Battery Charger
Energy Times Newsletter <info@emediapress.com>
John Bedini has shown a "three-battery" circuit on his website for
over 20 years, which works by the potential difference between the
positives of three batteries in a specific arrangement. It shows
that potential difference is what matters and not necessarily
polarity. Ed Gray had a motor that ran on a process called
"Splitting the Positive" and this is directly related to the
three-battery system in principle. The well-known "Tesla Switch",
which came from Ronald Brandt has nothing to do with Tesla, but is
related to what Peter is presenting on and it operates a load
between two negatives. I presented on a cold electricity circuit a
couple years ago and it also operates a load between two
negatives. These are all overunity circuits, which have one thing
in common, they all appear to have their roots in one man's work
and that is the Self-Recharging Battery Supply of Carlos F.
Peter demonstrated a large SG, which kept itself charged up a
couple years ago - that was the "Beyond SG" presentation. Last
year, RS Stafford repeated this demonstrated with a "poor man's"
method that only required breakers from the hardware store. It
also kept itself charged up and demonstrated more work than the
net loss from the batteries. These are all related to the Benitez
Conversations and replication attempts of Benitez's system have
been going on for quite some time but only a few have made it work
such as a few members in Energetic Forum.
Peter Lindemann demonstrated a system at the 2018 ESTC that ran on
one battery bank, while charging another and it ran a
motor/generator. The batteries charged up more than they
discharged and that was with low quality garden start batteries,
which is the worst case scenario. That shows that this system will
shine with real deep cycle batteries that are larger and have very
low impedance. Low impedance batteries are the key and this has
been proven by John Bedini and Peter Lindemann over many years.
What you are about to see is the SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST and LOWEST
TECH method to replicate the Carlos F. Benitez system that has
ever been disclosed. After this, it will be hard for anyone to
have an excuse to not have a self-charging system. This
presentation shows the circuit, diagrams, patents and it includes
a PDF companion guide to support your efforts. You're free to
search Carlos F. Benitez and try to figure it out yourself, but
unless you can decipher his language of what means what, then you
will not get very far. Hence, the fact that besides Peter, only
two others that we know of have achieved overunity with this
concept - and that is over quite a few years.
Peter's presentation is about 45 minutes and is the only time
Benitez's system has been disclosed in this manner for what it is
- an intro to the history, the operating theory, some revelations
that Peter had that made it make sense and Peter's very specific
schematics on how to build the system. Our hope is that
replicating this exact method will take off and will become even
more popular than the Bedini SG. This is SCALABLE, which means you
can build this as big as you want!
Bedini Tesla Switch, What's wrong with it?
It KILLS Batteries!
Rick Friedrich
I am going to talk to you about what is wrong with Bedini's Tesla
Switch and show you several very important clips from Bedini
himself to forever settle this issue. The one is an 1984 long
audio clip from Bedini where he tells you about how he first
discovered this idea in his first Energizer that he only did once
and wrote a book about. Later I show a clip from my 2010
Convention where he says the Watson machine kills the one battery
system. This system is essentially the Bedini Tesla Switch in
regards to the batteries. This last clip shows Bedini telling you
how the battery is ruined. Yet Bedini never figures out or lets
the public known that this is exactly the same process as the
Tesla Switch. I explain all this while showing his actual Tesla
Switch as shown at the 1984 Tesla Symposium. I explain also why
this kills the batteries in such systems as well as with solar
charging systems from actually real world experience with working
with batteries my whole life. I show how Bedini revealed himself
to not do proper and sufficient experiments and produced and
promoted many battery killing products over the years. I also show
how Carlos Benitez 100 years ago developed the real switch this
idea is based from, and how Patrick Kelly's Free Energy book also
misleads you in the same ways. It is time for a new generation of
people to stand up and speak the truth in this matters and cut
through this misinformation and save people seeking free energy
money, time, and faith. Let 2017 be a new year for this!
This is kind of a two part series, the next of which may be done
tomorrow. And it can be sort of considered part of a seven part
series on John C Bedini where I am trying to give you a more
realisitic picture of Bedini as from someone who really knew him
with actual video and detail not seen before or noticed. This is
part of setting the record straight. John always joked and knew
that I would write a book on all this in the end. While I don't
have the time or interest to focus so much on him, I feel it is my
obligation to correct what misconseptions I may have contributed
to and help others not go off the track as I have seen so many do.
Lastly, I have let slander go uncorrected for some years now, so
it is time to give out some of the facts to set those records
straight. It is my hope that we can move on from 2016 and previous
years and personalities to a much more efficient and useful day.
That 2017 will be a new beginning of hope and faith and love and
were we can see people work together like never before.
There are thousands of things to remember about these processes
and this technology. I was rereading from Bearden's EFTV book
where he talked about John doing a motor that was back-popped and
run on itself for 5 years. This story very much relates to this
discussion. I simply forgot about it. As I said, there is a lot to
cover in this subject. I don't remember how much information John
Bedini shared about this if anything. It is hard to remember what
he shared on the groups from what he shared in person in some
matters. He may have shared something about this on the SG group
or hinted at it. But what he shared with me is that the battery in
that one system that ran for years was completely ruined. It
functioned like a capacitor and was good for nothing. I'm not sure
why he didn't keep it running or if it couldn't continue after
that time. The point is that the back popping system is the same
thing as the Tesla Switch and Watson machine. All of them destroy
the battery. But it is significant that even when the battery was
ruined it was still used in the system. In these last few videos I
showed pictures of several small 1 battery SG circuit motors. The
batteries on these were over 10 or 20 years old and the motors
still started up and ran. These never were run for a long time,
but the alkaline batteries are like good capacitors as the
original school girl found out in her little motor. So while the
concept can work in a way, it is a battery killer in the end.
There are ways around that that I don't have time to get into at
the present. But not the way John presented. The Bedini Tesla
Switch and like systems destroy the batteries according to
all instructions given to the public. And that is my point.
Carlos F. Benitez An Ignored Pioneer and
Father of Free Energy Technology
Carlos Benitez - Abstracts and Redraws
Benitez-Plug, Earth and Me
150 V AC at 100 Hz (high impedance as usual which makes it fairly
safe) feeding through (what I call) a Benitez-plug to a cap
connected to earth. First nothing happens, but when I introduce
myself the cap gets exited. The patent is nr 17,811 by Carlos F.
System for Generation of Electric Currents
[ PDF ]
( Click to Enlarge )
Distributing by condensers and transformers.- A transformer
primary is connected between a condenser and earth by means of a
rotary com. mutator, and the secondary is connected through an
arrangement of condensers and transformers to the first condenser.
One side of the condenser 1 is connected to a supply main 13 when
the switch 14 is closed, and the other side is connected to the
primary 3 of a transformer. The other terminal of primary 3 is
connected alternately to earth and the condenser 1 through the
brushes 38, 18 of the rotary commutator. On the secondary side 4
is an arrangement of condensers 5, 9 and transformers 7, 70. The
circuits include rectifiers a .... f and a spark-gap 6. The
commutator consists of three insulating - drums, each having a
central conducting strip with two oppositely projecting
longitudinal strips, those of the centre drum not being in line
with the other two. The Specification states that when the switch
14 is closed and the commutator is in the position shown, the
condenser 1 is charged and the primary 3 is energized, while on
the secondary side a series of high-frequency currents are induced
in the transformer 70, which charge the condenser 9 to a high
potential. The system being selfworking, the switch 14 may be
opened. When the commutator is rotated through a quarter of a
revolution, the condenser 1 discharges through the primary 3, and
the charge on the condenser 9 is increased. The switch is then
closed and the commutator rotated again. The condenser 1 is
recharged from the condenser 9, and the currents may be employed
to energize the transformer 10 and run the motor 12 to drive the
commutator &c. The arrangement of transformers 50, 59 and
condenser 54 may be used in place of the highfrequency arrangement
already described.
System for Generation of Electric Currents
[ PDF ]

Supplying by arrangements of transformers and condensers.-In a
modfication of the system for generating electric currents
described in the parent Specification, vapour converters are
dispensed with. In the arrangement shown, three pairs of
condensers, 1, A, C and three transformers 2, 5, 25 are used,
together with a commutator 38 for completing the circuits in the
required order. The condensers 1 are first charged from an
external source through the connector 13, which is then turned out
of the vertical position so as to disconnect the condensers from
the source. On moving the commutator into the position shown, the
condensers are discharged through the primary of transformer 5,
the secondary of which charges condensers A, C. On moving the
commutator through a third of a revolution the condensers C are
discharged through the primary of the transformer 2, the secondary
of which is connected to the inner coatings of the condensers A,
the outer coatings of which are at this moment connected to the
inner coatings of condensers 1. On moving the commutator again
through a third of a revolution, the condensers A discharge
through the primary of transformer 25, the secondary of which
recharges condensers 1, the surplus energy being utilized through
another transformer 30 for driving a motor 35 which turns the
commutator and for other purposes. In a modification, the
condensers A, C are permanently connected together and are
charged, as before, from a condenser 1 through a transformer. The
condensers A, C are then discharged through the primary of
transformer 25, the secondary of which recharges condenser 1 and
furnishes surplus energy to a transformer 30.
System for Generation of Electric Currents
[ PDF ]
( Click to Enlarge )

Systems of charging and discharging galvanic batteries; supplying
by arrangements of condensers and transformers; systems of
charging and discharging condensers.-Batteries of accumulators are
arranged in two sets, and one set, consisting of the parts 1, 2
being charged and arranged in series, is used to charge the second
set consisting of the parts 3, 4 arranged in parallel or
series-parallel. The charging-circuit contains the primaries 15,
27 of two transformers having condensers 14, 22 connected as
shown, with a view to augmenting the charging-current, so that
when the second set is fully charged by arranging its parts in
series and the set 1, 2 in parallel, the second set will be used
to charge the first, augmentation being again obtained. The effect
obtained from the condensers and transformers is described in the
parent Specifition and in Specification 5591/15. A trembler may
replace the spark-gap 23.
New process System for Generation of Electric Currents
[ PDF ]

Systems of charging and discharging galvanic batteries.-In an
electric supply system comprising two sets of galvanic batteries,
one set discharges to perform useful work and to charge the other
set by means of an oscillatory circuit and a set of rectifiers.
The battery connexions are varied by a commutator operated by
solenoids, the circuits of which are controlled by a clock. In the
position shown in Fig. 1 the commutator 5, mounted on a shaft 6,
establishes the following discharging circuit for the battery
1-2-positive pole of battery, ammeter 22, lead 21, terminal 17,
Figs. 1 and 2, segment 14, terminal 18, lead 26, motor 27, 28,
lead 30, load 40, terminal 39, brushes and segment 9 of commutator
5, terminal 77 to negative pole of battery 1-2. The motor 27, 28
drives an alternator 42 connected to the terminals 44, 45 of the
primary winding of a transformer. The terminals 46, 47 of the
secondarv winding of the transformer are connected to a condenser
48 forming with an inductance 55 and an arc 51, 52 an oscillatory
circuit, which operates as a source of energy to charge the
battery 3-4 through rectifying valves 33, 34, 35, and 36 and the
following circuit, lead 32, terminal 19, Figs. 1 and 2, segment
15, terminal 20, ammeter 24, battery 3-4, brushes and connexion 10
of commutator, and lead 37. After a predetermined time, the
commutator 5 is operated to place the battery 3-4 on discharge
through the load 41 and motor 27, 28, and to place the battery 1-2
on charge from the oscillating circuit. The commutator 5 is
operated by a handle or electro-magnetically by one of two
solenoids 62, 63, the circuits of which are controlled by a clock
67. The minute hand of the clock is adapted to engage contacts 68,
69, and the hour hand is adapted to engage twelve studs 70. Six of
the studs 70 are placed upon a metal disk 72, Fig. 4, provided
with six holes through which the six other studs 70 on the disk
71, Fig. 3, pass. The disks 71 and 72 are connected respectively
to solenoids 62, 63, Fig. 1, by leads 74, 75. In the position
shown, the solenoid 62 is energized from one-half the battery 3-4;
while one hour later the solenoid 63 is energized from one-half
the battery 1-2 to change the position of the commutator.
Specification 14311/15, which describes a battery charging and
discharging system, is referred to.