Dr. Fritz BLASS, et al.

Related: Ozone Therapy @
Oxidation News, Vol. 1, Jan. 1989
Reprinted from paper written in 1939 by Dr. Blass

by Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass
Leading Physician, Homoeopath, Naturopath and Originator of Oxygen Therapy Blass

When people are suffering of so-called chronic, incurable ills which under medical care grow from bad to worse, and the medical men say "good night", as was actually the case with me, they rarely get the chance to employ practical common sense in the health of their own bodies.

As it happened, I was an experienced combustion engineer, inventor and revolutionist, and personally designed the ovens in the combustion industry in the USA and Germany. In 1922, early in my career, I was doomed by the scientific "healers" and declared virtually hopeless, ready for the undertaker. So far, I have cheated the writer of the last paper (death certificate) and the undertaker of their chance, and they will have to wait a long time for it. (Editor's Note: They did wait a long time, until 1967, when Dr. Blass, at the age of 87, was mercilessly attacked and killed in front of his home by unknown assailants.)..

I will not give you my life story, for most people will not believe it!

Here stands a man who suffered the tortures of the medical school, and holds them responsible for the hardships I had to endure. I am now a live-wire, a vigorous example in contrast to their supposedly doomed man of 1922. I tried many other healing methods in vain till I quit them all. At least this suffering of forty years, and the resulting study of life, health, ailing and healing, brought about something of good for me and for others ailing, namely: A NEW LIGHT IN THE DARK !!! A NEW ROAD TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS!! A SURE SANE DEPENDABLE METHOD OF HEALING , USABLE BY EVERYONE!!

Every creature having its own life (parasites excluded), if ailing, finds in this new method the sure road to health.

The fundamental element is OXYGEN, in its active or nascent state, also called OZONE. As a rule it is not inhaled but taken through the digestive tract, mucus membranes and skin, and for this reason is bound to alkaline minerals related to our body. However, in certain cases, it is also inhaled.

As an industrial gas, combustion and distillation engineer, I look upon the human and animal body quite differently than usually is done and so developed certain basically true values for the brief explanation of the words: LIFE, HEALTH, DISEASE, HEALING and OXIDATION.

LIFE: All animal, plant and mineral life is the result of perfect oxidation.

HEALTH: Health expresses a pure body, in which every organ is intact and performs its allotted function 100%, thus creating, through normal digestion, perfect and pure vital fluids to maintain the cellular construction of the body in a good healthy condition.

DISEASE: Disease expresses an unhealthy body filled with impurities, unable to maintain itself in a healthy state regardless of the name of the disease. No matter how many signs or symptoms may appear, I know only that it is a healthy or dis-eased body.

HEALING: Healing is the restoration of HEALTH, without destroying organs, cells, etc. through operation, poison, burning by x-ray or radium rays, etc., but solely through the natural constituents (elements) of a healthy body and non-poisonous agents obtained from the plant and mineral kingdoms. (I believe that through oxidation two kingdoms maintain the third one, and vice versa, which means the animal kingdom lives naturally on the products of the plant and mineral kingdoms, while the plant kingdom takes its food from both the mineral and animal kingdoms, and the mineral kingdom is maintained by the animal and plant kingdoms; all through oxidation, and this is the true reason that LIFE on earth will never cease as long as a healthy oxidation is maintained, both personally and environmentally, and, of course, planetarily.)

OXIDATION: Oxidation is the true source of PHYSICAL LIFE (True Life is Health), impaired oxidation is disease, cessation of oxidation is death. This holds good for the three kingdoms on earth: in fact, for the whole Universe. The proof: a healthy body is warm, full of vigor, radiant energy, magnetism, beauty and power. An unhealthy body lacks all these aspects, at least partly, according to the bodily condition. The dead body lacks everything. It is cold, lifeless, pale and goes immediately into decay. It will become then, through oxidation, replenishment for the other two kingdoms which formerly supported it.

Compare these basic rules with the stimulation methods of "Healing Arts" currently in vogue. From the viewpoint of my simple definition of LIFE, HEALTH, AILING, and HEALING, the thinking reader should be able to compare the various theories and practices employed by the different "healing arts". The thoughtful student of these systems must reach the conclusion that none of them actually attacks or eliminates the cause of disease, but through stimulation actually unnecessarily saps the vitality of an already weakened and diseased body.

Now let us consider the methods in common use:

1). ALLOPATHY: Orthodox School of Medicine, M.D. - Employs poisonous drugs to counteract, deaden the pain of and suppress the symptoms of the body. It overlooks the fact entirely that every sick body contains poisonous waste mater which obviously cannot be eliminated by the addition of more poison. Encumbered by the poisonous waste matter, normalization of the vital fluids thereby becomes utterly impossible and the "poison(s)" used as the "medicine" only serves to aggravate the cause and suffering even though there may be apparent improvement for a time. The use of poison always brings deplorable after-effects, and most so-called chronic and incurable ills have their beginning therein, because they result in a slow but sure breakdown of the cellular structure of the body. These later are recognized as physical and mental symptoms whose signs and names are legion. Injections of vaccines, serums and anti-toxins or any other foreign and poisonous matter bring results similar to those produced by drugs. Drugs cannot purify the body, nor normalize the vital fluids.

1a). SURGERY AND OPERATIONS which remove organs, either wholly or in part, are unable to purify the body or normalize the vital fluids. They not only lower the vitality, cause loss of blood and introduce poisonous matter into the system in the course of the operation, but they remove parts of the body which are indispensable to its functioning as a whole. Consequently, they cannot possibly be considered as healing measures but aggravate the case and in many instances render complete recovery hopeless.

1b). POWERFUL X-RAYS AND RADIUM RAYS (note: chemotherapy & radiation therapy) cannot purify the body nor create healthy blood; they can only burn the remaining healthy tissues. Therefore, do more harm than good and cannot be recognized as helpful or healing methods. Other methods used by Allopaths and Surgeons may be considered as business expedients, and consequently are valueless from a health standpoint.

2). HOMOEOPATHY: This healing art started in 1844, three years before the Allopathic Medical Profession (AMA). Homoeopathy has practically been outlegislated by the influence of the Allopaths in this country. This art is not as dangerous or injurious in its results on the patient. However, it must also be classified as a stimulating method. Poison remains poison no matter how modified. It can never perform the essential steps in healing: namely purification, elimination, normalization and repair.

3). OSTEOPATHY: does not produce the pernicious effects that characterize the older systems mentioned; but its results are also only those of stimulation. It cannot normalize the vital fluids. Hence, it cannot be called a true healing method. Their founder, Andrew Still, truly recognized the basis of all disease, but in the years following, the message of the founder has virtually been lost in side issues and compromises.

4). CHIROPRACTIC: belongs in the same category as osteopathy, usually harmless and at times helpful, but it cannot effect a permanent cure in organic ailments. Under certain conditions it is entirely useless, since the true cause of dislocated vertebrae, etc., is the undernourishment of muscles, ligaments and the various organs. This can only be corrected through the normalization of the process of bodily maintenance.

5). NATUROPATHY: as known and practiced thus far, includes many and various methods. It is as yet not a complete therapy of itself, as is willingly admitted by its exponents, although it has, beyond a doubt, so far produced the best results. The underlying causes of the worst ailments cannot be radically removed merely by fasting, uses of cold water and natural living, nor can the vital fluids be normalized thereby, to the point essential to the possession of vigorous, radiant health. My new method should be considered as the missing link to making it a complete success.

I will not describe nor criticize in detail the various practices employed by these systems, and since argumentation is useless, we should at all times be guided solely by facts and logical reasoning. I wish to present here an outline of the basically sound and never-failing principles upon which my new healing method is founded. Later, I shall describe and explain and evidence of the absolute integrity of OXYGEN THERAPY BLASS.

As already stated, I claim that OXIDATION is the source of Life and Health - the mainspring of beauty, vitality, power, energy, heat, electricity, and even of magnetic personality and the happiness of the individual. The entire cellular structure is maintained by means of oxidation. When the cells wear out, they must be broken down and replaced by new ones; the rebuilding process keeps pace with the tearing down only when the oxidation is adequate, and this is only possible when the constituency of the vital fluids is normal.

(Editor's Note: Here Dr. Blass is referring to simple processes of the human body, long since forgotten, now misunderstood and misnomered "the peroxidation destructive free radical syndrome". As recently mentioned by
Professor Halliwell of the the University of London, in his scientific paper entitled:

"Oxygen Radicals: A Commonsense Look at Their Nature and Medical Importance" in Medical Biology 62:71-77, 1984.

"Initiation of peroxidation in a membrane of polyunsaturated fatty acid is due to the attack of any species that can 'pull off' a hydrogen atom from one of the - CH2 - groups in the carbon chain. Hydroxyl radical and possibly HO2 can do this, but H2O2 and O2 cannot."

Hence O2 does not initiate lipid peroxidation.

In speaking of singlet oxygen, Professor Halliwell states:

"Its formation in O2 - generating systems has often been proposed but clear-cut evidence for a damaging role of singlet oxygen in such systems has not been obtained."

Thus evidence that a toxin increases lipid peroxidation in vivo does not prove the sequence of events: toxin - lipid peroxidation - damage, but is equally explained by the sequence toxin - cell damage or death - lipid peroxidation. Now back to Dr. Blass.)

Ordinarily we inhale, according to atmospheric conditions, about 20% molecular oxygen with the air through the activity of the lungs. In order to fully utilize this oxygen in the process of oxidation, it is imperative that the vital fluids be efficient carriers of this element. If these fluids are deficient in the inorganic minerals which are contained in the wholesome drinking water, or in the organic minerals supplied by use of natural organic food, they fall below the normal standard.

The fluids may be further impaired in quality by the use of poisonous or foreign matter. The result is that oxidation is hampered and disease inevitably follows. Similar consequences come from inhalation of air which is filled with poisonous gasses and impurities. The recognizable results of an insufficient oxidation, either because of a lack of minerals or oxygen, or because of the presence of foreign matter in the blood stream, are the symptoms which bear the imposing nomenclature of modern "dis-ease". the different kinds of parasites, which are the "germs" commonly blamed for the creation of these various symptoms, find food and lodging in the diseased soil which accumulates in the body but, logically, are not the cause of disease. A clean habitation will not tolerate such hospitality and normal vital fluids constitute the best insurance against sickness.

The body is not without a barometer which quickly indicates its condition. As long as oxidation is carried on to the extent necessary to maintain the tearing down and rebuilding processes of all parts of the cellular structure, the chemical constituency of blood and tissue is predominantly alkaline; as soon as oxidation is lacking they become increasingly acid and the percentage of acid gauges very accurately the state of vitality of the individual.

A parallel indication of health is to be recognized in the quantity and quality of the red blood corpuscles and the lymphatic fluids. The more nearly perfect the oxidation process, the purer the blood stream and the nearer to normal the glandular activity must be.

Vitality and vigor of mind, as well as body, are dependent on this essential process, which can be greatly enhanced through the use of OXYGEN THERAPY BLASS. This is the real "Fountain of Youth" which many altruistic philosophers have sought for centuries. Everyone may enjoy its blessings and regain that precious boon: TRUE HEALTH!!!
Oxidation News, Vol. 1, Jan. 1989 ( Reprinted from paper written in 1939 by Dr. Blass )

by Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass

Interview with Dr. George A. Freibott IV, re: Homozone
Dr. Eugene Blass

Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass is considered to be one of the fathers of oxygen therapy. Dr. Blass believed that a patient's bowel must be cleansed and free of any old impacted fecal matter (hardened mucus toxins) that might impair health, and realized that cancer and other pathogens did not live well in a well-oxygenated environment.

In 1929, while looking for a cure for cancer, and according to some sources working with the great inventor Nikola Tesla in a Paris hotel, Dr. Blass developed a powdered form of stabilized oxygen which was bound to pharmaceutical quality magnesium; this was an improvement on the earlier product Haemozon which was developed in 1898 by two German Doctors, Thauerkauf and Luth. The product, the forerunner of the modern Homozon™, was designed to be a strong source of both magnesium and oxygen which would effectively promote intestinal cleansing to eliminate accumulated hardened mucus waste.

Dr. Blass was murdered outside his house in December 1967 – the same same year and month in which another famous oxygen therapy pioneer, Dr. William Koch, died of poisoning.

Homozon has been around since 1898.  It comes from the collaboration of the minds of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Blass.

The proprietary process has never been duplicated although many products try to replicate what Homozon can do.

While products like Oxypowder and Colosan are second and third to Homozon's amazing ability Homozon is still 3 times more powerful than it's second place rival. "Of the commercial products tested only Homozon showed any activity.  The Homozon product clearly generated the most “oxygen”.   The solution was stable over the 18-hour test period with no appreciable amount of degradation."


Dr. Otto Warburg, the only person in the history of medicine to win the Nobel Prize twice in medicine (nominated three times) found that any cell deprived of 50% or more of its Oxygen turned cancerous! Because, the true cause of all disease is cellular degeneration and death the end result. Keeping the body and its components, the cells, in top working order is imperative.

There is no better way of detoxifying the body and thereby the system, organs and cells of the body than through enhancing the oxidative/reductive mechanism or as Dr. Warburg said, to literally "FLOOD THE BODY WITH OXYGEN."

The most efficient Oxidizing agent known is Ozone. More than 100 years of scientific study and practical usage has brought this conclusion to the minds of many scientists, industrial experts and health care practitioners. Whenever true Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen releasing preparations have been used properly in the treatment of disease, the results have been astonishing. However, Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen in its gaseous form cannot be easily brought into the alimentary (digestive) tract for optimizing health; it can only do so if bound to other substances (minerals, water, etc.)


The compound, HOMOZON© – corporately called Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© – are part of a life style program originating in 1898 and encompassing more than 100 years of oxidative scientific study. The scientists involved have been illustrious and many. The therapy they founded in Germany came to the USA in 1900, was optimized in 1990 with scientific studies continuing today. The present institute is involved in the translation of vast amounts of German data being used for further optimization of these compounds and the proliferation of the "Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©" lifestyle.


Why is OXIDATION so vital to human life? When Oxidation stops, then life stops. Its shortage causes poor health. Its abundance maintains good strong health.

GOOD HEALTH is the condition of being physically and mentally sound, a normal functioning strong body.

POOR HEALTH is poor functioning, unhealthy weak body, damaged health due to impure vital fluids and poor functioning organs.

HEALING is the elimination of the cause of poor health, the restoration and repair of damaged health.


Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© is a basic plan for the restoration and maintenance of health through Oxygen. The body is invigorated by Oxygen.

OXYGEN in its most active state is a natural purifier and revitalizes and rejuvenates health. The best purifying and strongest Oxidizing agent for the body is Ozone which releases Nascent (free, available, active) or Active Oxygen. It is bound to minerals and set free in the digestive system where it easily combines with moisture, organic and inorganic substances through Oxidation. It neutralizes and removes toxins or poisons, heavy metals and harmful anaerobic bacteria to rebuild a strong healthy body. Active Oxygen Oxidizes within the digestive system, blood, organs, cells, open wounds and inflamed mucus membranes.

ACTIVE OXYGEN is safe, gentle and not habit-forming permitting normal bowel activity. It helps normal intestinal flora. Use it every day to keep the digestive system free of toxins or poisons permitting better use of essential minerals and nutrients.

ACTIVE OXYGEN works well for skin care in baths and washes to open pores, improve circulation, disinfect, deodorize, germicide and heal. It acts as a neutralizing agent and health protector. It is HARMLESS.

HEALTH is maintained when you keep the basic elements of blood in a normal healthy condition. Only then is normal Oxidation possible, the steady repair and support of the body. Oxidation maintains health and life. The lack of it causes damaged health. Without it life stops.

HEALTHY BLOOD is easy flowing, thin, real red, and is the necessary part to a strong healthy body. Such, normal vital fluids can carry enough inhaled Oxygen to maintain normal healthy Oxidation processes. Oxidation sustains strong organs and cells to do their normal function.

When foreign matters of any kind (like poisonous drugs, toxins, fermented or decayed substances) enter the blood stream and there is a lack of "Mineral Elements and Oxygen" then you change the normal composition of the vital fluids. Damaged health, subnormal body function, gradual decay or starvation of the body will result.


Living by the "Laws of Nature" helps prevent poor health and maintain good strong health. Prove it by providing your body with regular exercise, enough rest, pure food, pure water and fresh air with the Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© plan.

No other product today contains as much available Oxygen as the "Original Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©" (with Registered Trade Mark and Seal) product commonly known as HOMOZON©.


HOMOZON© is an Oxygen Therapy product designed for internal use. It is a compound of Oxygen and beneficial gases bonded to magnesium in which the magnesium atoms form a loose lattice onto which much Oxygen is bonded by a proprietary catalytic process and released by catalysts. The health benefitting action is derived from the presence of magnesium peroxide, magnesium super-oxide and magnesium ozonide. Homozon© provides Oxygen to the body in the form of Nascent or "singlet" Oxygen (also called the Oxygen free-radical) which does not have to be converted by the body into a form (atmospheric Oxygen . . . O2 . . . ) we normally breathe. Nascent Oxygen is Oxygen in it's most freely, available and active chemical state, and is the only state of Oxygen the body uses. It is the basic gentle Oxidizing preparation of Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©. It is a mild laxative, recommended for all ailments due to constipation or faulty assimilation, metabolism or elimination.

Directions for HOMOZON©:

Daily rations vary according to intended purpose. For internal use it is best to use small quantities at short intervals. Take about ¼ to several teaspoons as often daily as is desirable. Stir into 6-8 ounces of pure spring water or distilled water and swallow. Follow with sufficient diluted acid, preferably lemon juice (¼ to ½ lemon) in water after each dose or you may also use citric acid or betaine hydrochloride tablets. This will begin dissolving the powder setting free the beneficial gases for action releasing Oxygen inside the digestive tract producing many benefits. The purifying action continues when combined with hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract or blood. This Active Oxygen is time released in about an 8-hour period. (Easy access to a bathroom is advised for several hours after each serving is taken.) It cleanses the bowel, and has anti-fungal, anti-candida, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Homozon© has a wonderful laxative effect. The stool is always loose and bowel movement regular and, depending on the dosage, frequent. Some people consider the bowel-loosening action of Homozon© a problem, but is really one of its desired effects, facilitating elimination of toxicity through the bowel. However Homozon© works by Oxidizing toxins and fecal matter in the bowel and not by irritating it as with conventional laxatives.


The preparations are non-poisonous, not habit-forming, harmless in large doses, produce no bad after effects, usable by young and old, internally and externally.

When active Oxygen comes in contact with toxins or poisons, heavy metals, bacteria or viruses, they are neutralized by Oxidation. Therefore, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: soft
stools (not diarrhea but oxidation), opening of sinus or nasal passage and a mild tingling sensation. The stool will normalize when the system becomes free of toxins or poisons. These are healing reactions,
natural cleansing processes and not harmful side effects. Above all do not give up even if you decide to decrease the dosage. Do not misinterpret the symptoms as "bad" but rather be grateful for them. It is the
price for recovery of your health.

The following is taken from an information sheet provided by the manufacturer and is not to be construed as medical advice.

What can be expected while using Homozon©?

The first effect one can expect while taking Homozon© is enhanced excretory function. Commonly noted also is an increase in overall energy. Where the increase in bowel function never completely abates, it does
ease as cellular toxicity lessens and one remains on the product for some time. Effects do vary between individuals somewhat, but enhanced bowel function and increase in energy are the most noted effects.

How long will the 'loose stool' effect continue?

Homozon© does not cause diarrhea. Increased doses equals increased bowel function and improved assimilation. Effects do range from a loose stool to clear water, depending on the doses.

Remember . . . This is enhanced Oxidation / Oxygenation . . . NOT pathological diarrhea with its accompanying sluggishness, dehydration and electrolyte depletion. Homozon© increases assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually repairing bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving blood quality and assisting in parasite elimination.

What is the daily dose of Homozon© and how is it taken?

The dosage for an adult ranges from one quarter to several teaspoons two or more times daily at least,
morning and evening.

The average maintenance dosage is a teaspoon, or more, as desired. Homozon© is mixed into pure
distilled, filtered or spring water, and then drunk.

Follow immediately with ¼ to ½ of a lemon squeezed into four to six ounces of pure water.

Repeated tests on the product over the past 100 years to determine the safe and effective usage has found, up to thirty-two teaspoons can be consumed in one day with no detrimental effects noted.

Dosage and frequency of use should be regulated by your physician or natural health care practitioner. The product is non-toxic, harmless, beneficial, effective and healthful.

*** The reputation of real Oxidation and Oxygen therapy has been validated by Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg, director of the Max Planck Institute on Cell Physiology in Germany and the ONLY person to
win the Nobel Prize in Medicine twice, with a three-time nomination.

The whole purpose of Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© and Oxygen Therapies in general is to assist in fulfilling the dictates of Dr. Otto Warburg who said to "FLOOD THE BODY WITH OXYGEN!"

The number of scientists, researchers, practitioners and patients who have received both the scientific and healing rewards of "Oxidation Oriented Therapy?" They now number in the millions with no detrimental
side effects whatsoever.

*** Homozon© was first developed in 1898 in Germany, since then the formulation has been improved a number of times. Today there are many copycat oxygen products on the market. However we believe
Homozon© is still the most effective product available. Oxygen content of one teaspoonful delivers about as much singlet oxygen as one 16-ounce bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Another example is one teaspoon delivers about as much singlet oxygen as 750 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide. For those who are new to oxygen therapy that is a lot of oxygen!

*** The oldest oxidation organization in the world was founded as the Institute for Oxygen Therapy in Berlin in 1898. They commissioned Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass to open the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy, which continues today as the International Association for Oxygen Therapy, Priest River, ID, USA

The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice, diagnostic nor prescriptive.

Interview with  Dr. George Freibott

( Homeopath and a Naturopath, President of The American Naturopathic Association for over 20 years.
Magnesium peroxide

Magnesium dioxide, magnesium bioxide, UN 1476
CAS Number  1335-26-8
ECHA InfoCard     100.034.928
EC Number   238-438-1
PubChem CID   61745
Chemical formula    MgO2
Molar mass     56.3038 g/mol
Appearance     White or off-white powder
Density     3 g/cm3
Melting point     223 °C (433 °F; 496 K)
Boiling point     350 °C (662 °F; 623 K) (decomposes)
Solubility in water    insoluble
Crystal structure    Cubic, cP12
Space group    Pa3, No. 205

Magnesium peroxide (MgO2) is an odorless fine powder peroxide with a white to off-white color. It is similar to calcium peroxide because magnesium peroxide also releases oxygen by breaking down at a controlled rate with water. Commercially, magnesium peroxide often exists as a compound of magnesium peroxide and magnesium hydroxide.


O2, similarly to N2, has the ability to bind either side-on or end-on. The structure of MgO2 has been calculated as a triangular shape with the O2 molecule binding side-on to the magnesium. This arrangement is a result of the Mg+ donating charge to the oxygen and creating a Mg2+O22−. The bond between to O2 and the magnesium atom has an approximate dissociation energy of 90 kJ mol−1.[1]

In the solid state, MgO2 has a cubic pyrite-type crystal structure with 6-coordinate Mg2+ ions and O22− peroxide-groups, according to experimental data [2] and evolutionary crystal structure prediction,[3] the latter predicting a phase transition at the pressure of 53 GPa to a tetragonal structure with 8-coordinate Mg2+ ions. While at normal conditions MgO2 is a metastable compound (less stable than MgO + 1 2 O 2 {\displaystyle {\ce {MgO +1/2O2}}} {\displaystyle {\ce {MgO +1/2O2}}}), at pressures above 116 GPa it is predicted to become thermodynamically stable in the tetragonal phase. This theoretical prediction has been experimentally confirmed via synthesis in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell.[4]

MgO2 can be produced by mixing MgO with hydrogen peroxide to create magnesium peroxide and water. This being an exothermic reaction should be cooled and kept around 30–40 degrees Celsius. It is also important to remove as much iron from the reaction environment as possible due to iron's ability to catalyze the degradation of the peroxide. The addition of oxygen stabilizers such as sodium silicate can also be used to help prevent the premature degradation of the peroxide. Regardless, a good yield from this reaction is only about 35%.[5]

    MgO + H 2 O 2 ⟶ MgO 2 + H 2 O {\displaystyle {\ce {MgO + H2O2 -> MgO2 + H2O}}} {\displaystyle {\ce {MgO + H2O2 -> MgO2 + H2O}}}

High yields are further complicated by the fact that MgO2 reacts with water to degrade the peroxide into magnesium hydroxide, also known as milk of magnesia.


Magnesium peroxide is a stable oxygen releasing compound, which is used in agricultural and environmental industries. It is used to reduce contaminant levels in groundwater. Magnesium peroxide is used in the bioremediation of contaminated soil and can improve the soil quality for plant growth and metabolism. It also used in the aquaculture industry for bioremediation.

For sanitation purposes magnesium peroxide is often used as a source of oxygen for aerobic organisms in the treatment and disposal of biological waste. Since the breakdown of hydrocarbons in soil is usually quicker in aerobic conditions, MgO2 can also added to compost piles or in soil to speed up the microbe activities and to reduce the odors produced in the process.[6][7]

In certain circumstances MgO2 has also been shown to inhibit growth of bacteria. In particular, the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria can be inhibited in an environment containing magnesium peroxide. While the oxygen slowly dissociates, it is theorized that it may then act to displace the sulfate that normally acts as the terminal electron acceptor in their electron transport chain.[8]

Magnesium peroxide is an irritant that can cause redness, itching, swelling, and may burn the skin and eyes on contact. Inhalation can also cause irritation to the lungs, nose, and throat, as well as causing coughing. Long term exposure may lead to lung damage, shortness of breath, and tightening of the chest. Ingestion of MgO2 can cause numerous adverse effects including: bloating, belching, abdominal pain, irritation of the mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.[9][10]

Environmentally, Magnesium peroxide is not a naturally occurring compound and is not known to persist in the environment for prolonged times, in its complete state, or to bio-accumulate. The natural degradation of MgO2 leads to Magnesium hydroxide, O2, and H2O. If spilled, MgO2 should be contained and isolated from any waterways, sewer drains, and it should be isolated from combustible materials or chemicals including paper, cloth, and wood[6]. ...


New or Improved Process for the Production of Superoxide of Magnesium.

It is well known that hydrate of magnesium suspended in water with hydrogen superoxide will form magnesium superoxide, and that the latter will also be produced by introducing finely powdered sodium superoxide into a solution of a magnesium salt in water.

The superoxides so obtained are, however, very unstable, being easily decomposed, giving up free oxygen.

The present invention relates to a process for the production, of stable magnesium superoxide combinations, such a process not being known up to the present time, and is as follows:-First magnesium hydrate, or basic magnesium carbonate or similar material is moistened .to such an extent only that it still retains a powdery form, and is then mixed with so much sodiumauperoaide powder until heat is produced indicating a chemical reaction; the heating however, must be counteracted either by cooling the vessel from the outside, or by introducing an excess of cold hydrate of magnesium powder or basic carbonate of sodium powder so as to avoid decomposition i.e., the generation of oxygen.

To state an example: mix 10 to 12 parts of sodium superoxide with 50 parts of magnesium hydrate powder or of magnesium hydrocarbonate powder.

Separately moisten 50 parts of magnesium hydrate powder, or of magnesium hydrocarbonate powder with water to the extent of' half the quantity of the sodium superoxide taken in the first mixture taking care that a very fine and even distribution of the water in the powder is obtained. Then mix the two sets of powder as rapidly as possible, and magnesium superoxide will be formed under heat up to a temperature of 80 C. When the quantity of water used is excessive the product is unstable, and when it is below the quantity required, part of the sodium .superoxide will remain unaltered which, should the product be used suspended in water, would at once induce decomposition.

In contact with organic matter this superoxide combination acts as an antiseptic of very great potency and value.

It is well known that hydrate of magnesium suspended in water with hydrogensupc-roxidu will form magnesiumsupcroxide, and that the latter will also be pro-duced by introducing finely powdered sodium superoxide into a solution of amagnesium salt in water.

The superoxides so obtained are, however, very unstable, being easily decom- posed, giving up free oxygen.

The present invention relates to a process for the production of stable magnesium superoxide combinations,. such a process not beingknown, up to the present time, and is as follows:-First magnesium hydrate, or basic magnesium carbonate is moistened to such an extent only that it still retains a powdery form, and is then mixed with so much sodium superoxide powder until heat is produced indicating a chemicalreaction; the heating however, must be counteracted . either by cooling the vessel from the outside, or by introducing an excess of cold hydrate of magnesium powder or basic carbonate of sodium powder so as to avoid decomposition i.e., the generation ofoxygen.

To state an example: mix 10 to 12 parts of sodium superoxide with 50 parts of magnesium hydrate powder or of magnesium hydrocarbonate ,powder. Separately moisten 50 parts of magnesium hydrate powder, or of magnesium hydrocarbonate powder with water to the extent of half the quantity of the sodium superoxide taken in the first mixture taking care that a very fine and even distribution of the water in the powder is obtained. Then mix the two sets of powder as rapidly as possible, and magnesium superoxide will be formed. under heat up to a temperature of 80 C. When the quantity of water used is excessive the product is unstable, and when it is below the quantity required, part of the sodium superoxide will remain unaltered which, should the product be used suspended in water, would at once induce decomposition..

In contact with organic matter this superoxide combination acts as an antiseptic of very great potency and value.

Improvements in or relating to the Preparation of Substances containing Peroxide of Magnesium

A substance containing a large percentage of magnesium peroxide is obtained by the action of sodium peroxide on a soluble magnesium salt, a minimum quantity of water being used and, preferably, an addition of alcohol being made after the peroxide has been added. The product is dried as quickly as possible, and may be subsequently washed. As an example, a saturated solution containing 6 kilos. of MgCl2 + 6H2O is prepared, and there are gradually added 2 kilos. of sodium peroxide, the temperature being maintained at 20‹ C., or lower during the reaction. One litre of alcohol is then added, and the mixture is allowed to stand for an hour, after which it is filtered and dried quickly at 80‹ to 90‹ C. The dry salt obtained is pulverized, mixed with water filtered, and thoroughly washed. It is subsequently dried at 50‹ to 60‹ C., and pulverized. It contains 27 per cent. of MgO2, and will keep for an unlimited time. Dry ammonium chloride may be added along with the sodium peroxide.

Peroxides of the alkaline earth metals, as barium, strontium, and calcium, can be produced by allowing peroxide of hydrogen, it may be with an addition of ammonia, or peroxide of sodium to act on solutions of the hydroxides or salts of the alkaline earth metals. Precipitates are thereby formed which consist of the corresponding peroxideswith 8 molecules of water of crystallization, as for example, Caul + 8 HIO' Sr,02 + 8 H201 Bay, + 8 H20- When these compounds containing water of crystallization are dried above 100 they lose their water of crystallization and are converted into the pure compounds (vide An. Chim. Phys. 8,313 and also Ber. d. deutsch. chem. G.6,11'1'2).

But magnesium, which belongs to the same group of metals, acts in quite a different manner. If peroxide of sodium is allowed toact in a similar manner- on solutions of salts of magnesium, substances containing peroxides are formed.

Such substances do not, however, consists of peroxide of magnesium containing water of crystallization, but are mixtures of the hydrated peroxide and the hydrate of magnesium in various proportions. It has been proved by experiments that the composition of the peroxide-containing substance obtained varies according to the concentration of the solution of the salt of magnesium used.

When a solution containing not more than 50 per ceiit. of MgCJ, + 6 H20 is ustd a substance containing as a rule10% to 18%, but rarely 20% .of MgO2 is obtained, and the mixture ofMgO (OH)2 and 3 Mg (OH)2 thus produced contains theoretically22.6% of MgO2. But since freshly precipitated peroxide of magnesium is very easily decomposed by water, it is very seldom possible even approximately to obtain this theoretical percentage.

When, on the contrary, a very concentrated solution of a salt of magnesium is used, there is formed a precipitate whose composition approximately corresponds

to the formula MgO (ol-1) + 2 Mg (OH)2 + H;0, so that such a precipitate con- tains theoretically about27% of MgO2.

Now, according to this invention any excess of water that would 'decompose the final product is avoided or rendered innocuous by adding suitable substances, and the water is removed as quickly as possible from the finished product, when the reaction is at an end. In order to comply with these conditions it is necessary in the first place to use as concentrated a solution as possible of the salts of magnesium employed. When the peroxide has been added it is advantageous immediately to add alcohol, which, owing to its hygroscopic nature, partly counteracts the action of the water, and thus prevents any further decomposition of the final product. It is very important that the preparation be dried as soon as possible after the termination of the ,reaction, without being first washed, the washing of the dry salt-containing material being subsequently effected. The reason for this procedure is that the freshly precipitated peroxide is easily decomposed by pure water, but not so easily by salt solutions, whereas after having been dried it is much more stable and becomes fairly Indifferent to the action of water.

The reaction of peroxide of sodium on concentrated solutions of salts of magnesium is, however, more effective when a salt of'ammonium is added to the solution of magnesium salt simultaneously with the Na2O2. In this way it is possible to produce.substances having as much as 40% of MgO2, and approximately corresponding to compounds of, the compositions bigU (Oli), f Mg (OH)9 -f- H90 and moo (011)2 + mg,(OH)2 which corresponds respectively to 37.3% and to 42.4% of MgO,
The properties of ammonium salts of combining with water and of keeping hydrate of magnesium in solution both tend to produce a satisfactory result, whilst the ammonium salts do not prevent the precipitation of the peroxide. When ammonium salts are used the advantage ia also obtained that the great heat produced by the reaction of the peroxide of sodium is partially neutralized by the cold produced by the solution of the salt of ammonium.

The following examples will suffice to show how the process is carried out.

1. To a solution of chloride of magnesium, which is saturated at the ordinary temperature and contains 6 kg. of MgCl2+ 6 H2O, there are added gradually in small Quantities 2 kg. of peroxide of sodium, care being taken, as by means of ice, that the temperature is not allowed to rise above 20 C during the operation.

When all the peroxide of sodium has been introduced 1 litre of alcohol may be added, and the mixture is allowed to stand undisturbed for an hour. Thereupon it is filtered, and dried quicklv at a temperature of 80 to 90 without having been washed. The dry salt-containing peroxide substance thus obtained is then pulverized, again mixed with water,filtered, and thoroughly edulcorated. When subsequently dried at 50 to 60 and pulverized it is obtained in the form of a white and perfectly tasteless powder whichcan be kept for an unlimited time and contains about 27% of MgO2.

2. The operations are similar to those described in the previous case but instead of, using 2 kg. of peroxide of sodium, a mixture composed of 1.45 kg. of dry chloride of ammonium and 2 kg. of peroxide of sodium is added to th6 solution of chloride of magnesium, the temperature being kept down to 20 by simultaneously adding 3 kg. of crushed ice in small quantities. A substance prepared in this manner contains from35% to40% of peroxide of magnesium.

Process for the Electrolytic Manufacture of Peroxides of Magnesium and Zinc

Magnesium and zinc peroxide are obtained by electrolysing magnesium and zinc chloride aqueous solutions respectively in a cell provided with a porous diaphragm, hydrogen peroxide being present in the cathode compartment. The cathode solution having been rendered neutral with magnesium or zinc oxide or hydroxide, as the case may be, zinc chloride solution being previously cleared, if necessary, with a little hydrochloric acid, an electric current is passed. The peroxide compound deposits on the platinum cathode as a white powder and then, dropping off, collects in the cathode compartment, from which it is removed, washed, and carefully dried at a moderate heat. It is apparently formed thus :-Mg + H2O2 + 2H2O = Mg(OH)4 + 2H. A carbon or platinum anode may be employed, and the cathode may be of tin.

The electrolyte in contact with  the anode is a solution of magnesium-chloride or zinc-chloride, and that in contact with the cathode is a solution of the same salt, to which has been added a suitable quantity of hydrogen peroxide. An insoluble anode, such as platinum or carbon, is employed, and the cathode used in my process is made of an alkali-proof andinoxidisable material, such as platinum or tin. The cathode compartment is separated from the anode coinpartment by a. porous diaphragm.

Any free acid, that may be present in the solution for the cathode compartment, is neutralised by adding the required quantity of the oxide or hydrate of the corresponding metal, before the commencement of the electrolysing process.

It is known, that a product containing magnesium peroxide may be obtained from solutions of magnesium salts by causing hydrogen peroxide to act on the latter, provided that an alkali has been previously added to the. said solution, tho quantity of the alkali thus added corresponding approximately to the quantity of hydrogen peroxide or of the magnesium salt to be employed.

Although in this purely chemical process the said addition of alkali is absolutely necessary for obtaining the desired precipitate, the addition has a very unfavourable effect on the product obtained, in as much as it will at the same time precipitate large quantities of magnesium hydroxide, so that the resulting product contains only a lowpercentage of MgO2 (about 5 to 10 pcent).

Thisdrawback in comparison with the electrolytic process adheres also, although in a diminished degree, to the process for the production of magnesium peroxide by the action of sodiumperoxide on solutions of magnesium salts.

In my electrolytic process there is no alkali present, whichmight cause the precipitation of magnesium hydrate, and the quantity of MgO2 contained in the product resulting from the present process is therefore considerably higher, than in the products obtained by the known methods.

The magnesium is separated out on the cathode exclusively by the action of the electric current and canimmediately (while in a nascent state) interact with the hydrogen peroxide, probably in the manner represented by the following equation :

According to this equation the resulting product should contain more. than 60 per cent of AfgOQ. As a rule, however, only about 40 per cent of l2gU., is obtained, and the apparent contradiction is explained by the fact, that a portion of the magnesium peroxide thus formed, will be decom-PV4* & 6W4k while in the electrolyte, and another portion during the drying process, so as to yield up its active oxygen. Consequently,special care should be bestowed on the drying process, in which case aproduct containing more than 50 per cent and even almost 60 yer cent of MgO2 is sometimes obtained.

After the product has been dried, it may be preserved in good condition for ; an indefinite time by storing it in sealed bottles.

The product obtained by electrolysis in the manner described is superior to the preparations hitherto employed, owing to its greater purity and its higher percentage ofAlga2, and consequently of activeoxygen, and is therefore preferable especially for medicinaluse....

The details ofprocedure in the caseoi magnesium peroxide, may be as follows:-

An aqueous solution of magnesium chloride containing about 200grammes of crystalline magnesium chloride per liter is placed in the anode compartment of an electrolyser having a. porous diaphragm separating the anode from the cathode compartment. The cathode compartment is charged with a solution of hydrogen peroxide containing about the same quantity of magnesium chloride in solution, after any free acid contained in the said solution has been neutralised with the necessaryquantity of magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide. The cathode consists of platinum and the anode of carbon.

An electric current with a pressure of about 6 to 7 volts at the terminals is .then caused to pass through the two solutions. If the current is sufficiently strong, magnesium peroxide -in the shape of a white powder will immediately commence to form a. deposit on the cathode in considerable quantity. This deposit separates spontaneously from the cathode., drops back. into the electrolyte and collects in the cathode compartment, from which it i.s then renuovetl, washed and dried at a. moderate heat.

The electrolytic production of iinc peroxide takes place in the same manner.

zinc peroxide is also a white amorphouspowder and is apparently formed according to the equation:

According -to this the product should contain 7H 11C1. cent of GnO., but as a rule only 55 to 60 per cent is obtained, forreasons similarto. those explained in the case of magnesiumperoxide.'.I"im details of procedure arc also analogous to those described above, as shown by the following example.

' ?00 grammes of zinc chloride are dissolved in 1 liter of water, and the samo quantity in hydrogen peroxide solution, which solutions arc then poured respectively into the anode compartment and into the cathode compartment. If the cathode liquid hasremained turbid, a few drops of hydrochloric acidare added to render it clear, and the solution is then neutralised by means of oxide or hydrate of zinc.

The electrolysis takes place at a pressure of 2.5 to 3 volts, for unlike the manufacture of magnesium peroxide, where stronger currents may be used with advantage, only weakcurrents should be employed for the manufacture of zinc peroxide, because otherwise metallic zinc would be separated out and affect the quality of the product..In accordance  with the weaker current employed, the deposit on the cathode takes place much more slowly than in the case of magnesium peroxide.

The present invention relates to a process for the electrolytic production of magnesium peroxide and zinc peroxide.

The electrolyte in contact with the anode is a solution of magnesium-chloride or zinc chloride, and that in contact with the cathode is a solution of the same salt, to which has been added a suitable. quantity of hydrogen peroxide. An insoluble anode, such as platinum or carbon, is employed, and the cathode used in my process is made of an alkali-proof and inoxidisable material, such as platinum or tin. The cathode compartment, is sepa.rated from the anode compartment by a porous diaphragm.

Any free acid, that may be present in the solution for the cathode comparement, is neutralised by adding the required quantity of the oxide or hydrate of the corresponding metal before the commencement of the electrolysing process.

It is known, that a product containing magnesium peroxide may be obtained from solutions of magnesium salts by causing hydrogen peroxide to act on the latter, provided that an alkali has been previously added to the said solution, the quantity of the alkali thus added corresponding approximately to the quan- tity of hydrogen peroxide or of the magnesium salt to be employed.

Although in this purely chemical process the said addition of alkali is abso- lutely necessary for obtaining the desired precipitate, the addition has a very unfavoura.ble effect on the product obtained, in as much as it will at the same time precipitate large quantities of magnesium hydroxide, so that the resulting product contains only a low percentage of .àlg02 (about 5 to 10 pct).

This drawback in comparison with the electrolytic process exists also, although in a diminished degree-, in the process for the production of magnesiumperoxide by the action of sodium peroxide on solutions ofmagnesium salts. In my electrolytic process there is no alkali present, which might cause the precipitation of magnesium hydrate,

and the quantity of l\Ig02 contained iu the product resulting from iho present process is therefore considerably higher, than in the products obtained by the known methods.

The magnesium is separated out on the cathode exclusively by the action of the electric current and can immediately (while in a nascent state) interact with the hydrogen peroxide, probably in the manner represented by the followingequation'; -

According to this equation the resulting product should contain more. than

60 per cent of Mg0z. As a rule, however, only about 40 per cent of MgOs isobtained, and the upparcnt contradiction is explained by the fact, that a portion of the magnesium peroxide thus formed, will be decomposed already while in the electrolyte, and another portion during the drying process, so as to yield up its active oxygen. Consequently, special care should be bestowed on the drying process, in which case a productcontaining more than 50 per cent andoven almost 60 per cent of MgO2 is sometimes obtained.

After the product has been dried, it maybe preserved in good condition for an indefinite time by storing it in sealed bottles.

The product obtained by electrolysis in the manner described is the preparations hitherto employed, owing to its greater purity and its higher percentage of MgO2 and consequently of active oxygen, and is therefore preferable especially for medicinal use.

The details of procedure in the case of magnesium peroxide may be as follows

An aqueous solution of magnesium chloride containing about 200 grammes of crystalline magnesium chloride per liter is placed in the anode compartment of an electrolyser having a porous diaphragm separating the anode from the cathode compartment. The cathode compartment is charged with a solution of hydrogen peroxide containing about the same quantity of magnesium chloride in solution, after any free acid contained in the said solution has been neutralised with the necessary quantity of magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide. The cathode consists of platinum and the anode of carbon.

,An electric current with a pressure of about 6 to 7 volts at the terminals is then caused to pass through the two solutions. If the current is sufficiently strong, magnesium peroxide in the shape of a white powder will immediately commence to form a deposit on the cathode in considerable quantity. This deposit separates spontaneously from the cathode, drops back into the electrolyte and collects in the cathode compartment, from which it is then removed washed and dried at a. moderate heat.

The electrolytic production of zinc peroxide takes place in the same manner,The zinc peroxide is also a white amorphous powder and is apparently formed according to the equation :

According to this the. product should contain i 1;e1' cent of Zn02' but as a rule only55 to GO per cent is obtained, for reasons similar to those explained  in the case of magnesium peroxide. The details ofprocedure arc: also analogous to those described above, as shown by the following example.

200 grammes of zinc chloride are dissolved in 1 liter of water, and the same quantity in hydrogen peroxide solution, which solutions are then poured respectively into the anode compartment and into the cathode compartment. If the cathode liquid has remained turbid, a few drops of hydrochloric acid 1Ire added to render it clear, and the solution is then neutralised by means of oxide or hydrate of zinc.

The electrolysis takes place at a pressure of 2.5 to 3 volts,for unlike the manufacture of magnesium peroxide, where stronger currents may be used with advantage, only weak currents should be employed for the manufacture of zinc peroxide, because otherwise metallic zinc would be separated out and affect the quality of the product. In accordance with the weaker current employed, the deposit on the cathode takes place much more slowly than in the case of magnesium peroxide.

Improvements in the Manufacture of Peroxides of Magnesium and Zinc.

Magnesium and zinc peroxides are prepared by dissolving a soluble salt of the metal, such as the chloride, in hydrogen-peroxide solution, and treating with sodium peroxide.

According to the present process the decomposing effect of the water on the freshly precipitated g.08 is completely eliminated by using as a solvent hydrogen peroxide, for, as shown by numerous experiments, freshly precipitated Zg.Oa is decomposed but very slowly in such a solution. Consequently it is not very important, whether a larger or a smaller quantity of hydrogen peroxide solution is used for dissolving the magnesium salt, but it is advantageous to use the hydrogen peroxide freely, because a concentrated solution of a salt in hydrogen peroxide decomposes more easily than a dilute solution.

A further advantage of the present invention consists in the fact, that the quantity of Mg.02 contained in the product obtained does not depend on the percentage of Na2O2 contained in the commercial sodium peroxide employed.

It is well-known, that the strength of commercial sodium peroxide fluctuates more or less, moreover' in the processes hitherto known, a portion of the sodium peroxide decomposes when introduced into the solvent, without contributing to the formation of MgO2, and the sodium carbonate or sodium hydrate produced in this manner reduces the quantity of oxygen contained in the magnesium peroxide resulting from the process. This defect always connected with the use of sodium peroxide may, however, be completely avoided by using hydrogen peroxide as a solvent.

Owing to the large ,excess of H2021 only MgOa or its hydrate is precipitated, even if the decomposition of the sodium peroxide has been considerable.

By this combined use of sodium peroxide and hydrogen peroxide it is possible to produce magnesium peroxide preparations, which contain up to 40-60% of MgO2.

The details of procedure may be as follows:
3 kilogrammes of magnesium chloride are dissolved in 5 litres of a concentrated neutral or slightly acid solution of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 kilogramme of sodium peroxide is slowly introduced while constantly stirring, care being taken that the temperature does not exceed 10 C.

When the introduction of the sodium peroxide has been completed, the product is allowed to stand for about one hour, after which the precipitate is sucked off, and (without previously washing off the salts mixed with it), dried as rapidly as possible at a temperature up to 70 C-. After drying, the product is broken up, washed and again dried.

The manufacture of zinc peroxide is quite analogous, that is to say, about 2 kilos of zinc chloride are dissolved in about 5 litres of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 kilogramme of sodium peroxide is slowly introduced while cooling.

The precipitate is allowed to settle for about one hour, then sucked off and dried as quickly as possible. The product thus obtained is then washed and again dried.

The manufacture of magnesium peroxide by causing sodium peroxide to act on salts of magnesium soluble in water is known, but hitherto it does not seem to have been possible, to obtain good products containing substantially more than 20 per cent of MgO2, chiefly owing to the decomposing action of the water on the freshly precipitated peroxide.

According to the present process the decomposing effect of the water on the freshly precipitated MgO2 is completely eliminated, by using as a solvent hydrogen peroxide, for, as shown by numerous experiments, freshly precipitated MgO2 is decomposed but very slowly in such a solution. Consequently it is not very important, whether a larger or a smaller quantity of hydrogen peroxide solution is used for dissolving the magnesium salt, but it is advantageous to use the hydrogen peroxide freely, because a concentrated solution of a salt in hydrogen peroxide decomposes more easily than a dilute solution.

A further advantage of the present invention consists in the fact, that the quantity of MgO2 contained in the product obtained does not depend on the percentage of lilag0 contained in the commercial sodium peroxide employed.

'It is well-known, that the strength of commercial sodium peroxide fluctuates more or less. Moreover, in the process hitherto known, a portion of the sodium peroxide decomposes when introduced into the solvent, without contributing to the formation of DIg08, and the sodium carbonate or sodium hydrate produced in this manner reduces the quantity of oxygen contained in tho magnesium peroxide resulting from the process. This defect always connected with the use of sodium peroxide may, however, be completely avoided by using hydrogen peroxide as a solvent.

Owing to the large excess of H2O2, only MgO2 or its hydrate is precipitated, even if the decomposition of the sodium peroxide has been considerable.

By this combined use of sodium peroxide and hydrogen peroxide it is possible to produce magnesium peroxide preparations, which contain up to 40-50%of MgO2.

The details of procedure may be as follows :
3 kilogrammes of magnesium chloride are dissolved in 5 litres of a concentrated (viz: at least 10 per cant) neutral or slightly acid solution of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 kilogramme of sodium peroxide is slowly introduced while constantly stirring, care being taken that the temperature does not exceed 10 C.

When the introduction of the sodium peroxide has been completed, the product
is allowed to stand for about an hour, after which the precipitate is sucked off, and (without previously washing off the salts mixed with it), dried as rapidly as possible at a temperature up to 70 C. After drying, the product is broken up, washed and again dried.

The manufacture of zinc peroxide is quite analogous, that is to say, about 2 kilos of zinc chloride are dissolved in about 5 litres of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 kilogramme of sodium peroxide is slowly introduced while cooling.

The precipitate is allowed to settle for about one hour, then sucked off and dried as quickly as possible. The product thus obtained is then washed and again dried.