Think of
it as Voting :
Rep. Stephen Lynch Tests Positive for COVID-19
Massachusetts Democrat has received both doses
of the Pfizer vaccine for coronavirus
if the crop fails, you can hang yourself ( Got
ElectroCulture ?):
Easy Grow Food - Seed Rope & Bionoc
Easy Grow Seed Rope.& Bionoc - Growing Made
Easy & Successful - Restoring Natures Balance
& Harmony.
Greening the world - New Technology to feed the
world ( Bionoc & Seed Rope )
/ TSA Scanners Kill Hominid Guinea Piggy
Employees :
employee reveals all in this interview on this
coming technology
"ΑNΟNΥMOUS lNSIDΕR shares what we all may face...AND
ΕMPLOYΕΕ TΕLLS ΑLL she experienced with HΕR
DΕCLINING health working next to FIVΕ GEE TΕCH!
Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces
activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in
latently infected human lymphoid cells
Orwell: ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ Appendix -- THE
Rumble — Linwood finally drops the Epstein to
Justice Roberts kids sale audio tape.Also death of
other scotus
Levels in a Mask 2000-5000 ppm
Yeadon expert on viruses, a former CEO at Pfizer,
fact by fact destroys Covid danger
Wood can
easily be turned transparent to make energy-saving
...The researchers’ method stems from the
recent discovery that lignin can be made transparent
by removing only the parts of its molecules that
give them their colour. They brushed hydrogen
peroxide, which is often used as a disinfectant,
over the surface of the wood and then left it under
a UV lampp designed to simulate natural sunlight.
After soaking the wood in ethanol to remove any
remaining gunk, they filled the pores in the wood
with clear epoxy, a step that is also part of making
lignin-free transparent wood.
The final product is a piece of wood that allows
more than 90 per cent of light to pass through it
and is more than 50 times stronger than transparent
wood with the lignin completely removed. “The
transparent wood is lighter and stronger than glass.
It could be used for load-bearing windows and
roofs,” says Hu. “It can be potentially used to make
a see-through house...”
Science Advances 27 Jan 2021: Vol. 7,
no. 5, eabd7342
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd7342
Solar-assisted fabrication of large-scale,
patternable transparent wood
Transparent wood is considered a promising
structural and light management material for
energy-efficient engineering applications. However,
the solution-based delignification process that is
used to fabricate transparent wood generally
consumes large amounts of chemicals and energy.
Here, we report a method to produce optically
transparent wood by modifying the wood’s lignin
structure using a solar-assisted chemical brushing
approach. This method preserves most of the lignin
to act as a binder, providing a robust wood scaffold
for polymer infiltration while greatly reducing the
chemical and energy consumption as well as
processing time. The obtained transparent wood (~1
mm in thickness) demonstrates a high transmittance
(>90%), high haze (>60%), and excellent
light-guiding effect over visible wavelength.
Furthermore, we can achieve diverse patterns
directly on wood surfaces using this approach, which
endows transparent wood with excellent
patternability. Combining its efficient,
patternable, and scalable production, this
transparent wood is a promising candidate for
applications in energy-efficient buildings.
Vitamin D is effective for COVID-19: real-time
meta analysis of 41 studies
Vitamin D is effective for COVID-19. Random
effects meta-analysis of the 14 treatment studies to
date shows an estimated reduction of 70% in the
effect measured, RR 0.30 [0.18-0.52].
Sufficiency studies show a strong association
between vitamin D sufficiency and outcomes.
Meta-analysis of the 27 sufficiency studies shows an
estimated reduction of 52%, RR 0.48 [0.40-0.58].
Coleman - The Shocking Truth About Health
Essential Facts Your Doctor Probably Forgot To
Tell You about the Covid-19 Vaccine Dr Vernon
freedom advocates file informed consent lawsuit to
exempt all persons from mandatory vaccination
Court Hearing Scheduled 2/22/2021 -- On February
22, 2021 we will appear in Federal Court to request
a court order (1) recognizing the role of vaccines
in the children’s health epidemic, (2) upholding
that control group studies of vaccinated v.
unvaccinated are scientifically advantageous, and
(3) exempting all persons from mandatory
Safire Project: 'Star in a Jar'; Good News!
Success! Cheap, Clean Energy in Abundance!
SAFIRE stands for 'Stellar Atmospheric Function
in Regulation Experiment'. They set out to prove the
'electrical nature of the universe' and after
observing so many electrical phenomena in astronomy
and so they created a miniature sun to test the
'Electric Sun theory'. It was a huge success and a
magnificent breakthrough. The Safire Project is a
set of laboratory-based experiments, to explore the
role of electricity in stellar and planetary
phenomena. The results were beyond belief, starting
out with hydrogen and a metal alloy, they produced
heat and other benefits in a self-containing series
of rings that produce cheap, clean energy and also
transmutes 16 elements sodium, magnesium, potassium,
calcium, titanium, barium, lanthanum, cerium,
carbon, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur,
chlorine, zinc, tin. The process requires NO
radioactive material and produces none, in fact, it
remediates radioactive materials and renders them
non-radioactive. The heat generated makes steam,
which makes electricity. At first, they predicted
that with 100% of electrical power they would reach
the thermal limit of the chamber, 110 degrees C.
They tweaked it and attained 113 degrees C with just
7% of the input power. It was the transmutation of
hydrogen, into the 16 elements that released so much
heat. Aureon Energy will take this to
commercialization and we won't need all those 450
worldwide nuclear power plants and all the coal
power plants, either. Those obsolete plants can be
retrofitted to this new clean energyAll that nuclear
waste material can be taken from storage, where it
is a ticking time bomb and . remediated to render it
harmless. Billions of dollars have been spent, by
many nations, trying to contain a fusion reaction to
produce energy and all failed. The Safire
Project succeeded. Based on a “Design of
Experiments” approach, and using a SCADA control
system, Safire focuses primarily on observation and
experimentation, instead of theory and simulations.
Experimentation takes place in a large vacuum
chamber, that has also been described as “A Star in
a Jar”. The wide variety of data
generated by the chamber allows a comparison with
data retrieved from the Sun, that is more than just
a visual comparison. SAFIRE is an acronym for
“Stellar Atmospheric Function in Regulation
Experiment”. To date, the Safire Project has not
found any disparities with the EU/ES model...
This video was prepared to market the
technology. It seems nobody is talking about
this miraculous discovery. The US spent
billions of dollars to create a self-contained core
and failed, but when the 'electric universe' set out
to prove the theory, they found that they too could
fuse nuclei...
Study Finds Glyphosate-related Alterations in Gut
Mesnage, et al.
Glyphosate and MON 52276 treatment resulted in
ceca accumulation of shikimic acid and
3-dehydroshikimic acid, suggesting inhibition of
5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase of the
shikimate pathway in the gut microbiome...
Force researchers developing technology to 'heal
wounds five times faster'
US10672501B2 -- Control approach to cell
A method is presented for reprogramming cells of
a subject. As a starting point, a biological sample
of a sample cell is received from the subject, where
the sample cell has a given cell type. The method
includes: determining gene expression data for the
sample cell from the biological sample; receiving
gene expression data for a target cell having a
target cell type, where the target cell type differs
from the given cell type; deriving a state
transition matrix which models cell dynamics;
computing a regulatory set for a given transcription
factor, where the regulatory set quantifies
influence of the given transcription factor on a
genome; expressing reprogramming of the sample cell
to the target cell with a state-space representation
of a linear system; and solving for the input vector
in the state-space representation.
gots Ejewcation, with Brawndo Electrolytes &
Lipstick too !
Constitution Is 400 Years Old and More Pearls From
Sheila Jackson Lee
Bill H.R. 127 was introduced
in January 2020 by Sheila Jackson Lee :
- Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration
Act ranked
in the top 150,000 until the posting of 'Fukushima
Mon Amour' in 2011...
Websites Ranking -- Top sites ranking for all
categories in the world
Van Peebles - "Come On Feet Do Your Thing"
Bird Flu ?
Dinnertime at the Market
We Are
Now Fully Under Badman Biden Control -- Dr William
Mount1 Bitchute Report - What May Come And Why
Will Shock You
The New Norm We're All In F... Just Pray - The
Mount2 Brighteon Report By Ambassador Mount
4, Part 5H, Governments Cave building mistake
& DARPAs tunnel contest & what it really
means -- 0Diehold Foundation
What the DARPA cave challenge was really telling
us. I cover the first Executive Order by Nixon that
started it all.
World Record RC Airplane Speed 548mph
Dr Vernon
Richie Allen & Dr Vernon Coleman discuss
news that the UK government is planning to impose a
quarantine on any British citizen who takes a summer
holiday this year. Sources indicate that returning
holidaymakers will be taken to a hotel by security,
where they will have to isolate for between 10 and
fourteen days. Dr. Vernon also explains why he
doesn't classify the mRNA jabs as actual vaccines
and presents evidence that serious adverse events
are becoming more and more common. Do visit
Vernon's book here for Free download:
Nostradamus Now -- USA Today (
Got Biden ? ) :
De genƒ eƒclaue chanƒons, chants &
Captifs par Princes & Seigneurs aux
A l'aduenir par idiots ƒans teƒtes
Seront receus pour diuins oraiƒons.
From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and
while Princes and Lords are held captive in
These will in the future by headless idiots
be received as divine prayers
Analytical sensitivity and efficiency comparisons
of SARS-COV-2 qRT-PCR assays
Chantal B.F.
Vogels, Anderson F. Brito, Anne L. Wyllie
America's Frontline Doctors Presentation — "The
Truth About COVID-19 Vaccine"
Presented by
Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM
Doctor. H1N1 Vaccination: A Eugenics Weapon for
“Massive & Targeted Reduction of the World
By Kurt
Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the
Medical Mafia, has underscored the lawsuit recently
filed by Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister
against the WHO, the UN, and several high ranking
government and corporate officials. Bürgermeister
has documented how an international corporate
criminal syndicate plans to unleash a deadly flu
virus and institute a forced vaccination program.
“I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of
vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the
stakes involved are huge. The consequences may
spread much further than anticipated,” writes
Lanctôt, who believes the A(H1N1) virus will be used
in a pandemic concocted and orchestrated by the WHO,
an international organization that serves military,
political and industrial interests.
Lanctôt warns that the elite and their minions will
introduce a compulsory vaccination that will contain
a deadly virus and this will be used specifically as
a eugenics weapon for “massive and targeted
reduction of the world population.” Moreover, a
pandemic will also be used to further establish
martial law and a police state, according to
Lanctôt, and activate concentration camps “built to
accommodate the rebellious” and eventually transfer
power from all nations to a single United Nations
government and thus fulfill the sinister plans of
the New World Order.
Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of It Alive and Take
Back Our Health & Wealth -- Ghislaine Lanctot
Beneath The Ice of Antarctica... Lost Civilization
of the Pre-Adamites
Games Director John Paul Rice exposes SRA
Film "A
Child's Voice"
Room Temperature Superconducting System for use on
a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft -- Salvatore C.
"...It is possible to envision hybrid
aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function
as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater
speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced
aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear
scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid
craft would move with great ease through the
air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a
Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled
effects of EM field-induced air/water particles
repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization. ..."
Got Ron Bourgoin's USP ?
US20190058105 -- Piezoelectricity-induced Room
Temperature Superconductor -- Salvatore Cezar Pais
The present invention is a room temperature
superconductor comprising of a wire, which comprises
of an insulator core and a metal coating. The metal
coating is disposed around the insulator core, and
the metal is coating deposited on the core. When a
pulsed current is passed through the wire, while the
wire is vibrated, room temperature superconductivity
is induced.
suffering from 'maskitis'? A-list skincare expert
warns of painful, flaky rash caused by face masks
that is often confused with maskne - and can
spread quickly if left untreated
Dr. Dennis Gross, who counts the likes of Zoe
Kravitz and Selena Gomez among his clients, said
many people who think they have maskne actually have
Maskne is blemishes caused by the friction of the
mask against the skin, and the humidity caused by
the face covering
According to the board-certified dermatologist,
maskitis is 'marked by small bumps, redness,
inflammation and dry, flaky skin'
Treatments for the two conditions are very
different, Dr. Gross explained
News Plus Some :
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci,
EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Crystallization of salt on the atomic scale
filmed for the first time
Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum talks with
David Icke:
Covid tests are magnetically tagging you and the
vaccine is designed for mass depopulation and
the synthetic transformation of the human body’
Woo - Woo War ( Cont'd )
Woo - Woo War -- Part 1
Modern Byzantine Empire
Update -- clif high
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine
hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ in 6 ml (25
mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the
first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (“Nebu
HCQ”) has resulted in immediate improvement
(<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19
infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a
rescue medication with an 80x improvement in
time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet
(400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or
Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse
events were reported outside of a bitter taste
that quickly subsided.
The protocol used is as follows: 6 ml (25 mg HCQ
per ml) per nebulizer session (15
minutes). Two sessions (12 ml total) in
the first hour for patients with mild to
moderate pulmonary symptoms from COVID-19.
Dr Lee Merrit Interview
Secret, Leaked Speech by Chinese Defense Minister
Demonstrates China's Intent to Destroy America
Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Vaccine Candidates; Continues Development of Two
Investigational Therapeutic Candidates
Pilot Captures Foo Fighter Near His Plane Over
Karachi, Pakistan 1-23-2021, UFO Sighting News.
done :
Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide
Control | Part 1 -- The ICONIC Podcast
Communist Subversion Part 1 provides a high level
overview on the many layers to understanding the
culprits involved in the New World Order. Part 1
provides a review and commentary by Jeremy Elliott
on the classic works of G. Edward Griffin and Yuri
Bezmenov as they relate to the New World Order and
current events.
G. Edward Griffin
Griffin provides details on the mysterious and
infamous "They," the Secret Societies, the
puppet-masters behind the scenes who control the
governments of the world through carefully
constructed "Rings of Power." These power groups
maintain generational plans for the implementation
of a world wide communistic government, ushering in
a New World Order. Griffin notes that this single
unified government aspiration is enacted using:
- A Collectivist ideology
- Communism (under the banner of socialism)
- A Fabian strategy
- Pincer military tactics
...which leads to the consolidation of all national
sovereignty, into the hands of a small, but elite
group, in the "Rings of Power."
G. Edward Griffin Books:
- The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United
Nations - G. Edward Griffin
- The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward
Communism Good Reads:
- Communist Manifesto - (originally, Manifesto of
the Communist Party) - Karl Marx
- On the Nature of Revolution (The Marxist Theory of
Social Change) - Herbert Aptheker
- The New Program (2nd draft)
- American Negro Problems - John Pepper (Alias:
Joseph Pogany)
- Political Affairs Magazine (online)
- Color, Communism and Common Sense - Manning
- The Revolution Betrayed - Leon Trotsky
- The Watts Upsurge (A Communist Appraisal) -
Communist Party of the United States of America.
Southern California District.
- The Peoples World - Online:
- The Worker - Communist Party USA
- The Crusader - Robert F. Williams
- The New Role of National Legislative Bodies in the
Communist Conspiracy - Jan Kozak
- And Not A Shot Fired - Jan Kozak
Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (Alias: Tomas Schuman)
Yuri Bezmenov details the process of how a
non-communist country is converted into communism
through the 4 stages of ideological subversion. Once
Ideological Subversion is in focus, we can see
clearly how the entire world is being duped to
accept this long standing communistic world
government agenda enforced by governments on behalf
of the "Rings of Power." Together, Griffin and
Bezmenov provide key insights into how the "they"
subvert the world under their control, from behind
the scenes, but in plain sight.
Bezmenov books:
- Deception Was My Job (The Testimony of Yuri
Bezmenov Propagandist for the KGB) - Yuri Bezmenov
- Love Letter to America - Yuri Bezmenov
January 24, 2021
53 Dead
in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer
mRNA COVID Injections Started
Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of
the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of
Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people,
and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock
of Gibraltar.”
I have been contacted by residents in Gibraltar
stating that 53 people have died in 10 days
immediately following the roll out of injections of
the Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and calling it a
Local media reports confirm the deaths, but blame
them on COVID, and not the COVID injections.
However, prior to the roll out of the injections, it
is reported that only 16 people in total died “from
COVID” since the beginning of the “pandemic” about a
year ago...
doesn't meet our expectorations :
Moderna Vaccine Not Effective Against "Mutant"
South African COVID Strain, But Works With UK
World Order Plans Announced This Week At Davos
Conference -- CryptoViewing
World economic leaders are meeting to discuss
climate change, sustainability, diversity, and
inclusion. They'll be telling us how to improve the
world by forming consensus under international law.
It's going to be great! The Great Reset continues.
Dr is in :
Vernon Coleman: The PCR Test is Useless for
Covid-19 (But Useful for Crooked Governments)
Dr Keshe explains GANS & Nanomaterials
EVERSOLE, F. (Ed.): Infinite
Enenrgy Techologies
"...there is a hint that there was another
process in existence with which Nazi Germany was
allegedly able to refine oil into various usable
components using certain sound waves. Or so it was
claimed by prisoner of war
Josef Ernst to
his English captors.
The document in question, the British Intelligence
Objectives Subcommittee Report Number 142, reads in
part, “Ernst claimed to have invented a process for
the separation of petrol from oil by the use of
vibrations of audible frequency. This method was
developed from the Kelly process in use in the
U.S.A. The crude oil is passed through glass tubes
suspended above a plate of ‘pertinax,’ which is
caused to vibrate at frequencies on the Pythagoras
tone-scale. The frequency is altered according to
the product required. . . . This process was
operated at the wells near Hamburg owned by the S.S.
and many tons of petrol were produced. These
factories were probably destroyed, but the apparatus
is possibly in the south of Germany.”29
Henry Stevens, Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret
Weapons, Science and Technology (Kempton, Ill.:
Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), 209–211. In
regard to Eric von Rosen, Hermann Göring, and the
Edelweiss Gesellschaft, see Theo Paijmans, “House of
the Swastika,” Darklore 7, 2012.
The official CDC Vaccine Card
Korean scientists may have
discovered ‘elixir of youth’ that ‘erases
wrinkles’ and could even reverse brain and muscle
By Brian
Researchers have developed a rejuvenating gene
therapy for human skin that has the potential to
make “ageing a reversible phenomenon.” RT spoke to
the lead scientist, Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho, about
the astonishing breakthrough.
Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST) have discovered a way
to make skin cells “grow younger.” They claim the
original technique can be used to “reverse the
ageing process and prevent diseases related to
ageing and prolong life span.”
Speaking to RT from KAIST University, Professor
Kwang-Hyun Cho, the lead scientist in the study,
said seeing the revitalized skin in the
laboratory was “dramatic,” and added that the newly
discovered technique “applies not only to human skin
but also to our whole body.”
Professor Cho described his newly developed
technique as “opening the door for a new generation
that perceives ageing as a reversible biological
phenomenon.” It relies on using chemical inhibition
and gene interference to “switch off” a molecule
that makes cells grow old. The ageing of a cell is
called cell senescence. The researchers were able to
“reawaken” skin cells in the lab and rejuvenate
their ability to repair and divide into newer
versions of themselves.
The results showed that the overall functionality of
skin tissue was regenerated, giving the skin a
healthy amount of collagen and elastic fibers,
ridding the tissue of wrinkles. The promise of the
technique could see an end to the ravages of age
like dryness, creases, loss of elasticity and
thinning skin...
Inhibition of 3-phosphoinositide–dependent protein
kinase 1 (PDK1) can revert cellular senescence in
human dermal fibroblasts
An, et al.
Recent studies showed that cellular senescence,
previously considered an irreversible biological
phenomenon, may represent a reversible state, but
the mechanism for the reversion is not well
elucidated. To identify targets the inhibition of
which would convert senescent cells into quiescent
cells, we constructed a molecular regulatory network
model of cellular senescence. From the model
simulation, we identified PDK1 as a promising target
that can revert the senescent state into a quiescent
state. We validated this prediction in experiments
with human dermal fibroblasts, which showed that
PDK1 inhibition eradicates senescence hallmarks by
suppressing both nuclear factor κB and mTOR
signaling through the inactivation of a positive
feedback loop composed of PDK1, AKT, IKBKB, and
PTEN, resulting in restored skin regeneration
Cellular senescence is defined as a stable,
persistent arrest of cell proliferation. Here, we
examine whether senescent cells can lose senescence
hallmarks and reenter a reversible state of
cell-cycle arrest (quiescence). We constructed a
molecular regulatory network of cellular senescence
based on previous experimental evidence. To infer
the regulatory logic of the network, we performed
phosphoprotein array experiments with normal human
dermal fibroblasts and used the data to optimize the
regulatory relationships between molecules with an
evolutionary algorithm. From ensemble analysis of
network models, we identified
3-phosphoinositide–dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1)
as a promising target for inhibitors to convert the
senescent state to the quiescent state. We showed
that inhibition of PDK1 in senescent human dermal
fibroblasts eradicates senescence hallmarks and
restores entry into the cell cycle by suppressing
both nuclear factor κB and mTOR signaling, resulting
in restored skin regeneration capacity. Our findings
provide insight into a potential therapeutic
strategy to treat age-related diseases associated
with the accumulation of senescent cells.
WO2020085673A1 / KR20200046680A
The present invention relates to a method for
inducing reverse senescence by using a specific
molecular target to restore aged cells to a young
cell state. Particularly, the present invention
relates to a composition for inducing reverse
senescence including a PDK1
(Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1) inhibitor or a
method for inducing reverse senescence including a
step of treating aged cells with a PDK1
(Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1) inhibitor.
According to the present invention, PDK1 is a
protein that simultaneously controls MTOR and NF-κB
among the main signal transferring proteins
participating in cell senescence, and is a key
protein determining cell growth-, division- and
senescence-associated secretary phenotypes. It is
determined that when PDK1 is inhibited temporarily,
a part of aged cells is effectively restored to
normal young cells and no phenotypes of aged cells
are observed in such cells. Therefore, PDK1 suggests
a new possibility to the current senescence
treatment strategy focused on inducing apoptosis of
aged cells, and can be used advantageously for
development of anti- senescence materials and agents
for treating senescence-associated diseases.
the Computers ! Give Computers Suffrage !
Democrats introduce bill that will destroy America
With One Swipe…
1) Internet-only registration with electronic
signature submission.
2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for
voter registration.
3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.
4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.
5) Nationwide same-day registration.
destroy America With One Swipe…
Democrats introduce their first bill in the House:
H.R.1 – The bill that will destroy America.
Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on
ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal
voters,DC Statehood roadwork, it’s all in here.
Dolores Cahill:
Professor Explains How Coronavirus
'Vaccines' Kill With mRNA
Poppy predicting COVID-19
List of CoVid19 Researcher Assassinations
Joe’s been getting 100,000 followers on twitter
every day! Except they’re ALL FAKE!! Share and
Function w/ Fauci :
Steve Hilton finds stunning Covid 19 connections:
‘Specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is
Fox News’ Steve Hilton shared an investigation
that breaks down the origins of the coronavirus, and
not only links it back to U.S. commissioned
research, but also to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The host of the “The Next Revolution” told his
viewers that the evidence uncovered “points to the
most likely cause of the pandemic and it’s worse
than anything that we have heard so far.”
Highlighting a study 10 years ago in the Netherlands
involving ferrets, which have respiratory systems
that operate similar to humans, Hilton said
researchers “were trying to see if the virus that
starts out without the ability to be transmitted
through the air can eventually gain that ability.”
“This led to the creation of an entirely new type of
scientific research made possible by advances in
gene technology,” he said. “It was called gain of
function virus research. The idea was to replicate
in a lab what had been done with those ferrets — to
take the virus and manipulate the genetic code to
make it stronger and powerful. The virus would gain
new function, hence the name.”
The idea being to engineer the most contagious
deadly viruses in lab conditions “to learn about
treatments and vaccines about the calamity of an
actual outbreak,” Hilton noted.
This research was carried out around the world, with
Wuhan, China being home to a leading laboratory,
funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, headed up by Dr. Anthony
“Despite the controversy surrounding this type of
research,” he said, “it always had one steadfast
champion, a leading figure in the world of
infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci. His institute
funded that first ferret study. At the time he
cowrote an op-ed in the Washington Post describing
the research as “a risk worth taking… important
information and insight can come from generating a
potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.”
“Shortly before the Obama Administration’s ban on
gain of function research in 2014, Dr. Fauci
commissioned … a project to assess the risk of new
coronaviruses emerging from wild animals like bats —
one of the aims was to see what viruses can infect
animals and humans,” Hilton said.
The Fox News host said that while the Obama
administration stopped the research, Fauci
“continued on by subcontracting it” to the NY based
EcoHealth Alliance.
Sharing what he called a “crucial step that have
never been reported,” Hilton noted that EcoHealth
Alliance then subcontracted the gain of function
piece to the Wuhan Institute of Virology...
Lord Rayleigh's Active Nitrogen ?!divAbstract
A hybrid plasma
electrocatalytic process for sustainable ammonia
Sun, et al.
From nurturing living organisms to feeding
billions of people, the transformation of
atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia (NH3) is essential
to sustain life on earth. In nature, bacteria and
plants can produce ammonia from air and water at
ambient conditions via nitrogen fixation processes.
To follow this feat, we couple plasma-driven
nitrogen oxides intermediary (NOx) generation and
their electrocatalytic reduction to pave the way for
scalable green ammonia at ambient conditions. We
developed a plasma bubble column reactor that brings
together dual reactor configuration with multiple
discharge schemes and bubble dynamic control to
generate NOx intermediaries at low specific energy
consumption of 3.8 kWh/mol. The NOx intermediaries
were converted to ammonia at a rate of 23.2 mg/h
(42.1 nmol/cm2s), using a scalable electrolyzer
operating at a low cell voltage of 1.4 V, current
densities of over 50 mA/cm2, and specific energy
consumption of 0.51 kWh/mol NH3.
Hints of twisted light offer clues to dark
energy’s nature
Cosmologists suggest that an exotic substance
called quintessence could be accelerating the
Universe’s expansion — but the evidence is still
How to build a Low-Tech website: Software &
How to Build a Low-tech Website: Design Techniques
and Process
Disaster Cycle, Sun and Ice -- Suspicious0bservers
Prepare for the new “Domestic Terrorism Bill” The
Patriot Act 2 is on the way, from the same author
behind the smash-hit original
...Joe Biden has claimed multiple times to be the
author of the original Patriot Act, saying it was
based entirely on a bill he proposed in the wake of
the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. ...
on Pres. Harris' Watch ! We'll just Surrender !
The Coming War on China
The Coming War on China (2016) is John Pilger's 60th
film for ITV. Pilger reveals what the news doesn't -
that the world's greatest military power, the United
States, and the world's second economic power,
China, both nuclear-armed, are on the road to war.
The film is a warning and an inspiring story of
Neurosci Lett. 2018 Jan 1;662:152-157.
doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.10.025. Epub 2017
Oct 16.
auditory steady-state response in schizophrenia:
Sensitivity to stimulation type (clicks versus
flutter amplitude-modulated tones)
Griskova-Bulanova, et al.
Auditory steady-state response (ASSR) at 40Hz
has been proposed as a potential biomarker for
schizophrenia. The ASSR studies in patients have
used click stimulation or amplitude-modulated tones.
However, the sensitivity of 40Hz ASSRs to different
stimulation types in the same group of patients has
not been previously evaluated. Two stimulation types
for ASSRs were tested in this study: (1) 40Hz clicks
and (2) flutter-amplitude modulated tones. The mean
phase-locking index, evoked amplitude and
event-related spectral perturbation values were
compared between schizophrenia patients (n=26) and
healthy controls (n=20). Both stimulation types
resulted in the observation of impaired
phase-locking and power measures of late (200-500ms)
40Hz ASSR in patients compared to healthy controls.
The early-latency (0-100ms) 40Hz ASSR part was
diminished in the schizophrenia group in response to
clicks only. The late-latency 40Hz ASSR parameters
obtained through different stimulation types
correlated in healthy subjects but not in patients.
We conclude that flutter amplitude-modulated tone
stimulation, due to its potential to reveal
late-latency entrainment deficits, is suitable for
use in clinical populations. Careful consideration
of experimental stimulation settings can contribute
to the interpretation of ASSR deficits and
utilization as a potential biomarker.
et al.: Redemption is @ #hand:gland --
Mike Adams: Maryam Henein on the Corporation of
the United States
JoJo, you hominid POS ! Get 40 Hz ! --
...The science so far
It has been known since at
least the 1980s that cognitive activity triggers
brainwaves (wave-like patterns of activation) at a
frequency of 40 Hz in humans and other mammals.
In 1991, researchers from the NYU
Medical Center discovered that Alzheimer’s patients
have reduced 40 Hz brainwaves compared with healthy
people. (paywalled paper)
In 2016, MIT’s Alzheimer’s group
did experiments on transgenic mice with early
Alzheimer’s disease and found that exposing them to
a light flickering at a frequency of 40 Hz (40 times
a second) for 1 hour a day for 7 days causes an
almost 60% reduction in β-amyloid plaques, which are
a molecular hallmark of Alzheimer’s. Flickering at
20 Hz and 80 Hz did not have the same effect. An
important qualification here is that the effect was
limited to the visual cortex, which is not
significantly affected in human Alzheimer’s
patients. Here’s an accessibly written report in The
Atlantic and here’s the original paper (published in
Nature) if you’re strong in science-speak. MIT also
made a video about the findings.
In March 2016, scientists at the
University of Toronto published the results of a
small, placebo-controlled pilot study (paywalled
paper), in which they exposed 20 Alzheimer’s
patients to a 40 Hz sound. After six 30-minute
sessios (done twice a week), the patients’ average
score on the 30-point SLUMS scale improved by 4
points, while the placebo group did not improve. It
should be noted that the “dosage” of the treatment
was rather low, which may explain the modest
In January 2017, Cognito
Therapeutics, a company formed by some of the
members of the MIT team, started conducting
preliminary trials to assess the safety of exposing
AD patients to simultaneous flickering lights, an
audio tone, and vibrations – all at 40 hertz...
In January 2018, the New Scientist reported
(paywalled article) that the same MIT team achieved
even better results by playing mice a 40 Hz sound.
β-amyloid plaques shrank by about 50% in the
auditory cortex and – crucially – in the
hippocampus, perhaps because the two areas are close
to each other. This would be a very important
discovery, because the hippocampus is the region of
the brain which is involved in forming memories. It
is the hippocampus that suffers the most damage in
human Alzheimer’s patients. According to the
magazine, these results were presented at the
Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington in
November 2017. However, the published paper
described a significantly different protocol (see
below), so it is likely that the New Scientist
didn’t get the details right.
In July 2018, the International Journal of
Alzheimer’s Disease published the results of a pilot
study in which 6 human patients were exposed to a
40-hertz flickering light bulb for 2 hours a day for
10 days. The therapy was administered in a home
setting by the patients’ caregivers. No difference
in β-amyloid plaque was found after therapy. If
there was an effect, it must have been smaller than
20%, which is not comparable to the 50% reduction
seen in mice.
In March 2019, Cell published another (paywalled)
paper about another study done by the MIT group.
Here’s a NYT article about it. Here are the main
After mice were exposed (for 7
days, 1 hour a day) to a series of clicks repeating
at a frequency of 40 Hz, the amount of amyloid
plaque in their auditory cortex and their
hippocampus was reduced by about 40%. The mice also
did better on several tasks involving the use of
The clicks were 10 kHz waves, 1
millisecond long, repeated 40 times a second (each
cycle had a 1 ms tone followed by 24 ms of silence).
In communication with me, one of the paper’s authors
said that pure 40 Hz tones were not used because
mice cannot hear tones of such a low frequency.
When this auditory treatment was
combined with light pulses at 40 Hz, microglia
(“brain cleaner cells”) started clustering around
amyloid plaque, and the reductions in plaque
extended to parts of the prefrontal cortex (an area
related to functions like attention and short-term
memory). This effect was not observed with either
audio or light treatment alone.
(Don’t) try this at home
If you want to try some kind of do-it-yourself
auditory therapy, it’s not clear what kind of tones
you should use. Dennis, the reader from the UK who
piqued my interest in this subject, used a pure 40
Hz tone. According to this AlterNet article (later
reprinted by The Salon), a pure tone was used in the
preliminary safety study done by Cognito in early
2017. On the other hand, it appears that the most
recently published MIT study used series of clicks
(despite previous reports) rather than a tone. The
New York Times quotes Dr. Tsai, who worked on that
study, as saying “your brain seems to be able to
perceive clicks more than a tone”, which would seem
to indicate a preference that’s not exclusive to
However, in response to my inquiry, another
co-author of the paper, Ho-Jun Suk, said that 40 Hz
pure tones were not used because mice cannot hear
tones of such a low frequency. It would be very
interesting to know what sort of tones are being
used in the now ongoing human trials. (If you are in
the trials or know anyone who’s in them, please let
everyone know in the comments section.)
The New York Times and the Boston Globe published
articles about the MIT mice study, including links
to audio samples of the stimuli that were used by
the researchers. Unfortunately, I have discovered
that neither sample represents accurately the audio
waves that were played to the mice. The clicks in
the published samples are smeared in time (closer to
2 ms) and are not pure 10 kHz tones. Ho-Jun Suk has
confirmed that they do not match the source signal.
(I don’t know how the NYT and Boston Globe managed
to mangle the files so badly, but it’s not because
of compression – I tried it on the same encoder and
the same parameters that were used by the NYT and it
did not distort the signal very much at all.)
If you are thinking about using clicks rather than
pure tones, I would not recommend using 10 kHz
clicks because human ears are not very sensitive to
that range of the spectrum. Something like 3 kHz
(where human hearing works the best) would probably
be more sensible...
How flashing lights and pink noise might banish
Alzheimer’s, improve memory and more
Neuroscientists are getting excited about
non-invasive procedures to tune the brain’s natural
In March 2015, Li-Huei Tsai set up a tiny disco for
some of the mice in her laboratory. For an hour each
day, she placed them in a box lit only by a
flickering strobe. The mice — which had been
engineered to produce plaques of the peptide
amyloid-β in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s
disease — crawled about curiously. When Tsai later
dissected them, those that had been to the mini
dance parties had significantly lower levels of
plaque than mice that had spent the same time in the
Tsai, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, says she checked the
result; then checked it again. “For the longest
time, I didn’t believe it,” she says. Her team had
managed to clear amyloid from part of the brain with
a flickering light. The strobe was tuned to 40 hertz
and was designed to manipulate the rodents’
brainwaves, triggering a host of biological effects
that eliminated the plaque-forming proteins.
Although promising findings in mouse models of
Alzheimer’s disease have been notoriously difficult
to replicate in humans, the experiment offered some
tantalizing possibilities. “The result was so
mind-boggling and so robust, it took a while for the
idea to sink in, but we knew we needed to work out a
way of trying out the same thing in humans,” Tsai
AMERICA 2021 -- Paul Joseph
'Vaccine' are GMO Implants, Not Vaccines
15 US
Code, § 41
Former CIA Head Declares War on Christians /
Libertarians in America
Thyself :
Professor Calls For Elimination Of Republican
Party; Purging "Nazified" People From Congress,
Universities, & "Regular Jobs"
to the USA -- Heil Harris !
Holodomor in
Ukraine - Documentary. Harvest of Despair
Trump's True
Legacy --
Winter --=About the Exercise
On June 22-23, 2001, the Center for Strategic
and International Studies, the Johns Hopkins Center
for Civilian Biodefense Studies, the ANSER Institute
for Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma City
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention
Terrorism, hosted a senior-level war game examining
the national security, intergovernmental, and
information challenges of a biological attack on the
American homeland. (See also: Dark Winter Script •
Article: Shining Light on Dark Winter)
With tensions rising in the Taiwan Straits, and a
major crisis developing in Southwest Asia, a
smallpox outbreak was confirmed by the CDC in
Oklahoma City. During the thirteen days of the game,
the disease spread to 25 states and 15 other
countries. Fourteen participants and 60 observers
witnessed terrorism/warfare in slow motion.
Discussions, debates (some rather heated), and
decisions focused on the public health response,
lack of an adequate supply of smallpox vaccine,
roles and missions of federal and state governments,
civil liberties associated with quarantine and
isolation, the role of DoD, and potential military
responses to the anonymous attack. Additionally, a
predictable 24/7 news cycle quickly developed that
focused the nation and the world on the attack and
response. Five representatives from the national
press corps (including print and broadcast)
participated in the game and conducted a lengthy
press conference with the President...
Declassified Documents – Collection
the hiddn Payload :
Model of a
coronavirus SARS-CoVid Shell
Examining the “10 Stages of Genocide”
Your Judaeo-Jesuit-Illuminazi Enema :
The Global
Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch -- An Intelligence
Digest Covering Developments In The Worldwide
Muslim Brotherhood Network
Global Influence Operations Report -- An
Intelligence Digest Tracking Influence Operations
Jihad Watch
Correlations between Sharia Adherence and Violent
Dogma in U.S. Mosques
A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the
U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation
between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for
violence against non-believers. Of the 100
mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as
severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as
moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no
violent texts at all. Mosques that presented
as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature
violence-positive texts on site than were their
non-Sharia-adherent counterparts. In 84.5% of
the mosques, the imam recommended studying
violence-positive texts. The leadership at
Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend
that a worshiper study violence-positive texts than
leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques.
Fifty-eight percent of the mosques invited guest
imams known to promote violent jihad. The
leadership of mosques that featured
violence-positive literature was more likely to
invite guest imams who were known to promote violent
jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did
not feature violence-positive literature on mosque
Him !
Priest Suspended for Three Months, Could Face
Defrocking, For Attending ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally
Meanwhile in Afreaka : Those who pray in the temple
have their reward...
reportedly dead after massacre at Oriental
Orthodox church in Ethiopia
JoJo is God !
The Disaster
Cycle, Sun and Ice -- Suspicious0bservers
for the new “Domestic Terrorism Bill” The Patriot
Act 2 is on the way, from the same author behind
the smash-hit original
...Joe Biden has claimed multiple times to be
the author of the original Patriot Act, saying it
was based entirely on a bill he proposed in the wake
of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. ...
on Pres. Harris' Watch ! We'll just Surrender to
Save the Children !
The Coming
War on China
The Coming War on China (2016) is John Pilger's
60th film for ITV. Pilger reveals what the news
doesn't - that the world's greatest military power,
the United States, and the world's second economic
power, China, both nuclear-armed, are on the road to
war. The film is a warning and an inspiring story of
Neurosci Lett. 2018 Jan 1;662:152-157.
doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.10.025. Epub 2017 Oct
auditory steady-state response in schizophrenia:
Sensitivity to stimulation type (clicks versus
flutter amplitude-modulated tones)
Griskova-Bulanova, et al.
Auditory steady-state response (ASSR) at 40Hz
has been proposed as a potential biomarker for
schizophrenia. The ASSR studies in patients have
used click stimulation or amplitude-modulated tones.
However, the sensitivity of 40Hz ASSRs to different
stimulation types in the same group of patients has
not been previously evaluated. Two stimulation types
for ASSRs were tested in this study: (1) 40Hz clicks
and (2) flutter-amplitude modulated tones. The mean
phase-locking index, evoked amplitude and
event-related spectral perturbation values were
compared between schizophrenia patients (n=26) and
healthy controls (n=20). Both stimulation types
resulted in the observation of impaired
phase-locking and power measures of late (200-500ms)
40Hz ASSR in patients compared to healthy controls.
The early-latency (0-100ms) 40Hz ASSR part was
diminished in the schizophrenia group in response to
clicks only. The late-latency 40Hz ASSR parameters
obtained through different stimulation types
correlated in healthy subjects but not in patients.
We conclude that flutter amplitude-modulated tone
stimulation, due to its potential to reveal
late-latency entrainment deficits, is suitable for
use in clinical populations. Careful consideration
of experimental stimulation settings can contribute
to the interpretation of ASSR deficits and
utilization as a potential biomarker.
et al.: Redemption is @ #hand:gland --
Mike Adams: Maryam Henein on the Corporation
of the United States
Got Informed choice ?
Following the Science? Don't Make Me Laugh -- Dr
Vernon Coleman
Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, exposes the
many ways governments are lying about covid-19 and
the vaccine.
What Is This Card? Should I Activate It?
-- Dick Algire / CryptoViewing
What is this credit card? This came in the mail
yesterday. I almost threw it away. Is it free money
for me? Actually it is debt, but that's
another story.
What If Everything's Not Perfect Moving to 2023 ?
-- Adapt 2030
Tesla-Dollard Lakhovsky MWO Oscillation
Transformer - Cosmic Induction Generator
HARRIS !!! While ChiComm troops in Canada wait
for the population of Seattle to die off
Starts: Seattle Fire Will Go Door To Door To
“Adult Family” Homes Administer COVID-19 Vaccines
EXCLUSIVE: I’ve Been BANNED From Owning A Firearm,
A Warning Of What’s To Come For All Conservative
Americans -- Laura Loomer
News Roundup | South Africa: Authorities Raid
Hospital in Search of Ivermectin
Zio UberMeisters !!!
Steven and Jana Updates
Chaim Weizmann ( Pres., World Jewish
Congress, Head, Jewish Agency, President of
Israel ), 3 December 1942 @ New York : "We
are not denying and are not afraid to confess that
this war is our war and that it is waged for the
liberation of Jewry... Stronger than all fronts
together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not
only giving this war our financial support on
which the entire war production is based, we are
not only providing our full propaganda power which
is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The
guarantee of victory is predominantly based on
weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in
their own country, within the resistance. And we
are the Trojan horses in the enemy's fortress.
Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the
principal factor in the destruction of our enemy.
There, our front is a fact and the most valuable
aid for victory."
Latino Slaves !
New Footage - Biden`s Future Voters Making Their
Way To The U.S - This will end very badly!
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon
Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains in horrifying
detail the horrors of social engineering and
social credit scores.
2021 01 16 SciFi World! We're HERE! -- Clif High
Smartest Country Comparison 2020 | Countries
Ranked By IQ
The question of the intelligence of a certain
nationality or population may be controversial. In
fact, intelligence is influenced by national,
political, and geographic factors. Often
surprisingly, but scientifically proven, a warmer
climate has a markedly bad influence on the
intelligence quotient. With an average IQ of 98
points, the USA ranks 27th in this ranking. With 108
points, the inhabitants of Singapore reach the
highest intelligence quotas worldwide. The last
place with only 56 points is occupied by Equatorial
Guinea. The displayed IQ was averaged out of the
results of 9 international studies and compared to
the average income and government expenditures on
Doctor Reveals the Corona Effect – Claims COVID is
Blood Coagulation -- By Makia Freeman
AT A GLANCE... THE STORY: What if COVID has nothing
at all to do with a virus? THE IMPLICATIONS: Has
this fake pandemic capitalized on people's ignorance
of the true nature of acidosis, disease, viruses and
terrain theory?
...Young exposes how polio was not cause by a virus,
despite popular belief, but was actually caused by
poisoning from the pesticide DDT. Remember too that
the cancer-causing monkey virus SV-40 (Simian Virus
40) was found in all polio vaccines administered to
Americans up until around 1963. Young writes:
...“I am suggesting in this article that there are
significant findings based on historical and past
and current research, including my own research that
the theory of Polio and possibly other modern-day
diseases, such as Post-Polio Syndrome, Polio
Vaccine-Induced Paralysis, Legionnaires, CNS
disease, Cancer and AIDS may be caused by acidic
chemical poisoning from DDT
(dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and other
related DDT pesticides, acidic vaccinations, and
other factors including lifestyle and dietary
factors rather than from a lone infectious
“Farr’s Law requires, for an
epidemic to be a valid example of contagion, that
the epidemic increase its incidence rates
exponentially. Since polio has been ubiquitous since
the beginning of human history, its incidence rate
should have peaked long ago and universal immunity
conferred, if immunity was ever required, and if the
poliovirus was actually a predator.”
“The non-funded, ostracized
theory of poison causality far exceeds all other
theories in simplicity, exactitude, and directness
regarding correlations within all data areas:
dosage, physiology, etiology, epidemiology,
economics, and politics.”...
Pasteur's Famous Last Words : "Le microbe is
nothing, Le terrain is everything !"
400 Degrees = Complete Gasoline Vaporization by
Stanley A Meyer Hydrogen School
Atty. Sidney Powell: "All
indications are that despite the overwhelming
evidence of massive fraud, and more evidence
available inside the government, and other legal
options available, the President is taking no
action to protect the Republic. People around him
are limiting his information and lying to him
about his legal options. The Biden administration
will be consolidating power day one and the
fascist corporations are already limiting speech
and firing freedom lovers. Just look at the
military in DC now. Trump did not call them in.
And all that for a virtual inauguration that no
one will attend?! It's all about power and
global/communist money. You can see and smell the
corruption in DC. It's gone from a swamp to a pure
cesspool. There were and have been a lot more
people illegally elected than just Biden and
How One Plant Can Feed Your Family For Life! [
Kale ]
New Video Confirms NO WOUND or Bleeding from
Crisis Actor Ashli Babbit's Neck - Fake Capitol
Siege 2021
Ashli Babbit's real name is Ashley Nylen. She and
her husband are both government employees. See our
previous videos for more details on this. Through
close relative Jesper Nylen, Ashli is connected to a
British military supply firm. This makes it appear
that there are at least TWO military firms involved
in the 2020 vote fraud crimes, and then the
subsequent staged distraction / coverup of the D.C
staged "Capitol siege." The other military
contractor is Leonardo SpA, from which the commands
were sent to the DOMINION voting machines, in order
to "adjust" the vote count for Biden.
D.C. Capitol "Siege" Shooting - The Bleeding
BACKPACK of Ashli Babbit
Same old tricks as the Boston Marathon :
UK Governments Website confirming the downgrading
of Covid19 on 19th March 2020
Text of a Letter to the Speaker
of the House of Representatives and the President
of the Senate
Issued on: January 13, 2021
Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.),
and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I
hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order
taking further steps to deal with the threat posed
by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) increasing
exploitation of United States capital to resource
and to enable the development and modernization of
its military, intelligence, and other security
apparatuses which continue to allow the PRC to
directly threaten the United States homeland and
United States forces overseas, including by
developing and deploying weapons of mass
destruction, advanced conventional weapons, and
malicious cyber-enabled actions against the United
States and its people... &c
The COVID-19
Those behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax are
deliberately misleading the population about the
alleged "COVID-19 Vaccines. THEY ARE NOT vaccines –
‘They are an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is
delivered to a cell … a medical device designed to
stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen
This is a segment from the two-hour "Focus On Fauci"
Event from January 5th, 2021. You can view the
entire 2+ hour event here:
Please check out our HUGE "INDEXED" LIBRARY ON THE
CRIMINAL COVID-19 HOAX. It's an enormous free
resource where you can find out the truth about
everything related to COVID-19: Find out the truth
about the fraudulent testing procedure, fake case
and death numbers, who Dr. Fauci really is, who Bill
Gates really is, the truth about the vaccine
industry and the dangers of their products and much
much more. There's nothing like this resource
anywhere on the internet! SHARE IT WITH FRIENDS AND
innovators win global award and ignite demand for
S&P Global Platts has recognised a
little-known, self-funded Australian technology
company with a prestigious Global Energy Award for
target="_blank" its development of a hydrogen demand
activator. Star Scientific chairman Andrew Horvath
reveals how his company is making its market on the
world stage …
That was three years ago. Now Star Scientific has
HERO, a coating, a substance that is distributed
across a substrate, such as ceramic or certain
metals, and “when it comes into contact with
hydrogen and oxygen, it goes from zero to over 700
degrees Celsius in three minutes,” says Horvath.
“Because it’s not burning, it’s a reaction, all that
energy is excitement energy and it goes straight
through the substrate. So our energy transfer is
above 90% into whatever you’re transferring it to,
whether it’s water, CO2, whatever medium.”
Vaccine - a cure worse than the disease - Part 29
-- By Yoichi Shimatsu
Being on the road for field research toward rolling
back the cultural genocide of American society by
politically correct fanatics, this part 29 of my
coronavirus-biowarfare series has to be shorter than
the usual in-depth essay indicting the medical
sector, pharmaceuticals and murderous bureaucrat
To put the present situation mildly, the vaccine is
worse than a failure and, intended or not,
tantamount to yet another stab at mass murder. The
panic about contracting this "fatal" infection has
been grossly overblown with wild-eyed claims of 30
percent of Americans being infected, as claimed by
the CDC. Yet only 10 percent of the population
carries the antibodies, which indicates a difference
of 20 percent of the population, who therefore
should therefore be dead by now, according to the
CDC equation.
The unending official panic,besides being a Democrat
ploy to steal the election, has led to another turn
for the worse, which is to attach a detonator fuse,
so to speak, to the COVID bomb. As discussed further
on, the messenger RNA vaccine being pushed by Pfizer
is frightening the human immune system into
overreaction, thereby heightening the pain of once
mild symptoms and, in some unreported cases, killing
the unsuspecting patient.
As discussed extensively in this series, COVID-19 is
a biological weapon spliced with gene sequences from
HIV and bovine tuberculosis, which are both highly
threatening to the human immune system.
The messaging RNA vaccine is being tested on nearly
2 million guinea pigs. At last count the vaxx has
triggered, or to be precise rekindled adverse
reactions in more than 4,000 healthy individuals
(who probably had mild COVID infections earlier).
Covering the tracks of pharma Pfizer, the FDA's
Center for Biologics Evaluation suggests that these
painful reactions ranging from throbbing pain to
life-threatening inflammation are due to its solvent
polyethylene glycol (PEG)., which causes known side
effects of bloating, diarrhea, nausea, cramps, gas
and hives. That assessment is sheer nonsense, since
patients undergoing bowel surgery are flushed and
flooded with that substance as a tissue softener,
whereas the intravenous dosage in the vaccine is
minuscule by comparison. Any medical authority
spouting such nonsense is guilty of premeditate
diarrhea of the mouth.
That grease cannot possibly account for the recent
death of a Florida physician, who showed the
symptoms uncannily similar to COVID infections in
children. These include heart palpitation, a low
platelet county and small red spots on the skin,
which are caused by ruptures of small blood vessels.
Just two weeks after receiving the vaccine, the
otherwise healthy 56 year-old Miami Beach
obstetrician died of a massive hemorrhagic stroke
A majority of COVID vaccine sufferers have not had a
prior history of allergenic reactions or anaphylaxis
involving injections, which indicates something else
is happening to their immune systems. What is
happening in patients is toxic shock, the human
immune system going berserk out of fear of viral
invasion and shutting down the central nervous
system. We are dying from existential fear of the
invaders, so remember that old adage "we have met
the enemy and it is us".
The Pfizer strategy is fundamentally wrong in
mimicking the spike protein of the COVID antigen,
which has the ability to tag the antibodies emitted
from white blood corpuscles. People who have been
mildly exposed to COVID will overreact to the
presence of a spike protein. This is because the
bovine tuberculosis strand attached to the COVID
bioweapon has already "turned" antibodies into
appearing to be attackers or antigens, to deceive
the human immune system into the false perception of
an all-out invasion, resulting in a panicked
cytokyne storm that causes bio-system collapse in
the patient.
In short, if you'd already had a mild brush with
COVID, your immune system is likely to overreact to
the monoclonal RNA vaccine. This explains the fever,
bowel movement, palpitations and blood vessel
ruptures as symptoms triggered by the vaccine inside
a partially infected person, who otherwise should
have survived COVID in good condition.
The far worse contagion than coronavirus, pandemic
which lasted less than 6 months in Hong Kong in
2003, is murderous criminality of the Democrat
leadership, which evaded gain of function limits on
biowar research, and the profiteering by unethical
pharma executives and their institutional investors
aka the insurance industry. .
Pfizer disclaims responsibility, which is the green
light for law firms to start organizing class-action
litigation for pharmacological malpractice. Notably,
taxpayers need not feel any guilt in this case since
Pfizer developed the monoclonal RNA product outside
of the Trump admin's fast-track therapy project
called Operation Warp Speed. A known supplier of
kickbacks to drug pushers known as doctors, Pfizer
is a repeat offender, now and then with its reckless
Lipitor blood thinner and the 2.3 billion dollar
fine in 2009 for its Bextra painkiller. Their new
vaccine is extending the COVID crisis by deranging
the immune system and needless suffering for
patients who were already self-cured thanks to the
natural defenses of their bodies. . Neglect of one's
health results in bad medicine, so take good care of
your body and mind the natural way.
President Trump’s new Gab account:
Expert Speaks On COVID & More: Wisdom &
Future Vision From Dr. Sam Osmanagich | Richard
Funded Mind Control Experiments - Bull & Cat
Tests by Dr Delgado in the 1960s
Power: Hemp Batteries Better Than Lithium And
Graphene -- By Barnaby De Hoedt
Henry Ford’s Model T was famously made partly
from hemp bioplastic and powered by hemp biofuel.
Now, with battery-powered vehicles starting to
replace those that use combustion engines, it has
been found that hemp batteries perform eight times
better than lithium-ion. Is there anything that this
criminally-underused plant can’t do?
The comparison has only been proven on a very small
scale. (You weren’t expecting a Silicon Valley
conglomerate to do something genuinely
groundbreaking were you? They mainly just
commercialise stuff that’s been invented or at least
funded by the state.) But the results are extremely
The experiment was conducted by Robert Murray Smith
– who has built up quite a following on his YouTube
channel – of FWG Ltd in Kent. He observed a Volts by
Amps curve of both the hemp and lithium batteries
and found that the power underneath the hemp cell
was a value of 31 while that of the lithium cell had
a value of just 4. Although he does not claim to
have proven anything, he said that the results of
his experiment showed that the performance of the
hemp cell is “significantly better” than the lithium
It comes as no real surprise, which is presumably
why he conducted the experiment. In 2014, scientists
in the US found that waste fibres – ‘shiv’ – from
hemp crops can be transformed into “ultrafast”
supercapacitors that are “better than graphene”.
Graphene is a synthetic carbon material lighter than
foil yet bulletproof, but it is prohibitively
expensive to make. The hemp version isn’t just
better, it costs one-thousandth of the price.
Battery As Good As Lithium Ion? -- Robert
More interesting results from the non graphene
based battery system - Full instructions to make a
hemp battery at -
ACS Nano 2013, 7, 6, 5131–5141, May 7, 2013
Interconnected Carbon Nanosheets Derived from Hemp
for Ultrafast Supercapacitors with High Energy
Wang, et al.
We created unique interconnected partially
graphitic carbon nanosheets (10–30 nm in thickness)
with high specific surface area (up to 2287 m2 g–1),
significant volume fraction of mesoporosity (up to
58%), and good electrical conductivity (211–226 S
m–1) from hemp bast fiber. The nanosheets are
ideally suited for low (down to 0 °C) through high
(100 °C) temperature ionic-liquid-based
supercapacitor applications: At 0 °C and a current
density of 10 A g–1, the electrode maintains a
remarkable capacitance of 106 F g–1. At 20, 60, and
100 °C and an extreme current density of 100 A g–1,
there is excellent capacitance retention (72–92%)
with the specific capacitances being 113, 144, and
142 F g–1, respectively. These characteristics
favorably place the materials on a Ragone chart
providing among the best power–energy
characteristics (on an active mass normalized basis)
ever reported for an electrochemical capacitor: At a
very high power density of 20 kW kg–1 and 20, 60,
and 100 °C, the energy densities are 19, 34, and 40
Wh kg–1, respectively. Moreover the assembled
supercapacitor device yields a maximum energy
density of 12 Wh kg–1, which is higher than that of
commercially available supercapacitors. By taking
advantage of the complex multilayered structure of a
hemp bast fiber precursor, such exquisite carbons
were able to be achieved by simple hydrothermal
carbonization combined with activation. This novel
precursor-synthesis route presents a great potential
for facile large-scale production of
high-performance carbons for a variety of diverse
applications including energy storage.
Dissolution of Cellulose in NaOH/Urea/α-Lipoic
Acid Aqueous Solution to Fabricate All
Biomass-Based Nitrogen, Sulfur Dual-Doped
Hierarchical Porous Carbon Aerogels for
Chao Dang,
et al.
Using the disulfide bond and carboxyl group in
the molecular structure, α-lipoic acid was easily
dissolved in the NaOH/urea solution and could be
used as a ternary solvent for dissolving cellulose.
Through this platform, N, S dual-doped hierarchical
porous carbon aerogels (NSHPAs) were successfully
obtained via directly dissolving cellulose in this
ternary solvent, followed by gelling and
carbonization. Because the fabricated carbon
materials had a proper structure and a uniform
heteroatom doping, their capacitance could reach 329
F g–1 at 0.5 A g–1, 1647.5 mF cm–2 at 2.5 mA cm–2,
and the fine rate property was 215 F g–1 at 10 A g–1
and 1075 mF cm–2 at 50 mA cm–2, respectively.
Additionally, the electric double-layer contribution
and pseudocapacitance contribution from the N,S dual
doping were also analyzed. Meanwhile, they showed
outstanding capacitance retention in a 2 M H2SO4
electrolyte. Additionally, a symmetric
supercapacitor (SSC) was assembled by NSHPAs, and
yielded a high specific capacitance of 63.6 F g–1 at
1 A g–1. At a power density of 130 W kg–1, the SSC
showed a high energy density of 10.3 W h kg–1 and a
long cycle life with 10% capacitance decay over 5000
cycles at 1 A g–1. These electrochemical
performances suggest that this adopted synthesis
route may open a novel avenue for the fabrication of
heteroatom-doped carbon electrode materials,
especially based on renewable and low-cost
Highwire with Del Bigtree -- THE TOLL OF ‘HERD
As the UK continues to tighten #Covid19 lockdown
restrictions once agains, Member of Parliament (MP)
Sir Desmond Swayne has been the outspoken voice
against the tyrannical government mandates. Hear his
views on social control, mass hysteria, police
state, and the government's inability to question
Edmonds : “The Coup, The People- Yesterday
&Today: The Final Battle”
Expert Speaks On COVID & More: Wisdom &
Future Vision From Dr. Sam Osmanagich | Richard
Sacks / Lost Arts Radio Show
EATING OUR LUNCH! - We Are Losing the Food War! --
Other countries are protecting their food
supplies. Argentina, Russia, and Ukraine have all
stopped exporting to be able to feed their people.
Yet the USA continues to export hand-over-fist to
China -- based on the data from the USDA. How is
this happening? Who is in control? Christian asks
some hard questions tonight on this troubling Ice
Age Farmer broadcast -- and the answers demand that
we start growing food immediately.
died of Covid !
US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey DELETES ALL
OF HIS SOCIAL MEDIA Hours After Our Bombshell
REDPILLED Media can now conclusively confirm the
sick killer as Special Agent David Bailey. He is a
black male US Capitol police officer with short
black hair who always wears an unmistakable white
and black bead wristband...
REDPILLED Media has uncovered evidence
confirming our previous reporting through
self-incriminating Facebook posts, and revealing
Agent Bailey as a Brazilian immigrant who has
pledged his allegiance to the deadly Black Lives
Matter movement — even going so far as vowing to
murder Trump supporters....
staff attorney said gov't should take away
children of Trump voters and put them in
'reeducation camps.' Now he's out of a job.
PBS released a statement saying, "This employee
no longer works for PBS. As a mid-level staff
attorney, he did not speak on behalf of our
organization, nor did he make any editorial
decisions." The statement continued: "There is no
place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this
individual's views in no way reflect our values or
opinions. We strongly condemn violence and will
continue to do what we have done for 50 years — use
our national platform and local presence to
strengthen communities and bring people together."
Analysis of
video from Crossroads with Ganaha
and Joshua Phillip
An analysis of
events that occurred in the Capital
shows that Antifa was involved in
numerous activities that led to
Ashli Babbitt’s death and violent
exchanges in the US Capitol.
They then hid and even changed their
clothes after she was shot....
High bytes back vs poseurs Simon
Parks, et al. :
stupid fux -- simon
parkes and penny kelly fux up &
piss me off
besmart2021 -- be
smart fuckers, do not win stupid
chimes in re" Simon "Says"
8 Simple Rocket
Stoves - How to Make Simple Camping
& Survival Stoves
Vitamin D can help
reduce coronavirus risk by 54%: Boston
University doctor
positivity rates associated with
circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels
Harvey W. Kaufman, et al.
Until treatment and vaccine for
coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)
becomes widely available, other methods
of reducing infection rates should be
explored. This study used a
retrospective, observational analysis of
deidentified tests performed at a
national clinical laboratory to
determine if circulating
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels are
associated with severe acute respiratory
disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
positivity rates. Over 190,000 patients
from all 50 states with SARS-CoV-2
results performed mid-March through
mid-June, 2020 and matching 25(OH)D
results from the preceding 12 months
were included. Residential zip code data
was required to match with US Census
data and perform analyses of
race/ethnicity proportions and latitude.
A total of 191,779 patients were
included (median age, 54 years
[interquartile range 40.4–64.7]; 68%
female. The SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate
was 9.3% (95% C.I. 9.2–9.5%) and the
mean seasonally adjusted 25(OH)D was
31.7 (SD 11.7). The SARS-CoV-2
positivity rate was higher in the 39,190
patients with “deficient” 25(OH)D values
(<20 ng/mL) (12.5%, 95% C.I.
12.2–12.8%) than in the 27,870 patients
with “adequate” values (30–34 ng/mL)
(8.1%, 95% C.I. 7.8–8.4%) and the 12,321
patients with values ≥55 ng/mL (5.9%,
95% C.I. 5.5–6.4%). The association
between 25(OH)D levels and SARS-CoV-2
positivity was best fitted by the
weighted second-order polynomial
regression, which indicated strong
correlation in the total population (R2
= 0.96) and in analyses stratified by
all studied demographic factors. The
association between lower SARS-CoV-2
positivity rates and higher circulating
25(OH)D levels remained significant in a
multivariable logistic model adjusting
for all included demographic factors
(adjusted odds ratio 0.984 per ng/mL
increment, 95% C.I. 0.983–0.986;
p<0.001). SARS-CoV-2 positivity is
strongly and inversely associated with
circulating 25(OH)D levels, a
relationship that persists across
latitudes, races/ethnicities, both
sexes, and age ranges. Our findings
provide impetus to explore the role of
vitamin D supplementation in reducing
the risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection and
COVID-19 disease.
ChiComm OverLords : Please go Home,
A Momentous Day --
JR Nyquist
du Jour :
Biden’s Choice to
Lead DOJ’s Civil Rights Division:
“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater
Mental, Physical and Spiritual
This U.S. Doctor is
telling you the TRUTH about how
wearing masks is literally killing you
and this is what they hope will happen
to all of us.
Wake Up now before
you're DEAD!
STUDY: Bill Gates
DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More
African Girls Than The Disease Itself
According to a peer
reviewed study published in a respected
journal by the world’s most
authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill
Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more
African girls than the disease itself.
The vaccine apparently compromised their
immune systems. Although, such study was
never performed before 2017, Bill Gates
and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO
pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting
African babies...
EBioMedicine. 2017 Mar; 17:
doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.01.041
The Introduction of
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral
Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in
an Urban African Community: A Natural
Søren Wengel Mogensen, et al.
Among 3–5-month-old
children, having received DTP (± OPV)
was associated with a mortality hazard
ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3)
compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated
children. Differences in background
factors did not explain the effect. The
negative effect was particularly strong
for children who had received DTP-only
and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)).
All-cause infant mortality after 3
months of age increased after the
introduction of these vaccines (HR =
2.12 (1.07–4.19)).
DTP was associated with
increased mortality; OPV may modify the
effect of DTP.
Birth Control by Vaxicide : Kill the
Brats !
Students in Los
Angeles will be required to get COVID
vaccine before returning to school
Masks to make sure sooner :
DOI: 10.21203/
Corona children
studies "Co-Ki": First results of a
Germany-wide registry on mouth and
nose covering (mask) in children
Silke Schwarz, Ekkehart Jenetzky,
Hanno Krafft, Tobias Maurer, David
Background: Narratives about
complaints in children and adolescents
caused by wearing a mask are
accumulating. There is, to date, no
registry for side effects of masks.
Methods: At the University of
Witten/Herdecke an online registry has
been set up where parents, doctors,
pedagogues and others can enter their
observations. On 20.10.2020, 363 doctors
were asked to make entries and to make
parents and teachers aware of the
Results: By 26.10.2020 the
registry had been used by 20,353 people.
In this publication we report the
results from the parents, who entered
data on a total of 25,930 children. The
average wearing time of the mask was 270
minutes per day. Impairments
caused by wearing the mask were reported
by 68% of the parents. These included
irritability (60%), headache (53%),
difficulty concentrating (50%), less
happiness (49%), reluctance to go to
school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%)
impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness
or fatigue (37%).
another Polish Joke !
Polish Highlanders
VETO Lockdown! -- JANUARY 12, 2021 --
By Julian Rose
Polish ‘Gorale’
(Highlanders) are a large community
stretching around 100 miles across South
Poland highlands and widely respected
for maintaining their way of life and
defying all regulations that try to cow
them. Villages are opening up their
businesses again and ignoring government
covid regulations. Translated from
Zakopane January 11, 2021 – mountains –
South of Poland – Góralskie/highlanders/
VETO! We open businesses! No more
destroying Polish entrepreneurs!
…If we do not protest at the moment, we
will not come back to life in a month…
there will be nothing to return to,
because corporations will buy Polish
We have NO demands to the government….
the right to work is based on divine
natural law…
They/government/better pray to God for
forgiveness because we will not forgive
them anymore…
… there is no pandemic and there is
nothing to vaccinate … statistics tell
the truth… we have more deaths due to
the collapse of the health service….
We want to liberate people from fear…
We are not afraid of the police, the
checks, the mandates…police can see
what’s going on. We all ride on one
trolley. It is in the interest of all of
us to halt this path to
…People think that
it is role of
the highlanders = górale to
liberate Poland… we gave the impulse
courage …
It is only the words from the TV/not
law/ that tell us to limit our
lives……the government breaks the law, it
breaks the Constitution…
Survive The Purge,
A List Of Popular Uncensored
Alternative Media Options -- By
Ulysses S. Tennyson
Project Veritas --
PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Radical
Project Veritas released
a new video today exposing Michael
Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public
Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his
statements defending violent attacks on
the White House, re-education for the
children of Trump supporters and
praising the deaths of red state voters
as a result of COVID-19.
Here are some of the
highlights from today’s video:
Michael Beller, PBS principal counsel:
“We go for all the Republican voters and
Homeland Security will take their
children away…we’ll put them into the
re-education camps.”
Beller: “Enlightenment camps. They’re
nice, they have Sesame Street characters
in the classrooms, and they watch PBS
all day.”
Beller: “Americans are so f*cking dumb.
You know, most people are dumb. It’s
good to live in a place [Washington,
D.C.] where people are educated and know
stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in
one of these other towns or cities where
everybody’s just stupid?”
Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is
spiking in all the red states right now.
So that’s great…a lot of them [red state
voters] are sick and dying.”
but as expectorated :
Ivermectin: South
Africa Bans ‘Miracle’ COVID-19
Treatment as “Unsafe”
How People Cancel
Each Other
Brittle by
Clif High
...In humans, and in
some of the large primates, the vagus
system runs what is known as Cranial
Nerve X (10) and C. Nerve (IX) (9) along
with C. Nerve (IV) 4 in a manner unlike
other vertebrata with exception of your
pals, dogs and cats. Pigs also have some
aspect of this routing. But not as much
as dogs, nor the lesser amount of cats.
This CN-X (cranial nerve 10 designation)
is key to consciousness as the routing
through this area of the brain then is
tied to the pancreas. I know, seems
goofy, but stick with me here. ...
Your gray matter is really micro
crystalline (neurons) structures
floating in lightly solid oil. It is a
very very sophisticated antenna that all
of military industrial complex has been
working for decades trying to replicate.
You can prove this to yourself with
another simple philosophical experiment.
Go to a car park. Place your car in a
slot. Lock it with the little wireless
key. Walk away and find out how far you
can go before the key stops working to
lock/unlock the car. Then walk twice as
far away, the take the key and place it
on the side of your skull, in contact
with the temple ‘dent’ above the jaw,
and activate your key. The car will
respond. Then keep walking further away
until this does not work. That will show
you how powerful an antennae you have in
your skull. ..
FUTURE -- Archiveteam.jpg
And we've been trashing
our history
Archive Team is a loose collective of
rogue archivists, programmers, writers
and loudmouths dedicated to saving our
digital heritage. Since 2009 this
variant force of nature has caught wind
of shutdowns, shutoffs, mergers, and
plain old deletions - and done our best
to save the history before it's lost
forever. Along the way, we've gotten
attention, resistance, press and
discussion, but most importantly, we've
gotten the message out: IT DOESN'T HAVE
This website is intended to be an
offloading point and information depot
for a number of archiving projects, all
related to saving websites or data that
is in danger of being lost. Besides
serving as a hub for team-based pulling
down and mirroring of data, this site
will provide advice on managing your own
data and rescuing it from the brink of
Currently Active Projects (Get Involved
Pole Shift Survival
The information on this
site is for those who wish to improve
their chances for survival after the
coming pending pole shift.
Scientists discover
bizarre new mode of snake locomotion
a Miracle !
Coleman gets urinated off :
Dr. Vernon Coleman
on the Richie Allen Show 11/1/2021
After discussing the
latest government and NHS pronouncements
on the virus and lockdown measures,
Vernon explains WHY he believes we are
being locked into our homes as our jobs
are lost, our businesses destroyed and
our health deteriorates. What he says is
shocking, but it's true.
utterly pathetic :
92-year-old stands
up to tyranny
Reich Of The
Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons &
The Cold War Allied Legend --
Joseph P. Farrell
A. Gravity, Vortices, and Quantum
Dr. Ing. Ott Christoph
Hilgenberg was a student of the renowned
Nobel laureate Walter Gerlach, whose
work in magnetic spin polarization in
1921 had earned him the Nobel Prize.
Hilgenberg, however, while within the
"mainstream" of physics, was not one to
allow his mind to be constrained by
conventional concepts, as any glance at
his two little known, but quite
unconventional and thought-provoking
papers will attest.
In 1931 Hilgenberg published what may
best be called an arcane paper entitled
"Gravitation, Tromben, und Wellen in
bewegten Medien," or "Gravitation,
Beats, and Waves in Moving Media." The
title itself is quite suggestive, for it
is the first indication that, even
before the Nazis, and after relativity,
at least one serious and respected
German physicist is still thinking of
the old idea of an aether, but thinking
about it in a way quite different from
the static aether concepts of the 19th
century that led to the famous
Michelson-Morley experiment, and
Sagnac's rotational version of it.
For Hilgenberg is thinking of a dynamic
aether, spurred in part no doubt by the
implications of Sagnac's version of the
famous experiment. Hilgenberg's paper
was arcane and abstruse in the extreme,
advocating the idea of gravitation as a
vertical ether sink. Thus, as in
relativity, gravity was the consequence
of a complex geometry, only in
Hilgenberg's case, this meant that
"mass" was a geometric result manifest,
for example, in a rotating body's
This led Hilgenberg to propose the very
unconventional idea that the earth - or
any other such rotating massive body -
expanded and contracted, in a huge
wave-like pattern over time. ..
Vom wachsenden
Erdball -- Hilgenberg O.C. -- 30.5 MB
Plunging global
birth rate shows long-term effects of
Covid on society will be DEVASTATING
Here are eight
Google search alternatives to
MetaGer – An open source metasearch
engine with good features, based in
SwissCows – A zero-tracking private
search engine based in Switzerland,
hosted on secure Swiss infrastructure.
Searx – A privacy-friendly and versatile
metasearch engine that’s also open
Qwant – A private search engine based in
DuckDuckGo – A private search engine
based in the US.
Mojeek – The only true search engine
(rather than metasearch engine) that has
its own crawler and index (based in the
YaCy – A decentralized, open source,
peer-to-peer search engine.
Givero – Based in Denmark, Givero offers
more privacy than Google and combines
search with charitable donations.
Note: With the exception of Mojeek, all
of the private search engines above are
technically metasearch engines, since
they source their results from other
search engines, such as Bing and Google.
See the new and updated best private
search engines guide for additional
information. Here we also explain that
some “private search engines” are
actually owned by advertising companies.
Three examples of this are Startpage,
Search Encrypt, and Ghostpeek.
Private Search
Secure Browsers
That Protect Your Privacy
Niacin Result
See for yourself-- reviews of those
who recently started using Niacin--
then try it for yourself to see &
feel the effects!
This Tweet is from
a suspended account.
Ivermectin is
effective for COVID-19: real-time meta
analysis of 30 studies
Covid Analysis, Nov 26, 2020 (Version
16, Jan 11, 2021)
We analyze all
significant studies concerning the use
of ivermectin for COVID-19. Search
methods, inclusion criteria, effect
extraction criteria (more serious
outcomes have priority), all individual
study data, PRISMA answers, and
statistical methods are detailed in
Appendix 1. We present random effects
meta-analysis results for all studies,
for studies within each treatment stage,
for mortality results only, and for
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
We also perform a simple analysis of the
distribution of study effects. If
treatment was not effective, the
observed effects would be randomly
distributed (or more likely to be
negative if treatment is harmful). We
can compute the probability that the
observed percentage of positive results
(or higher) could occur due to chance
with an ineffective treatment (the
probability of >= k heads in n coin
tosses, or the one-sided sign test /
binomial test). Analysis of publication
bias is important and adjustments may be
needed if there is a bias toward
publishing positive results.
Figure 2 shows stages of possible
treatment for COVID-19. Prophylaxis
refers to regularly taking medication
before becoming sick, in order to
prevent or minimize infection. Early
Treatment refers to treatment
immediately or soon after symptoms
appear, while Late Treatment refers to
more delayed treatment...
says Nyuque You, Pence, ya coloncunt
A Letter
from the Nye County Chairman
Surprise For Anti-Trumpers… This is
Incriminating": Hacker Archives Every
Deleted Parler Post
Following last week's incursion into the
US Capitol building by Trump supporters
and the founder of a BLM group, a
researcher who goes by the Twitter
handle @donk_enby got to work archiving
every post from that day made on Parler
- a conservative alternative to Twitter
where many of the protesters coordinated
leading up to the incident which left
five people dead. Enby calls the
evidence "very incriminating."
Then, after Amazon announced that they
were going kill conservative Twitter
rival Parler, @donk_enby began archiving
posts prior to the 6th, ultimately
preserving approximately 99.9% of its
content, according to Gizmodo.
Hoping to create a
lasting public record for future
researchers to sift through, @donk_enby
began by archiving the posts from that
day. The scope of the project quickly
broadened, however, as it became
increasingly clear that Parler was on
borrowed time. Apple and Google
announced that Parler would be removed
from their app stores because it had
failed to properly moderate posts that
encouraged violence and crime. The final
nail in the coffin came Saturday when
Amazon announced it was pulling Parler’s
plug. -Gizmodo
Whom God Would Lighten, It First Drives Mad.
Welcome Home, Dark Star.
NY Vaxicide :
After Unused
Vaccines Are Thrown in Trash, Cuomo
Loosens Rules
Now, employees who
interact with the public, including
pharmacy cashiers, qualify. It was the
second time in two days that the state
amended its rules...
Styx farts @ YT on YT
You Either Side
with Free Speech or You Stand Against
Civilization, There's No Middle Ground
-- Styxhexenhammer666
Dr M in fine form :
What Is Really
Happening Will Shock You - THE MOUNT1
BRIGHTEON REPORT -- Dr William Mount
Shot Heard 'round The Internet :
R.I.P. Ashley
Shot Climbing Through Capital Window

Origami-Folded Hydrogel
Paper Instantly Generates 110 Volts of
combine 3D-printed hydrogels and origami to
create an electric eel-inspired power source
Christina Dabney
Animal-inspired technology has gone electric.
These brightly colored, 3D-printed gels have the
potential to create up to 110 volts of
electricity in an instant, similar to the
electric eel.
Rows of small hydrogel dots are packed with
positively and negatively charged ions that
combine together to mimic an electric eel’s
cellular structure. Printing and stacking these
hydrogels produces the highest amount of
voltage, while a connection to a larger contact
area produces the highest current. Scientists
are hoping that this system could potentially
lead to a device that generates power from
inside of the human body.
“The electric eel is able to create very, very
large amounts of power. And we thought that this
was remarkable,” said Anirvan Guha, one of the
researchers on the project, designed at the
University of Fribourg in Switzerland. “So
we started to think about whether or not we
could create a system that could generate
electricity in the same way.”
An eel’s unique ability comes from a specialized
organ housing thousands of cells called
electrocytes. The chemical make up of these
cells allows for a positive or negative charge.
The surrounding membranes control the charge by
allowing ions to pass through, inciting an
electric reaction, or by blocking the ions and
returning the organ to a neutral, dormant state.
When an eel is threatened or stalking prey, a
neural impulse is sent to the membranes in the
electrocytes, and positive ions flood into the
cells. In a second, the electric voltage in each
cell can go from zero millivolts to 150
millivolts, producing a total of up to 600
This new power generator works in a similar way.
It uses four different types of hydrogels to
mimic the eel’s electrical system. One with a
high salt concentration, one with a low salt
concentration, and two charged membranes—one
negative and one positive.
The first attempt at putting this system
together involved using a fluidic autosampler
that pushed the gels into sequence in tubes. The
more gels in a sequence, the higher the voltage.
But the researchers couldn’t build an array long
enough to produce the desired voltage.
So the researchers moved on to 3D
printing. They printed a sequence of about
2,500 gels on two plastic sheets the size of
regular printer paper. When they connected two
gel papers, they were able to produce 110 volts
of charge within seconds.
This was a huge jump in electricity from the
previous method, but the current was still too
low for most practical applications.
At the suggestion of a colleague, they tried
connecting the gels through a Miura-ori fold, a
type of origami fold that allows the gels to
stack on a folded sheet. The gels connect
simultaneously with a large contact area, more
closely resembling the geometry of the eel’s
cells. This method increased the current
and prevented energy waste by decreasing the
time it took for the gels to connect.
Guha says he and his team would love to find a
way to make the hydrogels thinner, which would
allow for an even higher current. They imagine
that one day this system, or one like it, could
be used to power internal biological devices
such as pacemakers.
“Because the power source is ionic gradients,”
Guha says, “our hope is that you could implant
one of these devices and the power could be
maintained from the ionic gradients within the
human body.” \
The PINEAL Gland is under
attack AGAIN Great Awakening
Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne
Update on Georgia ballots: DHS had been
trying to move forward this week. Two days ago
FBI jumped in claiming jurisdiction. Yesterday 3
PM FBI took control of shredding truck and
materials, directed they be returned to
shredding operation and the shredding job
Daily exposure to blue
light may accelerate aging, even if it doesn't
reach your eyes
Prolonged exposure to blue
light, such as that which emanates from your
phone, computer and household fixtures, could be
affecting your longevity, even if it's not
shining in your eyes. New research suggests that
the blue wavelengths produced by light-emitting
diodes damage cells in the brain as well as
retinas, according to a new study in a model
Italian IT expert admits to helping rig US
election using virus he uploaded to a defense
The top cannabis research
studies of 2020
Geoengineering Watch: Our
First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing
-- Dane Wigington
"Nitric oxide is
currently being utilized all over by hospitals
and universities as possible treatment for
This Miracle Molecule will
Supercharge Your Health with Nobel Prize
Winner Dr. Louis Ignarro
- Why nitric oxide is so fundamentally
connected to our health (6:26)
- How the body creates nitric oxide
- The problem with not having adequate
levels of nitric oxide in the body (14:45)
- The impact of nitric oxide on the brain
- Why breathing through your nose is so
important to overall health (18:26)
- One of the first indicators you may be
suffering from inadequate levels of nitric oxide
- How Viagra was discovered (25:38)
- The impact of salt and sugar on nitric
oxide production (30:53)
- Nitric oxide as a treatment for COVID-19
- Why you shouldn’t use mouthwash (40:54)
- Exercise and nitric oxide production
Candace Owens
Everyone PLEASE take 5 minutes to watch this
video—and more importantly, SHARE IT. I have
been warning everyone since last year about what
these "fact-checkers" represent, and we are
inching ever-closer to a totalitarian state. I
began suing the fact-checkers last year because
I knew that their actions would culminate into
this extraordinary moment in American history: a
sitting President of the United States has been
censored. This means none of us are safe from
being wiped away. My Facebook page has long
since been demonetized but I believe we can make
this video viral by sharing person to person. I
still believe in the power of the people.
npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease
volume 5, Article number: 8 (2019)
Daily blue-light exposure shortens lifespan
and causes brain neurodegeneration in
Trevor R. Nash, et al.
Light is necessary for life, but prolonged
exposure to artificial light is a matter of
increasing health concern. Humans are exposed to
increased amounts of light in the blue spectrum
produced by light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which
can interfere with normal sleep cycles. The LED
technologies are relatively new; therefore, the
long-term effects of exposure to blue light
across the lifespan are not understood. We
investigated the effects of light in the model
organism, Drosophila melanogaster, and
determined that flies maintained in daily cycles
of 12-h blue LED and 12-h darkness had
significantly reduced longevity compared with
flies maintained in constant darkness or in
white light with blue wavelengths blocked.
Exposure of adult flies to 12 h of blue light
per day accelerated aging phenotypes causing
damage to retinal cells, brain
neurodegeneration, and impaired locomotion. We
report that brain damage and locomotor
impairments do not depend on the degeneration in
the retina, as these phenotypes were evident
under blue light in flies with genetically
ablated eyes. Blue light induces expression of
stress-responsive genes in old flies but not in
young, suggesting that cumulative light exposure
acts as a stressor during aging. We also
determined that several known
blue-light-sensitive proteins are not acting in
pathways mediating detrimental light effects.
Our study reveals the unexpected effects of blue
light on fly brain and establishes Drosophila as
a model in which to investigate long-term
effects of blue light at the cellular and
organismal level...
Science 01 Jan 2021:
Vol. 371, Issue 6524, pp. 46-51
DOI: 10.1126/science.abb9554
rechargeable zinc-air battery based on zinc
peroxide chemistry
Sun, et al
When two is better than four
Batteries based on the reaction of zinc and
oxygen have been used for more than a century,
but these have been primary (that is,
nonrechargeable) cells. These batteries use an
alkaline electrolyte and require a four-electron
reduction of oxygen to water, which is a slow
process. Sun et al. show that with the right
choice of nonalkaline electrolyte, the battery
can operate using a two-electron
zinc-oxygen/zinc peroxide chemistry that is far
more reversible. By making the electrolyte
hydrophobic, water is excluded from the near
surface of the cathode, thus preventing the
four-electron reduction. These batteries also
show higher energy density and better cycling
Rechargeable alkaline zinc-air batteries promise
high energy density and safety but suffer from
the sluggish 4 electron (e−)/oxygen (O2)
chemistry that requires participation of water
and from the electrochemical irreversibility
originating from parasitic reactions caused by
caustic electrolytes and atmospheric carbon
dioxide. Here, we report a zinc-O2/zinc peroxide
(ZnO2) chemistry that proceeds through a 2e−/O2
process in nonalkaline aqueous electrolytes,
which enables highly reversible redox reactions
in zinc-air batteries. This ZnO2 chemistry was
made possible by a water-poor and zinc ion
(Zn2+)–rich inner Helmholtz layer on the air
cathode caused by the hydrophobic
trifluoromethanesulfonate anions. The
nonalkaline zinc-air battery thus constructed
not only tolerates stable operations in ambient
air but also exhibits substantially better
reversibility than its alkaline counterpart.
“Our innovative, non-alkaline electrolyte brings
a previously unknown reversible zinc peroxide
(ZnO2)/O2 chemistry into the zinc-air battery,”
explains Sun.
Compared with conventional alkaline
electrolytes, the new non-alkaline electrolyte
has some decisive advantages. Foremost among
them is that the zinc anode performs more
efficiently with a higher chemical stability and
electrochemical reversibility – longhand for “it
can be recharged”.
According to the team, the new zinc-air
batteries offer long-term, stable operation: up
to 320 cycles and 1600 hours under normal
conditions. This standard of performance offers
the potential to compete with the rechargeable
lithium-ion batteries currently dominating the
“The zinc-air battery provides a potential
alternative battery technology with advantages
such as environmental friendliness, high safety
and low costs,” says Sun, who emphasises that
the technology “still requires further,
intensive research and optimisation before its
practical application”.
The most notable disadvantage of the battery is
its rate of charge: a charge/discharge cycle
took approximately 20 hours...
Nano Energy, Volume 75, September
2020, 104873
Super-hygroscopic film for wearables with dual
functions of expediting sweat evaporation and
energy harvesting
Xueping Zhang, et al
Novel film that keeps us
dry and cool
A team of researchers from NUS has created a
novel film that is very effective in evaporating
sweat from our skin to keep us cool and
comfortable when we exercise, and the moisture
harvested from human sweat can be used to power
wearable electronic devices such as watches,
fitness trackers, and more.
Sweating is a natural process for our body to
reduce thermal stress. “Sweat is mostly composed
of water. When water is evaporated from the skin
surface, it lowers the skin temperature and we
feel cooler. In our new invention, we created a
novel film that is extremely effective in
evaporating sweat from our skin and then
absorbing the moisture from sweat. We also take
this one step further - by converting the
moisture from sweat into energy that could be
used to power small wearable devices,” explained
research team leader Assistant Professor Tan
Swee Ching, who is from the NUS Materials
Science and Engineering.
The main components of the novel thin film are
two hygroscopic chemicals – cobalt chloride and
ethanolamine. Besides being extremely
moisture-absorbent, this film can rapidly
release water when exposed to sunlight, and it
can be ‘regenerated’ and reused for more than
100 times.
To make full use of the absorbed sweat, the NUS
team has also designed a wearable energy
harvesting device comprising eight
electrochemical cells (ECs), using the novel
film as the electrolyte. Each EC can generate
about 0.57 volts of electricity upon absorbing
moisture. The overall energy harvested by the
device is sufficient to power a light-emitting
diode. This proof-of-concept demonstration
illustrates the potential of battery-less
wearables powered using human sweat.
This technological breakthrough was reported in
the September print issue of the scientific
journal Nano Energy.
Absorbing moisture for personal comfort
Conventional hygroscopic materials such as
zeolites and silica gels have low water uptake
and bulk solid structures, making them
unsuitable for absorbing moisture from sweat
evaporation. In comparison, the new
moisture-absorbing film developed by NUS
researchers takes in 15 times more moisture and
do this 6 times faster than conventional
In addition, this innovative film shows a colour
change upon absorbing moisture, from blue to
purple, and finally pink. This feature can be
used as an indicator of the degree of moisture
--Jeffrey Prather
Lt. General Thomas
We are living in an
upside down world. Here is why.
by Normiesreeee69
I realized that everything is about to
change. No matter how I vote, no matter what
I say, lives are never going to be the same.
I have been confused by the hostility of
family and friends. I look at people I have
known all my life so hate-filled that they
agree with opinions they would never express
as their own. I think that I may well have
entered the Twilight Zone. You can’t justify
this insanity. We have become a nation that
has lost its collective mind. We see other
countries going Socialist and collapsing,
but it seems like a great plan to us.
Somehow it’s un-American for the census to
count how many Americans are in America.
People who say there is no such thing as
gender are demanding a female President.
Universities that advocate equality,
discriminate against Asian-Americans in
favor of African-Americans. Some people are
held responsible for things that happened
before they were born, and other people are
not held responsible for what they are doing
right now. Criminals are caught-and-released
to hurt more people, but stopping them is
bad because it’s a violation of THEIR
rights. People who have never owned slaves
should pay slavery reparations to people who
have never been slaves. After legislating
gender, if a dude pretends to be a woman,
you are required to pretend with him. It was
cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the
President of Ukraine, but it’s an
impeachable offense if Donald Trump
inquiries about it. People who have never
been to college should pay the debts of
college students who took out huge loans for
their degrees. Immigrants with tuberculosis
and polio are welcome, but you’d better be
able to prove your dog is vaccinated. Irish
doctors and German engineers who want to
immigrate to the US must go through a
rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate
gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are
welcomed. $5 billion for border security is
too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free”
health care is not. If you cheat to get into
college you go to prison, but if you cheat
to get into the country you go to college
for free. And, pointing out all this
hypocrisy somehow makes us “racists”!
Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no
morals, no civility and people are dying of
a Chinese virus, but it is racist to refer
to it as Chinese even though it began in
China. We are clearly living in an
upside-down world where right is wrong and
wrong is right, where moral is immoral and
immoral is moral, where good is evil and
evil is good, where killing murderers is
wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.
Wake up America. The great unsinkable ship
Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is
taking on water and sinking fast.
“We now live in a nation where doctors
destroy health, lawyers destroy justice,
universities destroy knowledge, governments
destroy freedom, the press destroys
information, religion destroys morals, and
our banks destroy the economy.” ― Chris
How to make White
Petrol Fuel (Ethanol ) at Home - Hindi
Meeting the Covid
Heros: Dr Kory, Dr Marik and Dr Varon --
Peak Prosperity
you want the very best information on Covid
prevention and treatment, again please go to
Front Line COVID-19
Critical Care Alliance
Where TF is Robert Bravefart Bruce the Scot
When You Need Him ?
Police Enter Home, Arrest Family After
Neighbor Snitched on Them For Violating COVID
Eric A Nepute : 40,000 adverse vaccine effects
Trump : Election Fraud -- Epic Speech -- Jan
6, 2021
Exclusive: 'Q Shaman' Explains Why He Invaded
'COVID-19' DOES NOT EXIST [2020-12-24] - GEMMA
Andreas Kalcker reveals the REVOLUTION in
medicine that humanity needs right now: ClO2
Video – Shows Police Opening Barricades To Let
Protesters Breach The Capitol Building
moment we realized that this is a staged psyop
Congress reporter figures out how Pence did it
last night!
are the Three Tweets from President Trump
Deleted by Twitter
Investigation launched as 2 people die in
Norway nursing home days after receiving
Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine
Of Israelis Infected With COVID After
Receiving Pfizer Vaccine Amid Frenzied
Inoculation Campaign
Fertility Report: ‘Men May Want to Consider
Freezing Sperm’ Before COVID Vaccine
is the ‘SPARS Pandemic 2025 – 2028’
Pandemic 2025 – 2028 – A Futuristic Scenario for
Public Health Risk Communicators” was a
simulation at The Johns Hopkins University, back
in October of 2017. And we all know by now what
happens to simulations – they become real. It
mentions a new virus that will infect mankind in
2025, and it will last until 2028. According to
the World Bank, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is a
“project” that is planned to continue until the
end of March 2025. Here’s a screenshot below
(source and back-up):
was Photoshopped :
Nobel Laureate Calls COVID-19 Manmade
Cynthia McKinney: NATO GLADIO joined CIA, Deep
State to Steal Presidential Election
Psyop. Look at
the photographers while going up the stairs and
at the end. The officer is leading them where to
go and gives the guy a little nudge and says
“they’re here” when at the 2nd floor and
officers just walk up and say “leave”. Paid
crisis actors to look like agitators
fine cinematography...
Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming
Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?
yesterday's protest in Washington D.C., a
Trurmp-supporting US Air Force Veteran, Ashli
Babbitt, was shot dead by a Capitol Police
officer (who has been placed on leave) as she
attempted to climb through a broken window to
bypass a barricade, along with other Trump
Filming the incident from behind Babbit,
however, was Utah resident John Sullivan -
founder of the far-left organization "Insurgence
USA" who made headlines in July after he was
arrested for intimidating drivers in Provo.
Sullivan was interviewed by the Daily Mail and
CNN following Wednesday's shooting - both of
which failed to provide a satisfactory answer as
to why he was there in the first place...
ANTIFA Paid Anarchists Storm US Capitol
Building - PROOF
View Dick Allgire Saw Capitol Chaos In Early
The Queen Warns World Of A 'Plot By Certain
Forces' To Unleash Their Vision Of A 'Hell On
In an
impromptu, unscripted moment, the Queen said,
"One cannot over emphasise just how diabolical
these evil doers are. they do not hold the light
of God within them," according to BBC production
The Queen warned her subjects that world leaders
are secretly pursuing the 'Great Reset' in order
to create a "dark new dawn" for humanity.
Senior BBC production staff and palace advisors
scrambled to cancel the filming, but not before
the Queen detailed her deepest fears that the
troubles of 2020 marked the beginning of
humanity's battle against evil.
Press Release: Votes Switched throughout U.S.
Presidential Race – Institute for Good
Senior IT Expert at Global Defense
Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal
Court; He and Others Switched Votes
throughout America in the U.S. Presidential
Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee
of the 8th largest global defense contractor,
Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition
detailing his role in the most elaborate
criminal act affecting a US election.
Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of
international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined
the scheme that proved successful in using
Leonardo computer systems and military
satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent
reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have
been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback
on the corporation which is partially owned by
the Italian government...
phone has a hidden map tracking everywhere
you’ve been
...Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the
Soviet Union, and became a Military Doctor in
St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the
Strategic Rocket Force. He is an expert today on
bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and
Pandemic preparedness. His view is that these
vaccines are very similar technology to the
bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He
fully understands that the plan of depopulation
and mandatory vaccinations will be at our
doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the
American people are so passive concerning this
enemy takeover. He believes that this fake
pandemic is the means by which a communist
global government will be ushered into
existence; one that cannot be voted out...
Lin Wood shares
what is on Hunter Biden’s laptop & John
Podesta’s laptop. If President Trump orders the
military to seize documents, Chief Justice
Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, & others will be
immediately arrested. Documents must be seized
before they are destroyed. Time is of the
essence if this part of the Kraken is to be
Chug a
Jug of ChiComm Spermatazoi, Amelican
Slavegoy !
Lockdown civilization: phase one and phase
two by Jon Rappoport
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The
But / And / So --Now He's
Immune to Covid :
Family of Mexican Doctor Paralysed After
Pfizer Shot Calls for Additional Vaccine
"I'm Just Not Buying It" - Jeff Gundlach
Raises Questions About COVID Vaccine's '95%'
Efficacy Rate
As Dr. Fauci walks back criticisms of Britain's
decision to grant emergency approval to the
Pfzier-BioNTech - something Dr. Fauci
characterized as "rushed" earlier this week
before receiving the proverbial kick under the
table - and Pfizer cuts its 2020 vaccine
delivery target due to issues with 'raw
materials', a video of DoubleLine Capital
founder Jeff Gundlach expressing doubts about
the prospects for a vaccine is making the rounds
on twitter.
Speaking in an off-the-cuff manner, Gundlach
raised questions about the timeline for
vaccine-induced COVID herd immunity, something
Sweden's Anders Tegnell recently affirmed
remains a poorly understood concept, that some
might characterize as "conspiratorial"...
Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already
50x Higher Than Flu Shot
George Carlin re: Germs
baby jesusfornicatingchroest
understand that you are only a few weeks old
but we have a dire
situation here so please grow up already
save we from us
we apologize for the
promise to rehabilitate
Homemade Vaccum Chamber
Amalek = Samael = Vaxine ?
Amalek: A demonic being
named in the collection of Jewish lore known as
the Zohar. According to this text, Amalek is the
greatest impurity. He is credited with the
ability to poison a person so thoroughly that he
can bring about the death of the soul. In the
Zohar, Amalek is equated to the fallen angel
Samael. Although identified as separate
entities, they are nevertheless presented as
being the same essential being. Notably,
Samael's name is sometimes translated as “poison
of God.”
Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of a
‘Covid’ Vaccine
...Dr. Shepherd
was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and
became a Military Doctor in St. Petersburg,
Russia, and studied under the Strategic Rocket
Force. He is an expert today on bio-weapons,
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and
high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic
preparedness. His view is that these vaccines
are very similar technology to the bio-weapon
RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully
understands that the plan of depopulation and
mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep
very soon, and is shocked that the American
people are so passive concerning this enemy
takeover. He believes that this fake pandemic is
the means by which a communist global government
will be ushered into existence; one that cannot
be voted out...
Super-Cytokine Storm
Professor Dolores Cahill People Will Start
DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA
This is NOT
your common 2 wire electrolysis colloidal silver
This device is based upon creating a Magnetic
Field to Magnetically Charge the glass of water
with Silver Frequencies.
Walter Russell at drew schematics
for this type of technology. Video at
If you want to understand how Field Science is
better than particle science, then this is the
product for you.
This Device is built using Magnetic Field
Orientations. It may look simple but each silver
wire has a Polarity and in this format they are
ALL ALIGNED. With Field Science the voltage and
amperage need to be harmonically tuned to the
frequency of Silver. Random is not harmonic when
it comes to choosing a Power Supply. The
'source' of DC is also important and battery
power is different to spinning magnet power.
Particle Science says its all just electrons but
Field Science ways its a Wave Form and each
source is a different Wave or Frequency. Tesla
said "Everything is Energy, Frequency and
Vibration". Tesla did NOT agree with the
electron theory. See Walter Russell's "In the
Wave Lies the Secret of Creation". A Switching
power supply verses a Linear Power supply will
show a noticeable difference in the Silver Water
produced. We use 'old school' power supplies or
a (Tesla) Coil AC to DC. Even the direction of
the twisting of the wires and that they are not
soldered nor cut, has a huge bearing on the
resultant quality of Silver Water this device
Bottom line is all the theory about colloidal
silver does NOT apply to this device except for
its uses. And it has many other uses that are
not FDA approved so I cannot print them here.
SilverJoe water is superior to colloidal silver
water in that one can drink any quantity per day
and it has ALL the attributes of 2 wire silver
With the proper choice of Water for this device,
the Silver Rods will never wear out. Explained
in the instructions on the USB
This device will "test" waters. The Magnetic
Charge imparted to the water 'activates' the
Memory of the water, so that in places like the
Gold Coast Aust, where they recycle 'grey water'
back into the Town Water Supplies, this device
will make the glass of water stink like a sewer
in just a minute of operation. So clearly its
doing something that no 2 wired outdated device
does. The proper water is Bottled at the Source
Spring Water, where it will NOT degrade or
tarnish the rods. You can use any water and it
will show discoloration when impurities in the
water are present. Making this a water testing
device so you will know which bottled waters to
buy and drink. ...
merely a statistical cowinkydink :
"Sonia Acevedo, 41, suffered a 'sudden death' at
home on New Year's Day 48 hours after receiving the
jab. An autopsy is expected to take place later
today or tomorrow. The mother-of-two, who worked in
paediatrics at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology
in Porto, is not said to have suffered any adverse
side-effects after being vaccinated."
WHO-sponsored preliminary review indicates
Ivermectin effectiveness ... 83% reduction in
covid mortality.
Dr Andrew Hill of the Department of Pharmacology
at the University of Liverpool (UK) is currently
performing a WHO-sponsored review and meta-analysis
of randomized controlled trials of ivermectin
against covid. In the following 12-minute video, Dr
Hill is presenting his preliminary results, which
indicate a highly significant 83% reduction in covid
mortality (95% CI 65%-92%).
This result is based on in-hospital trials, so it
does not yet take into account early ambulatory and
prophylactic treatment. The authors of the review
intend to include three more trials, due to be
published sometime in January, before providing a
final conclusion. At the end of his presentation, Dr
Hill describes ivermectin as a potentially
“transformational treatment”.
Ivermectin is
effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 28 studies
... 100% of the 28 studies to date report positive
effects. Early treatment is more successful, with an
estimated reduction of 87% in the effect...
Inventor of the PCR Test, Dr Kary Mullis, About
Anthony Fauci: He’s Not a Scientist and Doesn’t
Understand Medicine
wait -- get some :
Cheap hair lice drug may cut the risk of
hospitalized Covid patients dying by up to 80%,
study finds
Ivermectin - costing as little as £1.50 per
treatment - may help Covid patients. .. Dr Andrew
Hill, who led research, said it could be
'transformational' for medics... But other
scientists sounded a note of scepticism, saying more
data was needed...
Moderna admits here
that what they inject now is an “operating
Enabling Drug Discovery & Development
We built Moderna on the guiding premise that if
using mRNA as a medicine works for one disease, it
should work for many diseases. And, if this is
possible – given the right approach and
infrastructure – it could meaningfully improve how
medicines are discovered, developed and
Our Operating System
Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we
set out to create an mRNA technology platform that
functions very much like an operating system on a
computer. It is designed so that it can plug and
play interchangeably with different programs. In our
case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the
unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.
Build Your Own Free Energy
Generator [ PDF ]
James Freach
Author / Inventor / Crazy Person as
some call me
Because of all the bullshit that's going on
and the fact that I'm being prohibited from
selling my book online I want to give it away free
to the world. Please publish it on your website in
the Stuff and Stuff Section and like anyone that's
interested download it and use the information
An unbiased by-county analysis of 2020 general
election results of over 3000 U.S. counties shows
large-scale skewing of election results in favor
of Joe Biden in counties using Dominion Voting
Analysis conducted by DataScience and released
through BASEDmedia constructed a statistical model
to predict relative performance for either candidate
based upon U.S. Census county data to 90% accuracy.
This analysis revealed that counties that used
Dominion and Hart InterCivic ballot counting devices
and software consistently gave a 5% vote advantage
to candidate Joe Biden over President Trump. This
advantage was observed regardless of the county's
majority political party affiliation nor urban,
suburban, or rural area demographics.
For further information, the full report is
available online here:
or Die :
AB 35: Disclosure of Social Media and False Info
To reduce the spread of harmful, verifiably
inauthentic content?
By Chris Micheli
On December 7, the first day of the California
Legislature’s 2021-22 Session, Assembly Member Ed
Chau introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 35, which would
require disclosure of social media policies. AB 35
would add Chapter 22.4 (commencing with Section
22595) to Division 8 of the Business and Professions
AB 35 would require a person that operates a social
media platform to disclose whether or not that
social media platform has a policy or mechanism in
place to address the spread of misinformation. AB 35
would require the disclosure to be made easily
accessible on the social media platform’s website
and mobile application.
In addition, AB 35 would authorize the Attorney
General or any district attorney, county counsel, or
city attorney to enforce violations of its
provisions and would subject a person to a civil
penalty of $1,000 for each day the person is in
violation of the bill’s provisions...
Them ! They've Rehabbed !
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio
Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated
With Cancer Virus ( Aug 2015)
The CDC has quickly removed a page from their
website, which WAS cached here (since removed by
google so you can view an image of the cache here),
admitting that more than 98 million Americans
received one or more doses of polio vaccine within
an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of
the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing
polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that
10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40
contaminated dose of the vaccine.
Here is a link to the cached CDC page
Now :
Debbie Hicks who was arrested for filming the
empty Gloucester Royal Hospital speaks out
CoviCops Suck CO2 :
“Cop Karen” TASES man near his heart over refund
at YMCA in Cobourg, Ontario
Dr Charlie Ward : PART 2 - ELIJAH BLUE
Phytother Res. 2010 Aug;24(8):1151-7.
doi: 10.1002/ptr.2999.
Wound-healing activity of the skin of the common
grape (Vitis Vinifera) variant, Cabernet Sauvignon
Shivananda Nayak
The common Grape L. (Vitaceae) is regarded as an
important medicinal plant. European healers have
suggested the use of grapevine sap, juice, and whole
grape in the treatment of pain, allergic reactions,
inflammation, and to promote wound healing. We
evaluated grape-skin powder for its wound-healing
activity using an excision wound model in rats.
Animals were randomly divided into three groups of
six (n = 6) each. The test group animals were
treated topically with the grape-skin powder (100
mg/kg/day). The controls and standard group animals
were treated with petroleum jelly and mupirocin
ointment respectively. Healing was assessed by the
rate of wound contraction, period of
epithelialization, and hydroxyproline content. On
day 13, treatment of the wounds with grape-skin
powder enhanced significantly the rate of wound
contraction (100 %). Treated animals showed
significant decrease in the epithelialization period
(p < 0.000) and increase in the hydroxyproline
content (p < 0.05) when compared to control and
the standard. Histological analysis was also
consistent with the proposal that grape-skin powder
exhibits significant wound-healing potential.
Increased rate of wound contraction, hydroxyproline
content, and decrease in epithelialization time in
the treated animals support the use of grape-skin
powder in the management of wound healing.
Make no Mistake - This is Genocide -- Dr
Vernon Coleman
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet
your Inner Biden :
Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”
EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH UK MHRA - Exposing the genomic
sequence of SARSCov2
those old tools :
Converting Plug In Power Tools To Run On Batteries
Saying YES! to your Weirdness | JP Sears |
Proof that the Pandemic was Planned with a Purpose
The Country with Zero Covid Deaths
Your nauseating Maw :
J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1):
doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.82322
behind human saliva
Saliva is a complex fluid, which influences oral
health through specific and nonspecific physical and
chemical properties. The importance of saliva in our
everyday activities and the medicinal properties it
possesses are often taken for granted. However, when
disruptions in the quality or quantity of saliva do
occur in an individual, it is likely that he or she
will experience detrimental effects on oral and
systemic health. Often head and neck radiotherapy
has serious and detrimental side effects on the oral
cavity including the loss of salivary gland function
and a persistent complaint of a dry mouth
(xerostomia). Thus, saliva has a myriad of
beneficial functions that are essential to our
well-being. Although saliva has been extensively
investigated as a medium, few laboratories have
studied saliva in the context of its role in
maintaining oral and general health.
Mol Med. 2008 May-Jun; 14(5-6):
Published online 2008 Apr 3. doi:
Zinc in
Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells
S Prasad
Although the essentiality of zinc for plants and
animals has been known for many decades, the
essentiality of zinc for humans was recognized only
40 years ago in the Middle East. The zinc-deficient
patients had severe immune dysfunctions, inasmuch as
they died of intercurrent infections by the time
they were 25 years of age. In our studies in an
experimental human model of zinc deficiency, we
documented decreased serum testosterone level,
oligospermia, severe immune dysfunctions mainly
affecting T helper cells, hyperammonemia,
neurosensory disorders, and decreased lean body
mass. It appears that zinc deficiency is prevalent
in the developing world and as many as two billion
subjects may be growth retarded due to zinc
deficiency. Besides growth retardation and immune
dysfunctions, cognitive impairment due to zinc
deficiency also has been reported recently. Our
studies in the cell culture models showed that the
activation of many zinc-dependent enzymes and
transcription factors were adversely affected due to
zinc deficiency. In HUT-78 (T helper 0 [Th0] cell
line), we showed that a decrease in gene expression
of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-2 receptor α(IL-2Rα)
were due to decreased activation of nuclear
factor-κB (NF-κB) in zinc deficient cells. Decreased
NF-κB activation in HUT-78 due to zinc deficiency
was due to decreased binding of NF-κB to DNA,
decreased level of NF-κB p105 (the precursor of
NF-κB p50) mRNA, decreased κB inhibitory protein
(IκB) phosphorylation, and decreased Iκ κ. These
effects of zinc were cell specific. Zinc also is an
antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory actions. The
therapeutic roles of zinc in acute infantile
diarrhea, acrodermatitis enteropathica, prevention
of blindness in patients with age-related macular
degeneration, and treatment of common cold with zinc
have been reported. In HL-60 cells (promyelocytic
leukemia cell line), zinc enhances the up-regulation
of A20 mRNA, which, via TRAF pathway, decreases
NF-κB activation, leading to decreased gene
expression and generation of tumor necrosis factor-α
(TNF-α), IL-1β, and IL-8. We have reported recently
that in both young adults and elderly subjects, zinc
supplementation decreased oxidative stress markers
and generation of inflammatory cytokines.
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2012
Jun; 26(2): 111–114.
doi: 10.3109/15360288.2012.676618
Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial of Oral Zinc
for Chemotherapy-Related Taste and Smell Disorders
Lyckholm, et al
Abnormalities in taste and smell are commonly
reported in patients receiving chemotherapy and may
hinder appetite, dietary intake, nutritional
well-being, and quality of life. Oral zinc has been
used to treat taste and smell abnormalities in
several altered physiologic states, including renal
failure, liver disease, head trauma, and pregnancy,
with varying results. The authors conducted a
double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized clinic
trial over 3 months. Eligible patients were those
taking chemotherapy that had alterations in taste
and/or smell. The measurement of the primary end
point, improvement in altered taste and smell, was
made using a 0–100 scale (100 describing no loss or
distortion in taste and smell, and 0 describing the
worst distortion or loss of taste and smell).
Twenty-nine subjects were enrolled in each treatment
group, of whom 31 were white, 26 African American,
and 1 Native American. Forty-one patients were
female. A wide range of cancer types was
represented, with breast the most common (21
patients). The zinc dose was 220 mg orally twice
daily (equivalent of 50 mg elemental zinc twice
daily). There was no statistically significant
improvement in loss or distortion of taste or smell
with the addition of zinc. There was a trend toward
improvement over time in all groups, except in the
zinc group where there was a nonsignificant
worsening in loss of smell over time. Zinc at
standard doses did not provide significant benefit
to taste or smell in patients receiving
Int Dent J 2011 Aug;61 Suppl 3:46-54.
doi: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00049.x.
Zinc in
the mouth, its interactions with dental enamel and
possible effects on caries; a review of the
J M Lynch
Zinc is an essential trace element. In the
mouth, it is present naturally in plaque, saliva and
enamel. Zinc is formulated into oral health products
to control plaque, reduce malodour and inhibit
calculus formation. It has good oral substantivity,
and elevated concentrations can persist for many
hours in plaque and saliva following delivery from
mouthrinses and toothpastes. Although low
concentrations of zinc can both reduce enamel
demineralisation and modify remineralisation, during
caries clinical trials, the addition of zinc to
fluoride toothpastes has not affected their ability
to reduce caries. Mechanistic studies may help
explain this apparent contradiction. Zinc is readily
desorbed from hydroxyapatite by calcium, which is
plentiful in plaque and saliva. Where crystal-growth
sites remain occupied by zinc despite this, they may
simply be 'over-grown' by remineralisation initiated
at unoccupied sites. Further, under certain
conditions, low concentrations of zinc can enhance
remineralisation of enamel lesions, by retarding
lesion arrestment. Although this may help to explain
the apparent lack of an overall zinc effect on
caries, it seems unlikely that any negative effects
would be countered exactly by positive effects.
Further mechanistic studies, complementing
well-designed in vitro and in situ caries studies,
should lead to further understanding of the
zinc-enamel interactions relevant to
demineralisation and remineralisation.
Inflammopharmacology volume 19,
review of the pharmacological effects of Arctium
lappa (burdock)
Yuk-Shing Chan, et al
...In the leaf extract, the active compounds
isolated can inhibit the growth of micro-organisms
in the oral cavity...
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: The Worst Is Yet to
By Gary
D. Barnett
“For the first time in my life I began to realize
that it is not evil and brutality, but nearly
always weakness, that is to blame for the worst
things that happen in this world.”
~ Stefan Zweig
Over time, it becomes quite obvious to those with
the ability to think that the people at large bring
about voluntarily their own enslavement, their own
lots in life, and their own misery. Given the vast
numbers of people as opposed to rulers, there is no
need for such pathetic behavior, but the average
human psyche seems to gravitate toward a life of
rule instead of a life of self-responsibility. This
is caused by a weakness of mind, and because of this
attempt to escape individual responsibility;
complete avoidance of the truth is necessary. This
is the state of affairs today in this country, as
the masses are aggressively hiding from the truth,
with the ‘hope’ of being the recipient of a few
crumbs from their masters in order to survive...
The aim of power is always more power, and
therefore, the powerful never cease in their efforts
to fool the people into believing that monsters from
afar, or mysterious monsters from within are to be
feared by all. Fear breeds weakness, and due to this
unnecessary state of mind, dependence on power
becomes normalized. Once this societal reliance on
the ruling hierarchy is in place, power and control
become much easier to achieve. This is all done with
smoke and mirrors and the highest level of
propaganda, as no reality can support this
unwarranted state of confusion and vulnerability by
the majority that has by design led to the surrender
of freedom due only to deceit...
THE NEXT DISASTER | Part 3 - When Will it Happen?
THE NEXT DISASTER | Part 1 - Ice, Fire, Magnetism
Every ~12,000 years (and many ~6000 year half-cycles
between) there is a major cold event on earth. There
is also a magnetic excursion, usually major
volcanoes as well, and considerable biosphere
stress. This is NOT doomsday, but it is very, VERY
bad - especially when the sun releases the
THE NEXT DISASTER | Part 2 - Applied Galactic
The galactic plane houses the ripple electric field.
The Parker spiral & magnetic reversal point in
the galaxy brings extra dust and plasma too. These
are what it would take to cause a recurrent
micronova on the sun.
Device Confirms New World Order Agenda!!
Magnetic Current Polarizer
The Tesla Cult -- In this video I demonstrate
Tesla's device described in patent US#413,353 that
uses magnets to polarize a current and produce DC
from an AC signal.
ALERT: Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a
Killer Vaccination'
Member of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg,
Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government
and media for their endless propaganda,
misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese
coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor
of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also warned
the public of the dire consequences of the new
"killer vaccination" and urged the public to resist
the illegal government impositions.
Celeste Solum
`Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum on what she
says is in the Gates vaccine
"Fauci" = "Sickle"
"Sickle" = Faulci
Fauci = "Jaws"
Got TetraSilver TetrOxide ?
Jovan Hutton
Pulitzer- Epic Speech re: Vote Fraud
These materials are provided for you to
educate yourself and others as to your rights, the
laws that protect them, and how you can defend for
them and fight for your freedom!
(1) Sample LAWSUIT for Retailers (like
Challenging our public school district’s
obedience of county ‘health’ ‘orders’: School
Board’s illegal (?) silence since October 2, so I
offer final choices with warning of lawsuits
The New Film
“Seven”. Scientific Study of WTC Building 7
AE911Truth’s new documentary about Dr. Leroy
Hulsey’s groundbreaking new study on WTC7
the story of the scientific study of World Trade
Center building 7 (WTC 7) recently published by the
University of Alaska Fairbanks. The study was led by
structural engineering professor J. Leroy Hulsey and
took nearly five years to complete. It evaluated the
possibilities for destruction of WTC 7 using two
versions of high-tech computer software that
simulated the structural components of the building
and the forces that acted upon it on September 11th.
After inputting worst case conditions, and
painstakingly eliminating what didn’t happen, Hulsey
and his team of engineers came to the following
The principal conclusion of our
study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC
7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and
private engineering firms that studied the collapse.
The secondary conclusion of our study is that the
collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the
near-simultaneous failure of every column in the
ElectroCulture ?
Plant protein
responds to radio waves by making seedlings grow
A dose of radio waves seems to encourage plant
seedlings to grow slightly faster, a find that, if
confirmed, could have applications from farming to
Margaret Ahmad at Sorbonne University in Paris,
France, and her colleagues exposed thale cress
seedlings (Arabidopsis thaliana) to weak pulses of
radio frequency (RF) radiation at 7 megahertz, a
frequency normally used by amateur radio operators.
The team found that this altered the activity of a
type of light sensor in the plants called a
The Wrong Pandemic
Arthur Firstenberg –
Newsletter Dec 29, 2020
You see them everywhere. Men and women walking down
the street, all of them with masks on their faces
and cell phones in their hands. People jogging, with
masks covering their faces and cell phones in their
hands. Mothers wheeling their babies with one hand,
holding a cell phone in the other hand, with a mask
covering their face.
The world has gone insane.
Back in May, the President of Tanzania announced
that a goat, a quail, and a papaya had tested
positive for COVID-19. People did not stop eating
papayas. But when farmed minks began testing
positive, the response has been to kill them all.
After a few minks in the Netherlands tested positive
in April, 570,000 minks were slaughtered. Minks
started testing positive and being killed in Denmark
in June, and on November 4, Denmark announced it
would destroy the rest of its 17 million minks.
Sanity finally broke out in that country, and the
eradication campaign stopped after only 2.5 million
minks were slaughtered. But minks have also been
killed in Spain, Sweden, Greece, France, and the
United States.
Lions, tigers and leopards in zoos have tested
People have been testing their dogs and cats, and lo
and behold, some of them have tested positive, and
on May 6, the Centers for Disease Control created a
webpage titled “What to Do if Your Pet Tests
Positive for the Virus that Causes COVID-19.” This
is what you are supposed to do: “Isolate the pet
from everyone else, including other pets.” “Keep
your pet at least 6 feet away from other pets and
people.” “If you have a private backyard where your
dog can go to the bathroom, do not take them for
walks.” But, the CDC warns, “Do not wipe or bathe
your pet with… hand sanitizer,” and “Do not try to
put a mask on your pet.”
It is becoming obvious that no matter what you test
— minks, lions, dogs, papayas, people, or anything
else — you will get positive results, and that the
results mean nothing. Just wait until someone tests
a cow. Kill all the cows, and no more meat or dairy
products! Vaccinate every pet and farm animal in the
world! Do contact tracing for every pet that comes
in contact with an infected pet!
We have a pandemic, all right, but it is a pandemic
of insanity, not COVID-19. The world — the entire
world, not just a few people or a few countries or a
few cultures — has forgotten what life is. Life is
community. It is social contact, touching,
breathing, sharing. It is oxygen. People are dying
because their masks are making them hypoxic. Cancer
cells thrive in the absence of oxygen. If you have
cancer, and you wear a mask, you are making your
cancer grow. And life is bacteria and viruses.
Ninety-nine percent of all bacteria and viruses are
beneficial and necessary — necessary for life, and
necessary for evolution. If you disinfect the
surface of the earth, you will put an end to life.
We did not disinfect the world for smallpox,
influenza, measles, or tuberculosis. But we are
doing it for “COVID-19.”
And we are blaming every symptom known to man on
“COVID-19.” COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, closely
related to the common cold. But we have made a
caricature of it. Suddenly a coronavirus is a
magical piece of RNA, created by Dracula, that will
damage your kidneys or your heart or give you a
There is another, very real pandemic that is out of
control: a pandemic of radiation. A pandemic that
does cause kidney and heart damage and strokes, in
addition to pneumonia. The radiation is produced by
cell phones. The cell phones with which mothers are
irradiating their babies, and joggers are
irradiating their hearts. The cell phones with which
7 billion people are irradiating the birds, insects
and flowers around them. The radiation that will
kill all 7 billion of us, unless we put an end to
ECHOEarth — End
Cellphones Here on Earth
ECHOEarth — End Cellphones Here on Earth — is an
organization of people who do not own cell phones.
Its mission is to "liberate humankind from the
mobile phone. Physical and mental health, freedom,
privacy, ecology, relationships... The mobile phone
is a poison for each of these elements.” ...
If you have come to this website, it is likely that
you already know or suspect, from the science or
from your own experience, or both, that cell phones
are damaging life on Earth. For those still in
doubt, please consider:
A careful study (Salford et al.
2003) on the effects of cell phones on the brain
have found that even a single two-hour exposure to a
cell phone permanently destroys up to two percent of
an animal's brain cells. Everyone who uses a cell
phone has some degree of brain damage. The damage
occurs whether or not you hold the cell phone next
to your head.
A single ten-minute exposure of a
honey bee to a cell phone (Kumar et al. 2011) brings
the bee’s metabolism to a virtual standstill. She
can no longer digest sugars, fats or proteins and
can no longer use the oxygen she is breathing.
Irradiated bees die of oxygen starvation. Because
bees have such a high metabolic rate, it happens to
them very quickly. The same thing is happening,
slowly or quickly, to every living thing on Earth.
We evolved without microwave
radiation. When you hold a cell phone to your head,
you are exposing your brain to about 200 billion
times more microwave radiation than you get during
the day from the Sun. If Neil Armstrong had brought
a cell phone to the Moon in 1969, it would have
appeared from Earth to be the brightest object in
the universe in the microwave spectrum. In the
daytime, the sun would have been brighter, but at
night, the cell phone would have outshone every
You cannot expect to use a cell
phone even once, even in an emergency, without the
entire wireless infrastructure of the planet,
including all the towers and satellites, being
there, ready to forward your message to its
destination somewhere else on Earth. The entire
Earth must be engulfed in an ocean of radiation at
all times just so you can use your phone in an
Your subscription to cell phone
service, together with the subscriptions of billions
of other people, is what is funding the
ever-expanding network of towers and satellites.
Your subscription is funding and creating the demand
for 5G, the Internet of Things, and SpaceX's planned
fleet of 12,000+ satellites. The International
Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, complete
with links to over 10,000 scientific studies,
explains why 5G is an immediate threat to life on
Environ Health Perspect 111:881–883
Nerve Cell Damage in
Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves
fromGSM Mobile Phones
Leif G. Salford, et al
The possible risks of radio-frequency
electromagnetic fields for the human body is a
growing con-cern for our society. We have previously
shown that weak pulsed microwaves give rise to a
signifi-cant leakage of albumin through the
blood–brain barrier. In this study we investigated
whether apathologic leakage across the blood–brain
barrier might be combined with damage to the
neurons.Three groups each of eight rats were exposed
for 2 hr to Global System for MobileCommunications
(GSM) mobile phone electromagnetic fields of
different strengths. We foundhighly significant
(p< 0.002) evidence for neuronal damage in the
cortex, hippocampus, and basalganglia in the brains
of exposed rats. Key words:blood–brain barrier,
central nervous system,microwaves, mobile phones,
neuronal damage, rats.
Toxicol Int. 2011 Jan-Jun; 18(1):
doi: 10.4103/0971-6580.75869
Exposure to cell phone
radiations produces biochemical changes in worker
honey bees
Neelima R. Kumar, et
The present study was carried out to find the effect
of cell phone radiations on various biomolecules in
the adult workers of Apis mellifera L. The results
of the treated adults were analyzed and compared
with the control. Radiation from the cell phone
influences honey bees’ behavior and physiology.
There was reduced motor activity of the worker bees
on the comb initially, followed by en masse
migration and movement toward “talk mode” cell
phone. The initial quiet period was characterized by
rise in concentration of biomolecules including
proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, perhaps due to
stimulation of body mechanism to fight the stressful
condition created by the radiations. At later stages
of exposure, there was a slight decline in the
concentration of biomolecules probably because the
body had adapted to the stimulus.
Gwynne HANNAY :
Electromechanical Bone Repair
01 December 2006
Smashing the time it takes
to repair our bones
New research by Queensland University of Technology
is helping scientists better understand how bone
cells work and may one day lead to the development
of technology that can speed up the time it takes to
heal fractured and broken bones.
QUT recent graduate Dr Gwynne Hannay has built a
gadget capable of promoting bone cell formation in
the laboratory.
Dr Hannay said his device replicated the mechanical
and electrical stimulants which occurred naturally
in the body to repair fractured and broken bones.
"This device is about trying to grow bone tissue in
the same environment our body grows bones. I have
taken bone cells and put them in the physical
environment they would experience in the body, and
then varied the stimulants to extract a beneficial
environment for tissue growth," he said.
Dr Hannay's research has advanced the understanding
of how bone cells can be stimulated to heal factures
and has for the first time combined the artificial
reproduction of both mechanical and electrical
"Previous research has looked at both of these
stimulants individually, but not together,
neglecting the fact that both are occurring in
normal healthy bone during fracture healing"
He said by combining the two stimulants, a
synergistic effect was produced.
"That means when you apply both the mechanical and
electrical stimulants together a result greater than
the sum of the two stimulants applied individually
is achieved. It creates a greater output," he said.
Dr Hannay said that unfortunately when bones
fractured or broke, especially in older people, the
healing process could stall.
"We find bones can get half way through the healing
process but won't heal properly and with an aging
population this is a growing problem for orthopaedic
surgeons to accommodate and one that is not easily
solved with current methodologies," he said.
"In the future we might be able to make a device
utilising these combined stimulants that could be
attached to the body and help heal the bone."
Additionally, normal fractures that would otherwise
heal successfully could be accelerated with the use
of these stimulants.
Dr Hannay said normal fractures in young, healthy
people took approximately six to eight weeks to
"It might be possible to significantly reduce the
healing time. That would be the goal."
Dr Hannay graduated from QUT with a PhD from the
Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering.
QUT graduate Dr Gwynne Hannay with his device that
is helping scientists to better understand how bone
cells work.
Gwynne Hannay, David
Leavesley and Mark Pearcy
The aim of this project was to evaluate the effects
of mechanical strain and indirect electrical
stimulation upon the development of bone forming
osteoblast cells and any possible synergistic
effects of the two stimulants. This aim was achieved
by using a novel device, designed and developed with
the capability of creating a cell substrate surface
strain along with an exogenous electrical stimulant
individually or at the same time. Proliferation and
differentiation was determined as a measure of
cellular development. The indirect electrical
stimulation was achieved through the use of pulsed
electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimulation while the
mechanical strain was produced from the dynamic
stretching of a deformable cell substrate. The PEMF
signal mimicked a clinically available bone growth
stimulator signal. Results showed reduced
proliferation and increased differentiation
(alkaline phosphatase activity) with SaOS-2
osteoblast-like cell cultures, which were exposed to
indirect electrical stimulation. MG-63
osteoblast-like cell cultures also showed reduced
proliferation, however they did not show an increase
in their differentiation with PEMF exposure.
Mechanical stimulation alone did not have a
significant effect over either proliferation or
differentiation, while a dual mechanical and
electrical stimulation resulted in cellular
differentiation significantly increasing. It is
possible a synergistic interaction between the two
stimulants is occurring on a biological level.
