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March 15
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Robert Nelson ( Founder, Rex
Research )
Brainwashed America
We normally sell our
DocuMovies, but we are allowing the world to stream
Brainwashed America, Part One for FREE because of the
serious threats facing America.
We must inform the American people of the ultimate
weapon of disinformation, information operations,
psychological warfare or what is commonly called,
‘brainwashing.' ..
Gates-Population Control
This is the famous
clip of Bill Gates describing how we can lower the
population through Vaccines, Healthcare and Birth
Control. It's in the context of a TED Talk about
Global Warming and how to lower C02.
Specialist from Canada PROVES Masks for Coronavirus
Cause Harm
CLIF HIGH & Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic
and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria
Philipp Bagus, et al.
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18041376
In this article, we
aim to develop a political economy of mass hysteria.
Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass
hysteria. Negative information which is spread through
mass media repetitively can affect public health
negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass
hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in
connection with the state may have had adverse
consequences during the COVID-19 crisis. The resulting
collective hysteria may have contributed to policy
errors by governments not in line with health
recommendations. While mass hysteria can occur in
societies with a minimal state, we show that there
exist certain self-corrective mechanisms and limits to
the harm inflicted, such as sacrosanct private
property rights. However, mass hysteria can be
exacerbated and self-reinforcing when the negative
information comes from an authoritative source, when
the media are politicized, and social networks make
the negative information omnipresent. We conclude that
the negative long-term effects of mass hysteria are
exacerbated by the size of the state.
Fauci says
coronavirus was not created in Wuhan lab he’s been
funding with taxpayer money since 2015 to work on
coronavirus “gain-of-function” research
Why US
outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan
US-funded $3.7
million project approved by Trump’s Covid-19 guru Dr
Anthony Fauci in 2015 after US ban imposed on
‘monster-germ’ research
U.S. halts
funding for new risky virus studies, calls for
voluntary moratorium
The World
Is Suffering From “Mass Delusional Psychosis”
According to
psychiatrist and medical legal expert Dr. Mark
McDonald, the true public health crisis is not
COVID-19 itself; rather, it’s the fear of the
infection, which has “morphed and evolved into a form
of mass delusional psychosis”
Many enter a state of hysteria when they see an
unmasked person, even if they look perfectly healthy
and clearly are not suffering from any kind of
respiratory issue. This is a highly irrational state
that has no basis in reality
Delusion is defined as believing something that
doesn’t conform with reality
There are serious concerns about the lasting effects
this widespread insanity will have on children as they
grow up. One of the worst traumas children suffer as a
result of all this fearmongering is the idea that they
may kill their parents or grandparents simply by being
around them
Treating the children’s trauma in therapy is not going
to be enough, as parents and other adults are the ones
creating the trauma by their own exaggerated fear
response. To heal a generation of traumatized
children, we must first address the psychosis of the
adult population...
“Instead of facing reality, the
delusional person would rather live in their world of
make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality,
they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around
them also pretends to live in their imaginary world.
In simpler words, the delusional
person rejects reality. And in this rejection of
reality, others have to play along with how they view
the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense
to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry
when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their
world view …
It’s one of the reasons why you’re
seeing so many people who’d happily approve the
silencing of any medical experts whose views
contradict the WHO or CDC guidelines. ‘Obey the
rules!’ becomes more important than questioning if the
rules were legitimate to begin with.”...
“There was never a medical crisis.
There were always enough resources to deal with the
people who were sick … Many resources were in fact
turned away … The question then, for me, became,
‘What’s the real crisis? What are people really
suffering from?’
It became clear to me, very
quickly, within the first two or three weeks in March
[2020], that it was fear. Since then … the fear … has
morphed and evolved, not just into a ‘I’m worried, I’m
scared so I need to stay home,’ but an actual belief
that is against reality — because the definition of
delusion is something you believe that doesn’t conform
with reality.
They believe that they are going to
die — no matter what age, no matter what state of
health they’re in — if they don’t leave their house
with a mask and gloves on every day and run from
[other] human beings. That’s delusional psychosis.
It’s false, it’s wrong, it’s not backed up by
evidence. And many, many Americans are living that and
believing that.”...
This evil
government and its controllers have destroyed our
sacred lives through lies, deceit, theft, plotted
divisive policies, torture, isolation, dystopian
mandates, crippling orders by executive fiat, and
...This is not hidden; it is open and exposed, but the
people have ignored the blatant nature of this
conspiracy to take over humanity, and instead have as
expected by their masters, acquiesced to every command
given. After all this tyranny levied against this
society, they now beg for crumbs from the very scum
that has enslaved them. This collective and pathetic
response can result in nothing less than mass
In the face of this obvious and extreme immoral
injustice against all Americans, the people clamor for
redress by petitioning those falsely claiming
authority instead of relying on self and the inherent
right to live free. This is akin to asking your master
to be your slave, and expecting him to voluntarily
comply. This attitude is not only meaningless; it
actually emboldens your oppressor, and strengthens his
position over you. Weakness in the face of
tyranny can only bring more tyranny.
To understand how the total domination over the people
by the state occurred only requires one to accept
reality. The population at large has accepted to date
almost every controlling measure demanded by those
that claim power over them.
We are straying away from our roots on a dangerous
road from which there will be no turning back. And the
good and bad news is that we are the last generation
that can truly do something about it.
We no longer know how to live without refrigerators,
without cars, without phones or without supermarkets.
What will you do tomorrow if you simply are unable to
buy things?
Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up
and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil Out From Our
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010
Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to
Establish Global Authoritarian Power
for the Future of Technology and International
How To
Make Ruby in a Microwave
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18041376
COVID-19 and the Political
Economy of Mass Hysteria
Philipp Bagus,
et al.
In this article, we
aim to develop a political economy of mass hysteria.
Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass
hysteria. Negative information which is spread through
mass media repetitively can affect public health
negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass
hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in
connection with the state may have had adverse
consequences during the COVID-19 crisis. The resulting
collective hysteria may have contributed to policy
errors by governments not in line with health
recommendations. While mass hysteria can occur in
societies with a minimal state, we show that there
exist certain self-corrective mechanisms and limits to
the harm inflicted, such as sacrosanct private
property rights. However, mass hysteria can be
exacerbated and self-reinforcing when the negative
information comes from an authoritative source, when
the media are politicized, and social networks make
the negative information omnipresent. We conclude that
the negative long-term effects of mass hysteria are
exacerbated by the size of the state.
Fauci says
coronavirus was not created in Wuhan lab he’s been
funding with taxpayer money since 2015 to work on
coronavirus “gain-of-function” research
Why US
outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan
US-funded $3.7
million project approved by Trump’s Covid-19 guru Dr
Anthony Fauci in 2015 after US ban imposed on
‘monster-germ’ research
U.S. halts
funding for new risky virus studies, calls for
voluntary moratorium
The World
Is Suffering From “Mass Delusional Psychosis”
According to
psychiatrist and medical legal expert Dr. Mark
McDonald, the true public health crisis is not
COVID-19 itself; rather, it’s the fear of the
infection, which has “morphed and evolved into a form
of mass delusional psychosis”
Many enter a state of hysteria when they see an
unmasked person, even if they look perfectly healthy
and clearly are not suffering from any kind of
respiratory issue. This is a highly irrational state
that has no basis in reality
Delusion is defined as believing something that
doesn’t conform with reality
There are serious concerns about the lasting effects
this widespread insanity will have on children as they
grow up. One of the worst traumas children suffer as a
result of all this fearmongering is the idea that they
may kill their parents or grandparents simply by being
around them
Treating the children’s trauma in therapy is not going
to be enough, as parents and other adults are the ones
creating the trauma by their own exaggerated fear
response. To heal a generation of traumatized
children, we must first address the psychosis of the
adult population...
“Instead of facing reality, the
delusional person would rather live in their world of
make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality,
they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around
them also pretends to live in their imaginary world.
In simpler words, the delusional
person rejects reality. And in this rejection of
reality, others have to play along with how they view
the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense
to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry
when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their
world view …
It’s one of the reasons why you’re
seeing so many people who’d happily approve the
silencing of any medical experts whose views
contradict the WHO or CDC guidelines. ‘Obey the
rules!’ becomes more important than questioning if the
rules were legitimate to begin with.”...
“There was never a medical crisis.
There were always enough resources to deal with the
people who were sick … Many resources were in fact
turned away … The question then, for me, became,
‘What’s the real crisis? What are people really
suffering from?’
It became clear to me, very
quickly, within the first two or three weeks in March
[2020], that it was fear. Since then … the fear … has
morphed and evolved, not just into a ‘I’m worried, I’m
scared so I need to stay home,’ but an actual belief
that is against reality — because the definition of
delusion is something you believe that doesn’t conform
with reality.
They believe that they are going to
die — no matter what age, no matter what state of
health they’re in — if they don’t leave their house
with a mask and gloves on every day and run from
[other] human beings. That’s delusional psychosis.
It’s false, it’s wrong, it’s not backed up by
evidence. And many, many Americans are living that and
believing that.”...
This evil
government and its controllers have destroyed our
sacred lives through lies, deceit, theft, plotted
divisive policies, torture, isolation, dystopian
mandates, crippling orders by executive fiat, and
...This is not
hidden; it is open and exposed, but the people have
ignored the blatant nature of this conspiracy to take
over humanity, and instead have as expected by their
masters, acquiesced to every command given. After all
this tyranny levied against this society, they now beg
for crumbs from the very scum that has enslaved them.
This collective and pathetic response can result in
nothing less than mass enslavement.
In the face of this obvious and extreme immoral
injustice against all Americans, the people clamor for
redress by petitioning those falsely claiming
authority instead of relying on self and the inherent
right to live free. This is akin to asking your master
to be your slave, and expecting him to voluntarily
comply. This attitude is not only meaningless; it
actually emboldens your oppressor, and strengthens his
position over you. Weakness in the face of
tyranny can only bring more tyranny.
To understand how the total domination over the people
by the state occurred only requires one to accept
reality. The population at large has accepted to date
almost every controlling measure demanded by those
that claim power over them.
We are straying away from our roots on a dangerous
road from which there will be no turning back. And the
good and bad news is that we are the last generation
that can truly do something about it.
We no longer know how to live without refrigerators,
without cars, without phones or without supermarkets.
What will you do tomorrow if you simply are unable to
buy things?
Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up
and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil Out From Our
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010
Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to
Establish Global Authoritarian Power
for the Future of Technology and International
2021-2-23 -- Clif High
Worker - "They’re not even testing for COVID but
labeling it on the death certificate
The Flu
mutated to Covid :
UK: Health
Authorities Announce Not a Single Case of Flu
Detected This Year
Texans Are
Realizing Something is Odd About the Snow,, ( FAKE
SNOW !!! )
US9564268B2 -- Power receiver
for extracting power from electric field energy in
the earth
A resonant
transformer connected between a ground terminal and
elevated terminal draws current from the earth's
electric field through a primary winding of the
transformer. An impulse generator applies a high
voltage impulse to the primary winding of the resonant
transformer to cause current to flow from the ground
terminal through the primary winding. The flow of
current through the primary winding of the resonant
transformer induces a current in the secondary
winding, which may be converted and filtered to a
usable form, e.g. 60 Hz AC or DC.
Now Fear This !
Nipah virus (NiV)
Nipah virus (NiV) is a
zoonotic virus, meaning that it can spread between
animals and people. Fruit bats, also called flying
foxes, are the animal reservoir for NiV in nature.
Nipah virus is also known to cause illness in pigs and
people. Infection with NiV is associated with
encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and can cause
mild to severe illness and even death. Outbreaks occur
almost annually in parts of Asia, primarily Bangladesh
and India.
Nipah virus infection can be prevented by avoiding
exposure to sick pigs and bats in areas where the
virus is present, and not drinking raw date palm sap
which can be contaminated by an infected bat.
virus warning: Brain-swelling sickness with 75%
death rate could spark next pandemic, Report
disease 75 times more deadly than Covid could mutate
to become the next pandemic killing millions,
scientists have warned.
Experts told Sun Online how a number of emerging
diseases could trigger another global outbreak – and
this time it could be ‘The Big One’.
The fruit bat-borne virus Nipah is a prime candidate
for serious concern, they fear.
Severe brain swelling, seizures and vomiting are just
some of the symptoms of this highly potent disease –
which was first discovered in 1999 in Malaysia
Outbreaks in south and south-east Asia show the virus
to be extremely deadly, with a death rate of between
40 to 75%...
SuperWheel: A Bike Wheel That Uses Springs To Boost
Speed 30%
SuperWheel is powered by movement
and weight through ‘Weight to energy conversion
technology’ (WTECT). According to a company
The WTECT system is a
type of suspension system, using the reactive force to
generate additional torque, to facilitate the wheel
rotation. It comprises two mechanisms: the external
spring mechanism and the internal drive. The
action/reaction force caused by weight compresses the
springs in the upper section of the wheel and
decompresses in the lower section. Using the center as
the pivot, this converts energy, reduces the
frictional force in the opposite direction, and
facilitates the rotation. Using 10kg active weight,
the mechanism is shown to generate a moment ranging
from 7.3Nm to 7.8Nm.
wheel - crowdfunding video
SuperWheel (WTECT) system
Spring-powered wheel claims to be ‘E-bike
alternative at lower cost’
Life-Enhancing Device Isolates High-Quality Sperm
With Acoustic Waves
...The approach
isolates sperm from raw semen by applying an acoustic
field at a 30° angle to the flow direction. The
acoustic forces direct and push high-quality sperm out
of the mainstream, across the microchannel, and
isolate them in a sperate outlet, leaving the general
population of sperm in the raw sample.
The team used standing-surface acoustic waves (SSAW)
at 19.28 MHz and 1 to 2 Watts to create an acoustic
radiation force strong enough to overcome the fluidic
drag and guide motile sperm across the microchannel.
As these sperm travel the microchannel width, other
sperm and debris move down the mainstream and are
collected through a discard outlet. This allowed a
continual, high-throughput, and size-diversity
selection process for isolating high-quality sperm...!divAbstract
High DNA
integrity sperm selection using surface acoustic
Junyang Gai,
et al.
Male infertility is a
global reproductive issue, several clinical approaches
have been developed to tackle it, but their
effectiveness is limited by the labour-intensive and
time-consuming sperm selection procedures used. Here,
we present an automated, acoustic based
continuous-flow method capable of selecting high
quality sperm with considerably improved motility and
DNA integrity compared to the initial raw bull semen.
The acoustic field translates larger sperm and guides
highly motile sperm across the channel width. The
result is the selection of sperm with over 50% and 60%
improvement in vitality and progressive motility and
more than 38% improvement in DNA integrity,
respectively, while providing a clinically relevant
volume and selected sperm number for the performance
of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intracytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI) by selecting over 60 000 sperm
in under an hour.
International Alert Message about COVID-19. United
Health Professionals
Vaccine To Be Tested on 6-Year-Olds
Story at-a-glance
COVID-19 “vaccines” do not impart
immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. In
other words, they are not designed to keep you from
getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to
lessen your infection symptoms if or when you get
infected. As such, these products do not meet the medical
definition of a vaccine
As of February 4, 2021, the U.S.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has
received 12,697 injury reports following COVID-19
vaccination and 653 deaths
University of Oxford, which is
collaborating on a COVID-19 vaccine with AstraZeneca, is
now enrolling children between the ages of 6 years and 17
years and 8 months in their U.K. vaccine trial
Moderna started testing its RNA-based
gene therapy on American children between the ages of 12
and 17 in December 2020, and the first Pfizer trials
involving adolescents began in mid-October 2020. In China,
Sinovac and SinoPharm trials have been enrolling children
as young as 3
Children do not need a COVID-19 vaccine
as they are at extremely low risk of severe COVID-19 and
are not a significant vector of infection
Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier -- by Dr. David E. Martin.
...The National Institute of Health's grant AI23946-08
issued to Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill (officially classified as
affiliated with Dr. Anthony Fauci's NIAID by at least
2003) began the work on, "synthetically altering the
Coronaviridae (the coronavirus family) for the express
purpose of general research, pathogenic enhancement,
detection, manipulation, and potential therapeutic
interventions targeting the same."
As early as May 21, 2000, Dr. Baric and UNC sought to
patent critical sections of the coronavirus family for
their commercial benefit.
In one of the several papers derived from work sponsored
by this grant, Dr. Baric published what he reported to be
the full length cDNA of SARS CoV in which it was clearly
stated that SAR CoV was based on a composite of DNA
.. On April 19, 2002, the Spring before the first SARS
outbreak in Asia - Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and
Ralph Baric - filed an application for U.S. Patent
7,279,372 for a method of producing recombinant
In the first public record of the claims, they sought to
patent a means of producing, "an infectious, replication
defective, coronavirus."
This work was supported by the NIH grant referenced above
and GM63228...
In short, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
was involved in the funding of amplifying the infectious
nature of coronavirus between 1999 and 2002 before SARS
was ever detected in humans.
This legality did not deter CDC in their efforts.
Their application, updated in 2007, ultimately issued as
U.S. Patent 7,220,852 and constrained anyone not licensed
by their patent from manipulating SARS CoV, developing
tests or kits to measure SARS coronavirus in humans or
working with their patented virus for therapeutic use.
Work associated with this virus by their select
collaborators included considerable amounts of,
chimeric engineering
gain-of-function studies
viral characterization
treatment (both vaccine and therapeutic intervention)
weaponization inquiries
Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity - A
Pentagon Video
According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by
The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an
amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and
"Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent"
thrown in. It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban
hellscapes — brutal and anarchic supercities filled with
gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal
syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers.
At least that's the scenario outlined in "Megacities:
Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a five-minute
video that has been used at the Pentagon's Joint Special
Operations University. All that stands between the coming
chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe
even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the
video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of
Information Act.
future THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 to 2028
SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario to
Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication
Emily K.
Brunson, et al.
Effective communication about medical
countermeasures—including drugs, devices and biologics—is
often critical in emergency situations. Such
communication, however, does not just happen. It must be
planned and prepared for. One mechanism to develop
communication strategies is through the use of prospective
scenarios, which allow readers the opportunity to rehearse
responses while also weighing the implications of their
actions. This article describes the development of such a
scenario: The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028. Steps in this
process included deciding on a timeframe, identifying
likely critical uncertainties, and then using this
framework to construct a storyline covering both the
response and recovery phases of a fictional emergency
event. Lessons learned from the scenario development and
how the scenario can be used to improve communication are
also discussed.
Andrew Kaufman, M.D. - Koch's Postulates: Have They Been
Proven for Viruses?
Covid Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide -- by
Makia Freeman
Covid19 is a "project" :
Universal Antidote -- Yellow Water
The science
and story of Chlorine Dioxide.
NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987 :
Since that time thousands have recovered from illness
using this substance and now many physicians and
scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many
The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy
of the universal antidote and provides interviews with
physicians and people who have used it.
is enough
video by Amanda Vollmer
Her bitchute
channel Doctor_Yummy
Proof -
Dept Of Energy Caused Texas Power Blackouts --Dr
William Mount
"... Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at
35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40
cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there.
This is the crime in a nutshell... here are two chunks of
evidence for what I’ve written above. First, we have a CDC
quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [3] [3a]
[3b]: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time
RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only.” See pdf
page 38 (doc page 37).
FDA: “…a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV
[virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold
growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles
([less than] 40.00 Ct).”...
[3a] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 06, CDC/DDID/NCIRD/
Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 12/01/2020; see:
[3b] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 05,
CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective:
07/13/2020; see:
Nurse Kristi Simmonds - Agonizing Pain, Neurological
Issues, Spasms from COVID Vaccine
**FORCED** COVID VACCINATIONS; Old People Forcibly held
down and given VAX
Look at this CRUSH of Kamala fans welcoming her!! Both
of them seem SO EXCITED!
The Act
of 1871: The "United States" Is a Corporation - There
are Two Constitutions
United States Constitutions – 1789 – 1871
Congress Session III
Check: 'Act Of 1871' Did NOT Establish The United States
As A Corporation That Owns Its Residents
Suck my
Mask, Fauci !
Kristi Noem Perfect Response to Ridiculous Push for
Double Masking
Vaxicide, CoviCucks !
Scripted highway to hell
Meanwhile :
The worst is
*** Superb !
is enough
video by Amanda Vollmer
Her bitchute
channel Doctor_Yummy
Austin Fitts & Prof Dolores Cahill - The Cost of
Phil Schnieder
talks D.U.M.B.S alien agenda plus...
Bladeless Propulsion System
In this video we will be looking at Jetoptera's Bladeless
Propulsion System that utilizes fluid induction. There are
several advantages of doing this specially in conjunction
with boxwings. At present Fluidics propulsion system will
utilize GE aviation gas turbine but it can use an electric
turbine as well.
Jetoptera Patents :
Flying Car -- AU201816071S
Airframe for an unmanned aerial vehicle --
SYSTEM -- WO2020097608
Flying car -- USD887950S
PURGER SYSTEM -- US2017350309
Fluidic propulsive device for an aircraft --
Airframe for an unmanned aerial vehicle --
SYSTEM -- US2017321638
SYSTEM -- US2018038271
PURGER SYSTEM -- US2018038262
SYSTEM -- US2020324891
sistema de propulsão, e combustor -- BR112018011194
Covidiots on Parade
sentiments exactly :
Take a few
minutes to listen to this nurse - is she right? (see
mask links in description)
"Communist & COVID-19
Coercive Methods for Compliance"
Space Woo
-2021-2-20 -- clif high
discussion about space woo & upcoming period of
Secrets Revealed from Feb 24 through to Dec 1.
i call out @elonmusk for what he SHOULD be doing, both
for Tesla cars (which need electricity) and for
humanity, also needs hell with making
non-flamethrowers, make magnet motors. Discussion of
weather & space woo & glaciers & space
debris/accident field issues for launching into orbit.
Jakobsen, Modified Sparkplugs
Sonic Spark Plugs
Extreme spark
Pulstar pulse plugs
harness solar power to produce clean hydrogen from
A team of scientists at the University of Cambridge
has developed a way of using solar power to generate a
fuel that is both sustainable and relatively cheap to
produce. It’s using natural light to generate hydrogen
from biomass.
One of the challenges facing modern society is what it
does with its waste products. As natural resources
decline in abundance, using waste for energy is becoming
more pressing for both governments and business.
Biomass has been a source of heat and energy since the
beginning of recorded history. The planet’s oil
reserves are derived from ancient biomass which has been
subjected to high pressures and temperatures over
millions of years. Lignocellulose is the main component
of plant biomass and up to now its conversion into
hydrogen has only been achieved through a gasification
process which uses high temperatures to decompose it
Dr Moritz Kuehnel, from the Department of Chemistry at
the University of Cambridge, joint lead author on a new
research paper published in Nature Energy, says:
"Lignocellulose is nature's equivalent to armoured
concrete. It consists of strong, highly crystalline
cellulose fibres, that are interwoven with lignin and
hemicellulose which act as a glue. This rigid structure
has evolved to give plants and trees mechanical
stability and protect them from degradation, and makes
chemical utilisation of lignocellulose so challenging."
The new technology relies on a simple photocatalytic
conversion process. Catalytic nanoparticles are added to
alkaline water in which the biomass is suspended. This
is then placed in front of a light in the lab which
mimics solar light. The solution is ideal for absorbing
this light and converting the biomass into gaseous
hydrogen which can then be collected from the headspace.
The hydrogen is free of fuel-cell inhibitors, such as
carbon monoxide, which allows it to be used for power.
The nanoparticle is able to absorb energy from solar
light and use it to undertake complex chemical
reactions. In this case, it rearranges the atoms in the
water and biomass to form hydrogen fuel and other
organic chemicals, such as formic acid and carbonate.
Joint lead author, Dr David Wakerley, also of the
Department of Chemistry, says:
“There’s a lot of chemical energy stored in raw biomass,
but it’s unrefined, so you can’t expect it to work in
complicated machinery, such as a car engine. Our system
is able to convert the long, messy structures that make
up biomass into hydrogen gas, which is much more useful.
We have specifically designed a combination of catalyst
and solution that allows this transformation to occur
using sunlight as a source of energy. With this in place
we can simply add organic matter to the system and then,
provided it’s a sunny day, produce hydrogen fuel.”
The team used different types of biomass in their
experiments. Pieces of wood, paper and leaves were
placed in test tubes and exposed to solar light. The
biomass didn’t require any processing beforehand.
The technology was developed in the Christian Doppler
Laboratory for Sustainable SynGas Chemistry at the
University of Cambridge. The head of the laboratory, Dr.
Erwin Reisner, adds:
“Our sunlight-powered technology is exciting as it
enables the production of clean hydrogen from
unprocessed biomass under ambient conditions. We see it
as a new and viable alternative to high temperature
gasification and other renewable means of hydrogen
Future development can be envisioned at any scale, from
small scale devices for off-grid applications to
industrial-scale plants, and we are currently exploring
a range of potential commercial options."
With the help of Cambridge Enterprise, the
commercialisation arm of the University, a UK patent
application has been filed and talks are under way with
a potential commercial partner.
Nature Energy 2, Article number: 17021 ( 13th March
DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2017.21
reforming of lignocellulose to H2 with a CdS/CdOx
Wakerley et al.
Lignocellulose is Earth’s most abundant form of
biomass and its valorization to H2 is a key objective
for the generation of renewable fuels. Solar-driven
photocatalytic reforming of lignocellulose to H2 at
ambient temperature offers a sustainable route towards
this goal, but this reaction is currently limited to
noble-metal-containing systems that operate with low
activity under ultraviolet light. Here, we report the
light-driven photoreforming of cellulose, hemicellulose
and lignin to H2 using semiconducting cadmium sulfide
quantum dots in alkaline aqueous solution. We show that
basic conditions cause these dots to become coated with
oxide/hydroxide in situ, presenting a strategy to
improve their photocatalytic performance. The system
operates under visible light, is stable beyond six days
and is even able to reform unprocessed lignocellulose,
such as wood and paper, under solar irradiation at room
temperature, presenting an inexpensive route to drive
aqueous proton reduction to H2 through waste biomass
The present invention provides a method of producing
hydrogen, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst to visible and/or ultraviolet light in the
presence of an organic substrate, wherein the
photocatalyst has a semiconductor core having an oxide-
and/or hydroxide-functionalised surface, thereby to
generate hydrogen from the organic substrate, and the
hydrogen is optionally collected. The photocatalyst
semiconductor core may be CdS having oxide- and/or
hydroxide-functionality at its surface (CdS|CdOx). The
organic substrate typically contains a component having
a molecular weight of 50 or more, such as 500 or more.
Refused to Save People from Freezing –
Social-Distancing More Important
Fukushima Reactors Leaking Coolant After Last
Weekend's 7.3 Earthquake
Mon Amour : Methods to Reduce Radioactivity -- by R.
This is the report that brought on 3 TB/day DDOS for
2 weeks @ Why ? D-ohhh -- Because
'they' want you deaded !
International Alert Message about COVID-19. United
Health Professionals
The lockdown « a global scientific fraud of
unprecedented proportions »
We bring to the attention of our readers, this important
international statement by health professionals, medical
doctors and scientists, which has been sent to the
governments of thirty countries...
Vaxicide Now :
Are We on
the Verge of a ‘Super-Epidemic’ of Autoimmune
Some of the world’s leading immunologists blame exposure
to SARS-CoV-2, others blame the experimental COVID
vaccines — but could both potentially cause a
devastating super-epidemic of autoimmune disease?
The Effect
of Infections on Susceptibility to Autoimmune and
Allergic Diseases
Bach, M.D., D.Sc.
The hygiene hypothesis postulates that an
environment with a high incidence of infectious diseases
protects against allergic and autoimmune diseases,
whereas hygienic surroundings increase the incidence of
these disorders. This review examines the evidence in
support of the hygiene hypothesis and offers a number of
mechanisms that could explain the relation between
sanitary conditions and susceptibility to allergic and
autoimmune diseases.
Killed People in the 1918 Pandemic & Fauci KNEW
(Reuters Fact-Check Accidentally CONFIRMS Everything
it Tries to Debunk)
Masks ‘don’t
work,’ are damaging health and are being used to
control population: Doctors panel
'There’s no common sense to any of this. I am in
control of my life. I’m going to do what my God given
inalienable rights as an American and a human allow me
to do'
mRNA vaccines cause 600 new cases of eye disorders and
leave 5 people blind, according to UK Government
31 people
die after BUBONIC PLAGUE outbreak in Democratic
Republic of Congo
SCIENCE FIGHT - Magnetic Pole Flip Extinctions
| S0 News Feb.19.2021
Snow Doesn't Melt
OK When Bill Does It! -- Paul Joseph Watson
Have The Documents! Tx Had Power Grid Shut Off
By Feds Under Biden
Department of
Energy Blocked Texas From Increasing Power Output
Before And During Deadly Storm
Order No. 202-21-1
methods similar to those police have developed to
solve crimes, British scientists, assisted by
Israeli archeologists, have re-created what they
believe is the most accurate image of what the
historical Jesus looked like... [ Palestinians are
descendants of his extended family ]
plasma technology to feed the world
Researchers at
TU/e have developed a plasma-powered mini-plant
that produces cheap fertilizer using only sun,
water and air.
Using state-of-the-art plasma technology to make
cheap fertilizer for small farmers. It may sound
like magic, but it has now become reality.
Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology
(TU/e) have built a small plasma-powered plant
that produces nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer
only using sun, water and air. “The plant is easy
to set up, sustainable and very efficient”, says
TU/e researcher Fausto Gallucci, who together with
partners in Africa, Germany and Portugal has done
successful tests of the device in Uganda. “We now
want to bring the mini-plant to the market, so
that it becomes available to farmers around the
Professor Gallucci explains: “Our mini-plant uses
plasma technology. Plasma, as you know, is the
fourth state of matter and consists of ionized
atoms and molecules. You may be familiar with it
from lightning or neon signs, which both consist
of plasma”.
The plasma used in the fertilizer plant is
non-thermal: while the electrons that drive the
reaction reach extremely high temperatures, the
gas that surrounds can stay relatively cool. This
of course saves energy.
It makes plasma technology an attractive
alternative to the traditional way of producing
nitrogen, the so-called Haber–Bosch process, which
requires both high pressure and high temperatures.
It is estimated that the Haber-Bosch process
consumes 1 to 2 percent of the world total energy,
emitting some 300 million tons of CO2 every year
into the air...
Gallucci and his partners have started a TU/e
spin-off 4th State Technologies to bring the
mini-plant to the market...
Vernon Coleman
explains why
and how the BBC has betrayed the public and
demonised truth-telling doctors and scientists in
order to help sustain the covid-19 fraud and
please the Government.
Tolchin/Shipov Drive With Brake Circuit
Here is my
replicated Tolchin/Shipov Drive using a brake
circuit on the motor to stop it from overshooting
the 15 to 30 degree mark of "past center". It does
work, and it does have forward propulsion, but the
Trolley and framework is much too heavy to be
propelled by this drive. Using a rubber band as a
"tow strap" it will easily "tow" forward, but not
backward. I am not taking the time right now to
attempt to measure thrust, I am estimating around
4 to 8 oz of forward thrust with approximately 2
oz of reversion. More than adequate for a small
"toy" inertial propulsion device (might be a
market for that as an erector set kit) but not
what I am after for the amount of electrical
energy input and personal effort...
The leading
software for creating deepfakes
DeepFaceLab is currently the world's leading
software for creating deepfakes, with over 95% of
deepfake videos created with DeepFaceLab.
DeepFaceLab is an open-source deepfake system that
enables users to swap the faces on images and on
video. It offers an imperative and easy-to-use
pipeline that even those without a comprehensive
understanding of the deep learning framework or
model implementation can use; and yet also
provides a flexible and loose coupling structure
for those who want to strengthen their own
pipeline with other features without having to
write complicated boilerplate code. DeepFaceLab
can achieve results with high fidelity that are
indiscernible by mainstream forgery detection
approaches. Apart from seamlessly swapping faces,
it can also de-age faces, replace the entire head,
and even manipulate speech (though this will
require some skill in video editing).
zum Ursprung der Coronavirus-Pandemie
A new study
from renowned University of Hamburg researcher
Roland Wiesendanger concludes the Wuhan
Institute of Virology was the “cause” of
The February study argues against two prevailing
theories that COVID-19 was transmitted to humans
either via a wet market or a lab accident.
“To date, there is no scientifically based
rigorous evidence for either mentioned
theories,” Wiesendanger, a three-time recipient
of the prestigious European Research Council
Wiesendanger’s 105-page report continues,
asking: “is the current global crisis actually
the result of a coincidence in nature – a
coincidental mutation of a coronavirus a bat
with the assistance of an intermediate host – or
the result of a Scientist carelessness when
carrying out the project is high-risk research
with global pandemic potential?”
To answer the question, Wiesendanger cites 600
incontrovertible facts to bolster his theory
that “the number and the quality of evidence
clearly indicate a laboratory accident at the
Wuhan Institute of Virology.”..
Lab Analysis
at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid
Max Igan -
Could the
Covid-19 Jabs Kill More than Covid-19? -- Dr
Vernon Coleman
Suck my
Mask, Joe !
This group of people showed up to a Trader
Joes grocery store in Santa Cruz, California and
they proceeded to cause some very much needed EPIC
Ignorance = Karma :
Clif High
told you so :
MADNESS Magnetic catastrophe ‘that wiped out
Neanderthals’ is due to happen AGAIN, scientists
...Co-lead author of the study Chris
Turney revealed in a UNSW statement: "For the first
time ever, we have been able to precisely date the
timing and environmental impacts of the last
magnetic pole switch.
"The findings were made possible with ancient New
Zealand kauri trees, which have been preserved in
sediments for over 40,000 years.
"Using the ancient trees we could measure, and date,
the spike in atmospheric radiocarbon levels caused
by the collapse of Earth’s magnetic field."...
Co-lead author Professor Alan Cooper said: "It must
have seemed like the end of days."
He added: "We think that the sharp increases in UV
levels, particularly during solar flares, would
suddenly make caves very valuable shelters.
"The common cave art motif of red ochre handprints
may signal it was being used as sunscreen, a
technique still used today by some groups.
"The amazing images created in the caves during this
time have been preserved, while other art out in
open areas has since eroded, making it appear that
art suddenly starts 42,000 years ago."..
relic points to a turning point in Earth's history
42,000 years ago
Paleopocalypse! - Narrated by Stephen Fry.
Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence’ They Prevent
Magnet Motor
The Perendev motor is claimed to be in the repel
mode for proper operation. We question this claim
with results of our own experiments. After watching
the Perendev video numerout times, we notice that
the clam shells in the video more or less just fall
right in to the rotor group. We also notice that
jacking the clam shells away from the rotor group
causes a jerking or pulsing action of the clam shell
group as if it is in attraction to the rotor group.
From our experiments, I cannot get the clam shell
group to close in on the rotors very easily in the
repel mode. There is no jerking when the shells
leave the rotor group either. They just push apart
rapidly in one smooth action. Now, when we setup the
unit in the attraction mode we get the same looking
results as the Perendev video. But, our unit does
not rotate with the measurements we are presently
using. Our stator group is not built correctly. The
hole spacings are incorrect. We would like to pass
on a experiment we have had success with using a
track we built. Thjs seems to show the correct
measurements needed for a trial run of the motor in
attraction. Because of health insurance premiums and
being retired on a fixed income, we are taxed out
here to build the new stator group with different
hole spacings for now. Perhaps someone out there can
give it a try. The rotor group holes should be .875
in diameter with 0.4375 spacings. This would give a
measurement of 1.3125 from center to center of each
rotor bore. The stator group holes should be .875 in
diameter with .875 spacings. This would give a
measurement of 1.750 from center to center of each
stator bore. Your rotor group will have to be large
enough in diameter to support 30 degree angles using
a bore depth of 1.500. A large rotor diameter will
have to be used with 30 degree angles at the
required depth because of interference problems that
arise between bores. Then build the stators to match
the rotor group. You must use a magnet length of at
least 1.500 in the rotor and stator groups. Longer
would be preferred. If you don't, it will fail. You
can stack magnets to obtain this minimum length. If
you use a shorter length of magnets, shields around
the magnets MUST be used. Shields can also be used
with the minimum required length of magnets also,
which would help by isolating the repel field away
from the squeezed flux in the rotor group. The
magnets will be setup in the attraction mode from
stator to rotor. Such as: All South poles out in the
rotor and all north poles out in the stator.
are very important reasons holes are skipped in the
stator group. This gives a relaxation time for rotor
magnets. It allows the rotor group to be more
directional. It weakens flux attraction from
previous magnets just passed. We made a board track
here to test these measurements and it works very
well. The question is....Will it work in a Perendev
design without using PFI? I don't know. We hope
maybe someone out there will try, and let us know
your results. UPDATE: Some do not understand the
Perendev method. I will try to explain. A large
magnet size may help me get my point accross. Lets
take a couple of regular cylinder magnets of say: 2"
diameter X 3" long. The flux comes straight out the
end of the magnet and curves back to the Bloch wall
(some to the other pole) in a mushroom pattern. The
exact center of the magnet pole end face is the
strongest magnetic flux point on the face of the
magnet and slightly weakens to the edges of the face
(because of vortex spin). Now, if we wrap the end of
the magnet (not the face) with ferrite or of the
equivalent this weakens the flux effect in the
surroundinh mushroom flux area of the magnet pole.
THEN we can angle the magnet and have a differential
flux reading (because of angle) to a attracting or
repelling magnet. The angle closest to another
magnet will be stronger than the wide angle of the
magnet. This will not be as effective if we don't
surround the magnet with ferrite. The magnetic flux
field is contracted and absorbed (not weakened)
using this method. The effect is more noticeably
seen with larger diameter magnets using angles (more
distance across the face). Magnetic flux can extend
out from a magnet pole further than you may think in
a distorted manner. But the ferrite pulls and
contracts the field inwards in a more uniform manner
so that a difference in flux density can be seen
from one side of the magnet face to the other when
angled. When you set this up in a Perendev design,
you got yourself one powerful motor. (Plus the
magnets will last in the attraction mode) So, don't
think about shielding when it comes to magnets.
Think about how you can conform and contract the
flux field in a more predictable uniform manner
using ferrite. Then you will have a good magnetic
flux differential across the face when the magnet is
angled. After all, flux differential (strong on one
side and weaker on the other side) across a magnetic
face is all that is required to make a good track or
engine. This can all be seen using magnetic film."
4, Part 5i, Losing the Republic and Going to
Empire, Avoiding Cults at this time. --
Diehold Foundation
Additional material from part 5H.
How the Dominion Voting systems work. How to avoid
cults of all types
Manned electric Jetson ONE
copter multirotor recent flight testing vtol
We have been quite busy lately carrying out
plenty of flight testing of Jetson® ONE production
prototype. Here you can see some forward flight,
tight turns and a general demonstration of awesome
VTOL capabilities. Based on testing we are expecting
up to 25 minutes of flight(plus 20%reserve) for
pilots on the lighter weight scale end. keep in mind
not all of the protective shielding and fairings
have been installed yet.
French nasal spray eliminates 99% of Covid virus
Ionised water spray
A statement on the P&B LinkedIn
page reads: “[The spray] prevents viral spread by
mechanically dislodging infectious agents in the
nasal cavity, and facilitating their evacuation -
and locally reduces the viral load.” The spray is
40% ionised water with high antimicrobial properties
and 60% purified water...
Kills :
Proof Allicin Can Kill Cancer Cells
Lysine vs
Covidiation :
Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure for
Covid-19 Would Abolish Need for Vaccines
L- LYSINE - Saving Lives in Dominican Republic.
Dr Jennifer
and its effects on viral replication
depletion as a therapeutic approach for patients
with COVID-19
Joseph M.
Grimesa, et al.
Sun Woo -
2021-2-16clif high
Invention Disclosure
& Apparatus for Sphincter Electro-Stimulation
Inventor: Joseph Biden
Abstract : Sit on a battery
Fig. 1 :
Gen-1 Prototype
In Part 1 of this
article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited
this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed
regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey
Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise
during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I will focus on the
economic channel of distress which is likely to be
the primary driving force in the next phase of this
There are very few people left on this earth who
lived through the last Fourth Turning (1929 – 1946).
The passing of older generations is a key component
in the recurring cycles which propel the world
through the seemingly chaotic episodes that paint
portraits on the canvas of history. The current
alignment of generations is driving this Crisis and
will continue to give impetus to the future
direction of this Fourth Turning. The alignment
during a Fourth Turning is always the same: Old
Artists (Silent) die, Prophets (Boomers) enter
elderhood, Nomads (Gen X) enter midlife, Heroes
(Millennials) enter young adulthood—and a new
generation of child Artists (Gen Y) is born. This is
an era in which America’s institutional life is torn
down and rebuilt from the ground up—always in
response to a perceived threat to the nation’s very
For those who understand the theory, there is the
potential for impatience and anticipating dire
circumstances before the mood of the country turns
in response to the 2nd or 3rd perilous incident
after the initial catalyst. Neil Howe anticipates
the climax of this Crisis arriving in the 2022 to
2025 time frame, with the final resolution happening
between 2026 and 2029. Any acceleration in these
time frames would likely be catastrophic, bloody,
and possibly tragic for mankind. As presented by
Strauss and Howe, this Crisis will continue to be
driven by the core elements of debt, civic decay,
and global disorder, with the volcanic eruption
traveling along channels of distress and aggravating
problems ignored, neglected, or denied for the last
thirty years. Let’s examine the channels of distress
which will surely sway the direction of this
Again Soon To An Earth Near You :
Proc Biol Sci. 2010 Jan 7;
277(1678): 131–137.
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1473
that two main bottleneck events shaped modern
human genetic diversity
W. Amos and
J. I. Hoffman
There is a strong
consensus that modern humans originated in Africa
and moved out to colonize the world approximately 50
000 years ago. During the process of expansion,
variability was lost, creating a linear gradient of
decreasing diversity with increasing distance from
Africa. However, the exact way in which this loss
occurred remains somewhat unclear: did it involve
one, a few or a continuous series of population
bottlenecks? We addressed this by analysing a large
published dataset of 783 microsatellite loci
genotyped in 53 worldwide populations, using the
program ‘Bottleneck’. Immediately following a sharp
population decline, rare alleles are lost faster
than heterozygosity, creating a transient excess of
heterozygosity relative to allele number, a feature
that is used by Bottleneck to infer historical
events. We find evidence of two primary events, one
‘out of Africa’ and one placed around the Bering
Strait, where an ancient land bridge allowed passage
into the Americas. These findings agree well with
the regions of the world where the largest founder
events might have been expected, but contrast with
the apparently smooth gradient of variability that
is revealed when current heterozygosity is plotted
against distance from Africa.
Statins: Heart disease drug speeds up ageing
w/ Genius : Join the Orgy !!!

WHO sends Ebola alerts to
6 countries after outbreak declared in
Guinea, as nations hope to avoid 2014–2016
!!! Leave it or Love it : The West
Africa nation of Ghana offered to patriate
any/all USAn high-melaninnies home to
Africa. No one accepted.
UK Government
shocking report on COVID-19 vaccine side effects
vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting
for Healthcare Professionals on COVID-19 Vaccine
Microbiologist Soňa Peková Claims 2nd And 3rd Wave
Coronavirus Strain Was Artificially Engineered
Czech Microbiologist Soňa Peková has claimed in an
interview that the coronavirus strain which caused the 2nd
and the 3rd wave was artificially engineered. According to
her, the COVID-19 vaccine may not work for the British
coronavirus mutation, and that it is not certain what the
vaccine will do in five to ten years. She also admitted
that she would not be vaccinated.
Czech Microbiologist Soňa Peková Claims 2nd And 3rd Wave
Coronavirus Strain Was Artificially Engineered
The Czech microbiologist Soňa Peková said in an interview
for Reflex and reported by the Czech edition of
“I don’t think the vaccine may work. It was developed
against something that no longer exists here. Some say
that his vaccine will work for the British strain, but I
dare to doubt it.”
“This is mainly based on how many significant mutations
this British strain carries and how much heterogeneity
(sequence diversity) exists between strains. Vaccines that
already exist may have a problem with the strains that are
currently circulating here.”
She understands that pharmaceutical companies are bleeding
a lot and need a return investment. She also said that
there is not enough experience in medicine with
genetically modified vaccines in such a revolutionary
design as coronavirus vaccines.
“We do not know their long-term safety profile. I would
not be afraid of so many immediate effects, but those that
can occur in five to ten years. If someone is thirty, it
can be a risk. I won’t get vaccinated, “said the
According to her, what has circulated and is circulating
in autumn and winter are other strains, other viruses that
are not descendants of the spring (virus).
According to her, each wave was caused by a different, new
virus and have nothing to do with the spring (virus),
which has disappeared. And the British mutation is already
the fourth strain in a row.
“The spring virus was the first, the second in September,
the third in December and the new one, the British, is the
fourth. I would almost exaggerate to say that it was
SARS-CoV-2 in the spring, SARS-CoV-3 in September, and
SARS-CoV-4 in December until now.”
“And the British mutation should be called SARS-CoV-5.
Each wave behaves clinically a little differently, the
virus has a different genome, a different program,
according to which it is written, “Peková specified.
“If the second or third wave came from the first, we would
see the mutations that the virus picked up over time in
the viruses of the second and third waves. But this is not
the case. I have no idea where they came from, “Peková
“But it’s something else. And I don’t know where the cave
they are flying from is, “the microbiologist pointed out,
adding that the viruses are artificially modified
according to her.
“My message has not changed since the spring: Find the
cave from which it flies, close it, close its employees
and its management. Many say we should prepare for another
pandemic. My God, by no means. This must not set a
precedent, “Peková said in an interview.
At the same time, she added that the virus does not behave
at all the way natural isolates behave.
“It goes beyond everything we’ve ever seen. It’s from a
bat and it’s modified to infect humans,” Peková said.
“Let’s just be vigilant, let’s continue to test and
objectify what exactly is happening at a given moment,”
the microbiologist emphasized.
As reported by GreatGameIndia last year, Chinese officials
deleted 300 studies of Batwoman Shi Zhengli from the top
secret Wuhan lab linked to the origins of COVID-19.
Details of more than 300 studies, including many
investigating diseases that pass from animals to humans
are no longer available.
Last year a Beijing-based media group Caixin published a
shocking report that the Hubei Provincial Health and
Medical Commission ordered the destruction of Coronavirus
Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai –
Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed these Chinese
experiments on viruses.
The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed
how Chinese scientists were conducting biological
experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be
Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it
was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus
for compatibility with human organisms.
The person who covered-up this biological experiments and
orchestrated the myth of the natural origin of COVID-19 is
Peter Daszak.
The President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak is the
one who orchestrated the myth that COVID-19 is natural in
The West's
Coronaviruses are notorious for ADE reactions, where
antibody presence potentiates the infection instead of
protecting against it. Using that as a bioweapon is stupid
because you will score "own goals" on your own people and
there is no way to control that. As a result biological
weapons generally are dumb; poison gas and such don't have
this risk since it does not propagate but any disease
The poster child for ADE in coronaviruses was an attempted
vaccine for a feline coronavirus that often made cats very
sick. The vaccine killed every one of them in the test
when they were later exposed, wildly potentiating the
Ordinary vaccines we have lots of experience with, such as
measles, the flu shot, mumps and similar do not carry a
risk beyond that of natural infection and cannot be
weaponized because they produce the exact same antibody
response as a natural infection. If you have had either
the measles or the shot you will have antibodies but an
antibody test will not tell you which since they're not
I suspected from the start that due to the way these mRNA
shots work -- they are not actually a vaccine at all in
that they do not "mimic" natural infection but rather
cause your cells to produce the spike protein that the
virus has and that elicits an immune response -- that the
antibodies produced by those jabs would be distinct and
distinguishable from natural infection.
All of the so-called "experts" who worked to develop these
and the firms involved knew damn well this was the case
when they started developing them -- and did it anyway.
Now we have hard, scientific confirmation of that and it's
very bad.
In fact it's potentially nation-ending bad.
An adversary that develops a virus (e.g. another
modified/mutated bat virus, for example) that selectively
targets ADE in people with the specific antibodies from
vaccination, which are distinct from natural infection,
could easily kill every single person who was vaccinated
and not harm or only make mildly sick those who either had
Covid-19 naturally or who were uninfected and
The nightmare scenario that has always driven bioweapons
research is the push to discover some genetically distinct
means of targeting a bioweapon such that it only kills
your adversary and leaves everyone else alone. It's even
worse for your adversary if your side gets and transmits
it but doesn't get sick. This has never been found despite
diligent effort in the past; all attempts to find such a
distinct vulnerability have failed, showing reactivity
across the board and thus strongly suggesting that if that
"thing" was completed and got out it would kill
indiscriminately. That you cannot stop a virus from
circulating (even isolated islands eventually got hit by
the 1918 pandemic flu!) means that releasing a virus or
bacteria that nobody on "your" side has been sensitized to
yet doesn't help because when (not if) the sensitizing
agent gets into your population all your people die too.
This has now, for the first time in human history, been
changed by the idiotic actions of our governments and
pharmaceutical companies in that we are now tagging people
for death by the literal millions and they will die if an
adversary is able to develop a virus that targets those
specific antibodies.
Of course, said adversary will not deploy the tagging via
said shots in their population and thus their people will
not be attacked and killed. Since it takes an actual jab
of a needle to be sensitized absent intentional action
there is no risk to the adversary's population or troops.
I give the odds of an adversary (remember, we're talking
nations here with nearly unlimited resources and plenty of
smart people) figuring out how to selectively target
Covid-19 vaccination antibodies at 50% or better within
the next five years.
If they succeed every single person who took one of the
vaccines that produces a distinguishable antibody dies.
You can bet your last nickel they're working on it right
What happens if they succeed and we forcibly vaccinated
our children and anyone who wishes to have a "normal" life
back? The entire procreation-capable stock of people in
the United States will die and so will America.
That risk is wildly beyond the boundaries of sanity to
have ever been accepted and it was deliberately concealed
from the people -- not just here, but throughout the
Western World.
It's clearly not enough for certain ghouls to have
destroyed a full year of most school-age children's
education; now they propose to risk literally
extinguishing all of their lives and thus the future
generations they would be able to create down the road.
I pray I'm wrong.
Unfortunately I know that I'm not -- there are plenty of
people, both terrorists and evil nation-states that would
love to unleash something like this on those they hate,
they will work on this problem and if they discover a way
to exploit it they will do so.
The use of any "vaccine" that does not produce an
identical antibody to natural infection must be halted
immediately and never done again. We cannot do anything
for the people already stabbed but we can eliminate the
incentive to develop such a weapon by not having any
material percentage of the productive and young population
able to be targeted.
The option to cancel the risk of self-destruction of our
nation and many others will expire within weeks...
UFO event during the Korean War
@ ~ 11:00 ...
Hard times
Enow, it is
the Stupidest of Times, it is the Wasted of Times
-- a craven new world, ordure-eating, willfully
enslaved, insane with ignorance.
Meanwhile: Empress Harris Decrees : " Butter My
Tonsils ! Let them eat caca !"
Dr Mount mansplains it thusly :
Exposed -
Lucifer Wants You Dead - Here Is His Hierarchy -- Dr
William Mount
Sexist Insultor tells Feminists to Copulate Off :
Privilege: Patient Zero (Part 1) -- Popp Culture
High-performance wearable thermoelectric generator
with self-healing, recycling, and Lego-like
reconfiguring capabilities
Wei Ren, et
generators (TEGs) are an excellent candidate for
powering wearable electronics and the “Internet of
Things,” due to their capability of directly
converting heat to electrical energy. Here, we report
a high-performance wearable TEG with superior
stretchability, self-healability, recyclability, and
Lego-like reconfigurability, by combining modular
thermoelectric chips, dynamic covalent polyimine, and
flowable liquid-metal electrical wiring in a
mechanical architecture design of “soft
motherboard-rigid plugin modules.” A record-high
open-circuit voltage among flexible TEGs is achieved,
reaching 1 V/cm2 at a temperature difference of 95 K.
Furthermore, this TEG is integrated with a
wavelength-selective metamaterial film on the cold
side, leading to greatly improved device performance
under solar irradiation, which is critically important
for wearable energy harvesting during outdoor
activities. The optimal properties and design concepts
of TEGs reported here can pave the way for delivering
the next-generation high-performance, adaptable,
customizable, durable, economical, and eco-friendly
energy-harvesting devices with wide applications...
Device design and fabrication
The TEG is composed
of modular thermoelectric chips, liquid metal as
electrical wiring, and dynamic covalent thermoset
polyimine as both the substrate and encapsulation for
liquid-metal wiring (Fig. 1A). Polyimine can be
synthesized by cross-linking three commercially
available compounds, terephthalaldehyde,
3,3′-diamino-N-methyldipropylamine, and
tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (fig. S1) (29, 35, 36). To
fabricate the thermoelectric chips, we deposited thin
film Bi and Sb chalcogenides onto polyimide films
using a thermal evaporator, serving as the n-type legs
and p-type legs, respectively (fig. S2). The sizes of
n-type legs and p-type legs were determined by a power
conversion efficiency optimization process (note S1
and table S1). To improve crystallinity and
performance, we then treated the thermoelectric films
at 320°C for 26 min in argon atmosphere. Then, Au-Ge
electrodes were deposited using a thermal evaporator
to form connections between n-type legs and p-type
legs, which finishes the fabrication of thermoelectric
chips (figs. S2 and S3A). The process of assembling
modular thermoelectric chips into TEGs is
schematically described in Fig. 1A. It started with
laser-cutting a polyimine substrate to create slots
(fig. S3B), followed by screen-printing patterned
liquid-metal electrical wirings (figs. S3C and S4).
Then, the modular thermoelectric chips were inserted
into the slots of the polyimine substrate, and a small
amount of the polyimine solution [terephthalaldehyde +
3,3′-diamino-N-methyldipropylamine +
tris(2-aminoethyl)amine in methanol] was applied to
bond the thermoelectric chips with the substrate and
to encapsulate the liquid-metal wiring...
Bimbo CBS
Liecaster gets tongue-slapped by Pres. Trumps's
attorney :
Attorney Van Der Deen Unloads on CBS Reporter After
Trump Impeachment Acquittal
about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse
Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported
1. Introduction (including What is a Covid-19 vaccine
and which drug companies are providing
them? 2. Official Facts & Figures from
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System) 3. Medical Doctors Opposing
the Covid-19 vaccine 4. The WHO's statement
(about the Covid-19 vaccine) 5.
Relevant Articles documenting Adverse Reactions &
Deaths 6. How to protect yourself
against unwanted forced vaccines...
- 2021-2-14 -- clif high
SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols
Leen Vijgen,
Elien Moës, Els Keyaerts, Sandra Li, Marc Van Ranst,
Dave Cavanagh ( 2008 )
In 2003, the word
"coronavirus" spread across the globe, somewhat
further than the virus that sparked the panic. In
SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols,
expert researchers examine these devastating viruses
through detailed laboratory protocols. Chapters deal
with such subjects as detection and discovery of
coronaviruses by nucleic acid and antibody-based
approaches, virus isolation, propagation and
titration, virus purification, structure analysis by
electron cryomicroscopy, expression and
crystallization of viral proteins, raising antibodies
against viral proteins, manipulation of the
coronavirus genome, and descriptions of how to
investigate aspects of the cell surface for
coronavirus receptors. Composed in the highly
successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series
format, each chapter contains a brief introduction,
step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials,
and a Notes section which shares tips on
troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Comprehensive and cutting-edge, SARS- and Other
Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols serves as an ideal
guide for all virologists and especially for those
working with coronaviruses.
Got 5G Whiz !?
Electrodynamics in Biological Systems
Edited by W.
Ross Adey Jerry L. Pettis
Nonequilibrium Aspects of Electromagnetic Field
Interactions at Cell Membranes ... Strong Interactions
of Radiofrequency Fields With Nucleic Acid ...
Nonthermal Resonant Action of Millimeter Microwaves on
Yeast Growth ... Effects on Nervous Tissue of Exposure
to Electromagnetic Fields ... Neurotransmitter Release
Stimulated in a Clonal Nerve Cell Line by Low
Intensity Pulsed Magnetic Fields ... Natural AC
Electric Fields In and About Cells ... Presence of
Nonlinear Excitations in DNA Structure and Their
Relationship to DNA Premelting and to Drug
Intercalation ... Solitons and Bioenergetics ...
Solitons in Synthetic and Biological Polymers ...
Nonlinear Tunneling Barriers at High Frequencies and
Their Possible Logic Processing Function in
Biological..Radiofrequency Radiation and Chemical
Reaction Dynamics ... On the Growth of Cellular
Tissues Under Constant and Environmental
Conditions ... Ionic Currents and Field Effects
in Neural Extracellular Spaces ... Frequency Selective
Propagation of Extracellular Electrical Stimuli to
Intracellular Compartments ...
Bifurcation Routes of Externally Driven Self-Sustained
Oscillating Systems ... Field Induced Resonance and
Chaos in Nonlinear Conservative Systems ... Solitary
Waves As Fixed Points of Infinite Dimensional Maps ...
Nonlinear Phenomena in a Dispersive System With
Application to Water Waves ... Boson Condensation in
Biological Systems ... Millimeter-Wave and
Far-Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of Cellular
Systems ... &c...
Shipov / Tolchin Drive
Shipov Performing Manual Tests
Shipov Drive - Visible Assembly
Tolchin Drive - Short Original Film Copy
Tolchin/Shipov Drive - Testing Switch Extension
Tolchin/Shipov Bench Test #1
The Internet's #1
website for Targeted Individuals. Targeted Justice is
the world's leading information resource for Targeted
Vaxicide &
The Nuremberg Code :
Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of
the Nuremburg Code?
Nuremberg Code (1949)
1.The voluntary
consent of the human subject is absolutely
essential. This means that the person involved
should have legal capacity to give consent; should be
so situated as to be able to exercise free power of
choice, without the intervention of any element of
force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other
ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should
have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the
elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable
him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
This latter element requires that, before the
acceptance of an affirmative decision by the
experimental subject, there should be made known to
him the nature, duration, and purpose of the
experiment; the method and means by which it is to be
conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably
to be expected; and the effects upon his health or
person, which may possibly come from his participation
in the experiment. The duty and responsibility
for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon
each individual who initiates, directs or engages in
the experiment. It is a personal duty and
responsibility which may not be delegated to another
with impunity. 2.The experiment should be such
as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and
not random and unnecessary in nature. 3.The
experiment should be so designed and based on the
results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of
the natural history of the disease or other problem
under study, that the anticipated results will justify
the performance of the experiment. 4.The
experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all
unnecessary physical and mental suffering and
injury. 5.No experiment should be conducted,
where there is an apriori reason to believe that death
or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in
those experiments where the experimental physicians
also serve as subjects. 6.The degree of risk to
be taken should never exceed that determined by the
humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by
the experiment. 7.Proper preparations should be
made and adequate facilities provided to protect the
experimental subject against even remote possibilities
of injury, disability, or death. 8.The
experiment should be conducted only by scientifically
qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and
care should be required through all stages of the
experiment of those who conduct or engage in the
experiment. 9.During the course of the
experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to
bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the
physical or mental state, where continuation of the
experiment seemed to him to be impossible.
10.During the course of the experiment, the scientist
in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment
at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in
the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and
careful judgement required of him, that a continuation
of the experiment is likely to result in injury,
disability, or death to the experimental
subject. "Trials of War Criminals before the
Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law
No. 10", Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1949.]
As stated here
repeatedly for over a year : " a coup d'etat" --
F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health
Defense, said:
“Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a
government database, from peer-reviewed publications
and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my
posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical
industry and its captive regulators use the term
‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any
factual assertion that departs from official
pronouncements about vaccine health and safety,
whether true or not. This kind of censorship is
counterproductive if our objective is a safe and
effective vaccine supply.
“The pharmaceutical industry is hastily creating
vaccines using taxpayer money and untested
technologies. These include a rash of risky new
products that are exempt from liability, from
long-term safety testing and that have not received
FDA approval. Emergency Use Authorization is a mass
population scientific experiment. If it has any prayer
of working, it will require extraordinary scrutiny
from the press and the public.
“Instead, the mainstream media and social media giants
are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent
public health advocates, like myself, from voicing
concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in
the public square. They are punishing, shaming,
vilifying, gaslighting and abolishing individuals who
report their own vaccine injuries.
“Anyone can see that this is a formula for catastrophe
and a coup d’état against the First Amendment, the
foundation stone of American democracy.”
Be Enscient / Ignorant :--
Covid vax is
a pathogen
Dr Vernon Coleman : Proof
the NHS is Lying - This is Genocide and the Jabs Must
Stop Now!
Loves You, Empress Harris !
DeSantis Tells Biden: “Go Fuck Yourself”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday did not
mince words on a congested conference call with Biden and
federal health authorities who are seeking to prohibit
domestic travel to and from the Sunshine State. DeSantis
and Biden exchanged salvos of biting barbs after the
criminal president said the federal government had
authority to “restrict movement” of the people.,,
“Florida absolutely will not comply,” DeSantis repeated.
“Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would
be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding
in law or science. We have Covid-19 in check, and you’re
trying to exert unlawful authority over our state and its
people,” he chided Biden.
Biden then tacitly threatened to withhold federal funding
and to deny Florida access to Covid-19 vaccinations.
“C’mon, man, Florida needs our help, and you need
vaccines, which are hard to come by, isn’t that right, Dr.
Fauci,” Biden said.
The “Deep State” doctor replied in the affirmative,
telling DeSantis that he expects the prevalence of the UK
variant to double or triple every week to 10 days.
“Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting
the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective
current vaccines are against the UK strain.”
DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health
authorities over financially incentivized federal
“How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr.
Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of
action, I will authorize the state National Guard to
protect the movement of Floridians,” DeSantis said.
“Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” Biden
“I will not, and you can go fuck yourself,” DeSantis said
before hanging up.
TOR --
Ivermectin is
effective for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 39
100% of the 39 studies to date report positive
effects. Early treatment is more successful, with an
estimated reduction of 81% in the effect measured using a
random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.19 [0.11-0.33].
Prophylactic use also shows high effectiveness.
100% of the 20 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) report
positive effects, with an estimated reduction of 72%, RR
0.28 [0.17-0.47].
The probability that an ineffective treatment generated
results as positive as the 39 studies to date is estimated
to be 1 in 550 billion (p = 0.0000000000018).
Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood
Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks?
By Lyn
Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned
the FDA in December that mRNA vaccines could cause
microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and
kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials...
Specifically, Whelan was concerned that the new mRNA
vaccine technology utilized by Pfizer and Moderna has “the
potential to cause microvascular injury (inflammation and
small blood clots called microthrombi) to the brain,
heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in
the safety trials.”
While Whelan did not dispute the vaccines’ potential to
quickly arrest the spread of the virus (assuming that the
vaccines prove to actually prevent transmission — also not
assessed in the clinical trials), he cautioned that “it
would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people
were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to
their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of
failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended
effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on
other organs.”
Unfortunately, Whelan’s concerns were not acknowledged,
and the agency instead relied on the limited clinical
trial data...
The Joule Thief -- Robert Murray-Smith
Ford cardiologists find iPhone 12 magnet deactivates
implantable cardiac devices
Around The World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE
Plastic-to-Oil :
Plastic Waste into Jet Fuel!
India: Could a fuel generated from plastic waste replace
fossil fuels and meet energy needs?
waste to oil/fuel improved pyrolysis reactor
purification of pyrolysis oil
deacidifying pyrolysis oil / extraction of naphthenic
acid from synthetic oil
In this video we will be working with the previously made
pyrolysis oil to make the pyrolysis oil more usable we
need to get rid of the acidic compounds that were formed
during the pyrolysis process. Therefore we perform a
simple extraction with sodium hydroxide and regenerate the
naphthenic acids by reacting the sodium slats formed in
the extraction with hydrochloric acid
earthrise - Plastic Fuel
TEDxBuffalo - John Bordynuik - From Plastic (Back) to
Converting Waste Plastic to Ultra-Clean, Ultra-Low
Sulphur Fuel
What is
the Real Cost of Vaccines? Part 1 with Professor Dolores
Cahill / The Solari Report
YouTube ? Got Rex Research ?
Limitless Energy - ENJOY
A Look
at Otis T Carr's Utron - Testing the Resonant Frequency
of the Rodin Life Saver Coil
Peter Stevens with Joe showing Magnet Cells and
Joe talking with Peter Stevens Part 4 Magnetics Talking
about different effects
Pantone Plasma Reactor Motor
Secrets Of Anti Gravity - Hutchison Effect Is Really
Frequency Levitation
Secrets Of Anti Gravity - Hutchison Effect Is Really
Frequency Levitation
is America At on the 8 Stages of Genocide? Will It
Happen Here? -- David Hodges
the Data :
Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020
Populyou saith :
"We Can
Stay Retarded Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent" -
Coleman: The PCR Test Can Kill You and Can Be Used to
Vaccinate You
COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions
-- Judy Mikovits
Story at-a-glance
The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a
vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more
accurately an experimental gene therapy that could
prematurely kill large amounts of the population and
disable exponentially more. Since mRNA normally rapidly
degrades, it must be complexed with lipids or polymers.
COVID-19 vaccines use PEGylated lipid nanoparticles, and
PEG is known to cause anaphylaxis. Free mRNA can signal
danger to your immune system and drive inflammatory
diseases. As such, injecting synthetic thermostable mRNA
(mRNA that is resistant to breaking down) is highly
problematic as it can fuel chronic, long-term
inflammation. Many commonly reported
side effects from the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccines”
appear to be caused by brain inflammation.
Anyone with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid
arthritis, Parkinson's disease or chronic Lyme and those
with acquired immune deficiency/dysfunction from any
microbial pathogen, brain trauma or environmental toxin
are at high risk of dying from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about
Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits
Case Against Masks
Judy Mikovits
COVID-19 is caused by vaccines
Dr. Judy
Bull Test Positive For Covid
Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre 'UFO Patents'
Finally Talks
Salvatore Pais has finally spoken to The War Zone
concerning his seemingly out of this world patents filed
on behalf of the U.S. Navy.
Brett Tingley
..."The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely
high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local
energy densities) generated by controlled motion of
electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states)
subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated
spin, via rapid acceleration transients.
Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with
the Vacuum Energy State (VES) - the VES being the Fifth
State of Matter (Fifth Essence - Quintessence), in other
words the fundamental structure (foundational framework),
from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our
Quantum Reality, emerges.
The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the
Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you
have closely been following my work, you understand the
importance of..."
The War Zone spoke with Carl Willis, a nuclear engineer
and reactor supervisor at the University of New Mexico who
also serves as Senior Research Engineer for Verus
Research, a company that is working on an advanced dense
plasma focus fusion neutron source for the Army, a
technology Willis says Verus does not view as "a
competitive approach to a fusion power plant, or a
competitor in any meaningful sense toward anything Dr.
Pais is working on for that matter."
According to Willis, Dr. Pais's most recent work
represents "a classic case of pathological science."
Willis says the literature for the plasma compression
fusion device contains invented jargon, nonsensical
statements, weak or absent evidence of an informed
theoretical basis, an "overabundance of nebulous
adjectives and adverbs instead of meaningful quantities in
technical writing," and "lots of statements made in
passing that seem to contradict basic and accepted
Willis says that Dr. Pais "references subjects that have
consistently been plagued with pathological science and
popular misunderstanding for decades, such as vacuum
energy. It's hard not to suspect he's either
drinking the kool-aid himself, or just chumming the waters
for the kind of people who do."
Still, even Willis notes that "this case is mildly unusual
in that the author has a Ph. D. and is employed by the
government, his patents are assigned to the government,
and the paper is slated to appear in a rather widely-read
IEEE outlet. However, these facts in no way temper
my view that this is all basically nonsense--it just
raises additional questions about the cui bono of this
particular case."...
Plasma Compression Fusion Device—Enabling Nuclear Fusion
Cezar Pais
The plasma compression fusion device (PCFD) generates the
energy gain by plasma compression-induced nuclear fusion.
This concept has the capability of maximizing the product
of plasma pressure and energy confinement time to maximize
the energy gain, and thus give rise to fusion ignition
conditions. The preferred embodiment of this original
concept uses a hollow cross-duct configuration of circular
cross section in which the concentrated magnetic energy
flux from two pairs of opposing curved-headed
counter-spinning conical structures (possibly made from an
alloy of tungsten with high capacitance) whose outer
surfaces are electrically charged compresses a gaseous
mixture of fusion fuel into a plasma, heated to extreme
temperatures and pressures. The generated high-intensity
electromagnetic (EM) radiation heats the plasma and the
produced magnetic fields confine it in between the
counter-spinning conical structures, named the dynamic
fusors (four of them-smoothly curved apex sections
opposing each other in pairs). The dynamic fusors can be
assemblies of electrified grids and toroidal magnetic
coils, arranged within a conical structure whose outer
surface is electrically charged. The cross-duct inner
surface surrounding the plasma core region is also
electrically charged and vibrated in an accelerated mode
to minimize the flux of plasma particles (including
neutrals) from impacting the PCFD surfaces and initiating
a plasma quench. The fusion fuel (preferably deuterium
gas) is introduced into the plasma core through the
counterspinning conical structures, namely, injected
through orifices in the dynamic fusor heads. There is
envisioned another even more compact version of this
concept, which uses accelerated vibration in a linear-duct
configuration (using two counterspinning dynamic fusors
only) and would best be suited for fusion power generation
on aircraft, or main battle tanks. The concept uses
controlled motion of electrically charged matter through
accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to
smooth, yet rapid acceleration transients, to generate
extremely high-energy/high-intensity EM radiation (fields
of high-energy photons) which not only confines the plasma
but also greatly compresses itso as to produce a high
power density plasma burn, leading to ignition. The PCFD
concept can produce power in the gigawatt to terawatt
range (and higher) with input power in the kilowatt to
megawatt range and can possibly lead to ignition
(selfsustained) plasma burn. Several important practical
engineering and operational issues with operating a device
such as the PCFD are discussed.
Meanwhile : Electrogravitics
R&D @ Joe's Garage --
1.6 Pounds In Closed System Test At The End But First
Complete Explanation
I give a complete explanation of how this works. There is
also a closed system test at the end of the video. Weight
is 1.6 pounds. In the test video you can see the positive
power supply wire tense up which is addressed in this
video. Power supply wire that connects directly to
drive/cylinder responsible for all movement of 1.6 pounds
is just a single 16 gauge speaker wire. Once in space this
will provide constant acceleration in one direction in a
vacuum using only electricity. No gases needed as in an
ion thruster and a lot more force. Positive power only.
Negative wire end is hanging far away from supply and is
taped off in test at the end. Hissing is inside power
supply tube at connectors and would not push 1.6 pounds.
Now that I know cylinder design is just to allow charge to
flow out the back so power wire can tense up and cause
forward movement without any detrimental effect from
equal and opposite reaction in a closed system I will be
working on power wire configurations to get the most
force. In test at end wall wart connected to Variac to
provide power to just the power supply itself had no part
in producing forward only movement in previous test and
does not have any effect in test at the end of this video.
Bowl and Paper Mache - Only Single Positive Wire
Connected To Paper Bowl
Larger Diameter Plate - Single Pulses Then Multiple
With Thicker Aluminum
Censorship! Use Alt Tech Platforms:Bitchute LBRY Trovo
Minds Gab Mastodon Hive Signal Telegram
Flexible Electronics volume 5, Article
number: 1 (2021)
Fully printed origami
thermoelectric generators for energy-harvesting
Georg Rösch, et al.
from low-temperature environmental heat via
thermoelectric generators (TEG) is a versatile and
maintenance-free solution for large-scale waste
heat recovery and supplying renewable energy to a
growing number of devices in the Internet of
Things (IoT) that require an independent wireless
power supply. A prerequisite for market
competitiveness, however, is the cost-effective
and scalable manufacturing of these TEGs. Our
approach is to print the devices using printable
thermoelectric polymers and composite materials.
We present a mass-producible potentially low-cost
fully screen printed flexible origami TEG. Through
a unique two-step folding technique, we produce a
mechanically stable 3D cuboidal device from a 2D
layout printed on a thin flexible substrate using
thermoelectric inks based on PEDOT nanowires and a
TiS2:Hexylamine-complex material. We realize a
device architecture with a high thermocouple
density of 190 per cm² by using the thin substrate
as electrical insulation between the
thermoelectric elements resulting in a high-power
output of 47.8 µWcm−² from a 30 K temperature
difference. The device properties are adjustable
via the print layout, specifically, the thermal
impedance of the TEGs can be tuned over several
orders of magnitudes allowing thermal impedance
matching to any given heat source. We demonstrate
a wireless energy-harvesting application by
powering an autonomous weather sensor comprising a
Bluetooth module and a power management system.
With the
ongoing digitization of manufacturing (often
referred to as Industry 4.0), companies are aiming
towards energy-efficient production processes.
This transition requires billions of sensor nodes,
which need to be powered. A similar trend is
observed with the growing Internet of Things
(IoT)1. Again, billions of small electronic units
need to be powered, many of them not connected to
a grid. To avoid adverse effects on global energy
consumption, these autonomous devices need to be
powered by green energy2,3. It is therefore
crucial to develop sustainable energy technologies
alongside the innovations of digitization to power
its hardware by harvesting renewable energies...
ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 1, 85–91
Shape-Versatile 3D Thermoelectric Generators by
Additive Manufacturing
Mofasser Mallick, et al.
manufacturing (AM) is a recent growing technology,
which is currently implemented for different
application fields, from rapid prototyping to
cost-effective manufacturing of industrial
components with complex shapes. Printable
thermoelectric materials offer synergies with AM
and can be integrated into 3D printed
thermoelectric generators (TEGs). In this work, we
have formulated an Ag2Se-based n-type printable
thermoelectric (TE) ink with a high
figure-of-merit of ∼1 at room temperature. Three
scaffolds with different shapes have been printed
using 3D printing. The developed ink as n-type
legs and commercially available PEDOT as p-type
legs were then painted on the 3D printed scaffolds
to fabricate three TEGs with a different number of
legs and shapes. The performance of the TEGs was
studied for different temperature differences
between ΔT = 10 and 70 K. Power output (Pmax)
levels of several microwatts and output voltages
of several millivolts can be easily achieved.
Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and
Theoretical Virus
By Makia
No record
found: the SARS-CoV-2 virus that allegedly causes
COVID has still, to this date, never been
isolated. Countless governments and organizations
worldwide have failed to produce evidence of its
existence when challenged.
The world has
been shut down and people's lives have been
decimated over a lie and a superstition that could
well be the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on
humanity as a whole.
The Imaginary
and Theoretical Virus known as SARS-CoV-2, a
concept which has been used by the NWO (New World
Order) controllers to shut down the world, is
becoming more and more exposed as the months go
by. Although those who believe in the COVID cult –
both those orchestrating the scamdemic and those
blindly following along – will insist the virus is
real, the truth is that there has still been no
compelling or conclusive evidence that a real
SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. Admissions by
governmental scientists and organizations
worldwide, as well as omissions and obfuscations
by those same people and agencies, reveal the
shocking truth. As hard as it may be for the COVID
cultists to admit, the emperor truly has no
clothes. There is no virus, other than a digital,
theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a
genomic database. The virus has never been
isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized and
proven 100% to exist. Don’t believe it? That’s
okay; it’s good to be skeptical. See the evidence
below for yourself and make up your own mind.
#1 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: The Virus
Has Never Been Isolated According to Koch’s
Postulates or River’s Postulates
We’ll start
with this, because this is the cornerstone of the
whole scam. All the following information and
evidence below stems from the fact the so-called
experts have never isolated and purified the virus
according to the gold standard of Koch’s
postulates, or even the modified River’s
Postulates. Koch’s postulates are:
The microorganism must be
identified in all individuals affected by the
disease, but not in healthy individuals.
The microorganism can be
isolated from the diseased individual and grown in
When introduced into a healthy
individual, the cultured microorganism must cause
The microorganism must then be
re-isolated from the experimental host, and found
to be identical to the original microorganism.
River’s postulates were proposed by Thomas M.
River in 1973 to establish the role of a specific
virus as the cause of a specific disease. They are
modifications of Koch’s postulates. They are as
The viral agent must be found
either in the host’s (animal or plant) body fluids
at the time of disease or in cells showing lesions
specific to that disease.
The host material with the
viral agent used to inoculate the healthy host
(test organism) must be free of any other
The viral agent obtained from
the infected host must produce the specific
disease in a suitable healthy host, and/or provide
evidence of infection by inducing the formation of
antibodies specific to that agent.
Similar material (viral
particle) from the newly infected host (test
organism) must be isolated and capable of
transmitting the specific disease to other healthy
Whichever set of postulates is used, SARS-CoV-2
fails the test. Dr. Andrew Kaufman does a great
job explaining why in this video. The coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2 (allegedly causing the disease
COVID-19) has not been shown to be present only in
sick people and not in healthy ones. The virus has
never been isolated, which must be done with
proper equipment such as electron microscopes and
which cannot be achieved through CT scans (as the
Chinese were using) and the flawed PCR test. The
January 24th 2020 study published in the New
England Journal of Medicine entitled A Novel
Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China,
2019 describes how the scientists arrived at the
idea of COVID-19: they took lung fluid samples and
extracted RNA from them using the PCR test. It
admits that the coronavirus failed Koch’s
“Further development of
accurate and rapid methods to identify unknown
respiratory pathogens is still needed … our study
does not fulfill Koch’s postulates.”
SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Top Chinese
Scientist Admitted They Never Isolated the Virus
All claims
that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated have
turned out to be unsubstantiated. Meanwhile, there
have been actual admissions by officials that they
haven’t isolated it. The chief epidemiologist of
the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control) Dr.
Wu Zunyou admitted “they didn’t isolate the virus”
in this video clip.
SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: CDC Stated No
Quantified Isolate Was Available
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in
its July 2020 report CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus
(2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel
admits that it had been running PCR tests based
not on an actual viral isolate (an actual sample
or specimen taken from an infected human), but
rather “stocks” of “transcribed RNA” taken from a
gene bank to “mimic clinical specimen”:
“Since no quantified virus
isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC
use at the time the test was developed and this
study conducted, assays designed for detection of
the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized
stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N
gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known
titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent
consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and
viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical
specimen.” (pg.43)
SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: CDC Admitted
They Made a Digital Virus of 30,000 Base Pairs
Using 37 Actual Sample Base Pairs
As covered in
my previous article SARS-CoV-2: The Stitched
Together, Frankenstein Virus, the CDC has already
admitted that SARS-CoV-2 is a computer-generated
digital virus, not a real living virus. As I
“In other words, it is a
Frankenstein virus which has been concocted and
stitched together using genomic database sequences
(some viral, some not). It has never been properly
purified and isolated so that it could be
sequenced from end-to-end once derived from living
tissue; instead, it’s just digitally assembled
from a computer database. In this paper, the CDC
scientists state they took just 37 base pairs from
a genome of 30,000 base pairs which means that
about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from
actual living samples or real bodily tissue. In
other words, they took these 37 segments and put
them into a computer program, which filled in the
rest of the base pairs. This computer-generation
step constitutes scientific fraud.”
In this article In June Study CDC Scientists Make
2 COVID Admissions that Destroy Official Narrative
I reveal how the CDC admitted in their paper that
they extrapolated their make-believe virus. Here
is the quote:
“Whole-Genome Sequencing
We designed 37 pairs of nested
PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the
coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession
no. NC045512). We extracted nucleic acid from
isolates and amplified by using the 37 individual
nested PCRs.”
Another way to say this is that the “virus” has
been constructed using a technique called de novo
assembly which is a method for constructing
genomes from a large number of (short or long) DNA
fragments, with no a priori knowledge of the
correct sequence or order of those fragments. You
can read more about it here.
#5 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: European
Corman-Drosten Paper Used an “In Silico” Genome of
an “In Silico” Virus
The original Corman-Drosten paper admits they used
a theoretical virus sequence for all their work
and calculations. They, like the CDC and every
government and agency, claim this is only because
no isolate was ever available. I wonder if any of
these scientists every asked WHY the isolate has
never been available?
“In the present case of
2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected
patients have so far not become available to the
international public health community.”
A subsequent study highlighting fatal flaws in the
Corman-Drosten paper was published entitled
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect
SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at
the molecular and methodological level:
consequences for false positive results. It
highlights how the authors used in silico or
theoretical sequences from computer banks, not
real isolated samples from infected people. “In
silico” is pseudo-Latin for “theoretical”; in
plain English, synonyms for theoretical are
“imaginary” and “make-believe.”
“The first and major issue is
that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (in the
publication named 2019-nCoV and in February 2020
named SARS-CoV-2 by an international consortium of
virus experts) is based on in silico (theoretical)
sequences, supplied by a laboratory in China,
because at the time neither control material of
infectious (“live”) or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 nor
isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to
the authors. To date no validation has been
performed by the authorship based on isolated
SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof.
Nevertheless these in silico
sequences were used to develop a RT-PCR test
methodology to identify the aforesaid virus. This
model was based on the assumption that the novel
virus is very similar to SARS-CoV from 2003
(Hereafter named SARS-CoV-1) as both are
beta-coronaviruses … in short, a design relying
merely on close genetic relatives does not fulfill
the aim for a “robust diagnostic test” as cross
reactivity and therefore false-positive results
will inevitably occur. Validation was only done in
regards to in silico (theoretical) sequences and
within the laboratory-setting, and not as required
for in-vitro diagnostics with isolated genomic
viral RNA. This very fact hasn’t changed even
after 10 months of introduction of the test into
routine diagnostics.”
SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: UK Government
Couldn’t Produce Evidence
governments of many nations around the world
couldn’t seem to come up with a real virus either
when challenged to do so. More evidence proving
the “virus” is constructed on a computer database
from a digital gene bank comes from Frances
Leader, who questioned the UK MHRA (Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) whether a
real isolated virus was used to make the COVID vax
(read more about the COVID vaccine which is not a
vaccine here). Leader found that the WHO protocols
that Pfizer used to produce the mRNA do not appear
to identify any nucleotide sequences that are
unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Leader asked if
the “virus” was actually a computer generated
genomic sequence, and ultimately the MHRA
confirmed they had no real specimen:
“The DNA template does not come
directly from an isolated virus from an infected
In July 2020, a group of concerned academics wrote
a letter to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in
which they asked him to produce independently peer
reviewed scientific evidence proving that the
SARS-CoV-2 “virus” has been isolated. To date they
have not received a reply. Similarly, UK
researcher Andrew Johnson made a Freedom of
Information Request to Public Health England
(PHE). He asked them to provide him with their
records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2
virus to which they responded:
“PHE can confirm it does not
hold information in the way suggested by your
SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Australian
Government Couldn’t Produce Evidence
In other
Commonwealth nations it’s the exact same story. In
Australia scientists from the Doherty Institute
falsely announced that they had isolated the
SARS-CoV-2 virus. When asked to clarify the
scientists said:
“We have short (RNA) sequences
from the diagnostic test that can be used in the
diagnostic tests.”
Perhaps this is the reason for this disclaimer by
the Australian Government:
“The reliability of COVID-19
tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence
base…There is limited evidence available to assess
the accuracy and clinical utility of available
COVID-19 tests.”
#8 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: Canadian
Government Couldn’t Produce Evidence
Christine Massey made a similar Freedom of
Information request in Canada, to which the
Canadian Government replied:
“Having completed a thorough
search, we regret to inform you that we were
unable to locate any records responsive to your
SARS-Cov-2 the Theoretical Virus: Over 40
Institutions Worldwide Can’t Answer the Basic
In fact,
Massey and her colleague in New Zealand “have been
submitting Freedom of Information requests to
various institutions in Canada, NZ, Australia,
Germany, the U.K., the U.S. etc., seeking any
records that describe the isolation of a “COVID-19
virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) from an unadulterated
sample taken from a diseased human … As of
December 16, 2020, >40 institutions in Canada,
U.S., New Zealand, Australia, U.K., England,
Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Denmark, and the
European CDC have provided their responses, and
none could locate any record describing the
isolation of any “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”
directly from a diseased patient.” Massey posts
their replies here and here.
#10 SARS-Cov-2 the Theoretical Virus: Previous
Coronaviruses Have Not Been Isolated
The Spanish
health journal Salud published a great article in
November 2020 entitled “Frauds and falsehoods in
the medical field” where it exposes the lack of
evidence not only for the isolation of SARS-CoV-2,
but also for the isolation of other past
coronaviruses (unofficial translation here). The
scam runs deep. Jon Rappoport has done great work
exposing how the exact same scam blueprint was
played out in the 1980s (with Fauci in charge,
leading the fraud) when scientists asserted there
was a new virus called HIV, and it was causing
AIDS. The COVID scamdemic greatly mimics other
historical fake pandemics such as the 1976 swine
flu pandemic. The article is Salud states:
“The genetic sequences used in
PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to
diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to
Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the
human genome itself and in those of about a
hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators
or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at
random from their supposed “genome” and even the
so-called “target genes” allegedly specific to the
“new coronavirus”. The test is worthless and all
“positive” results obtained so far should be
scientifically invalidated and communicated to
those affected; and if they are deceased, to their
relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world’s
leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under
certain conditions anyone can test positive!
We have been warning you since
March [2020 – Ed.]: you cannot have specific tests
for a virus without knowing the components of the
virus you are trying to detect. And the components
cannot be known without having previously
isolated/purified that virus. Since then we
continue to accumulate evidence that no one has
isolated SARS-CoV-2 and, more importantly, that it
can never be isolated … In this report we are
going to add the results of a particular research
we have done from the data published on the
alleged SARS-CoV-2 and on the protocols endorsed
by the WHO for the use of RT-PCR as well as the
data corresponding to the rest of the “human
coronaviruses”. And the conclusions are extremely
serious: none of the seven “human coronaviruses”
have actually been isolated and all the sequences
of the primers of their respective PCRs as well as
those of a large number of fragments of their
supposed genomes are found in different areas of
the human genome and in genomes of bacteria and
archaea …”
Their report analyzed human coronaviruses 229E
(said to have been isolated in 1965), OC43 (in
1967), SARS-CoV (in 2003), NL63 (in 2004), HKU1
(in 2005) and MERS-CoV (in 2012). And just to
repeat in case you missed it: they discovered the
alleged sequences of SARS-CoV-2 are found in both
humans and bacteria! This means all the various in
silico models of SARS-CoV-2 contain existing human
genetic sequences, so it is little wonder that
people test positive when the primer or standard
being tested against contains human sequences.
The COVID Cult is a Colossal Fraud and
How did this
all start? Chinese scientists took lung fluid
samples and claimed they had discovered a novel or
new virus. The Gates-Rockefeller WHO backed them
up. In the WHO’s Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCov
Situation Report 1, they state:
“The Chinese authorities
identified a new type of coronavirus, which was
isolated on 7 January 2020……On 12 January 2020,
China shared the genetic sequence of the novel
coronavirus for countries to use in developing
specific diagnostic kits.”
With the evidence presented above, the WHO’s
assertions and claims are utterly baseless. They
constitute outright fraud. The world has been shut
down over a lie – a coldly calculated, carefully
curated lie – that was simulated and war-gamed for
decades in advance. The COVID cult is an
irrational superstition based on nothing but in
silico, theoretical, make-believe viral sequences.
Yet, the real-world consequences for millions who
have been thrown into stress, despair, poverty,
joblessness, alcoholism and suicide is anything
but theoretical.
Behold ! Ag "nano" (micro)
fibers in the Covid nose testickle do an
electrostatic dance ( in aero, not to be
confused with their behavior in biogelo ) :
Buttar On PCR Testing!
Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit
Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data
Lindell's 'Absolute Proof' of Election Fraud
'Absolute Proof' of Election Fraud -- Taken off
youtube almost immediately after release
Doctors now warn about permanent damage and
cardiovascular events following COVID-19
...if viral
antigens are present in the tissues of recipients
at the time of vaccination, the vaccine-augmented
immune response will turn the immune system
against those tissues, causing inflammation that
can lead to blood clot formation... a
recently-infected patient who is subject to
covid-19 vaccination is likely to suffer from
autoimmune attacks along the ACE-2 receptors
present in the heart, and in the microvasculature
of the brain, liver and kidney. The risk is
doubled because two shots are required.
It is a well documented fact that SARS-CoV-2, the
Wuhan coronavirus, readily targets humans through
the vascular endothelium. The virus is known to
enter into endothelial cells through the ACE-2
receptor on the endothelium. Because of this
unique gain-of-function, one of the medical
emergencies that may occur in covid-19 patients is
thromboembolic complications (formation of a blood
clot inside a blood vessel). If viral antigens are
present in the endothelial lining of blood
vessels, then the vaccine will cause an
antigen-specific immune response that attacks
those precious tissues, potentially causing
cardiovascular events. The research warns that the
vaccine is “almost certain to do damage to the
vascular endothelium,” especially in the elderly.
This vaccine-induced endothelial inflammation is
“certain to cause blood clot formation with the
potential for major thromboembolic complications
in a subset of such patients,” he warns....
Scientists Just Created a More Virulent and
Lethal Version of SARS-CoV-2 — It Escapes
Antibodies and Jumps Species
Passaging Allows Virus to Jump Species
SARS-CoV-2 escape in vitro from a highly
neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma
Andreano, et al.
mutations allowed SARS-CoV-2 to evade the
polyclonal antibody response of a highly
neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma.
To investigate
the evolutio of SARS-CoV-2 in the immune
population, we co-incubated authentic virus with a
highly neutralizing plasma from a COVID-19
convalescent patient. The plasma fully neutralized
the virus for 7 passages, but after 45 days, the
deletion of F140 in the spike N-terminal domain
(NTD) N3 loop led to partial breakthrough. At day
73, an E484K substitution in the receptor-binding
domain (RBD) occurred, followed at day 80 by an
insertion in the NTD N5 loop containing a new
glycan sequon, which generated a variant
completely resistant to plasma neutralization.
Computational modeling predicts that the deletion
and insertion in loops N3 and N5 prevent binding
of neutralizing antibodies. The recent emergence
in the United Kingdom and South Africa of natural
variants with similar changes suggests that
SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to escape an
effective immune response and that vaccines and
antibodies able to control emerging variants
should be developed.
WooWooHan KyPanky :
Diplomats Warned in 2018 of Wuhan Bat Lab Virus
Deaths + 10,748 Other Injuries Reported
Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show
These numbers
reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 29
from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System website. Of the 501 reported deaths, 453
were from the U.S. The average age of those who
died was 77, the youngest was 23. 501 deaths
— a subset of 11,249 total adverse events — had
been reported to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19
vaccinations. The numbers reflect reports filed
between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 29, 2021. VAERS is
the primary mechanism for reporting adverse
vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to
VAERS require further investigation before
confirmation can be made that an adverse event was
linked to a vaccine...
BUSTED: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers, Accused of
Violating Federal Law -- Government Manipulation
The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands
accused of violating federal law by inflating
Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to
stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.
CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number
by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential
election played out, according to a study
published by the Public Health Initiative of the
Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. ..
COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity &
FederalLaw: A Historical Retrospective
Ealy, et al.
and TSA Form FEDERAL MASK POLICE…and Enforcement
Is Up to Officer Disc0retion
Synthesis of Lysergic Acid (LSD Precursor):
Retrosynthesis & Mechanisms (Hofmann,
High from Livermort Moss better than Medical
Cannabis? THC & CBD Biology, Chemistry &
Cannabis Project
Travis Turner,
CEO, HZB and Noah Cook, President, HZB LA, talk
Delta 10 THC. Δ10THC. If I understand
correctly, you can't get Delta 8 THC or Delta 10
THC from consuming flower. The extraction
process causes some sort of chemical
transformation to convert (delta 9 thc?) something
else into Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC. and onl
Facts: The Incredible Tardigrade
How to
convert your waste plastics into fuel
"Vitamin D Sweet Spot" and Its Relationship To
This video is
about how vitamin D regulates the aging process.
In this video, you will learn important factors
that affect vitamin production from your skin,
what the optimal levels of serum vitamin D are,
and how appropriate vitamin D levels ("the sweet
spot") prevents telomeres from shortening.30-80
23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week
Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at
Same Time
Do you ever
get the feeling you’re being lied to?
450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus
in the US this year. That number includes
poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice
uses very simple technique to prove masks do
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent spread of viruses
DJT Lost the White House, the next chapter by
Patrick Byrne
The World Turned
Upside Down : Dr.
V. Coleman says "Fuck You", Weeps --
In less than
10 minutes, YouTube DELETED Dr. Coleman's brief
video directing folks to his Feb 2, 2021 video on
BrandNewTube, mirrored here. In this emotional
video, Dr. Coleman explains why those who are
administering the deadly experimental COVID-19
(((vaccines))) WITHOUT first providing informed
consent, will be tried as war criminals.
Merck Scraps COVID
Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective to Get
the Virus and Recover
"Generated an ‘inferior’
immune system response in comparison with
natural infection," will work on therapeutic
drugs instead
Peruvian court ruling: pandemic “created”
by Bill Gates, George Soros and
Rockefeller family
...In its decision, the Chicha and Pisco
Criminal Appeals Chamber said the pandemic
was the invention of a “criminal elite
around the world” made up of billionaires
such as Soros, Gates and Rockefeller, among
others... In particular, the document cites
financial investor George Soros, Microsoft
co-founder Bill Gates and the Rockefeller
family of billionaires, whom he accuses of
“managing” and “continuing to direct” the
virus into the “new world order.”
High Efficiency at Low Cost: New Catalyst
Moves Seawater Desalination, Hydrogen
Production Closer to Commercialization
...Researchers from the
University of Houston have reported an
oxygen evolving catalyst that takes just
minutes to grow at room temperature on
commercially available nickel foam. Paired
with a previously reported hydrogen
evolution reaction catalyst, it can achieve
industrially required current density for
overall seawater splitting at low voltage.
The work is described in a paper published
in Energy & Environmental Science... the
researchers discovered a process to use
nickel-iron-(oxy)hydroxide on nickel foam,
doped with a small amount of sulfur to
produce an effective catalyst at room
temperature within five minutes. Working at
room temperature both reduced the cost and
improved mechanical stability, they said.!divAbstract
Ultrafast room-temperature synthesis of
porous S-doped Ni/Fe (oxy)hydroxide
electrodes for oxygen evolution catalysis
in seawater splitting
Yu, et al.
Developing energy- and
time-saving methods to synthesize active and
stable oxygen evolving catalysts is of great
significance to hydrogen production from
water electrolysis, which however remains a
grand challenge. Here we report a one-step
approach to grow highly porous S-doped Ni/Fe
(oxy)hydroxide catalysts on Ni foam in
several minutes under room temperature. This
ultrafast method effectively engineers the
surface of Ni foam into a rough S-doped
Ni/Fe (oxy)hydroxide layer, which has
multiple levels of porosity and good
hydrophilic features and exhibits
extraordinary oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) performance in both alkaline salty
water and seawater electrolytes.
Specifically, the S-doped Ni/Fe
(oxy)hydroxide catalyst requires low
overpotentials of 300 and 398 mV to deliver
current densities of 100 and 500 mA cm−2,
respectively, when directly used as an OER
catalyst in alkaline natural seawater
electrolyte. Using this OER catalyst
together with an efficient hydrogen
evolution reaction catalyst, we have
achieved the commercially demanded current
densities of 500 and 1000 mA cm−2 at low
voltages of 1.837 and 1.951 V, respectively,
for overall alkaline seawater electrolysis
at room temperature with very good
durability. This work affords a
cost-efficient surface engineering method to
steer commercial Ni foam into robust OER
catalysts for seawater electrolysis, which
has important implications for both the
hydrogen economy and environmental
Leopards Sleep In Man's House With Him Every
Night. is Is In India. Amazing!
Federal Register
Papers Find Extremely Low CO2 Climate
Series 4, Part 5H, Governments Cave building
mistake & DARPAs tunnel contest & what
it really means -- Diehold Foundation
WooStream AG600 -- clif high
Sacrifices Made By The Declaration
Signers… By Michael W Smith
What happened
to the signers of the Declaration of
Independence? This is the Price They Paid
Have you ever
wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed
the Declaration of Independence?
Five signers were captured by the British as
traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve
had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost
their sons in the revolutionary army, another
had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and
died from wounds or hardships of the
revolutionary war.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their
fortunes, and their sacred honor.
What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were
lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine
were farmers and large plantation owners, men of
means, well educated. But they signed the
Declaration of Independence knowing full well
that the penalty would be death if they were
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter
and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by
the British Navy. He sold his home and
properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that
he was forced to move his family almost
constantly. He served in the Congress without
pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His
possessions were taken from him, and poverty was
his reward.
Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the
properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton,
Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr.,
noted that the British General Cornwallis had
taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.
The owner quietly urged General George
Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed,
and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties
destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she
died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as
she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their
lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to
waste. For more than a year he lived in forests
and caves, returning home to find his wife dead
and his children vanished. A few weeks later he
died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris
and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the
American Revolution. These were not wild eyed,
rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken
men of means and education. They had security,
but they valued liberty more. Standing tall,
straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the
support of this declaration, with firm reliance
on the protection of the divine providence, we
mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our
fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
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Scanners Kill Hominid Guinea Piggy Employees :
employee reveals all in this interview on this
coming technology
"ΑNΟNΥMOUS lNSIDΕR shares what we all may face...AND
ΕMPLOYΕΕ TΕLLS ΑLL she experienced with HΕR
DΕCLINING health working next to FIVΕ GEE TΕCH!