Salvatore PAIS
Patents & Applications
Salvatore Cezar Pais
Salvatore Cezar Pais is an American physicist, aerospace engineer,
and inventor who works at the Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
His patent applications on behalf of his employers have attracted
international attention for their potential military and
energy-producing applications, but also doubt about their
feasibility, and speculation that they may be misinformation
intended to mislead the United States' strategic adversaries about
the direction of United States defense research.
May 3, 2019
Joseph Farrell
I'm always amazed at the ability of the "Gizars" to spot
intriguing information, especially if it concerns technologies
that don't normally "show up on the radar" of the lamestream
corporate controlled media, nor, for that matter, on the radar of
the alternative research field. But L.G.R. spotted this one, and
passed it along.
And it's a doozie...
Oh, did we mention, it's capable of a little solar manipulation as
...as well as counteracting the effects of solar-induced Coronal
Mass Ejections... (Paragraph 0012)
Presumably it will do all this by generating electromagnetic
fields, which, to accomplish all these feats, would have to be
extraordinarily strong, but not to worry, because the "the design
of energy generation machinery with power output levels much
higher than those currently achievable by conventional means, is
made possible with this invention."(Paragraph (0012)
At this point, the patent goes on to outline how it's going to do
all of this, and lo and behold, it does so by spinning a plasma,
utilizing shells in a sphere of peizoelectric ceramics doped with
radioactive materials. Of course, I'm over-simplifying, but the
end result of all of this is that this creates the Mossbauer
Effect of vibrationally stimulated and cohered releases of gamma
rays. All of this, according to paragraph 30, will generate
field strengths per square meter of (get this)
10,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo to
100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts. That's ten
septillion to one hundred octillion watts.
Per square meter.
I dunno about you, but this seems to me to be quite a lot of
deflection. Maybe even enough to "grab and throw"; it's a handy
thing to have around to "snag" an asteroid, mine it, and then
throw it away. And you could make it do double duty: when you're
done mining it, you could throw it at someone you don't like...
See you on the flip side...
Navy's Advanced Aerospace
Tech Boss Claims Key 'UFO' Patent Is Operable
Navy officials claim their radical
electromagnetic and superconductor technologies aren't
theoretical, they’re already operable in some form.
By Brett Tingley
August 2, 2019
Last month, The War Zone reported on a series of strange
patent applications the U.S. Navy has filed over the last few
years and questioned what their connections may be with the
ongoing saga of Navy personnel reporting incidents involving
unidentified objects in or near U.S. airspace.
We have several active Freedom of Information Act requests with
the Department of Navy to pursue more information related to the
research that led to these patents. As those are being processed,
we've continued to dig through the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office's (USPTO) Public Patent Application Information Retrieval
database to get as much context for these patents as possible.
In doing so, we came across documents that seem to suggest, at
least by the Navy's own claims, that two highly peculiar Navy
patents, the room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the
high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), may in fact
already be in operation in some manner. The inventor of the Navy's
most bizarre patent, the straight-out-of-science fiction-sounding
hybrid aerospace/underwater craft, describes that craft as
leveraging the same room temperature superconductor technology and
high energy electromagnetic fields to enable its unbelievable
speed and maneuverability. If those two technologies are already
operable as the Navy claims, could this mean the hybrid craft may
also already operable or close to operable? Or is this just more
evidence that the whole exotic 'UFO' patent endeavor on the Navy's
behalf is some sort of ruse or even gross mismanagement of
At the heart of these questions is the term “operable.” In most
patent applications, applicants must assert proof of a patent’s or
invention’s “enablement,” or the extent to which a patent is
described in such a way that any person who is familiar with
similar technologies or techniques would be able to understand it,
and theoretically reproduce it.
However, in these patent documents, the inventor Salvatore Pais,
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division's (NAWCAD) patent
attorney Mark O. Glut, and the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise's
Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy, all assert that these
inventions are not only enabled, but operable. To help me
understand what that term may mean in these contexts, I reached
out to Peter Mlynek, a patent attorney.
Mlynek informed me that the terms “operable” or “operability” are
not common in patent applications, but that there is little doubt
that the use of the term is meant to assert to the USPTO that
these inventions actually work:
"Generally, patent applications are rejected on the basis of
enablement more frequently than for operability. The Patent Office
rejects patent applications based on enablement because the patent
attorney did not describe the invention fully, because either the
patent attorney did a sloppy job, or the patent attorney caved to
the client's pressure to disclose as little about the invention as
"Operability/operative, on the other hand, means that the
invention actually works. From what I've seen, operability
rejection comes up in cases where the patent attorney does not
really understand the science or technology behind the invention.
In many cases, the rejection based on inoperability is a kind of
way of telling the patent attorney that the attorney has no idea
what he/she is talking about."
All of these technologies - the room temperature superconductor,
the high-energy electromagnetic field generator, and the hybrid
aerospace/underwater craft (HUAC) - are inventions of the same
NAWCAD aerospace engineer, the aforementioned Salvatore Cezar
Pais. Our previous article on the Navy’s patents explored the
hybrid craft and whether or not it could be related to other
developments such as Navy pilots reporting strange objects in U.S.
airspace during training exercises and members of Congress now
asking for answers on UFOs.
In a conference paper that Pais presented earlier this year at the
2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
SciTech Forum in San Diego, the inventor states that the research
that led to all of these technologies was funded by a single Naval
Innovative Science & Engineering (NISE) – Basic & Applied
Research (BAR) program, titled “The High Energy Electromagnetic
Field Generator (HEEMFG).”
In the Navy’s patent application for the HUAC, it’s claimed that
the radical abilities of propulsion and maneuverability are made
possible thanks to an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field
that essentially creates a quantum vacuum around itself that
allows it to ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces and remove
its own inertial mass from the equation. Thus, the ability to
generate such high-frequency electromagnetic waves is key to the
alleged abilities of this theoretical hybrid craft that can soar
near effortlessly through air and water at incredible speeds with
little to no resistance or inertia.
In the patent application documents for the HEEMFG, we came across
a record of an interview requested by Pais and the Navy as part of
the appeal process for the patent’s initial rejection. During this
telephone interview, which took place on July 10, 2018, Pais and
the Navy’s attorney presented evidence that the high energy
electromagnetic field generator was, in fact, operable and was a
“formative invention in its incipient stage(s).”
In the patent for the HEEMFG, the technology is described as being
able to create what is essentially a force field straight out of
science fiction, one that could generate “an impenetrable
defensive shield to sea and land as well as space-based military
and civilian assets, protecting these assets from such threats as
Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles, Radar Evading Cruise Missiles, Top
Attack for Main Battle Tanks (land and sea-based systems), as well
as counteracting the effects of solar-induced Coronal Mass
Ejections or defending critical military satellites in an ASAT
[anti-satellite] role (space based system).”
In his presentation at the 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, Pais claims
that this device could even serve as an optimal asteroid deflector
to save the world from 99942 Apophis, a 370-meter diameter
near-Earth asteroid which has been predicted to come dangerously
close to our planet in 2029 and 2036.
While saving the world from a massive asteroid is without a doubt
a worthwhile application of this alleged high energy
electromagnetic field generator, the military applications of this
supposed technology would give a paradigm-exploding advantage to
any military wielding such an impenetrable electromagnetic force
field. Is it only a hypothetical technology, though? The inventor
and his attorney assured the patent office it is indeed operable,
at least to some degree.
Many readers have also questioned whether or not Salvatore Cezar
Pais is, in fact, a real person. In our search for information
about the elusive inventor, we have found a few mentions in one of
his alma mater's class notes updates, which states that Pais
obtained his undergraduate degree in 1990 and a graduate degree in
1993 in mechanical engineering. The Mathematics Genealogy Project,
meanwhile, states he obtained his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve
University in 1999.
We also came across this image purporting to depict Pais on a
Chinese news blog which covered our original patent story, but we
have so far been unable to ascertain its veracity. However, a
smaller version of the same picture appears on a U.K.-based book
review site under the author name Salvatore Cezar Pais.
While the HEEMFG sounds like pure science fiction, another one of
Pais’ patents may be somewhat closer to reality, depending on who
you ask. For years, scientists have sought to create
room-temperature superconductors, electrical circuits with zero
resistance that generate powerful electromagnetic fields. Most
superconductors require incredibly low temperatures, however,
making them impractical for most uses outside of laboratories or
other carefully controlled environments.
As noted by Pais in his 2019 AIAA presentation, "the achievement
of room-temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly
disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in
Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and
commercial value is considerable."
Several recent experiments into room temperature or
high-temperature superconductivity have had some preliminary
success, which suggests this once-out-of-reach technology could
possibly become obtainable with further research. A 2019 Nature
article summarizing results with room temperature
superconductivity under high pressure states that "it seems more
likely than ever that the dream of room-temperature
superconductivity might be realized in the near future" and that
"experimental data now confirm superconductivity at higher
temperatures than ever before."
Nevertheless, Pais’ room temperature superconductor patent was
rejected under 35 U.S.C. 101 because the examiner determined “the
disclosed invention is inoperative and therefore lacks utility”
and that “no assertions of room-temperature superconductivity have
currently been recognized or verified by the scientific
community.” That code states that patents will be granted only for
"any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition
of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof."
According to the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) code
2164.07, patents are rejected on these grounds in cases “when the
examiner concludes that an application claims an invention that is
non-useful, inoperative, or contradicts known scientific
Following that rejection, Naval Aviation Enterprise Chief
Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy once again stepped in to write
a letter to the USPTO personally to vouch for the room temperature
superconductor, going so far as to declare that the RTSC is
“operable and enabled via the physics described in the patent
application” and Pais’ publications. Again, the keyword here is
“operable,” which has a different meaning than simply “enabled.”
Sheehy assures the examiner that he is “well versed in the
generation of electromagnetic fields, high temperature super
conductivity, and physics in general.” Note, too, the last line:
Sheehy’s declaration was made with the knowledge that false
statements to the USPTO are punishable by fine or imprisonment.
Sheehy’s letter was accompanied by a statement from Naval Aviation
Enterprise attorney Mark Glut in which Glut states that “Sheehy
states the invention is operable and enabled, thus overcoming both
In a separate appeal document, Glut states that in the case of the
RTSC patent, “there is no reason to doubt the truth of the
statements contained in the specification” and that the patent
office “must provide a factual basis for an enablement rejection,
rather than conclusory statements regarding the state of
conventional scientific theory.”
Glut goes even further with somewhat of a dig at USPTO examiner
Paul A. Wartalowicz, writing that in the case of this rejection,
“the examiner turned to perceived mainstream science to indicate
the concept was not possible” but that “in this matter, the
gatekeepers of science (the peer reviewers of Applicant’s papers)
indicated the concept is possible and enabled.”
However, it's important to note that while many of Pais'
publications were published in peer-reviewed journals, his most
recent publication wasn’t actually peer-reviewed. The publication
“Room Temperature Superconducting System for use on a Hybrid
Aerospace-Undersea Craft” does not appear in a peer-reviewed
journal, but was instead presented at the 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum.
On the AIAA’s Abstract Submission Process & Requirements page,
it is stated that “All abstracts will be evaluated by qualified
individuals from industry, academia, or government. It is
recommended to the Technical Program Committee to have the
broadest representation of reviewers appropriate for the
forum/conference. Exceptions may be made for invited abstracts.
Please note that this is a review of abstracts only and that
AIAA’s meeting papers are not peer-reviewed.” Thus, the statements
made by the Navy attorney aren’t entirely accurate.
In another one of the correspondences between the USPTO and the
Navy regarding the Room Temperature Superconductor patent, the
examiner writes that “in such instances where the utility of the
claimed invention is based upon allegations that border on the
incredible or allegations that would not be readily accepted by a
substantial portion of the scientific community, sufficient
substantiating evidence of operability needs to be submitted by
Following that rejection, Pais and NAWCAD’s patent attorney Mark
Glut requested a telephone interview that took place on June 6,
2019. According to the USPTO’s public database, the appeals
surrounding the room temperature superconductor are still ongoing
despite the declarations made by Dr. James Sheehy and attorney
Mark Glut.
After our last article on these bizarre Navy Patents, and the
hybrid craft patent, in particular, some readers were quick to
point out that like the physicists I have spoken with while
researching these patents, they are unconvinced that the Navy may
have actually already developed, or even could develop, radical
new forms of electromagnetic propulsion or the room-temperature
superconductors the patents and their related publications
describe as the key component in their operability.
To help contextualize the science or pseudoscience behind these
patents and what it may or may not signify, I spoke with Dr. Mark
Gubrud, a University of North Carolina physicist who teaches
Peace, War & Defense courses and whose PhD is in ultra-low
temperature and nanoscale experimental physics. Like many
physicists, Gubrud has for years encountered claims of
room-temperature superconductors and so-called spacetime metric
"In the past, I have attended conferences of
'free energy' and 'cold fusion' cranks, and encountered very
similar claims. The claim to have developed, or know how to
develop, a room-temperature superconductor is a perennial; so are
claims based on some woolly physics to alter space, inertial mass
or the laws of motion. One sees these things at the meetings and
in the publications that constitute a crackpot hobby industry
which is mostly about the vanity of its participants.
Pais's patents flow as an intimidating river of
mumbo-jumbo that most trained physicists would recognize as
nonsense, although many might simply disengage in confusion, and
there are always some who might even be credulous. Of what,
however, is hard to say, as it is not really clear what Pais is
even claiming, apart from the room-temperature superconductor
which, if it were true, would be huge news.
"Pais deploys fairly sophisticated babble to
make this sound plausible to those who know what real physics
sounds like, but don't understand much of it. Which is likely to
include most patent examiners, journalists, and Pais's own
enablers in the Navy."
I asked for Gubrud’s opinion on why Dr. James Sheehy would vouch
for Pais’ patents, to which he replied that it’s likely someone at
NAWCAD has been misled or fooled:
"I don't know why Sheehy defended Pais's
patents. I am certain it's not because they really make some kind
of sense. I suspect the story is just one professional charlatan
who has embedded himself in the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft
Division, plus one or a few supervisors he's managed to fool. It's
possible, of course, that it is a bigger story which involves some
actual 'experiments' and expenditure of funds, which is now being
protected from scrutiny."
Ultimately, Guburd believes the patents signify nothing more than
“an illustration of the need for transparency and peer review,”
but that “even with such niceties, nonsense gets funded, often for
political and ideological reasons, or simply out of corruption.
But nonsense seems an especially hardy perennial in hierarchical,
closed and secretive organizations.”
Despite months of research and FOIA requests, it’s still unclear
why the Navy would go to bat so vehemently for these patents
which, as another physicist I spoke with put it, “bear no more
resemblance to quantum physics as I understand it than does ‘The
Force’ from Star Wars."
If the Navy has indeed managed to develop operable room
temperature superconductors and electromagnetic force fields,
these technologies would revolutionize warfare in ways not seen in
centuries, or maybe even ever, not to mention leading to paradigm
changes in civilian technology. Yet the largest question remains:
if the Navy indeed possesses these technologies, or even thinks
they are obtainable in the near term, why make the patents public?
With all this in mind, it's certainly possible that these patents
are part of some ongoing information campaign designed to make
America’s competitors question what types of black budget research
is currently underway at NAWCAD and other research organizations.
With so many revolutionary new aerospace technologies on the brink
of deployment, perhaps this is an attempt to essentially
“weaponize” patents and sow doubt among our adversaries and even
inject confusion among the American populace.
That scenario seems more likely given the fact that the Naval
Aviation Enterprise Chief Technical Officer Dr. Sheehy claimed
Chinese advances in similar capabilities as a means of getting the
hybrid aerospace/underwater craft patent application approved. The
U.S. and China are in a new technological arms race to develop the
next generations of aircraft and advanced weaponry. Part of this
race includes producing disinformation and misinformation to make
your enemy invest resources, both intelligence and research and
development related, that are, for lack of a better word,
Being able to explain away strange objects in the sky as UFOs,
which may indeed be emerging classified capabilities, is also
beneficial both here at home and abroad. Overall, these patents
certainly add to an increasingly complex narrative mosaic that is
emanating directly from the Navy, one that began just as a new era
of so-called 'great power competition' was being declared at the
highest rungs of the Pentagon's leadership.
At the same time, maybe this is the Pentagon's grasping attempt to
try to make sense of and emulate mysterious and seemingly highly
advanced craft that are supposedly being increasingly observed
near its own aircraft, vessels, and installations. Maybe the
Chinese competition claim is just a placeholder for the unknown.
It's also at least worth considering that some breakthroughs in
highly exotic propulsion might have been made and that the Navy is
willing to invest big bucks into seeing them progress further.
Maybe those advances happened many years ago and only now is the
Pentagon willing to slowly disclose them. Or all this could be a
case of wasteful, misguided, or even downright corrupt spending on
ideas that have no real chance of paying off down the line.
The bottom line is that after months of investigation, reaching
out directly to the Navy and all those involved, as well filing
numerous FOIA requests that will take months or even years to
process, there is still so much we don't know about the
technological developments the Navy is pursuing or that it is at
least acting like it's pursuing. The existence of these patents
and the underlying documentation we've brought to light and
examined has only made this case more puzzling, especially in
contrast to experts we have talked to who claim there is no way
these patents could describe actual working technologies.
One thing is certain, our investigation into these patents and the
Navy-funded research that led to them has only just begun.
Salvatore C. Pais
Electromagnetic field
generator and method to generate an electromagnetic field
The electromagnetic field generator includes a shell, an
electrostatic generator, a power plant, a thermoelectric
generator, and an electric motor. The shell has embedded
polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic material which is polarized
such that the ceramic material exhibits strong Piezoelectric
Effect properties thus inducing high frequency vibrations. The
shell may be further doped with radioactive elements which under
high frequency vibrations induce gamma ray emission. The
electrostatic generator is for charging up the shell and is
disposed within the shell. The power plant is to generate thermal
power, and is disposed within the sphere. The thermoelectric
generator is to convert the thermal power generated by the power
plant to electrical energy. The electric motor powered by the
electrical energy generated by the thermoelectric generator, and
supplies input voltage such that the shell spins at high angular
speeds, vibrates at high frequencies, and generates an
electromagnetic field.
Craft using an inertial mass reduction device
A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of
an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and
microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity
wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall
form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high
frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity
causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and
create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity
Laser augmented turbojet propulsion system
The invention is a turbojet propulsion system which includes a
compressor section, a turbine section coupled by a shaft to the
compressor section, a combustion section mounted between the
compressor section and the turbine section, and an exhaust duct
coupled to the aft end of said turbine section. A fuel delivery
system is incorporated for supplying fuel to the combustion
section. A laser assembly provides electromagnetic radiation to
the combustion section. An electrical generator coupled to the
turbine driven shaft powers the laser assembly.
Plasma Compression Fusion Device
A plasma compression fusion device which includes a hollow
duct and at least one pair of opposing counter-spinning dynamic
fusors. The hollow duct includes a vacuum chamber disposed within
the hollow duct. Each dynamic fusor has a plurality of orifices
and an outer surface which is electrically charged. In
combination, the pair(s) of dynamic fusors create a concentrated
magnetic energy flux and electromagnetic radiation within the
vacuum chamber, whereby the concentrated magnetic energy flux
compresses a mixture of gases that are injected through the
orifices to the vacuum chamber such that a plasma core is created,
and the to electromagnetic radiation heats the plasma core, while
produced magnetic fields confine the plasma core between the
dynamic fusors, such that when an additional mixture of gases is
introduced into the plasma core through the orifices, an energy
gain is created.
High frequency gravitational wave generator
A high frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas
filled shell with an outer shell surface, microwave emitters,
sound generators, and acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled
cavities. The outer shell surface is electrically charged and
vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate a first
electromagnetic field. The acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled
cavities each have a cavity surface that can be electrically
charged and vibrated by acoustic energy from the sound generators
such that a second electromagnetic field is generated. The two
acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities are able to
counter spin relative to each other to provide stability, and
propagating gravitational field fluctuations are generated when
the second electromagnetic field propagates through the first
electromagnetic field.
Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor
The present invention is a room temperature superconductor
comprising of a wire, which comprises of an insulator core and a
metal coating. The metal coating is disposed around the insulator
core, and the metal is coating deposited on the core. When a
pulsed current is passed through the wire, while the wire is
vibrated, room temperature superconductivity is induced.1
Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor