Electrical Potential Effects on Water
World Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 3, No. 1,
2018, pp. 13-18. March 24, 2018
doi: 10.11648/j.wjap.20180301
Water: Demonstration of Water Properties,
Depending on its Electrical Potential
Yuri Pivovarenko
[ PDF ]
Research and Training Centre ‘Physical and Chemical Materials
Science’ Under Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University and NAS of
Kiev, Ukraine
Abstract: The aim of this work is to demonstrate that the
physicochemical properties of water depend on its electric charge
(potential). It is also shown that the physico-chemical properties
of aqueous solutions depend very much on the electric charge
(potential) of the water on which these solutions are prepared.
1. Introduction
Michaels and Hill found that the direction of reversible
oxidation-reduction modifications of phenazines is determined by
the electrical potential of the aqueous medium: in a medium with a
positive electrical potential, the phenazines become oxidized, and
in a medium with a negative electrical potential, into a reduced
state [1, 2]. Consequently, when studying the interactions between
phenazines and DNA, we had to use both water with different
electrical potential and aqueous solutions prepared on water with
different electrical potential [3]. As a result of this approach,
it was found that many properties of water depend significantly on
its electrical potential; It was also found that the properties of
aqueous solutions depend on the electrical potential of the water
used for their preparation. Here are examples of this
2. Material and Methods
First, it is necessary to define the terminology used. The term
"uncharged water" is used to determine the water that was used as
a control: it is assumed that the electric potential of this water
is 0 mV.
Uncharged water was obtained during storage of distilled water in
closed aluminum containers: It is considered that in such
circumstances, the electric charges of water are concentrated on
the outer surface of the container [4].
Water with a positive electrical potential was obtained in two
(a) By passing through uncharged water of gaseous oxygen.
(b) By filtration of uncharged water through the silica gel.
It is known that when in contact with water, oxygen gas exhibits
the properties of a sorbent of aqueous electrons, and the silica
gel exhibits the properties of a sorbent of aqueous hydroxyl ions
Water with a negative electric potential was also obtained in two
(a) By passing through uncharged water of gaseous hydrogen.
(b) By filtration of uncharged water through the activated carbon.
It is known that when in contact with water, hydrogen gas is the
electron donor, and activated carbon exhibits the properties of a
sorbent of aqueous hydrogen ions [5].
Water with the required electrical potential was obtained in two
(a) By varying the depth of the layer of sorbent through which
filtered water is discharged.
(b) Varying the time during which the gas passed through the
uncharged water.
The electric potential of the charged water was measured with
respect to uncharged water, the potential of which was
conditionally assumed equal to 0 mV. In fact, the electric
potential of charged water was measured as the flow potential or
as the filtration potential [6]...
Figure 2. Left: When water with a negative charge flows through
a narrow crack, it twisted clockwise. Right: When water with a
positive charge flows through a narrow crack, it twisted
counterclockwise [8]
Further studies have shown that the electric potential of water
can determine not only its spectral properties. Thus, it was
established that the electrical potential of water flowing from a
narrow gap determines the direction of its rotation: the flow of
negatively charged water rotates clockwise (Figure 2, left), and
the flow of positively charged water is twisted counterclockwise
(Figure 2, right) [8].
It should be noted that this difference is observed in the
Northern Hemisphere, where the vertical component of the
geomagnetic field is directed downwards. It should be also
recalled that a similar difference in the direction of rotation of
charged particles moving along the magnetic field used in the mass
spectrograph to determine the sign of the electric charge of the
particles [4, 9].
3.4. Rotation of Aqueous Solutions Flowing Through a Narrow Gap
It should also be noted that when flowing out of a narrow gap,
aqueous solutions of surface-inactive substances rotate clockwise
(this is
like water with a negative potential), and aqueous solutions of
surfactants rotate counter-clockwise (this is like water with a
positive potential). Such a difference in the rotation of aqueous
solutions can be explained by the fact that during storage,
surface-inactive substances sorb negative charges... &c...
3.5. UV Absorption of DNA Solutions Prepared on Water with
Different Electrical Potential
In the course of further spectral studies it was found that the UV
absorption of aqueous DNA is significantly dependent on the
electric charge (potential) of the water used (Figure 3)
The last result obviously allowed to assume that the electric
charge (potential) of water affects not only the UV absorption of
water DNA, but also its state. ..
3.6. Saline Solutions Prepared on Water with Different Electric
Charge (Potential)
In a number of studies, it was found that the shape of the
crystals that are formed when the salt solutions dry out is
uniquely dependent on the electric charge (potential) of the water
on which such solutionwere prepared.
It has been particularly found that the evaporation of solutions
with positive electric potential is accompanied by the formation
of cubic crystals (Figure 4, left) and the evaporation of
solutions with negative electric potential is accompanied by the
formation of needle-like crystals (Figure 4, right) [10, 11].
Figure 4. KH 2 PO 4 crystals. Left: the rhombic crystals formed
upon drying of an aqueous solution of KH 2 PO 4 prepared on the
water with positive electric potential. Right: the needle-shaped
crystals formed upon drying of an aqueous solution of KH 2 PO 4
prepared on the water with negative electric potential [10, 11].
Figure 5. This is the powder of metallic copper at the
boundary of aqueous solutions with positive (above) and negative
(below) potentials.
It should be also noted that these dependences are observed
not only for the salt crystals, but for some of the metals
(Figure 5).
Based on the latest results, it can be assumed that the electric
potential of water determines its internal structure, which can be
manifested through the form of substances, both dissolved in water
(Figure 4) and contacting it (Figure 5). It seems quite likely
that different internal water structures are reflected in the type
of spectra obtained, in particular – on the spectra of aqueous DNA
(Figures 1, 3).
3.7. The Surface Tension of the Electrified Water
These results stimulated further studies aimed at elucidation of
the properties of water and aqueous solutions, which depend on the
electric potential. During these studies it was particularly found
that the surface tension of the water clearly depends on its
electrical potential: an increase in the positive electric
potential of water is accompanied by an increase in its surface
tension and increase the negative electrical potential of the
water is accompanied by a decrease of its surface tension [11].
The existence of such dependencies can be demonstrated through
some simple experiments. So, if to pour 5 ml of water (exactly!)
with a negative potential in a standard Petri dish and mix, you
can see that the water completely covers the bottom of a Petri
dish (Figure 6, left). On the other hand, if to pour 5 ml of water
(exactly!) with a positive potential in a standard Petri dish and
mix, you can see that such water will not cover all the bottom of
a Petri dish (Figure 6, right).
Such a distinction clearly demonstrates that the forces acting on
the surface of the water depends on its electric potential. It can
be explained by the fact that water with a positive potential has
a greater surface tension than water with negative potential.
Click to enlarge

The Electric Potential of the Tissue Fluids
of Living Organisms as a Possible Epigenetic Factor
Yuri Pivovarenko
[ PDF ]
It is shown that the state and properties of aqueous DNA depend on
the electric potential of the surrounding water. It is
particularly shown that water with a positive potential much more
actively hydrates DNA than water with negative potential. Since
the electric potential of tissue fluids determines the degree of
hydration of DNA, i.e. its state, it can be considered as an
epigenetic factor.
Res & Rev Health Care Open Acc J 1(2)- 2018.
The Electric Potential of the Female Body
Liquids and the Effectiveness of Cloning.
Yuri Pivovarenko
[ PDF ]
It is known that the
evaporation of the female body
liquids is accompanied by the
formation of crystals of different
shapes. It is also known that the shape of these
crystals depends on the stage of the menstrual
cycle: cubic or rhombic crystals
are formed before and after the stage of ovulation;
arbor-shape crystals are formed in the ovulation step (Figure 1)
It was previously shown that the electric potential of
biological liquids of the female body correlated with the stages
of the menstrual cycle: these liquids have a negative potential at
the stage of ovulation, but the positive potential on the phases
before and after ovulation. It was also shown that the electric
potential of the water determines its surface tension, as well as
its ability to hydrate the polysaccharides. On the basis of
obtained results it is concluded that the electrical potential of
the body liquids of women, and is the surface tension and the
ability to hydrate the polysaccharides of these liquids, can be
cyclically varied during the menstrual cycle. It is demonstrated
that the use of these ratios allows influencing the processes of
reproduction and increasing the efficiency of cloning.
UV Absorbance of Aqueous DNA
Pivovarenko Yuri Vadimovich
[ PDF ]
The UV absorption spectra of water with different electric charge
(potential) were obtained. It was shown that UV
absorption spectra of water with
negative electric charge (potential)
have the sharp peaks with
maximum in the range 190 – 200
nm and UV absorption spectra
of water with positive electric
charge (potential) have the wide
peaks with maximum in the range
200 – 220 nm. It was
asked to explain this absorption. It
was also established that UV
absorption spectra of water solutions of surface inactive
substances have sharp peaks with a maximum in the range 190 – 200
nm and UV absorption spectra of
solutions of surface active
substances have the wide peaks
with a maximum in the range
200 – 220 nm. The UV
absorption spectra of DNA solutions,
which were prepared on the
water with different electric charge
(potential), were obtained. It was shown that these spectra are
dependent on the electric charge (potential) of water used. It was
proposed that UV absorption spectra of aqueous DNA reflect mostly
the spectral properties of charged water or charged cuvette...
Fluid Mechanics, Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2017, Pages: 29-32
Potential-Dependent Changes of the Surface
Tension of Water
Yuri Pivovarenko
It was shown previously that the shape of the crystals formed
during the evaporation of salt solutions depends on the sign of
the electric potential of such solutions. It has been particularly
found that the evaporation of salt solutions with positive
electric potential is accompanied by the formation of cubic
crystals and the evaporation of salt solutions with negative
electric potential is accompanied by the formation of needle-like
crystals. The obtained results stimulated further studies of the
properties of water and aqueous solutions, which depend on the
electric potential. During these studies it was found that the
surface tension of the water clearly depends on its electrical
potential: an increase in the positive electric potential of water
is accompanied by an increase in its surface tension and increase
the negative electrical potential of the water is accompanied by a
decrease of its surface tension. It was also discovered that the
electrical potential of the water determines its ability to
hydrate the polymers of biological origin. It is shown that water
with a positive potential is better hydrates biological polymers
than water with negative potential.
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajae.20170406.11
Published: Feb. 7, 2018
The Significance of Positive Electrization
on Lifting Force
Yuri Pivovarenko,
[ PDF ]
Due to the daily rotation of the Earth the lower layers of earth's
atmosphere are continuously crossed by horizontal lines of the
geomagnetic field. For this reason, near the earth's surface there
is an upward-directed Lorentz force. Under the action of this
force the positively charged objects move upward and the negative
charges down. As a result, this force can increase the lift of
flying objects that have a positive charge: water vapor, birds,
insects, airplanes and space rockets. In addition, the action of
the upward directed Lorentz force blocks the deflection of the
racket's body in the horizontal direction, that is, ensures its