Benzene-Steam Engine
Note by Stefan Hartmann ---
Bernhard Schaeffer has a new steam engine that runs on water and Benzene, can achieve 60 % efficiency (much more than the Carnot Cycle efficiency )!
The Workshop of Decentral Energy Research e.V., West Berlin, Germany, proudly presents a new circular process, which defies the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and converts heat energy on a 100% level into mechanical work!
That means, that we have found a way to cool down a reservoir of heat a few degrees and to get mechanical work (or electrical energy converted with an electrical generator from the mechanical output) out of it !
That means, it is possible to build a self-running refrigerator or, e.g., to build a new boat propelling machine which gets its energy by cooling down the seawater by a few degrees!!!
This invention was made by Bernhard Schaeffer, a Thermodynamics expert, who did'nt want to believe for 25 years that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is true for all cases in nature.
So he began his own research program which led him to the Austrian inventor and physician Dr. Ing. Rudolf Docezekal, who already had shown in 1940 that such a circular process exists, but his ideas were almost forgotten, if Bernhard Schaeffer had not found them again !!!
The NEW Circular Process which converts heat into 100% mechanical energy uses :
A mixture of Benzene-water steam is heated at 147 degrees Celsius. If one measures now a pressure versus volume diagram one will get new results showing that the 2 medium steam mixtures behave totally different than the normally examined single medium steam.
So with this circular process using Benzene - and Water-Steam one can get a bigger clockwise rotating area than the counterclockwise area of the pressure versus volume diagramm.
That means, Bernhard Schaeffer has invented a heat-power machine with a "no cold pole".
In this machine type the heat doesn't flow from the hot pole to the cold pole like in conventional heat-power motors (like in Stirling machines) but is simply converted to mechanical power output !!!
Because there is no cold pole with this new type of machine you can't also use the Carnot equation to calculate the efficiency of the circular process. With this Benzol-Water circular process it's every time 100% !!!
(This might sound a little too technical for some people: If You are not a physics freak and haven't yet heard about the Laws of Thermo-dynamics then please copy this demo to a friend who studies physics and tell many people about it! It's time to end the pollution on our planet!)
The Benzene-Water process is currently only working at 147 degrees Celsius. But there are also other steam mixtures available which might work in another temperature range, like 0 to 20 degrees Celsius, which would make it possible to cool down the air on a hot summer day and to build a self-running air-conditioning system which still produces electrical output-power as a byproduct!
What a great future for clean unpolluting energy production !
A working model of the Benzene-Water-steam energy-machine will be built soon, and presented to the public, when the computer aided maximization of the circular process has been completed.
If You want more information about the NEW Circular Process from Bernhard Schaeffer which converts Heat onto a 100% conversion process into mechanical energy, then call the :
Werkstatt fuer dezentrale Energieforschung e.V.
Pasewaldtstr. 7
D-1000 Berlin 37
Tel.: ++ 49 30 802 23 02 and ++49 30 801 40 26If you decide to write to us, please include some international postage stamps, so we can send You some information material back with airmail delivery !!!
A charity donation is welcome, because we get no money from the normal research funds and have to finance our research on our own!!
Please copy it and show it to all people who care about saving our earth and our children from environmental pollution! Thanks a lot!
Berlin, 20 January 1991: Stefan Hartmann, Werkstatt fuer dezentrale Energieforschung e.V.
[ See also: SEROGODSKY ]
Bernhard Schaeffer
The physician, Mr. Bernhard Schaefer and his team of researchers, together with the Russian inventor Serogodski have successfully patented their new machine design, which works as a heat to mechanical energy converter. It does not need a "cold pole", it just converts the surounding heat into useful mechanical work. It works via "retrograde condensation" and uses a gas-mixture of 2 working mediums, N2 and C4H10. The German patent office issued the patent number: 42 44 016 Try to get it and read it. It is very interesting. Bernhard Schaeffer has worked over a 30 year time period on these limits of the 2nd thermodynamic sentence and finaly has won the battle. With his latest measurements he now can prove, that with the retrograde condensation with these gas-mixtures he can get efficiencies, which are far higher, than Carnot would predict. These measurements are done very precisely and it was invested a huge amount of money and time to build all the technical equipment to measure the effect at the right pressure and temperature..
( PDF Format )
Classification: - international: F01K21/02; F01K21/00; (IPC1-7): F01K21/02; F01K25/02; F01K25/10; - european: F01K21/02Abstract ~ An enclosed chamber whose volume can be increased and decreased by means of a partition or piston moving from BDC to TDC and back, contains a quantity of volatile liquid at a base temp. (a). As the chamber expands, pressure is adiabatically decreased (b) and the resultant superheated liquid evaporates spontaneously as expansion continues. The pressure pushes the partition outwards (c), the vapour cools and spontaneous condensation of the supersaturated vapour is then brough about, causing a sudden drop in pressure (d). The partition moves back to TDC (e) and the cooled condensate is reheated to base temp. by a heat exchanger. USE/ADVANTAGE - Heat engine of improved efficiency.
Process for Converting Thermal Energy into Mechanical Energy in a Thermal Engine...
Classification: - international: F01K25/06; F01K25/00; (IPC1-7): F01K25/06
- european: F01K25/06
Abstract ~ Process for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy in a thermal engine comprises passing a working medium through an expansion phase to adiabatically expand the medium; and then passing it through a compression phase to thermally compress the medium. A rise in adiabatic pressure is experienced. The working medium is liquefied during the expansion and/or during the compression. An Independent claim is also included for a thermal engine for carrying out the process comprising a closed chamber with the expansion and compression phases, and a heat exchange device by which heat is added to and removed from the working medium. Preferred Features: The working medium is a multiple component mixture containing 10-30 wt.% water and 70-90 wt.% gasoline, or 5-10 wt.% water and 90-95 wt.% butane. A complete liquefaction of the working medium in the compression phase is carried out before the pressure is raised adiabatically.
Classification: - international: F01K25/06; F01K25/00; (IPC1-7): F01K; --- european: F01K25/06Also published as: WO2005054635 (A3) ~ DE10356738 (A1)
Cited documents: GB519171 ~ US5560210 ~ US2004050048 ~ US4729226 ~ US4843824
Abstract ~ The invention relates to a device for producing mechanical energy in a Carnot cycle comprising a working medium which consists of two components whose boiling points are substentially different, is embodied in the state of a high temperature steam at a predetermined component steam pressure ratio and is expanded by cooling in such a way that a mechanical power is produced. A component which is partly condensed during cooling is separated and separately reintroduced into the Carnot cycle. The expansion is carried out in such a way that it stimulates the formation of a high-boiling component mist whose condensation heat is mainly transmitted to a low-boiling still gaseous component. The gaseous working medium is formed above a hot liquid phase in a steam chamber. The two components of the working medium are not mixable in the liquid phase and transferred by pumping associated with heating a high-contact surface area in such a way that the predetermined steam pressure ratio is obtained. The evaporation heat of the high-boiling component is greater than the evaporation heat of a low-boiling component.