Leigh Dundas warns covid tyranny "almost a second
Holocaust" -- Health Ranger Report
Vernon Coleman - A Syringe Full Of Death
Here is what just this small portion of this Pfizer
document is saying:
1. If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated
woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in
other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has
sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event
and she should avoid having children.
2. If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a
woman who was vaccinated, she can:
A: miscarry,
B: spontaneously abort,
C. poison a baby via her breast milk
D: Have babies that have congitive difficulties.
This is universal, and very bad...
PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
Protocol C4591001
the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for
Conservatives (part 1)
News Reports About “Covid Deaths” in India Can’t Be
Trusted by Vernon Coleman
The mainstream media around the world have been
publishing horrifying reports about what is alleged to
be happening in India.
There has been some rather strange and totally
unconvincing film of people dropping down in the street,
and the implication is that what is happening in India
will soon be happening everywhere else.
New mutant viruses are coming, they suggest. `The new
strains of covid are much deadlier.’ We should panic. We
will soon need strict lockdowns again. We will
definitely need new vaccines. Maybe we need to start
with the human sacrifices.
It is, of course, all bollocks.
For a start I don’t believe the figures. If the Indians
are using the same sort of testing which is used in the
UK then the number of false positives probably far
exceeds the number of real positives. And I suspect that
the number of deaths is far smaller than they are
claiming. There, as elsewhere, anyone who is run over by
a bus or hit on the head with a phone book will probably
be put down as a covid death.
And then there is the `vaccine’ they are using. The
number of deaths recently seems to have risen at the
same rate as people are being jabbed. Oh dear. They need
a distraction. They need to build up the fear to get
people to take the vaccine.
There was a well-publicised death of an actor in India
shortly after he took the ‘vaccine’, and there is
clearly a need to get people to accept their jabs now
that trust in the ‘vaccine’ is at an all time low. As
governments everywhere know, the best way to do that is
through fear. (Naturally, the authorities claim that
this death is yet another coincidence. There is a global
pandemic of coincidences).
But the big thing to remember is that India is a huge
country with a population well over a billion. And in
proportion, the number of deaths is actually not all
that high.
The always excellent, balanced and incisive UK Column
recently ran an excellent story drawing attention to
this fact. You can see their report (complete with
graphs) here :
In the `new normal’, nothing is what it seems to be.
Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021
Compared to 1st Quarter 2020
Spectacular ‘honeycomb heart’ revealed in iconic
stellar explosion
Fauci Own Patent On Coronavirus - NOTHING Found In
Nature Is Patentable By LAW
US CDC : US7279327 ( Disease ) // US7220852 (
Virus ) // US7776521 ( Detection )
social justice all the time': Socialist OPRF school
board members caught gloating on Zoom
She has the Vapors :
you look up "inappropriate laughter," a few things pop
up. It turns out that it can be a nervous
system disorder called Pseudobulbar affect (AKA
emotional incontinence). According to the Mayo
Clinic's website,
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a
condition that's characterized by episodes of sudden
uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing or crying.
Pseudobulbar affect typically occurs in people with
certain neurological conditions or injuries, which might
affect the way the brain controls emotion...
in every case, Kamala laughs because she's doing
something even she knows is bad and wrong. I guess
it shows she has some semblance of a conscience and
therefore isn't a true sociopath. Imagine, though,
when she inevitably takes over for Biden and is
responsible for dealing with foreign powers. She's
going to be a disaster, signaling loudly to her
opponents (Putin, Xi, the mullahs) that she's lying,
doing something wrong, or is about to make things much
Watch: Kamala Harris’ ‘UNSETTLING LAUGH’ when pressed
on radical, socialist views
Gestapo came again attacking the Church! --
Artur Pawlowski
Christian Courage vs Cuck
Canuck Covicop :
Gestapo came again attacking the Church!
“The only thing necessary for the
triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ―
Edmund Burke
Brilliant Mechanical Inverter - Even If I Say So
Myself! -- Robert Murray-Smith
And Easy Hydrogen (Brown's Gas) Generator
Improving A Hydrogen Generator
Reactionless propulsion technology
Report of 1996 about space craft propulsion unit
designed and tested by Acad. Ignatiev. The technoloy is
using pondemotor effect.
Piezoelectric disk for advanced propulsion drive
-- Alexander Frolov
It is simple experiment of 1996 made by Alexander V.
Frolov in his home laboratory, St.-Petersburg, Russia.
Here is Lorentz force for electric charged disk that is
moving cross magnetic field. This force can be used for
advanced aerospace propulsion drive.
TRACING whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced
vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns
Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the
Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently
Disabled Indigenous People in His Community
COVID nurse
explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I recorded them
murdering patients’
'The very first day [at Elmhurst] I was shocked. It
was something I’ve never seen before. Patients were
alone in the rooms on ventilators [with] no family
allowed in [to advocate for them]. People were just
dying from gross negligence, medical malpractice, [and]
Perspectives on the Pandemic -- The (Undercover)
Epicenter Nurse
Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative
journalist, who has spent the last few months on the
frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in
two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One
private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in
New York.
UNBELIEVABLE!!! Judge in Germany being intimidated!
Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for
using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles
from preset nanotubule containers.
Harvard Pilgrims Society professor-surrogate exploited
like Zuckerberg and the other Silicon Valley stooges to
weaponize nanotechnology to deliver viruses and other
weaponized pathogens via 5G (boil the water in the
nanotube with 5G milliwave-lengths and it will release
its toxic payload; is this what happened in Wuhan,
Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 4669
origin of drug release by water boiling inside carbon
nanotubes from reactive molecular dynamics simulation
and DFT perspectives
M. Darvish
Ganji, Sh. Mirzaei & Z. Dalirandeh
Owing to their nanosized hollow cylindrical
structure, CNTs hold the promise to be utilized as
desired materials for encapsulating molecules which
demonstrate wide inferences in drug delivery. Here we
evaluate the possibility of drug release from the CNTs
with various types and edge chemistry by reactive MD
simulation to explain the scientifically reliable
relations for proposed process. It was shown that
heating of CNTs (up to 750 K) cannot be used for release
of incorporated drug (phenylalanine) into water and even
carbonated water solvent with very low boiling
temperature. This is due to the strong physisorption
(π-stacking interaction) between the aromatic of
encapsulated drug and CNT sidewall which causes the drug
to bind the nanotube sidewall. We have further
investigated the interaction nature and release
mechanism of water and drug confined/released
within/from the CNTs by DFT calculations and the results
confirmed our MD simulation findings. The accuracy of
DFT method was also validated against the experimental
and theoretical values at MP2/CCSD level. Therefore, we
find that boiling of water/carbonated water confined
within the CNTs could not be a suitable technique for
efficient drug release. Our atomistic simulations
provide a well-grounded understanding for the release of
drug molecules confined within CNTs.,-Charles-US-Patent-Office-compiled-Mar-20-2020.pdf
Database Search Results: IN/"Lieber, Charles" in US
Patent Collection
harvesting robot plucks a piece of fruit every 7
Frolov's transformator allow to get overunity power
output. It can be used for electric cars
Frolov's transformator allow to get overunity
power output. It can be used for electric cars and other
battery powered equipment. The idea is patented already
by many authors but it is possible to get optimal
technical solution as min size and max power. Also 50 Hz
is not optimal version. High frequency device is more
compact and powerful.
: The US Navy Enlists Boys & discharges Semen !
Got Gulf of Tonkin ?
BREAKING: Biden’s Navy Fires Shells At Iranian Vessels
In International Waters
U.S. patrol boat Firebolt fires multiple warning
shots at aggressive IRGCN vessels in the north Arabian
Vaxxxidents - Explorers' Guide to SciFi World -
2021.4.2 --- clif_high
Vaxxxidents - What happens when you inject a
billion people with a mind destroying gene therapy.
The Orbital Variance Theory ©
The Earth's "orbital variance" is the "in
breath and out breath" of the Earth's orbit over
geologic ages and the eons.
For Those
of You Who Rely Partially on Propane - Very Useful
Tips and Accessories
THE MONEY!! BLM Co-Founder Exposed As BIG TECH
Lobbyist, Pulling In MILLIONS From Facebook!
CIA Derek
Chauvin False Flag Fake TV Trial By Miles Mathis
Things You May Not Know About The Derek Chauvin
Science Advances 21 Apr 2021: Vol. 7, no.
17, eabf8283
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf8283
report possible solutions for hard-to-recycle
plastics -- Plastic waste to fuels by hydrocracking
at mild conditions
Sibao Liu, et
Single-use plastics impose an enormous
environmental threat, but their recycling, especially of
polyolefins, has been proven challenging. We report a
direct method to selectively convert polyolefins to
branched, liquid fuels including diesel, jet, and
gasoline-range hydrocarbons, with high yield up to 85%
over Pt/WO3/ZrO2 and HY zeolite in hydrogen at
temperatures as low as 225°C. The process proceeds via
tandem catalysis with initial activation of the polymer
primarily over Pt, with subsequent cracking over the
acid sites of WO3/ZrO2 and HY zeolite, isomerization
over WO3/ZrO2 sites, and hydrogenation of olefin
intermediates over Pt. The process can be tuned to
convert different common plastic wastes, including low-
and high-density polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene, everyday polyethylene bottles and bags, and
composite plastics to desirable fuels and light
Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of
Leakey, Roger Lewin
Best Way
to Browse the Deep Web - T.A.I.L.S. Operating System
- Circumvent Censorship
Get T.A.I.L.S.:
USB flash utility to install T.A.I.L.S.:
What is T.A.I.L.S.:
Woo Too ! Contagious Vaccinosis ! Clif High
- Explorers' Guide to SciFi World -- clif High
Woo oozes in. Discussion about
next few months & next few years....woo wise.
Level Woo - 2021.4.23 -- clif_high
The Covid vax is a poison and they KNOW IT,
and the following is authorization to administer that
Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation –
Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison
[SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence
Force] (No.2) 2021
An authorisation by the Chief Health Office
under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA)
to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees
to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Namajunas Knockout Zhang Weili - UFC WOMEN'S
A knockout
by Thug Rose worthy of this iconic commentary
When it
All Comes Tumbling Down -- Live From The Lair --
Redonkulas Popp
The spinning top that is the great American
experiment is wobbling. Sooner or later it will topple
and history will repeat itself. #civilwar #greatreset
technology to clean up Chernobyl
The revolutionary NSPS technology installed in
Chernobyl will neutralize radioactive contamination in 5
years • A reduction in radioactivity has already been
obtained 7 months after the installation of the
technology. The objective being to achieve total
sanitation within 5 years • NSPS separates radioactive
materials using particles at high speed • This
revolutionary technology will make it possible to
permanently decontaminate soils polluted by
radioactivity without displacement of soil and without
any chemical product
Century Nikola Tesla: Maxwell Chikumbutso...Will
Chikumbutso’s Greener Power Machine End Use of
Fossil Fuels?
Chikumbutso explained that his generator is a
“Microsonic Energy Device”. It generates half a megawatt
which can power about 300 homes. Chikumbutso said the
generator is powered by “the natural energy that God put
in the air, the radio frequency”. He explained that
because the machine does not run on solar energy, it is
not affected by clouds. The radio frequencies the device
uses are always available. Chikumbutso said about the
frequencies, “One thing we don’t know for sure is – is
it man-made, alien from another planet, or from God?!”
Although the generator is not powered by batteries, it
uses eighteen 12-volt batteries to channel the energy.
The goal for the test was to establish that the
generator could power a welding machine — which uses a
lot of electricity quickly — long enough to show it
wasn’t running just on batteries. Nils measured the
voltage of the batteries to determine if what
Chikumbutso claimed was real or not.
Frequencies or the Free Energy Solution for Entire
Cities - Saith Technologies
When an African invents a new machine that
produces electricity from radio frequencies, the first
reaction is ... it's impossible. Impossible actually
Ron Kita reports: I just
found this most impressive work on
Grebennikov..OMG...a highly detailed
book..impressive but in Russian. Past the 200
page marker are some images of his "Beetle Craft".
Grebennikov...was an extremely hard worker...
My world
by viktor grebennikov printed in russian
Who Owns
America? CEDE & DTCC
If You Have Stocks, Bonds Or Securities, You
Do Not Own Them: Cede & Co. Does. Who Owns Your
Residential Mortgage? Cede & Co. Does. Who Caused
The Collapse Of The American Economy? DTCC, DTC &
Cede & Co. Did.
Oops ! The Joke's on
You, comedian Vivekh :
Public Health Ambassador Dies Day After Taking COVID
Many in India are outraged after the country’s
public health ambassador died suddenly only a day after
receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, according to
Popular actor and comedian Vivekh, who also served as
India’s public health ambassador to promote vaccination,
took the COVID-19 vaccine COVAXIN last week at the Tamil
Nadu Government Multi Super Speciality Hospital in
Chennai, urging many others to also get the jab.
24 hours later, the 59-year-old Vivekh suffered cardiac
Ranger posts new microscopy photos of covid swabs,
covid masks and mysterious red and blue fibers
1994 Book:
"Four Billion "Useless Eaters Will Be Eliminated" -
No Cash or Coin, All Digital Until You DISOBEY, then
shut off
...the entire book, available FREE via Google :
COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People
Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK
Govt Model
Civil War II: The Coming Breakup Of America --
Thomas Chittum
This fascinating book looks into the very real
possibility that America could descend into a racial
civil war in the coming decade. Frightening, but full of
facts that are difficult to argue with.
Green Impossibilities -- Willis Eschenbach
... if we are going to zero emissions by 2050,
we will need to replace about 193 petawatt-hours (1015
watt-hours) of fossil fuel energy per year....
Find How AstraZeneca Vaccine Causes Clots
-- ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine constituents (i) form
antigenic complexes with PF4, (ii) EDTA increases
microvascular permeability, and (iii) vaccine components
cause acute inflammatory reactions. Antigen formation in
a proinflammatory milieu offers an explanation for
anti-PF4 antibody production. High-titer anti-PF4
antibodies activate platelets and induce neutrophil
activation and NETs formation, fueling the VITT
prothrombotic response.
Doctors Panel~Spike Protein
Bio-Weapon Being Transmitted by Vaxxed People to
Non-Vaxxed 4/22/21
Ken Adachi (
-- Critically Thinking Round Table (Episode 44)
Top Covid Vax whistle-blower physicians Dr
Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr.
Lee Merritt & Dr Christiane Northrup
Synthetic Spike Protein Molecule (manufactured
by the body in vaxxed individuals) is being TRANSMITTED
to NON-vaxxed individuals with whom they come in contact
(even casual, non-family contact) & RESULTING in
bleeding, clotting, miscarriages, menstrual
irregularities, etc.
This is an extremely important and timely round table
explaining the hitherto unrealized phenomenon of
bleeding, miscarriages, menstrual irregularities, blood
clotting, orifice bleeding. bruising,etc in
NON-vaccinated people who were in contact with
vaccinated individuals. Each speaker does a terrific job
in laying out important information of the hidden
Bio-weapon/AI interface capabilities of the COVID Death
Jab AND the use of vaccinated people to SPREAD and
transmit the synthetic Spike Protein (the cause of the
bleeding, clotting, miscarriages, menstrual
irregularities, etc) to non-vaccinated associates,
family and friends.
Vaxicide in Kalifornia :
LA County
Sheriff Going Home to Home Forcibly Injecting
Handicapped Adults and Children with COVID-19 Shots
Against Their Will
Microbiol Infect Dis, 2021, Volume 5 | Issue 1
Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease
ABSTRACTDevelopment of new vaccine technology
has been plagued with problems in the past. The current
RNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US
using an emergency order without extensive long term
safety testing. In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19
vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce
prion-based disease in vaccine recipients. The RNA
sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein
target interaction were analyzed for the potential to
convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA
binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into
their pathologic prion conformations. The results
indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences
that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their
pathologic prion confirmations. In the current analysis
a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were
identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were
identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. Potential G
Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but a more
sophisticated computer program is needed to verify
these. Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the
translation of the vaccine RNA, binds angiotensin
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a zinc containing enzyme.
This interaction has the potential to increase
intracellular zinc. Zinc ions have been shown to cause
the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion
configuration. The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their
pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS,
front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease
and other neurological degenerative diseases. The
enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks
leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of
the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and
that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.
warns stay away from vaxxed people
LOWERED 2025 US Population Forecast to 65mil - ECN
Alert 2015-04-21
breakthrough as scientists turn plastic into fuel
using 50% less energy & without adding CO2 to
...Their technique is capable of “convert[ing]
different common plastic wastes, including low- and
high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene,
everyday polyethylene bottles and bags, and composite
plastics to desirable fuels and light lubricants.”...
Firstly, it uses 50% less energy, key to making plastic
reclamation a sustainable industry in terms of cost.
Second, it can be achieved at temperatures possible in a
consumer oven, as low as 225 degrees Celsius (427
Lastly, and rather crucially, the process doesn't add
any additional CO2 to the atmosphere...
Science Advances 21 Apr 2021: Vol. 7, no.
17, eabf8283
Plastic waste to
fuels by hydrocracking at mild conditions
Sibao Liu1, et
Single-use plastics impose an enormous environmental
threat, but their recycling, especially of polyolefins,
has been proven challenging. We report a direct method
to selectively convert polyolefins to branched, liquid
fuels including diesel, jet, and gasoline-range
hydrocarbons, with high yield up to 85% over Pt/WO3/ZrO2
and HY zeolite in hydrogen at temperatures as low as
225°C. The process proceeds via tandem catalysis with
initial activation of the polymer primarily over Pt,
with subsequent cracking over the acid sites of WO3/ZrO2
and HY zeolite, isomerization over WO3/ZrO2 sites, and
hydrogenation of olefin intermediates over Pt. The
process can be tuned to convert different common plastic
wastes, including low- and high-density polyethylene,
polypropylene, polystyrene, everyday polyethylene
bottles and bags, and composite plastics to desirable
fuels and light lubricants.
Man Claims
Pepsi Max, Milk & Mango Chutney All Tested
Positive For Coronavirus
Fact checkers claim it’s due to acidity.
5G Massacre Rips through Water Explodes Brains of
It isn't a
game it's a war - Dr Vernon Coleman
Journal of Modern Physics. Vol.11 No.11(2020),
Article ID:104095
Ferrogravitational Field around Untwisting Closed
Robert A. Sizov
The study by the author of magnetic scattering
neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as
his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges
in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that
fundamental magnetic particles (magnetic charges) are
real structural components of atoms and substance. It is
the magnetic poles, and not the moving electric charges
are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and
magnetic manifestations in Nature. Basic reasons of
ignoring the magnetic fundamental particles by world
physical theory, for almost 150 years, are the
ultra-harsh confinement of these particles in substance
which radically is different from the confinement
electrons, as well as the vicious concept of the
electric magnetism Maxwell. Rotating magnetic dipoles in
conductors which are untwisted by electric current, are
direct sources of the vortex magnetic field rot H
. One should also expect the formation of a vortex
electric field rot E forming by rotating electric
dipoles which are untwisted by the current of magnetic
charges. This article provides an experimental answer to
the question: what field is formed around a conductor if
joint direct currents of electric Je and magnetic Jg
charges are passed through it? The author’s experiments
have shown that in this case the vortex electromagnetic
current is realized which manifests itself as the vortex
electromagnetic (gravitational) field. It is possible to
implement such a process, according to the results of
the author’s research, exclusively in superconductors.
The vector character of the gravitational field is in
many respects similar to the vortex magnetic field which
makes it possible to introduce such it states as
paragravitation and ferrogravitation into
representations. To create joint currents of electric
and magnetic charges, the author used the inertial
forces of these particles under conditions of
acceleration and deceleration of the rotational motion
of the closed lead superconductor. The result of this
experiment was the gravitational, as it turned out
later, the ferrogravitational field, which was detected
by effect repulsion of trial cargos from the coil with a
superconducting winding at the stage of its untwist. The
latter process is defined by the author as an effect of
the gravitational (ferrogravitational) levitation. The
values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted
in this experiment were: 120 mg for a tungsten trial
cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a lead cargo with an error of
±15 mg. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational)
forces noted in this experiment are: 120 mg for from
tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a cargo from
lead, with an error of ±15 mg. The “anomaly” noted by
the author in this study was in the absence of any
absence of a gravitational effect on stage a braking of
the coil. Probable cause of the noted “anomaly” is
discussed in the Discussion of Results chapter.
Jim Stone --
As I thought, this mars mission and the helicopter are
fake. Watch this Nasa video.
The helicopter kicks up absolutely no dust which is
impossible. Mars is completely covered in super fine
dust laid down by millions of years of wind erosion with
no rain ever happening to secure it to the surface. No
dust from the downdraft means this is just CGI fakery,
the mission is fake as I originally stated and then
clearly demonstrated with the (now faked properly)
"camera images" but they screwed up again, evidently
Mars is a clean room that has no dust. You know - the
dust that can completely block out all views of the
surface during dust storms. The dust they claim has
seriously stifled previous rovers because it built up on
the solar panels. Where is it in that helicopter
The Pandemic
That Wasn’t—“When the people fear the government, you
have tyranny. Where the government fears the people,
you have liberty.”
Dr. Michael
Yeadon on Vaccine Passports: We Will be Standing at
the "Gates of Hell"
Putin's Pootin' @ US !!!
For Twenty-Two Years You Were Warned
…. everything I have said today
is not a bluff – it is not a bluff, believe me – and …
those who live in the past … unable to look into the
future … [should] stop rocking the boat we are all in
which is called the Earth.” Vladimir
Putin, 21 April 2021
Info on Miles Guo’s Getter: Antidotes are possessed
and controlled by the CCP, but there is no vaccine!
The CCP has made antidotes while it created the
virus - bioweapon, which means the CCP has all human’s
fate in its control - if you want to survive...
I'm Losing
Patience with the Zombies (Dr. Vernon Coleman)
"The goal
of socialism is communism." -- Vladimir Lenin
Man Claims
Pepsi Max, Milk & Mango Chutney All Tested
Positive For Coronavirus
Fact checkers claim it’s due to acidity.
FLAG ~ Urgent Breaking News - Update From Dr. Greer
Shedding Woo
Too ! Contagious Vaccinosis ! -- clif high
Guide to SciFi World - Wooble of Vision
Commit Wokeicide Here :
ONE is
a global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and
preventable disease by 2030, so that everyone,
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The Simpsons -
Homer goes thru all 5 Kubler-Ross stages in record time.
Introducing the
Wing Swing
Fantastical Flying Robots
Festo's chief pilot gives us a private demo of its
eMotionButterfly, AirJelly, and AirPenguin
Motionless Home-powering Solid-state Generator -- Patrick
This tells how to construct a motionless generator of
unlimited output without the need for any special skills or
Fantastical Flying Robots
Festo's chief pilot gives us a private demo of its
eMotionButterfly, AirJelly, and AirPenguin
How origami is
inspiring new kinds of emergency shelters
Engineers have come up with a way of designing
structures based on the ancient art of origami. The
structures can be put up with by inflation, fold up flat for
storage and transport, and can be made of strong, rigid
materials. One hope is that these structures could be
deployed in disaster zones for use as emergency shelters.
Nature volume 592, pages545–550(2021)
inflatable origami structures at the metre scale
David Melancon,
Benjamin Gorissen, Carlos J. García-Mora, Chuck Hoberman
& Katia Bertoldi
From stadium covers to solar sails, we rely on
deployability for the design of large-scale structures that
can quickly compress to a fraction of their size1,2,3,4.
Historically, two main strategies have been used to design
deployable systems. The first and most frequently used
approach involves mechanisms comprising interconnected bar
elements, which can synchronously expand and retract5,6,7,
occasionally locking in place through bistable elements8,9.
The second strategy makes use of inflatable membranes that
morph into target shapes by means of a single pressure
input10,11,12. Neither strategy, however, can be readily
used to provide an enclosed domain that is able to lock in
place after deployment: the integration of a protective
covering in linkage-based constructions is challenging and
pneumatic systems require a constant applied pressure to
keep their expanded shape13,14,15. Here we draw inspiration
from origami—the Japanese art of paper folding—to design
rigid-walled deployable structures that are multistable and
inflatable. Guided by geometric analyses and experiments, we
create a library of bistable origami shapes that can be
deployed through a single fluidic pressure input. We then
combine these units to build functional structures at the
metre scale, such as arches and emergency shelters,
providing a direct route for building large-scale inflatable
systems that lock in place after deployment and offer a
robust enclosure through their stiff faces.
Candace Owens
Breaks the Internet Reacting to the Chauvin Verdict
Warning Young
Folks: Silence When We Are All Gone
Psychologist Professor Sam Vaknin, who specialises in
psychopathy and narcissistic disorders, and also has some
interesting things to say about the deleterious effects on
humanity of the Internet and, in particular, social media,
had been doing some preparation for his 2021/22 academic
year syllabus, reading the ‘literature’ — international
studies and reports ‘comprising a few million people’,
talking with young people and investigating under-35 and
under-25 activity online.
He has emerged ashen-faced from this rabbit-hole, declaring:
‘I must say that I’m shaken to my foundations.’
He found that the post-millennial generations live in a
personal hell-on-earth, having rendered redundant every
existing psychological understanding about human beings.
‘There are two possibilities, either everything we think we
know in psychology is wrong or there’s a new subspecies of
humanity, homo sapiens 2.0, that has nothing to do,
psychologically speaking, with all previous generations
going back to the time of Abraham...
Dr. Sherri
Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt: The Medical Industry Has
Now Been Weaponized!
Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of
Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the
Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past
president of the Association of American Physicians and
Surgeons. She has had a long interest in wellness and
fitness and has been certified by the American Academy of
Anti-Aging Medicine...
Today, we discussed her perspectives on COVID, the
uselessness of masks (from a surgeon’s perspective!), the
fraud of the PCR testing, the interesting perspective that
nearly 90% of people with serious COVID infection are type-A
blood type, the importance of vitamin D and so much more!...
God DO NOT Get The Vaccines! COVID Shots Will "DECIMATE
World Population" Warns Dr. Bhakdi
False Alarm?: Facts and Figures
Reiss, Sucharit Bhakdi
Dr in Brazil
trying to kill COVID patient to increase numbers
Reiner Fuellmich
- We have the Evidence
Hydrogen Peroxide
Doug Casey on
the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast… War, Population
Reduction and the Collapse of the West -- by Doug Casey
Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with
Vaccinated People
COVID-19 Vaccine Is A KILLING Machine! Dr. Judy Mikovitz
Jim Stone ...A
couple noobs got their hands on a microscope and put the
pfizer vax under it
They did not know how to use a microscope, or to analyze
what they were looking at, OR how to properly prepare a
If you see this video, their conclusions are off and it may
be intentional. They had two air bubbles trapped under the
coverslip and called them "bacteria". They also said the
microscope was at 5,400X and that's B.S., they were below
500X and it looked to me like 200X. The light does not look
normal at 5,400X, and such a microscope (if legit) would be
so far out of the reach of these types of noobs that it
would simply never happen.
It was definitely a half way decent microscope though,
perhaps a good one off Amazon. If you see this video, I'll
explain a few things -
Air bubbles under a coverslip won't always combine into one
bubble. You're not supposed to get them trapped under the
coverslip because they screw everything up. And they were
claiming little dots floating around in the vax were
cellular organs, and the little dots were moving so they
were saying they were alive, and it was BUNK. The little
dots were moving due to stresses on the slide, and the fact
that they had air bubbles trapped. The little dots were not
alive and developed enough to move on their own. You can't
have air bubbles under a slide and have anything stay put
where it should be, the air bubbles will compress and
de-compress from the slightest variations in pressure and
cause movement under the slide.
I am not going to say the vax is something anyone should
take, but I will say that the guys that did that video were
so un-scientific that even the one convincing thing they
totally overlooked was likely to be contamination. If you
see this video and it does not get banned, it will be
because it is pure damage. I don't know if they did it on
purpose. A lay person would probably say "wow" while anyone
with microscope experience is going to call B.S. and that's
exactly what the covid con artists want.
Someone with some microscope skills needs to get ahold of
one of these vaxxes and do what they did, I am curious.
There were things they totally missed clear and evident in
the video that I'd like to actually see at higher
magnification, (by the way, 5,400X as claimed can't happen
with a white light optical microscope as was obviously used.
The cutoff is right around 2800X for that type of microscope
(some will say less, but not if the microscope is really
good.) To hit the magnification claimed they'd have had to
use a microscope with a short wavelength source and it would
not have been that clear. The video is just so wrong on so
many levels.
Synthetic Biology 2021 :
Synopsis: Video talks about Pfitzer vaccine magnified.
They see cells or something moving around inside vaxx. Lots
of them. Mention morgellans.
Adrenochrome : The Leaked Documents (Video)
Hail, Pharmocrat UberLords !
Variants Have Changed the Game, and Vaccines Will Not Be
Fauci, Enemy of Freedom -- by Adam Dick
Anthony Fauci, now in his second presidential
administration as chief coronavirus fearmonger and
coronavirus crackdown champion, offered in a Sunday
interview some explanation for his continuing promotion of
draconian government restrictions and pressure for everyone
to take experimental vaccines, all in the name of countering
coronavirus that does not pose a significant risk of major
health problems or death for most people. Freedom just seems
not to make sense, suggests the United States government’s
highest paid bureaucrat, while tyranny, in contrast, does.
Interviewed Sunday at CNN by Dana Bash, Fauci said the
following in regard to people who oppose coronavirus
restrictions and choose not to take any of the US government
funded and pushed vaccines: “it just almost doesn’t make any
sense” that people “on the one hand want to be relieved of
the restrictions, but on the other hand they don’t want to
get vaccinated.” Further, Fauci calls opposing the
restrictions while choosing not to take one of the
experimental coronavirus vaccines, some of which are not
even vaccines under the normal meaning of the term, “always
paradoxical” because vaccines are needed to bring down
coronavirus case numbers “to the point where you would not
have to have those public health restrictions.”
When freedom was more respected in the past and threats,
including ones greater than coronavirus, came and went, such
“health restrictions” as Fauci lauds were not imposed. The
fact that such restrictions have existed in America over the
last year-plus in the name of countering coronavirus is a
sign of the abandonment of respecting freedom, with the aid
of fearmongers like Fauci.
As in the past, freedom stands in opposition to tyrannical
government. Out of the coronavirus panic, tyranny gained the
upper hand.
What Fauci is saying in the interview is that one type of
tyranny — coronavirus crackdown — can only be eliminated if
another tyranny is accepted — people giving up their own
control over their medical care by acceding to pressure to
take the shots even though they do not believe doing so is
the right health decision for them.
Fauci thus leverages one form of tyranny to advance an
additional form of tyranny.
Either people take the shots or they keep, mostly
figuratively, being hit by clubs. That sums up Fauci’s take
on the continuing crackdown and people who wish to follow
their own course in regard to the experimental coronavirus
In Fauci’s suggesting he can’t make sense of freedom, he is
really declaring he is an enemy of freedom.
Technology is disrupting human circadian rhythms and
robbing us of sleep
use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep,
circadian timing, and next-morning alertness
Chang, et al.
Blue Screenlight is the Number 1 Sleep Myth of Our Time -
Part 1
Lighthouse: The governors of gangstalking
Experimentally-Based Theory of Gravity -- Developed
by Morton F. Spears
US5090643 --
Force generating system
Abstract -- An artificial gravity
generation system consisting of at least one pair of
high-voltage electrodes. A plurality of electrodes of
alternating polarity may be arranged in a grid pattern to
form an artificial gravity mat which may be used in
spacecraft. The system may also be used outside a spacecraft
to retrieve floating objects.
Capacitance Theory of Gravity
Morton F.
Spears, "An Electrostatic Solution for the Gravity Force
and the Value of G"
Thomas Cowan, MD explains why he thinks covid19 is
poisoning of cells. It could be related to 5g
Thomas Cowan
Causes Heart Attacksby Dr. Thomas Cowan
When water from
a tap tests positive with a rapid Corona “test” you have
to realise it is a sham.
Coleman - Final Irrefutable Proof That The Covid19
Pandemic Never Existed
Tests Cause Brain Cancer ( Ethylene Oxide -- Read
the Label, Sucka ! )
Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021
Compared to 1st Quarter 2020
& Mike Flynn: MILLIONS WILL DIE From Fake COVID Vax
Made By Eugenicists Trying To KILL You!
Woo! -- clif_high
This is a very depressing subject. Be advised. Will make you
consider long range thinking & our species survival.
Woo Flows
New Army
Training Doc Outlines Ways To Give Soldiers
Superhuman-Like Sensory Perception
The Advanced Situational Awareness concept aims to give
soldiers an unconscious "human edge" through various
Pub/Form Number TC 3-22.69
Pub/Form Date 04/02/2021
Doctor is
horrified by the black mask worms so she buys a powerful
microscope to have a look
"No mistake – the turd is
mankind’s real threat because it reminds people of
death." -- Ernest Becker : The Denial of Death
2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society,
Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the
“Great Reset”
Global Research
E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
This E-book consists of a Preface and Ten Chapters. ..
Alternatively you may wish to View the Global Research Video
entitled: The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis (released in
February 2021), which provides a 25 minutes summary...
Ecological And Epidemiological Fallacies in Vaccine
Biden DOJ
Head of Civil Rights Believes Melanin Endows Blacks With
Super Powers
NHS NURSE Involved In UK 'Vaccination' Programme Calls it
Jenkins /
How does
the H2G clean fuel process work
Ukrainian Judo -- By Dmitry Orlov
Dr. Richard Fleming,
physicist-nuclear cardiologist :
Cardiologist Issues Dire Warning: Experimental Vaccines
are Ineffective and Could Cause Mad Cow Disease
The Covid
Economy (How Today's Stimulus Will Destroy Tomorrow's
George Gammon
The Road
to Serfdom
F.A. Hayek
...With trademark brilliance, Hayek argues convincingly
that, while socialist ideals may be tempting, they cannot be
accomplished except by means that few would approve of.
Addressing economics, fascism, history, socialism and the
Holocaust, Hayek unwraps the trappings of socialist
ideology. He reveals to the world that little can result
from such ideas except oppression and tyranny. Today, more
than fifty years on, Hayek's warnings are just as valid as
when The Road to Serfdom was first published.
identifies non-DNA mechanism involved in transmitting
paternal experience to offspring
...A new study from McGill, published recently in
Developmental Cell, has made a significant advance in the
field by identifying how environmental information is
transmitted by non-DNA molecules in the sperm. It is a
discovery that advances scientific understanding of the
heredity of paternal life experiences and potentially opens
new avenues for studying disease transmission and
"The big breakthrough with this study is that it has
identified a non-DNA based means by which sperm remember a
father's environment (diet) and transmit that information to
the embryo," says Sarah Kimmins, Ph.D., the senior author on
the study and the Canada Research Chair in Epigenetics,
Reproduction and Development....
To determine how information that affects development gets
passed on to embryos, the researchers manipulated the sperm
epigenome by feeding male mice a folate deficient diet and
then tracing the effects on particular groups of molecules
in proteins associated with DNA.
They found that diet-induced changes to a certain group of
molecules (methyl groups), associated with histone proteins,
(which are critical in packing DNA into cells), led to
alterations in gene expression in embryos and birth defects
of the spine and skull. What was remarkable was that the
changes to the methyl groups on the histones in sperm were
transmitted at fertilization and remained in the developing
Developmental Cell (2021)
Histone H3
lysine 4 trimethylation in sperm is transmitted to the
embryo and associated with diet-induced phenotypes in the
Ariane Lismer
et al.
Gaian Chemtrail :
Have you
ever seen a crown forming over the top of a cloud? Well
this one is multicolor
Journal of Modern Physics
Vol.11 No.11(2020), Article ID:104095
Ferrogravitational Field around Untwisting Closed
Robert A. Sizov
The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons
in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his
experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in
dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fundamental
magnetic particles (magnetic charges) are real structural
components of atoms and substance. It is the magnetic poles,
and not the moving electric charges are the direct sources
of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in
Nature. Basic reasons of ignoring the magnetic fundamental
particles by world physical theory, for almost 150 years,
are the ultra-harsh confinement of these particles in
substance which radically is different from the confinement
electrons, as well as the vicious concept of the electric
magnetism Maxwell. Rotating magnetic dipoles in conductors
which are untwisted by electric current, are direct sources
of the vortex magnetic field rot H
. One should also expect the formation of a vortex electric
field rot E forming by rotating electric dipoles which are
untwisted by the current of magnetic charges. This article
provides an experimental answer to the question: what field
is formed around a conductor if joint direct currents of
electric Je and magnetic Jg charges are passed through it?
The author’s experiments have shown that in this case the
vortex electromagnetic current is realized which manifests
itself as the vortex electromagnetic (gravitational) field.
It is possible to implement such a process, according to the
results of the author’s research, exclusively in
superconductors. The vector character of the gravitational
field is in many respects similar to the vortex magnetic
field which makes it possible to introduce such it states as
paragravitation and ferrogravitation into representations.
To create joint currents of electric and magnetic charges,
the author used the inertial forces of these particles under
conditions of acceleration and deceleration of the
rotational motion of the closed lead superconductor. The
result of this experiment was the gravitational, as it
turned out later, the ferrogravitational field, which was
detected by effect repulsion of trial cargos from the coil
with a superconducting winding at the stage of its untwist.
The latter process is defined by the author as an effect of
the gravitational (ferrogravitational) levitation. The
values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in
this experiment were: 120 mg for a tungsten trial cargo and
50 and 25 mg for a lead cargo with an error of ±15 mg. The
values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in
this experiment are: 120 mg for from tungsten trial cargo
and 50 and 25 mg for a cargo from lead, with an error of ±15
mg. The “anomaly” noted by the author in this study was in
the absence of any absence of a gravitational effect on
stage a braking of the coil. Probable cause of the noted
“anomaly” is discussed in the Discussion of Results chapter.
Exposes COVID Jabs As Unsafe Transhumanist Gene Therapies
New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of
Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers,
and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert,
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting
critical information about the actual activities of
Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber,
his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the
“conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed
most-honorable scientists...
HITCHENS: When police start raiding our churches, you know
the revolution has begun
Absolutely disgraceful :
Dormio: A
targeted dream incubation device
Incorporation of information into dream content can
enhance memory consolidation.
Controlled experiments on causal influence of dreams
requires controlling dreams.
We present a novel serial auditory incubation protocol for
targeted dream incubation.
We test a novel device, Dormio, and show targeted dream
incubation at sleep onset.
We envision a future where controlled dreams allow
experiments on dream causality.
Information processing during sleep is active, ongoing
and accessible to engineering. Protocols such as targeted
memory reactivation use sensory stimuli during sleep to
reactivate memories and demonstrate subsequent, specific
enhancement of their consolidation. These protocols rely on
physiological, as opposed to phenomenological, evidence of
their reactivation. While dream content can predict
post-sleep memory enhancement, dreaming itself remains a
black box. Here, we present a novel protocol using a new
wearable electronic device, Dormio, to automatically
generate serial auditory dream incubations at sleep onset,
wherein targeted information is repeatedly presented during
the hypnagogic period, enabling direct incorporation of this
information into dream content, a process we call targeted
dream incubation (TDI). Along with validation data, we
discuss how Dormio and TDI protocols can serve as tools for
controlled experimentation on dream content, shedding light
on the role of dreams in the overnight transformation of
experiences into memories.
Bad Tree ! Move !
strike disintegrates tree outside Wisconsin high school
Video posted by the U.S. National Weather Service shows
a bolt of lightning strike a tree outside Wautoma High
School. Within seconds, part of the tree caught fire and
disintegrated. The rest of the tree quickly toppled over.
Nailed it
The Ten
Worst Drug Recalls In The History Of The FDA
bioRxiv. 2020 Dec 13;2020.12.12.422516.
doi: 10.1101/2020.12.12.422516. Preprint
PMID: 33330870 PMCID: PMC7743078 DOI:
reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
Liguo Zhang,
Alexsia Richards, Andrew Khalil, Emile Wogram, Haiting Ma,
Richard A Young, Rudolf Jaenisch
Prolonged SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding and recurrence of
PCR-positive tests have been widely reported in patients
after recovery, yet these patients most commonly are
non-infectious. Here we investigated the possibility that
SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse-transcribed and integrated
into the human genome and that transcription of the
integrated sequences might account for PCR-positive tests.
In support of this hypothesis, we found chimeric transcripts
consisting of viral fused to cellular sequences in published
data sets of SARS-CoV-2 infected cultured cells and primary
cells of patients, consistent with the transcription of
viral sequences integrated into the genome. To
experimentally corroborate the possibility of viral
retro-integration, we describe evidence that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs
can be reverse transcribed in human cells by reverse
transcriptase (RT) from LINE-1 elements or by HIV-1 RT, and
that these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell
genome and subsequently be transcribed. Human endogenous
LINE-1 expression was induced upon SARS-CoV-2 infection or
by cytokine exposure in cultured cells, suggesting a
molecular mechanism for SARS-CoV-2 retro-integration in
patients. This novel feature of SARS-CoV-2 infection may
explain why patients can continue to produce viral RNA after
recovery and suggests a new aspect of RNA virus replication.
Indigenous shaman has a warning about the Amazon and all
life on Earth
Davi Kopenawa
is a messenger for our time.
By Cyril
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami Shaman :
“The forest is alive. It can only die if the whites continue
destroying it. If they do, rivers will disappear under the
earth, the soil will crumble, the trees will wither, and the
stones will melt in the heat. A desiccated earth will become
empty and silent. The Xapiri spirits who came down from the
mountains to play on their mirrors will flee far away. Their
fathers, the shamans, will no longer be able to call them
and to make them dance to protect us. They will be unable to
push back the smoke of the epidemics that are devouring us.
They will no longer be able to contain the evil spirits that
will turn the forest into chaos. We will die one after the
other, the white as much as us. All the shamans will finish
by dying out. If none of them survive to hold on to it, the
sky will fall...
“With these words, I want to simply warn the white man that
the bad things they extract from the earth will not make
them rich very long! The value of our dead will be very high
and they will certainly not be able to compensate us with
their paper skins (their contracts). There is no money that
can buy the forest, the hills and the rivers. Their money
will be worth nothing…They must understand this. The ghosts
of the old shamans and their evil spirits have already
started to take vengeance on far way lands by provoking
droughts and endless floods. It is why, if the whites do not
make us all die, we will continue to call on the spirits to
consolidate the forest and prevent the sky from falling.
“The forest is intelligent and has thought identical to
ours. I listen to the words of my spirits who ask with
anger, ‘Why are the whites so hostile? Why do they want us
to die? What do they have against us that, we have done
nothing to them. Is it only because we are other peoples,
the peoples of the jungle? Do not worry, they will kill you,
maybe, but they will not long stay unharmed by their
destruction!’ It is so. We are saddened by the idea of
disappearing. But our thoughts are quieted by the thought
that the spirits are innumerable and will never die.
“If we disappear, the whites will not live long after us.
Even if there are many of them, they are not made of strong,
any more than us. Their life breath is as short as ours.
They can suppress us today, but later, when they will want
to move in places where we once lived, they will be devoured
in their turn, by all sorts of bad spirits. We will see if
they are as powerful as they think! We will plunge them in
darkness and storms. We will break the sky and its fall will
sweep them away. Be finally warned! Stop pillaging our
earth, because the smoke of your epidemic will finish us all
off and when you build your towns on our forgotten vestiges
in the forest, you will destroy yourselves. The spirits of
the shamans you have killed will avenge themselves.
“If you destroy the forest, the sky will break and it will
fall on the earth. The whites are not afraid, as we are, to
be crushed by the falling sky. But one day, they will fear
it as much as we do. The shamans know what bad things menace
human beings. There is only one sky, and one has to worry
because if it becomes sick, everything will be finished....
“If there are no longer any shamans in the forests,
the white man will consume himself before becoming blind. He
will end by suffocating, reduced to a state of a ghost, and
will fall to pieces. Then we will all be carried into the
darkness of the subterranean world, the Whites as well as
us. There is only one sky and one has to take care of it,
because if it becomes sick, everything will be finished.”
falling sky: words of a Yanomami shaman
Davi Kopenawa,
Bruce Albert, Alison Dundy
Dr. Rima
Laibow - It's Time For the Great Culling (Video)
crystal morphology vs. 4G mobile phone energy --
Health Ranger Report
The Hal Turner Radio Show — April 10, 2021
I’m a Clinical
Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America!
I have a PhD in virology and immunology.
I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed”
positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California.
When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s
postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron
microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples.
What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly
Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case
of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test.
We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford,
Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and
they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found
influenza A and B.
All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples
of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did
not have any samples.
We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our
research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and
The flu was called “Covid” and most of the 225,000 dead were
dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, emphysema, etc. They then got the flu which
further weakened their immune system, and they died.
I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to
work with. We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests
on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19
fraud. The CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated
and purified sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send
us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is
The four research papers that do describe the genomic
extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in
isolating and purifying the samples. All four papers written
on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only
37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral
genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.
With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place,
how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and
purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve
never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was
small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus
So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain like
every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious.
I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID
hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global
tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance
state, and this plot included massive election fraud to
overthrow Trump.
Professor: Today’s youth are “walking dead” and living in
a dystopian hell
woo knew
- 2021-4-11 -- clif high
Swim Away
WATCH - Ex Policeman Speaks The Truth Regarding Your
Inalienable Rights
We Are
the Resistance and We Will WIN this War --
Dr Vernon Coleman
In recent months, Dr Coleman’s videos have been heavily
targeted by paid trolls who were spreading lies, libels and
misinformation. Sadly, this is why Dr Coleman has had to
disable comments. He apologises and says that he misses all
your kind and encouraging comments.
Dr Vernon Coleman explains why we’re fighting a war of
perception rather than reality, analyses the weaknesses and
single strength of the Resistance Movement, provides some
ammunition and outlines a winning strategy.
Dr Vernon
Coleman -- Warnings, Forecasts and Predictions
Dr Vernon Coleman’s track record of spotting health
dangers is second to none. Since the 1970s, when his first
two ground breaking books (The Medicine Men and Paper
Doctors) were published, Dr Coleman has been gaining friends
among patients and enemies among doctors and drug
Coronavirus Information Film from the 70's
"Great Awakening" map
mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science
Suggests They Might.
Research on
SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has
implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter
genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a
biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is
...A December preprint about SARS-CoV-2, by scientists at
Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
produced findings about wild coronavirus that raise
questions about how viral RNA operates.
The scientists conducted the analysis because they were
“puzzled by the fact that there is a respectable number of
people who are testing positive for COVID-19 by PCR long
after the infection was gone.”
Their key findings were as follows: SARS-CoV-2 RNAs “can be
reverse transcribed in human cells,” “these DNA sequences
can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be
transcribed” (a phenomenon called “retro-integration”) — and
there are viable cellular pathways to explain how this
According to Ph.D. biochemist and molecular biologist Dr.
Doug Corrigan, these important findings (which run contrary
to “current biological dogma”) belong to the category of
“Things We Were Absolutely and Unequivocally Certain
Couldn’t Happen Which Actually Happened.”...
As the phrase “reverse transcription” implies, the
DNA-to-mRNA pathway is not always a one-way street. Enzymes
called reverse transcriptases can also convert RNA into DNA,
allowing the latter to be integrated into the DNA in the
cell nucleus.
Nor is reverse transcription uncommon. Geneticists report
that “Over 40% of mammalian genomes comprise the products of
reverse transcription.”
The preliminary evidence cited by the Harvard-MIT
researchers indicates that endogenous reverse transcriptase
enzymes may facilitate reverse transcription of coronavirus
RNAs and trigger their integration into the human genome...
Integration and Consequences on Host Gene
Witzany, et al.
Upon cell infection, some viruses integrate their genome
into the host chromosome, either as part of their life cycle
(such as retroviruses), or incidentally. While possibly
promoting long-term persistence of the virus into the cell,
viral genome integration may also lead to drastic
consequences for the host cell, including gene disruption,
insertional mutagenesis and cell death, as well as
contributing to species evolution. This review summarizes
the current knowledge on viruses integrating their genome
into the host genome and the consequences for the host cell.
goodbye to dentures! Scientists develop new drug that can
regenerate lost TEETH in mice and ferrets
Researchers developed antibodies which
suppress a gene called USAG-1
They found targeting this gene allowed a
lost tooth to regrow completely
Trials were successful in mice and
ferrets and the next step is to test it on pigs A genetic
treatment has been discovered which can regrow teeth,
offering hope for the millions of people living with
Suppression of the gene USAG-1 with an
antibody treatment was found to allow teeth to grow back.
The antibody treatment targets the sole
gene and therefore stimulates tooth growth. In mice and
ferret studies, missing teeth were seen to regrow fully.
Researchers in Japan at the universities
of Kyoto and Fukui looked at the molecules which are known
to be involved with dental growth.
Some of these chemicals are also involved
in growth of other organs, so finding a gene which targets
only teeth is difficult.
However, the researchers thought the gene
USAG-1 —uterine sensitization associated gene-1 — may be a
viable target.
'We knew that suppressing USAG-1 benefits
tooth growth. What we did not know was whether it would be
enough,' says study author Katsu Takahashi from Kyoto
University Graduate School of Medicine.Monoclonal antibodies
which target USAG-1 were given to animals in a single dose
and were enough to regenerate an entire tooth.
After successful trials in mice, the
researchers branched out to ferrets, a more complex animal
with similar dental patterns to humans.
'Our next plan is to test the antibodies
on other animals such as pigs and dogs,' says Dr Takahashi.
Current treatments for tooth loss are
limited to dentures and other forms of artificial tooth
replacement. However, they are not permanent and are often
expensive while being inferior to real teeth
'Conventional tissue engineering is not
suitable for tooth regeneration,' adds Manabu Sugai of the
University of Fukui, another author of the study.
'Our study shows that cell-free molecular
therapy is effective for a wide range of congenital tooth
The study is published in Science
Adults who suffer from gum disease are
TWICE as likely to have high blood pressure, study warns
People with severe gum disease are twice
as likely to have high blood pressure, according to a new
A study of 250 people with periodontitis
— severe gum disease — found people with the condition are
2.3 times more likely to have a systolic blood pressure
higher than 140 mm Hg, the medical threshold for
Periodontitis is an infection of the gums
that often leads to bleeding and can result in tooth or bone
Researchers from University College
London studied both systolic and diastolic blood pressure —
how much force the blood is under when the heart contracts
and relaxes, respectively.
Both metrics are measured in millimetres
of mercury (mmHg) and people with gum disease have, on
average, a 3.36 mm Hg higher systolic pressure.
Their diastolic blood pressure is also
elevated by 2.16 mm Hg compared to people with impeccable
dental health.
Among orally healthy people only seven
per cent of individuals had a systolic blood pressure above
140 mm Hg.
This figure doubles to 14 per cent among
people with gum disease.
Provided are: an antibody which specifically binds to
and neutralizes USAG-1 or an antigen-binding fragment
thereof; and a pharmaceutical composition containing the
antibody or the antigen-binding fragment.
Covidic Bimboidal Bidenosis :
Brainwashed Sheeple In An Elevator Is Absolutely Petrified
Canuck CoviCuks Get Bounced :
Diners Chant “Get Out” as Health Officials Try to Shut
Down Restaurant
Owner stayed open in defiance of lockdown rules.
Freedom of Speech for Real :
California Police STAND DOWN After Marine Vet Challenges
- Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a
way that could lead to your death.’
‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government
lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I
think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this
method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’
FDA Warns
Dr. Mercola to Stop Writing About Vitamin D --
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Story at-a-glance
In the summer of 2020, the Center for
Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) launched a social
media campaign to put an end to It now admits
it pressured the FDA to issue me a warning letter to stop
writing about nutritional products that can lower your risk
of respiratory infections such as COVID-19
CSPI is a consumer advocacy group
bankrolled by billionaires and their corporate ties to
Monsanto, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation,
the Rockefeller Family Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies
CSPI rails against published science
demonstrating certain nutrients can boost your immune
function and help lower your risk of severe infection,
saying it discourages mask wearing, which has no published
scientific evidence to back its universal use
CSPI has a history of promoting industry
science and propaganda, having supported artificial
sweeteners, trans fats, GMOs, fake meat and the low-fat
myth. They’ve also actively undermined transparency in
labeling efforts
We have fully addressed the warning
letter, and put the FDA on notice that it cannot stop speech
it does not like..
Watch -
UK Document Explains 60-70% Of Hospitalizations
In The Coming
'Third Wave' In England Will Be People Who Have Had Two
Doses Of The Kill shots
From: Gary Vesperman
The expanded
Gallery of Clean Energy Inventions
has been uploaded to
I have added another Space Travel Innovation "Plasma
Thruster" and another water invention "Electrocoagulation".
I also added three more Larger Generators "Solar Radiant
Energy", "Portable Electromagnetic Generator" and "Diamond
Nuclear Voltaic Battery".
The newly expanded Gallery of Clean Energy Inventions
exhibits profiles of 25 Larger Generators, 34 Smaller
Generators, 26 Advanced Self-Powered Electric Vehicle
Innovations, 29 Radioactivity Neutralization Methods, 30
Space Travel Innovations, 21 Technical Solutions to Water
Shortages, and a Torsion Field School Network.
McCandlish. Interstellar Travel, Zero Point Energy 2014 HD
Mark McCandlish at the Secret Space Program Conference,
2014 San Mateo. Title: The Feasibility of Interstellar
Travel Zero Point Energy: The power source behind the Secret
Space Program and.
METHOD --Inventors: Rex L. Schlicher, et al.
Via --
As We
Warned, The Face Diapers Most Americans Religiously Wear
Contain Nanotechnology
It Is Reported That Over 95% Of All Commonly Available
'Cotton' Face Masks Are Made In China There Is NO QUESTION
Moving Nanotech 'Intelligent' Fibers And Little Black
Nanotech 'Bits Of Metal' Are Being Intentionally Embedded In
The Mask Cotton - These 'Intelligent' Machines Move Into
Your Sinuses And Lungs When You Wear Such Masks - Here Is
ANOTHER Video Showing How The Fibers Move And 'Reach' Out To
Connect With The Human Host - The Smaller Fiber On The Right
Reportedly Sprung Upward Out Of The Cotton, Hit The
Magnifying Glass And Fell Back Onto The Cotton Mask The Can
Be NO DOUBT China Is Engaged In Open Asymmetrical War On The
American People These Nanofibers and bots Are Also Commonly
Found In Chinese Made Nasal Test Kit Swabs'sPlanToConquer.htm?fbclid=IwAR1HmD35wHsqKp3Lk7cYkqYEeU5tP0R5aeq-ITr5VT7pxULamtLSUUZh0xI
Speech By
Comrade Chi Haotian ( Vice-Chairman Of China's
Military Commission )( December 2005 )
..Therefore, solving the 'issue of America' is the key to
solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for
us to have many people migrate there and even establish
another Chinaunder the same leadership of the CCP. America
was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow
race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race. We the
descendants of the Chinese nation are ENTITLED to the
possession of the land! It is historical destiny that China
and United States will come into unavoidable confrontation
on a narrow path and fight. In the long run, the
relationship of China and the United States is one of a
life-and-death struggle. Of course, right now it is not the
time to openly break up with them yet. Our reform and
opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and
technology. We still need America. Therefore, we must do
everything we can to promote our relationship with America,
learn from America in all aspects and use America as an
example to reconstruct our country. Only by using special
means to 'clean up' America will we be able to lead the
Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons
that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America
for ourselves.
There has been rapid development of modern biological
technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after
another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years
we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this
kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of 'cleaning
up' America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still
with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to
make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier
groups and focused instead on developing lethal weapons that
can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness,
but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to
die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land,
a total societal collapse is bound to take place. According
to the computations of the author of Yellow Peril, more than
half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more
than 800 million people! Just after the liberation, our
yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today
the official figure of the population is more than 1.3
billion. This yellow land has reached the limit of its
capacity. One day, who know how soon it will come, the great
collapse will occur any time and more than half of the
population will have to go.
It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million
Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a
Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world.
We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths, But
if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of
Chinese and those of Americans, we'd have to pick the
latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the
lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. The
last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the
preparations for military battle. The central committee
believes, as long as we resolve the United States problem at
one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved.
Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at
Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the
preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft
carriers or satellites. Marxism pointed out that violence is
the midwife for the birth of the new society. Therefore war
is the midwife for the birth of China's century."
Perpetwooity 2021.04.09 -- clif high
Discussion about elites & royals & diagrams
about life & death stuff.
NY SB416:
The New
York State Senate Assembly Bill A416
Legislative Session
Relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of
communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the
public health
Be All That You Can Be in the USArmy !
Be a
Weld Aluminium with a
LaserLook ® ! Braze
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It's Easy ! It's Fun
Genuine Super-Soldering Gun !
Eat Hot Lead, Bug !
Realistic PewPew Sound Effects !
Got Mad
CowVid-21 ?
Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher
Affinity to ACE2
George Tetz,
Victor Tetz
Currently, the world is struggling with the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Prion-like
domains are critical for virulence and the development of
therapeutic targets; however, the prion-like domains in the
SARS-CoV-2 proteome have not been analyzed. In this in
silico study, using the PLAAC algorithm, we identified the
presence of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein. Compared with other viruses, a striking difference
was observed in the distribution of prion-like domains in
the spike protein, since SARS-CoV-2 was the only coronavirus
with a prion-like domain found in the receptor-binding
domain of the S1 region of the spike protein. The presence
and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the
SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is
particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and
SARS-CoV S proteins share the same host cell receptor,
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2
demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2.
Finally, we identified prion-like domains in the α1 helix of
the ACE2 receptor that interact with the viral
receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2. Taken together, the
present findings indicate that the identified PrDs in the
SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD) and ACE2 region
that interact with RBD have important functional roles in
viral adhesion and entry.
Chemical cocktail found in face masks
by John Mowbray
...Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg
Environmental Institute and co-founder of the world-renowned
Cradle to Cradle environmental standard has told Ecotextile
News that mask wearers unwittingly run the risk of breathing
in carcinogens, allergens and tiny synthetic microfibres by
wearing both textile and nonwoven surgical masks for long
periods of time...
“What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is
actually hazardous waste,” said Professor Braungart, who ran
preliminary tests on used surgical masks that found traces
of chemicals such as the known carcinogen aniline as well as
formaldehyde and optical brighteners...
Separate studies by Dr. Sedlak have also shown the presence
of compounds such as 2-butanone oxime (carcinogenic) blocked
diisocyanates used as crosslinkers for perfluorocarbons
(PFCs) on face masks. Used in the textile sector as oil and
water repellents on fabrics, by-products of PFCs are known
to be bio-persistent and their use is heavily restricted by
authorities in Europe and the USA..
“It seems this had been deliberately applied as a fluid
repellent – it would work to repel the virus in an aerosol
droplet format – but PFC on your face, on your nose, on the
mucus membranes, or on the eyes is not good.” Along with
PFCs, he also detected – besides the PFC crosslinkers –
compounds such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde whereas a
GCMS chromatogram showed “100s of peaks from other
19 October 2011
Revealed – the
capitalist network that runs the world
network of global corporate controlThe network of global
corporate control
Vitali, et al.
The structure of the control network of transnational
corporations affects global market com-petition and
financial stability. So far, only small national samples
were studied and there wasno appropriate methodology to
assess control globally. We present the first investigation
of thearchitecture of the international ownership network,
along with the computation of the controlheld by each global
player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant
bow-tie struc-ture and that a large portion of control flows
to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions.This
core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises
new important issues both forresearchers and policy makers.
Identification of unknown state of a water molecule in
Brown Gas using the BSM-SG atomic models
Stoyan Sarg
According to the formulation of inventor Yull Brown, the
Brown Gas is a stoichiometric mixture of oxygen and
hydrogen, with a ratio of 1:2. Its properties, however, are
quite different from a mixture of these two gases. The lack
of theoretical models was an obstacle to the realization of
some useful applications of Brown Gas. The experimental data
analysis based on the atomic models derived in BSM-SG
unified theory unveils that Brown Gas contains a substance
of an unknown state of the water molecule that could be
called an HHO molecule. When produced by a specific method
of electrolysis a fraction of input energy is transferred
into quantum energy of that new state of the water molecule
without raising the gas temperature. In other words, this is
embedded energy that does not depend on the storage
temperature in a pretty large range of temperature and
pressure. One distinctive property of the Brown gas or more
particularly its main substance of HHO molecules is that it
does not explode but implodes when triggered by a high
voltage spark. This unique property provides the opportunity
for several useful applications. The provided theoretical
model shows that except for the HHO molecule Brown gas
contains a small percentage of free oxygen and hydrogen.
Their reduction will permit safer storage of Brown gas in
pressurized vessels.
Identification of unknown state of a water molecule in
Brown Gas using the BSM-SG atomic modelsStoyan
SPARS Debriefing by an
Unidentified Madam :
Nature Microbiology volume 5,
Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and
Wen Shi Lee, et
Antibody-based drugs and vaccines against severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are being
expedited through preclinical and clinical development. Data
from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses
suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate
COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
Previous respiratory syncytial virus and dengue virus
vaccine studies revealed human clinical safety risks related
to ADE, resulting in failed vaccine trials. Here, we
describe key ADE mechanisms and discuss mitigation
strategies for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies in
development. We also outline recently published data to
evaluate the risks and opportunities for antibody-based
protection against SARS-CoV-2.
Hendrix & Traffic - Jam Thing (Rare Live Session)
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the
scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome
data. We provide a continually-updated view of publicly
available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization
tools for use by the community. Our goal is to aid
epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak
We are incorporating SARS-CoV-2 genomes as soon as they are
shared and providing analyses and situation reports. In
addition we have developed a number of resources and tools,
and are facilitating independent groups to run their own
Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive
After failing
critical thrust tests, the "impossible" engine has proven
to be just that.
Worms in Face Masks? Max Igan Preliminary Mask Examination
Because Stupid21 is Highly
Contagious and 101% Fatal :
Passes Law Mandating Face Masks Even While Swimming in the
Coronapocalypse; Big Pharma's Doomsday Vaccine #666
...Maybe we should set aside our concerns and just go
with the flow. After all, what could go wrong?. Check out
this except from an interview with Dr. Chris Shaw, Ph.D,
Specialist in Neuroplasticity and Neuropathology. Here’s
what he said:
“The mRNA lipid-coated PEG-construct– by Moderna’s own
study–does not stay localized but spreads throughout the
body including the brain. Found in animal studies in bone
marrow, brain, lymph nodes, heart, kidneys liver, lungs etc
Doctors are saying that the vaccine does NOT cross the
blood-brain barrier, but that is NOT true. …If it reaches
the brain there will be an auto immune response that will
cause inflammation What characterizes virtually all
neuro-degenerative diseases is this misfolded protein that
is characteristic to Lou Gerrigs disease, to Alzheimer’s, to
Parkinsons to Huntington’s etc. They are different proteins,
but they tend to form these sheets of misfolded proteins
called Beta Sheets. Now you are asking cells in various
parts of the body–including the brain– to make alot of these
proteins and release them to the outside, and , are we sure
that’s what’ it’s all doing? Are you getting clusters of
misfolded proteins inside neurons? That would be a bad thing
to do.. So you’d like to know where it is, how much of it
there is, and which groups of neuronal groups its targeted.
.and those are the kinds of questions you like the companies
to have solved long before they got authorization and
discovered some years later that they have a problem.”...
Romanian Lung
Doctor Formulates Covid Protocol That Cures 100% of
Romanian doctor says she cures ‘100 percent’ of COVID
Flavia Groșan chose not to apply official protocols to treat
COVID-19 patients at all stages of the illness, instead
approaching the disease as an ‘atypical pneumonia.’
“My goal from the beginning of the pandemic was that no
patient should get on the oxygen mask, nor be intubated. And
it didn’t happen,” she told the widely-read daily National.
“I use my classic, cheap medication, which also includes
Clarithromycin, an antibiotic that is part of the macrolide
antibiotic group. It is the only antibiotic with viral
tropism (the property to be located in certain organs).”
“There are only three antibiotics in the macrolide class,
erythromycin, which everyone knows, azithromycin and
clarithromycin. I don’t like azithromycin because it’s a
weaker copy of clarithromycin. I worked in some very
interesting clinical studies on pneumonia and there I
learned about the viral tropism of clarithromycin, as well
as the anti-inflammatory role of clarithromycin, which no
antibiotic has. I have been working with this antibiotic in
viral and atypical pneumonias for 10 years. When the
pandemic hit I went for an etiological treatment,
clarithromycin. Of course, in addition to this antibiotic,
there are several adjuvant treatments, because it can’t cope
alone. It is a treatment scheme that is my own.”...
The Grooming of Kumalat Harris
-- Night time Sleephacking Glasses
The Key to Managing the Light Around You
CDC First
Said Not to Wear Masks, Then to Wear Masks, Then Masks
Were Better than Vaccines – Now New Evidence Shows Masks
Are Ineffective
Tells Cops to Copulate Off :
Wake Up
publicly resigns saying it’s “all lies” the NHS is overrun
Magnetocuring of temperature failsafe epoxy adhesives
et al.
One-pot epoxy adhesives are designed
for contactless on-demand curing with alternating magnetic
fields (AMF).
Curie nanoparticles (CNP) additives
within commercial epoxy adhesives cured the thermoset resins
within minutes.
Resins based coating of CNP enhances the
colloidal stability and thermoset initiation within
Curie nanoparticles provide precise
temperature control with no evidence of scorching during
Magnetocuring is demonstrated on wood,
ceramics, and plastics with exceeded lap shear adhesion
strength by 6.5 MPa.
Adhesive technology is of high and increasing interest in a
wide variety of conventional and emerging applications.
One-component adhesives typically cure using moisture, heat
and light. These approaches limit applications to specific
substrates, inefficient handling in manufacturing, and can
only be indirectly activated. Hence, we developed a method
for remote, wireless, contactless curing of adhesives using
alternating magnetic fields (AMF). This approach
(“magnetocuring”) offers energy efficient, on-demand
adhesion. Exposure of MnxZn1-xFe2O4 Curie temperature tuned
magnetic nanoparticles (CNP) additives within commercial
epoxy adhesives to an AMF cured thermoset resins within min
with minimal rise in substrate temperature. The heating of
the CNP “switches off” above its Curie temperature offering
failsafe heating. The in-situ heating of the CNP can be
controlled by CNP composition, CNP loading, and AMF
strength. Internal temperatures of 160 °C could be reached
in 5 min, allowing curing of most commercial epoxy adhesives
without resin scorching. The maximum lap shear adhesion
strength exceeded 6.5 MPa. Magnetocuring is demonstrated on
wood, ceramics, and plastics, which is of considerable
interest in sports, automotive, and aerospace industries.
Mind Woo - 2021.4.3 --
Clif High