dilation rates
were observed in these two trials. This will be investigated
in future measurements.
At the time, I was not sure whether to believe the results.
The time change seemed too large to be due to a change of the
watch's inertial mass. However, in February 2013 I realized
that the effect we were seeing may be due to relativistic time
dilation. Normally, for significant relativistic time
dilation to occur, a body must travel through space at
relativistic speeds, whereupon it moves relativistically with
respect to the ether rest frame (i.e., relative to the local
inertial frame of space). Hence such a body normally would
experience an ether wind blowing toward it from its forward
direction of travel. The Teslatron, on the other hand,
artificially generates an ether wind that blows toward and through
any object placed in front of its dome. The test watch
behaves as though it is traveling through space at a relativistic
speed and therefore experiences a slower rate of time flow.
The 15 second time dilation reported earlier would be equivalent
to a 0.83% slowing of time, which is equivalent to the dilation
experienced by an object traveling at 12.5% of the speed of light.
I was aware that Guy's Teslatron was emitting an ether wind
because seven years earlier Guy and I had conducted measurements
demonstrating that the Coulomb waves from the Teslatron traveled
at superluminal speeds. Although Guy had measured the
superluminal speed of his waves in the past, the phenomenon was
documented for the first time in time-of-flight measurements that
he and I made in 2005 and 2006; reported in chapter 6 (pp.
181-185) of Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (SAP).1
We found the shock velocity to be over 6c near the dome and to
decline as it proceeded across Guy's laboratory, asymptotically
approaching the speed of light; see diagram below from SAP figure
6.11. Of course, this finding that Guy's pulses had "broken
the light barrier," in his words, invalidates the special theory
of relativity. It might be added that there are many others
who have measured superluminal speeds in the laboratory; see
But standard physics turns a blind eye.
Superluminal shock front velocity plotted as a function of
distance from the emitting dome.
© 2008 P. LaViolette
My contribution to our experiment was to provide a theory to
account for how the pulses achieved their superluminal
speed. As described in SAP, this may be understood as
follows. As the Coulomb wave travels forward at the speed of
light (c), it surfs an ether wind of velocity v(r) that declines
as 1/r. Hence the velocity of the Coulomb wave, which is
normally c, should be added to that of the ether wind v = k/r,
where k is a constant. As is explained in the physics of
subquantum kinetics, the velocity of the ether wind is determined
by the electric field gradient at the leading edge of the Coulomb
wave. This is modeled as an X etheron concentration gradient
where X-ons flow down the gradient in the forward direction of
travel. Since the Coulomb wave shock front expands
isotropically from the Teslatron, the electric potential, and
hence potential gradient, at the shock's leading edge will decline
as 1/r, which in turn causes a 1/r decline of the ether wind
velocity. The excellent fit of the above theoretical
prediction to our data confirms that the dome electrode of the
Teslatron indeed generates an outgoing ether wind. Besides
field gradient being important, the ether wind velocity at any
given distance from the cathode should also depend on the shock
repetition rate. With each pulse, the ether receives a
forward impulse. Repeating pulses cause it to sustain a
wind, much like repeating pushes keep a swing going.
At the time this discovery was made, it was difficult to find time
to repeat the measurements either because I was not in the U.S. or
because the Teslatron was tied up for therapy sessions. But
before arrangements could be made, the Teslatron exploded and for
years no device was available. Guy had wanted that we
continue the time dilation research. But because of his
failing health, he was unable to repair his machine. Then in
January of 2018, he unfortunately passed away, a big loss to the
world as he was a true genius. I am now in the process of
acquiring another high voltage source to continue this important
research. As for anything this ground breaking, it is
important to take a skeptical approach and do tests to rule out
any possibility that the watches are being somehow mechanically
affected by the shocks.
Special relativity offers no explanation for relativistic time
dilation. It just provides us with an equation of how the
flow of time varies with velocity and demands compliance.
Subquantum kinetics, however, does offer a reasonable explanation
for this effect. It proposes that subatomic particles are
continually being sustained by underlying ether reaction-diffusion
processes whose reactions involve encounters between individual
etherons. Hence since an ether wind locally increases the
average relative velocity of etherons in a particular region, the
ether reaction rate in that region would accordingly slow
down. As a result, all processes would slow down just as if
time had slowed down.
One could imagine that this time dilation technology has
application in space travel. For example, it could be used
to slow down a traveler's rate of aging during long journeys
through space to other planets in the solar system or even to
other star systems. It could also be used in the workshop or
laboratory in any instance where it would be beneficial to slow
down time.
Responses to A method for slowing the flow of time
Dirk Gillabel says: December 14, 2019 at 9:37 pm
Could it not be that the watches were running slow because of the
magnetization of the metal components due to being in the strong
electromagnetic field of the device? The magnetized components
might have influenced each other and hindered each other in their
mechanical movements.
Reply -- Paul LaViolette says: January 15, 2020 at 9:56 pm
I doubt it. The device produced no magnetic field. It emitted
scalar longitudinal electric potential shock waves. No magnetic
component to speak of.
Reply -- Inquirer says: December 17, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Could you explain why the etheron reaction rate would slow down
and how this rate affects time? Thank you!
"Hence since an ether wind locally increases the average relative
velocity of etherons in a particular region, the ether reaction
rate in that region would accordingly slow down. As a result, all
processes would slow down just as if time had slowed down."
Reply -- Paul LaViolette says: December 26, 2018 at 3:42 pm
I believe I explained this in my book. The kinetic constants in
Model G are not actually constant. They depend on the rate at
which etherons collide with one another which depends on whether
an ether wind is present. Greater etheron relative velocity causes
a reduction of the ether reaction rate, which in turn slows the
flow of time and of all processes at the physical level.