Dear Muslims : Please F-Off and
take your hokey boring retard psychosexual pervert
theocracy with you -- and eat some 'shrooms and
cannabis while you're gone -- and don't come back
until you're humane.
Watch Traitorous, Christian-Hating
Muslim Rep Tlaib Vowing Muslim Goal Is To Take Down
America - Vid
5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event
film reveals how 5G is an assault weapon meant to
destroy humanity
by: Ethan
Doctors go crazy after woman uses
peppermint oil to remove a tick from her skin in viral
Facebook video
If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a
big surprise. That line from a favorite children’s nursery
rhyme is certainly true when it comes to ticks. Those
creepy little critters carry some seriously nasty
diseases, including Lyme disease, and they’re most active
between April and September. In other words, if you’re
going to be heading outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather,
you need to be aware that the ticks are doing the same
Lyme disease is far more common than many of us realize.
Around 30,000 cases are reported by national health
authorities each year, but the CDC believes that the true
numbers are far higher, and as many as 300,000 people
could actually be affected annually. Even celebrities
Bella Hadid and Avril Lavigne have reported contracting
the disease in recent years.
The biggest problem, it would seem, is that people who
live in places where Lyme disease is common are unaware
that they are at risk and do not take steps to protect
themselves. The result is that many people enter affected
areas without protective clothing or bug repellent, and
end up taking more than lungfuls of fresh air home with
Since the tick problem is such a common one, it is hardly
surprising that a Facebook video of a woman removing a
tick from her body with just a drop of peppermint oil has
gone viral; at last count, over 27 million people had
viewed the post.
The clip shows the tick getting so irritated by the
peppermint oil that after just 20 seconds it crawls away
from the affected area. On the surface this looks
particularly impressive, because unlike other methods of
removal like tweezers, the tick comes out in one piece,
not leaving any of its mouth parts behind. This is
important, because when those parts are left behind in the
body they increase the risk of other infectious diseases.
100% organic essential oil sets now available for your
home and personal care, including Rosemary, Oregano,
Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clary Sage and more, all 100%
organic and laboratory tested for safety. A multitude of
uses, from stress reduction to topical first aid. See the
complete listing here, and help support this news site.
Of course, this natural remedy has sent the mainstream
medical community into hysterics. Opponents of the method
insist that aggravating the tick in this manner might
cause it to salivate into the body, increasing the risk of
infectious disease transfer.
“Those are actually salivated into the body when the tick
attaches and so we don’t want to agitate the tick in any
way that is going to make it salivate more and thereby be
more likely to transmit anything into you that may make
you sick,” said Dr. Neeta Connally, assistant professor of
Biology at Western Connecticut State University.
What Connally says certainly makes sense, but one has to
wonder: Wouldn’t grabbing the tick with a pair of tweezers
or another device also “aggravate” it? Why would that not
cause it to “salivate more?”
While many online sources say that using “a pair of
fine-tipped tweezers” to remove the tick is a great
solution, others insist that tweezers are no good as they
are likely to put too much pressure on the mouth parts and
cause them to break off. These sources insist that only a
special tick-removal device will suffice.
It seems highly unlikely to me that many people keep such
special devices around the house. As is almost always the
case, prevention seems by far to be the best solution.
Here are some tips to keep the ticks off your body in the
first place:
Wear light-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants whenever
you go walking in wooded areas or shady grassland.
Apply a natural, non-chemical insect repellent to your
skin and clothing before leaving the house.
Check very carefully for ticks in all the hairy parts of
your body after you return home, including easy-to-forget
areas like your scalp and underarms.
Wash your clothing as soon as possible.
If you do find a tick on your body, get a doctor or
someone with a special tick remover to get the tick out as
soon as possible. Time is of the essence; it takes between
36 and 48 hours for a tick to transmit Lyme disease to a
host after it becomes attached.
Watch out for a tell-tale bulls-eye rash anywhere on your
body if you think you may have been in a tick-infested
area. This rash can appear anywhere between three and 30
days after exposure, and indicates Lyme disease infection.
Do NOT try this at home: Experts
TICKed off at a viral video of a woman putting
peppermint oil on parasite because it could give you
deadly Lyme disease
by Claudia
Facebook video shows oil-doused tick
crawling out of her skin in just 20 seconds
An expert warns this could agitate the pest and provoke it
into salivating
This could then cause the tick to release Lyme
disease-causing bacteria
Despite its risks, the misleading video has more than 27
million views to date
What is Calcium Glycerophosphate?
Calcium glycerophosphate
is a mineral composed of equal amounts of calcium and
phosphorous. Its precursor, calcium phosphate, represents
a group of calcium salts and minerals that are important
for healthy bones and teeth. In fact, bone and teeth are
largely comprised of calcium phosphate and its
derivatives. However, the bioavailability of calcium salts
and other calcium-based compounds has presented a
challenge in the past. Calcium glycerophosphate is a
relatively new dietary supplement that appears to offer
the same health benefits, but is more readily absorbed.
One of the best known and best documented health benefits
associated with calcium glycerophosphate is checking
interstitial cystitis, a condition that leads to frequent
urination and poor bladder control due to chronic
inflammation of the bladder. While the specific cause of
this condition is unknown, it is suspected that a diet
high in acidic foods, such as tomatoes, fruit juices,
coffee, tea, etc., may be a contributing factor. Since
complete elimination of these foods is difficult for many
people, researchers turned to calcium glycerophosphate to
see if it could bring relief of symptoms.
As a supplement, calcium glycerophosphate is available as
Prelief®, in which the mineral is the primary active
ingredient. Studies have found that this can significantly
reduce the urge to urinate, as well as minimize discomfort
experienced after consuming highly acidic foods and
beverages. However, the studies also found that this
substance appears to alter the foods ingested, and not
result in a biochemical process on the body itself.
Otherwise, the latter scenario could lead to diminished
levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach necessary for
proper digestion. In terms of direct action on foods,
calcium glycerophosphate demonstrated an ability to reduce
the acid content of jarred tomato sauce by 60 percent and
coffee by 95 percent.
However, while these results sound promising, it’s
important to note that most of the studies on calcium
glycerophosphate conducted so far have been performed by
the manufacturer and not an independent third party. It
should also be noted that long-term supplementation may
still carry the potential to decrease normal levels of
stomach hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the manufacturer of
Prelief® recommends limiting supplementation to only those
times when one expects to eat acidic foods.
Since calcium is critical for the healthy teeth, calcium
glycerophosphate has also been examined to see if it could
help prevent the loss of tooth enamel. A recent Brazilian
study found that supplementation with this mineral
significantly increased the phosphorus content of dental
biofilm, which in turn enhanced its pH. The final results
showed reduced demineralization, as well as a reduction in
cavities among the study subjects.
5 Things to Know About Hemp Farming
Here are 5 things your
need to know about hemp farming for both high CBD or
industrial. In today's video, I head out to the University
of Vermont (UVM) Hemp Conference. I learned a lot about
growing hemp and starting a hemp farm in 2019. Come along
and experience the conference. Interview include Dr.
Heather Darby, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman and Netaka.
Casein :
Scientist: Milk From Cows Has “The
Most Relevant Carcinogen Ever Identified” & “Turns
on Cancer”
By Arjun
Scientist Explains How Cow’s Milk
Leeches Calcium From Your Bones & Makes Them
By Arjun
Plant-Based Protein VS. Protein From
Meat: Which One Is Better For Your Body?
By Arjun
The China Study: Revised and Expanded
Edition: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition
Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for
Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health
by T. Colin
From Director George
Llewelyn-John, You Can’t Watch This is an independent
documentary film concerning itself with Freedom of Speech
and the online world. Told through the stories of high
profile conservatives who vanished from the internet
almost overnight, You Can’t Watch This explores the
effects and efficacy of social media censorship and the
implications for Americans’ First Amendment rights.
The Hendershot Generator "Do It
Yourself" Kit
Hendershot Electromagnetic Atmospheric Receiver &
Transformer Kit
Each "DIY" kit includes:
The Hendershot Generator Blueprints & Quick start
Guide (PDF Files Downloaded off of Website)
2.5 hour step by step video (Download from website or
watch on youtube)
One piece of copper enameled wire, 50 meters long, 0.95 mm
in diameter
Four pieces of copper PVC insulated copper wire, 9 meters
long, 1.5mm in diameter (2 different color insulation)
120 skew sticks, 1/8" in diameter
2 unpolarized capacitors - 500 micro Farads each
4 unpolarized capacitors - 1000 micro Farads each
2 transformers 1:5 ratio for 110 / 220 Volts
One piece of copper PVC insulated copper wire, 10 meters
long, 1 mm in diameter
One surface applicable 110 volts socket - US & Canada
Two furniture - drawer rails (the version with bearings)
Two cylindrical iron bars, 1/2" in diameter, 3" long
One rectangular iron bar, 4" long x 1" x 1/8"
One very powerful neodymium magnet (cylindrical) 1"
x 1" x 4" long
The electromagnetic field
generator includes a shell, an electrostatic generator, a
power plant, a thermoelectric generator, and an electric
motor. The shell has embedded polycrystalline
ferroelectric ceramic material which is polarized such
that the ceramic material exhibits strong Piezoelectric
Effect properties thus inducing high frequency vibrations.
The shell may be further doped with radioactive elements
which under high frequency vibrations induce gamma ray
emission. The electrostatic generator is for charging up
the shell and is disposed within the shell. The power
plant is to generate thermal power, and is disposed within
the sphere. The thermoelectric generator is to convert the
thermal power generated by the power plant to electrical
energy. The electric motor powered by the electrical
energy generated by the thermoelectric generator, and
supplies input voltage such that the shell spins at high
angular speeds, vibrates at high frequencies, and
generates an electromagnetic field...
[0021] Extremely high
electromagnetic field intensity (rate of energy flow
per unit area) values of 10<24 >Watts/m<2
>(and higher) can be generated with the
inventive concept at hand. Furthermore, using a specially
engineered geometrical configuration (a sharp end
protrusion 125 out of the shell) in conjunction with the
terrestrial (land) or sea based systems, by coupling the
Piezoelectric Effect with the Mossbauer Effect (the
recoilless emission of gamma rays due to high frequency
oscillations/vibrations of the shell), it is possible to
generate a Cyclonic Plasma shield, which would greatly
amplify the produced electromagnetic field intensity
(hence the shielding effects)...
May 17, 2019
Electric field-based dressing helps
heal wound infections
Researchers at Indiana
University School of Medicine have found a way to charge
up the fight against bacterial infections using
Work conducted in the laboratories of the Indiana Center
for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering, Chandan Sen,
PhD and Sashwati Roy, PhD has led to the development of a
dressing that uses an electric field to disrupt biofilm
infection. Their findings were recently published in the
journal Annals of Surgery.
Bacterial biofilms are thin, slimy films of bacteria that
form on some wounds, including burns or post-surgical
infections, as well as after a medical device, such as a
catheter, is placed in the body. These bacteria generate
their own electricity, using their own electric fields to
communicate and form the biofilm, which makes them more
hostile and difficult to treat. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention estimates 65 percent of all
infections are caused by bacteria with this biofilm
phenotype, while the National Institutes of Health
estimates that number is closer to 80 percent.
Researchers at IU School of Medicine are the first to
study the practice of using an electric field-based
dressing to treat biofilms rather than antibiotics. They
discovered the dressing is not only successful in fighting
the bacteria on its own, but when combined with other
medications can make them even more effective. This
discovery has the potential to create significant changes
in the way physicians treat patients with bacterial
infections which are resistant to antibiotics. The
dressing can also help prevent new biofilm infections from
forming in the future. The dressing electrochemically
self-generates 1 volt of electricity upon contact with
body fluids such as wound fluid or blood, which is not
enough to hurt or electrocute the patient.
"This shows for the first time that bacterial biofilm can
be disrupted by using an electroceutical dressing," said
Chandan Sen, PhD, director of the Indiana Center for
Regenerative Medicine and Engineering and associate vice
president of research for the IU School of Medicine
Department of Surgery. "This has implications across
surgery as biofilm presence can lead to many complications
in successful surgical outcomes. Such textile may be
considered for serving as hospital fabric -- a major
source of hospital acquired infections"
Marketing of the dressing for burn care was recently
approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The team is
now studying the device's effectiveness in patients
recovering from burns.
Annals of Surgery. 269(4):756–766, APR 2019
DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002504
Electric Field Based Dressing Disrupts
Mixed-Species Bacterial Biofilm Infection and Restores
Functional Wound Healing
Barki, et al.
Objective: This study
was designed to employ electroceutical principles, as an
alternative to pharmacological intervention, to manage
wound biofilm infection. Mechanism of action of a United
States Food and Drug Administration-cleared wireless
electroceutical dressing (WED) was tested in an
established porcine chronic wound polymicrobial biofilm
infection model involving inoculation with Pseudomonas
aeruginosa PAO1 and Acinetobacter baumannii 19606.
Background: Bacterial biofilms represent a major
wound complication. Resistance of biofilm toward
pharmacologic interventions calls for alternative
therapeutic strategies. Weak electric field has
anti-biofilm properties. We have previously reported the
development of WED involving patterned deposition of Ag
and Zn on fabric. When moistened, WED generates a weak
electric field without any external power supply and can
be used as any other disposable dressing.
Methods: WED dressing was applied within 2?hours
of wound infection to test its ability to prevent biofilm
formation. Alternatively, WED was applied after 7 days of
infection to study disruption of established biofilm.
Wounds were treated with placebo dressing or WED twice a
week for 56 days.
Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that WED
prevented and disrupted wound biofilm aggregates. WED
accelerated functional wound closure by restoring skin
barrier function. WED blunted biofilm-induced expression
of (1) P. aeruginosa quorum sensing mvfR (pqsR), rhlR
and lasR genes, and (2) miR-9 and silencing of
E-cadherin. E-cadherin is critically required for skin
barrier function. Furthermore, WED rescued against
biofilm-induced persistent inflammation by circumventing
nuclear factor kappa B activation and its downstream
cytokine responses.
Conclusion: This is the first pre-clinical porcine
mechanistic study to recognize the potential of
electroceuticals as an effective platform technology to
combat wound biofilm infection.
Disclosed and described
herein are systems and methods energy generation from
fabric electrochemistry. An electrical cell is created
when electrodes (cathodes and anodes) are 'printed' on or
otherwise embedded into fabrics to generate DC power when
moistened by a conductive bodily liquid such as sweat,
wound, fluid, etc. The latter acts, in turn, as the cell's
electrolyte. A singular piece of fabric can be configured
into multiple cells by dividing regions of the fabric with
hydrophobic barriers and having at least one anode-cathode
set in each region. Flexible inter-connections between the
cells can be used to scale the generated power, per the
application requirements.
Russian Scientists Make GOLD Flat to
Use for Plugging in 'Gadgets' to BRAIN
There were earlier quite
a few attempts to devise “flat” chemical structures from
metals, but the structure of gold, for instance, was far
too solid to do this. However, Russian physicists’ latest
efforts appear to have yielded fruit after they discovered
that molybdenum sulphites would be more active with regard
to the precious metal’s atoms.
Russian scientists
from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have
arrived at the conclusion that gold can be rendered as any
bidimensional structure by means of attaching its atoms to
a special base made of a sulphur or molybdenum compound,
with the finding, written about in the journal Advanced
Material Interfaces, expected to be used in the creation
of cutting-edge transparent electronic devices.
“We are expecting the sphere of quasi-bidimensional
materials to make huge leaps forward. In the not so
distant past, they were not available even to scientists.
Yet, today, one can indeed talk about huge prospects of
the technology that we have proposed that can be used to
develop flexible and transparent electronics. We’d love to
see it roll off the assembly lines in the near future, and
we are working on it”, noted Alexey Arsenin, the director
of the Institute’s Centre for Photonics and Bidimensional
Chemists, physicists, and other representative of natural
sciences have long believed that exclusively completely
“three-dimensional” materials can exist in nature – ones
that have a length, width and height.
These conceptions started to change only in the early
1950s, when theoretical physicists proved that “flat”
atomic structures could likewise be found in the world.
After a long string of failed efforts to design such a
material, the mission was successfully accomplished by a
pair of Russian-British scientists in 2004, Andrey Game
and Konstantin Novosyolov.
They discovered a simple, but perfectly smart and
effective way to produce graphene, a “flat” sulphur form,
by playing with graphite bits while they analysed their
electric properties.
In the following 15 years, the scientists came up with
dozens of such structures, some of which appeared to be
even more curious than graphene, as they consist of atoms
from not one, but two or even three different components –
for instance, “the flat magnets” made of chrome and iodine
compounds, as well as rare metal and silicon compounds.
According to the Institute’s press service, the success
was, however, not full-fledged, as the physicists failed
for several consecutive years to arrive at “flat”
materials derived from pure metals, as the latter do not
normally segregate, rendering it impossible to rip away a
layer of atoms using the Game and Novosyolov technique.
They persisted in their efforts using molybdenum sulphite,
in the hope that sulphur would merge more actively with
atoms of gold than carbon.
The scientists have expressed hopes that their brainchild
will be put to use not only in the build-up of high-tech
transparent devices, but will also help neurophysiologists
create exceptionally accurate and compact selections
of electrodes that would make it possible to plug in
artificial limbs and other “gadgets” to human
and animal brains.
30 April 2019
Ultrathin and Ultrasmooth Gold Films
on Monolayer MoS2
Dmitry I.
Yakubovsky, et al.
Sub-10 nm continuous
metal films are promising candidates for flexible and
transparent nanophotonics and optoelectronic applications.
In this article, it is demonstrated that monolayer MoS2 is
a perspective adhesion layer for the deposition of
continuous conductive gold films with a thickness of only
3–4 nm. Optical properties of continuous ultrathin gold
films deposited on 2D MoS2 grown by chemical vapor
deposition are investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry
over a wide wavelength range (300–3300 nm). Results show
that optical losses in ultrathin films increase with
decreasing thickness due to the fine-grained structure and
the presence of a small number of voids, however, they
exhibit metallic properties down to a thickness of 3–4 nm.
The atomic-scale MoS2 interfaces can be transferred to any
substrate and thus open up new opportunities for the
creation of metasurfaces and a new type of van der Waals
heterostructures with atomically thin metal layers.
CN109103072 -- A transfer
method for large area monolayer and few-layer molybdenum
disulfide film
CN108190960 -- Method for preparing monolayer molybdenum
disulfide based on electrolyte solvothermal
lithium-intercalation stripping
CN108190959 -- Method for preparing monolayer
molybdenum sulfide based on molten alkali metal liquid
intercalation stripping
CN107299333 -- Preparation method of monolayer
molybdenum disulfide thin film
CN106835073 -- Method for preparing monolayer molybdenum
CN106241878 -- Preparation method of 1T phase monolayer
molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheet
CN106159000 -- Method for preparing uniform monolayer
molybdenum sulfide at centimeter scale
Puppy Love !!! It's The New Normal
Illegal Alien Convicted of Raping Dog
to Death Released by Sanctuary State
Got Cobalt Hexamine ?
Got Ebola
Patents ? Got Ebola
Therapies ? Got Ozone -- ROWEN: Ozone vs Ebola ?
Doctors fighting Ebola in the Congo
are forced to wear disguises to avoid being SHOT by
militiamen as the death toll of killer outbreak climbs
to 1,161
Medics ditching their
scrubs and lying about their jobs to avoid conflict in
Congo .. Militiamen believe Ebola is a conspiracy
against them and are attacking workers ... Death toll
1,161 while infection count shot to 1,760 on Thursday,
officials said...
Feel the Love !!!
Click to Enlarge

An Ape w/ an AK-47
Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts
suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear
“violations” of user policies. No matter your views, if
you suspect political bias caused such an action to be
taken against you, share your story with President
Be Not Afraid
Apr 17, 2019
Insect Apocalypse
The world’s insect
population has declined by three quarters in the last 30
years and many species have become extinct. And it's all
man's fault. This documentary looks at the dramatic
consequences of this hitherto unrecognized catastrophe.
The results of long-term monitoring published in 2017 have
confirmed that as much as 75 percent of the world’s insect
population has disappeared in the last 30 years. The
extent of species extinction is so vast that many
researchers fear that it will knock the entire natural
cycle of life out of balance. Not only the decline of the
bee population but mass insect mortality as a whole will
have devastating consequences for all the Earth’s
inhabitants. Top scientists from around the globe are
warning that the developments are much more widespread and
serious than anyone had realized. Many animals feed on
insects. Insects also help to convert dead tissue into
nutrient-rich soil. In addition, they even regulate each
other. Species that humans see as pests are often the
preferred prey of useful predators. But massive human
intervention has thrown the functioning balance in the
insect world out of whack. Chemical poisons, the
progressive sealing of soils and the widespread use of
fertilizers are affecting the world's most species-rich
animal class. This documentary looks at current studies
and explains what is going wrong and where urgent action
is needed. There's still some hope: although many species
have been irrevocably lost, mass extinction in the insect
kingdom could still be stopped - but only if humans
finally begin to act against it. And we're running out of
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2015
Nisticò S,
Ehrlich J, Gliozzi M, Maiuolo J, Del Duca E, Muscoli
C, Mollace V.
Photoageing represents
the addition of extrinsic chronic ultraviolet
radiation-induced damage on intrinsic ageing and accounts
for most age-associated changes in skin appearance. In
this study, we evaluated the effect of 38% BPF, a highly
concentrated extract of the bergamot fruit (Citrus
bergamia) on UVB-induced photoageing by examining
inflammatory cytokine expression, telomere
length/telomerase alterations and cellular viability in
human immortalized HaCaT keratinocytes. Our results
suggest that 38% BPF protects HaCaT cells against
UVB-induced oxidative stress and markers of photoageing in
a dose-dependent manner and could be a useful supplement
in skin care products. Together with antioxidant
properties, BPF, a highly concentrated extract of the
bergamot fruit, appears to modulate basic cellular signal
transduction pathways leading to anti-proliferative,
anti-aging and immune modulating responses.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume
2018, Article ID 9395804, 14 pages
Antioxidant and Antisenescence Effects
of Bergamot Juice
Eleonora Da
Pozzo, et al.
Aging is one of the main
risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular diseases; one
of the possible explanations could be linked to the
age-associated overproduction of free radicals. This
increase of oxidative stress can be overcome with a high
intake of food antioxidants. In this context, a number of
studies have been addressed to assess the antiaging
potential of natural antioxidant compounds. Recently, it
has been shown that the juice of bergamot (Citrus bergamia
Risso et Poiteau), a fruit mostly produced in the Ionian
coastal areas of Southern Italy (Calabria), is a valuable
source of health-promoting constituents with, among other,
antioxidant properties. In order to investigate the
potential antiaging effects of this Mediterranean natural
antioxidant source, bergamot juices of three different
cultivars (“fantastico,” “femminello,” and “castagnaro”)
were herein characterized by the mean of high-performance
liquid chromatography-photodiode array-electrospray
ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Then, juices were
investigated for the evaluation of total polyphenolic and
flavonoid contents, cell-free model antioxidant
activities, and in vitro antiaging properties on two
different cellular models of induced myocardial
senescence. The best performing juice was also assessed in
vivo. The phytochemical profiles confirmed that juices
were rich in flavonoids, both flavone and flavanone
glycosides. In addition, two limonoid glycosides were also
identified in all cultivars. Each cultivar showed
different phenolic and flavonoid contents. In tube results
showed the juice robust antioxidant activities that
correlate with their phenolic and flavonoid contents.
Moreover, for the first time, the ability of juice to
counteract the chemical-induced senescence was here
demonstrated in both cellular models. Lastly, the in vivo
data obtained from mouse hearts evidenced an increase in
transcription of genes involved in antiaging and
antioxidant responses. The overall results suggest that
bergamot juice exerts antioxidant and antisenescence
effects, making it useful for nutraceutical purposes....
Med Aromat Plants 5:230.
Effects of Essential Oils on Telomere
Length in Human Cells
International, Inc. 3300 Ashton Blvd, Lehi, UT 84043,
Essential oils are used
for their reputed health benefits; reversal of
inflammation, oxidative damage, and infection are some of
the therapeutic effects that essential oils are believed
to possess. In many cases, there is scientific evidence to
back these claims. However, the purported anti-aging
effects of essential oils are not yet supported by the
literature. We set out to evaluate the effects of 31 oils
on telomere length, believed to play a role in cellular
senescence. Cells were subjected to oils in the presence
or absence of hydrogen peroxide, and changes in telomere
length were measured using a PCR-based assay. Two oils
which showed telomere-protective effects were further
characterized using a cytogenetic assay, staining for
telomeres. Significant variability was seen among these
oils with respect to their ability to induce an apparent
increase or decrease in telomere length, and to protect
against peroxideinduced telomere damage. Expression
analysis showed that telomere-protective oils did not
increase telomerase (hTERT) gene transcription, but
reduced TERF-1, a suppressor of telomere length. Though
this mechanism is not yet understood, these data provide a
base upon which the community can build, and represent the
first formal scientific foray into the study of essential
oils on the telomere. Conclusion: Certain essential oils,
including those from basil and rosemary, appear to have
telomere-protective effects, mediated through a reduction
of the TERF-1 telomere-suppressive protein...
It is of interest to note that some essential oils cause
apparent increases in telomere length over those seen in
untreated cells, when administered alone. In many cases,
and especially following treatment with basil, clove or
rosemary oils, the telomere-shortening effects of hydrogen
peroxide are mitigated by EO treatment, leading to
telomeres 60-80% of the size of those in untreated control
cells. These data prompted us to verify the
telomereprotecting effects of these oils in additional
After evaluation of 31
commonly-used therapeutic essential oils, we have shown
here that certain of these, including oils from basil
(Ocimum basilicum) and rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis CT
cineol are capable of increasing the apparent length of
telomeres in cell culture, when administered at low
(subtoxic) doses. This effect was demonstrated using a
previously-described PCR-based telomere length assay, and
verified by qualitative cytogenetic analysis. Gene
expression analysis revealed that these oils did not cause
a concomitant increase in the expression of hTERT, the
gene coding for the catalytic subunit of the telomerase
protein complex, but instead downregulated the TERF-1
telomere length suppressor. We conclude that essential
oils may have potential use as a supplement to impact
cellular senescence, once this mechanism has been fully
Thymoquinone Interacts with DNA
Thymoquinone (TQ), a chemical constituent of Cumin and
Thyme essential oils, has been shown to promote cellular
health in many previous research studies. This specific
property of TQ is attributed to its ability to inhibit
telomerase activity. Biophysicists from the United Arab
Emirates recently published a new study elucidating the
mechanism of how TQ interacts with telomeres.3 They found
that TQ molecules intercalate into G-quadruplex complexes,
which are the 4-stranded helical DNA structures that form
at the telomeres. TQ’s presence at the quadruplex prevents
the DNA from being accessed by the telomerase enzyme,
inhibiting the lengthening of telomeres by telomerase.3
The inhibitory activity of TQ on telomerase is exactly
opposite of the activity of toxic pollutants like arsenic
and benzene, which actually increase telomerase activity,
resulting in longer telomeres in cultured cells.
In contrast with the circular chromosomes found in
bacteria, human and animal chromosomes are linear. One
simple fact of mitosis is that every round of cell
division is accompanied by a loss of a few DNA bases from
both ends of the chromosome.1 Telomeres are repeats of
meaningless DNA sequences that are found on the ends of
chromosomes.1 Telomeres prevent the loss of important
genes, even after repeated cell division, because they
surround the DNA in the coding regions of the genome.
During repeated cell division, the telomeres are slowly
eaten away rather than the coding regions of DNA. However,
once the telomeres are gone, a cell will die due to loss
of important genetic material found in the genomic DNA.
Telomerase is an enzyme that adds DNA repeats to the ends
of the chromosomes, lengthening the telomeres. Telomerase
activity is observed in stem cells and body cells during
times of repeated cell division, like during embryogenesis
and development. However, telomerase is generally
deactivated in adult somatic cells, which should normally
die after a few rounds of division. This might sound
counterintuitive, but allowing old cells to die is
actually beneficial because it makes it possible for newly
differentiated cells to take their place. Thus,
controlling telomerase activity is an important part of
maintaining good health and quality of life while aging.
Thymoquinone (TQ), a chemical constituent of Cumin and
Thyme essential oils, has been shown to promote cellular
health in many previous research studies. This specific
property of TQ is attributed to its ability to inhibit
telomerase activity. Biophysicists from the United Arab
Emirates recently published a new study elucidating the
mechanism of how TQ interacts with telomeres.3 They found
that TQ molecules intercalate into G-quadruplex complexes,
which are the 4-stranded helical DNA structures that form
at the telomeres. TQ’s presence at the quadruplex prevents
the DNA from being accessed by the telomerase enzyme,
inhibiting the lengthening of telomeres by telomerase.3
The inhibitory activity of TQ on telomerase is exactly
opposite of the activity of toxic pollutants like arsenic
and benzene, which actually increase telomerase activity,
resulting in longer telomeres in cultured cells.4,5
This discovery explains the protective effects of TQ on
body tissues. It also supports other data from
experimental studies suggesting that Cumin and Thyme
essential oils work to promote healthy cellular function.*
13 Habits Researchers Have Linked to a
Long Life
By Alina
1. Avoid Overeating... 2.
Eat More Nuts ... 3. Try Out Turmeric ... 4. Eat Plant
Foods ... 5. Stay Physically Active ...
6. Don’t Smoke ... 7. Moderate Your Drinking ... 8.
Prioritize Your Happiness ...
9. Avoid Chronic Stress and Anxiety ... 10. Nurture Your
Social Circle ...
11. Be More Conscientious ... 12. Drink Coffee or Tea ...
13. Develop a Good Sleeping Pattern ...
May 11, 2019
E. coli added as ingredient to
Meningitis vaccine
by Dr. Eowyn
The Tariff Issue
Paul Craig
Wherever I look at US policy, foreign or domestic, I see
only insanity, ignorance, and incompetence.
Take the issue of tariffs, which is Trump’s mistaken
approach to bringing the jobs back home. The tariff
“solution” overlooks that offshored US production counts
as imports when US firms bring their goods into the US to
be marketed.
The Chinese did not steal American jobs by selling below
US cost. The jobs were taken to China by US global
corporations, along with the technology and business
know-how, for the sole reason of maximizing US corporate
profits. Labor, made as productive as US labor by
offshored US capital, technology, and business know-how,
could be hired at much less cost in China and elsewhere in
Asia due to the enormous excess supply of labor that
overhangs Asian labor markets. The enormous cost
savings went directly into US corporate profits, capital
gains for shareholders, and bonuses for executives.
Half and perhaps more of the “cheap goods” imported from
China are the goods of American firms, such as Apple,
Levi, Nike. They are products of US firms that are
made in China for sale in the US. They are not
“cheap Chinese goods.” Do you think an iPhone is
cheap or a MacBookPro is cheap?
The tariffs fall on American goods produced offshore by
American firms for sale in America. For example, on May 13
the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released
a list of “Chinese” products subject to a 25% ad valorem
duty. The list includes cell phones, footwear,
textiles. Do the cell phone imports from China
exclude Apple’s iPhone? Do the footwear imports from China
exclude Nike’s shoes? Do the textiles exclude Levis?
I have not seen any information that Trump’s tariffs are
only for Chinese owned exports to US markets.
The tariffs will reduce the profits of American
overseas production exported to the US and raise prices to
US consumers, who have already lost the incomes from the
manufacturing jobs that American companies moved
In other words, tariffs are not a solution....
David Hatcher
Food of the Gods: The Search for the
Original Tree of Knowledge A Radical History of
Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution
Terence McKenna ~ Alchemy &
The Hermetic Corpus ~ May 1991 ~ Workshop
Global Research, March 21, 2019
Fukushima: “An Ongoing Global
Radiological Catastrophe”. “A Huge Coverup”. Dr. Helen
Transcript of
8th anniversary interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott
Corey Goode vs the Public
This thread is to provide
a summary of links to make it easier for people to find
the enormous amount of data that debunks Corey Goode.
WW3, Iran, & the Two Moshiachs w/
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Zohar I, Va'era 32a --
Israel vs Iran ( Hidden Mahdi )
Masaru Emoto Water Experiment - Water
It often happens here too, even
offline ( do not use cloud computing. turn off wifi
when not online. wear a rubber hat & g-string vs
microwaves. live in a cave. ) :
Microsoft Is Entering Journalists
Personal Computers In An Attempt to Censor Their
by Dave
Pre Mud Floods? Pre
1850's...California Was An Island !
California As An Island: Map or Myth?
Irving Finkel -- The Ark Before Noah:
A Great Adventure
Irving Finkel, Assistant
Keeper I with responsibility for cuneiform in the
Department of the Middle East, British Museum. This talk,
illustrated by a PowerPoint, will describe what befell the
speaker after one quite remarkable cuneiform tablet was
brought for examination to the British Museum in London.
The inscription on this four-thousand-year-old tablet led
to a series of altogether unexpected discoveries,
demanding a whole new look at Noah and his Ark, and
culminating in a book and a documentary film.
All News Pipeline
Globalists Going For The Kill Shot
By Stefan
Surprising articulance :
May 8, 2019
Jordan & Gaetz Shut Down Nadler -
Four Stages of Mueller Derangement Syndrome
Better Than Bleach! Kill Mold/Yeast in
Your Body in 3 Simple Phases.
Dr. Darren Schmidt -- I
go over six of my favorite products I use. The first three
kill fungus in different locations in the body. The fourth
cleans dead fungus out of the body. The last two are
YouTube's Daddy :
Jordan Peterson Calls Out The
"Pseudo-moralistic Stances" Of Activists
Jordan Peterson - WARNING FOR
29 Power Plants (Almost) EVERYONE
Should Grow
Pete of Green Dreams
Florida shows off 29 extremely powerful plants that are
easy to grow and highly beneficial.
Carbon 60 - "Solvent Free"
Aloha Everyone - sharing my research into residual
solvents found in commercially available C60 (powder) on
the market and what the implications are. Apologize that
it got a bit long; there are numerous considerations that
I felt were worth discussing.
About Rex Research :
Rex Research Institute
Rex Research Institute is
a fictional organization in Counter-Strike Online.
The Rex Research Institute is an organization of doctors
and scientists who were creating various types of medicine
in an attempt to prolong life. Gradually, they changed
their objective into trying to find a way to make humans
immortal. Due to their continuous experiments on living
things, their plans backfired and had instead created a
dangerous virus, dubbed the Rex Virus. This caused humans
to turn into the undead, the zombies. The zombies managed
to escape from the lab, during Chaos chapter, and started
infecting the others. This was also the place where
Jennifer was captured and kept alive as a human
experimental subject...
Human ebola
virus species and compositions and methods thereof
Inventor :
Jonathan S. Towner, et al.
Current Assignee : Centers of
Disease Control and Prevention (Department of
Health and Human Services)
Compositions and methods
including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus
(EboBun) are provided. Compositions are provided that are
operable as immunogens to elicit and immune response or
protection from EboBun challenge in a subject such as a
primate. Inventive methods are directed to detection and
treatment of EboBun infection.
» Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ~ US
Navy-sponsored R&D -- articles & 2 US Patent
Applications... Several methods of preparation ...
As not seen on tv :
Shawna Cox cell phone video from
inside LaVoy Finicum's truck
This video zooms in on
the cell phone video Shawna Cox recorded from within LaVoy
Finicum’s truck. It was shown at a Deschutes County
Sheriff’s Office press conference March 8, 2016 in Bend,
China Develops Groundbreaking
Heat-Resistant Material For Hypersonic Weapon
by Tyler
At Mach 5 (3,836 mph), a hypersonic vehicle enters a dense
atmospheric layer, the ambient gas undergoes not only
density change, but also a significant temperature
increase. This physical-chemical reaction is associated
with the flight speed is converted into heat and chemical
energy, which is a considerable heat barrier that had
researchers around the world scrambling for new materials
that could withstand temperatures far higher than the
melting point of metal.
It seems that researchers in central China, studying
hypersonic heat transfer, a subdivision of aerodynamics
that studies gas motion laws, have developed a
non-carbon-based heat-resistance material for hypersonic
flight, according to the Global Times.
The lead scientist, Fan Jinglian from Central South
University in Central China's Hunan Province, developed a
composite of ceramics and refractory metals that can
endure hypersonic flight at Mach 5-20 within the
atmosphere for several hours, or temperatures of about
5,400 Fahrenheit.
Jinglian said the composite of ceramics and refractory
metals makes the new material far more superior to Western
technologies that use "traditional refractory metals and
carbon-carbon materials."
She said the composite is like concrete cobble.
"Think of the ceramics as the
cobblestones, or the pellets, and the refractory metals
are like the concrete. In high temperatures, the ceramics
will act as pellets that pin the refractory metals, so
they will not soften and deform."
As a result, the material has a melting point higher than
metal, but also important characteristics such as low
density and high malleability, according to the Hunan
Television report...
China develops unique heat-resistant
material for hypersonic aircraft
By Liu
Chinese composite can withstand over 3,000 C for
extended periods
Chinese scientists have
developed a new heat-resistant material for hypersonic
aircraft which can endure over 3,000 C from friction
caused by a Mach 5-20 flight within the atmosphere.
The lead scientist on the project said the material
outperforms all similar foreign-made ones with its high
melting point, low density and high malleability.
The new material enables a hypersonic aircraft to fly at
Mach 5-20 within the atmosphere for several hours, as the
high heat resulting from the friction between the aircraft
and the air reaches between 2,000 C to 3,000 C, a
temperature normal metal would not be able to
Normal metals melt at around 1,500 C, but this new
material can bear over 3,000 C for an extended period,
state-owned Hunan Television reported recently.
Unlike foreign technologies that use traditional
refractory metals and carbon-carbon materials, the
China-made new material is a composite of ceramics and
refractory metals, Fan Jinglian, the lead scientist who
developed the material and a professor at Central South
University in Central China's Hunan Province, told the
Global Times.
The combination of ceramics and refractory metals makes
the material far more efficient than foreign-made ones,
and this technology is world-leading, Fan said.
In a simple analogy, Fan likened her composite to concrete
cobble. "Think of the ceramics as the cobblestones, or the
pellets, and the refractory metals are like the concrete.
In high temperatures, the ceramics will act as pellets
that pin the refractory metals, so they will not soften
and deform."
As a result, the material not only has a high melting
point, but also valuable characteristics such as low
density and high malleability, according to the Hunan
Television report.
China launched a major hypersonic aircraft project in
2009, and most Chinese scientists considered using
carbon-carbon materials instead of metals back then.
Fan was questioned for her proposal to use such a
material, but she insisted on making a sample, which came
into being in 2012 and showed great potential.
As of March, the material has been used for products in a
variety of fields including aviation, space exploration,
shipbuilding and national defense, Hunan Television
Hypersonic aircraft is not the only area in which
materials made of ceramics and refractory metals can
shine, Fan said. Any field that involves extreme high
temperature, such as engines, space rockets and nuclear
reactors, will have a great demand for the material, Fan
China launched the Xingkong-2 waverider hypersonic flight
vehicle via a rocket in a target range located in
Northwest China in August 2018.
On Tuesday, East China's Xiamen University launched the
Jiageng-1 hypersonic aircraft with a double-waverider
The test was part of the university's project to try to
quintuple the current speed of civil aircraft to achieve
global direct access within two hours, the Xinhua News
Agency reported on Tuesday.
It is unknown whether Fan's material was used in these two
Select Patents by Fan:
CN106825583 -- Tungsten and low-activation stainless
steel nano-gradient composite connection method
CN104451226 -- Preparation method of micro-nano
composite fine-grain tungsten material
CN103924144 -- Preparation method of unbonded-phase
ultrafine WC hard alloy
CN101805867 -- Si3N4-based metal ceramic and preparation
method thereof
CN101318223 -- Method for manufacturing heavy pressure
blank strength tungsten powder with ammonium
metatungstate and ammonium paratungstate
Power Law...
Giant earthquakes and
extreme wealth may not appear to have much in common, but
the frequency with which the "Big One" will hit San
Francisco and how often someone will earn as much money as
Bill Gates can both be predicted with a statistical
measurement called a "power law exponent."
For the last century, researchers have used what's called
a power law to predict certain kinds of events, including
how frequently earthquakes at certain points on the
Richter scale will occur.
But a University of Michigan researcher noticed that this
power law does not fit all circumstances....
"There's some middle ground between a
continuous power law and the discrete power law," Newberry
"In the discrete power law, everything
is laid out in perfectly rigid proportions from the
highest scale to the infinitesimally small. In the
continuous power law, everything is perfectly randomly
laid out.
Almost everything self-similar in
reality is a mix of these two."
Newberry's study (Self-Similar Processes Follow a Power
Law in Discrete Logarithmic Space) is published in the
journal Physical Review Letters:
Cold Fire You Can Touch - DIY Cold
Plasma Torch
Plasma is the 4th state
of matter and it comes in many flavors. You probably know
it from it's greatest hits, fire and lightning, but there
is a lot more to plasma than most people are aware of.
Cold plasma is my personal favorite as it has the same
beautiful glow that all plasma have, but it's no warmer
than room temp and feels cold to the touch. In this video
we go through my year long journey to harness this weird
state of matter into a torch that can be used for future
experiments and in the lab.
World Age Cycles, Global Upheaval
& Conjunctions
The Special
Conjunction pattern that would appear to be responsible
for triggering the massive global upheaval circa 10900 BC,
and also the destruction of Atlantis circa 9600 BC.
Moringa Electroculture: Accelerating
Superfood Growth in a DC field?
Joel Sternheimer : Plant
Protein-Stimulating Music
28 May 1994
Good vibrations give plants
Eccentric gardeners who
sing to their plants may not be altogether mad, says Joel
Sternheimer, a French physicist and musician. Sternheimer
writes melodies that allegedly help plants grow, and has
recently applied for an international patent covering his
method of music making. The tunes are not random melodies:
he chooses each note to correspond to an amino acid in a
protein, and the full tune corresponds to an entire
protein. Sternheimer claims that when plants ‘hear’ the
appropriate tune, they produce more of that protein. He
also writes tunes that inhibit the synthesis of proteins.
He claims to be able, using simple physics, to translate
into audible vibrations of music the quantum vibrations
that occur at the molecular level as a protein is being
assembled from its constituent amino acids. ‘Each musical
note is a multiple of original frequencies that occur when
amino acids join the protein chain,’ explains Sternheimer.
Playing the tune stimulates synthesis of its protein. ‘The
length of a note corresponds to the real time it takes for
each amino acid to come after the next,’ says Sternheimer,
who studied quantum physics and mathematics at Princeton
University in New Jersey.
His patent includes melodies for cytochrome oxidase and
cytochrome C, two proteins involved in respiration,
troponin C, which regulates calcium uptake in muscles, and
the tune for inhibiting chalcone synthase, an enzyme
involved in making plant pigments.
Sternheimer claims that in experiments, tomatoes exposed
to his tunes grew two-and-a-half times as big as controls.
Some were sweeter as well, he says. The tunes played
included those for three tomato growth promoters,
cytochrome C, and for thaumatin, a flavouring compound.
‘Six molecules were being played to the tomatoes for a
total of three minutes a day,’ he says.
He also claims to have stopped an infection of the
tomatoes with a mosaic virus by playing tunes that
inhibited enzymes vital to the virus.
The tunes are very short, he says, and need only be played
once. The one for cytochrome C, for example, lasts just 29
seconds. ‘On average, you get four amino acids played per
second,’ he says.
Sternheimer warns scoffers to be careful tinkering with
the tunes because they can affect people as well. ‘Don’t
ask a musician to play them,’ he says. ‘You must be very
careful.’ Sternheimer says that one of his musicians had
difficulty breathing after playing the tune for cytochrome
C too often.
Sternheimer says that support for his methods is spreading
‘by word of mouth’. One admirer, he says, is a leading
Swiss industrialist who paid
for the patent to be filed. The patent covers applications
in agriculture, health care and the textiles industry.
MP3s of protein/amino acids
Electroculture bee hive protection
save the bees naturally 15 octobre 2018
L'électroculture pour des récoltes
Magnetic Effect on Plants
Ching Jen
Experiments show that
strong magnets have effect in plant and bean growth. 1.5
Tesla magnet is used to stimulate the germination of
seed and growth of the roots.
Electro-horticulture is safe, organic, effective and in
tune with Nature.
Increases Germination Rate
We have shown that the
use of the Harvest Storm system is capable causing seed
germination weeks ahead of schedule compared to control
Growth Acceleration
In addition to
accelerating time to germination, our technology increases
growth rate throughout the entire growth cycle. What
this means is earlier harvests, which can equate to higher
market prices, faster crop turnaround, or beating an early
Higher Yields
Experience vastly
increased yields by weight, plus an increase in biomass in
general: stem height, leaf size, root mass, etc.
Improved Disease Resistance
Electro-horticulture is
capable of preventing and curing a wide range of
agricultural diseases from powdery mildew, to rusts, and
so on. It also helps with pest management by stimulating a
given plants natural defense mechanisms.
Greater Nutrient Density
Along with electrically-enhanced growth enhancement
comes a faster metabolism and a massive increase in
nutrient uptake. The result: nutrient-dense crops
with flavor profiles out-of-this-world!
Improved Drought & Frost Resistance
An interesting side
effect of electroculture is that in some crops it can
actually enhance drought & frost resistance. For
outdoor growers, this means greater outputs at less risk.
Electricity to induce plant
et al.
THIN GLASS slabs (12x15
cm) were glued together and provisions were made for
electrical connections. Platinum wires were made to run
beneath the tank between the glass slabs. The circuit was
completed by adding water to the tank.
It is a new method of pretreatment of legume seeds. The
legumes such as green gram and pea seeds were selected for
the experiment due to its fast growth and also its
economic value. About 100 seeds were presoaked in water
for 24 hours to soften the cells. They were then placed in
the tank containing water. The cathode and anode were then
connected. 240V alternate current was converted to 27V
direct current and the final treatment was 10m Amp current
for 1 hour.
The seeds were then removed and tested for germination in
soil. A control of non-treated seeds was placed
simultaneously. The results found were interesting.
Electrically treated seeds showed 100 per cent germination
where as in control 95 per cent was observed. Further the
amount of growth was 3 times as much as the control was.
When tested for disease resistance, the treated seeds
showed higher resistance. In treated seeds maximum root (5
cm) and shoot length (9 cm) was observed than in control
room (2 cm) and shoot (2 cm) after 10 days of germination.
Electrostatic Energy
Electro-Horticulture Reginald Fessenden Excelling
Plant Growth with Electricity
José da Vede
This a short video about
Reginald Fessenden and his patent on agriculture
engineering. Fessenden and other scientists explored the
possibilities of using electrostatic energy to excel plant
growth. This video discusses the patents of Reginald
Fessenden and Kenneth Golden.
Reginald Fessenden Patent - https://www.google.com/patents/US1268949
Kenneth Golden Patent - https://www.google.com/patents/US1952588
Effects of various electrical fields
on seed germination
Warner Wheaton
Feel Our Divine Love or we'll Kill
you, you brainwashed kafir -- and cliterect your
womenfolk before we enslave them...
Shocking video of children in
Philadelphia Muslim Society: 'We will chop off their
heads' for Allah
Roger Scruton on Christianity v Islam
Comments: Our
tolerance of intolerant culture's, is getting us killed?
... Islam is not good for muslims, let alone anybody else
... At some point tolerance becomes tyranny...? Tolerance
of evil is not to be tolerated ... ?
Got Islam ?
The Official Mad Cow Disease Home
Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations
(Full Movie) HD
Terence McKenna ~ Alchemy & The
Hermetic Corpus ~ May 1991 ~ Workshop
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (Witkacy)
on Taking Peyote
Long before Carlos
Castaneda and Aldous Huxley there was … Stanislaw Ignacy
Witkiewicz (Witkacy)... vant-garde playwright, novelist,
dramatist, painter, philosopher and psychedelic pioneer
from Poland (who in 1928 wrote one of the first literary
descriptions of Peyote trip)...
Nicotine, Alcohol, Cocaine, Peyote,
Morphine, Ether + Appendices
by Stanislaw
I. Witkiewicz (Witkacy)
Live Earthquake Mashup
Satellite Tracker
Celestial Observer
Sky Map
Live Plane Flight Tracking
Julian Assange
If We Don't Stop Them... Mark Dice
Who Care Enough to Defend Assange from the Orchestrated
Smears Can Use This Resource:
Join the fight for truth
and justice or there will be none for you either.
Here is a website focused on protecting Assange from the
Anglo-American Gestapo:
Arrest Aside :
Reasons not to take the Julian Assange
story at face value
FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned
Wikileaks &
Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 1)
Nettle, Histamine & Hair Loss
5G - Weaponizing the Airwaves
/ Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 374 -
American Voice Radio, May 3, 2019
Real News Sites ( rexresearch not included ):
An index of unreliable news websites
Our Battle Of Britain
Pat Condell
Avoid Surveillance With Helm, a Home
Server Anyone Can Use to Keep Emails Truly Private
Micah Lee
...With the release of Helm, that [ private server hassles
] has changed. Helm is a triangle-shaped personal server
that can host email (on your own custom domain name),
contacts, calendar, and a file server, and is about as
easy to set up as a new smartphone. For being basically a
sophisticated product for hosting your most private data —
where there are many opportunities to screw up — Helm’s
technical choices and business model are surprisingly
well-thought-out. All you need is internet access at your
home and an iPhone or Android phone to configure it.
The biggest hurdle prospective users will face, I suspect,
is the price: You have to drop $500 to buy Helm to get
started, and then pay a $100 per year subscription to
continue using its cloud gateway and encrypted backup
August Dunning : Ocean Mineral
Dr. Mercola and August Dunning Talk
About Ocean Minerals
How to Bring Minerals Back Into the
Soil and Food Supply
100% Reliable Climate Predictions
World In Midst of Carbon Drought (w/
Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)
That Matter, with Stuart McNish
We’re in a carbon drought. That is according
to Professor William Happer of Princeton University.
The renowned physicist says when it comes to carbon
dioxide, there’s more good than bad. He goes on to say
most of carbon dioxide’s effect has already happened.
He points to the logarithmic dependence of temperature
on carbon dioxide levels.
Happer says the unique properties of carbon dioxide mean
that current levels would need to double for another
one-degree increase in temperature and they’d have to
double again for another one degree rise.
Brazilian President Jair
Bolsonaro has expressed horror at the news that 1,000
penis amputations take place in the South American
country each year, slamming the shocking stat as
“ridiculous and sad.”
Bolsonaro told reporters
in Brasilia on Thursday the amputations are carried out
“due to a lack of water and soap,” and that the government
has to work with men to make them know the dangers of bad
hygiene practices.
“When you get to a point like that, you see that we're
really at the bottom of the pit,” the 64-year-old
president said, Globo reports.
Bolsonaro faz alerta sobre risco de
homens terem pênis amputado por falta de higiene
Accidental discoveries: Scientists
create a new wonder material that could revolutionise
batteries and electronics
by Mitch
Phosphorene nanoribbons
Some of the most famous
scientific discoveries happened by accident. From Teflon
and the microwave oven to penicillin, scientists trying to
solve a problem sometimes find unexpected things. This is
exactly how we created phosphorene nanoribbons - a
material made from one of the universe's basic building
blocks, but that has the potential to revolutionise a wide
range of technologies.
We'd been trying to separate layers of phosphorus crystals
into two-dimensional sheets. Instead, our technique
created tiny, tagliatelle-like ribbons one single atom
thick and only 100 or so atoms across, but up to 100,000
atoms long. We spent three years honing the production
process, before announcing our findings.
The two-dimensional ribbons have a number of remarkable
properties. Their width to length ratio is similar to the
cables that span the Golden Gate Bridge. Their incredibly
uniform but manipulable width allows their properties,
such as whether and how they conduct electricity, to be
fine-tuned. They are also incredibly flexible, which means
that they can follow the contours of any surfaces they're
put on perfectly, and even be twisted.
Transformative potential
More than 100 scientific
papers predicted the transformative potential of these
nanoribbons, should it be possible to create them, across
a range of technologies - some as many as five years prior
to the publishing of our discovery in Nature.
Perhaps the most important of these is in the area of
battery technology. The corrugated structure of
phosphorene nanoribbons means that the charged ions that
power batteries could soon move up to 1000 times faster
than currently possible. This would mean a significant
decrease in charging time, alongside an increase in
capacity of approximately 50%. Such performance gains
would provide massive boosts to the electric car and
aircraft industries, and allow us to much better harness
renewable energy to eliminate reliance on fossil fuels
even on grey, calm days.
It also means that in future, batteries could use sodium
ions instead of lithium ions. Known lithium reserves may
not be able to meet huge projected increases in battery
demand, and extraction of the metal can be environmentally
harmful. Sodium, by contrast, is abundant and cheap.
The field of electronics may also be thankful for
nanoribbons. Moore's law observes that computer processing
power doubles every two years, but this rate is in danger
of slowing down as the physical limits of materials are
being fast approached. Using '2D' materials like ours
could redefine these limits, allowing us to make
ever-smaller and faster devices.
The ribbons could solve another major roadblock in this
area - how to electrically connect nanomaterials without
creating large resistance (and therefore energy loss) at
the joins. Several-layer thick versions of phosphorene
nanoribbons can be seamlessly split into ribbons with
different heights and electrical properties, circumventing
the usual engineering requirements of connections. Thanks
to this, high-efficiency solar cells could now be much
closer to entering into reality.
The phosphorene
nanoribbons' flexibility and thermoelectric properties
mean that they could also be embedded in wearable fabrics,
and used to convert waste heat into useful electricity.
For example, we could soon see thermoelectric t-shirts
that function as heart and blood sugar level monitors, all
powered by body heat alone.
The technology could unlock the potential of hydrogen as
an efficient and low-carbon fuel. The gas is abundantly
available in water and only produces oxygen as a byproduct
when extracted. However, finding a way to do this cheaply
has thus far eluded scientists. Water molecules can be
split through a process called photocatalysis, but the
method requires a material that absorbs lots of light, and
whose energy properties match up well with water.
Nanoribbons are predicted to have exactly these qualities,
as well as a high surface area that would maximise contact
with water, making it a promising candidate to crack the
hydrogen-production conundrum.
Encouragingly, phosphorene nanoribbons have already
navigated major obstacles on the route to
commercialisation. Finding a scalable production method
like ours takes years for most new materials, and some
never see the light of day. Added to this, phosphorus is a
relatively abundant and easily extracted material in the
Earth's crust. And since our ribbons are already formed in
liquids, inks or paints can easily be produced to
manipulate them at scale using low-cost methods such as
spray-coating or ink-jet printing.
Producing these ribbons is however just the first step
towards revolutionising the above technologies. Much
research now needs to be carried out to test theoretical
predictions, and investigate the extent to which the
properties of the ribbons can be tailored for specific
applications. As the 20-year plus journeys of Teflon,
lithium batteries, and Velcro show us, the road from
discovery to use can be long. But with society
increasingly moving away from fossil fuels, we expect that
road to soon be well-travelled.
Nature, volume 568, pages 216–220 (2019)
Production of phosphorene nanoribbons
Mitchell C.
Watts, Loren Picco, Freddie S. Russell-Pavier, Patrick
L. Cullen, Thomas S. Miller, Szymon P. Bartus, Oliver
D. Payton, Neal T. Skipper, Vasiliki Tileli &
Christopher A. Howard
Phosphorene is a mono-elemental, two-dimensional (2D)
substance with outstanding, highly directional properties
and a bandgap that depends on the number of layers of the
material. Nanoribbons, meanwhile, combine the flexibility
and unidirectional properties of one-dimensional
nanomaterials, the high surface area of 2D nanomaterials
and the electron-confinement and edge effects of both. The
structures of nanoribbons can thus lead to exceptional
control over electronic band structure, the emergence of
novel phenomena and unique architectures for applications.
Phosphorene’s intrinsically anisotropic structure has
motivated numerous theoretical calculations of phosphorene
nanoribbons (PNRs), predicting extraordinary properties.
So far, however, discrete PNRs have not been produced.
Here we present a method for creating quantities of
high-quality, individual PNRs by ionic scissoring of
macroscopic black phosphorus crystals. This top–down
process results in stable liquid dispersions of PNRs with
typical widths of 4–50 nm, predominantly single-layer
thickness, measured lengths of up to 75 µm and aspect
ratios of up to 1,000. The nanoribbons are atomically flat
single crystals, aligned exclusively in the zigzag
crystallographic orientation. The ribbons have remarkably
uniform widths along their entire lengths, and are
extremely flexible. These properties—together with the
ease of downstream manipulation via liquid-phase
methods—should enable the search for predicted exotic
states=, and an array of applications in which PNRs have
been predicted to offer transformative advantages. These
applications range from thermoelectric devices to
high-capacity fast-charging batteries and integrated
high-speed electronic circuits.
Related Patents:
US2019103496 -- 2-D
Material Transistor with Vertical Structure
CN108394879 -- Black phosphorene as well as
preparation method
CN108069409 -- Black phosphorene aerogel and
preparation method thereof
Sandy Hook Red Suppository :
Sandy Hook: The curious case of Danbury
Hospital’s premature Facebook message, 48 mins. before
police received 911 call
Sandy Hook hoax: 6 signs that school
was closed before massacre
Wolfgang Halbig - Sandy Hook Trial
“The Court has taken its task to be the
constitutionalization of a totally immoral, rapacious,
economic system instead of the promotion of justice,
domestic tranquility, the general welfare, and the blessings
of liberty.” -- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
At Least 40 Members of White Helmets
Admit Staging Syria Chemical Attacks
Researchers develop new variant of
Maxwell's demon at nanoscale
by University of Barcelona
Maxwell's demon is a machine proposed by James Clerk Maxwell
in 1867. The hypothetical machine would use thermal
fluctuations to obtain energy, apparently violating the second
principle of thermodynamics. Now, researchers at the
University of Barcelona have presented the first theoretical
and experimental solution of a continuous version of Maxwell's
demon in a single molecule system. The results, published in
the journal Nature Physics, have applications in other fields,
such as biological and quantum systems.
"Despite its simplicity and the large amount of work in the
field, this new variant of the classical Maxwell demon has
remained unexplored until now," notes Fèlix Ritort, professor
from the Department of Fundamental Physics of the UB. "In this
study, we introduced a system able to extract large amounts of
work arbitrarily per cycle through repeated measurements of
the state of a system."
Finding the favourable moment
Waiting for such a propitious occasion to get benefits is the
same behavioural pattern of a speculator waiting for the right
moment in stock exchange, or a predator waiting for a prey to
come near. "From a thermodynamics point of view, that certain
intuitive aspect in trying to look for the right moment is
what takes more energy. The answer is whether it is possible
to get the same energy from the propitious moment than the
inverted one in the searching process, i.e. through a
thermodynamically reversible process," notes Marco Ribezzi,
researcher at the UB and the School of Industrial Physics and
Chemistry (ESPCI Paris/CNRS).
"Our experiments demonstrate it is possible to find the right
moment, and not very common at the same time, and to use it in
a reversible way. These results show the underlying
thermodynamic structure to a general problem that can find
many applications, for instance, in the field of biology,"
notes Ribezzi.
According to the researchers, the new version of Maxwell's
demon could have consequences in self-organization and
selection processes that occur during biological evolution.
For instance, this device could be relevant in the regulation
of biological networks in generation, transmission and
transduction of signals through cell membranes.
The experimental testing has been conducted in a system of
optical tweezers, which enables the manipulation of a molecule
each time, in this case a DNA molecule. With the right force
on this structure, it is possible to unfold it, but if the
force is small enough, the unfolded state becomes rare, so it
finds the precise moment it was looking for. When the molecule
is in a rare state, it has more energy and it is possible to
use it. "The rarer the episode, the harder for us to find it,
but the more energy we can get from it," notes Ribezzi.
"The astonishing complexity of the living matter could be seen
as the result, over several evolutionary timescales, of a big
process of energy extraction in proper environments to store
big amounts of information that are hidden by noise and
randomness," concludes Ritort, also member of the
Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine Networking
Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER-BBN).
Speech Synthesis
Scientists Build a Machine to Generate
Quantum Superposition of Possible Futures
by Gu Mile
Unlike classical particles, quantum particles can travel
in abquantum superposition of different directions.
Mile Gu, together with researchers from Griffith harnessed
this phenomena to design quantum devices that can generate a
quantum superposition of all possible futures.
In the 2018 movie 'Avengers - Infinity War,' a scene featured
Dr. Strange looking into 14 million possible futures to search
for a single timeline in which the heroes would be victorious.
Perhaps he would have had an easier time with help from a
quantum computer.
A team of researchers from Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Griffith University in Australia
have constructed a prototype quantum device that can generate
all possible futures in a simultaneous quantum superposition.
"When we think about the future, we are
confronted by a vast array of possibilities," explains
Assistant Professor Mile Gu of NTU Singapore, who led
development of the quantum algorithm that underpins the
"These possibilities grow exponentially as
we go deeper into the future.
For instance, even if we have only two
possibilities to choose from each minute, in less than half an
hour there are 14 million possible futures.
In less than a day, the number exceeds the
number of atoms in the universe."
What he and his research group realized, however, was that a
quantum computer can examine all possible futures by placing
them in a quantum superposition - similar to Schrödinger's
famous cat, which is simultaneously alive and dead.
To realize this scheme, they joined forces with the
experimental group led by Professor Geoff Pryde at Griffith
Together, the team implemented a specially devised photonic
quantum information processor in which the potential future
outcomes of a decision process are represented by the
locations of photons - quantum particles of light.
They then demonstrated that the state of the quantum device
was a superposition of multiple potential futures, weighted by
their probability of occurrence.
"The functioning of this device is inspired
by the Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman," says Dr. Jayne
Thompson, a member of the Singapore team.
"When Feynman started studying quantum
physics, he realized that when a particle travels from point A
to point B, it does not necessarily follow a single path.
Instead, it simultaneously transverses all possible paths
connecting the points.
Our work extends this phenomenon and
harnesses it for modeling statistical futures."
The machine has already demonstrated one application -
measuring how much our bias towards a specific choice in the
present impacts the future.
"Our approach is to synthesize a quantum
superposition of all possible futures for each bias." explains
Farzad Ghafari, a member of the experimental team.
"By interfering these superpositions with
each other, we can completely avoid looking at each possible
future individually.
In fact, many current artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms learn by seeing how small changes
in their behavior can lead to different future outcomes, so
our techniques may enable quantum enhanced AIs to learn the
effect of their actions much more efficiently."
The team notes while their present prototype simulates at most
16 futures simultaneously, the underlying quantum algorithm
can in principle scale without bound.
"This is what makes the field so exciting,"
says Pryde.
"It is very much reminiscent of classical
computers in the 1960s. Just as few could imagine the many
uses of classical computers in the 1960s, we are still very
much in the dark about what quantum computers can do.
Each discovery of a new application
provides further impetus for their technological development."
The work (Interfering Trajectories in Experimental
Quantum-Enhanced Stochastic Simulation) is featured in a
forthcoming paper in the journal Nature Communications.
Interfering trajectories in
experimentalquantum-enhanced stochastic simulation
Farzad Ghafari, et al.
“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors
Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the
Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO
with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an
anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan
The Kenyan government denies there is anything wrong with the
vaccine, and says it is perfectly safe.
The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, however, saw evidence
to the contrary, and had six different samples of the tetanus
vaccine from various locations around Kenya sent to an
independent laboratory in South Africa for testing.
The results confirmed their worst fears: all six samples
tested positive for the HCG antigen.
The HCG antigen is used in anti-fertility vaccines, but was
found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young girls and
women of childbearing age. Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya
Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released
November 4:
“This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is
not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated
forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using
a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was
presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of
immunization but was ignored.”
Howard Kunstler nails it again:
Clusterfuck Nation
Tom Petty was Right
by Howard Kunstler
How to account for Americans being the most anxious,
fearful, and stressed-out people among the supposedly advanced
nations? Do we not live in the world’s greatest democratic
utopia where dreams come true?
What if the dreaming part is actually driving us insane? What
if we have engineered a society in which fantasy has so
grotesquely over-run reality that coping with daily life is
nearly impossible. What if an existence mediated by pixel
screens large and small presents a virtual world more
compelling than the real world and turns out to be a kind of
contagious avoidance behavior — until reality is so fugitive
that we can barely discern its colors and outlines beyond the
You end up in a virtual world of advertising and agit-prop
where manipulation is the primary driver of human activity.
That is, a world where the idea of personal liberty (including
any act of free thought) becomes a philosophical sick joke,
whether you believe in the possibility of free will or not.
You get a land full of college kids trained to think that
coercion of others is the highest-and-best use of their time
on earth — and that it represents “inclusion.” You get a news
industry that makes its own reality, churning out narratives
(i.e. constructed psychodramas) to excite numbed minds. You
get politics that play out like a Deputy Dawg cartoon. You get
a corporate tyranny of racketeering that herds spellbound
citizens like so many sheep into chutes for shearing, not only
of their money, but their autonomy, dignity, and finally their
will to live.
Can a people recover from such an excursion into unreality?
The USA’s sojourn into an alternative universe of the mind
accelerated sharply after Wall Street nearly detonated the
global financial system in 2008. That debacle was only one
manifestation of an array of accumulating threats to the
postmodern order, including the burdens of empire, onerous
global debt, population overshoot, fracturing globalism,
worries about energy, disruptive technologies, ecological
havoc, and the specter of climate change — things that hurt to
think about.
The sense of gathering crisis persists. It is systemic and
existential. It calls into question our ability to carry on
“normal” life much farther into this century, and all the
anxiety that attends it is so hard for the public to process
that a dismaying number of citizens opt for suicide. There is
no coherent consensus about what is happening and no coherent
proposals to do anything about it. Bad ideas flourish in this
nutrient medium of unresolved crisis. Lately, they dominate
the scene on every side.
A species of wishful thinking that resembles a primitive cargo
cult grips the technocratic class, awaiting magical rescue
remedies to extend the regime of Happy Motoring, consumerism,
and suburbia that make up the crumbling armature of “normal”
life in the USA. The political Right seeks to Make America
Great Again, as though we might return to a 1962 heyday of
industrial mass production by wishing hard enough. The Left
seeks the equivalent of an extended childhood for all, lived
out in a universal safe space, where all goods and services
come magically free from a kindly parent-like government, and
the sunny days are spent training unicorns to find rainbows.
The decade-long “recovery” from the Great Financial Crisis of
2008 amounted to ten years of fake-it-til-you-make-it — with
the prospect nil of actually making it to something like
economic and cultural soundness. Are we too far gone now? Some
kind of shock therapy is surely in the offing, and probably in
the form of a violent financial readjustment that will alter
the terms of getting and spending so drastically as to topple
the matrix of rackets that masquerades as the nation’s
That financial shock has been coiling and coiling in the
fantasyland that banking has become in the new zero interest
rate regime where notions that pretend to be money get levered
into new ways of destroying life on earth and the human
project with it. At some cognitive level the people of this
land sense what is coming and the wait for it is driving them
crazy. Tom Petty was right: the waiting is the hardest part,
and a hard way to learn that a virtual life is not an adequate
substitute for an authentic one.
We've opened a Cyborg Medical Lab on
Mars, and You are invited !
Canadian Court: Father Found Guilty of
Family Violence for Calling Daughter a Girl
How to Purify Water With Graphene
Non-thermal plasma: new technology
could kill 99.9% of the deadly germs in the air
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Volume
52, Number 25
Inactivation of airborne viruses using
a packed bed non-thermal plasma reactor
T Xia, et al.
Outbreaks of airborne infectious diseases such as measles
or severe acute respiratory syndrome can cause significant
public alarm. Where ventilation systems facilitate disease
transmission to humans or animals, there exists a need for
control measures that provide effective protection while
imposing minimal pressure differential. In the present study,
viral aerosols in an airstream were subjected to non-thermal
plasma (NTP) exposure within a packed-bed dielectric barrier
discharge reactor. Comparisons of plaque assays before and
after NTP treatment found exponentially increasing
inactivation of aerosolized MS2 phage with increasing applied
voltage. At 30?kV and an air flow rate of 170 standard liters
per minute, a greater than 2.3 log reduction of infective
virus was achieved across the reactor. This reduction
represented ~2 log of the MS2 inactivated and ~0.35 log
physically removed in the packed bed. Increasing the air flow
rate from 170 to 330 liters per minute did not significantly
impact virus inactivation effectiveness. Activated
carbon-based ozone filters greatly reduced residual ozone, in
some cases down to background levels, while adding less than
20 Pa pressure differential to the 45 Pa differential pressure
across the packed bed at the flow rate of 170 standard liters
per minute.
Some Non-Thermal Plasma Generator
CN206559711 -- Detachable non -thermal plasma reactor
US2017335731 -- Calibrated Non-Thermal Plasma Systems for
Control of Engine Emissions
Fenbendazole vs Cancer:
26 April 201
Oklahoma grandfather who claims a drug
for DOGS cured him of 'head-to-toe' cancer is tumor-free
two years after doctors gave him three months to live
By Natalie Rahhal
Joe Tippens, of Oklahoma was diagnosed with
late-stage small cell lung cancer in 2016
By January 2017, it had spread throughout
his body
Joe's life expectancy was three months, but
doctors enrolled him in a clinical trial that they hoped could
give him up to a year longer
A veterinarian suggested he try the dog
de-worming drug, fenbendazole, which has shown cancer-fighting
properties in cell studies
By May 2017, all cancer had disappeared
from Joe's scans
Now, two years later, he is still cancer
free and Oklahoma medical researchers plan to look into Joe's
WARNING: There have been no trials of
fenbendazole for treating cancer, there may be risks involved
and the medication is not recommended by doctors
In January 2017, Joe Tippens was certain that he would die of
small cell lung cancer.
But then a veterinarian suggested he try something
unconventional, to say the least: a drug for dogs.
The medication, fenbendazole, is an anti-worm compound used to
treat hookworms, roundworms and other gut parasites in
animals, primarily dogs.
In recent years, studies suggesting anti-worm drugs might have
cancer-fighting properties have been cropping up in a growing
number of journals.
It's far from a proven treatment, but with three months to
live and nothing to lose, Joe decided to take a chance on it.
Joe was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016, turning
his plans upside down, just two days before he was set to move
to Switzerland from Oklahoma.
He kept up a fighting attitude, but in January 2017, he got
the news that no one is prepared to hear.
The aggressive cancer was everywhere. It had spread to his
liver, pancreas, bladder, stomach, neck and bones.
His PET scan 'lit up like a Christmas tree,' he says on his
At that late stage of small cell lung cancer, Joe's odds of
survival were less than one percent, and the average life
expectancy was three months.
He had a trans-Atlantic move planned. He was expecting a
grandson. And now everything had to come to a halt.
Doctors at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas told him they
wouldn't give up, and would put him in a clinical trial that
wouldn't save Joe, but might give him a year or so to live.
He might get to meet his grandson.
'A year (or so) sounds a lot better than 3 months, so I said
"let's go for it,"' Joe writes.
Browsing an online forum for his alma mater, Oklahoma State
University, Joe saw a post that caught his eye that same
month: 'If you have cancer or know someone who does, give me a
He did, and from the poster, a veterinarian, he learned that
scientists had accidentally discovered that a dog de-worming
drug seemed to combat many cancers in mice.
The same scientist that had conducted that research, as it
happened, had stage 4 brain cancer, and the same prognosis Joe
had been given, according to the vet.
She started popping the dog pills, and within six weeks, as
the vet told it, the scientist's cancer was gone.
Joe, who was 'a skeleton with skin hanging off of it' at half
his previous weight, he told KOCO 5 News, placed an order of
His new dosage of dog pills cost just $5 a week. His insurance
company had spent '$1.2 million on me with traditional means,'
he said.
According to a study published in Nature, the drug compound
essentially starves cancer cells and kills them.
It also is, of course, already in production, cheaper, and,
according to cell studies and reports from people who have
tried it, not very toxic, especially compared to chemo and
That said, it was a risk.
Joe stayed in the clinical trial (he does not disclose what
therapy he received) added vitamin E, CBD, bioavailable
curcumin and, of course, the dog medicine.
He didn't mention the de-worming drug to his doctors.
In May, Joe's first grandchild, Luke, was born. Joe was there
to meet him.
Two-and-a-half weeks later, he had another PET scan.
'Three months earlier...There was cancer in my body from head
to toe. And it was a terrifyingly dangerous metastasis that
leaves virtually 100% of its victims dead within 3 months.
Here I was 3 months later and the PET scan was completely
dark......void of any light.....anywhere,' Joe writes.
He was dumbfounded. His oncologist was dumbfounded, according
to Joe's account.
Joe writes that his doctor told him, 'We don't quite know what
to make of this as you are the only patient on the clinical
trial with this kind of response.'
In September 2017, Joe went for yet another scan, and was
still cancer free. At last he told his doctor what he'd been
doing outside the hospital.
There was no way at that point to prove that it was the
de-worming drug that vanished Joe's cancer, but his doctor did
tell him that he was an 'outlier' of the trial, Joe writes.
Joe's final scan was taken in January of 2018, and when he had
a follow-up appointment that April, he writes that his
oncologist kicked him out of the cancer center - because Joe
had no cancer to treat.
His results seem too-good-to-be true, but Joe claims to have
collected over 40 examples of similar success stories.
And his results were good enough to pique the interest of the
president of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Dr
Stephen Prescott.
'I'm usually skeptical, and I was and maybe still am about
this one, but there's interesting background on this' he told
Now, Dr Prescott and Joe are working on a case study report,
according to KOCO.
Joe is careful to note that he's not a doctor, and is 'only
one man with limited resources.'
'I am not prescribing medicine and I am not qualified to give
advice on medical treatments.
BUT.....I am qualified to tell my story to as many people as
Field study finds pellet-fed stoves cut
pollutant emissions 90 percent, nearing gas-stove
by Matt Shipman, North Carolina State University
A study by North Carolina State University researchers finds
that a new cookstove design, which makes use of compressed
wood pellets, reduces air pollution by about 90% for a range
of contaminants associated with health problems and climate
change. The findings stem from a Rwanda field study designed
to test the performance of the stoves in real-world
"We wanted to evaluate these new, pellet-fueled stoves, and
secured funding from the Clean Cooking Alliance and the
Climate and Clean Air Coalition based on our experience
conducting field evaluations," says Andy Grieshop, an
associate professor of environmental engineering at NC State
and corresponding author of a paper on the work.
"There have been numerous attempts to develop cleaner
cookstoves for use in developing countries, but while they've
often done well in lab testing, they've had disappointing
performance when tested in real-world conditions," Grieshop
says. "However, we found that the pellet-fed stoves performed
well in the field. We saw drastic cuts in pollutant
The pellet-fueled stoves rely on battery-powered fans to burn
the pellets efficiently, reducing pollutant emissions. The
stoves come with solar panels for recharging the batteries,
making long-term use feasible in areas where plugging a
battery charger into the wall isn't an option.
The researchers worked with residents in Rwanda, monitoring
air emissions when people prepared food using conventional
wood fires, which are common in rural areas; when using
conventional charcoal-burning cookstoves, which are common in
urban areas; and when using the new pellet-fueled cookstoves.
The researchers tested for a range of air pollutants,
including fine particulate matter (PM) and carbon
monoxide—both of which pose health risks—and black carbon,
which is a major contributor to climate change. A large
fraction of global black carbon emissions comes from heating
and cooking in homes.
"For the most part, we saw pollutant levels across the board
cut by 90% or more using the pellet-burning stoves," Grieshop
For example, the researchers found that mean reduction in PM
emissions from pellet-fueled stoves was 97% compared to wood
fires and 89% compared to charcoal cookstoves. The
pellet-fueled stoves are also the first cookstoves that have
met the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO)
highest standard—Tier 5—for carbon monoxide emissions. The
stoves also met stringent emission rate targets for carbon
monoxide set by the World Health Organization, though they
fell slightly short of the PM emission target.
"The ISO standard was developed with lab testing in mind, and
we got these results in the field, which is remarkable,"
Grieshop says.
"The only exceptions we found to these emission cuts were when
a pellet stove was used improperly," Grieshop says. "For
example, when people used sticks or other materials to start
the fire instead of kerosene, as suggested by the
manufacturer, we found higher emissions in roughly 10% of the
59 pellet stove research tests. But even the worst performance
from a pellet stove was comparable to the best performance
from a wood or charcoal cooking test."
While these results are promising, the real challenge will be
whether the pellet-fueled stove concept can be scaled up to
meet the demands of millions or billions of people in low-
income regions. Test results showing how effective the
pellet-fueled stoves are at reducing air pollution are new,
but the concept of introducing new cookstoves is not.
"The stoves we tested are essentially provided for free by a
company that makes money by selling the necessary wood fuel
pellets," Grieshop says. "Anecdotally, we found in Rwanda that
the cost of the pellets was comparable to the cost of the
charcoal people buy for their cooking needs. However, right
now, the fuel pellets are made using sawdust waste from timber
operations. We just don't know to what extent that is
The paper, "Pellet-fed gasifier stoves approach gas-stove like
performance during in-home use in Rwanda," is published in the
journal Environmental Science & Technology. First author
of the paper is Wyatt Champion, a former postdoctoral
researcher at NC State who is now at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
Environmental Science & Technology (2019).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00009
Pellet-fed gasifier stoves approach
gas-stove like performance during in-home use in Rwanda
Wyatt M Champion et al.
Sustainable pellet production saving
by Karlstad University
Nearly all households in Rwanda burn solid fuels for cooking.
A private firm in Rwanda is distributing forced-draft
pellet-fed semi-gasifier cookstoves and fuel pellets. We
measured in-use emissions of pollutants including fine
particulate matter (PM2.5), organic and elemental carbon (OC,
EC), black carbon (BC) and carbon monoxide (CO) in 91
uncontrolled cooking tests (UCTs) of both pellet and baseline
(wood; charcoal) stoves. We observed >90% reductions in
most pollutant emission factors/rates from pellet stoves
compared to baseline stoves. Pellet stoves performed far
better than gasifier stoves burning unprocessed wood, and
consistent with ISO tiers 4 and 5 for PM2.5 and CO,
respectively. Pellet stoves were generally clean, but
performance varied; emissions from the dirtiest pellet tests
matched those from the cleanest traditional stove tests. Our
real-time data suggest that events occurring during ignition
and the end of testing (e.g., refueling, char burnout) drive
high emissions during pellet tests. We use our data to
estimate potential health and climate cobenefits from stove
adoption. This analysis suggests that pellet stoves have the
potential to provide health benefits far above previously
tested biomass stoves and approaching modern fuel stoves
(e.g., LPG). Net climate impacts of pellet stoves range from
similar to LPG to negligible, depending on biomass source and
upstream emissions.