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  THE Sci-Tech Link Blog --  Updated 21 July

The Link Dump
Curated/Condensed Best o' Stuff & Stuff links since 2014

The Rex Research Logo :
Rendered 2024 by SparkOne Laboratory @  https://sparkonelabs.com :

The Rex Research Logo ( 1982 ) :

The Google Drive Logo :
( 2012 )     ( 2023 )
Microsoft 365 Logo :

"Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery"

July Uploads :
» GAINES, George : Mica Paper ~ When the cellulose runs out -- 8 patents.
» NI, George, et al.: Solar Vapor Generator ~ MIT invention utilizes
spectrally-selective absorber film to produce steam w/ sunlight; patents & aticles
» HOLCOMB, Robert: Energy Systems ~ Converts electron spin in the iron atom into usable electricity.
» CHILDS, Montgomery : SAFIRE Transmutation ~ Patented, demonstrated tabletop plasma device converts elements.

» Electroculture Library ~ All the factoids, books, patents, &c. in one place.
MUSMANDO, Michael : Proposed Amendments to the Constitution ~ Congressional Research Service Monograph ( House Doc. 551 ) ... Save time @ the Constitutional Convention if there is one after the civil war, invasion, famine, plague, plaque, &c...
» KILNER, Walter : Aura Lens ~ Dicyanin and cyanopinacolone; updated w/ several complete patents for simple synthesis.

June Uploads :
» SWARTZ, Kenneth : MOXY Fusion ~ Metal-Oxygen fusion reactor transmutes elements.
WESTENDORFF, Karl, et al.:
Electro-Catalysis ~ Accelerate chemical reaction 100000x with electric fields. ( See also SPRINK & RAVATIN )

May Uploads :
» Pleiades-Terra Embassy ~ Apply for Visas here ... & Members Only: Semjase Love Temple !

» Appropriate Technologies ~ 3rd World style, A-Z handbooks.
» RABINOW, Jacob, et al. : Electromagnetic Clutch ~ Articles & patents.

» REID, Marcus : Crystal Battery ~ Similar to Hutchison's; forum discussions, tests &c.

» SHMUELI, Yehuda, et al. : Aquastroke Engine -- Runs on Water 70:30 Ethanol; 3 patents.
» RYCHNOWSKI, Franciszek : Eteroid ~ A 'new' form of matter, affects gravity & cohesion w/ patented electrostatic generator; articles, Polish patent 4373.

» REICH, Wilhelm : Orgone ~ 9 Books.
» Game Theory ~ 10 Books.
» Glassblowing ~ 9 Books.
» Farm Equipment ~ 14 Books.
» Wells & Pumps ~ 11 Books.
Vedic / Speed Math ~ 15 + Books
» Hypnosis / NLP ~ 15+ Books.
» Hopi Language ~ 5 Books.
» Navajo Language ~ 10 Books.

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Book Collections @ rexresearch1.com -- The Library Annex of Rex Research Archives : Agricultural Diseases & Pests .. Alchemy Archives .. Anatomy .. Aquaculture .. Appropriate Technologies .. BeeKeeping .. Birth .. Books .. Brewing .. Desalination .. Diplomacy .. Emergency Medicine .. Farm Equipment .. Farm Management .. Game Theory .. Glassblowing .. Greenhouses .. Harvest .. Herbs .. Greg Hodowanec : Rhysmonics .. Hopi Language .. Horticulture .. Hypnosis & NLP .. Irrigation .. Knots .. Kozyrev : Time .. Law Dictionaries .. Midwifery .. Navajo Language .. Robert A. Nelson : Collected Works .. NeoNatology .. ObGyn .. Oxford Medical Handbooks .. Paralegal .. Paramedic .. Poultry .. Psilocybin .. Remote Viewing .. SexTDs .. Shoes .. Soil .. Speleology .. Taoist Alchemy .. Vedic & Speed Math .. Water Management .. Wells & Pumps ... &c

April Uploads :
» Iron Powder Fuel ~ Clean, 'infinite' closed cycle system; articles & patents.
» LAFFORGUE, Jean : Electrostatic Field Propulsion Thruster ~ Proven, patented, replicated by J.L. Naudin; articles & patent.
» Remote Viewing Library ~ 15 books by masters.
» EMME, Michael : Earth Battery ~ Kilowatts from the ground; articles & patents.
» TEWARI, Paramahansa : The Physics of Free Power Generation ~ Addendum to TEWARI : N-Machine

March Uploads :
» Shilajit Patents ~ Purification and therapeutics
» Ortho-Silicic Acid ~ Health Effects & Preparation; articles & patents.
» BENDALL, Malcolm : Plasmoid Generator ~ Vortex + electrics ==> transmutation, &c; collected papers, notes, construction instructions.
» GUALDI, Federico : Alchemy ~ Our Darling... Biography, collected writings & portraits.

» Deuterium-Depleted ( Light ) Water ~ Therapies & production -- articles & patents.
» LOCKRIDGE Device ~ A proven over-unity motor-generator from WW2 Germany; John Bedini's R&D, &c.

» BREAUX, Onezine : Electrostatic Generator ~ Tesla-based design patented by T's friend B.; alleged over-unity.
» VOGEL, Marcel : Crystals & Water ~ Exactly-cut quartz crystals + Intent =>> Structured Water; articles & instructions.
» Diplomacy Library ~ Got Peace ? 2 Dozen books.

February Uploads :
» N-Acetyl Carnosine vs Cataracts / Glaucoma ~ Articles & patent.
» GUO, Youhong, et al.: Hydrogel Airwell ~ MIT team design is highly efficient, scales up; articles, patents.
KLADOV, Anatoly, et al.: Ultrasonic Activator ~ Energy generation & transmutation; articles & patents.
» TREVILOV, V., et al.: Self-Charging Battery~ Addendum -- All patents in PDF.
MONTAGNIER, Luc: Digital Homeopathy Patents ~ Teleportation of DNA; articles & 4 patents.
MILEWSKI, John : Crystal Filament Lightbulb ~ Addendum : all of his patents.

January Uploads  :
» Prion Deactivation Patents ~ List of 100+ patents for treatments: Cannabidiol, Ozone, Melatonin, Resveratrol, Nattokinase, Tobacco, Bitter Orange, Sulfpraphane, Caffeine, Safflower, Cobalt,  PyridylPyrimidine, Earthworm, &c.
Ebola / Marburg Virus Patents ~ List of 300+ patents for identification, vaccines, &c
SuperCapacitor Manufacture Patents ~ List of 100+ methods
» Herbs vs Tuberculosis ~ Dozens of Traditional Chinese Medicine Patents.
» BRENNAN, Louis: Gyro Monorail ~ Elegant, proven choochoo design, dormant since the 1920s, ready for motorcycles anytime ; articles, patents.

» YINING, Zhang, et al. : Hypersonic Detonation Engine ~ Super-duper now-a-gogo Chi-commy rocket science; articles & patents

» MARCUM, Mike : Time Machine ~ Proven, prototyped, demonstrated; articles, schematic, photos

» McGINNIS, John : Synergy Aircraft ~ Double box tail design with several advantages; Articles, vids, patents.

» PELLARINI, Luigi : "AirTruk" Airdynecraft  ~ Escape Thunderdome : Articles & patents.

» De ROUGE, Charles: Airfoil  ~ Mast-mounted stabilizer corrects pitch & sideslip.

» LULING, Friedrich: Magnet Motor ~ A working design that built & demonstrated (Pathe Films); then he died. Patent, videos, & replications.
» Bionic Wing Patents ~ 500 from espacenet.com. (Related: Ornithopter Patents // Dragonfly Wing Patents &c)
» Mortgage Fraud: The Lies & The Laws by nobodyouwantoknow (Revised 11-11-2023)
SEBASTIAN, Thomas / STREM, Chris: Toroidal Propeller ~ MIT's revolutionary 100+% efficient design for aero & hydro applications.

Local Favorites :
» d'ANGELO, Antonio: Inter-Atomic Ion Motor ~ Over-unity design by a Brazilian Jesuit priest ( 1928 ) :
» CRAIG, Palmer : Bismuth Geomagnetic Battery -- Geomagnetic Free Energy, simple, elegant, patented ( 1927 )' :
» MEYERS, Roy : Absorber ~ Geomagnetic free energy, invented in prison ( 1912 ) :
» ROTA, Louis : Aero Radio Ballistique ~ Electrostatic + geomagnetic field levitation in 1915 :

» SPRINK, Leon : 'Activator' ~ Electrostatic field in fixed geometry & orientation accelerates chemical reactions 8x, reduces required calories 50% :

» RAVATIN, Jacques : 'Activator' ~ A small, powerful version that also affects the geomagnetic field, gravitation, increases index of refraction, coefficient of solubility, reduces fuel consumption, catalyzes chemical reactions, accelerates plant growth, &c.:

GUILLOT, Jules : Atmospheric Power Generator ~ Tabletop device produces kw from antennas :

» SCHAEFFER, Karl : Steam Generator ~ Exploits water hammer / cavitation to produce steam. Tests at Battelle Institute proved ~118% efficiency.

» HENDERSHOT, Lester: Motor-Generator ~ 1928 "Fuelless Motor"; Articles from NY Times, Aho's schematics... » HENDERSHOT, L.: Motor-Generator ~ 3 PDF books including patent application & schematics, for the legendary generator... » HENDERSHOT, L.: Fuelless Motor ( III ) ~ Scans of 10 newspaper articles ( 1928 ).

» MORAY, Thomas : Radiant Energy Receiver ~ Excerpts from The Sea of Energy, describing construction, operation of his cosmic energy device ( 1930s-1950s )

» COLER, Hans: BIOS Report # 1042 ~ British Intell. Objectives SubComm. Report about simple over-unity magnet generators developed by the German Admiralty in WW2.

» POMERLEAU, Daniel: Free Energy Coils ~ Mind-coil electrical production, 5 KW demonstrated :

» GARY, Wesley: Magnet Motor ~ A simple 'free energy' generator/motor; proven, patented, forgotten :

YO, ZAPOFIRE NPP !! Forever 'n Never :
Once more into the reactor breach : 50+ Patents to reduce Radioactivity... And: Keep Liquid Nitrogen & Dry CO2 handy to smother the Fire, shock-cool the Corium, and form Nitrides and Carbonates . It worked @ Chernobyl, but Tepco-Yakuza would rather save face than Life, so tough faeces, Japan-Pacific Ocean from Magna BSP-Mossad-Stuxnet-NSA-Kazar-Illuminazi with Hate & Omnicide !! Fuku, puny hominid earthling !!!

R&D @ Rex Research :
Alchemy Now ---  Experiments w/ Lapid de Tribus, w/ modernization & refinement of technique
The Aragonite Project --- Stalled for lack of a 4WD since 9 October 2023...
The Great Cavern River -- Xanadu Database

Got / Need / Want Copper Powder ?? Get Some !!!  500 Grams ( plus some ! ) ... 99.9%+ Pure ... 100% passes -300 Mesh
Applications : High temperature lubricant paste (mixed with grease) esp. @ heavy loads/low speeds/high-temperature vibration... Metal filler in cold casting... Sintered component manufacture... 3D printing... Pyrotechnics (blue/green)... EMI shielding... Medical treatment : osteoporosis and fractures... Powder metallurgy applications (high flow rate, good strength, high electrical/ thermal conductivities -- the best electroconductive element after gold & silver)... Conductive coatings... Catalysts for hydrocarbon oxidation... Plastic fillers... Welding, brazing and joining... Anti fouling paints... Electroplating... & many more...



Since the catastrophic losses incurred here 9 October 2023, recovery has been difficult in ways you don't want to know, yet I persist, and progress is in progress.
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