Dr Robert ROWEN,
et al.
Ozone vs Ebola
Related: Cobalt Hexamine vs
Ebola // Ebola Patents // Ozone Therapy
Ebola Cure Suppressed with
Robert Rowen, MD - YouTube
In October 2014, I traveled to Sierra Leone with my colleague
Howard Robins to train local health professionals to treat Ebola
with ozone therapy. Training went great. We hit a snag. While at
the Sierra Leone Ebola treatment center outside the capital, a
call came in from the Ministry of Health halting the ozone
project. Patients were forbidden to receive ozone, and the staff
as well. The staff did continue with our training fearing for
their lives otherwise. Patients were denied and left to die.
As "luck" would have it, several health providers, who were on the
front line, subsequently did come down with Ebola. Additionally we
know of three additional doctors who contracted the disease. Of
these three, two outright refused ozone therapy and quickly and
miserably died. These made international news. The third was
trained by me and requested ozone and was REFUSED. He also, sadly,
died miserably. The remaining 4 managed to get the therapy and all
4 responded nearly instantly, totally recovered within a few days
and had no complications. The government announced in the world
news that one military physician did recover, and seemed to take
credit. However, the government omitted the fact that he received
ozone therapy.
We have just published the results of our 4 cases in the African
Journal of Infectious Diseases, and I am providing it here for you
to read and enjoy. A button below it can provide you with a
download to the original PDF of the article :
Rowen et al., Afr. J. Infect. Dis. (2016) 10 (1): 49– 54
Please also know that a fifth person, the female consort of one of
the senior doctors, who refused ozone and died, had encouraged him
to get ozone. She was placed under armed guard quarantine at her
home and could not exit to get ozone prophylaxis. Fearing for her
life, having had intimate exposure, she scaled a razor wire fence
in the middle of the night, shredding her skin, to evade the
guards. She was able to get to ozone and developed no symptoms.
This is a story made for Hollywood. I'll avoid the rest of the
ramifications of what happened for now. But the good news is that
Ebola appears to be easily cured and for less than 10 USD!
1 Robert Jay Rowen, MD, 2 Howard Robins, DPM, 3 Kojo Carew,
MD, 4 Michael Morlai Kamara, MD, 5 Mohamed Ibrahim Jalloh.
1) 2200 County Center Dr. Ste C, Santa Rosa, California, USA
95403. Lead author and correspondence author, 2) 200 West 57th
Street #807, New York, NY 10019. ,3) c/o Blue Shield Hospital, 27
Ascension Town Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone. 4) 66 Mayenkinneh
Hills, Calaba Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 5) 31 Nelson Lane,
Tengbeh Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Background: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has ravaged three countries
in West Africa. The mortality rate is extremely high, and it is
perceived not only as threat to all of Africa but to the entire
world. There is no known treatment to date other than
administration of convalescent blood or experimental monoclonal
antibodies, which both often fail. Ozone therapy (OT) has been in
clinical use for decades and has been found to have physiological
effects, which should directly inactivate the virus itself, as
well as modulate its damaging effects. We present the scientific
background and the possibility of ozone therapy as a cure or
prevention for EVD in five consecutive patients.
Materials and Methods: Ozone therapy administration by a
combination of direct intravenous gas administration, rectal gas
administration and ozonized water was administered to three
patients with known acute EVD, one with apparent acute infection,
and one case of extremely high risk. Treatment was carried out for
up to ten days despite fast total remission of symptoms. Vitamin C
and glutathione supporting supplements were administered.
Results: Four symptomatic patients, three with test
positive EVD confirmation and one (who suffered Ebola contaminated
needle stick contamination three days earlier) without lab
confirmation all remitted symptoms within 2-4 days and fully
recovered. All four ill cases had an immediate recovery course
upon initiation of therapy. The single case of non-symptomatic
high-risk exposure treated preventively did not develop symptoms.
Conclusion: Ebola virus may have a very narrow window of
redox infectivity capacity, which can be easily exploited with OT.
OT may be a useful modality in EVD and other viral diseases and
should be immediately studied to save lives that might otherwise
be lost.
A Filovirus of several strains, commonly known as Ebola, causes
hemorrhagic fever (EVD). Incubation ranges 2-21+ days. Ebola virus
enters dendritic cells shutting down their immune system alerting
alarms. While unchecked, it replicates wildly, infecting and
damaging critical organs, inclusive of liver and kidneys. The
cells explode releasing new viruses and debris. This can result in
a cytokine storm (Tisoncik et. al., 2012), characterized by
massive capillary leakage and tissue destruction. Then, the immune
system may do more harm than good (Amarasinghe, 2014). Mortality
is extremely high (60% in the current Zaire species outbreak).
WHO reported that the current Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of
West Africa is the most severe acute public health emergency seen
in modern times (Watson, 2014). To date, there
is no known proven effective treatment” (Choi and Croyle, 2013). A
recent JAMA editorial proclaimed need for “utmost urgency” of fast
tracking promising vaccines (Giesbert, 2015). Effective treatment
is emergently needed.
Ozone is an oxygen allotrope, O3, created by solar UV radiation
and lightning. It’s the strongest naturally occurring oxidant.
Scripps Institute reported that ozone is actually generated by
immune cells (Bablor, et. al., 2003) as part of its armamentarium
of oxidants, which can be hurled against pathogens. Other immune
system generated anti-infection oxidants include singlet oxygen,
H2O2, NO, and NaOCl.
Ozone kills bacteria in easily reachable concentrations nearly
instantly (Leusink and Kraft, url) and some 100 times faster than
chlorine containing disinfectants (decontaminants) (Oregon State
Univ., 2011).
Nikola Tesla patented the first commercial medical ozone generator
in 1896. In World War I, German physicians disinfected wounds with
medical OT. German physicians soon discovered that ozone
application to various body fluids or cavities resulted in
additional benefits, including enhanced circulation, oxygen
delivery, and faster healing.
OT has been continuously used for nearly 100 years, especially in
Europe for a variety of infectious, immunological and circulatory
conditions. Velio Bocci, MD of Italy investigated OT’s immune
effects. He published results first in a series of studies (over
175) in peer reviewed medical journals, now found succinctly in
his book “Ozone, A New Medical Drug” (2011), which details ozone’s
many mechanisms to help many medical conditions including:
1) immune system modulation balancing its
inflammatory/anti-inflammatory cytokines, 2) increase in
production of RBC oxygen releasing 2,3 DGP (also reported by
Viebahn-Hansler, 2003), and improved rheology properties of blood
(increased RBC flexibility) 3) elevation of key anti-oxidant
enzymes such as SOD, and increased glutathione. Cuban ozone
researchers have independently verified these findings (Menendez,
et. al., 2008).
Medical OT induces vasoprotective prostacyclin production (Schulz,
et. al., 2012). OT increases muscle (Clavo, et. al., 2003) and
tumor oxygenation (Clavo, et. al., 2004) in humans studied by
direct polarographic electrode measurement. Additionally, ozone
protected against hepatic ischemia free radical reperfusion injury
(Perralta, et. al., 1999).
Cuban researchers found that OT preconditioning inhibits TNF-alpha
production during endotoxic shock. In addition OT exerts influence
on the antioxidant-prooxidant balance for preservation of cell
redox state by stimulating endogenous antioxidant systems (Zamora,
et. al., 2005).
Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups on their lipid
envelope glycoproteins for cell entry. Mirazimi’s group speculated
on the richness of disulfide bonds in viral glycoproteins as a
factor for infectivity. Studying Cytomegalovirus, (CMV) they found
the virus requires sulfhydryl groups to infect cells (Mirazmi, et.
al., 1999). If the thiol groups were oxidized, CMV lost
infectivity. When thiols were chemically re-reduced (by
dithiothreitol), the virus regained 65% infectivity. Reflecting on
the reduction of “critical” disulfide bonds for vaccinia virus
cellular entry, Markovic, et. al., (2004) found that protein
disulfide isomerase inhibitors limited HIV-1 entry into T cells.
Ozone inactivates many viruses including polio, Norwalk,
coliophage MS2, hepatitis A and others (Kekez and Sattar, 1997;
Shin and Sobsey, 2003; Herbold, et. al., 1989; Emerson, et. al.,
Ebola appears no different. Studies by Sanders et al.
have been able to determine the disulfide-bond map of the Ebola
glycoprotein and, as a result, have proposed that reduction of the
disulfide bond between the two subunits of the Ebola glycoprotein
complex, GP1 and GP2, “is a critical step in the entry of Ebola
virus into cells” (Sanders Lab, url).
Ozone, in vitro, instantly oxidizes reduced sulfhydryls to
disulfides as shown in the chemical reaction below:
SH+SH+O3>S-S+H2O+O2. While ozone itself lasts only
microseconds in blood, the reaction of ozone and blood lipids
leads to the production of more stable but still highly reactive
oxygen species (such as peroxides), which would react similarly,
and perhaps mimic the pro-oxidant mechanism of immune system
Aerobic cells are designed for redox shuttling and oxidant
stresses. Viruses lack repair capacity. Shut out of the cell
(inactivated), they cause no damage, but remain antigenically
intact for immune response. However, aerobic mammalian cells can
and do quickly repair membrane oxidation effects. One repair
pathway activates the hexose-monophosphate shunt, which,
incidentally, produces 2,3 DGP.
Finally, intravenous oxygen gas has been administered in
significant volumes for decades in Europe. Numerous papers have
reported beneficial effects on several physiological parameters.
Regelsberger observed a general improvement in oxygen
availability, eosinophilia, which can be valued as an increase in
undetermined cellular immunological resistance.
“Furthermore, rheological qualities of the blood as well as
diuresis are improved, the release of oxygen into the tissue is
increased, and the blood pH is normalized” (Schmidt, 2002).
Intravenous oxygen gas in human volunteers induces eosinophil
generated 15-LOX-1, a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme, believed
to be a key factor in inflammatory modulating effects of IV oxygen
gas (Chaitidis, et. al., 2004).
These considerations caused lead author Rowen to speculate that OT
might be an ideal candidate to actually cure EVD (and other
viruses). Rowen has been using OT to treat virus and bacterial
infections (outpatient setting) since 1986. He recruited Dr.
Howard Robins, who refined a very inexpensive and relatively
medical waste free technique of ozone administration- direct
intravenous gas administration (DIV). DIV administers an
oxygen/ozone gas mixture intravenously using a 27g winged infusion
set. The clinician sets an ozone concentration up to 55 mcg/cc.
(Approximately 98% O2 and 2% O3). Great care is taken to
prevent “air”, which is 79% nitrogen gas and can cause an embolus,
from entering the body. There are no reports in the worldwide
literature, even after decades of use, that intravenous oxygen gas
causes embolism. Desaturated venous blood is “thirsty” for it.
A protocol (Rowen-Robins Method) for EVD was developed inclusive
of oral vitamin C, and a supplement supporting recycling of
glutathione (Thiodox®, Allergy Research Group).
Figure 1: Robins demonstrating DIV technique on Rowen before
gathering of SL professionals. Sixty cc of gas is administered
in this treatment.
Rowen and Carew visited the Freetown Hastings Ebola Center and
taught the method on 10/24/2014. The staff acknowledged a
current 60% EVD mortality rate, considered, among the best results
in Sierra Leone. For unknown reasons Ministry of Health
authorities suddenly forbade the administration of OT on patients
at the center while the educational session was in progress. Since
all confirmed cases of Ebola suffered mandatory quarantine, it
became extremely difficult to locate and treat cases outside this
mandate. However, four cases did arise from within the facility
amongst front line providers. These managed to receive OT. We now
report these four case results. The first case, who was not
tested, had had an accidental needle prick from Ebola contaminated
blood three days earlier. All patients executed informed consents.
Materials and Methods
“DIV” ozone indicates direct intravenous ozone gas at 55 mcg/cc at
a volume between 20-40 cc. “Rectal ozone” indicates ozone gas
administered rectally at a concentration of 36 mcg/cc and
volume between 150-350 cc. “Ozone water” was made by bubbling
ozone gas at approximately 70 mcg/cc into water for 15 minutes.
Administration volume was 300-500 cc, and administered orally. All
cases were provided nutritional supplements Thiodox® and Buffered
Vitamin C® (donated by Allergy Research Group). Thiodox dose: one
twice daily. Vitamin C: four to eight grams daily during the days
of ozone treatment.
Case Reports
Case 1 – Physician SK, 28, male, at the Hastings Ebola Center in
Freetown jabbed himself with a contaminated needle. He was fearful
to get an Ebola test, knowing if positive he would have been
forcibly picked up and placed in quarantine and denied OT, which
he feared would cost him his life. He was a physician Rowen and
Carew had trained in OT at Hastings. He received 20 cc of DIV on
October 23, 2014 as part of the training. The following is his
verbatim and signed report edited only to remove names. What
appears in brackets is editing by the authors for accuracy.
14th November: Needle prick in the red zone while trying to
cannulate an EVD positive patient. This patient was in the
recovery ward with no complaint and symptoms. She had done the
blood (test) but it came positive and was waiting for the second
specimen to be taken.
The needle went through the PPE and pricked me a finger length
anteriorly above the wrist. I was wearing Tybek (the thinnest
PPE). The prick happened just above the margin of the gloves,
making me more exposed. Had it gone through the gloves, as in the
case of another doctor, it wouldn't have penetrated the skin.
15th November: No symptoms, but planning to start OT.
16th November: No symptoms- feeling fine. Called Dr. Carew and
went to see him. DIV [30 cc, 55 mcg/cc] done [one session]. [He
also received 500 cc ozone water]. Was given Vit. C, Thiodox,
colloidal silver. I was also given the ozone machine, couldn't use
it - gas leak.
17th November: Fever at night, loss of appetite, bowel movements
(unusual) and urge to empty my bowel. The urge was very strong. I
tried to suppress it. I took ciprofloxacin, paracetamol,
doxycycline, drank ORS. Couldn't sleep because of fever and the
urge. I went after midnight to pass stools and I felt some
comfort. The stool was not watery but not too hard (it was very
soft). I came and slept.
18th November: Loss of appetite in the morning and weakness.
Slightly febrile, muscular pain and joint (suppressible). Went
directly to Blue Shield and finally Dr. Carew came with Jeff
[McNamara]. Before their arrival I was really weak and couldn't
stand. For too long had to sit down. But after drinking the ozone
water Jeff prepared I regained my strength and felt much better. I
also tried the [ozone] fog. Started rectal ozone [36 mcg/cc].
19th November: Slight weakness. Appetite is much better. DIV done,
started working again. Did rectal ozone.
20th November: For the first time I did rectal ozone 3 times a day
[36 mcg/cc]. One DIV. Slight weakness. Slept well at night. My
temperature was 37.1 degrees Celsius.
21st November: My appetite is improving. DIV and rectal [as
22nd November: DIV and rectal. No complaints. Prepared ozone
23rd November: No complaints. Ozone water but no DIV and rectal.
24th-29th November: Ozone water only.
SK fully recovered, resuming his duties within just days of
commencement of therapy.
Case 2 - Physician MB, 35, male, had close personal contact (hug)
with another physician after the latter initially tested negative
for Ebola. However, within 2 days a repeat test (PCR) came
positive on the other physician (who died shortly thereafter). MB
subsequently developed typical Ebola symptoms (fever, abdominal
pain, vomiting, appetite loss, and later diarrhea) within 3 days.
He was placed in quarantine, but was offered and accepted OT
administered by the recovered physician SK.
At the appearance of symptoms, he received 30 ml DIV. When PCR
testing returned positive, he was given an additional 2 DIV
administrations consisting of: 40 cc each, 12-16 hours apart, at
55 mcg/cc. He also drank 300-500 cc of ozonated water after the
intravenous treatments. Within 4 days, all symptoms had cleared. A
follow-up test for presence of Ebola virus was negative 2 weeks
later. The government publicly announced this case as a complete
Ebola recovery in a physician national, but did not mention he had
received OT.
Case 3- SS, 25, male nursing student on the Ebola front
line, who was present for the Rowen and Robins ozone training in
October 2014. He documented exposure to Ebola via damaged
protective gloves enabling an Ebola patient’s blood to come in
contact with his skin. He also, without protective gear, cared for
a friend, who later was confirmed to have EVD. On December 2,
2014, SS developed fever, malaise and headache. He received 2 DIV
ozone gas injections of 20 and 30 cc respectively at 55 mcg/cc,
and drank ozone water (100 cc) on 3 consecutive days. Upon testing
positive for EVD, (PCR) he was taken to the Kerry Town Ebola
treatment center where he was not permitted further OT. However,
he had a complete and non-complicated recovery.
Case 4 - IB, 24, male aid. Working in “red zone”. While bathing an
Ebola patient, on or about November 24, 2014, he accidentally
splashed body fluid contaminated water that went through his
facemask and entered his eyes and mouth. Within 5-7 days, he
developed progressive symptoms of extreme fatigue, body pains and
vomiting. He started on anti-malarials. The next day, he informed
the facility physician who immediately administered DIV ozone, 40
mcg/cc, 40 ccs. Within a few hours of the gas injection, almost
all symptoms subsided. He also received two rounds of ozonated
water (as in case 2). However, by then, he was about symptom free.
His Ebola test proved positive (PCR) and he was placed in the
treatment unit and prohibited from further DIV ozone. He did
receive their usual treatment protocol consisting of D5W,
Ceftriaxon (IV), Metronidazole (oral), Immunoboost (oral vitamin).
He had an uneventful stay within the Ebola containment unit and
was discharged in the first week of December.
Case 5 - GK was the female companion of a 67-year-old Sierra Leone
senior physician who died of EVD. She had intimate contact with
him at the time of his falling ill. Authorities placed her under
home military quarantine (armed military guards), preventing any
entry and exit, inclusive of anyone who might bring her OT. She
was in great fear for her life and very much aware of OT, having
urged her partner to accept it before he died. In the middle of
the night she scaled a razor wire fence shredding her skin and
evaded the guards. She arrived at Dr. Carew’s “Blue Shield”
facility where she received: one DIV ozone treatment, and daily
rectal ozone and ozone water for ten days. She also received
vitamin C and Thiodox® twice daily. No symptoms developed.
An ozone-fogging device was deployed at Dr. Carew’s Blue Shield
facility for decontamination and protection of Dr. Carew and all
exposed to patients who were treated there.
EVD has a progressively explosive downhill course from the time of
symptom appearance. Typically, death occurs within a week or less
in the majority of cases. In all our ozone treated cases, symptoms
did not progress from the start of OT, and symptomatic patients
were totally free of all symptoms, inclusive of fever, generally
by day 3 of treatment.
Through December 2014, Sierra Leone lost 11 out of 13 national
physicians diagnosed with confirmed or probable Ebola. Both
survivors received OT and quickly recovered. Following
Rowen-Robins’ mission, one senior physician was offered and
refused OT. He received convalescent serum and was transferred to
the USA and died only 2 days later. Another senior physician
likewise refused OT opting for ZMapp. He died while it was
thawing. (Source: public news wires). A third EBV positive
physician, Hastings trained, requested OT. Authorities refused and
quarantined him. He died within 3 days.
Both senior authors had expected rapid recovery with OT, but
admittedly not this fast (within a few days and with limited
treatments). Rapid recovery was expected because of the violent
nature of EVD, and the known direct countering biological
benefits/effects of OT. This merits further discussion.
Ebola induced pathology includes rapid cellular entry, an
explosion of viral particles into circulation, and rapid cellular
re-entry perpetuating the cycle viciously. Then the repressed
immune system “awakens” and pulls out all its weapons to do
battle. But unfortunately, that battle results in a cytokine
storm, wherein the immune system does more damage to the vascular
system and tissues than does the virus. Death occurs due to
capillary leaks, hemorrhage and organ failure.
Circulatory compromise – The final common denominator in any
vascular insult is oxygen deprivation and resultant cellular
injury and death. OT is known to improve rheological properties of
blood, increase 2,3 DGP, shifting the oxyhemoglobin curve to the
right and releasing more oxygen in tissues. Bocci, Menendez, and
others have well demonstrated that OT enhances oxygen delivery and
utilization. Ozone itself is oxygen. Clearly, in advanced EVD with
vascular damage, tissues are starved of oxygen and energy
production. Any oxygen delivery enhancement could potentially
salvage cells that might otherwise die. Viral entry – The need for
reduced sulfhydryl groups to enter cells, may be the Achilles heel
for reversing the lethality of EVD (and other viruses). Sulfhydryl
groups are key to activity of many cellular enzymes; aerobic cells
may control enzyme activity by redox, providing means to
activate/inactivate these enzymes. It appears from our cases EBV
has a very narrow redox window, and that its envelope
glycoproteins must be reduced as literature suggests. The
symptomatic patients began a recovery essentially with the first
oxidation (ozone) treatment. The senior authors did expect
recovery, but within 5-7 days, considering the natural course of
EVD. These symptomatic cases improved with the very first
treatment. An oxidant stress to the blood stream carrying newly
emerging viruses may be capable of oxidizing and inactivating
sulfhydryl entry mechanisms. Such inactivated viruses will be
incapable of entering the cell for further replication, while able
to encourage healthy immune responses. Gonzales et. al., (2014)
reported on a case of another vicious virus now likely endemic in
the USA. A man (54) developed high fever and severe arthralgia
among other symptoms. He was positive for Chikungunya virus. After
receiving two intravenous infusions of vitamin C, 100 grams each,
he immediately began recovery and was clear of symptoms in two
days. A second paper reported combined ascorbate and
intravenous hydrogen peroxide on symptomatic cases of Chikungunya
virus observing fast symptomatic relief (Marcial-Vega, et. al.,
2015). This parallels our observations with ozone.
Importantly, ascorbate in these doses has been found to undergo a
newly discovered metabolism. The lab of Mark Levine at the
National Cancer Institute research reported a heretofore-unknown
effect of high levels of plasma ascorbate. “Pharmacologic
ascorbate can act as a pro-drug for H2O2 formation, which can lead
to extracellular fluid [accumulation of H2O2]” (Chen, et. al.,
2005). Bocci, et. al., (1998) theorized that the key
mediator in ozone’s beneficial effects is H2O2. Oxidation therapy
was reported as far back as 1920 to dramatically cut the mortality
rate of influenza pneumonia in the great epidemic of that time.
British physician Oliver (1920), in India, took only hopeless
cases and nearly halved the death rate with intravenous H2O2
therapy. In the 1940’s, ozone’s sister therapy, ultraviolet blood
irradiation therapy, was used to rapidly resolve viral influenza
(Miley, 1942) and polio (Miley and Christensen, 1944). We have
nothing, even in today’s modern world, which compares.
Cytokine storm - Ebola induces a cytokine storm. OT has been shown
to significantly modulate TNF-alpha and inflammatory cytokines.
Bocci has investigated and reported ozone as a cytokine inducer
(Bocci, et. al., 1993). Bocci (personal communication to Rowen)
called ozone the “ideal cytokine inducer”, inclusive of
anti-inflammatory cytokines. EVD instigates pathologically high
levels of NO. Ozone modulates NO (Bocci, et. al., 2007).
The actual extraordinary rapid recovery of the treated patients
suggests that all three mechanisms may be at play, particularly
viral inactivation. Ozone easily oxidizes SH groups to S-S groups,
which, according to literature, is expected to inactivate viral
entry. Ozonides, reactive oxygen species generated by OT such as
peroxide species, would also easily oxidize reduced sulfhydryl
groups based on simple chemistry. Our experience suggests that EVD
has an extremely narrow redox window of infectivity. Even ozone
exposures (rectal and water), far less powerful than DIV, appear
to have assisted in dispatching symptoms and aiding recovery. We
believe that the temporary oxidant stress to EVD patients oxidizes
viral surface glycoproteins. The virus particles are unable to
recover since they lack means to self-repair damage to their
glycoprotein spikes. Also, the temporary oxidative stress created
by ozone treatment stimulates the immune system to respond in more
favorable conditions to the Ebola virus.
Additional damage to viral infectivity could be inflicted on the
lipid envelope. The virus incorporates lipids from our own cell
membranes. Infectivity is dependent upon a functional lipid
membrane. Agents that attack the lipid envelope may be useful as
antiviral drugs (Lorizate, 2011). Ozone directly attacks
unsaturated fatty acids, which would be expected to be part of the
Ebola lipid envelope. Aerobic cells repair such alterations.
Viruses cannot. Lorizate lamented that compounds which could
attack viral lipids lack specificity and are “thus unacceptably
toxic.” OT, in use for decades, has no reported toxicity and may
serve as an ideal lipid altering anti-viral agent.
Statistical probability: With Hastings center’s survival
rate of only 40%, the statistical probability of 100% recovery
arising from mere chance is 0.4(4), or 0.026%. Furthermore, lack
of disease progression upon therapy commencement greatly magnifies
the significance.
Ethics: International agencies, inclusive of the WHO (2014),
called for the use of any reasonable treatment in the fight
against Ebola. (“…the panel reached consensus that it is ethical
to offer unproven interventions with as yet unknown efficacy and
adverse effects, as potential treatment or prevention.”)
Considering the high mortality of EVD, we then believe it
unethical to withhold a known, decades old, safe therapy from EVD
patients, which has a 60% probability of death, to do a double
blind study, or to deny OT for prophylaxis. Effectiveness will be
Cost: The ozone cost of treatment per patient was less than 10 USD
excluding cost of ozone generator. Medical waste was limited to
one 27 gauge “butterfly” needle per treatment (0.75 USD) and one
syringe (reusable as ozone sterilizes the syringe as it fills each
time) for each patient. Beyond modest cost of a reliable generator
(1700 USD or less), the cost of DIV ozone will largely rest in
labor costs.
Safety: The world literature is devoid of medical ozone toxicity
reports when administered within the guidelines of the Robins DIV
method or the more common method of major autohemotherapy. In the
latter, between 50-200 cc of blood is removed, treated with ozone,
and returned to the patient. During training, we treated several
score Sierra Leoneans with DIV ozone without any toxicity except
rare vein irritation. Both senior authors have performed thousands
of ozone treatments with negligible untoward effects. Both have
observed repeatedly rapid resolutions of both viral and bacterial
infections in hours to days.
Availability: OT is not patentable; therefore it will fail to
generate a profit for any developer or promoter. Hence, OT, though
widely practiced, is not industry or mainstream promoted, and
remains relatively unknown. This was a major reason Rowen and
Robins chose to travel at their own risk and cost. By achieving
success for the most dread virus on the planet, OT might attain
its rightful place in healing and saving lives, regardless of lack
of profit potential and industry glamour.
Weaknesses of this report: We acknowledge that these cases were
treated early (soon after symptoms developed). None were
critically ill. Ozone benefits on late stage EVD remain unknown.
Ozone therapy, a modality not well known or understood by
conventional Western medicine, has performed as a safe and ideal
therapy for EVD in all infected patients receiving it. EVD
symptoms cleared within 2-4 days in all (four) symptomatic cases
involving front-line health workers. No symptoms developed in a
fifth extremely high-risk person. In contrast, two leading Sierra
Leone physicians who contracted EVD and refused treatment both
died, and one who requested, but was denied ozone treatment, also
died, within weeks after our visit. DIV ozone is inexpensive, safe
and leaves virtually no contamination. International organizations
and governments would do well to immediately conduct a formal
trial of this unique therapy for EVD, which could provide
significant security, both for EVD prevention and treatment, and
for dangerous font-line work.
Dedicated to: Terri Su (Rowen), MD and Linette Robins, whose
unselfish love and bravery sustained the mission’s hardships. And,
to the staff at Blue Shield facility who were willing to place
themselves in harm’s way for a greater good. And, to all the
people of Sierra Leone who have endured unspeakable tragedy and
suffering which continues even to this day of submission.
Funding: Funding for supplies, equipment and airfreight came from
private donors (see acknowledgments). No funding was provided for
any of the authors. Rowen and Robins made the trip to Sierra Leone
at their own personal expense.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to express gratitude to
Longevity Resources, Inc of Vancouver B.C. for generously donating
10 ozone generators for use in Sierra Leone, and to Allergy
Research Group of California for its generous donation of oral
Buffered Vitamin C and Thiodox to complement the ozone therapy.
ACS 200 silver was supplied courtesy of Results RNA Company.
Additional thanks go to the many selfless contributors and
supporters of ozone therapy who spontaneously and generously
donated unsolicited funds for the purchase of medical supplies and
transport of supplies. Rowen and Robins received no financial
support and personally paid all travel expenses out of their own
funds. None of the authors have any financial disclosures to make.
Special thanks to ozone technician Jeff McNamara of Colorado, USA
for introducing and bringing the parties together at this critical
time and providing “ozone fogging” technology for front line
Author contributions:
Dr. Rowen sourced the scientific references, drafted the
manuscript, and compiled the transmitted information from Sierra
Dr. Robins provided training, education and expertise in his
method of ozone delivery and traveled together with Dr. Rowen to
Sierra Leone.
Dr. Carew coordinated all training in Sierra Leone, both didactic
and practical, bringing in scores of health care professionals.Dr.
Kamara coordinated difficult retrieval of information and results
back from Sierra Leone. Additionally, he visited each of the named
patients and subsequently deceased physicians at his own peril to
offer the therapy and obtain informed consent.
Dr. Jalloh was the supervisory physician to the treatment of case
2 and assisted with training at the Sierra Leone Ebola center
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Dr Robert Rowen

Updates on Ebola and Ozone
January 04, 2015
By Dr. Mercola
The most tweeted term in 2014 was "Ebola,"
a highly infectious and lethal disease that's been rapidly
spreading in West Africa.
In October, I interviewed Dr. Robert Rowen, a
leading expert on oxidative therapy, about an inexpensive and very
safe treatment for this devastating disease.
At the time, he'd received an invitation by the
President of Sierra Leone to bring his team there to teach health
care workers how to treat Ebola using ozone.
Ozone is extraordinary in terms of its
anti-infective and antiviral action, and it has virtually no
toxicity, making it a prime candidate for both prevention and
treatment of all sorts of infections and viral afflictions.
With bacteria, ozone works by puncturing the
membrane of the bacteria, causing it to spill its contents and
die. It also inactivates viruses, and does so 10 times faster than
chlorine. This is in part why Dr. Rowen is convinced it can be a
lifesaving treatment for Ebola patients.
Ozone is perhaps the most powerful natural
oxidant in the world. It also has the advantage of stimulating the
immune system, and modulating it—either up or down depending on
what your system requires. In this follow-up interview, Dr. Rowen
tells the story of what actually happened in Sierra Leone.
"Dr. Howard Robins and
I traveled to Sierra Leone around the third week of October, and
it was supported generously by donations from people who just came
out of the blue, to donate money for materials.
The materials we had
were syringes, needles, and butterfly needles. Longevity Resources
Inc. from Canada donated 10 ozone machines. Royal Air Maroc got 37
boxes of cargo on our own plane; very kind of them to do that," he
Unfortunately, although not unexpectedly, the
use of this incredibly inexpensive therapy was undermined from the
very start...
Teaching Health Care Workers in Sierra Leone
Once in Sierra Leone, Drs. Rowen and Robins
were housed and looked after by Dr. Kojo Carew — a national hero
during their blood diamonds era. The very first day, they were
taken to a large meeting hall with about 100 or more people who
were there to hear them speak.
The audience included some "extraordinarily
skeptical doctors," he notes, but by the time the lecture was
over, most were willing to give ozone treatment a fair try.
Conspicuously absent, however, was the Ministry of Health.
Over the next several days, Drs. Robins and
Rowen trained many health care workers on how to administer Direct
Intravenous Ozone Gas administration (DIV), and the Rowen-Robins
protocol for Ebola, which involves a combination of supplements
and timing of administration of DIV.
They also met with the President of Sierra
Leone, who asked them to administer the treatment on him as well.
"I really admire him
for that because here, he was putting himself in front of all of
his people saying, 'I'm willing to do this.' And he did it. There
was no problem," Dr. Rowen says.
Minister of Health Pulls the Plug on Ozone Treatment...
Eventually, after many meetings, they finally
met with Paolo Conte, the defense minister of Sierra Leone and
newly appointed Ebola czar.
"After we told him the
story, he had one question for us, 'Why isn't this being done
already?' We laughed and said, 'We think you need to ask your
other ministers why it hasn't been done.'
We thought we had
clearance now from their top brass. And the next day, we went to
Hastings [the Sierra Leone government's Ebola treatment center]
and started training all of their staff how to do [ozone
In the middle of
training, a call comes in from the assistant minister of health,
telling the military Major in charge of the facility, 'If you
value your job, there will be no ozone at Hastings...'
Shortly after that, a
call came in from the minister of health himself, reaffirming [the
order]. I'm a fairly calm person under most situations. I'm slow
to anger, but I exploded. In full view of everybody there, their
whole staff; I just came unglued.
I went to the Major and
said, 'As far as I'm concerned, this is an illegal order. I told
the entire staff, 'You're all at risk; some of you are going to
die, [and] you're the President's top priority.'"
Why Is Sierra Leone Refusing Ozone Treatment for Dying
As a result, none of the infected Ebola
patients were permitted to receive ozone therapy. However, they
were allowed to continue training the staff, most of whom actually
lined up to receive the treatment themselves, knowing the
opportunity might vanish at any moment.
One might wonder just what kind of influences
catalyzed the Minster of Health to override a direct request by
the President... At present, there's no answer to that question.
Yet it's certainly interesting that they
permitted the experimental drug ZMapp to be used on patients.
They're also going to allow the use of Amiodarone—a highly toxic
drug that, according to Dr. Rowen has been proven ineffective.
Yet to the date of this latest interview, they
have refused ozone therapy, which is incredibly
inexpensive—basically just the cost of a syringe—and has a long
track record of safe and effective use against a wide variety of
infectious and debilitating diseases. It makes no sense at all,
unless Ebola is being viewed as a center for massive profit...
It's also interesting to note that, after
appearing on the TV program National Encounter (which is similar
to the American show 60 Minutes), where Dr. Rowen faced off
against three government officials, the Sierra Leone Foreign
Minister asked to have his entire family prophylactically treated
with ozone therapy. Dr. Rowen declined to give his nod to use
materials he and Dr. Robins brought.
"The supplies that were
donated were donated for Ebola victims, period. End of story. They
weren't to be used for prophylactic treatment for government
ministers," Dr. Rowen says. "If we can't get to the Ebola patients
ourselves, I wasn't going to authorize release of materials
donated in trust to Dr. Robins and me..."
Two Doctors Recover from Ebola—Was it Due to Ozone Therapy?
One of the doctors trained in the use of ozone
therapy at Hastings named Dr. Kanneh, accidentally stuck himself
with an Ebola infected needle, and developed typical Ebola
symptoms within three days, as expected. Understandably, he was
scared to death to get tested, because he knew if he tested
positive, he would not be allowed to receive ozone treatment. He
did take ozone, as per Rowen-Robins protocol, and was symptom-free
within 48 hours.
"First of all, if
you're suspected of having Ebola, you're thrown into a room with
every other person who's suspected. And if you didn't have Ebola
beforehand, you're probably going to have Ebola afterwards," Dr.
Rowen notes.
"If you do test
positive for Ebola, you're picked up forcibly in a paddy wagon and
you're carted off to the 'treatment center.' Treatment center?
Well, I'm finding out now that the people aren't really fed. If
their families don't feed them, they don't get fed. At best,
you're going to get IV fluids...
They have a 60 percent
probability of dying. And in the case of doctors... 100 percent of
Sierra Leonean doctors who have gotten Ebola have died, with the
exception of two. The first one is Dr. Kanneh. Now, we cannot
prove that he had Ebola because he wasn't tested. I certainly now
understand why he didn't get tested; he knew he would be carted
off and left to die..."
The second survivor is Dr. Komba Songu Mbriwa,
who did test positive for the virus. Somehow he was offered, and
accepted, ozone therapy, which was administered by Dr. Kanneh.
Four days later, the government announced Dr. Mbriwa was free of
Ebola... It's still unclear what or who allowed Dr. Mbriwa to
receive the treatment, while it was withheld from so many
others—including other infected doctors.
"I'm not really sure
how it got there or if they looked the other way because he was a
military physician," Dr. Rowen says. "But even though he was
treated with ozone, the government didn't acknowledge it publicly.
In fact, while they publicly said, 'We now have the Sierra Leonean
physician who's survived Ebola,' they didn't tell the world that
he got ozone.
The government itself,
apparently, took the credit for it. Now, I said 'apparently'
because I don't know everything that happened there. All I know
is, there's been no mention that the man received ozone at all,
and we know he did receive it, and we know that he's the only
confirmed physician case of a Sierra Leone doctor to have made
[survived] it."
... [Another] doctor we
trained at Hastings, whom I met, also got Ebola... He asked for
ozone; he begged for ozone, and was refused. He was transferred
from Hastings, where it could've been accessible, to another
center where it wasn't accessible, and then he got renal failure,
and he was transferred again for dialysis, and died. This is a man
that I met and that I had hands-on training with, and my heart is
broken because he was refused ozone after he asked for it."
Who is Making Ebola Decisions in Sierra Leone and Why?
Dr. Rowen is deeply concerned about what's
happening in Sierra Leone, as well as other areas affected by
Ebola. According to contacts on the ground, it appears the lives
of those in Sierra Leone mean little to nothing—unless, that is,
they survive Ebola. Then, they can get paid for their blood, which
is given to the rich who get infected. Perhaps that is why those
running these "killing fields" may not care about ozone therapy,
he suggests. And, if that can happen in Sierra Leone, it can
certainly happen in the US as well.
"I met [the Sierra
Leone] Ebola 'czar' [Paloh Conteh]. He seemed responsible and
powerful and sent us forward to accomplish our mission to cure the
malady... I cannot understand how his directive was undermined. I
cannot understand how the government [Health Ministry of Sierra
Leone] can stand by when doctors and nurses continue to die. I
will wonder all my life about this experience," Dr. Rowen notes.
In writings and over the phone, Dr. Rowen
received the following information from a contact in Sierra Leone,
whose identity is kept anonymous for safety reasons:
"I need to tell you
what is going on here that is inhumane and bypassing the will of
the people. If WHO says someone in your household gets Ebola and
tests positive, everyone in that home including domestic help,
cooks and drivers, are confined to that home or village with an
ARMED GUARD out front. Well off families can have food brought.
Poor families cannot afford it - no food, no water, no sanitation;
in some cases they just die of starvation or dehydration before
Ebola gets them. Even if they ask for [ozone] therapy by informed
consent document, here is how they [SL government] can deny
treatment without saying they are denying ozone:
The Home or village now is a 'red' zone. Only authorized personnel
are allowed in or out and the Ministry of Health puppets of WHO
and CDC proclaim this a 'red zone' so anything allowed in,
including doctors, are now quarantined along with the home. So,
they cannot be treated at home, and they cannot leave to be
treated. This effectively keeps them from receiving medical help!
Do you get this demonic plan!
They are not immediately tested for Ebola. If they have illness...
they are to call 117 and the Ambulance, with sirens blaring
bringing fear to all around the house, will take them to another
quarantine holding center where, if they didn't have Ebola before
they went there, they will have it after they get there!
Once in the quarantining center they must wait to show strong
signs of Ebola before a test is ordered, wasting more time. Once a
30 minute test is ordered it takes 1 - 3 days to get results
because of back volume.
Once the test comes back positive, you are 2- 5 days from death
when you are taken to the 'treatment center.' You would think you
would receive treatment, but the average person is lucky to
receive adequate food and water as the staff are scared to death
to do anything, and only the rich and famous are guaranteed even
sustaining care. The WHO approved Convalescent Whole blood be used
but it is only to give to those of privilege, but under great risk
in that the blood types are not cross checked adequately, so you
are more likely to die of mismatched blood than Ebola!
A follower of this saga (posted on Dr. Rowen’s
Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/DrRobertJRowen ) has
created a White House petition, urging the Obama administration to
stop America's testing of viruses in Africa, and to use cost-free
ozone to combat Ebola. Please take a moment to sign the petition
Benefits Beyond Ebola
I'm convinced that ozone therapy is a highly
effective and powerful intervention that can be useful for a wide
variety of health issues, not just Ebola. Other infections that
have a successful treatment record include Lyme disease,
rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, just to name
a few. According to Dr. Rowen, ozone therapy is also very
beneficial for heart disease, immune diseases, injuries, and
chronic degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. As an
example, Dr. Rowen has found that ozone is about 85 percent
effective in knees and only slightly less effective in hips, when
given as an injection.
Before considering knee or hip surgery it would
be highly worthwhile to receive ozone treatments to see if that
resolves the problem. While in Sierra Leone, Dr. Rowen was able to
treat a number of Sierra Leoneans for other conditions besides
Ebola. You can view some of these stories on his Youtube channel.1
I definitely believe it's wise to find a clinician who can
administer ozone, or if you want to take it to the next step, like
I did, you can actually purchase a unit yourself. While not a
miracle cure-all, it's a valuable adjunct to other healthy
lifestyle changes.
"This is how I see
ozone," Dr. Rowen says. "It stimulates your body to do what God
designed it to do. We're designed to be self-healing mechanisms.
The bottom line in all healing is oxygen. It also improves blood
rheology, blood flow, and oxygen delivery from red cells. It
modulates your immune system so that if you have inflammatory
valve disease, it brings it down to tolerable. If you're infected
with Lyme and your immune system is down here, it brings it back
up to parity."
Influenza is another infection that can be
successfully treated and/or prevented with ozone therapy. It's
certainly a far safer and likely more effective alternative to the
flu vaccine. (As you may have heard, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that this year's flu
vaccine is worthless, as virus strains in circulation do not match
the ones in the vaccine.) Moreover, there's always the threat of a
pandemic influenza outbreak, such as the avian flu. According to
Dr. Rowen:
"We have evidence that
oxidation therapies do help... A 1920 Lancet article by Dr. T.H
Oliver shows that intravenous hydrogen peroxide cut in half the
death rate from influenza pneumonia in 1920."
I communicated with Dr. Rowen on Christmas day.
Strangely enough, international news has been circulating that
there has been a mysterious decline in Ebola deaths at the Sierra
Leone Ebola center at Hastings. The New England Journal of
Medicine reports:
“We have observed a
decreasing case fatality rate among inpatients at Hastings, from
47.7 percent among the first 151 patients (September 20 to October
13), to 31.7 percent among the next 126 patients with a final
disposition (October 14 to November 4), to 23.4 percent among the
next 304 patients (November 5 to December 7).”2
Dr. Rowen comments: “I sense the presence of
the Divine in all this, and at Christmas time, amazingly. Notice
the coincidence of dates. Robins and I were in Sierra Leone the
third week of October. Dr. Kanneh was trained in ozone and
survived his own apparent bout with Ebola in mid November. He has
largely run a one man heroic show at Hastings, secreting in ozone
water and perhaps ozone for rectal insufflation.
Information I have gotten on the ground in
Sierra Leone in the last few days suggests that no one treated
with ozone by virtually any method has died. If it holds, we have
been guided to the medical discovery of the century. The dread,
deadly and highly infectious Ebola disease may be no more fearsome
than the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz, who melted
when accidentally splashed with a bucket of water. The “wicked”
Ebola virus may simply melt down when “splashed” with ozone, its
Achilles Heel. Ozone, according to the literature I have, may
handcuff the molecular fingers Ebola uses to enter host cells,
which is what drove me to go to Sierra Leone in the first
More Information
To learn more about the general use of
oxidative medicine, which include ozone therapy, ultraviolet blood
irradiation therapy, and intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy,
please see my previous interview with Dr. Rowen. Of the various
oxidative therapies available, ozone appears to be the best
overall, as it's the most versatile. It's particularly beneficial
for blood treatments, infection, and chronic fatigue.
That said, all oxidative therapies work by
stimulating your immune system, enhancing mitochondrial processes,
and facilitating healing with virtually no side effects, and can
be used either as treatment or prevention. They can also be used
as a potent anti-aging health strategy for general wellness. I
also encourage you to look at Dr. Rowen's channel on YouTube,3
where you can find a number of examples of what oxidative
therapies can be used for so that you can avail yourself of this
relatively inexpensive and incredibly safe therapy. To locate a
clinician who can administer oxidative therapy you can try the
following sources:
Dr. Rowen's website has a list of oxidation doctors, trained by
Dr. Rowen and his team
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM.org)
International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIMED.org)
OxygenHealingTherapies.com also has a list of doctors trained in
a variety of oxidation therapies
American Academy of Ozonotherapy
Dr. Robert Rowen: Treating
Ebola & Ozone Therapy
By Dave Asprey
Dr. Robert Rowen is known as “The Father of Medical Freedom” for
pioneering the nation’s first law protecting alternative medicine,
and has used ozone therapy to treat a host of different ailments
since 1986. Dr. Robert was trained at Johns Hopkins University and
UCSF Medical School, has been board certified and recertified by
the American Boards of Family Practice and Emergency Medicine, and
also served on the Alaska State Medical Board and as president of
the International Oxidative Medicine Association. He is currently
the Oxidation Workshop Chairman for the American College of the
Advancement of Medicine, and as one of the foremost experts in the
use of nature’s natural cleanser, ozone, he has been running
training courses for medical practitioners in all forms of ozone
therapy as an oxidation teacher since 1994.
Why you should listen –
Dr. Rowen comes on Bulletproof Radio while in quarantine to
discuss his experience presenting Ozone therapy to medical
practitioners in West Africa, the benefits and types of ozone
therapies, the power of oxygenation therapy as a treatment for
curing and preventing ebola, and how you can find treatments or
even set up ozone therapy in the comfort of your own home. Listen
to this podcast to hear about some ozone therapy I did myself as
well – it was really effective combatiing toxic mold
exposure. I used it for about 18 months every night at home
and it successfully reversed the problem. (And you wouldn’t
believe where I put it…)
Transcript ( PDF )