Konstantin MEYL
Scalar Physics
Neutrino power and the Existence of Scalar
Waves (2004)
of Vortex Science and Technology, Ashdin Publishing, Vol. 1
(2012), Article ID 235563, 10 pages
About Vortex Physics & Vortex Losses
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Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference, Washington DC
08.11.2003, IRI
Faraday or Maxwell? Do Scalar Waves Exist
or Not?
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Longitudinal Wave Experiment After Nikola
Documentation on Scalar Wave Medicine
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SEEK Digital Library, Int. Journal of Environmental Engineering
- IJEE, 2(1) 30.4.2015, 23-27,
doi: 10.15224
Biological Signals Transmitted by
Longitudinal Waves Influencing the Growth of Plants
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Conference Proceedings of the Technical University of
Epirus, Arta, Greece, October 16, 2015, 3 pages
Microcosm to Macrocosm Calculated with One
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Draft Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Prague,
Czech Republic, July 9, 2015, page 2436 - 2438.
Calculations Concerning the Variable Size
of Protons and Other Nuclei
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Scalaire Energie
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PIERS Draft Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 19–23,
Wireless Power Transmission by Scalar Waves
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Proceedings of the 1st RFID Eurasia Conference Istanbul 2007
Far Range Transponder
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Journal of Geology & Geophysics 2015, 4:5, 5
pages, JGG, ISSN: 2329-6755
Earth Expansion by neutrino-Power
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Attempts to detect the torsion field nature
of scalar wave generated by dual Tesla coil system
Gao Peng
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Scalar wave was found and used
at first by NikolaTesla in his wireless energy
transmission experiment. Prof.K.Meyl extended the
Maxwell equation and found the
lost scalar wave part. The scalar wave theory proposed
by Prof.K. Meyl indicates that the torsion
field is the nature of scalar
wave. This work attempts to detect the torsion field
nature of scalar wave generatedby the dual Tesla coil system,
using the torsion balance consistingof a wooden frame. The result
is positive and two kinds of torsion field including left-handed
and right-handed are detected in dual Tesla coil...
Experimental- and Demo-Kit
Experimental Kit
As a result of common demand and frequently asked questions during
the breaks and after the recitations of Prof. Dr. Meyl (e.g. how
does an energy transmission line work? and what kind of single
components have to be used? etc) we decided to develop a
demonstration-kit and an experimentation-kit to allow interested
practitioners to gain experience and to make experiments by
themselves. So with these two kits you are able to research the
characteristics of Tesla coils, dependency of the resonant
frequency concerning position and size of the ball electrode and
varieties of the systems resonance depending on changes of the
distance between transmitter and receiver by yourself. The main
goal is to achieve reproducible measurements, which cannot be done
by a simple instruction guide but otherwise doubters often only
believe in results of measurements acquired by their own devices.
Therefore connection possibilities for external measuring devices
are provided.
The Demo-Kit contains a simple waveform generator from 4 MHz up to
8 MHz, a pair of pancake coils with different resistance usable in
various configurations as well as the required accessories. It
allows to arrange a complete scalar transmission line without
further equipment e.g. for demonstration purposes.
The Experimental-Kit contains an extended waveform generator from
135 kHz up to 10 MHz and an additional frequency counter and two
additional pairs of pancake coils with half and twice of the
wirelength. A specification of the set with theoretical
explanations and practical instructions about the setup is also
included in both kits. We are very interested in your measurements
and conclusions and would be pleased, if you could send us your
results. It would be helpful, if these are structured like the
experiment descriptions in the book "Scalar Wave Technology". Both
kits are available in our shop.
WMSCI 2012 Proceedings Vol.II, page 113 – 117, Chair of
BMIC/ WMSCI 16th World Conference Orlando, Florida, USA, July
18, 2012.
Cellular Communications, Signaling &
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International Congress-Publications, Weinfelden,
23.+24.06.2001, Jupiter-Verlag, Page 41-49
"Advanced Concepts for Wireless Energy
Transfer "
Besides that Konstantin Meyl is a vivid lecturer that really
caught listeners, his topic of scalar and plasma waves was really
captivating. Hearing about longitudinal electromagnetic waves
based on vortex particle model really gave one something to think
about after the conference. Not without reason, Meyl is called
"Schwartzwald Tesla".
By Meyl, the scalar waves or Tesla waves are
able to travel right through Faraday cage type shielding that stop
ordinary transverse radio waves. Tesla's magnifying transmitter
has been calculated to produce scalar waves with a velocity of
about 1,5 times that of light. Meyl told that scalar waves be
described as one case of Maxwell's equations.
About how longitudinal waves obviously exist
even without plasma in the air and even in vacuum Meyl declares:
"I have solved this question, by extending Maxwell's field theory
for vortices of the electric field. These so-called potential
vortices are able to form structure and they propagate in space
for reason of their particle nature as a longitudinal shock wave.
The model concept bases on the ring vortex model of Herrman von
Helmholtz, which Lord Kelvin did make popular." Meyl has published
books describing the fomulas.
Cell Biol. 2012 Apr;31(4):422-6
Number 1 (2012), 53-58,
doi: 10.1089/dna.2011.1415
DOI: 10.1007/s12079-011-0152-0
DNA and cell resonance: magnetic waves
enable cell communication.
Meyl K
DNA generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the
direction of the magnetic field vector. Computed frequencies from
the structure of DNA agree with those of the predicted biophoton
radiation. The optimization of efficiency by minimizing the
conduction losses leads to the double-helix structure of DNA. The
vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many
observed structures within the nucleus perfectly, but also
explains the hyperboloid channels in the matrix when two cells
communicate with each other. Potential vortexes are an essential
component of a scalar waves, as discovered in 1990. The basic
approach for an extended field theory was confirmed in 2009 with
the discovery of magnetic monopoles. For the first time, this
provides the opportunity to explain the physical basis of life not
only from the biological discipline. Nature covers the whole
spectrum of known scientific fields of research, and
interdisciplinary understanding is required to explain its complex
relationships. The characteristics of the potential vortex are
significant. With its concentration effect, it provides for
miniaturization down to a few nanometers, which allows enormously
high information density in the nucleus. With this first
introduction of the magnetic scalar wave, it becomes clear that
such a wave is suitable to use genetic code chemically stored in
the base pairs of the genes and electrically modulate them, so as
to "piggyback" information from the cell nucleus to another cell.
At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the
transported information is converted back into a chemical
structure. The necessary energy required to power the chemical
process is provided by the magnetic scalar wave itself.
Retraction of: "DNA and cell resonance: magnetic waves enable cell
communication," by Konstantin Meyl, DNA and Cell Biology
(2012;31:422-426). [DNA Cell Biol. 2013]
Potential vortex, newly discovered
properties of the electric field are fundamentally
changing our view of the physical world
In his books, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl develops a
self-consistent field theory which is used to derive at all known
interactions of the potential vortex. Instead of the normally used
Maxwell equation, Prof. Meyl chooses Faradays law of induction, as
a hypothetical factor and proves that the electric vortex is a
part thereof. This potential vortex propagates scalar-like through
space and is a longitudinal electric wave whose properties have
already been established a century ago by Nicola Tesla. This
phenomenon can now be studied and examined thanks to a fully
functional replica designed by Prof. Meyl.
Prof. Meyl’s field theory is non speculative and enables new
interpretations of several principles of electrical engineering
and quantum physics. This leads to feasible interpretations of
experimental observations which to this day have not been possible
to explain via existing theories. For example, quantum particle
characteristics can be calculated when interpreted as a vortex.
The dielectric loss of a capacitor emerges as vortex loss.
Likewise a number of neutrino experimental results can be
explained when the neutrinos are regarded as a vortex. Neutrino
power is available as an inexhaustible form of energy due to a
remarkable overunity effect. In consideration of environmental
sustainability, significant advances result by means of this
revised theory regarding today’s electromagnetic pollution.
The presented theory is based on an extension of the Maxwell
theory and as such is a special case scenario that does not affect
classic physical laws which remain in force.
In the enhanced view of potential vortex, the physical
comprehension becomes more objective. Just as Einstein’s theory,
the Meyl theory explains not only interactions but temperature, to
date inexplicable via conventional theories.
doi: 10.15761/BEM.1000156
Longitudinal magnetic waves trigger higher
ATP-levels and extend the aging process of plants
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Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Informationsübertragung mittels
einer modulierten Trägerschwingung eines elektrischen, in der
Eigenresonanz betriebenen Schwingkreises
Apparatus for receiving and measuring presence of neutrino
Data transmission device e.g. for telemetry, has data
transmission mechanism for transmitter, and data receipt
mechanism for base station with transmitter and data receipt
effectively connected to base station
Method for reducing switching losses in current-injecting
frequency converters
Regulated eddy current drive
Electrical adaptive control system - provides optimised
regulator performance by comparison of regulator standard
function with optimum transfer function
Other Publications :
Meyl, K.: Neutrino Power and the Existence of Scalar waves, 2004
Extra Ordinary Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT July
29-Aug.1, Conference Program, page 7
Meyl, K.:“Vortex Physics”, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy
Alliance, Vol.9, page 380 – 387, keynote speaker at the 19th
annual conference of the NPA, July 27, 2012, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, USA
Meyl, K.: Scalar Waves: Theory and Experiments, Journal of
Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No.2, June 2001, ISSN 0892-3310,
Meyl, K.: Self-consistent Electrodynamics, PIERS Proceedings,
Progress in electromagnetic research, Technical University Moscow,
Russia, August 20, 2012, page 172 – 177
K. Meyl: Wireless Power Transmission by Enlarging the Near Field,
Part 2,
PIERS Draft Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research,
Prague, Czech Republic, July 7, 2015, page 1562 - 1565.
K. Meyl: Scalar Wave Extension of Maxwell's Electrodynamics as
theoretical framework for Tesla's wireless energy, (invited plenum
Proc. of the Int. Congress Nikola Tesla 2015, 24.4.2015, Dava
Centar, Belgrad, Serbia, 8 pages.
Meyl, K.: Reproduction of the Scalar Wave Effects of Tesla’s
Wardenclyffe Tower,
Intern. Scientific and prof. Meeting June 28, 2006 Zagreb,
Croatia, IEEE+Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zbornik Radova
Proceedings, page 95
Meyl, K.: Wireless Tesla Transponder Field-physical basis for
electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders
according to the invention of Nikola Tesla, SoftCOM 2006, 14th
intern. Conference, 29.09.2006, IEEE and Univ. Split, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, ISBN 953-6114-89-5, page 67-78
Meyl, K.: Far Range Transponder, Field-physical basis for
electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders,
Proceedings of the 1st RFID Eurasia Conference Istanbul 2007, ISBN
978-975-01566-0-1, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1725, page 78-89
Meyl, K.: Wireless Power Transmission by Scalar Waves, PIERS
Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Technical
University Moscow, Russia, August 21, 2012, page 664 – 668
Meyl, K.: Wireless Power Transmission by Enlarging the Near Field,
PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research,
Stockholm, Sweden, August 15, 2013, page 1735 - 1739.
The transition from far to near field calculated by vortex physics
Meyl, K; Journal of Physics, Vol. 1, Issue 7, February 2018, 7
K. Meyl, H.Schnabl: Biological Signals Transmitted by a Resonant
L-C-oscillator, PIERS Draft Proceedings, Progress in
electromagnetic research, Prague, Czech Republic, July 9, 2015,
page 2601 - 2606.