SARG Effect
SARG, Stoyan : Hidden Space Energy ~ The
Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism : Theory & Experiments... an
overunity device, and author biography.
[Sargoytchev's website ]
“Basic Structures of Matter : Supergravitation Unified Theory”
(BSM-SG)ISBN 1412083877 & ISBN 0973051531
( See Book reviews section in Physics in Canada vol. 62, No 4,
206-207, July-Aug (2006) @
www.cap.ca/brms/Reviews/Rev813_486.pdf )
...predicts a new propulsion method based on a unique
gravito-inertial effect (discussed in Chapter 13 of the book). The
BSM-SG suggests a successful physical model of the underlying
structure of the physical vacuum called a Cosmic Lattice (CL),
which also permits unveiling the structure of the elementary
particles, including the electron (see the article in Physics
Essays, v.16, No. 2, p. 184-195, (2003)).
After a few year research on the effects of the properly activated
neutral plasma, I was able to demonstrate a successful motion
experiment based on a unique gravito-inertial effect, predicted by
BSM-SG theory. It is achieved by a proper modulation the
parameters of the physical vacuum, in which a quantum mechanical
interactions occur between the oscillating electrons and the
oscillating Cosmic Lattice nodes. The applied technical approach
called a “Heterodyne Method” allows accessing the very high
Compton frequency 1.236x10^20 Hz (which is found to be an
important parameter of the Cosmic Lattice node) by a lower
frequency activation technique. The propulsion is caused by a
unique gravito-inertial effect, which permits obtaining a force
field as a result of unidirectional change of the gravitational
(and inertial) mass of the object and the gas molecules in the
activated zone of surrounding space. The physical phenomenon is
called Stimulated Anomalous Reaction to Gravity (SARG) Effect. The
technical realization is not based on ion wind so it should not be
confused with the electrogravity. The experiment was reported and
demonstrated on the 26 Annual Meeting of the Society of Scientific
Exploration, May 30 –June 2, 2007 East Lansing, MI, USA.
Note: While the glow discharge has been investigated by many
researchers, nobody so far envisioned its signature for
modification of the gravitational and inertial mass. This is not
explainable from the currently accepted concept about space. The
physics of this phenomenon and its potential is unveiled for a
first time by the BSM-SG Unified theory.
(first motion experiment)
(second motion experiment in light)
(second motion experiment in dark)
- third experiment (The actuator is fixed in a closed
cylinder. The whole cylinder motion confirms that this is a
physical gravito-inertial effect).
Dr. Stoyan Sarg - Sargoytchev is a Bulgarian born Canadian.
He holds engineering diploma and PhD in Physics in the field of
space research. From 1976 to 1990 he was involved in space
projects sponsored by the program Intercosmos coordinated by the
former Soviet Union.· He participated also a collaborative project
with the European Space Agency. For his pioneering work he was
rewarded with medals from Intercosmos, Russia and Bulgaria. In
1990 he was invited as a visiting scientist by Cornel University
and worked in Arecibo Observatory, P.R. on a Lidar project funded
by the NSF (USA). This was the place where the first SETI (Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program was operated before
1985 using the world largest radiotelescope – radar. In 1991 he
immigrated to Canada, where he worked on projects coordinated by
the Canadian Space Agency. Since 2002 he is with the York
University, Toronto, Canada. He has over 50 publications in peer
review journals and a few patents related to space research.
During his 30-year work in space research Dr. Sarg was aware about
some aerial phenomena that are unsolved mysteries for contemporary
physics. After extensive study the history of physics and
reviewing thousand of articles in different fields of physics he
realized that there is a problem in the current understanding of
space. Working extensively on this issue he arrived to a
challenging new idea about the space-time, matter and gravitation.
For a few years of intensive but morally awarded work he was able
to develop and publish in 2001 his treatise “Basic Structures of
Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory” (BSM-SG). Dr. Sarg wrote
three books in English and one in Bulgarian language. A book
review of his theoretical monograph was published in Physics in
Canada journal, v. 62, No. 4, p. 206-207, (2006). His work
provided for a first time the missing physical relation between
the EM field and gravity. This permitted him to analyze the
enigmatic UFO phenomenon from a new physical point of view. One of
the major predictions of the BSM-SG theory is the possibility to
change the gravitational and inertial mass of a specifically
design spacecraft. Being also experimentalist Dr. Sarg discovered
an unique gravito-inertial effect by a laboratory experiments.
This discovery, understandable only from the BSM-SG point of view,
was reported at the Annual meetings of the Society for Scientific
Explorations in 2007 and 2008 in Boulder, Colorado and also at the
Annual meeting of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, 2010, Long
Beach, California.· His recent book is titled “Field Propulsion by
Control of Gravity – Theory and Experiments” (Amazon.com). The
described propulsion mechanism is completely different from the
jet propulsion. It is invoked by EM activated plasma and does not
need combustion or jet. The publications and experiments of Dr.
Sarg are widely discussed in Internet. He believes that his
discovery will contribute to the further advances in
interplanetary and deep space travels.
Hutchison Effect Replicated at York University
--- Forwarded message from Stoyan Sargoytchev --- Date: Fri, 20
Jun 2008 11:58:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Stoyan Sargoytchev
Reply-To: Stoyan Sargoytchev
Subject: Re: A Hutchison effect accidentally
To: William Treurniet
Dear Friends, Yesterday I got something like a Hutchison
effect unintentionally during my experiments on the
gravito-inertial effect. I wanted to make some filtering in the
circuit that activated the plasma and I decided to use a
ferromagnetic road OD 0.8"" L 8"wounded by one layer of a wire
with thick isolation. I got two such rods a year ago by one friend
and have wound one by hand and obtain inductance of 6.5 mH. During
the experiment for which I applied a High voltage (about 30 kV,
but low current, a spark appeared between one turn of the wire on
the rod and the ground and I turned the power off. I usually stay
about 2 m from the experiment. When I took the wired ferromagnetic
rod for a big my surprise I see that it got curved. You could not
curve such rod even at few thousands of degree, but it happened
just for a second or two. The dissipated power on that place was
not more that 15 W for 2 sec. The deviation of one end is 5 mm.
The spark point, which is visible from the picture is at 1.7""
from the end and almost at the center of the obtained curvature.
The rod has internal whole with ID 0.5. and from the curved side
it also got an ellipticity of 1mm. I did not doubt that the
Hutchison effect is a real physical phenomenon and I had even
explanation by my theory. Now I am more convinced that during my
experiments I modulate the space parameters (physical vacuum). It
is equivalent to say - a temporal creation of artificial space
curvature. What happened is that the modulation that I obtained by
the plasma around the actuator (now enclosed in a cylinder) during
the spark has been suddenly transferred to the spark place. It
changes the binding conditions between the atoms in the solid
object. So now I have my own sample of Hutchison effect.
Yesterday morning I got a phone call from Stoyan, a physics
research scientist, who asked me to come over to his lab in the
basement of Petrie at York U. to
see the unexpected effects of an experiment he performed the
previous day before our radio/TV interview with John Hutchison.
Below is a quick e-mail Stoyan sent to me and others that same
morning which describes what happened. I can confirm that I
examined the wire wrapped ferric rod (a cylindrical tube), one of
two rods that he obtained from Ole in Ottawa, and found that it
was indeed slightly bent and somewhat flattened at one end.
Stoyan believes this "jellificaton" of what was otherwise a very
straight and rigid and brittle ferric rod was an accidental
reproduction of one of the many
Hutchison Effects. Stoyan's experiment may be the first
independent replication and identification of the Hutchison Effect
in a research physics lab in Canada.
Stoyan returns from the Society for Scientific Exploration
conference in Colorado later this month where he will give a talk
and present his findings and demonstrate the amazing propulsion
technologies of ET flying saucers based on a new science to the
scientific community. I think we should invite Stoyan
to give the first public talk and demo on 'Cosmic Horizons' about
his new theory which not only predicts but explains the observed
Hutchison Effects and
other amazing but still not understood effects that promise to
make space travel to the stars and a free and unlimited source of
energy from the quantum
vaccuum a reality in our lifetime.
Stoyan heard and saw our show on ThatRadio.com/ThatChannel.com on
Thursday night and is prepared to make his first public disclosure
of his incredible findings.
A colleague of ours, a retired professor and radio astronomer from
St. Mary's University in Halifax has finished editing Stoyan's
book on the new (alien?)
science and the clearer and more readible edition of this truly
revolutionary scientific work should be available to everyone
CA 2638667
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The propulsion method is based on a gravito-inertial phenomenon
predicted by the Basic Structures of Matter - Supergavitation
Unified Theory (BSM-SG), the practical demonstration of which is
called a Stimulated Anomalous Reaction to the Gravity (SARG)
effect. The SARG effect is a unidirectional change of the
gravito-inertial mass of an object by modulation the parameters of
the physical vacuum. The suggested technique employs an
asymmetrical envelope of EM activated neutral plasma. The result
is a unique force field distinguished from the reactive jet
propulsion by lack of throwing mass and effect of reduced
gravito-inertial mass of the spacecraft and the surrounding gas
molecules. This means a less power for acceleration and less
turbulence when moving in a planetary atmosphere. A small scale
SARG effect is verified by laboratory experiments. A unique field
shield protection against micrometeorites, also predicted by
BSM-SG theory, can be achieved by emission of properly space and
time correlated EM field packets and superluminal waves, known
also as X-waves. KEYWORDS: massless propulsion, space drive, field
shield, X-waves, three-phase Tesla coil
A Laboratory Experiment for
Testing Space-Time Isotropy
Authors: S. Sarg
Sargoytchev, B. M. Quine
We describe a simple experiment to validate the principle of
light isotropy. The method is based on measurement of the
ratio between refractive indices of two different optical
media by using a collimated beam. The method exploits the
speed-of-light dependence of light propagating at an angle
across optical interfaces. The experiment provides a means to
test for light anisotropy with respect to a preferred
reference frame, for example, determined from measurements of
the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy. Presently, the
operational management of the GPS system applies corrections
indicating the existence of a universal clock. Other
researchers have identified evidence of altitude dependence
for the speed-of-light and other speed variation effects.
These phenomena do not fully comply with the definition of the
inertial frame according to Special Relativity. Previous tests
of the speed of light may be categorized into one-way or
two-way dependency tests. Two-way tests, such as Michelson and
Morley's original experiment average a round trip velocity
and, consequently, can only provide limited bounds for some
anisotropic effects. One-way tests, such as the experiment
described here, measuring the speed of light in a single
direction may be designed with significantly increased
sensitivity to time-dependent variations in light propagation.
They may also be designed to be resilient to clock and
wavelength variation errors. Our preliminary results indicate
a time-dependent variation of the speed of light that is not
correlated with CMB anisotropy but is consistent with
anisotropy reported by other investigators. The identification
of an absolute or preferred reference
frame would provide new experimental evidence that may
constrain theories that seek to unify gravity with the other
fundamental forces or improve the standard model.
Field Propulsion by Control
of Gravity: Theory and Experiments [Paperback]
Stoyan Sarg (Author)
SSE Talks
Apr 05, 2009
Gravito-inertial Propulsion
Effect Predicted by the BSM - Supergravitation Unified
AUTHOR(S) : Stoyan Sarg
The Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified
Theory (BSM-SG) is based on an alternative concept of the
physical vacuum [1,2,3,4]. At the basic level the theory
suggests a physical model of two fundamental particles
associated with the Planck’s scale parameters (time and
length). In pure empty space, as assumed precondition of the
physical vacuum, they interact by close range forces according
to a law called Supergravitation (SG) and congregate in
formations possessing vibration properties with embedded
frequency ratio equal to the fine structure constant, ~ 1/137.
Such formations are embedded in the superfine structure of the
physical vacuum and the elementary particles. In the physical
vacuum space, the SG forces are strong at atomic distances.
The suggested model works well in different fields of Physics.
It provides a relation between the electrical, magnetic and
gravitational fields with new understanding of the gravity and
inertia. The unveiled oscillating properties of the electron
[5] permit understanding the physical mechanism of quantum
mechanical interaction between the electrons in EM activated
plasma and the physical vacuum. The new understanding about
the physical vacuum allows predicting a possibility of
unidirectional change the gravitational force acting on a
material object. By proper modulation the parameters of the
physical vacuum, the gravito-inertial mass of a specifically
designed spacecraft would be reduced, so it could be
accelerated with less energy. Technically the new space drive
mechanism could be realized by electromagnetically activated
neutral plasma surrounding the spacecraft. In such approach
secondary effects, such as optical glow, hissing noise, light
bending and disturbed propagation of EM waves and Earth
magnetic field would take place in the surrounding zone. In
atmospheric environment, the spacecraft may exhibit a reduced
turbulence since the mass of the air molecule should be also
affected. The predicted space drive should work also in a deep
space. In this case a gas cloud surrounding the spacecraft is
necessary. Initial laboratory experiments confirm some of the
predicted effects, such as, weak propulsion, optical glow,
hissing noise and reduced turbulence. Extensive research in
this new field is still necessary.
Dr. Stoyan Sarg (Sargoytchev) graduated electrical engineering
in 1971 and defended PhD in Physics in 1984, both in Bulgaria.
From 1974 to 1990 he actively participated in number of space
research projects coordinated by the program Intercosmos
established by the former USSR. From 1990 to October 1991 he
worked in Arecibo Observatory, PR, as a visiting scientist of
Cornell University. In 1991 he moved to Canada and worked in
space research projects with ISTS (later CRESTech), University
of Western Ontario and York University, where he still holds a
position. Apart of his space research activity his major
theoretical work is the Basic Structures of Matter –
Supergravitation Unified theory. His primary interest
resulting from his theory is in gravity and inertia.
(1) S. Sarg, New Approach for Building of Unified Theory, May
2002 http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0205052.
(2) Stoyan Sarg, Basic Structures of Matter – Supergravitation
Unified Theory, Trafford Publishing, 2006, ISBN 1412083877.
(3) S. Sarg, BSM-SG Unified Theory, IX International
Scientific Conference, Space, Time, Gravitation, 7-11 Aug
2006, St. Petersburg, Russia. (Conference Proceedings, 2007).
(4) Books review in Physics in Canada, v. 62, No 4, 206-207,
(5) S. Sarg, A physical model of the electron according to the
Basic Structures of Matter Hypothesis, Physics Essays, vol. 16
No. 2, 180-195, (2003).