Stuff & Stuff
THE Premiere Infra-Universal Journal of Sci-Tech News & Olds & Socio-Stupidic Studies
[ Updated 32 March 2026 ]
Introducing Rex Research : AirWells, PooGloos and Other Innovations That Will Blow Your Mind
Wha's Nuvo ?
solves energy crisis! // peter lang
water + geopolymer >> electricity
Shocking Connection: Ivermectin and Sleep Apnea
Dylan Petkus, MD
Got Kozyrev Time ? My first use of ChatGPT :1st Prompt :
If T has a speed of 700 kilometers per second, what is the frequency of T in cycles per second ?
ChatGPT said:
To determine the frequency of T in cycles per second (hertz), we can use the relationship between wave speed (v), wavelength (λ), and frequency (f):
Wave speed (v) = 700 kilometers per second = 700,000 meters per second
Wavelength (λ) = 299,792 meters
Calculating the frequency:
0.002335 Hz
700 / 299792=0.002335
Therefore, the frequency of T is approximately 0.0023 hertz, or 0.0023 cycles per second.
2nd Prompt ( same ?, different # ) :
If T has a speed of 650 kilometers per second, what is the frequency of T in cycles per second ?
ChatGPT said:
To find the frequency of T in cycles per second, we need to know the relationship between speed, wavelength, and frequency. The formula that relates these quantities is:
Speed= Frequency × Wavelength
Speed= Frequency × Wavelength
Speed is the speed of the wave (650 km/s in this case),
Frequency is what we are solving for (in cycles per second, or Hertz),
Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points of the wave.
However, in order to calculate the frequency, we also need to know the wavelength of the wave. If you don't have the wavelength, it's impossible to determine the frequency just from the speed.
Do you have the wavelength of T, or should I help you with something else?
3rd Prompt :
If T equals 700 kilometers per second, what is the wavelength of T ?
ChatGPT said:
To find the wavelength of TT, we need to use the basic wave equation, which is:
vv is the velocity (or speed), which in this case is T=700 km/sT=700km/s,
λλ is the wavelength, and
ff is the frequency.
To calculate the wavelength λλ, we need to know the frequency ff of the wave. Without this information, we can't determine the wavelength.
Is this the World’s Simplest Electric Motor? // Math and Science
Valentina Zharkova: Grand solar minimum is underway // Tom Nelson Pod
All about Airships in 2025 // Electric Aviation
Sonic Boomless - How To Bring Supersonic Flight Back To The Future
Japanese Professor’s Message to the World: “Fraudulent use of gene therapy in healthy people an extreme violation of human rights”
New Kind Of Drive? // R. Murray-Smith
New Kind Of Drive? // R. Murray-Smith
Finally! A Battery That’s Better Than Energizer and Duracell! // Project Farm
Duracell vs Energizer, Amazon Basics, Procell, Eveready, Varta, Panasonic, Harbor Freight Thunderbolt, Kirkland, Powerowl, Allmax, Bonai, Bevigor, Blinkspower, Ninmax, Tipsun, Enegitech, NRT, and Voniko. Batteries tested for total capacity, performance in subfreezing temperature, and fan run time.
Counter-Rotating Propeller 3D CAD Design
DZP30 Coaxial Double Propeller Brushless Motor 30g Counter Rotating Motor F3P
Special Operations vet commutes by Flying Car from rural off-grid home
From his off-grid home in Twisp, the retired Air Force pararescueman pilots his all-electric BlackFly, an ultralight aircraft that lifts off from his property and cruises at 62 miles per hour. With a battery range of just 20 miles and a recharge cost of about 30 cents, it’s not replacing road travel anytime soon.
New "Donut" Motor BREAKS Records! // Tech Planet
Making Wood from Hemp - How Hempwood Could Change Lumber Forever // DIY with Dave
Hempwood offers several products, including dimensional lumber, flooring, turning blanks, furniture and more. In this video I explain how they turn this plant into lumber and show you how it works. Here are some links to the Hempwood Website where you can get samples of buy their products:
Skinner Gravity Motor 1939
Perpetual Motion Wheel
I finally confront the pilots who have been geoengineering Tuolumne's skies.
I've been waiting to do this for a long time. // MellowKat
Willy Mohorn: Austrian Association for Space Energy & The Aquapol
Ground Energy Pump "Builders Workshop" // old Man Builds
we look into how a tesla coil an pump out ground energy.
World's Most Common Painkiller During Pregnancy Linked to ADHD
...Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is generally considered to be the safest painkiller to use during pregnancy, and yet emerging research that has linked the drug to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) suggests there may be overlooked risks to early brain development.
Aspirin : Blocking Activation of αIIbβ3
We continue to learn how key safe, accessible and inexpensive OTC medicines and supplements effectively counteract the Spike Protein.
Robert Yoho, MD
Taking it daily at modest doses lowers the risk of developing cancer by over 50 percent. It also lowers the risk of dementia, diabetes, and heart attack. ...
The Harvard Nurses and the FULL studies showed that taking a single uncoated 325 mg aspirin daily for several years reduces the risk of cancer by over 50%. The chances of stage I, II, and III becoming the deadly stage IV also declined, and the overall survival rate improved by 64 percent. Aspirin does this by turning up the body’s self-healing powers, such as using apoptosis to dismantle abnormal cells without releasing harmful reactive chemicals.
Besides its cancer effects, aspirin reduces the risk of a heart attack by 44%, and also the chances of dementia, diabetes, fibrosis of the lungs, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, strokes, and life-threatening pulmonary embolism. Infections with fungus, bacteria, and viruses decline as well.
Established literature suggests that long-term aspirin usage reduces gout, fatty liver, mental illness, inflammation, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, macular degeneration, metabolic syndrome, oxidative damage, and rheumatoid arthritis. Both cellular mechanisms and large population studies support all these effects...
Aspirin protects adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our body’s biofuel, and its source, mitochondria, which are involved in self-healing processes. ATP provides 95% of the energy for our biological processes, including producing hemoglobin and muscle contraction. It helps mitochondria produce ATP, which improves health...
Aspirin lowers the incidence of dementia in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,) and other neurological syndromes. It increases brain-derived neurotropic factors (BDNF), which promotes healing, and it slows amyloid creation.
Aspirin is an anticoagulant that lowers the incidence of strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolism.
Aspirin is an antifungal and antimicrobial.
Aspirin inhibits the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of ulcers.
Aspirin is an antioxidant, which protects cells and their mitochondria from non-enzymatic reactive chemical bonding or oxidation.
The Harvard Nurses’ Study showed a 67% reduction in breast cancer deaths in stages I, II, and III compared to controls when aspirin was used daily for six weeks. No chemotherapy compares. Yoho comment: chemotherapy effects on breast cancer are nominal, if any.
Aspirin reduces cancer: 63% colon, 36% lung, 39% prostate, 73% esophageal, 62% stomach, and 55% for melanoma. The mechanism is thought to be apoptosis of abnormal cells. Those numbers would likely be even higher if a 325 mg uncoated tablet were used twice daily. (Some references do not specify the dose or whether an enteric coating was used.)
Diabetes type 2 cured: Case reports of diabetes cures have been reported after five grams per day for two weeks, and 325 mg daily reduces its risk. Read about the mechanism HERE.
Arterial endothelial dysfunction is believed to cause cardiovascular disease. Aspirin prevents this, and the mechanism is thought to be bacteria entering arteries and then colonizing the inner layers to form plaque. (Citation: Aspirin Protects Endothelial Cells From Oxidant Damage Via the Nitric Oxide-cGMP Pathway).
The lungs, liver, brain (glia), heart, and other tissues can become fibrotic, It is a serious condition that can cause fatality. Aspirin reduces this by promoting self-healing.
Aspirin reduces cardiac events. When taken every other day for five years, it reduced unstable angina by 236%. This study involved 22,071 U.S. physicians (a review reference is HERE), and their patients’ ulcer rates were unchanged whether they took aspirin or not. Jerry Kahn: I have taken two 325 mg uncoated aspirin a day for the last 32 years and have never had heartburn.
Leaking coronary plaques are thought to cause heart attacks due to the formation of fibrous clots that close arteries. Aspirin lowers the amount of fibrinogen, which is thought to prevent this.
Hypertension is the major cause of atherosclerosis, and aspirin decreases its progression. Pharma claims that the muscles in the artery wall cause high blood pressure, so their patent drugs block them with catecholamine muscle relaxants. This weakens the heart, which is thought by some to increase deaths.
Aspirin decreases the incidence of certain infections: “Aspirin and salicylate inhibited the growth of H pylori in a dose-dependent manner, and bactericidal activity was due to cell lysis.” This bacteria causes ulcers.
Aspirin decreases insulin resistance in diabetes. This makes insulin work better. Insulin has at least 16 regulatory functions. “We show that high doses of salicylates reverse hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia” (high glucose, high insulin, and high blood cholesterol). “Chronic aspirin administration completely reversed glucose intolerance and decreased the oxidative status.” Aspirin lowers blood glucose and insulin resistance, which is thought to improve mitochondrial function.
Experiments have shown that aspirin extends the median lifespan of the worm C. elegans by 25%. Median lifespan was also increased in mice given aspirin.
Aspirin lowers mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress. Some speculate this explains its positive effects on mental illness.
“Aspirin lowers or prevents demyelination of neurons in MS… There are several advantages of aspirin over other available therapies for MS.”
Aspirin reverses osteoporosis and promotes positive bone remodeling. “Aspirin can inhibit osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption activity in a dose-dependent manner, thus exerting its anti-osteoporosis effect… Aspirin is emphasized as the drug of choice.”
Aspirin decreases oxidative stress and has many other related benefits.
Giving twelve hundred mg of aspirin following major general surgery reduced pulmonary embolism from 15.4% to 6%; similar improvements were seen with total hip surgery and total knee replacements.
For rheumatoid arthritis, sodium salicylate and aspirin are equally effective. “The majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis can be controlled with salicylates alone… it is the standard which all rheumatoid arthritis medications should be measured” Goodman and Gillman Pharmacology 11th Edition (2005), p 690. The Merck Manual (1987), p 960, recommends a dose “from 3 to 7.5 gm, the average 4.5 gm” for rheumatoid arthritis. This high dose was used for decades by millions. Note that this last source was published before the patented Motrin was first sold in the US (1974) and prior to its widespread adoption.
Stroke neuroprotection: “Aspirin is preventive against stroke not only because of its antithrombotic properties but also by other direct effects.” Other references showed neuroprotective effects in stressed rats. and another study cut off blood flow to rats’ brains and found that aspirin limited damage...
Solving Desert Water Shortages Using 20,000 Volts : Electrified Fog Fences // Plasma Channel
Electrostatically driven fog collection using space
charge injection
Maher Damak and Kripa K. Varanasi*
Fog collection can be a sustainable solution to water scarcity in many regions around the world. Most proposed collectors are meshes that rely on inertial collision for droplet capture and are inherently limited by aerodynamics. We propose a new approach in which we introduce electrical forces that can overcome aerodynamic drag forces. Using an ion emitter, we introduce a space charge into the fog to impart a net charge to the incoming fog droplets and direct them toward a collector using an imposed electric field. We experimentally measure the collection efficiency on single wires, two-wire systems, and meshes and propose a physical model to quantify it. We identify the regimes of optimal collection and provide insights into designing effective fog harvesting systems.
Excerpt from my review of Air Wells, Dew Ponds, & Fog Fences :
In 1945, South Africa's chief meteorologist, Theodore Schumann, proposed the construction of a unique cloud-condenser on top of Table Mountain on the south side of Capetown. Schumann designed two large parallel wire screens, one insulated and one grounded, charged with a potential difference of 50-100 KV. The wire screens were to be about 150-ft. high, 9,000 ft. long, and 1 foot apart. He estimated that the electrified fence would condense as much as 30,000,000 gallons daily from "The Cloth", a perpetual cloud that crowns the 3,000 ft peak. The fence was never built.
Alvin Marks invented the "Power Fence" (USP # 4,206,396) to generate electricity from the wind by means of a charged aerosol which was dispersed from microscopic holes in the tubing of the fence. Marks calculated that if the wind averaged 25 mph, a mile of fence would generate about 40 megawatts. The towers would be 500 feet high, strung with a grid of steel bars in a rectangular array, subdivided into a lattice of 4-inch squares. The squares are divided by a mesh of perforated tubules through which the water flows. Marks’ patent also claims that the system can be used to modify weather and to clear fog in the same manner that Schumann proposed..
The EGD Fog Dispersal System invented by Meredith Gourdine (USP # 4,671,807) has been used at Los Angeles and Ontario International Airports and by the Air Force since 1986. The system sprays an electrified mist into the fog over the runways, thus clearing them for landing. A similar system was invented by Hendricus Loos (USP 4,475,927).
Alekseevich, et al., used high voltage direct current to perform mist-clearing; thus, "electric force lines are directed upward in the air... producing charged particles based on corona discharge... The charged particles absorb water in the air, condensing and binding into water, and dispersing the fog", according to USP # 6,152,378...
Electron Grounding Shunt Don Smith 1994 Video 1 Quotes // Rick Friedrich
These are quotes people miss. I was teaching on this at the meeting last week (Oct 25-26) in Elkhart IN.
The Michaud Solar Vortex Engine
Free-Standing Chimneys. Brick Liners. Design and Execution
British Standards Institute Staff
The invention covers improvements to the Atmospheric Vortex Engine. A tornado-like convective vortex is produced by admitting air at the base of a cylindrical wall via tangential entry ducts. The heat required to sustain the vortex is provided in peripheral heat exchange means located outside the cylindrical wall. The heat source for the peripheral exchange means can be waste industrial heat or warm sea water. The preferred heat exchange means is a cross-flow wet cooling tower. The mechanical energy is produced in a plurality of turbines. The air can enter an arena via tangential entries or via an opening at the center of the arena floor. The invention can be used to produce mechanical energy, to reduce the temperature of cooled water or to produce precipitation. The invention includes a circular forced draft cooling tower that can operate in non-vortex mode or in vortex mode.
Atmospheric vortex engine -- US7086823
The invention describes an Atmospheric Vortex Engine in which a tornado-like convective vortex is produced by admitting air tangentially in the base of a cylindrical wall (101). The vortex is started by heating the air within the circular wall (101) with fuel. The heat required to sustain the vortex once established can be the naturally occurring heat content of ambient air or can be provided in a peripheral heat exchanger mean (83) located outside the circular wall. The heat source for the peripheral exchanger mean can be waste industrial heat or warm sea water. The preferred heat exchange mean is a crossflow wet cooling tower. The mechanical energy is produced in a plurality of peripheral turbines (61). A vortex engine could have a diameter of 400 m; the vortex could be 100 m in diameter at its base and extend to a height of 1 to 15 km; the power output could be in the 100 to 500 MW range. The vortex process could also be used to produce precipitation, to cool the environment, or to clean or elevate polluted surface air.
V. Schauberger -- Vortex machine
Euler's Disk
Emil Ivanov Astrophotography
Japanese Researcher's Shocking Theory About WATER.... And Hinduism! // Curious Plus
AI loves Masaru Emotu &c
DIY Communication Through the Earth // PracticalEngineeringSolutions
This is a DIY project to show how communication os possible through the earth. This method was used to a limited extent during World War II. It is a simple method and can be implemented using simple components.... I used a crystal earphone and could hear the music from the audio source. I mentioned some tweaks I did to make it louder (including transformer adjustments, etc) . I think I was also supprosed that it worked with copper tubing stuck only 18" in the frozen ground, There also was some hum. I was going to hook up an amplifier and speaker to prove it worked , but it was 5 degrees out with the wind😢 chill and I would have to get a power line and power supply out there and I was not that motivated. But it did work !
Quantum Delocalaization Dissociation of Water
Quantum Delocalization Enables Water Dissociation on Ru(0001) // Yu Cao, et al
Abstract -- We revisit the long-standing question of whether water molecules dissociate on the Ru(0001) surface through nanosecond-scale path-integral molecular dynamics simulations on a sizable supercell. This is made possible through the development of an efficient and reliable machine-learning potential with near first-principles accuracy, overcoming the limitations of previous ab initio studies. We show that the quantum delocalization associated with nuclear quantum effects enables rapid and frequent proton transfers between water molecules, thereby facilitating the water dissociation on Ru(0001). This work provides the direct theoretical evidence of water dissociation on Ru(0001), resolving the enduring issue in surface sciences and offering crucial atomistic insights into water-metal interfaces...
6000 Remote Viewers See This! Profound Predictions for Humanity! Stephan A. Schwartz
What happens when you get six thousand remote viewers together to look into the future? That's just what world renowned remote viewer and trainer Stephan Schwartz did. First he took 4000 thousand remote viewers and looked at 2050, THEN he took 6000 and looked at 2060...and what he found will SHOCK you. Prepare to be mind-blown by this look into the future by the very man who discovered Cleopatra's Palace and Mark Anthony's Palace, Pompeys Pillar and the Pharaoh's Lighthouse. There's never been a more accurate remote viewer nor so many brought together.
Donald Trump Was Recruited by the KGB Under Codename ‘Krasnov’ Claims Former Soviet Spy Chief
Nafeez Ahmed and Zarina Zabrisky // 21 February 2025
A former senior KGB chief claims Trump was recruited by them in 1987 due to his role as a prominent US businessman.
Copper-Zinc anomaly; and a capacitor sandwich // Double M Innovations
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
By Catherine Austin Fitts // The Solari Report // Feb 06, 2025
Run Away !!!
Anonymous Individual Burns Millions Of Dollars To Spread "Brain Computer" Weapon Message
Everything we know about the anonymous individual who just burnt and donated around 2553 ETH ($7,000,000) to spread "Brain Computer" weapon message
Willy Mohorn: Austrian Association for Space Energy & The Aquapol
Mohorn, Aquapol, Space Energy...
Remote Viewing: "The Hopi Prophecy" Pt 1 // Edward Riordan
Remote Viewing: "The Hopi Prophecy" Pt 2 // Edward Riordan
Scott McKie Unveils the PODMOD // TeslaTech
John Searl Workshop, Extraordinary Technology Conference, 2010 // TeslaTech
Dr Michrowski Examines the Ionosphere // TeslaTech
Inside the Biggest Underground Chamber Ever Discovered // CaveChronicles
Curse Words In Sign Language
Tesla Free Energy Air Circuit // surfdmountain
Hutchinson Effect // BeneficenceTV
Energize the Future: Complete Coil Update // BeneficenceTV
Graphene/Graphite Atmospheric Electricity Collectors // Ion Power Group [ Jefimenko ES R&D ]
Nanomaterial Research Breakthrough -
Electricity Produced Day and Night by Harvesting Atmospheric Ions
Patents :
Electrostatic Motor --US2024195328
Energy Collection -- US8810049 // US7439712 // US8686575
Energy Collection With Radioactive Material -- US2024021335
Energy Collection -- US2018026553
Energy Collection With Radioactive Material -- US2024021335
Energy collection -- CY1120609
Energy Collection -- US2018026553
Energy Collection -- CN101390177B
Shock Wave Engine Technology // Dr. Sebastian Uppapalli. Abstract -- Shock Wave Engine technology utilizes the Water Hammer Effect
Lasersaber R&D ( ES motors &C )
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Semantic fields and meaning: A bridge between mind and matter
January 1997 // World Futures The Journal of General Evolution 48(1-4):161-170
Christine H. Hardy // Eco-Mind Systems Research
Classic Reboot: Semantic Field Theory with Chris H. Hardy // New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
They Lied to Us: The Science FRAUD Keeping You in the Dark
Lehto Files
Hossenfelder's Bombshell: Fraud in High Energy Physics // Unzicker's Real Physics
I was asked to keep this confidential // Sabine Hossenfelder
I want to read you an email that I was asked to keep confidential because I think it explains some of my worries about academia.
The Nature Physics comment is here:
I knew that physicists would go on to argue I should have tried to solve the problem internally (within the community) before drawing public attention to it. The reason I published this comment was so that I could later demonstrate that I did this. This is why it's a paywalled publication that you don't find on the arxiv. But just by accident and totally unrelated here is another link:
David R. Hudson - ORMUS Conference Enota 2011
Full version of David Radius Hudson's first public statement in 15 years at the 2nd International ORMEs/ORMUS Conference, Enota, North Georgia 2011
Earth's Flipping Magnetic Field Heard as Sound Is an Unnerving Horror
Sound of Earth’s magnetic flip 41 000 years ago
Approximately 41 000 years ago, Earth’s magnetic field briefly reversed during what is known as the Laschamp event. During this time, Earth’s magnetic field weakened significantly—dropping to a minimum of 5% of its current strength—which allowed more cosmic rays to reach Earth’s atmosphere.
Scientists at the Technical University of Denmark and the German Research Centre for Geosciences used data from ESA’s Swarm mission, along with other sources, to create a sounded visualisation of the Laschamp event. They mapped the movement of Earth’s magnetic field lines during the event and created a stereo sound version which is what you can hear in the video.
The soundscape was made using recordings of natural noises like wood creaking and rocks falling, blending them into familiar and strange, almost alien-like, sounds. The process of transforming the sounds with data is similar to composing music from a score.
Data from ESA’s Swarm constellation are being used to better understand how Earth’s magnetic field is generated. The satellites measure magnetic signals not only from the core, but also from the mantle, crust, oceans and up to the ionosphere and magnetosphere. These data are crucial for studying phenomena such as geomagnetic reversals and Earth’s internal dynamics.
The sound of Earth’s magnetic field, the first version of the magnetic field sonification produced with Swarm data, was originally played through a 32-speaker system set up in a public square in Copenhagen, with each speaker representing changes in the magnetic field at different places around the world over the past 100 000 years.
Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 164 Posts
Dr Vernon Coleman
Russia’s plasma engine could reach Mars in 30 days, drastically reduce space travel time
This engine utilizes hydrogen as fuel, accelerating charged particles—electrons and protons—to a remarkable speed of 100 km/s (62 miles/s).
It works:
Perpetual Battery - Powered By Water
The patent number is US4153757 ( Al / Brass / Water )
US4153757 -- Method and apparatus for generating electricity
Two spaced electrodes having a load in an external circuit connected between them are disposed in an electrically conductive liquid, and energy is imparted to the liquid in such manner that energized free electrons in the liquid excite free electrons which flow into one electrode to a greater degree than in the other electrode, thereby causing electric current to flow in the external circuit through the load
"Nathan Stubblefield Speaks" Documentary (2008)
Bob Valentine portrays Nathan B. Stubblefield, eccentric entrepreneur from Murray, KY, once believed to be the creator of radio. Written by Dr. Bob Lochte.
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 5
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 4
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 3
Nathan Stubblefield Coil Runs Motor!
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 2
Working Nathan Stubblefield Coil!
FR2683380 -- Nodal electromagnet with a toric core
Inventor(s): CHRISTIAN LORIN + -- The invention relates to an electromagnet, which can concentrate its magnetic field at a single central point which is the place of convergence of the magnetic forces. It comprises a toric magnetic core (N1, N2) over which is wound a left- or right-handed nodal electrical circuit with five loops which consists of a coil of "right-hand" (A) shape (or "left-hand" shape), of regular pentagonal configuration. The action of an electric current in the circuit of this electromagnet will produce a magnetic field converging towards a single focus. There is production of two magnetic fields, having two shapes to "right" and to "left", with a pentagonal torsion of the field lines converging towards the focus; The applications of the invention are all systems with focusing of the magnetic field: electric motors, electromagnetic generators, nuclear magnetic resonance, thermonuclear fusion, magneto-hydrodynamics, radio-telecommunications, conversion of electrical energy.
Features, Inventors World Magazine and other publications..
Whether you're an Inventor, Entrepreneur, Intellectual Property Professional, Historian, Geek, Technophile, Free Thinker or Just Plain Curious! With the equivalent of well over 400 magazine pages (and growing every day!) there's something for you here...
Human knowledge is under attack by Big Tech and Big Government – here's what we are doing to preserve and share the lifesaving knowledge that has been targeted for extermination
Discover, download, and run local LLMs
N-Machine Free Energy Generator by Bruce De Palma & His Mysterious Death"
'Lutec 1000 Free Energy Generator: The Mysterious Death of Its Inventor
Troy Reed 110kW Magnetic Motor Free Energy Generator Future Renewable Energy!
Future Galaxy
Hubbard's Free Energy Transformer: Theory and Testing
Circuit diagram and practical instructions for making your own free energy generator by Hubbard: https://overunity-electricity.blogspo... - Tracing Alfred Hubbard's Generator blueprints
The free energy device is in the form of a special transformer, the magnetic flux (magnetic induction) does not travel in the steel core. It is quite similar to Nikola Tesla's air core transformer.
Hubbard's transformer is also Lenz's lawless transformer, quite similar to André Coutier's generator. See: https://freeenergy-transformer.blogsp... - Self-Generating Perpetual Electrical Energy (Circuit diagram of André Coutier generator - Andre-L.-V. COUTIER - Perpetual Generator)
Iron Battery 2.0: 250X More Power! Publication announcement (fixed)
Iron Battery 1.5 Build Instructions
Open-Source Iron Battery 2.0 // D. Koriala et al
Abstract -- In this work we present significant improvements to the open-source all-iron battery. We show higher power density and simpler fabrication. We also show a more reproducible procedure for preparing the electrolytes. The results are a highly rechargeable electrochemical cell based on iron, chloride, sulfate, and potassium ions in water at near-neutral pH. The cell is stable for thousands of cycles. It displays modest energy density consistent with the previous all-iron battery. The current is improved by a factor of 10 to a practical level of 500 mA/L and is able to deliver a maximal power of 250 mW/L. While this is modest performance compared to commercial rechargeable batteries, its low cost, simple synthesis, and safe manufacturing may make it suitable for storing renewable energy.
Ambient Energy Generator
AutoGenerator Replication - cold current // Michels Bench
This is a replication of device released in the 80s by Physics Teacher and Inventor Richard Vialle. Mr. Vialle Released this information to the public domain so his research cannot be patented and people can experiment and learn about cold current.
By using this information, you agree not to file any patent claims related to this content.
Document released by Mr Vialle into Public Domain and translated in English:
Autogénérateur de Richard VIALLE _ partie 1_2 - G
New Invention - Pancake Caduceus Coil
New device uses electrically assisted wind to fight fires
Prototype can deliver conductive aerosols to suppress flames
These aerosols are carried by vortex rings -- small donut-shaped bands of air -- that transform the particles into short pulses of wind that convert nearby oxygen into ozone. Once released, their accelerated airflow generates rapid turbulence, disrupting the natural combustion process and quickly extinguishing the target fire, said John LaRocco, lead author of the study and a research scientist in psychiatry at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
"Using a combination of electricity and this vortex ring technology, we found a more efficient way of solving an environmental problem that will improve our quality of life," said LaRocco....
I built an Omni-Directional Ball-Wheeled Bike
Get Depressed !
The Road ( Movie )
Now cheer up !
Here's some Neo-Gnostic Rap Hymns what I wroted w/o no AI stuff !
Sing along @ the tune of 'Amazing Grace' ...
Satan's Dick & Jesus' Peter
( by R. Nelson )
Don't believe the lie that you've been told;
Truth is, Satan's dick is very cold.
It's not something you'll want to hold
Unless you're drunk, and feeling bold,
Or your soul's been bought and sold,
'Cuz Satan's dick is very cold,
And covered with a slimey mold.
Jesus' peter, in the other hand,
Is a mighty, rock-hard, manly gland,
Always hot, and in command !
It comes on time, just as He planned !
Now you know, so understand --
When Jesus' peter rules the land,
Satan's dick will be banned !!
Jesus' peter, or Satan's dick --
Choose wisely when you take your pick
Jesus heals, but Satanl's sick,
And he'll fool you with a trick
Just so he can get a kick
Watching while you take a lick,
But Jesus' peter's fantastic !
Did I mention that Satan's gay ?
But not Jesus ! Nay, nay, nay !
Doesn't matter what they say;
Jesus is hetero, all the way,
And He never has to pay
Mary Magdalene for her lay
Any time of night or day !
For Jesus' succor, let us pray !
Jesus is Cash
Yeah, Satan's got a lot of money;
I'll bet your soul that it's all funny,
And although it tastes like honey,
It burns like hell and makes you runny.
It only works when life is sunny,
And you live it on one knee.
Even worse, and just as sad,
Is that it need not be so bad;
Just let Jesus be your Dad !
Then you won't grow up so mad,
Knowing that you had been had
By each and every passing fad.
Jesus Saves, and Satan invests,
But Jesus' Cash is always best !
His Love redeems, unlike the rest
When economy's depressed.
Your Faith is never repossessed;
His Grace period is blest !
Tardigradus Subgenii Dobbsensis :
John Searl Workshop, Extraordinary Technology Conference, 2010
Tom Bearden - Psychotronics (Audio and Video Enhanced)
New Technology to Control the Brain Using Magnetic Fields Developed
Nano-MIND Technology for Wireless Control of Brain Circuits with Potential to Modulate Emotions, Social Behaviors, and Appetite - Researchers at the Center for Nanomedicine within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Yonsei University in South Korea have unveiled a groundbreaking technology that can manipulate specific regions of the brain using magnetic fields, potentially unlocking the secrets of high-level brain functions such as cognition, emotion, and motivation. The team has developed the world’s first Nano-MIND (Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics) technology, which allows for wireless, remote, and precise modulation of specific deep brain neural circuits using magnetism...
...Nano-MIND technology demonstrated its capability by selectively activating inhibitory GABA receptors in the medial preoptic area (MPOA), which is responsible for maternal behaviors. Activation of these neurons in non-maternal female mice significantly increased nurturing behaviors, such as bringing pups to their nest, similar to maternal mice.
Additionally, the technology was used to regulate feeding behaviors by targeting motivation circuits in the lateral hypothalamus. Activation of inhibitory neurons within these areas resulted in a 100% increase in appetite and feeding behaviors in mice. Conversely, activating excitatory neurons led to a more than 50% reduction in appetite and feeding behaviors.
These results show that nano-MIND technology can selectively activate desired brain circuits to bidirectionally modulate higher brain functions, paving the way for advancements in neuroscience and potential therapeutic applications.
This study was published in Nature Nanotechnology on July 3, 2023.
KR20090117648 // WO2009136763
Inventor(s): CHEON JIN WOO et al
PURPOSE: Nanoparticles with water-soluble multi-functional organic ligands coated on inorganic nanoparticle cores are provided to permeate blood-brain barrier effectively. CONSTITUTION: Nanoparticles are comprised of inorganic nanoparticle cores, and water-soluble multi-functional organic ligands which are coated on the surface of the inorganic nanoparticle cores. The nanoparticles can permeate the blood-brain barrier without the help of additional aiding agent. The inorganic nanoparticle cores represent: magnetic nanoparticles; optical nanoparticles; metal, alloy, metal chalcogen, or metal pnicogen nanoparticles; and multi-component nanoparticle cores including all of the nanoparticles.
Deuterium Depleted Water
Scalar Physics: Introduction (Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism) // Thomas Minderle
Learn how magnetic, electric, and gravitational fields arise from a common scalar superpotential field. The key to antigravity, free energy, and other exotic applications.
22nd Century Science
superpotential of magnetic dipoleScalar physics is the science of reality's hidden understructure. The electric, magnetic, and gravitational force fields are only the surface layer. Like waves upon the ocean, these forces arise from deeper fields known as potentials, which themselves arise from the primordial superpotential.
superpotential → potentials → force fields
Force fields derive from specific distortions or undulations in potentials:
Vorticity in the magnetic vector potential [A] → magnetic field [B]
Gradient in the scalar electric potential [V] → electric field [E]
Gradient in the gravitational potential [P] → gravity field [G]
Similarly, potentials derive from specific distortions or undulations in the superpotential:
Gradient in the superpotential [X] → magnetic vector potential [A]
Change over time in the superpotential [X] → electric scalar potential [V]
But there also exist potential and superpotential fields that do not give rise to [E], [B], or [G] fields yet still provide certain exotic effects. Examples:
gradient-free electric scalar potential [V]
curl-free magnetic vector potential [A]
gradient-free gravitational potential [P]
gradient-free superpotential [X]
unchanging superpotential [X]
Scalar physics concerns itself with potential and superpotential fields that do not necessarily give rise to magnetic or electric force fields, yet still have meaningful effects. It also points the way to a unified field theory between electricity, magnetism, and gravity. For instance, it may be possible to define the gravitational potential [P] in terms of [A] and thereby unify gravity with electromagnetism.
For more information, please read A Brief Introduction to Scalar Physics (PDF):
A Brief Introduction to Scalar Physics (PDF)
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Tourmaline Patents
Wood board with geomagnetic function and preparation method thereof -- CN118559832
Geomagnetic functional self-cleaning pottery and preparation method thereof -- CN118290117
Production process of mineralized small-molecule water mass water -- CN118145818
Micro-electrolysis energy water activating element and preparation method thereof -- CN118108309
Nano tourmaline composite material, preparation method thereof and application -- CN118023530
Tourmaline negative ion generation unit and negative ion generator thereof -- CN118017353
Anti-blue-light cosmetic composition and anti-blue-light application of tourmaline powder -- CN117919100
High-efficiency low-resistance electret master batch -- CN117887190
Energy carrier material for light quantum water treatment, preparation method and use methodCN117843340
Melting and dispersing equipment for tourmaline powder and resin -- CN220715520
Traditional Chinese medicine compounded eye rehabilitation eye patch and preparation process thereof -- CN117797126
Preparation method of self-heating nano germanium tourmaline composite powder -- CN117777765
Low-thermal-conductivity infrared reflection and radiation integrated material as well as preparation method and application thereof -- CN117682807
Nano tourmaline composite material as well as preparation method and application thereof -- CN117645312
Composition for oral cavity -- CN117398295
Micro-nano active hot spring mud and preparation method thereof -- CN117298145
Pt/tourmaline catalyst for hydrolysis hydrogen production and preparation method thereof -- CN117181216
Generator for generating negative oxygen ions by vibrating tourmaline through ultrasonic waves -- CN117060231
Tourmaline grinding machine facilitating feeding -- CN219984893
Tourmaline crushing processing device -- CN219984930
Method for discriminating ore deposit type by using tourmaline element components -- CN116973988
Tourmaline particle sorting method based on charging characteristics -- CN116921067
Preparation method of micron-sized electrically polarized MOFs composite material -- CN116851040
Raw material formula of anion pyramid ornament -- CN116835907
Electric power and electric energy saving device -- CN116800129
Method for purifying seawater for aquaculture -- CN116589130
Method and equipment for treating culture circulating water by tourmaline nano microbubbles -- CN116621336
Tourmaline-based catalyst as well as preparation method and application thereof -- CN116422340
Wine storage device capable of promoting aging of wine and preparation method of wine storage device -- CN116332621
Composition for fuel economizer -- CN116066269
Composite tourmaline powder capable of efficiently releasing negative ions and preparation method of composite tourmaline powder -- CN115893986
Electromagnetic gel preparation device -- CN218688940
Stirling Thermoacoustic Power Converter and Magnetostrictive Alternator (LEW-TOPS-80)
New system eliminates all moving parts for maximum efficiency and reliability
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Thermoacoustic Stirling engine Patents:
US12092054 --- Combined Brayton and Stirling cycle power generator
CN118111135 --- Double-effect liquid free piston thermo-acoustic Stirling refrigeration/heat pump system
CN117662321 --- Free piston thermoacoustic Stirling generator
CN117663518 --- Thermally driven thermoacoustic Stirling refrigeration system with bypass channel
CN117662322 --- Opposed thermoacoustic Stirling engine
CN218915458 --- Double-effect liquid free piston thermo-acoustic Stirling refrigeration/heat pump system
CN218062486 --- Free piston thermoacoustic Stirling generator
CN218062485 --- Opposed thermoacoustic Stirling engine
CN218065413 --- Thermally driven thermoacoustic Stirling refrigeration system with bypass channel
CN218065412 --- Free piston Stirling refrigeration/heat pump system based on high-temperature heat source driving
CN115388572 --- Thermoacoustic Stirling refrigeration system driven by waste heat
CN114458473 --- Free piston Stirling generator
CN110486186 --- Thermoacoustic Stirling power generation system applied to cold energy recovery
CN107532829 --- Thermoacoustic refrigerator
CN103485931 --- Thermoacoustic driven stirling engine
CN102678383 --- Split type free piston stirling engine
CN201650492 --- Balanced-piston type thermoacoustic Stirling linear generator
CN101619687 --- Piston-free Stirling engine system
CN201166490 --- Double-drive stirling traveling wave refrigerating device
CN1766314 --- Electricity generating system driven by traveling wave thermoacoustic engine
CN1766314 --- Electricity generating system driven by traveling wave thermoacoustic engine
Nikolai PAPALESKI : Parametric Resonance Generator
Alexander Frolov // Faraday Lab ltd
There is another area of research in connection with resonances. It is the "parametric resonances". The classical approach to this topic was worked out in detail in the 1950s by the Russian Academician Nikolai Dmitrievich Papaleksi. He investigated the effect in resonance circuits (capacitor and inductance) without electrical power source. In fact, it is one of the few formal academic free energy projects.
Parametric resonance is the phenomenon of the appearance and increase of the amplitude of electrical oscillations as a result of a change in the parameters of an element of a physical system. There is a special rule. External influence frequency should be twice the natural resonance frequency of the system. In an electrical oscillating circuit there are two elements in which energy can stored and whose parameters can be changed, it is capacitance and inductance.80
Let’s consider an example with an inductive parametric resonance. Why do electrons start moving in the wires of a coil when its inductance changes? If the inductance of the coil is changed by periodically inserting a metal core (not a magnet core), this movement of the core will not create the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. During this movement, only the conditions for the stored energy are changing, i.e. the value of the inductance is changing. Similarly, in the case of capacitive resonance, by means of some mechanical drive or another method, the value of the electrical capacitance of the capacitor will be changes periodically and this process create current in the circuit (if the frequency of external influence is twice own frequency of the system).
The mechanical analogy to this process is a periodic change in the volume of some container for water or air. The conclusion is simple and very important. The changed of the volume of any energy storage device will set in motion Aether environment. Energy is always available in space and it is the reason of parametrical resonances. The energy consumption for mechanical changes in the "storage volume" can be much less than the energy output from these vibrations of the Aether medium.
Academician Papaleksi wrote that it is necessary to stimulate electrical oscillations in oscillatory systems (where is no special power source) by periodically changing the mechanically generated parameters. This method apparently makes it possible to implement a new type of free energy generators.
Academician Papaleksi writes in 1948: “With parametric excitation, as long as the system remains linear, there are basically no limits to the growth of vibrations. In addition to a new way of converting mechanical energy into oscillating electrical energy, a new method for generating high voltages is outlined here”.
In the initial phase of the project, Papaleksi's experiments gave results in the range of 600-700 watts in load lamps with a power consumption of 2 kW for the motor. It should be noted, however, that the power spending for the rotation is just a design problem, since these parametrical resonance generators have no braking of the rotor when the power in the load circuit is connected.
Figure 80 shows a schematic of a parametric oscillator with a periodically variable inductance. The axis shows a rotor that fits into the gap in the coils. In this case, there is a periodic change in inductance and current in the coils.
Fig. 80. Scheme of the inductance parametrical resonance generator.81
With a capacitive excitation method, everything happens the same way, but the motor rotates the capacitor plates and changes its capacitance. At the corresponding frequency, periodic current fluctuations occur in the coil connected to this capacitor.
There is also a possibility to excite parametric resonances not mechanical but by means of external electrical oscillations, Fig. 81. The frequency of the external oscillations of the current must be twice the frequency of the natural oscillations of the circuit. Analogies with this scheme we can find in many other free energy generators. Also some types of high efficient electrolyser technologies use this secret.
Fig. 81. Parametrical resonance circuit.
From the experience of Academician Papaleksi, it was founded that the most interesting prospects open up for capacitive parametric resonators. The rotation of the rotor, which periodically changes the dielectric constant between the capacitor plates, creates conditions for parametric resonance. During this part of the rotation cycle, when the dielectric is between the plates, the capacitance of the capacitor is at its maximum.
Without a dielectric the capacity is minimal.
To increase performance and reduce losses, Papaleksi created a rotation in a vacuum and placed the entire device in a sealed housing. Fig. 82 shows the circuit and the stator of a capacitive parametric resonator.
Fig. 82. Schema and Stator of capacitance parametrical resonance generator.
Modern technologies make it possible to change the value of the electrical capacitance of a capacitor not only mechanically, but also by applying a "control potential difference" to it. With this in mind, we get a device in which changes in the potential electric field, which cause a change in the electrical capacitance, when the conditions of parametric resonance (double frequency) are met, allow us to get real power in the payload. We can say that "a variable potential field work here".
Academician Papaleksi expressed himself optimistically but carefully about the efficiency of these parametrical converters. He wrote: “The efficiency can be very high here at higher frequencies... because the power is proportional to the frequency. A very advantageous aspect of the capacitive generator is the possibility of achieving an almost extremely high degree of efficiency, so to speak more than 99%". Obviously, Academician82 Papaleksi could not openly say that the efficiency of systems with parametric resonance can be more than 100%. In 2021 there is no open information about modern developments in this area of technologies. Perhaps, all academic projects on the topic of 1950 have been stopped or classified for some reason.
SU14521 -- Устройство для возбуждения пьезоэлектрических колебаний в кристаллах
SU7006 -- Способ модуляции
SU490 -- Регенеративный приемник
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SU35907 -- Устройство для устранения искажений при приеме
SU34633 -- Способ устранения искажений при приеме
SU33589 -- Способ радиоприема
SU30727 -- Способ трансформирования частоты переменных токов
SU27638 -- Способ для определения расстояний при помощи электромагнитных волн
SU27107 -- Устройство для апериодической трансформации частоты
SU26353 -- Радиопередатчик с независимым возбуждением
SU22748 -- Радиоприемное устройство
SU17407 -- Способ трансформации электрических периодических процессов
SU16271 -- Устройство для регулирования затухания пьезоэлектрических систем
SU13755 -- Способ модуляции амплитуды высокочастотного тока лампового генератора
SU13166 -- Устройство для получения стабилизованных по частоте колебаний лампового генератора
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Mortgage Fraud: The Lies & The Laws
by nobodyouwantoknow
Every homeowner who holds a mortgage actually lives as a tenant in secret fear of foreclosure and eviction. None are prepared for that nightmare.
Avaricious bankers, attorneys, and realtors are to blame for a monstrous fraud that underlies the real estate industry, feeds the foreclosure process, and recycles stolen properties in a Ponzi scheme of fiat inflation, deflation, and bankruptcy that has condemned countless families to homeless poverty.
The bank practices studied concealment and incomplete disclosure of some fine print details in your mortgage loan application; otherwise you probably wouldn't be there, because it is not the bank's money to lend. Federal case law has repeatedly decided that banks cannot loan their own money; they merely act with your permission but without full disclosure to secure a loan from the Treasury Department in your name:
"A National Bank cannot lend its credit or become the guarantor of the of the obligation of another unless it owns or has an interest in the obligation guaranteed especially where it receives no benefits therefrom." Citizens Nat Bank of Cameron v. Good Roads Gravel Co., Tex Civ App 1921, 236 SW 153; and, "National Banks have no power to negotiate loans for others." Pollock v. Lumbermen's Nat Bank of Portland, Or. 1917,168 R. 616, 86 Or. 324, etc.
Instead, during the 3-day rescission period after you apply for a loan, the bank uses your signature and Social Security number to borrow from the Treasury, hypothecates the money manyfold into other investment accounts, refunds the Treasury, balances the books, and profits obscenely while you wait for approval to go into debt with them, then to be billed monthly for decades, and foreclosed upon if you miss a payment. Banks don't risk a penny, but do rob you with a pen. They also immediately pool your Note with thousands of others to form derivative trusts and securities in which there is no trust or security, but buttloads of money. Even if you go bankrupt, they lose nothing because mortgages are insured. The banks are double-dipping several times over.
Yet they never have true Title to your Property, and the physical Note gets lost in the shuffle during subsequent unlawful transactions. The contract is incomplete, written in fictitious language, and it is falsely certified as authentic through MERS, the Mortgage Electronic Registration System.
MERS is used to avoid payment of filing fees due to local governments, and it serves to convey forged notes without authorization, that despite the fact that their website states that "the MERS system is not a vehicle for creating and transferring beneficial ownership in mortgage loans, nor does it have beneficial interest in mortgage notes... It has no rights whatsoever for creating or transferring benefic interest in the mortgage loans." MERS is the Mortgagee of record for its members, but the original lender or subsequent party who purchases the note is obliged to retain physical possession of the note.
Note too that some states, e.g., Nevada, are "Title States" where the Title and Note must remain whole. Securitization splits them. If claimants cannot produce the original "wet ink signature" document during litigation, they are failing to mediate in good faith, and do not have equitable standing. See Pasillas v. HSBC Bank USA, 255 P.3d 1281 (2011). And because a mortgage is a security instrument that follows the underlying note, a mortgage assignment cannot be valid unless the physical note is attached. The case of Carpenter v. Longan, 83 US 271, 274 (1872) determined that "[T]he note and mortgage are inseparable... the assignment of the note carries the mortgage with it, while an assignment of the latter alone is a nullity."
Furthermore: under 3 UCC (the Unified Commercial Code), a surrogate signed stamp is not valid as a signature endorsement that permits the exercise of any rights -- including the right to foreclose -- to subsequent holders of the Note. Nor was there a presentment of original documents, required by 3 UCC §202(2). The decision in Vance v. Fields, 172 So. 2d 613 (1965) applies here: "Recordation of an invalid instrument affords no protection to claimants thereunder."
Banks routinely ignore the rules and rulings as they abuse MERS with their corporate shell games, such as for example REMIC (Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit) "MANA Series 2007-82", which was run by HSBC Bank USA and Merryl Lynch Investors, Inc.. The Substitution of Trustee was "robo-signed" by David Perez, "Assistant Vice-President of MERS", followed by a Notice of Default robo-signed by Yvonne S. Belcher. Then Greenpoint Mortgage Funding, Inc. converted and altered the Note without authorization, despite which it was endorsed by another robo-signer, "Assistant Vice-President" Larry R. Kern. Fake addresses also were used, such as 2300 Lakeview Parkway, Alpharetta GA; the Google Maps street view shows only trees there. In reality, the senior homeowners were evicted without warning in September 2023.
A FOIA request to the SEC by research specialist Charlotte Fulton in 2010 concerning "IMPAC CMB 2005-5 Trust" revealed another layer of fraud: it never existed! The financiers apparently applied for a REMIC Trust to Security Exchange Commission and were assigned a working CUSIP number, but they didn't complete the application process or pay fees; instead, the CUSIP was used to give the color of law to their business plans.
Attorneys routinely present fraudulent documents to convince courts that they have standing. By doing so, they prevent witnesses and evidence from bringing correctness to the court, and commit these crimes: Unjust Enrichment, 12 USC §5565; Willful Violations, 15 USC §78ff; Misprision of Felony, 18 USC §4; Counterfeiting and Forgery, 18 USC §25; Fraudulent Assignment, 18 USC §47; Deprivation under Color of Law 18 USC §242; False, fictitious, or fraudulent Claims, 18 USC §287; Circulation of Obligation of Expired Corporation, 18 USC §335; Falsifying Documents, 18 USC §472; Extortion, 18 USC §872; Fraud and Conspiracy, 18 USC §1001; False Statements, 18 USC §1014, 26 USC §26, and 31 USC §3729; Frauds and Swindles, 18 USC §1391; Perjury, 18 USC §1621; Constructive Mail & Wire Fraud, 18 USC §1341-1343; False Statements, 26 USC §26 and 31 USC §1729; Misrepresentation, 33 USC §931; and Deprivation of Evidence & Witnesses, 42 USC §1985. They also offend the Fair Debt Collection Protection Act (FDCPA), 15 USC §1692e; the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 USC §1692; the Truth In Lending Act (TILA), 15 USC §1641, and the False Claims Act (FCA), 31 USC §3729, and more.
In Nevada, where this writer lives, the banks, et al., violate NRS 205.105 by "Forgery of instrument purporting to have been issued by corporation or state..."; NRS 205.110, "Uttering forged instruments"; NRS 205.115, "True writing signed by wrongdoer's name or name of person not in existence", and NRS 104.3407, an illegal conversion and unauthorized alteration made to the Note. Such false conveyance of property is a category C felony. Most egregious is their violation of NRS 193.167, "Certain crimes committed against person 60 years of age or older or against vulnerable person", when handicapped elderly homeowners are evicted by such evil means, often to die heartbroken soon after.
The entire process is corrupt, yet little is done about it. Judges and attorneys are however very liable for their collusion under 42 USC §1986 and 18 USC §3: "When a person with authority and power to correct has knowledge of a crime, and when that person neglects, refuses, or fails to prevent, that person thereby aids the crime, and shall be liable to the injured party." 18 USC §1918 adds that Public Officers and Employees who violate their Oath of Office immediately forfeit their Office and their Authority.
These insufferable torts are fatal flaws in contracts that give legal Cause of Action to render the mortgage void, and entitle homeowners to legal remedy, including clear Title, renumeration for incurred expenses, and punitive fines determined by the Court, because "Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments." U.S. v. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, 65.
Until homeowners unite in class action lawsuits, vampire bankers and their minion lawyers will continue to act with arrogant impunity and apparent immunity as they prosecute many more millions of fraudulent foreclosures. The evicted victims, thus rendered helpless, suffer grievous loss of income, credit, equity, reputation, freedom, mental and physical health, and life itself. But seriously: it behooves every "homeowner" to have a bugout bag or grocery cart ready to go.
Beware, ye Bankers, Lawyers, and Realtors! The Eighth Circle of Inferno is reserved for Fraud!